Are wi-fi radiation harmful? How Wi-Fi affects your health

There are many opinions regarding whether Wi-Fi is harmful to our health or not. Wireless network connections, which can be used by a large number of people at the same time, are now available in almost all public places. Many of us have installed a router at home, as a result of which using the Internet is now easy and comfortable. But the more popular this technology becomes, the more controversy arises regarding its safety for humans.

Even if Wi-Fi is really harmful to health, no one will refuse it

To date, there are no clear conclusions regarding the harm, benefit or neutrality of Wi-Fi for the body. Because of this, many myths and fictions have appeared, and it is impossible to understand which of these is true and which are lies. Let's try to analyze all the issues related to the impact that a router installed in an apartment has on us, and for this we will start with the main thing - find out how it works.

How does Wi-Fi “distribute” an Internet connection?

A router with Wi-Fi technology “shares” high-speed access to the World Wide Web with other equipment using electromagnetic waves - it is because of them that controversy arose about the dangers of this technology.

Electromagnetic waves have been present in our lives for many years, because they were once used in radio receivers to transmit signals. Today, thanks to them, the operation of a large number of equipment has become possible - from laptops and mobile phones to a microwave oven.

How do electromagnetic waves affect the human body?

They affect the brain and central nervous system, so if the radiation is too strong, a person feels weak, headaches and irritable. Thus, there is a negative impact from electromagnetic waves, but is the Wi-Fi router itself harmful to human health because of them?

To answer this question, we need to analyze the specific properties of the specified device and compare it with other equipment that we use in everyday life.

We will focus on the following parameters of the Wi-Fi router:

  • Radiation power.
  • Radius of influence.
  • Duration of use of the device and its location.

The frequency of the router is 2.4 GHz - the same as that of a microwave oven, but the latter is much more harmful to health. Why? It's all about power - for this household appliance it is tens of times higher, it is this indicator that determines the effect of radiation on a person. In the same way, we compare a router with a mobile phone - the power of the first device is measured in mW, but for a cell phone it is at least 1 W, which is several times higher. Thus, the radiation power of a Wi-Fi router is insignificant compared to other equipment.

Pay attention to how Internet equipment is located in the house. Since we use access to the global network without being tied to a router, the radiation power is divided in proportion to the distance to you. We put the same smartphone directly to our ear when talking, so it has a greater impact on our health and is more harmful, since many of us make quite a lot of calls during the day.

It matters how much time we usually use a device - sitting on a laptop all day will affect us worse than a two-minute conversation on the phone. Therefore, everything depends not on the presence or absence of radiation in any technology, but on how wisely and moderately we use it.

Therefore, when someone talks about the dangers of Wi-Fi, this is due to electromagnetic waves - they really have an effect on a person, but we have already found out that due to the low power of the router, the radiation is insignificant, especially compared to other equipment.

What does science say about the dangers of Wi-Fi?

Many studies and experiments have been conducted around the world to find out whether Wi-Fi is really harmful to health, but it has not yet been proven. However, no one has been able to find arguments that this technology is harmless to the body, so it is impossible to definitely ban or allow its disposal.

A huge segment of people are consumers of new Internet technologies. Every year there is an increasing trend of further growth. People can no longer imagine their life without the Internet. However, every year famous scientists unanimously speak about the dangers of the wireless Internet. Is a Wi-Fi router harmful to human health? What effect does this device have on the human body and should it be abandoned?

Some scientists believe that people receive enormous harm from Wi-Fi radiation. Moreover, this only happens when the device is constantly in a state of continuous operation. Can it be avoided or mitigated?

How the router works

A person can only get an answer to the question of whether wi-fi is harmful to health by understanding the principle of its functioning. This device has the original name Wireless Fidelity. Translated into Russian, this means that data moves from one device to another using special radio channels. It was based on this fact that scientists were able to determine what harm such a router poses. The negative impact is 600 times lower than the minimum level of harm to the body. Therefore, a Wi-Fi router in an apartment is not harmful.

The enormous number of experiments conducted to answer the question of why Wi-Fi is harmful to health has led to the conclusion that only a large number of such devices can be dangerous. It should be noted that the harm from wi-fi to health is slightly higher than the harm from a cell phone.

Serious harm cannot be caused by a Wi-Fi router, but there are still some negative factors. In terms of the strength of its negative impact on the body, this device is even ahead of a microwave oven (see). You won't be able to completely get rid of negative factors, but they can be reduced with some important tips.

Warning about the danger posed by the router

People need to understand that any radio signals have a certain effect on atoms and other elements of the human body. Doctors confidently declare the severe harm of a Wi-Fi router, which has a negative effect on:

  1. Vessels connected to the human brain. The harm of Wi-Fi radiation on the human brain has been proven by a group of scientists through several experiments. During the tests, it became clear that this device leads to vascular spasms and a significant deterioration in concentration.
  2. Children's body. The thickness of the child’s skull is much smaller, so the impact on the brain is several times stronger.
  3. Potency of men. Wi-Fi is harmful to the health of men, it affects the death of sperm. In a normal state, about 14% of dead sperm are in the male body, while in an irradiated body more than 25% are dead.

Scientists have explained to people why Wi-Fi is harmful. Electromagnetic waves have a negative effect on people. It is possible to reduce its impact by reducing the time spent at the computer and laptop.

How can you reduce the negative impact of a router?

If you are still interested in the question of whether radiation from a wi-fi router is harmful, and you think that you are developing a phobia, then you can try to reduce its effect on the body. Each device has a signal level control button. Not all people are well acquainted with it, so they rarely use it.

Important! All devices of this type are turned on at the highest power.

You can set the power to 50, 25 or even 10%, which will significantly reduce the level of human radiation. If you are still asking the question: “How harmful is Wi-Fi in an apartment?”, then by reducing the power, you can become completely calm about this.

Many manufacturers often set maximum power completely unreasonably. You can also work at lower signal strengths. The main rules to greatly reduce radiation exposure:

  • the router should be no closer than 40 cm from the workplace;
  • It is forbidden to sleep nearby with the router turned on;
  • You cannot constantly turn off the access point if you do not intend to use the network in the near future;
  • try not to keep the laptop on your lap with the Wi-Fi network turned on.

Benefits of using a Wi-Fi router

Is wi-fi harmful to health in an apartment? There is a negative impact, but it is present in minimal quantities. Is it worth abandoning this device because of this? In order for the answer to be the most balanced, you should understand the positive aspects of the device.

The main advantage of wireless Internet is its mobility. Due to the absence of any wires, it can be used in various places. Such places can be the premises where conferences are held.

In addition, it should be noted that several people can connect to such a network at once. The file transfer speed in this case will be slightly lower, because it will be shared among all users, but this indicator largely depends on the Internet provider.

Technical solutions for protection against electromagnetic radiation

Wi-Fi in an apartment creates a certain background called electromagnetic smog (see). Scientists are taking various ways to protect humans from this influence. Well-known router creators have released a line of special wallpapers that can block Wi-Fi radiation from neighboring apartments. You can buy such a product in online stores. It is worth saying that wallpaper can become a kind of barrier to the transmission of a wireless network to other rooms in the apartment.

In addition, there is such a product as a corrector of the functional state of human health, which comes with a special fabric sheet with carbon thread. To produce such materials, a special bipolar fabric is used, which actively reflects electromagnetic rays received from a variety of electrical devices.

Bottom line

Scientists say that a Wi-Fi router is minimally harmful to health. Each person has the right to decide whether to abandon the device altogether or continue to work with it. It is very difficult for a modern person to give it up, so it is better to simply slightly reduce its effect on the body. There are various ways to reduce its negative impact. It is better to familiarize yourself with the negative impact of a Wi-Fi router on the human body (information in the next video).

In the modern world, the consumer potential of Internet technologies as a segment in obtaining accessible information has grown significantly. This growth trend is observed every year almost throughout the planet. At the same time, the number of opinions regarding the harm caused by technical devices for accessing using a router (router) is growing. But is a WiFi network or the equipment that provides it actually harmful? One of the main points against the use of a wireless network (especially among residents of megacities) is the harm from continuous radiation.

"The Invisible Killer"

Perhaps in the near future, during the construction of a building, the installation of network wires will be as important as the rest of the communication, but so far such a trend has not been observed, everyone deals with such things individually. In fact, despite the fact that this is a relatively new and modern development in wireless communication and information transmission services, a large number of tests have already been carried out, but there are still no hard facts based on which one can firmly state the harm that it can bring this invention of mankind. On the other hand, all the studies that have been conducted on living organisms, including human cells, only indicate that radiation from Wi-Fi routers clearly does not have any positive effect. In the case of the plant world, some data indicate that radiation is harmful to their cells.

But does Wi-Fi harm our health enough to completely abandon this type of Internet access, because 3G (especially in some remote areas) is not good enough to meet the growing needs of the population so that you can constantly be online anywhere in the world . We will get answers to this and many other questions in this article.

Wi-Fi phobia

In order to assess the real scale of the existing problem, you can look at the countries that are leading in the world of innovative Internet technologies and dependence on them. For example, in the USA there is a place that occupies an area of ​​33 square meters. km (Green Bank), so in this territory it is prohibited not only the use of wireless networks, but also any electrical appliances. People come here from all over America. Continuing the theme of safety, bordering on insanity, it is worth noting clothing and walls made of foil, which can prevent radiation. Some entrepreneurs even managed to make money from such a phobia and began producing special foil wallpaper, the cost of which reaches up to $800 per roll.

In the capital of Holland, there are even individual benches that have special signs indicating that these benches are located in a Wi-Fi-free zone. Thus, where there is a place for phobias, there is an opportunity to make money from it. Now it’s worth finding out the opinion of doctors on this matter, whether WiFi is directly harmful to human health or not.

What is it

Before looking for the reason for the agitation among the population of the entire planet, it is necessary to understand what WiFi actually is? In principle, any radio signal, such as a cell phone or radio, is harmful to health, the only difference is that the router operates at higher frequencies. If we compare a radio and a router, then the first has an operating wave range within a radius of 50-150 MHz, while the second has 2.4-5 GHz, which is actually a thousand times larger, but there is a rather erroneous opinion in the world that , the higher the frequency of the signal, the more harmful its effect.

Naturally, in order for the harm of a WiFi router to be sufficiently noticeable for the human body, such a signal must act on a person purposefully, constantly, with great strength and constant amplitude. It is worth noting that the mobile phone has more negative influence.

Ministry of Health warns

As already mentioned, absolutely all radio signals in one way or another affect the atoms and living cells of the body. Thus, doctors confidently declare that the harm of a WiFi router extends to:

  • Brain vessels.
  • Children (due to a thin skull).
  • Male potency.

These are just a few of the areas of influence of radiation that need to be discussed separately.

The effect of Wi-Fi on cerebral vessels

Danish scientists conducted a series of tests in which they asked several schoolchildren to place their mobile phone with the Wi-Fi network turned on under their pillow before going to bed. In the morning, all the necessary studies were carried out, and doctors diagnosed vascular spasms and deterioration in concentration in more subjects. At the same time, this experiment cannot be considered carried out purely, because it was carried out on schoolchildren, and not on adults, and children’s skulls are much thinner; however, the harm of WiFi to a child’s body is a topic for a separate discussion.

Impact on children

Despite the fact that the World Health Organization has declared the negative impact of broadband wireless networks, including WiFi, it is electromagnetic radiation that is harmful to health. At the same time, WHO employees emphasize that they do not have any hard evidence or hard facts at their disposal. Therefore, the harm of WiFi and mobile phones remains an unproven risk.

Impact on men's health

The fact is that eminent doctors of sciences, doctors and scientists analyzed sperm samples, and the results shocked them. The experiment involved 30 healthy, adult men from whom sperm was taken for the experiments. Initially, we carried out a spermogram and all the necessary studies on the number of dead and active sperm, after which some samples were placed on a computer with the Wi-Fi network turned on and they began downloading files from the network. After four hours of study, the experimental samples were compared, thus, in the irradiated sample, 25% of the sperm were dead, while in the second, only 14% died. Measurements were also taken of deoxyribonucleic acid in those who remained alive; in samples outside the experiment, the damage was 3%, while in the latter it was three times higher.

Scientists explained the harm of WiFi radiation precisely for the purity of the experiment, similar studies were also carried out with a computer connected to a wired network, and no changes were noticed between the two samples. This can only indicate that men should not get involved in the Internet while holding a laptop on their lap.

Arguments for using Wi-Fi

Taking into account all the negative factors, everyone should note for themselves whether the harm or benefit of a WiFi network will be the main thing in making a decision. But if everything is clear about the negative factors of the impact of such radiation, then it is worth understanding the positive aspects of such a modern invention as a router.

Among the positive aspects of wireless Internet, one can note only its mobility. Thanks to the absence of wires, using the Internet is relevant even in places where it is not possible to lay a wire. Among such places can be noted in the hall or presentation. We must not forget that thanks to this type of wireless network, several people can connect to the same access point at once; naturally, the speed of file transfer and traffic will be lower, but this all depends solely on the speed of the Internet itself, which is provided by the provider of this services.

Despite the fact that the harm of Wi-Fi has not been officially proven, if it is possible to abandon this type of network and switch to a wired one, then this would be the best option to protect yourself and your health. If this is not possible for one reason or another, it is necessary to minimize the effect of waves on your body. When locating the access point in an apartment, it is not recommended to install it directly near the bedroom or the place where a person spends a large amount of time. In the case of an office or any other public place, instead of several access points, it is best to create one, but with more power.

If you do not use the wireless Internet for a long time, the access point must be turned off, since even in an inactive state it continues to send signals. The same steps must be done at night. Thanks to such simple actions, anyone can significantly reduce the impact of radiation from the router on the body. Thus, if you do not put the WiFi router to your head, the harm to your health that it can cause will be imperceptible.


Despite warnings from the World Health Organization and numerous tests, no one is trying to limit the use of this technology throughout the planet as quickly as possible. Nobody thought - why? Why should people's health be their own personal problem? The answers to these questions most likely lie in the multimillion-dollar profits that companies receive; in the event of bans around the world, this fairly strong infrastructure may simply collapse, and world-famous corporations will suffer huge losses. TVs, computers, phones, tablets and even household appliances, almost all devices and appliances that surround a person, already have a built-in Wi-Fi function; if they are banned, such companies will have to remove all this from sale and production. That is why “the rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” Everyone must make a choice for themselves - whether they need to follow fashion trends and expose their body to danger, or whether there are some alternative ways to solve this problem.

Our life today is almost impossible to imagine without the Internet. Social networks, news flow, entertaining videos and much other information, without which it would seem impossible to exist even when you are far from home. The development of the Wi-Fi Internet connection industry makes its own adjustments to everyday life. However, is everything so safe and simple, is there a negative impact of Wi-Fi on the human body? Let's try to understand this issue.

What is Wi-Fi and the main parameters of its radiation

Wi-Fi is an electromagnetic signal that is responsible for a wireless connection to the Internet on various devices (computers, phones, TVs and much more), which is carried out by transmitting information over radio frequency channels. The dangers of Wi-Fi radiation and its direct and indirect effects on human health have been studied for quite a long time. However, no one can say for sure, since there are no reliable scientific studies that could confidently answer the question about the dangers and benefits of this device.
Here are a few numbers that will help you understand the scale of the negative impact of the router on the human body:
  • The strength of harmful electromagnetic radiation from a router is approximately one hundred thousand times less than similar indicators when operating a microwave oven
  • The radiation generated by approximately two routers and twenty laptops is equivalent to the radiation of one mobile phone
  • Some researchers are inclined to believe that the negative impact of Wi-Fi radiation in its harmfulness slightly prevails over the electromagnetic effect on the body when operating a radio or TV
The effect of a Wi-Fi router on human health depends in proportion to the physical quantity, which is called optical. Its unit of measurement is decibel milliwatt (dBm). A mobile cell phone emits on average about 27-28 dBm of electromagnetic waves. The greatest impact of radiation on the human body occurs when establishing a connection with another subscriber, provided that the phone is located directly near the body. When Wi-Fi affects the human body, the radiation from it acts in a similar way to a mobile phone.

That is, a greater number of units of radiation are affected precisely when the device is connected to the network and the person is relatively close to the router. Near the very source of wireless Internet generation, electromagnetic radiation is about 20 dBm. From this we can conclude that the harmful effects of a mobile phone are much greater than the harm from a Wi-Fi router. However, since there are other influencing factors, and the intensity of the electromagnetic field during the operation of a mobile network generator has not been fully studied, it is impossible to talk about its relatively safe effect on the human body.

Why a Wi-Fi router can still be dangerous

The router works by choosing the best path for transmitting data from the provider directly to the device. The frequency range of the above-mentioned device is approximately 2.4 GHz, the power can often reach up to 100 μW. When exposed to such radiation on the human body, molecules in cells are brought closer together due to constant friction, which leads to an increase in local temperature. Constant exposure of this nature can conditionally lead to the development of uncontrolled and inconsistent mitoses in the body. This refers to pathological cell division of a local nature, which most often potentially indicates the development of a malignant neoplasm in organs.

The harm of Wi-Fi radiation is proportional to the range of the router, the location of the user relative to the device and the data transmission speed of the network itself. The stronger and more intense the action of a particular device, the more electromagnetic radiation such a router generates per unit of time. And accordingly, the worse will be its direct impact on human health. The distance to the device when using the network also plays a big role. The closer a person is, the greater the level of his exposure to the electromagnetic field of the router.

People are exposed to radiation from routers almost around the clock. Residents of multi-apartment panel buildings, which closely border their neighbors, are exposed to several devices at the same time. Brick walls, metal structures and other construction materials partially block the radiation of the wireless Internet network.

Damage to Wi-Fi devices is also caused by the influence of routers that are located in various cafes and other public places. Therefore, as a result of modern urban influence and the intensive growth of various types of infrastructure, a person who does not use a Wi-Fi router himself is still exposed to this negative factor in one way or another.

However, many users do not consider it necessary to turn off the device even at night, when the body needs to recover and gain strength for the next day. Some researchers argue that resting at night with the router turned on gives a much less relaxing effect, sleep is much worse, and the immune system under such circumstances does not have the opportunity to fully recover in order to protect the body from the effects of foreign agents.

Medicine and Wi-Fi router

Numerous medical studies prove the fact that the harm of Wi-Fi to health is much less, comparing it with the effect of a similar one. But there is still a negative impact. It is especially strong in relation to pregnant women and children.

This is explained by the fact that active processes of growth and development of all systems and organs occur in the body of both the first and second groups. Electromagnetic radiation, even of relatively low frequency, has a harmful effect on the above processes. In certain cases of intensive use, it can act as a teratogenic factor for the health of the unborn child. Therefore, doctors recommend limiting the influence of such devices on pregnant women. It is also undesirable to install routers in kindergartens, schools and other places where there are large concentrations of young children.

A study of the harm of Wi-Fi radiation revealed its negative impact on the blood vessels of the brain and the quality of blood flow in them. With prolonged use of the router, general weakness, headaches, and symptomatic signs of cerebrovascular accident may occur. In this case, it is recommended not only to limit your use of the Wi-Fi network, but also to contact a medical institution for a preventive examination.

The harm of Wi-Fi can also result in negative consequences for the male reproductive system. With constant use of this type of Internet connection and its direct influence on the gonads, changes in the spermatogram may occur, which complicates the possibility of fertilization. Further, there is a high probability of impotence. Such changes in the male body are observed with constant and long-term exposure of the router to the reproductive system, so it is necessary to limit the influence of the device on the organs of this group.

How to reduce the influence of a harmful factor on the human body

It is clear that the influence of Wi-Fi on a person is negative, and therefore the issue of protecting the user’s body from electromagnetic radiation is relevant. There are some useful tips that will help regarding reduce the harmful effects of the router:
  • Do not install the router in places where you spend the most time (bedroom, watching TV, etc.)
  • Turn off the router at night and when you are not using it for a long time, so that its energy does not spread in the form of harmful radiation.
  • If possible, limit your time using Wi-Fi access, and supervise your child’s use of this device.
  • Do not place devices connected to the router near you while you sleep, so that electromagnetic radiation does not interfere with your sleep

When asking the question “Is there any harm from a Wi-Fi router?”, the answer will be positive. This generator of electromagnetic radiation acts on the internal environment of a person, disrupting homeostasis and many other functions of the body. Even taking into account the fact of its lower potential danger compared to some other electrical devices and gadgets, it is worthwhile, if possible, to limit the impact of this harmful factor on your body, as well as to take all measures that will protect the body and reduce the likelihood of harmful consequences.

To put it in simple language, Wi-Fi is a wireless connection that allows you to transfer information from one device to another. The signal is broadcast by a modern device called a router or router. The device connects to an Internet cable and, using built-in antennas, transmits network data to one or more devices.

On the panel of mobile phones, tablets, TVs and laptops you can see the corresponding Wi-Fi icon, which indicates the device’s ability to receive wireless network signals. This is very convenient, since anywhere in the city or home you can connect to a Wi-Fi network and get free access to the World Wide Web.

The inventor and first person who introduced wireless connections to the world was not a man - it was the wonderful actress and beautiful American woman Hedy Lamarr. In the 30s of the 20th century, she not only received amazing roles in films, but also successfully worked in the field of wide communication channels under the supervision of the US military. It was this woman who came up with the first decryption algorithms, without which the world would not have known about GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi.

However, in those years there was no programmable equipment and the issue was resolved using mechanics. A piano mechanism was introduced into the unique device, and upon completion of the work it could broadcast 88 frequencies - according to the number of its keys. The result was an amazing device that transmitted a signal over a long distance and was placed under the shell of a naval torpedo.

The invention was classified as “secret” for many years, and many years later, when semiconductors became available to scientists, Hedy Lamarr’s discovery was made public. Surprisingly, it was only in 1997 that the American Electronic Frontier Foundation decided to award the wise woman a medal for her long-standing discovery. Hedy refused to attend the ceremony, and her reaction to this decision was the sarcastic phrase: “Very timely.”


Is Wi-Fi harmful to health?

Computers and routers are present in almost every family, and few people think about how likely Wi-Fi is to harm. To determine the extent of the danger, it is necessary to refer to the exact technical specifications of this device. A typical router operates at 2.4 GHz and has a maximum power of about 100 µW.

It is known that radio frequencies do not have the best effect on the human body, causing negative reactions in our body at the molecular level. Molecules of substances such as glucose, water, fats that make up the body, under the influence of frequencies, begin to move chaotically and come closer together, which leads to an increase in body temperature. Long-term exposure to Wi-Fi communications on the body can lead to disruptions in the formation, division and growth of cells.

Wi-Fi damage becomes most dangerous due to the fact that the data transmitted by this device covers a huge radius and moves at very high speed. Air acts as a transmitting medium, and the flow of information moves along medium wave frequencies. And since our body is able to perceive and transmit energy emanating from devices with different frequencies, it passes through itself a huge number of streams emanating from the router.

Even the fact that you don't have a router in your home won't protect you from being exposed to a harmful Wi-Fi environment. Wi-Fi communications streams can come from neighboring apartments, and metal structures and brick walls only partially mitigate their harmful effects. Considering that in everyday life we ​​are surrounded everywhere by wireless Wi-Fi networks - in offices, shopping centers, we can conclude that a person is practically under the influence of radio wave emitters around the clock.

Of course, all radio signals affect the state of our body. Scientists have proven that the most vulnerable to their effects are:

  • Human nervous system and brain
  • Male reproductive system

In addition, many users do not turn off their routers even at night, exposing themselves and others to the harmful effects of Wi-Fi radiation. Therefore, you should not be surprised that sometimes after a night's rest a person gets up completely exhausted, and the immune system cannot cope with the stress and weakens its defense.

This is not surprising, because in almost every home you can find up to a dozen wi-fi networks - in a cafe, on the street, etc.

Canadian scientists warn humanity about a new disease of this century - electrohypersensitiveness - disruption of the heart, suffocation, migraines, hypertensive crisis. In Sweden, people who are hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation claim that they are allergic to wireless communications.

Those hypersensitive to microwaves may experience insomnia, problems with memory and concentration, as well as depression, anxiety, and pain in different parts of the body.


Benefits of Wi-Fi

The advent of wireless communications has improved the quality of human life and opened up endless possibilities. The Internet has become accessible even where it is not possible to lay a cable - holding conferences and business negotiations has become available anywhere in the world.

Another undeniable advantage of this type of communication is that several devices can connect to one access point - and this is what makes a Wi-Fi connection very prestigious and convenient. Of course, the speed of information transfer in this case is slightly reduced, but it all depends on the speed of the Internet and the provider providing the service.

The dangers of Wi-Fi have been reviewed by multiple world health organizations, and experts have provided evidence that radiation from a router is 600 times below acceptable limits. Regular mobile communications are much more dangerous than Wi-Fi radiation, and a year of using a router is equivalent to a 20-minute conversation on a mobile phone.

The harmful effects of Wi-Fi are not denied, but no one is going to limit the use of wireless networks. What is the reason? It is banal and clear - corporations that produce televisions, phones, computers, household appliances and the latest devices with built-in Wi-Fi function will suffer colossal losses if humanity abandons wireless technologies. Therefore, every person should think about the need to fill their lives with trendy technologies, and if it is inevitable to avoid their introduction into everyday life, then at least take care of reducing the harmful radiation emanating from devices.

How to reduce the harm from Wi-Fi

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the frequency radiation of devices and reduce the harm of Wi-Fi to zero, but you can reduce its harmful effects in the following ways:

  • When purchasing and installing routers in the home, users do not pay attention to the fact that almost all devices have functions for adjusting signal strength. Basically, all devices support factory settings set to maximum flow strength. By reducing the power of the device by 25.50, you can significantly narrow the coverage area and reduce the harmful dose of Wi-Fi radiation.
  • During operation of the device, it is recommended to remain at a distance of about 40 cm from it. This especially applies to users who have to work within the Wi-Fi coverage area.
  • You should unplug your router at night and unplug it when not in use.
  • It is better to keep devices that receive Wi-Fi signals away from the body - do not put the laptop on your knees, and connect a removable headset while using the phone.
  • You should install the router at home in a work area, away from bedrooms and places where children are most often found.
  • If possible, you should abandon the use of Wi-Fi in favor of wired technologies, and in public places, avoid places with wireless coverage.
  • The best option would be to create one powerful Wi-Fi access point in the apartment instead of several radiation sources.

Of course, today wireless communications mean comfort and convenience. And if you do not have the opportunity to protect yourself from harmful radiation, then you must take care of protecting children, because the child’s immune system, unlike an adult’s, is much weaker, since the child’s body is not yet fully formed. You should not allow your child to be in the area of ​​any dangerous radiation and try to protect children from staying for a long time in the room where the Wi-Fi router is installed.