Windows 10 anniversary update left to update

On August 2, Microsoft released a major Windows 10 update (Anniversary Update). There are now more than 350 million devices running Windows 10, so errors are bound to occur during the update process. You can find out how to solve them from our article.

Windows Update doesn't see Anniversary Update

This is the most common problem and the easiest to solve. Download the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant utility from the Microsoft website and run it. This utility will check if your computer is compatible with the Anniversary Update, and if so, download installation files in the background, after which it will offer to restart your computer. After a restart it will be updated.

0x800F0922 or 0xc1900104

If you see such errors, it means that your computer either cannot connect to the Windows update servers, or there is not enough free space on the system partition of your hard drive.

The lack of connection to servers may be due to the use of a VPN. Disable the VPN and try updating your computer again (a reboot may be required).

You can increase the partition reserved by the system for your files using the standard Disk Management utility. You can find it by searching in “Options”. The system partition can be clogged by various programs, including antiviruses.


This error may appear if you accidentally turn off power to your computer during the update process. Simply run the update again.

0x80070070 - 0x50011, 0x80070070 - 0x50012, 0x80070070 - 0x60000

Such errors indicate that there is not enough space on your hard drive to download and install the operating system. Empty the Recycle Bin, delete unnecessary files or move them to another drive and use the Disk Cleanup system utility (Win + R, cleanmgr command). It will be useful to run this utility after installing the update - it will delete a copy of the previous version of Windows 10, which takes up several gigabytes.


This error means that some files required to install the update are missing or damaged. Run Disk Cleanup and delete the previous copy of Windows, as well as any temporary files, and try updating again.

0xC1900200 - 0x20008, 0xC1900202 - 0x20008

These errors indicate that your computer does not meet the minimum technical requirements of Windows 10. Here they are:

Processor: 1 GHz;
- RAM: 2 GB;
- Free disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit version and 20 GB for 64-bit;
- Video card: DirectX 9 with WDDM 1.0 support;
- Screen: 1024x600 pixels.

You can upgrade your computer and then try to update it again.

This year, Microsoft announced a major update to Windows 10. Yesterday, the company announced in a blog and press release that the Anniversary Update had finally become available.

Windows 10 users will receive the update automatically through the Windows Update service. However, devices will be updated gradually, but in any case, sooner or later all users will receive the update. In the future, manufacturers will also install an already updated OS. Several new models are expected at IFA.

The main thing is safety

Microsoft itself focused on data security in the Anniversary Update. Protection is offered for both business and home use. Windows Hello has become more universal. Now biometric access can be used not only to log into the OS itself, but also for applications and the Edge browser. You can now access protected website pages without a password. Windows Defender will now be able to perform scheduled and quick scans. Windows Defender Advanced Thread Protection is a service designed for businesses that detects malware attacks. Windows Information Protection, formerly known as Enterprise Data Protection, protects against data loss. It separates personal data from work data.

More features

With the Anniversary Update, the manufacturer has improved other components of the system. Windows Ink features stylus support and is integrated into Office 365, Edge, and Maps. This will make using the pen even more convenient.

Cortana Assistant can now be used from the Welcome screen even if you are not signed in to the OS. Microsoft has improved the Edge browser to support modern web standards, such as HTML5, CSS3 and ARIA, and consume less resources. New browser extensions can be downloaded from the Windows Store.

We haven't forgotten about gamers

For the convenience of users, Microsoft has combined the Xbox Store and Windows Store. Xbox Play Anywhere lets you play games on both console and PC. Another feature of the Xbox One will be that the console will be able to play background music while playing. The game language can now be selected regardless of location. The Xbox One S, which went on sale yesterday in Europe and the US, is already using the Anniversary Update.

Jul 28 2016

Windows 10 Anniversary Update review: is it time to install Windows 10?

About a year after the release of the final version of Windows 10, Microsoft has prepared a major update for its current OS, which will be released under the name Anniversary. The completion of work on it was preceded by more than two dozen test builds, which is a kind of record. The distribution of this update among users will begin in early August. We have prepared for you a large review of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update with visual illustrations and a detailed description of all the innovations.

Home screens, Start menu, Action Center

The first thing a user will notice after installing the Windows 10 Anniversary Update is the updated lock and welcome screens. The welcome screen now uses the lock screen background by default, and when transitioning between them, a new visual effect is triggered in which the background is slightly darkened and enlarged, leaving its edges out of sight.

In addition to these five main ones, there are a number of minor changes. For example, scroll bars on both the left and right sides of the menu now disappear as soon as the cursor leaves their area of ​​effect.

Our next stop is the notification center, which Microsoft also did a lot of work on in the anniversary update.

The first thing that catches your eye is the center icon, which was previously located in the general group of system tray icons, but has now moved behind the clock and has learned to show the number of notifications. Was:

The notification center itself has also noticeably changed. This is what the notifications looked like before:

And this is what it looks like after the update:

Notifications have become much more informative, and the overall appearance of their entire feed is noticeably more pleasant. In addition, you can now remove notifications by clicking the middle mouse button.

The lower part of the center, containing shortcuts to popular actions, has become a little more customizable: the section dedicated to it in “Options” has been redesigned:

When activating the tablet mode or, for example, the “do not disturb” mode, now, in addition to changing color, the words “enabled” or “disabled” briefly appear on the corresponding buttons for greater clarity:

The updated center should finally learn to fully interact with its counterpart from the mobile version of the OS, provided that you also update it to the current version. Additionally, notifications can be set priority parameters:

Finally, the notification system now interacts with the Edge web browser, which we'll cover in the next section:

Egde in Windows 10 Anniversary Update

The Edge browser, which replaced Internet Explorer last year, became one of the system components that Microsoft paid the most attention to in the anniversary update. Let us remind you that Edge debuted in Windows 10 and is currently exclusive to the desktop and mobile versions of this OS. The web browser runs on a lightweight and improved version of the Internet Explorer engine and differs from it in a noticeably lighter interface.

On the other hand, the new browser was, unfortunately, lightweight in terms of the number of available settings, initially not offering the user even a few very basic options that are found in any web surfing program. With the Anniversary Update, Microsoft appears to have closed many of these customization and functionality gaps. However, let's take things in order.

Two new items have appeared in the main menu of the program:

The item “New features and tips” leads to a not yet localized page with a list of innovations. But the “extensions” section is much more interesting, since this is, in fact, the main innovation in the browser.

Extensions created by third-party developers have long been available in competing products and allow you to complement the functionality and individual features of web browsers to your taste. With the arrival of the Anniversary Update, the system of extensions and its own directory for them appear in the Microsoft browser for the first time.

The only thing that confused us is that the extensions are tied to the Windows Store and without logging into your account, even those that are free will not be allowed to download.

Edge has very few extensions compared to its competitors. However, the most popular modules among users, like the AdBlock banner cutter, are already here.

This catalog will, of course, expand over time.

However, in addition to extensions, there is something to look at in the updated Edge. For example, the ability, known to users of all alternative browsers, to pin tabs, reducing their size and protecting them from accidental closure:

In the context menu of the address bar, the “paste and search” command is available, which, if not just text, but a link is copied to the clipboard, automatically changes to “paste and go”:

The navigation buttons now have their own context menu, displaying recent browsing history and allowing you to go to any of the pages presented in the menu in one click:

The work of the favorites panel has been significantly improved. There you can now create folders, rename elements and enable display of icons only. All this has never happened before:

In addition, the movement of elements is now accompanied by a new pleasant animation, and the panel itself has become a little lower in height to take up less space from the content being viewed.

Several new Edge features are related to the download mechanism. In addition to the notification center integration mentioned above, Edge no longer starts downloading immediately, but first asks the user what he wants to do with the downloaded file: save to the default folder, save to the selected directory, or not start downloading at all:

In this pop-up panel, by the way, the file size is also displayed. In the settings, you can return the browser to its previous behavior, when it immediately started loading. There, there is finally an option that allows you to set the default download directory:

Edge now warns you if you try to log out without completing one or more downloads:

An interesting option has been added to the settings section responsible for cleaning the browser, allowing you to delete selected elements automatically every time you exit Edge:

The view of the chosen one has changed noticeably. Previously it looked like this:

It was possible to see the contents of only one directory at a time. Now your favorites are displayed in a hierarchical view, where you can see all the links, as well as folders and subfolders:

In addition, the “sort by name” item has appeared in the context menu of favorites, and the “delete” item is now separated from the others by a separator:

There are quite a lot of implicit changes in Edge. In particular, the procedure for importing data from other browsers has been improved. Edge has learned to detect non-essential flash content on pages, typically banner ads, and automatically pause it. You can use swipes to move forward and back through pages.

Among the little things, we note the use of drop-down lists in the settings, a new new tab page icon, as well as items hidden by default in the context menus of web pages intended for developers.

A number of new options have arrived on the about:flags service page, where various experimental browser parameters are located. However, for the average user there is unlikely to be anything particularly important there.

Options panel

In Windows 10 Anniversary, Microsoft continues to develop the Settings panel, saturating it with an increasing number of different settings. However, the classic control panel still doesn’t work anywhere and a lot of links, including those from “Parameters,” lead specifically to it. In addition to new settings, Windows 10 Settings has received a number of cosmetic improvements.

For example, this is what the first “System” section used to look like:

In Windows 10 Anniversary, some changes have been made to the logic of the Settings panel. What is especially striking is that the names of both new and existing subsections received their own miniature icon on the left for clarity:

The same monochrome icons appeared not only next to subsections, but also on some pages. For example, in the “sign-in options”, next to the name of each of the login methods in Windows, a corresponding icon appeared:

Such little things, obviously, according to the developers' plans, will make the options more visual and memorable.

Another change is built-in search. On the main page it is now located in the center, and on regular pages it has moved from the right side to the left. But the most important thing here is that the search now does not expand to the entire window by default, as it did before:

Instead, a miniature tooltip is initially shown:

Now let's go over the most important new options. In the “System” -> “Applications and Features” section, please note that for some applications the “advanced options” link has become available:

Click on it and on the page that appears you will come across a completely new function for resetting individual applications, which debuts in the Anniversary Update:

A new subsection “Status” has appeared in the “Internet”, which clearly displays the status of the network connection and a number of related links to various system applets:

In “Personalization” a subsection “Taskbar” has appeared. If you open the context menu of the taskbar and select “Options” there, you will now be taken to this subsection instead of the old window. There are no new options there; all the previous settings are only grouped in the subsection:

A couple of new switches are available in settings:

In the same “Personalization” section, but now in the “Colors” subsection, an updated color palette has appeared. This is what the previous one looked like:

And here is its version from the Windows 10 Anniversary Update:

The palette, as you can see, has been somewhat redesigned, has become more compact, and the selected color is now marked with a “tick” instead of a barely noticeable rectangle.

Here, just below, are new options:

First, the color in the window title can now be customized separately from the color in the Start menu, taskbar, and action center. Previously, the color was adjusted simultaneously for these four elements. Now the color of the windows is set apart from the rest.

Secondly, an interface mode switch has appeared from light (default) style to dark:

However, not everything with this mode is perfect at the moment. Let's start with the fact that only universal applications and the control panel change color. Regular applications, Explorer, and with it most context menus throughout the system remain light.

The Edge browser seems to live separately from the main settings: although the dark style is available there, for some reason you have to enable it manually separately. Finally, in some places the bright inscriptions look too contrasting against the black background.

After playing around with the colors, we went to the “Privacy” section: there was a noticeable increase in settings here in many subsections. You can now prevent apps from accessing Action Center, user location data, and controlling other apps.

In "Updates and Security" in the "Windows Defender" subsection you can now configure how Defender interacts with Action Center. In addition, there is new offline verification functionality.

Finally, in the same section, but already in the “Windows Update” subsection, it became possible to set the so-called activity period.

During this period, the system will not automatically restart the device, even if it is sure that you are not using it.

It's worth noting that some smaller innovations also made their debut in the Settings panel. To talk about each of them would mean a completely exorbitant increase in this already rather large article.

Other changes in Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Finally, let's take a quick look at those changes that do not affect the Start menu, Action Center, Browser, and Settings panel, that is, they are not related to those elements on which the corporation worked the most.

Let's start with the fact that Microsoft is still quietly working on design. Well, or at least what she puts into this word.

In the Anniversary Update, the User Account Control windows were redrawn. This is what they looked like before:

This is what they are now:

Work continues on icons. Here, for example, is how the Windows Defender icon was redrawn (new version below):

The defender itself, as we wrote above, received some update, which he himself will tell you about upon the first launch:

With built-in programs in the Anniversary Update, things are inconsistent. Microsoft continues to add and remove universal applications from the system. This time, for example, Finance and Sports fell out of favor. It was also not possible to find Phone and Phone Manager. However, it is unlikely that anyone will grieve for them.

Another application that seems to have been removed from the system is Sway, designed for creating interactive presentations. On one of the Western sites it was indicated that it was not actually cut out of the system, but was made part of the Photos application, but we still did not understand how to access Sway from it. In addition, the Photos themselves were closed twice during our cursory acquaintance.

Old notes were removed from the system and replaced with a universal version of Sticky Notes.

The main new application in Windows 10 Anniversary Update is the universal version of Skype. Our first acquaintance with her, however, turned out so-so.

After logging into my Skype account, for some reason the program immediately launched with a dark theme, while the system was using a light one.

Having gone into the settings, it turned out that to change the Skype style from dark to light, you need to restart the program, and you must restart it manually.

When universal Skype was launched again, we saw that its settings were still a bit messy. At best, the user has a dozen options available to him, and the window with them cannot rationally use the space available to him, which is why even this small number of parameters has to be scrolled.

To be honest, when you look at universal apps, at least from Microsoft itself, you can only be surprised at how primitive they are compared to traditional ones. However, perhaps we are mistaken here and someone will correct us in the comments.

But let's get back to the review of the remaining innovations in the Anniversary Update. An auto-hide option is available for the taskbar in tablet mode, the set of emoticons has been redesigned, and system search can now search in OneDrive. Handwriting recognition support is available for 23 additional languages. Switching between audio output sources is implemented in the volume adjustment pop-up interface.

The clock and calendar are now displayed on all monitors when using a multi-monitor configuration. A new combination of Win + Alt + D has been added to call their pop-up interface. The calendar in the system tray is now integrated with the Calendar system application:

Many changes have been made to Cortana. This assistant, surprisingly, still does not support the Russian language, so instead of identifying innovations in detail, we will only mention its main ones. In particular, the ability to search for music has been improved, the tools for creating reminders have been expanded, and the voice assistant has been integrated with the Maps application.

Cortana's capabilities related to interaction between devices have been enhanced, including information about battery usage, the “find my phone” function, and the transfer of map data from one device to another.

Finally, work continues to improve the functionality of virtual desktops. You can now switch between them using four-finger gestures on the touchpad. In addition, you can now pin one window or all windows from one application on all virtual desktops at once:


It would seem that the Anniversary update, released a year later and already the second major package of changes, should bring Windows 10, as they say, to mind, finally making the system “polished” and holistic. However, in practice this is not the case.

In the “top ten”, two control panels still coexist; the Cortana voice assistant, which is one of the flagship innovations of the OS, is still not available in Russian, as well as in many other languages. Nothing has changed in the heart of the Windows interface - Explorer, as the corporation is still preparing for its complete redesign in the future. And this is not to mention all sorts of little things like rudiments from Windows 7 and 8 popping up here and there.

Thus, if you were waiting for a completely ready-made system, polished to the smallest detail, then, as it seems to us, Windows 10 is not yet one. We can congratulate users who have been successfully using the “top ten” since last year: with the arrival of the Anniversary Update, they are turning from alpha testers into beta testers).

A year later, Windows 10 occupies less than a quarter of the desktop OS market

On the other hand, the Anniversary Update makes the Start menu, virtual desktops, and Action Center more usable. Edge will be a real workhorse for some, with extensions and basic capabilities that were not there before. The Settings panel continues its evolution, preparing to finally become a single center for system control. The leapfrog with communication applications seems to be ending with the advent of the new Skype.

As a result, the anniversary update is without a doubt a step in the right direction. But in order to win over the majority of Microsoft users to Windows 10, it will clearly require a couple more of at least the same steps.

On August 2, Microsoft released a major Windows 10 Anniversary Update, which will be received free of charge by more than 350 million users of the new operating system. As is usually the case, various errors may occur during the update process, and here are solutions to some of them.

Windows Update doesn't see Anniversary Update

Now this is the most common problem and you can quickly solve it by downloading a special utility from the Microsoft website - Windows 10 Update Assistant. The utility will check your computer for compatibility with the Anniversary Update and, if no problems arise, will begin downloading installation files in the background. After this, you will be prompted to restart the computer and the system will begin installing updates.

Error 0x800F0922 or 0xc1900104

If you see such errors, this means that your computer cannot connect to the Windows update servers, or there is not enough free space on the system partition of the hard drive. It is recommended to check your network connection (eg VPN or Proxy).

It is necessary to increase the partition reserved by the system for its files. It can be increased using the standard Disk Management utility. You can find it by searching in “Options”.

Error 0x80200056

This error appears if you accidentally or intentionally turn off your computer. To solve this problem, just run the update again.

Errors 0x80070070 - 0x50011, 0x80070070 - 0x50012, 0x80070070 - 0x60000

These errors indicate that there is not enough space on your hard drive to download and install the operating system. Use the Disk Cleanup system utility. This utility will also be useful after installing the update - it will delete a copy of the previous version of Windows 10, which takes up several gigabytes.

Error 0x80073712

The error means that some files required to install the update are missing or damaged. Run Disk Cleanup and delete the previous copy of Windows, as well as any temporary files, and try the update again.

Errors 0xC1900200 - 0x20008, 0xC1900202 - 0x20008

These errors indicate that your computer does not meet the minimum Windows 10 technical requirements.

After about more than six months of waiting, starting on August 2, Microsoft began sending out to its customers the first major update of its Windows 10 operating environment, number 1607. Did it live up to our expectations, or in fact, the whole event turned into an ordinary “zilch”, without bringing anything new and what is needed? Today we will talk about how to install Windows 10 Anniversary Update, what new functions and abilities it brought, what changes it added to the system and whether it’s worth installing it at all.

How to find out the current build number of Windows 10 OS?

The first thing we need to do is find out whether we should install the anniversary update at all, or whether it is already installed on the system. To do this, we find out the build number of the current operating system. Let's go to the "Settings" menu through the Start menu and select the "System" section.

Displays detailed statistics about the active build of Windows 10.

As you can see, in our example, version 1607 is installed. This is the build number with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update installed. If you also have version 1607 or higher installed, then the Anniversary Update is already installed on your PC. If the version is lower than the above number, then this article will come in handy more than ever.

How to Install Windows 10 Anniversary Update - Method 1 (Using Windows Update)

The most reliable and proven way to install Anniversary Update is automatically, using Windows Update. Since Microsoft rolls out the update gradually, on different dates for different Windows 10 devices, all you have to do is wait a certain amount of time until the corresponding update appears in the list of available updates in Update Center. Let's check if it's there. Click on the “Start” button in the lower left corner of the screen and select the “Settings” option from the context menu.

In the form that opens, select “Update and Security”.

As a result, we get to Windows Update. Let's see if there is an update we need here. The Anniversary Update looks like a regular update under build number 1607.

As you can see, the update we need is in the list. Let's wait until the installation files for it are downloaded and install it like any other update.

How to install Windows 10 Anniversary Update - Method 2 (manually, from the official Microsoft support site)

If you do not want to wait until the anniversary update appears in the list of available ones, we suggest you use the manual method, namely, download the Anniversary Update from the official Microsoft support site here this link. This method is also quite simple - you just need to download the distribution kit and manually start the installation process on your computer.

We go to the above web resource and download the installation file from there by clicking on the “Download the anniversary update now” button.

On the first form, we get acquainted with the number of the Windows version installed on your PC and see which number is the most current at the time of starting the update procedure that you initiated. Click the “Update Now” button.

Let's immediately say that for a successful update we will need at least 20 GB of free space on the system disk. A system warning may inform you about this, also notifying you that the update procedure on this computer is not possible until you free up disk space.

Free up some space and try again.

Also, using the presented method, it will not be possible to install the anniversary update on a corporate version of Windows 10. If this is what you have, you will have to burn the Win 10 image to media or mount it through a virtual device, which is much more convenient than using an entire CD or flash drive.

How to install the Windows 10 Anniversary Update - method 3 (using an image written to a disk/flash drive or mounted on a virtual device)

Download the OS distribution we need with the appropriate bit depth here: this link and mount the image on the logical device using the Daemon Tools application, according to the instructions already given by us.

After the disk is mounted, run setup.exe and begin the procedure of updating the system from the media.

At the first stage, we select to download updates from the Microsoft server before starting the installation. Select the “Download and install updates” option and click the “Next” button.

Shortly after this, an agreement form will appear on the screen, which you must accept by clicking the appropriate button in the lower right corner.

The update download process now begins. It is worth a little patience and perseverance, since this is not a quick task and requires a small amount of time.

When everything is ready, a window will appear in front of you to start the OS installation procedure. We begin the installation (in our case, the update) and click the “Install” button.

It will take about half an hour until the installation procedure comes to an end. There is no need for manual intervention here, so you can safely go about your business. Moreover, your computer will restart several times during the installation, so don't worry, everything goes according to plan.

When everything is finished, the system will boot, and you can check which version of the OS you have now installed, using the instructions given at the beginning of our article.

What changes does the Anniversary Update bring to Windows 10?

The first major update for Windows 10 adds a lot of changes to the user interface, completely unnoticeable at first glance, but upon closer examination very interesting and entertaining. We have already figured out how to install Windows 10 Anniversary Update; Now a few words about what it actually is.

The first thing that catches your eye is the start menu. From now on, by default, it displays a list of installed applications, from the most recently added to those installed a long time ago. At the same time, the menu with access to the power button and settings, Explorer, and account is now, on the contrary, hidden. The tiles, in turn, were not subjected to any visible changes.

Now, right-clicking on any application or tile will bring up some additional features or sections that will enrich your user experience and usability.

A function has been added that allows you to project an image onto a Windows 10-based computer from a smartphone or other PC. This option is located in the System category.

Significant changes have also been made to the notification menu. In the new Windows 10, the button to access Action Center on the taskbar is located just below the time and date and now displays the number of alerts.

The appearance of the notification center has also changed. Now you can use it to display more data on the screen and integrate actions into the alerts themselves.

Along with the update, it became possible to specify in the settings for which applications notifications will be displayed, and which ones will have the highest priority.

As for quick actions, now the most unused ones can be completely disabled, and the rest can be swapped in any order as you please.

We can hardly hope that the number of extensions for Edge will be any greater in the near future, but trouble has begun. We managed to make a good start, now it’s up to third-party developers and the IT community. As for the overall experience of working with Edge, the browser has been noticeably lighter. Now it works 20-25% faster, and in terms of HTML5 support it is almost as good as Chrome.

So we figured out how to install the Windows 10 anniversary update. As you can see, it doesn’t make any special difference, but only introduces cosmetic changes to the structure and design of the OS. In the coming year we will see another major update for the “ten”, perhaps there we will see something more grandiose and large-scale than minor changes and subtleties in the interface.