Exit to BIOS on laptop. How to properly configure BIOS on a laptop (BIOS) and computer

The article will tell you how to enter the BIOS from different laptop models. You will receive some information about what settings can be made in it, you will also learn what a BIOS is, what it is intended for and what role it plays in the computer system device.

In the language of programmers, BIOS is a basic input/output system that contains the basic settings of the computer: date and time, processor operating parameters, settings of connected memory drives, etc. The average PC user rarely has to make any changes in the BIOS, but if you decide to disable the device check function or overclock the processor (using proven instructions), you will have to go into the BIOS and change some options.

If you are wondering what BIOS is under the hood of your laptop, the answer is simple - it is a chip located on the motherboard that starts working when you turn on the computer. You can get to the BIOS menu only when the operating system is loading. To do this, different laptop models have a special key combination (or one key), by pressing which the user enters the BIOS. Which key should be pressed is the main problem of users who do not know how to enter the BIOS from their laptop.

As for desktop PCs, this is usually DEL. But first things first.

Main BIOS sections

On any laptop model, the BIOS sections are approximately the same. Let's briefly look at each section:

  • Main – designed to set basic computer parameters, such as: processor type, memory size, date and time. Here and in the next section, users make the necessary settings to increase the speed of the computer processor
  • Advanced – these are advanced settings, which are generally not recommended if you are not sure that you are doing everything correctly. In a word, by activating “something there, somewhere there” in this section, you can simply break the laptop, it will stop starting and you will have to take it to a service center. But, with certain skills in overclocking computers, this section will become a testing ground.
  • Power – the section is responsible for distributing energy to system components from the power supply: motherboard, processor, video card, additional coolers. Typically, this section is in demand if you decide to update system components. But it is better to entrust the settings to a professional.
  • Boot is an important section used when installing Windows. In it you can choose whether the computer will load data from the hard drive, or from a floppy drive, or from a flash drive when entering the OS. If you are planning to reinstall Windows, instead of the hard drive, select an external device with OS installation files and, after saving the settings, continue starting the computer; The program for automatically installing the OS from external media should start.
  • Exit – is responsible for how to exit the BIOS. Press it after making the necessary settings, just don’t forget to save them. Example (see picture below): you need to press F10 to save the changes; when you exit the BIOS, press Exit and the OS will resume loading.

How to open BIOS: common combinations

Try using these keyboard shortcuts if you tried to use the keys for your laptop model, but you were unable to open the BIOS or you did not find information on your laptop model in our article.

So, you restart the computer and before the welcome window appears, which your operating system reproduces, you must guess the correct key to open the BIOS. We recommend that you first try pressing ESC to reset the introductory screen. On some laptop models, a window appears (see screenshot below) where it is written which keys are responsible for entering the BIOS. By the way, if this information window appears but disappears too quickly and you don’t have time to read anything, try using the Pause button located on your keyboard.

If this method does not work, or does work, but the keys are not indicated in the window, you need to act at random. First of all, try all the buttons of the first option; if the problem is not solved, go to the second.

  1. F1, F2, F3... F12 - most laptop models allow you to enable the BIOS by pressing one of these keys.
  2. Ctrl or Alt button combinations: Alt+Esc, Alt+Enter, Alt+Del, Alt+ Insert - any of these combinations may be relevant for Chinese laptops or laptops of outdated models.

How to enter BIOS on an Asus laptop

The advantages of Asus laptops are that, regardless of the model, you can enter the BIOS in one way. Thanks to the manufacturers, unlike their colleagues in the shop, they did not bother device owners by introducing different keyboard shortcuts for each laptop model. Bios on an Asus laptop usually has a classic look that will be understandable to every user.

A method that works on all operating systems

It doesn’t matter what system is installed on your Asus laptop, any model (with the exception of some Chinese counterfeits) of an Asus laptop allows you to open the BIOS if you use the following procedure:

  1. While the computer is turned off, press and hold the F2 button;
  2. press the laptop power button;
  3. after 5 seconds, release F2, you will see the BIOS menu.

Method for Windows 8

You can get into the BIOS on Windows 8 in an unusual way, for this you need to do the following chain of actions: go to “Settings”, to the “Change” section; go to “General”, “Special Settings”, “Restart Now”; A blue screen will appear, you need to select “Diagnostics”, then click “Advanced”; Now click on UEFI Firmware Settings.

Restart your computer. After turning on, the BIOS menu should immediately appear on the laptop screen. Sometimes, on some models, this option may not work (then you need to use the classic method). It doesn’t matter which of these two methods you get into the BIOS on an Asus laptop, it’s more a matter of habit or convenience.

How to open BIOS on an HP laptop

All HP laptop models behave adequately, i.e. There are no problems with how to get into the BIOS on an HP laptop, but there is one exception - the HP Pavillion. The Internet is full of questions from owners of laptop computers of this model, they all ask for one thing: help figure out how to prioritize a bootable USB flash drive in order to successfully reinstall the OS. We will also look into this issue, but first, the classic way of how to enter the BIOS on an HP laptop.

Method for all HP laptops

When you turn on the laptop, you need to press the ESC key until the HP logo appears in the center of the screen. A list of active keys should appear:

  • F1 – system information;
  • F2 – system diagnostics;
  • F9 – change boot settings;
  • F10 – BIOS settings.

To get into the BIOS, press F10. Immediately after pressing the button, a menu with sections should appear. The appearance of the BIOS window depends on the specific laptop model and motherboard, so don’t worry if everything looks different for you. In the menu with sections (see screenshot below) all the necessary functions for managing computer settings are available.

HP Pavilion G6 laptops - how to make a bootable USB flash drive active

It is worth noting that only the HP Pavilion, out of the entire series of HP laptops, encounters difficulties with reinstalling the operating system. So, first you need to enter the BIOS on the HP Pavilion in the usual way: after pressing ESC, in the list of functions that appears, press F10.

Still have questions? Ask them in the comments, also try to find a solution to your problems by watching this video:

The latest laptop models allow you to fix a number of errors that arise on your own, so advanced users often ask the question: how to open bios on laptop to solve the problem without calling a specialist.

How to open the BIOS on my laptop a question of interest to users who have a clear understanding of .

There can be many situations that require urgent login, but the most common are setting up certain modes: or sleep.

Before we move on to the discussion , you need to know what the system is.

What is a BIOS system?

The BIOS system is a collection of programs located.

Until the system is fully loaded, each advanced user can perform many manipulations, changing the settings according to their own needs.

An example is POST.

The main function is a high-quality check of all systems for errors in operation. If malfunctions are detected, the BIOS reports this.

In addition, this mode helps eliminate errors and ensure normal operation of the laptop.

However, these are not the only BIOS mode capabilities that .

When do you need to open the BIOS?

Experienced PC users are interested in , under the following circumstances:

1 Activate/disable specific components found on the laptop. There are individual components in the laptop that can be enabled or disabled in the BIOS

2 Replacing the video card. Technologies do not rest on the progress achieved, so often new laptop models are equipped with two video cards at once. As a rule, there is an integrated and built-in card. In the BIOS you can change the settings and use only one of them

3 Activation of certain device operating modes. Disable or activate

4 Adjusting the time in the system. As a rule, such a need arises only if all settings in the BIOS system have been previously reset

5 Monitoring computer operation and system status. The BIOS system displays indicators of components that ensure full operation of the laptop, as well as monitoring the temperature inside the device

6 Reset existing settings in the BIOS system. As a rule, such a need arises if the laptop begins to work incorrectly. So as not to waste a large number of time to identify the malfunction, you can

7 Changing other parameters.

Now it's time to move directly to the main issue.

How to start

On many laptop models, after pressing the corresponding button, a notification appears, how to proceed further:

Important! Once Windows starts loading, using any combinations to get into the BIOS will be useless.

To try again, wait until it boots completely, reboot the laptop again and repeat the prescribed procedure.

Unfortunately, some laptop models do not have hints on which keys to press.

Then you will have to select combinations on your own.

To begin with, it is better to try universal options for entering the BIOS.

Different manufacturers may provide different keys, and the keys may also change in different versions of Windows.

If the laptop has version up to seventh inclusive, then you can consider the following options:

To make the task much easier, it is recommended to pay attention to the following pictures: where the location of the corresponding keys is shown:

How to enter the BIOS if version 8 is installed

Unlike versions below the seventh, it is significantly different.

For example, pressing a special combination before Windows is fully loaded will not bring the desired result, since many manufacturers have decided to increase the loading speed of the operating system in this way.

Restoring settings

It's worth noting that there are a huge number of options that can change how a laptop performs.

If the user has not previously had experience in this area, then changing the settings independently can lead to incorrect operation of the device or completely damage it.

If the computer stops performing a number of universal tasks, it is recommended to reset the system settings to the standard view.

There are three most common methods:

  • Using Setup. In the case when the computer is still functioning and it is possible to restart the laptop, then you can use Setup. First, log in to the system and find the appropriate item, as it shown on the picture:

It is worth noting that depending on the language, the name of the function in English may be slightly different, but it is quite easy to recognize on an intuitive level.

Most often you can find “Load Setup Default”.

  • Using a battery. If the user is afraid of the first option, or it is impossible to restart the laptop, then you can simply remove the battery from the laptop. In fact, this method is optimal and safe. As a rule, the battery disconnects for a couple of minutes. This procedure clears the CMOS memory.

As for the location of the battery, manufacturers place it in a variety of places.

As an example, the explanation in the document might look like this:

Typically, the average user does not particularly need to delve into the technical nuances of the portable electronic device entrusted to his hands. Nevertheless, knowing the answer to the question about what is in the laptop contributes to some process of liberation... After all, reinstalling the system, improving the modification, as well as competent problem situations of conflicting computer hardware devices is the prerogative of specialists. As you know, maintenance and software repairs cost money. Therefore, it makes sense to understand some computer intricacies, because knowledge is a kind of freedom!

What kind of beast is this BIOS?

The short acronym BIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System. In other words, it is the built-in firmware that controls the laptop hardware and interacts with system components.

Depending on the type of chip used, on which the microcode is located, the BIOS can be updated (overwritten). Why is it so important to know the answer to the question of how to enter the BIOS on a laptop? Firstly, it’s interesting, and secondly, it’s incredibly useful! Moreover, the final argument became the reason for this information review.

"Brotherhood" BIOS(a)

There are several types of Bios microprograms, the name of which is a certain element of involvement with the manufacturer.

  • AMI - American Megatrends.
  • Award Software.
  • Phoenix Technologies.
  • UEFI - Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.

True, despite the strikingness of the interface and the distinctive scale of functionality of each individual input/output system, it is still possible to discern a certain standard of purpose, so to speak, a unity of vocation of Bios chips.

Key to all doors

To reward the reader with practical advice on how to enter the BIOS on a laptop, it is necessary to clarify only a small detail. There is simply no universal way to open integrated firmware. It all depends on the modification of the laptop and the BIOS settings entry scheme used in it. It is worth noting that most manufacturers of portable computer equipment implement the traditional method of accessing the base system, namely by periodically pressing the “Delete” or “F2” key with a short time interval (literally a fraction of a second).

Execution procedure, or How to enter BIOS in a laptop of any model

  • Turn on or restart the computer.
  • During the initialization of installed equipment, on the laptop screen, usually in the lower part, you can see an information line with brief reference information on how to enter the BIOS settings. It is at this moment that you need to make several short presses of the displayed key.

However, this method is not always effective, since in some modifications of laptops the above process occurs almost instantly or is not visualized at all. Please note: during boot testing of devices, you can try activating the “Pause/Break” button. This will allow you to more carefully familiarize yourself with the initialization results and the provided option for entering BSVV.

Logo hint

Let's say you have an HP laptop. It is unlikely that you will be able to enter the BIOS using traditional keys, since this brand has a slightly different access scheme to the base system.

The answer to the question of what to do in such a situation will be the list presented below, which, by the way, is easy to remember, since there are not so many variations of keys designed to enter the basic system of laptops, and the value of such information is sometimes simply disproportionate.

  • F1 - will help you enter the BIOS of a Lenovo, Dell, as well as Packard-Bell and Gateway laptop. By the way, some modifications use this key to open the holy of holies of their settings.
  • ESC - almost all Toshiba. It is worth noting that the Japanese device is somewhat more demanding when it comes to entering the BIOS, and the user will need to confirm his intention by using the F1 button.
  • F3 - Sony and some American Dell models.
  • F10 - Compaq, most and again the Texan Dell.

The absolute champion of “basic” clicks: the F2 laptop formula

Indeed, most laptop computers use the “F2” key to enter BIOS settings. For example, if we take desktop PCs in this context, the “Delete” button has always been considered the leader. But to enter the BIOS of an Acer laptop, you need to press F2. However, the vast majority of modern modifications respond specifically to the above-mentioned key. So if you need to install the system, overclock (overlock) the processor, change settings or improve the modification of the computer, then first of all try to enter the BIOS using this button.


Laptop manufacturers sometimes surprise with their entrepreneurial ingenuity. Therefore, sometimes a somewhat unusual situation may arise, that is, all known BIOS keys will be out of use. Don't despair, try logging into the base system using one of the presented key combinations (shortcuts): Ctrl+ Alt + Enter, Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl+ Alt + Del or Ctrl + Alt + Ins. Perhaps Fn + F1 or Ctrl + Ins will help you enter the BSVV settings. In general, there is no need to be nervous, because the Internet can solve any problem...

Good afternoon.

Many novice users are faced with a similar question. Moreover, there are a number of tasks that cannot be solved at all unless you enter Bios:

When reinstalling Windows, you need to change the priority so that the PC can boot from a flash drive or CD;

Reset BIOS settings to optimal;

Check if the sound card is turned on;

Change time and date, etc.

There would be much fewer questions if different manufacturers standardized the procedure for logging into Bios (for example, using the Delete button). But this is not true, each manufacturer assigns its own login buttons, and therefore, sometimes even experienced users cannot immediately understand what’s what. In this article, I would like to look at the Bios login buttons from different manufacturers, as well as some pitfalls due to which it is not always possible to get into the settings. And so... let's get started.

Note! By the way, I also recommend that you read the article about the buttons for calling the Boot Menu (the menu in which you select a boot device - i.e., for example, a flash drive when installing Windows) -

How to enter Bios

After you turn on your computer or laptop, BIOS takes control of it ( basic input/output system, a set of microprograms that are necessary to provide OS access to computer hardware). By the way, when you turn on the PC, the BIOS checks all the computer’s devices, and if at least one of them is faulty: you will hear sound signals by which you can determine which device is faulty (for example, if the video card is faulty, you will hear one long beep and 2 short ones).

To enter Bios when you turn on your computer, you usually have a few seconds to do everything. At this time, you need to have time to press the button to enter the Bios settings - each manufacturer may have its own button!

The most common login buttons: DEL, F2

In general, if you take a closer look at the screen that appears when you turn on the PC, in most cases you will notice a button to log in (example below in the screenshot). By the way, sometimes such a screen is not visible due to the fact that the monitor has not yet turned on at that moment (in this case, you can try simply restarting the PC after turning on it).

Award Bios: button to enter Bios - Delete.

Button combinations depending on the laptop/computer manufacturer

ManufacturerLogin buttons
AcerF1, F2, Del, CtrI+AIt+Esc
AsusF2, Del
A.S.T.Ctrl+AIt+Esc, Ctrl+AIt+DeI
Dell 400F3, F1
Dell DimensionF2, Del
Dell InspironF2
Dell LatitudeF2, Fn+F1
Dell OptiplexDel, F2
Dell PrecisionF2
GatewayF1, F2
HP (Hewlett-Packard)F1, F2
HP (example for HP15-ac686ur)F10-Bios, F2-UEFI Meny, Esc-boot option selection
IBM E-pro LaptopF2
IBM PS/2CtrI+AIt+Ins, Ctrl+AIt+DeI
Intel TangentDel
MicronF1, F2, Del
Packard BellF1, F2, Del
LenovoF2, F12, Del
SamsungF1, F2, F8, F12, Del
Sony VAIOF2, F3
ToshibaESC, F1

Keys to enter Bios (depending on version)

F2, CtrI+AIt+Esc AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)F1 AMI (American Megatrends, Inc.)Del, F2 Award BIOSDel, Ctrl+Alt+Esc DTK (Dalatech Enterprises Co.)Esc Phoenix BIOSCtrl+Alt+Esc, CtrI+Alt+S, Ctrl+Alt+Ins

Why is it sometimes impossible to enter Bios?

1) Does the keyboard work? It may be that the desired key simply does not work well and you do not have time to press the button in time. Also, as an option, if you have a USB keyboard and it is connected, for example, to some kind of splitter/distributor (adapter) - it is possible that it simply does not work until the Windows OS loads. I have encountered this myself several times.

Solution: connect the keyboard directly to the back wall of the system unit to the USB port, bypassing “intermediaries”. If the PC is completely “old”, it is possible that the BIOS does not support a USB keyboard, so you need to use a PS/2 keyboard (or try connecting a USB keyboard via an adapter: USB -> PS/2).

Adapter usb -> ps/2

2) On laptops and netbooks, pay attention to this point: some manufacturers prohibit battery-powered devices from entering the BIOS settings (I don’t know if this is intentional or just some kind of mistake). Therefore, if you have a netbook or laptop, connect it to the network, and then try to enter the settings again.

3) It might be worth resetting the BIOS settings. To do this, you need to remove the battery on the motherboard and wait a few minutes.

I would be grateful for your constructive addition to the article. Why is it sometimes impossible to enter Bios?

Hello dear readers.

Any computer is a complex system. Sometimes during operation of the device, some problems may appear related to the correct performance of its functions in an area such as the BIOS. There are several ways to solve this problem – it all depends on the type of error. Later in the article I will tell you how to restore the BIOS on a laptop, depending on the type of problem.

Restore to factory settings

If suddenly the device stops functioning normally, and you suspect that the reason for this is incorrect settings in the area mentioned above, you can try to return them to factory settings:

In most cases, this procedure helps. True, sometimes you can encounter a simple error that does not allow the OS to start normally. The fix is ​​simple:

If you have a password

Sometimes users may encounter a situation where someone or they themselves previously set a password for the area we need, and conveniently forgot it. As a result of several incorrect attempts, the device will simply stop functioning.

Then you need to open the mobile computer itself. By the way, this method will help if it does not turn on:

Important! Before we go any further, there are a few basic points to clarify. So, some laptops, for example, Acer Aspire, have not two, but three contacts. In this case, you need to set the jumper to a different position and wait a few minutes.

In addition, sometimes you can find a special small button that performs the same functions. You just need to press it with a pencil for a few seconds.

Another solution is to remove the battery that maintains all important data in memory. If you remove it, everything will be reset.

Recovery after flashing

If problems arise as a result of unsuccessful installation of a new software version for the corresponding component, you need to perform a series of steps.