Replace regular WordPress comments on VKontakte. How to add VKontakte comments in WordPress. wordpress plugin vkontakte comments

Say what you want, but recently the activity of using various buttons for adding blog posts to social networks has increased. The idea and accessibility of this method, it seems to me, is much better than various social bookmarking services, most of which in RuNet were simply “dead.” A couple of top bookmarking social networks could still somehow exist and be posted on blog pages, but the many buttons and options that different services provided were useless. Now, perhaps, this can be compared with Google Buzz - many people have started using the new service, at the moment it doesn’t seem to work (and did it work?), but the corresponding icon is still placed on many projects. But if we talk about Twitter, Facebook and VKontakte, it’s a completely different story.

In general, there are several solutions for creating a VKontakte button (as well as some others), but I recently found a couple more interesting WordPress plugins that I will share with you. But first, a little theory and “repetition of the material covered.”

1. The first option for the VKontakte button is to use pictures and code from the service. To add a simple standard code:

When changing it “for yourself”, pay attention to the link to the image vkontakte.gif, which should be located in the template folder, the images directory. The standard button that you see at the very end of the article on this blog can be changed to any other one. Also, do not forget to specify its width and height using width and height. The advantage of this option is that it’s elementary, you don’t even need to understand much about the code, you can add “as is.”

2. Option two - adding a button using . The module is quite easy to install and allows you to display the number of users who have used it. In general, a little interactivity, as well as some interesting options when setting up.

At this stage I am using this option and I like it.

3. Plugins for a regular button on VKontakte and other social networks. Some time ago I published a selection where, unfortunately, there was no VKontakte, but popular foreign services were presented and their very original presentation on the blog.

Theoretically, you could get into the plugin code and, using the knowledge from the first option, replace some unnecessary bourgeois service with the VKontakte social network. But I decided to look for ready-made options. As luck would have it, there were a lot of plugins, but most of them were completely useless and dull. In the end, I chose only two worthy candidates (despite the fact that I needed one more additional condition).

Social Share Buttons for WordPress

The plugin is designed purely for RuNet, as it contains our most popular social networks - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moy Mir, livejournal, Facebook and Twitter. If I'm correct, then it is somewhat similar to the VK Share Button, or, more precisely, it includes its functionality. You can choose different options for displaying buttons, as well as set some settings for each of them. It is possible to sort buttons and select some of them.

The biggest drawback of the plugin is, in fact, its limitation only to popular Runet social networks, which is not always justified. And I just needed to add LinkedIn to the site in addition to VKontakte. I admit, I looked through a lot of plugins until I found the super cool and useful Share and Follow.

is the coolest plugin with social bookmarking buttons that I have ever seen. There are a lot of possibilities and just as many settings. Installation and getting started is quite quick - download the plugin, activate it in Amdinka and indicate in the Share and Follow section which buttons you need. They will immediately appear on the blog pages.

After this, you can begin detailed settings - you can choose the size of the buttons, many different social services, as well as general features (RSS, email, print version). This same plugin adds a follow element to the side of the scroll bar and also has many other options. There are paid options, but free ones are enough without them. I suggest watching a short video on using Share and Follow:

I may look at the Share and Follow module in more detail in the future, but don't wait for me to explore it yourself. The most important thing is that it is ideal for both Runet and English-language sites - the list of social services is more than sufficient. Installation is quick and easy, in short, Share and Follow should be in the archives of any wordpress website/blog developer.

P.S. By the way, about social networks, you may find useful statuses about life for VKontakte, which you can set up for yourself very simply.
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Guests came to our rented Thai apartment; it’s so great to see fellow countrymen when you’re away from home.

Today I want to tell you about the main VKontakte widgets that you can implement on your blog. Widgets are small programs, each of which performs one specific function on a website, on a mobile device, in a browser, etc. This could be a button, window, menu, tooltip, etc.
You can place a widget on your website using html code. Social widgets occupy a separate niche. And since today one of the most popular social networks on the RuNet is VKontakte, let’s find out which of its tools we can use on our blogs.

VKontakte Widgets for WordPress

The code for all available VKontakte widgets is in the “Developers” section. You can get into it via the link There are nine types of widgets in total:

  • "Comments"
  • "Writing on the Wall"
  • "Communities"
  • "I like"
  • "Recommendations"
  • "Polls"
  • "Authorization"
  • "Publishing links"
  • “Subscribe to the author.”

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

VKontakte comments widget for the site

Fill out the form: enter the name and address of the site (the main domain will be entered automatically); select the topic of the blog, the number of comments that will be displayed. If the number of comments exceeds the one you specified, all of them can be seen by clicking on the “Previous Entries” button.

In the “Media” item you can choose what users can attach to their comments. For example, with settings like the one below, users will be able to write text comments, attaching graffiti and links to them:

The described widget will allow you to receive comments from real living people. You will also be able to delete what you see fit, add users to the blacklist and assign this work to other people - appoint moderators.

The writing is on the wall

This widget was created so that you can quote the words of another person that he wrote in a VKontakte post. If you insert a quote through this widget, your readers will be assured that the information is from the original source.

How to install a VKontakte group widget

You can add a VKontakte group to your website using a special widget. Insert a link to a group or public page of your website; choose what will be displayed - thumbnails of member avatars, the latest news, or just the name of the community. Set the width and height of the widget in pixels, configure the VKontakte community widget to match the design of your site and add the resulting code to the site.

The group widget in Contact will allow visitors to quickly find your community, join it and learn about new blog articles.

This widget will not work without a “Like” button because it shows your visitors the articles that have received the most likes. It will allow you to understand which articles your audience likes most, and users will be able to read the most interesting texts included in the “Popular” block.

To add this VKontakte widget to the site, fill out the first part of the form in the same way as in the case of comments. Select the number of top posts the widget will show, specify the update frequency, and choose the wording.

The code for this widget also has two parts, just like comments. Add the first of them to the header.php file, and the second to the location you need on the site.

The survey widget allows you to ask your visitors anything you want. For example, if you changed the design, you better ask users what they think about it. Maybe they like the old one better? It's worth offering them this option - it can help reduce the bounce rate.

Fill out the first part of the form by analogy with previous widgets.

Ask a question and answer options. You can add new ones using “add” (located under “Answer options”).

The code for this widget also has two parts separated by HTML comments.

Often users do not want to spend time registering. This widget will allow you to add authorization to your website via your VKontakte account. The user will not have to register: he will simply access the site through his VKontakte profile. Regarding authorization, VKontakte has good instructions at the link

This widget will allow users to share your content on their VKontakte wall. They will be able to easily and conveniently save links to their favorite articles on the social network, and you will receive new visitors from their friends and subscribers.

Choose a widget style (based on the site design), edit the text on the button as you wish. Specify exactly what users will share, select the VKontakte logo option and copy the code.

VKontakte widget for WordPress

General rules for inserting a VKontakte widget onto a website:

  • The code must be inserted into the part of the theme where you want the widget to appear. This could be a header.php, single.php, sidebar.php, etc. file. depending on the widget's function and your site's design. Read more about these files in the article about . If the code is divided into two parts, the first part needs to be added before the closing tag in the header.php file.
  • In addition, if you like some VKontakte widget, you can add it in the blog admin panel (“Widgets”).
  • If you decide to add several widgets to your site at once, please note that many of them contain a line of code

    You just need to insert it once, no need to duplicate it.

If you still have questions about working with VKontakte widgets, watch the video:

P.S. Our old friends came to visit us in Rayong. Next they will have a long journey through half of Thailand and Laos by hitchhiking with overnight stays in couchsurfing and in Buddhist monasteries. I am fascinated by budget travel, but it requires a lot of effort and energy.

Connected VKontakte comments on your blog or website are a good tool and a source for receiving additional traffic. A visitor will comment on your post through a widget or comment plugin from VKontakte and leave the bird untouched, his comment will appear on his wall.

This fact will not go unnoticed by his friends, who, perhaps, after visiting your site, will have an opposite opinion or a coinciding one and a dialogue will begin...

Positive factors from adding comments on VKontakte

1. Significant replenishment of visitors moving from the VKontakte social network to your website. It is noticeably felt within the first months after installation of the form. And what's the reason? In this form, the default checkbox is set to “Display on your page”:

Many people don’t pay attention to it at all, it remains and the number of links to your site grows, and new visitors from VKontakte come through them, and they can even post on their wall.

2. The number of comments is growing. The process of commenting through the form developed by WordPress is complicated, such comments must go through a manual moderation procedure, it is easier to do this through the VKontakte comment entry form (there is no need to type either name or email), and the comment appears, as they say, “in one click, they become what they were before. The number of people who want you to add them as friends. The benefits of this fact do not need to be explained.

4. The ability to work through comments on the “administration” tab, where you can simply eliminate something unwanted

Negative factors from adding comments on VKontakte on WordPress

1. Additional burden due to the need to personally review and respond to comments on VKontakte, and for this you need to regularly visit specific articles on your site or do this through the administration. If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. Previously, replies were done from the WordPress admin panel.

2. VKontakte comments are not synchronized with the database on the site. All comments are their property.

How to add VKontakte comments in WordPress

You can add VKontakte comments to WordPress using a widget or plugin

via widget, step by step:

3rd step To set comments, click and go to the widget code from VKontakte.

4th step On the code generation page for your site, fill out a small form. Specify the site name, domain, how many comments to display, extended version of comments and block width. Next, click “Save” and enter the captcha. After saving, a code will be generated to insert comments from VKontakte onto the site.

5th step The code consists of two parts. Copy and paste one part into the file header.php before the closing tag .

6th step We copy and paste the second part of the code into the single.php file before

We save the file, go to the blog or website page and see that comments from VKontakte are connected.

Instructions for adding comments on VKontakte in WordPress via plugin, step by step:

1st step We go to the admin panel on our website in WordPress, select “Plugins” in the menu à “Add new” à type vkontakte api “Search for plugins” Find the plugin and click “Install”

2nd step After successful installation, select “Activate plugin”

3rd step Let's go to the plugin settings

4th step Due to the lack of ID and secure key, we follow the link

5th step In the window that opens, create an application by clicking “Proceed to download”
application" by first entering its name and description

6th step In the next window that opens, enter the received code that came to your
cell phone in literally less than 30 seconds, and click “Send”

7th step In the window that opens, copy the ID and protected key and paste them into
the corresponding fields in the window opened in step 6. Return to this window and fill in
website address and base domain, click on “Save changes”

8th step In the plugin settings, check the box for “Show Vkontakte comments first”, set up buttons and other useful things and click “Save settings”

We update the cache by logging out and logging into our site again, using a useful function. So, we looked at two methods of How to add VKontakte comments in WordPress. I don’t know where to go in more detail, but maybe the video will also be useful. By the way, look at other blogs, don’t limit yourself to just VK!

Good afternoon dear friends. Every day a dozen visitors come to your blog, and some of them are more accustomed and more convenient to leave a comment through a social network. But alas, your blog does not have a built-in widget VKontakte comments WordPress. And so you lose precious comments that cheer you up even in difficult times, right?) And today I will tell you how to insert it into your blog , in fact, a lot has been written about this on the Internet, but somehow not in very detail and I decided to correct the situation, by the way, since we touched on the topic of SMO, I advise you to read my article “ “

Let's do a little analysis and think about why you need to put VKontakte comments on your WordPress blog:

Now let’s move on to practical actions and install VKontakte comments on your WordPress blog. By the way, I want to inform you that my friend’s blog is hosting a rather interesting competition “Why am I blogging? “Hurry up to participate and before I start, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates.

Installing VKontakte comments on WordPress – Stage No. 1

We go to the developers section of this social network in the footer of the site there is a link to the developers or you can follow this link.
And click the long blue button in the upper right corner to connect the site.

In the form that appears, you need to enter a name in free form, select the Website type and enter the same address of your site in the site address and base domain column.

Next, in the window that appears, enter a name for the widget in any form, its description and group, if any. In the open ApI column, repeat entering the address of your site.

Installing VKontakte comments on a WordPress blog – Stage No. 2

Our next step will be to install VKontakte comments on your WordPress blog.
So we follow this link or go to VKontakte and in the bottom menu click on the link to developers, then you will see three large columns on the top, one of them will be called Documentation. Click it and in the For sites column click the Comments link.

Once on the page you will see this form:

Now, in order. In the site column, select the name of your Api that we created in the last step. You can choose the number of comments to display according to your taste and color. By checking the Media box, you activate the function of leaving not only comments in the comment form (sorry about the butter ;)), but also photos, videos, and graffiti.
You can leave the width as default, but later you will still select the desired size.

Now let's figure out the code, where and how to insert it.

You need to paste the first two parts of the code in the blog admin panel into the header.php file between the tags

Many people asked me to prepare material on how to add comments from the social networks VKontakte and Facebook to a website created on the WordPress engine. And finally I found the time and prepared this article. I would like to note right away that you must have accounts on both social networks; if you do not have them, then register first.

So let's get started.

We will add comments using a special plugin called Vkontakte API. This plugin also allows you to add social media buttons to your website. To install the plugin, go to the “Plugins” menu item in the site management console and click the “Add new” button.

After this, enter the name of the plugin in the search bar - Vkontakte API and press the Enter key on the keyboard. Find our plugin and click the “Install” button

After the plugin is installed, click on the “Activate plugin” link. Now we need to configure it.

Plugin settings

After installing the plugin, a new item “Vkontakte API” appeared in the menu of the site management console, go to it. Before us is the settings panel. There are 4 tabs in this panel, let’s look at them in order.

In contact with

If we go to the VKontakte tab, then first of all we are asked to indicate the Application ID and the Protected Key. The fact is that to interact with social networks, as a rule, you need to create an application. This is done very simply. There is a small tooltip above the fields with ID and key that contains a link, follow this link

Here we need to specify the name of our application and select the “Website” type. You can enter any name - no one will see it except you. After this, you need to specify the address of our website and the base domain, i.e. the same address only without the http:// protocol. After filling out all the points, click the “Connect site” button

After this, a pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm your actions using a free message to your phone. Click the “Get code” button and wait for the SMS. Usually the code arrives within a few seconds.

Enter the received code and click the “Send code” button. That's it, our application is created! It's that easy and simple. You don’t need to make any more settings here, just go to the “Settings” tab and see here the Application ID and the Protected Key, copy them one by one and paste them into the appropriate fields in the settings of our plugin.

Next comes the “Login” block - this function allows your visitors to register on the site through the social network VKontakte. I personally have not set up registration on my website, but perhaps this function will be useful for someone.

The next block of settings concerns the “Like” button. Below is a screenshot that shows how this button is configured on my website, you can also configure it or play with the settings yourself.

It’s up to you to decide which button to install; you can install both buttons at once.

Next are the cross-posting settings, but so far this function is not fully functional and is in beta testing, so we’ll skip them for now. We go down to the very bottom and click the “Save settings” button. That's it, we're done with the VKontakte settings, now you can go to the website and see what we got in the end.


Now go to the tab with the settings of the social network Facebook. There are fewer settings here, but we also need to create an application so that comments from facebook work for us. At the very beginning, just like in the comment settings from VKontakte, there is a link to a page on which we can create an application on Facebook, go to it.

There may be two options here:

1. If you have not linked your mobile phone number to facebook, you will be asked to provide your phone number and confirm it via SMS. Unfortunately, I cannot show these settings because... my number has long been linked to my account, but there is nothing complicated there. You just need to indicate the number, receive a code via SMS, enter this code and send. After this, you will have everything as in the second option.

2. Your number is linked and you will see the following picture:

Click on the green “Create a New App” button, a pop-up window will open in which we need to fill in some fields (see screenshot below):

1. Come up with a name for our application. This name will be visible only to you, users will not see it.

2. We come up with a Namespace. To be honest, I still don’t understand why this item is needed. As far as I understand, this is something like a login; in general, here you need to specify a UNIQUE word in Latin characters (at least 6). We won't need this word in the future, so we can just specify a set of letters - it doesn't matter.

4. Click on the “Create application” button

After this, a pop-up window will appear in which you need to fill out the captcha (enter the characters from the picture) and click “Ok”.

That's it, our application is created. You don’t need to make any more settings, just copy the application ID (App ID), go back to the plugin settings and paste it into the appropriate field.

The next step is to specify the administrator ID so that we can manage comments. To get an admin ID, you need to go to your facebook page. There are also two options here:

1. The address of your page contains numbers and it looks something like this: 100001117382458. Just copy these numbers - this is the administrator ID, i.e. your ID.

2. The address of your page looks something like this: OpekunAlex, those. Instead of numbers, an alphabetic login is indicated, then you need to use this service -

At this point, the Facebook settings are completed, you can go to the website and see what we have done.

We return to the plugin settings and go to the next tab “Social Buttons”. Here we can add buttons from other social networks: google+, twitter,, Odnoklassniki, Yandex button.

Just place it next to the desired “Show” button, just like we did for the VKontakte and Facebook buttons. I usually add twitter and buttons with classmates. Once you have selected the required buttons, do not forget to save your changes. If you have Twitter, you can add your account, then when you click on the Twitter button, your visitors will have a link to your Twitter added and if they tweet your post, then all their Twitter followers will see a link to your Twitter and possibly subscribe. This completes the settings here.

We are not interested in the remaining “Rest” tab. That. Thus, we figured out how to add comments from social networks VKontakte and Facebook to a site created on the WordPress engine + learned how to add social network buttons to a site.

P.S. If you still have questions or something was not clear, write in the comments what exactly did not work, I will try to help you.