Yandex connection is not secure. Check the influence of your antivirus or firewall. Set the system time

There is a situation when, when trying to access a desired resource, for example, from a search engine, the Google Chrome browser displays a notification like “Your connection is not secure. Attackers may be trying to steal your data from the website." This error has many sources and, accordingly, many solutions.

Why is the connection not secure?

The fact is that the resource you wanted to access uses the secure HTTPS protocol - an add-on over HTTP. HTTPS encrypts data sent to the server so that it cannot be stolen. For HTTPS to work, certain conditions are required, failure to comply with which will result in errors. The range of possible reasons for the appearance of notifications is very wide: from an incorrectly set date, which is necessary for HTTPS to work correctly, to an antivirus blocking the connection.

You can see if HTTPS is used by clicking on the icon to the left of the site address. If there is a lock icon and the word “Protected” there, then the resource transmits traffic via the HTTPS protocol, for example, one of the most popular social networks is VKontakte.

Reason 1: wrong date

The error code in this case is NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID.
If the date on your computer is incorrect, you need to correct it.

Let's see how it's done.

    1. Click on the date in the notification area (bottom right) and click "Changing time and date settings"

    1. Select "Change date and time".

    1. Set the current date and press "OK".

If after each reboot the date in your system changes, then it is quite possible that the battery in the motherboard has failed!

Reason 2: unverified certificate

In this case, the error code is NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM.
Not all sites that use HTTPS are certified by trusted publishers or use modern encryption algorithms. Some people use free versions of certificates, which are often recognized by Chrome as “unwanted”. To go to an “unsafe” site (at your own peril and risk), you must click on "Additional".

Be careful when visiting such sites, the content there may be unsafe!

Reason 3: blocked by antivirus

If you have an antivirus installed, it may block a site with potentially dangerous content. This is how it works in NOD32.

In order to temporarily bypass the blocking, you need to disable your antivirus. This is done as follows: right-click on the antivirus icon and select "Temporarily disable protection", then click "Yes", specify the shutdown period and click "OK".

Reason 4: Blocking extensions

If you have extensions installed, then some of them may block access to the site, for example “Kaspersky Protection”. In order to find out who is blocking access, you need to use trial and error to disable extensions one by one and thereby identify the “culprit”.

Click on the ellipsis in the upper right corner of the browser, hover your mouse over "Additional Tools" and select "Extensions".

After that, try disabling extensions (by clicking on the checkbox next to "Enabled") one at a time and update the blocked page.

Reason 5: Missing Updates

Check the service pack (SP) version of your system. To do this, right-click on "My computer" select from the dropdown menu "Properties" and see what SP you have installed. HTTPS requires the latest service pack for XP and Server 2003 systems.

If you have Windows XP installed, you must have SP3.

Download SP3 for Windows XP

If you have Windows Server 2003 installed, you must have SP2.

Download SP3 for Windows Server 2003

Reason 6: Browser not working properly

If none of the above solutions helped you, then as a radical method, you can uninstall and reinstall the browser. To do this, you need:

    1. Click "Start", choose "Control Panel".

    1. Click on "Uninstall a program".

    1. Find the line with the browser from Google and double-click "Delete".

    1. Now all that remains is to download and install the browser again.

Download Google Chrome browser


In this article, we analyzed many sources of the notification “Your connection is not secure, attackers may be trying to steal your data from the website.” The solutions described in our article will help you deal with this error in most cases. However, if none of the solutions helped, create a new thread describing your error on official website of Google products.

The Mozilla Firefox browser has a lot to appreciate, even if it is not the fastest, but it is also the most flexible and functional. Just look at the large number of extensions and add-ons that were created for this browser.

And it’s very upsetting when problems arise in your favorite browser. Today we will look at a problem that causes the message “Your connection is not secure” to appear when you try to visit some sites.

The error “Your connection is not secure” often occurs when you try to access a resource that operates over a secure connection (https). However, if the Firefox browser cannot verify the certificate, which is required to create such a “secure connection” with the site, then this message inevitably appears.

In fact, the displayed message cannot be called an error in the classical sense. It is more of a security measure that alerts the user that there are problems that cannot properly secure (encrypt) the connection. As a result, the browser blocks the opening of the requested site.

In this material we will try to understand the causes of this problem and will make every effort to eradicate it.

Removing the error in Mozilla Firefox “Your connection is not secure”

You need to start with the first solution and move forward progressively until the error is eliminated.

Solution 1: check the set date and time

This point must be checked first, namely, the correctness of the set date and time on the computer.

All certificates have a validity period: issue and expiration dates. And in the process of connecting to the site, the validity period of the certificate is checked against the date set on the computer. If the time on the computer is set incorrectly, the certificate will not be recognized as valid and the error “Your connection is not secure” will appear.

If the date (day, month, year, time) is set incorrectly, then you need to set the current value.

To do this, point at the date that is displayed in the lower right corner, and then right-click. In the context menu that appears, select Setting the date and time.

A system window will open in which the time can be set. Check if the options are translated Set time automatically, and Automatic time zone setting into the on state.

If the options are not enabled, then enable them. After a short period of time, the date and time will be adjusted. If this does not happen, then disable these options and set the date and time manually.

Solution 2: Antivirus software running

Modern antiviruses are not limited to just scanning local files; many of them now have means of protecting the Internet connection. Moreover, we are talking not only about the firewall (firewall), but also about controlling the traffic itself.

Monitoring SSL-protected connections may well cause the message “Your connection is not secure” to be displayed in Mozilla Firefox.

To eliminate this possibility, temporarily pause your antivirus protection, and then try to access the desired site again.

If the problem disappears, then it is quite obvious that the problem is caused by the antivirus, and in particular its module for monitoring Internet connections/traffic. In this situation, it is recommended to update/reinstall the antivirus. If this does not help, then you should write a letter to the support service of the developer of the antivirus solution you are using.

In the meantime, you can disable the corresponding option in your antivirus software, which prevents access to sites that, in turn, operate over an encrypted connection (SSL).

Option to scan encrypted connection in Avast

To disable this option, open the antivirus software menu, and then click on the item Settings.

In the window that appears, click on the item Active protection, and then Web shield –> Tune.

And there disable the option Enable HTTPS scanning by unchecking the corresponding box and save the settings.

Option to scan an encrypted connection in Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Call up the menu in Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and then click on the item Settings. As a result, a window will appear in which you need to follow the path Additional-> Net.

There will be Scanning encrypted connections, in which you will need to check the box that is responsible for disabling the option of the same name. Then save the settings.

For other antivirus solutions, you can highlight the corresponding guidance on disabling control of protected/encrypted connections in the help or on the official website.

Solution 3: Check your system for viruses

Various types of viruses and other malware try to penetrate as deeply as possible into the system. Some of them try to “wedge themselves” into the network stack in order to intercept/replace traffic. These actions can quite naturally cause the error “Your connection is not secure.”

Even if you are completely sure that there is no malware on your PC, it would still be a good idea to make sure of this again by checking the system with anti-virus software.

If you have an antivirus solution installed, then update its database via the Internet and run a full (deep) scan. If you don’t have an antivirus, then you can use, for example, a free one that does not require installation.

If the scan results show the presence of malicious objects, then try to disinfect them (if your antivirus has such an option), or simply delete them. Then be sure to reboot.

Solution 4: Certificate store problem

During the operation of the Mozilla Firefox browser, the certificates used are saved in a special file, which is located in the profile folder of this browser. It is quite possible that during the operation of the browser this file could be damaged. In this situation, it is worth trying to remove it.

To do this, click on the menu button (located in the upper right corner of the browser window), and then click on the icon Reference and click on the item Problem Solving Information.

A window will open with technical information about the browser. Find the item in it Profile folder and click on the button next to it Open folder.

A file manager window will appear with the Firefox browser profile folder open. Now close the browser itself, and then find and delete the file in this folder cert8.db.

Now launch your browser again. The previously deleted file will be created again. Now all you have to do is check if the problem is resolved. If the error window no longer appears, then the problem was a corruption of the certificate store located in the file cert8.db.

Solution 5: Install the latest updates to your operating system

In the process of creating a secure connection, the Firefox browser uses mechanisms for this, including those in the operating system itself.

If your operating system has not been updated for a long time, then its security mechanisms no longer meet modern requirements. All this may well provoke an error in installing a secure connection (SSL).

The solution is to install the latest updates for the operating system you are using.

To do this, open the menu Start, and find the application Windows Update.

Having launched it, a window will be displayed in which the current status of the system will be displayed.

To force the search for updates to start, click the corresponding button. When finished, install all suggested updates (including optional ones).

Solution 6: Use Incognito Mode

This option cannot be considered a way to completely eliminate the problem, but it is quite suitable as a “temporary solution”.

This browser operating mode is designed to increase user privacy. Everything that is entered in tabs that work in incognito mode is not saved by the browser itself in history. Those. If you searched for something or visited any sites, then after closing this data (session cookies, cache, search query history, pages viewed, etc.) will be completely deleted.

Working in this mode, the Firefox browser in some cases allows the display of sites that have problems establishing a securely encrypted SSL connection.

To enable the mode Incognita and open the corresponding tab, you must click on the menu button, which is located in the upper right corner, and select the item in the menu that appears Private window.

Solution 7: Disable proxy in browser settings

It may well be that the occurrence of this error is affected by the activated proxy function in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Let's try turning it off and see if the problem goes away.

Disabling the proxy is done in the settings. To do this, click on the browser menu, select the item in the menu that appears Settings.

The settings window will open. There will be a menu on the left, click there Additionally, and then on the right side click on the item Net.

As a result, the corresponding settings block will be displayed. The first point is Compound. In it, click the item Tune…

The window will light up Connection parameters. In it you need to switch to the item No proxy, and then press the button OK.

Solution 8: Bypass the security warning

Here we come to the last reason that causes an SSL connection error, and it often occurs on one single site, while the rest using a secure https connection open completely normally.

Most likely, the site itself has problems with the certificate (expired, cancelled).

In this situation, the easiest way is to refuse to view this site, but if you absolutely need to look at it, then you need to do the following:

In the error window, click on the button Additionally.

An additional menu will open, click on the button located there Add exception.

As a result, a warning window will appear in which you will need to click Validate Security Exception.

Now the site should open without errors from the Mozilla Forefox browser security system.

Brief summary

This material discussed the key reasons and remedies for the “Your connection is not secure” error. Using them as a guide, you will be able to fix the problem with this error and will be able to continue using your favorite Internet browser.

Google Chrome is considered the most functional and convenient browser, the success of which is confirmed by statistics on its use. Unfortunately, using this web browser does not always go smoothly, and one of the most common problems is the “Your connection is not secure” error.

First of all, you need to say a few words about why this error occurs. Some sites that require confidential user data have a secure connection type of HTTPS. In order to guarantee the user that his personal information will not fall into the hands of intruders, the site must obtain a special security certificate.

Thus, when visiting a secure site, Google Chrome must check the presence and relevance of security certificates. And if the verification was not carried out successfully, the error “Your connection is not secure” appears on the user’s screen.

How to resolve the “Your connection is not secure” error?

In turn, the occurrence of problems with certificate verification can be influenced by various reasons, and, accordingly, the browser provides more than one way to solve the problem.

Please note that you should only resolve the “Your connection is not secure” error for a site that you are absolutely sure is secure. If you encounter a similar message when going to a site that you are opening for the first time and which makes you suspicious, it is better to immediately close such a site and not access it again.

Method 1: Set the correct date and time

This method has almost lost its relevance, since if the wrong date and time are set on the computer, the browser will directly indicate this to you.

The fact is that the safety certificate has a certain expiration date. And if this period does not coincide with the date and time set on your computer, the web browser blocks the transition to the site and displays a connection error.

Pay attention to the lower right area of ​​the computer window and check whether the date and time on the computer are correct. If not, then for Windows 10 press the key combination Win+I to open the window "Options" . For lower versions of this operating system, you will need to go to "Control Panel" . In this window you will need to open the section "Time and Language" .

Make sure that you have the toggle switch for automatic date and time detection activated. If automatic time detection cannot be activated, manually enter the correct data.

Method 2: disabling the antivirus

If the problem occurs when you go to an apparently safe site, such as Google, then it is almost certain that the problem is caused by the antivirus installed on your computer.

To check this, you will need to temporarily deactivate the installed antivirus and then check for the error. If the error has successfully disappeared, you will need to go to the antivirus settings and adjust the operation of some parameters, in particular, we are interested in the network settings and network scanning settings (SSL). If possible, reset your antivirus settings.

Method 3: Disable extensions

The problem can only occur in the Google Chrome browser. In this case, you might think that the browser has extensions running that block the connection. As a rule, the work of such extensions is initially aimed at working with the network, for example, these can be VPN plugins.

To check this, click on the Internet browser menu button in the upper right corner, and then go to the section “Additional tools” – “Extensions” .

Having opened the menu with installed extensions, disable the maximum number (and it is advisable to deactivate them all). After that, check for the error "Your connection is not secure" .

Method 4: Outdated version of Windows

If you are a Windows user that clearly needs an update, it is recommended that you install them. If you are a Windows 7 user, open the "Control Panel" menu, and then go to the section "Windows Update" . Check the system for updates, and if any are found, install them (this applies to both mandatory and optional updates).

If you are a Windows XP user, then we can only advise you to upgrade to Windows 7 and higher - this operating system has not been fully supported by Microsoft for quite a long time, which means you can easily encounter problems with the Google Chrome browser, whose development has gone far ahead.

Method 5: Check for viruses

Many problems associated with working on the Internet arise due to virus activity on your computer.

In this case, you should definitely check the system for threats using your antivirus or a special cleaning utility. If the scan results found threats on your computer, you will need to eliminate them and then restart the operating system.

Method 6: Checking the hosts file

In theory, the problem could also arise due to a modified hosts file, which, as a rule, is negatively affected by virus activity. On the Microsoft website, using this link, you can find out in more detail what the hosts file should look like in the original, as well as how you can return it to its previous appearance. Don't forget to restart your computer after making changes.

Method 7: Clear DNS Cache

For Windows 10, right-click on the “Start” button and in the context menu that appears, select the item "Command Prompt (Administrator)" .

For any version of Windows, call the search bar and enter a query into it "cmd" . Right-click on the result and select the item "Run as administrator" .

In the window that appears, run the following command:

ipconfig /flushdns

Method 8: Manual DNS Setup

As a rule, the user's Internet connection settings are set to automatic DNS detection. In this way we will try to set a specific one.

To do this, call the menu "Control Panel" , and then navigate to the section "Network and Sharing Update Center" .

On the left side of the window, open the section "Change adapter settings" . and then try setting DNS And . Save your changes.

Method 9: Reinstall Google Chrome

Finally, we suggest that you reinstall Google Chrome. The peculiarity is that it is recommended to remove Google Chrome from your computer not through the control panel, but using the special Revo Uninstaller application, which allows you to completely remove the problematic program from your computer without leaving a single file behind.

As soon as Chrome removal is completed, you will need to restart your computer so that the system fully accepts the changes, and then proceed to download and install the new version, which you can download from the developer’s official website using the link provided immediately at the end of the article.

In conclusion. As a rule, these methods allow you to completely solve the problem with the “Your connection is not secure” error. If in your case, after trying all the methods, the error is still relevant, leave your comments, preferably describing the problem in more detail.

Google cares about the safety of user data, and the popular Chrome browser has several levels of protection. When visiting a site, it is analyzed by the firewall built into the browser, after which the user is shown the contents of the page or an error.

One of the common errors that you may encounter when visiting a website through Google Chrome is the message: “Your connection is not secure.” A similar error may occur when connecting to all sites via Google Chrome or to just one. There are several ways to fix this problem, and we will look at them below.

Problems with the Google Chrome browser

If the Google Chrome browser reports that the user's connection is not secure, there is a high chance that the cause is incorrect settings or potentially dangerous extensions. You can make sure that the problems are related to the browser if you launch Google Chrome in Incognito mode and go to the problematic site. To launch the browser in Incognito mode, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select the appropriate item.

If you can access the site in Incognito mode, but the problem persists in normal mode, you can try the following.

On Windows:

On Android:

In most cases, the steps described above will help get rid of the message that the connection is not secure. If the problem cannot be fixed, proceed to the next step in the instructions.

Incorrect time and date set

When connecting to a website on the Internet, a conflict may arise between the browser and the server to which the request is sent due to different times. Usually computers automatically set the time based on information from the Internet. But if this option is disabled and the date and time on the computer are set incorrectly (possibly due to ), an error about an unprotected connection may appear.

Please note: With the latest updates to Google Chrome, a separate error has been introduced that indicates a connection conflict due to an incorrect system clock setting. However, if the browser has not been updated for a long time, the standard error about an insecure connection will appear.

Viruses and antiviruses

There is a possibility that access to a certain site is being blocked by viruses that have entered your computer. To exclude this option, it is recommended to run standard viruses. In addition, it is necessary that there are no unnecessary entries in it.

Sometimes, on the contrary, antivirus programs cause the “Your connection is not secure” error to appear in Google Chrome. This is most often due to the fact that they have https security or SSL scanning enabled. In such a situation, you need to go to the antivirus settings and disable the above options. If you can't find any options, try disabling your antivirus completely and going to the website to see if the problem is related to it.

Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a person who does not use the Internet.

Many users spend quite a lot of time in its open spaces. Therefore, it is in demand more than ever.

But what to do if all plans are disrupted by a suddenly appearing warning? your connection is not secure.

In this article, we'll look at why this error occurs in different browsers and what you should do if it occurs.


First of all, let's look at the occurrence of this problem when using.

The meaning of such a message

Often this message occurs when visiting secure sites. Such sites, when interacting with the FireFox browser, use a special encryption method - #encryption. This is done in order to prevent attackers from viewing the transmitted information.

To understand that you are visiting exactly such a site, pay attention to the line displaying the address of the page you are visiting. In the status line ( #status_Bar) secure site will display a closed padlock icon. It will also appear in the address bar ( #location_bar).

In addition, the browser will also display the site's domain name in the status bar, highlighted in yellow. This is necessary to ensure that the user cannot be misled for the purpose.

Such sites can contain not only protected information, but also unprotected information, to which everyone has free access.

If the site's information is unprotected, FireFox will display a padlock icon with a slash through it in the status bar. There will also be no domain name in the address bar and status bar. If you pay attention to such information, you will immediately be able to understand that the site you are visiting is partially protected.

To solve this problem, you will need to reinstall the antivirus or disable the interception of secure connections in its settings.

For example, if you use system protection, open “Settings” and go to the tab "Active protection".

There you will need to click on the “Configure” button located next to the web shield.

In the window that opens, uncheck the selection box from the line "Enable HTTPS scanning". Finally, you need to confirm the changes made in the settings by clicking on the “Ok” button.

If you are using a product such as - you will need to do the following:

  • open a window with antivirus settings;
  • in the lower left part of this window, click on the “Settings” button;
  • use the point "Additionally" to go to the “Network” tab;
  • deselect menu bar "Scan encrypted connections";
  • check the box next to the parameter "Do not scan encrypted connections";
  • Confirm the changes by clicking the “Ok” button.

It is not difficult to find the necessary information for other antivirus products on the Internet.

Your browser may display a lack of trust in the certificate not only on little-known sites, but also on such giants as Google. Most often, owners may encounter this. This is due to the fact that Microsoft Family Settings, located in user accounts, are activated.

The next step is to remove all existing family members using the function "Remove from family" on the advanced options tab.

Finally, you should leave the family yourself, using the option of the same name.

Fourth mistake

It consists in the lack of trust in the certificate, since the latter is self-signed.

These types of certificates are designed to protect against eavesdropping, but do not provide any information about the recipient.

Most often, non-public sites use this, so you can easily bypass this warning.

Fifth mistake

The problem is that the certificate provided to you belongs to a completely different Internet resource.

This problem occurs quite often and primarily due to the fact that the issued certificate is valid for one part of the site being visited.

For example, you visited and received a warning about a similar error, and a certificate was issued for https:/www If you go to the latter, no warnings will appear.

Certificate store

Such messages may also occur due to file corruption. cert9.db, which stores all your certificates.

In this case, without opening FireFox, delete the above file so that it can be restored the next time you start it.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • open the menu and select “Help”;
  • go to the tab "Information for problem solving";
  • open the profile folder located in the section "Application Details";
  • open the menu again and select “Exit”;
  • select the file db and remove it;
  • restart your browser.