Yandex cloud volume. Where to store files more reliably and cheaper. Pricing for additional iCloud storage

Many of you have already heard the concept of cloud storage or just the cloud. Now this storage model is increasingly gaining ground compared to home hard drives, flash drives and optical media. If you don’t know what cloud storage is and which cloud to choose, I’ll tell you everything in detail in this article.

Cloud data storage is a server structure organized by an organization that provides users with free space for free or for money. You can upload files of any type to the storage, which will subsequently be accessible from any device.

That's all certain. There are a lot of companies that provide space for storing data, and some have already gained trust. The structure itself is very simple - ordinary servers consisting of disks, most often SSD drives. You can set up the cloud so that it syncs with your device, such as a phone, and then some files will be automatically uploaded to the cloud. If you need to provide access to your files to another user, then nothing could be easier; everything is done in a couple of clicks. And you don’t have to go to your friend with a flash drive to transfer a video or game.

How cloud storage works

Well, here, I think, it’s clear. Especially what this storage consists of. It is important to understand that the files are not stored on your PC, but on someone else's. The disadvantage here is that the company at some point may turn off the servers for maintenance, which means access to files will be temporarily impossible.

To work with the cloud service, it is not necessary to use a browser. All companies have a special application that can be installed on a computer or smartphone. Then you enter your data and you can work, for example, upload files to the cloud.

Some cloud storage services allow you to edit files or folders. Let's say you changed some text file on your PC, if this file is in the cloud, then the changes will happen there too. The same thing is the other way around - if a change in a file occurs in the cloud, then the same file will be updated immediately on the computer.

When using the cloud, you can store whatever you want in it, but I do not recommend uploading important confidential data, such as scans of your passport or documents, there. Like any hosting and server, cloud storage is also susceptible to hacking by hackers. It is better to use the cloud to store multimedia, photos, games and more.

Pros and cons of cloud storage

Let's first look at the advantages and disadvantages of the cloud, and then look at some services that you can use for your needs.

Advantages of the cloud:

  • Access files from any device, be it a computer or smartphone.
  • Collaboration between companies and users with documents and files.
  • The likelihood of losing files due to hardware failures is reduced to zero.
  • You only pay for a specific amount of space.
  • High protection of your files and creation of backup companies by the provider. You don't need to do anything.

Disadvantages of cloud storage:

  • According to statistics, some companies refuse to use cloud storage because of security, but this was only in 2011, now the time is different.
  • Hackers can get your files.
  • Sometimes the price for the total amount of disk space can be very high.

It is known that the Dropbox service experienced a glitch, due to which, within a few hours, any user’s files could be received by anyone. But, again, this was back in 2011.

How to choose cloud storage

Cloud storage size

There's no need to explain much here. If you need a large amount of memory, for example 5, 10 or 15 GB, then you can find such an option for free. But you will have to pay higher.

Reviews about the company

If the company providing storage space has proven itself, then you can safely use their services. You should not use unfamiliar services. As an example, I can cite Dropbox, Cloud, SkyDrive and others.

Increasing storage capacity

If it is possible to increase the disk space of the cloud, then this may come in handy at some point. The increase, of course, is paid.

Software for computer and smartphone

The cloud storage service must have a client that you can install on your PC or phone and synchronize. Working with the cloud will be easier.


If there are any restrictions, for example, not only in the amount of memory, but also in the size of the downloaded file, then you should know about it.

Which cloud storage options to choose in 2017

  • Cloud – 100 GB free.
  • Mega – 50 GB free
  • MediaFire – 10 GB free. To get additional space, you need to work.
  • SkyDrive – 25 GB free.
  • Copy – 15 GB of free space. For each referred client you are given 5 GB.
  • 4Sync – 15 GB free use.
  • Google Drive – free 15 GB.
  • Yandex Disk – approximately 10-20 GB of free space.
  • Dropbox – 5 GB for free, and for example 1 TB for $100.

Other cloud storage services may be either unreliable or provide little storage space. Now you know what cloud storage is, what their advantages and disadvantages are, and how to choose a cloud.

Cloud data storage is a set of servers distributed over a network. The service of storing data in such structures is provided by a third party.

The data in them is stored not on dedicated servers owned or leased by the service provider, but on many different, often significantly remote from each other, servers.

The popularity of using cloud storage is growing. As demand grows, supply also expands.


Cloud storage is gaining popularity. In the initial free access, users are provided with 2 GB.

Using various promotional tricks, such as a referral program and linking accounts on social networks, you can expand your storage up to 16 GB for free.

Additional 48 GB can be obtained by participating in promotions common with equipment manufacturers.


High data processing speed;

Availability of an application;

History of file changes.


Small amount of free space;

Questionable safety;

Temporary provision of additional space.

Google Drive

Cloud storage from IT industry giants provides users with 15 free gigabytes. For hard money, you can expand the amount of available space up to 30 TB.

The storage supports storing 30 types of files. You can work with the cloud either in a browser or using a client program.


Close interaction with other Google services;

Many integrated capabilities (processing documents and images, etc.);

Offline mode of operation;


Shared space with other Google services. 15 GB becomes conditional;

Lack of data encryption;

Limitations when working with proxy servers.

[email protected]

A relatively new service from provides new users with an unprecedented 100 GB of free space.

If desired, you can increase the amount of available space up to 1 TB, of course, for a fee.

The cloud has applications for all major operating systems and mobile platforms. The main feature is synchronizing the camera with the cloud.

When the function is enabled, each new photo is immediately sent to storage.


Large free volume;

Good cross-platform;

Instant snapshots;


Hidden installations of additional software;

Unstable operation on some OS;

Yandex. Disk

Another free service from the Russian postal service -. To begin with, 10 GB are provided free of charge without a limited period of use.

Naturally, there is good integration with other products of the manufacturer.

Referral programs and constant cooperation with manufacturers allow you to increase storage.


Support for a large number of mobile and desktop platforms;

Possibility of integration into some Microsoft products;

Integration with Yandex products.


Substandard updates;

Inability to create files;

Lack of additional functions in the online interface.

Classic storage with an optimal set of functions. The main feature is reliable data encryption using the AES 26 algorithm.

There is also a very good referral program. For clicking on a referral link, both the person who posted it and the person who clicked receives an increase in disk size.

Moreover, they receive 5 GB of additional space.


High security of data storage;

Excellent cross-platform functionality;

No file size limit.


Lack of Russian localization;


New users are given 50 GB of free cloud space forever and free of charge. This is a very good indicator.

To get space, you don’t have to deal with referral links or complete mini-quests.


Lots of free space;

Encryption of data on a mobile device;

Favorable pricing policy (4 TB for $29.99/month).


Lack of client for synchronization with Windows;

Frequent site overloads;

Unstable work of unofficial clients.

Which of the above services to choose is a personal matter for everyone.

The main thing is that each of them is the fruit of modern technologies, which allows you to synchronize your own data and significantly improve the comfort of working with them.

Cloud file storage. Free file storage

Cloud file storage and where to store files for free. If you are developing a business via the Internet, this will be useful to you

In the age of high technology and globalization of the Internet, which modern people cannot do without, you want to easily and conveniently have access to your files from any device, so the easiest way is to have cloud storage. Many users may have a question: “how to upload files to the cloud?”
We’ll deal with this now :)

This article will tell you the main ways to place files in popular cloud storage services.

1.Google Drive

It has the ability to upload files of any format, and its feature is the online work with documents that the service provides (you can read more about online editing of Word files ).

You can upload files and photos to the cloud using:

  • Computer
    By dragging: you need to open the page you need to install Google Drive on Windows or Mac, find a folder in the internal memory of the computer and drag the necessary files into it, after which they will be available in your cloud.


It is a free and convenient cloud service, especially if you are used to using products from Yandex. The trump card of this storage is its integration with office suite , also has the ability to edit photos using the built-in graphic editor.

  • Computer
    By dragging: you need to open the page (you must be registered) in the browser and drag files (folders) from your computer to the cloud storage folder area. necessary install Yandex.Disk on Windows or Mac, find a folder in the computer’s internal memory and drag the necessary files into it, after which they will be synchronized and become available in your cloud.


is cloud storage from Microsoft , is a built-in service in the operating system Windows 10 , which allows documents and photos on your computer to automatically sync with the cloud (this feature can be turned off in settings). The trick is support integrated into OneDrive. (You can read more about online editing of Excel files )

You can upload files to the cloud using the devices listed below.

  • Computer
    Web site: you need to log into your account, then go to the folder in which you would like to place your file and click the buttonAdd.Next, you need to select the files you need and clickOpen.You can also perform the procedure for downloading files by simply dragging and dropping, which was described above.OneDrive: you need to install OneDrive on Windows 7, Vista (in Windows 10 the application is already built into the system) or Mac, find a folder in the internal memory of the computer and drag the necessary files into it, after which they will be synchronized and become available in your cloud.
    From Microsoft Office and Office 365: the required file can be instantly saved to the cloud without closing the document, for this in the menuFile select an item Save as, after- OneDriveand specify the folder where you want to save the file.

4. Dropbox

– simple and easy-to-use cloud data storage. The main ideology is synchronization and data exchange. The trick is to create download histories so that after deleting a file, it can be restored; There is also a file modification history that is stored for 30 days.

You can upload files to the cloud using:

  • Computer
    Application:When installing the application, a folder is created (approximate location: C:\Users\Panda\Dropbox ), into which you can drag any files or photos, as well as entire folders from your computer (P.S. Remember that the allowable space in the cloud is not infinite :)
    Web site:log in to your account on the site , click on the download icon, in the window that appears, clickSelect files, now feel free to select what you wanted to put in the cloud and clickStart downloading(file size should not exceed 20 GB).
  • Android, IOS and Windows phone devices
    First, you need to install the application on your device from the App Store.
    Android:in the application, open the folder in which you would like to save the files, click on the icon“+” in the bottom corner of the screen. You are taking, or download files(you can select files from any partition of the device), clickDownload (Open)
    IPhone:in the application, click on the icon“+”. Further Upload a photo, or Create or upload a file,then click: in the first caseFurther, select a folder to upload photos, clickDownload. IN for the second case just clickUpload file.
    Windows phone:At the moment, only Photo uploads are available due to operating system limitations. To do this, in the Dropbox app, click on the folder icon and select a location to upload your files. Click on the download icon on the app bar, select a photo from your device's gallery. You can also download from the device Gallery.

5. Cloud

Important data can be stored on external media - hard drives, USB flash drives, even floppy disks. However, the safety of information in this case will be constantly under threat, because the physical object is easy to lose. If the USB card contains confidential information about the organization’s activities, the flash drive can be stolen by competitors, which will cause enormous damage to the company.

For these reasons, USB drives are becoming a thing of the past, just like disks and floppy disks used to be. They are being replaced by cloud data storage, which allows you to access files at any time and from any computer. In this article we will give a rating of cloud storage and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of various services.

Cloud storage is an online storage facility within which user data is distributed across numerous servers. The user does not know the structure and location of the servers; from his point of view, the “cloud” is a large virtual flash card, the information on which is password protected.

Using cloud storage is quite simple: a person needs to register on one of the sites offering data storage services, remember the username/password, then upload valuable information “to the Internet.” When he needs the information, he goes to the same site from any PC or mobile gadget, logs in and gains access to the information.

Cloud services have many advantages over other methods of data storage:

  • The user does not risk losing information irrevocably in case of failure of a computer or gadget.
  • It is convenient to share information from the “cloud” - you can send links to individual files via email or social networks.
  • The user only has to pay for large amounts of memory. If his needs are small, he has the right to limit himself to a free quota, which is provided by almost all storage facilities.
  • The user can set up file sharing and, as a result, organize collaboration with data online.

When it comes to the disadvantages of cloud storage, users first of all express doubts whether such services are able to guarantee the confidentiality of the information entrusted to them. As an example, they give a famous incident that happened with Dropbox in 2011 - when, after an update, anyone could log into any account using a random password. Undoubtedly, It is impossible to vouch for the reliability of all cloud storages– this is why it is so important to approach the choice of a service for storing information carefully and scrupulously.

Top cloud storage services: which service to choose?

The best cloud storage services include the following services:

Google Drive

  • Free place: 15 GB.
  • : 5 TB.
  • : 30 TB.
  • : Supported on Android above 4.4 and iOS above 8.0.

The service is quite young - it was launched only in 2012. However, despite this Google Drive(aka Google Drive) has already managed to achieve well-deserved worldwide popularity and the laurels of one of the most convenient cloud storages.

Convenience Google Drive is that this “cloud” is integrated with all other services from Google- of which there are a huge number. The user, for example, can send a letter received to the mailbox to the storage with just one click Gmail, save the photo uploaded to the cloud in the application Google Photos. Besides, Google Drive allows the user to open and edit documents Google Docs.

The application boasts an interesting feature Google Drive for Android - it is capable scan documents. Just click the “Scan” button and take a photo of the document - the PDF file will appear in the “My Drive” section.

In favor Google Drive they say a large number of supported file formats (over 30), the ability to set up offline access to documents, support for the SSL protocol, which guarantees the security of stored information. Active users of ecosystem services Google you don’t even need to think about finding another cloud storage – Google Drive will suit them 100%!

Premium subscription cost:

139 rub. / month

699 rub. / month

6,990 rub. / month

RUB 13,990 / month

RUB 20,990 / month


  • Free place: 3 GB expandable up to 10 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: 10 GB (when using the program) / 2 GB (when downloading via browser).
  • Maximum amount of space: 1 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0.3, iOS above 8.0, Windows Phone 7 / 8 and Symbian 9.3.

In terms of disk space limitations, the Russian service Yandex.Disk looks completely uncompetitive in comparison with cloud storage Google Drive. In particular, instead of 15 “free” gigabytes, the user is provided with only 3 gigabytes. Another 7 GB can be obtained for participating in the referral program, but not every user wants to spam their friends. The maximum amount of disk space for one account is also small - only 1 TB (for Google 30 TB). However, it is Yandex.Disk is considered the most popular “cloud” among domestic users. For what reasons?

U Yandex.Disk other advantages than the service from Google, and for a Russian they are important. For example, it is possible to upload photos and videos from social networks to the “cloud” from Yandex “ In contact with" And " Classmates» directly, without the use of additional software. Cloud storage is integrated with all kinds of services from Yandex and can be integrated with the office suite Microsoft Office 2013, as well as connect to TVs equipped with the function SmartTV.

Besides, Yandex.Disk has the right to boast of its cross-platform - there are web clients and mobile applications not only for iOS, Android, Windows, but also under Linux And Symbian.

At the same time, Google specialists are working on Linux-they are only working on a version of their cloud storage, and apparently do not intend to release applications for Windows Phone and Symbian at all. There are a lot of fans of the company among domestic mobile technology users Nokia and its smartphones running exactly the two OSes mentioned earlier - these users have a mobile Google Drive not available.

As a result, we can say that popularity Yandex.Disk in Russia is due not only to the desire of users to support the domestic brand, but also to the presence of quite tangible advantages over foreign services.

Premium subscription cost:

100 GB

300 rub. / year

800 rub. / year

2000 rub. / year

One Drive

  • Free place: 5 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: 10 GB.
  • Maximum amount of space: 5 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0, iOS above 9.0, Windows Phone 7 / 8, Symbian Belle and MeeGo 1.2.

Among cloud storages OneDrive from Microsoft– a real “dinosaur”. This service has been operating since 2007, but until 2014, users were familiar with it under the name SkyDrive. Renaming had to be done due to a lawsuit with the television company BSkyB who accused Microsoft in plagiarism.

Unfortunately, recently the "cloud" OneDrive began to lose ground more and more rapidly and give way to similar services from Google and other developers. The fact that in 2016 Microsoft reduced the amount of free space in its cloud storage from 15 GB to 5 GB, obviously did not add OneDrive popularity. "Cloud" Microsoft does not have any outstanding advantages over analogues - the main advantages of this service are integration with the package Office 365 and the ability to organize simultaneous work on documents online. Alas, other services also provide access to documents, but in addition to this they offer a lot of other “goodies”.

Continue to store information in OneDrive It is only appropriate for those users who accessed the services of this service before the 2016 reforms. Owners of old accounts still have access to 15 free gigabytes.

Premium subscription cost:


  • Free place: 50 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: unlimited (when downloading from a browser – 2 GB).
  • Maximum amount of space: 4 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0, iOS above 7.0, Windows Phone 7/8, BlackBerry 10.

Just think about it - 50 free gigabytes! While competitors offer only 10-15 GB! About cloud storage Mega the brainchild of the New Zealand company of the same name - I want to tell you so much that it would be enough for several articles.

"Cloud" Mega It is notable not only for the large amount of free space. Its main advantage has always been safety. Actually, to create Mega developer Kim Dotcom was inspired by the scandalous revelations of Edward Snowden, who said that American citizens can only dream about confidentiality of information. Mega uses end-to-end encryption: the data is encrypted in the browser - as a result, the program Mega itself does not know what information the user downloaded to the disk.

However, Kim Dotcom himself undermined trust in his brainchild by declaring in 2015 that personal information was in danger and users should urgently make backup copies.

According to the creator of the service, the company experienced significant pressure from the US government, and this pressure was expressed mainly in refusal to cooperate with Mega all payment systems, including PayPal. In fact, the start-up was doomed to exist without any cash flow at all. In the end, Kim Dotcom announced a hostile takeover of the company by Chinese investors and left - in his own words, to develop a competing program for Mega.

History with Mega reminiscent of a conspiracy thriller. Each user must decide for himself whether to trust personal data to a company with such a controversial reputation. It is worth noting that in addition to Dotcom itself, the safety of information in Mega so far no one has complained.

Premium subscription cost:

200 GB

500 GB

4.99 euros/month

9.99 euros/month

19.99 euros/month

29.99 euros / month


  • Free place: 25 GB.
  • Maximum size of one file: 2 GB (if you purchase space – 32 GB).
  • Maximum amount of space: 4 TB.
  • Mobile OS compatibility: Supported on Android above 4.0, iOS above 7.0, Windows Phone above version 8.

Service "Cloud", which appeared in 2013, immediately pleased users with an attraction of unprecedented generosity - everyone was provided with 100 free gigabytes. Later, the amount of free space was reduced to 16 GB, then increased to 25 GB - this limit is still relevant.

Among the advantages " Cloud» includes not only a large amount of free space. The service boasts high download and upload speeds for domestic users, as well as cross-platform functionality - “ Cloud", for example, is available to advanced users whose computers have Linux.

It is worth mentioning the disadvantages of the service. According to user reviews, “ Cloud" is very buggy and often crashes when launched on older versions of Windows.

Users also complain that Group In addition to its cloud storage, it secretly installs various toolbars and agents - but this is already a familiar story.

Premium subscription cost:

128 GB

256 GB

512 GB

690 rub. / year

RUB 1,490 / year

RUB 2,290 / year

RUB 3,790 / year

6,990 rub. / year

RUB 13,900 / year

RUB 27,900 / year


The choice of users who are not afraid that their data will be stolen by foreign intelligence services is obvious - Google Drive is the most convenient cloud storage, providing an impressive amount of free space for free. Users who want to support a domestic manufacturer should pay attention to Yandex.Disk And Cloud Both services, however, have very significant drawbacks: the cloud is from Yandex provides little disk space, and the product is from Mail and still quite “raw”.

I would like to note that the rating does not include Dropbox– one of the founders of cloud technologies. Flaw Dropbox the fact that it offers only 2 GB of free space - a trifle in these days. In addition, the cloud service does not show flexibility in purchasing additional space; Individuals are offered only 1 tariff. Otherwise, it is difficult to regard this as disrespect for users.

Modern methods of storing large amounts of information involve the use of cloud storage. This makes it much more convenient to save a lot of useful data, photos, music, without overloading the memory of your computer or mobile device. Thanks to the portal, which has collected useful information for our readers about the most convenient and popular free cloud storage services.

A free application from Apple, built into all of the company's devices. To use the storage, you just need to set up your own account. The cloud makes it possible to save large volumes of photos, videos, music, and store documents. All data is synchronized between different devices. Separately developed versions for Windows and browser.

Upon registration, each user is allocated 5 GB of virtual space. Larger volumes are available either shared with other family members or for an additional fee.


  • Double data encryption system.
  • Family sharing (up to 6 people).
  • Backup.


  • There are no apps for Android or Linux.
  • There are minimum system requirements.
  • File download speeds are sometimes slower.


One of the first cloud storage services, it has a good reputation among users. Has a well-organized technical support service. Synchronization between devices is supported. There are browser and mobile versions.

Users are guaranteed 2 GB of space for free. The possibility of recovering deleted files has been thought out. All data that has been deleted is stored in the system from 30 to 120 days (depending on the tariff plan).


  • Cross-platform service.
  • It is possible to expand the volume for free by attracting friends or answering questions from other users.


  • Small amount of free storage.
  • Full functionality is provided only by the most expensive tariff plan.


Free cloud storage from Microsoft. The service supports various file formats. All changes are synchronized between different devices.

5 GB of space is provided for free. When purchasing Office 365 Home, this increases to 1 TB for each of 5 family members. The service has a lot of interesting features: offline access, a secure information encryption system, it is possible to provide shared access to files, and limited validity of some links.


  • Possibility to expand the free plan.


  • Not always high-quality synchronization.
  • Small amount of free space.

Google drive

Google's built-in storage. It has a user-friendly interface and provides shared access to different users.

Cloud storage is integrated with all Google services, including Google Docs. 15 GB of space is allocated for free, which is distributed among various resources, including google photo and mail. However, small files or photos are not taken into account when calculating the total workspace in the free plan.


  • Sufficient amount of free space (15 GB).
  • Very convenient built-in office package.
  • Ability to share files with multiple users.


  • Dividing free disk space between different services.


Popular cloud storage that provides as much as much as 50 GB of free space. There are mobile and browser versions, extensions for Chrome and Firefox.

The application has many functions, but the full set is only available with a paid plan. The free space can be further expanded in various ways.


  • Backup.
  • Large amount of free space.
  • Referral programs.


  • Sometimes the data transfer speed leaves much to be desired.

Amazon Drive

Convenient cloud storage from Amazon. Suitable for storing photos, videos of various formats and other information. Browser applications have been developed for Mac, Windows, Android, iOS.

The free package provides 5 GB of space. For users from the USA, the service of creating and printing a photo album from photos saved on disk is possible. In general, the functionality is quite limited.


  • The service supports many video and photo formats.
  • Amazon Prime members can store an unlimited number of photos on the free cloud, plus get 5GB of storage for other file types.


  • The service is great for users of Amazon products; for other consumers the functionality is poor.


Cloud storage widely used in RuNet with good loading speed and a wide range of functions. Suitable for storing videos, photos, documentation. The antivirus built into the system checks all files for virus code before downloading.

The free plan provides 8 GB of space, the maximum size of the uploaded file should not exceed 2 GB. Mobile and browser versions have been developed.


  • Many different functions (automatic uploading of photos from your phone to the cloud, screenshot for PC, etc.).
  • Built-in anti-virus program.
  • Integration with mail program.


  • There is no automatic resuming of files.
  • Slightly outdated interface.

Yandex Disk

Cloud storage from Yandex. It has a high loading speed, a good reputation, works stably and is gradually increasing its functionality.

The user receives 10 GB for free. The expansion of free space through referral programs has been implemented. The tariff plan attracts users.


  • High speed.
  • Ability to upload an unlimited number of photos from your phone.
  • Lots of additional features.


  • Not much free space is allocated, there are other analogues.


Convenient cloud storage that can be used to share files with other users. Interface does not support Russian language. The service is stable. Has good functionality.

10 GB is provided for free. But at the same time, advertising is imposed on the user. No advertising, only paid plans.


  • There is a link generator, video converter and other convenient functions.
  • Simple interface.
  • Monetization through advertising.


  • Lack of resource development.
  • Average operating speed.
  • Intrusive adware


Cloud storage for sharing files with videos, music, books, applications. Browser and mobile versions have been developed. It has a convenient and intuitive interface.

10 GB of space is provided for free. When confirming your account via email, the volume expands to 15 GB. Free information is stored for a maximum of 180 days, then deleted. With a paid plan, the functionality expands significantly.