Enable system restore on windows 10. Revert to an earlier build. Creating a full system image

woodhummer 6.02.2016 - 12:17 Workshop

By enabling Windows 10 System Protection on your hard drive, you can quickly and easily undo unwanted changes to the OS by rolling back your computer to a preset restore point. Let's take a closer look at how to do this.

Enabling protection

Turning off protection


Do not try to save disk space by disabling system protection. You still won’t be able to clear a lot of space on the hard drive, and quickly returning the OS to its original state will not be so easy.

updated: 06/13/2016

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By default, System Restore is disabled in Windows 10, or rather, if you did a clean installation of the system, then in most cases System Restore is disabled. And if you upgraded to Windows 10 from previous versions of Windows, and you had this function enabled there, then most likely it is enabled here, but it won’t hurt to check :)

How to enable System Restore

Using the toolbar we can enable System Restore again if it was disabled. And Windows will begin to take snapshots of the system state according to your settings, and you will have to allocate some amount of hard disk for all this.

If the system restore function has been disabled and you currently have problems with Windows, turning on this function will not help you! When we enable the system restore function and set all the parameters, Windows will only begin to take snapshots of the system that we can roll back to in the future. Therefore, if you have problems with Windows now, skip this point and we will try to help you in the next one.

This feature is only available in the toolbar, not in Options. The fastest way to access "System Restore" is to write "Recovery" in the search bar (as in the picture) and select it from the options found. Now click "Create a recovery disk". You can also right-click on “Start” and select “System” => on the left side select “Advanced system settings” => “System Protection” tab

in this window you will see whether system recovery is enabled or disabled. If it says off next to the disk. and you want to enable monitoring of it - select the drive and click "Configure"

How to enable System Restore in Windows 10

Check the "Enable system protection" box and use the slider to select the maximum disk space for storing system snapshots. The less disk space you allocate for recovery, the fewer recovery points will be stored.

How to enable System Restore in Windows 10

To later restore the system from a snapshot taken earlier, go to “System Protection” (Start with the right mouse button and select “System” => on the left side select “Advanced system settings” => “System Protection” tab) and click "Restore"

Also, if Windows does not boot, you can restore the system from a previously created snapshot.

Other ways to fix system problems

If your computer begins to perform poorly after installing some update, try uninstalling the update or rolling back the build.

There is another way to fix problems in Windows 10 - resetting the system. Using the reset function, you will get a clean Windows 10 system without errors, but then you will have to reinstall the necessary programs and configure everything again according to your preferences. To use the system reset function, go to “Start” => Settings => Update and Security => Recovery => and in the “Reset the computer to its original state” item, click “Start”

How to enable System Restore in Windows 10

There are still ways to restore the system, but we will talk about them in the following articles. If you have any additions, write comments! Good luck to you :)

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Restore points are not created in Windows 10

How to enable system protection

Hello, friends! Today, while working with the Revo Uninstailer program, I noticed that a restore point is not created before uninstalling the program. It turns out that after a clean installation of the tenth version of Windows, system protection was disabled.

It’s not difficult to enable system protection, but for those who don’t remember or don’t know how to do it, I’ll show you step by step in this post.

Click the Start button and, in the Start screen that opens, in the left column, select: All applications (arrow 1).

In the list of applications that opens, select: System Tools - Windows (arrow 1) and, in the context menu that opens, select: Control Panel (arrow 2).

In the control panel window that opens, select: System (arrow 1).

In the next window that opens, in the column on the left, select: System protection (arrow 1).

Then, in the "System Properties" window that opens, in the System Protection section (arrow 1), select the system drive, in my case it is drive C: Left-click on it (arrow 2) and click on the button: Configure (arrow 3) .

In the "System protection for Local drive C:" window, activate the radio button: Enable system protection (arrow 1). Use the slider to set how much disk space the recovery points will occupy (arrows 2). After that, click the buttons: Apply (arrow 3) and OK (arrow 4). As you can see from the snapshot, the protection function does not currently occupy disk space (read above the slider).

If you return to the System Properties window, you can see that protection is enabled. By the way, you can also create a restore point here. To do this, click on the button: Create (arrow 1).

In the “System Protection” window that opens, enter any word or sign in the text line (in my case, “First restore point” (arrow 1) and click on the button: Create (arrow 2).

The process of creating a restore point:

Notification that a restore point was successfully created:

Well, finally, you can see how much space the created recovery point takes up. As you can see from the picture, the recovery files take up only 33 MB (in the red frame).

That's all! I haven’t discovered anything new for experienced users, but for beginners this information may be useful.

Good luck to you!


How to run System Restore in Windows 10

Restoring Windows 10 allows you to return the operating system to a working or original state from an automatically or manually created system rollback point or a full system image stored on a hard drive. Also included in the “tens” toolkit is an OS reset tool, which will save you from time-consuming reinstallation of Windows 10, and the creation of a recovery flash drive, which is necessary to resume the functioning of the operating system in critical situations (when Windows 10 does not boot and does not provide the opportunity to get into the recovery environment) .

The proposed instructional article talks about all the tools that make up the system recovery environment in Windows 10, the mechanisms of their functioning, how to use a particular function and the effectiveness of recovery methods in certain situations. Before you begin studying the material, it is recommended that you read the instructions on restoring the operating system bootloader, checking its files for integrity, and restoring damaged registry files.

Safe mode

The first thing you should try if problems occur is to boot into safe mode. Let's consider a situation where "ten" does not load and does not allow you to reboot with the appropriate parameters (you will not be able to get into this mode via msconfig or special boot options).

1. Launch from bootable media with the Windows 10 distribution using the Boot Menu.

4. Run the command “bcdedit /set safeboot minimal” to then start the computer in safe mode.

5. Reboot, closing all windows.

After starting the computer, you can begin to solve the problem that is preventing the PC from starting/functioning normally.

We return the computer/laptop to its original state

The most notable recovery feature that came with Windows 10 is the ability to restore Windows to its original state. You can use it through “Options”.

1. Call up the menu using Win→I.

2. Go to the “Update/Security” section.

3. Click on the “Recovery” tab.

This opportunity should be used as a last resort when the options below did not help solve the problem, because in the end you will get a clean, only installed operating system with or without personal data, depending on the specified parameters.

4. Click “Start”, after which a dialog will appear asking you to specify the parameters for resetting the operating system.

The first option is to completely clear the system volume of all files and quickly reinstall Ten without using the installation disk with the operating system distribution; the second method is to quickly install Windows 10 while saving user files and settings of applications installed on the PC; the programs themselves will not be saved. .

There is another way to call the operating system reset dialog even without authorization in the system. Everything is done on the login screen. To access the function, click on the “Reboot” icon while holding down the Shift key. After restarting the computer, click on the “Diagnostics” icon, then click on the button to return the system to its original state.

The advantages of this method are that there is no need to have an installation disk/flash drive and all actions are performed automatically without any user intervention. There is only one drawback - if the user deletes the system image or locates this file in damaged sectors of the hard drive, it will not be possible to perform a quick reinstallation, but here the “ten” has several additional tools in its arsenal: using a system recovery disk if available (a very rare occurrence) and backup Windows 10 using OS tools on a volume other than the system volume.

Windows 10 recovery flash drive

The tool is called a Windows recovery disk, but in the “top ten” it should be renamed a recovery flash drive (we will use this term). If previously the Microsoft OS had utilities for performing automatic system resuscitation, which in most cases only tried to do something, then in the “ten” there is an option to create a system image for the subsequent return of the system volume to the state imprinted in this image by automatically reinstalling the OS , as discussed in the section above.

A similar image is created in the following way:

1. Call the Control Panel applet called “Recovery”.

3. Check the option to back up system files to a recovery flash drive in order to be able to instantly reinstall Ten.

4. Upon completion of all recording operations or, if necessary, boot from the created drive using the Boot Menu function.

5. In the action selection window, go to the “Diagnostics” section.

While in it, we will open the opportunity to perform the following operations:

  • using a flash drive with an image, return Windows 10 to its previous state;
  • visit UEFI/BIOS settings;
  • resort to resuscitation of the “ten” through a rollback point;
  • run via the command line, for example, to create a copy of the bootloader on the corresponding volume;
  • restore Windows 10 from a full OS image.

The presence of such a flash drive in the case of the “ten” is much more useful than even the installation one, although the latter allows you to launch some of the operating system recovery operations on the screen with the “Install” button immediately after selecting the language.

We create a complete image of the system resuscitation

Preparing an automatic recovery involves taking a snapshot of Windows 10 at the time of its current state. It is best to create such an image immediately after installing the operating system with all the drivers and software, while the system volume is not littered, like the registry. It is not necessary to create a snapshot in the first hours of operation of the new OS; this can be done a couple of days after its reinstallation, so that Windows gets used to it and is brought to a normal functioning state, but does not have time to acquire junk files and registry keys.

1. The process begins with cleaning drive C: the system registry from garbage and uninstalling programs that turned out to be unnecessary.

5. We decide on the storage location for the snapshot of the operating system and the partitions that will be backed up (it is best to specify a removable drive).

Once the system files are compressed and transferred to the specified digital media, it can be used to quickly return Windows 10 to its captured state. In order to start recovery from an image, you must boot the computer from the flash drive on which the file is stored, or through the Windows 10 installer (“Diagnostics” - “Advanced options” - “OS image recovery”).

Windows 10 rollback points

There are no innovations with this feature; all its features work as in previous versions of the OS. It provides a chance to return the system to one of the preserved states through a recovery environment or in a running operating system. To take full advantage of the feature, it must be activated. You can check the status through the Control Panel applet called “Recovery”. In the window, click “System Recovery Settings”.

To change the settings, click “Configure” and indicate the space allocated for storing rollback points on the system disk.

When using a licensed image, this function is activated, but if you installed Windows 10 downloaded from pirated sites, the author of the assembly may have deactivated this function. How to enable system restore? Select the system partition, click “Configure” and move the checkbox to the “Enable system protection” position.

Typically, rollback points are created automatically when changes are made by the user or any application to system files, settings, services, and registry settings. The option to manually create restore points is also available. In the “System Properties” window, click “Create” and enter a name for the image to make it easier to identify it.

To use the system rollback function using one of the restore points, go to the same applet and click “Run system restore.” If Windows 10 does not start, boot from a recovery disk or installation distribution and call “System Restore” through “Advanced options” in the diagnostic window.

File history

Another innovation in Windows 10 that allows you to make and store backup copies of specified files (often text documents and various projects) and retrieve the desired copy of the file from the reserve if necessary.

As you can see, the “ten” has an expanded set of effective functions to return the system to a working state in any case and without reinstalling the OS. In addition to all the listed tools, you should definitely include the bootloader recovery function using Windows 10.


Windows 10 Defender or Antivirus

The Windows 10 operating system has many advantages and disadvantages. However, the issue of protection is quite acute. Having received a built-in antivirus, better known as Windows Defender, users began to wonder whether it was necessary to install an additional program on their PC or would this one be enough?

System Restore is disabled by default—at least on some computers. Meanwhile, this functionality, which allows you to create snapshots of system files for recovery in case of failure, has existed since the days of Windows ME.

However, the ability to create restore points from Windows 10 itself has not gone away, so you can simply enable it if you want to be extra safe. But in general, Windows 10 has other system restore tools, so restore points are no longer so relevant.

Why was System Restore disabled?

Microsoft doesn't explain why System Restore is disabled by default, but you can guess. Restore points require a lot of space, and Microsoft is trying to reduce disk space. Microsoft wants Windows 10 to run on devices with as little as 16GB of internal storage to compete with Chromebooks and cheap Android tablets.

Plus, System Restore is now less of a concern thanks to other Windows 10 tools that let you quickly return your system to a pristine state without reinstalling. For this purpose, the function of returning the computer to its original state is intended, which refreshes Windows without deleting user data.

How to enable System Restore

You can enable System Restore through the Control Panel. Keep in mind that storing restore points will require a lot of space, so you shouldn't do this on cheap laptops and tablets with little internal storage. But for a computer with a large hard drive this is not a problem.

Please note that by default, System Restore is disabled and no restore points are created. Therefore, if you encounter any problem, enabling recovery will no longer help - in any case, there are no restore points created before the problem occurred. And then, when turned on, a new recovery point will be created - a snapshot of the damaged system. So if you plan to use System Restore, you need to enable it in advance, before problems arise.

This option is only available in the Control Panel—it's not available in the new Settings interface. The fastest way to get to the settings is to enter the keyword “restore” in the search bar of the Start menu or on the Start screen (in the genitive case; for the English interface - “restore”) and select “Create a restore point” in the search results ( Create a restore point). Or you can open Control Panel, go to the “System” section and click the “System Protection” link in the sidebar.

In the window that opens, you will see that system protection is disabled for both the system drive and all others. Select your system drive and click the Configure button to enable this feature.

Select the “Turn on system protection” option and specify how much disk space should be reserved for recovery points. The less space, the fewer recovery points will be stored at the same time. Click "OK" to enable System Restore.

To use System Restore in the future, open the same “System Protection” window, click the button, which will now be active, and you can select a restore point.

If Windows won't boot normally, you can boot into Safe Mode and perform System Restore, or run it from the Advanced Options section of the Recovery Environment.

Other ways to solve system problems

If you wanted to use System Restore to solve a problem, but found that it was disabled, you will have to solve the problem in other ways.

If the problem occurs after installing the update, you can try uninstalling it or . This will help troubleshoot any issues that may arise from updates that are incompatible with your hardware or software.

If system files are damaged, you can use it to find and automatically fix errors.

If the problem occurs after installing a program or driver, you can remove it through the Control Panel.

If Windows does not boot normally, try booting into Safe Mode. You can also try the options from the “Advanced startup options” section - it is on the screen that appears if Windows 10 cannot boot normally.

There are many other ways to diagnose and troubleshoot problems in Windows 10. However, the most reliable solution is to use the Reset this PC function, which is available in the Settings interface. This will restore the system to factory settings. You will have to install programs and change system settings again, but all your personal data will be saved. This method can fix any system problems as it restores the Windows 10 system files to their original state. You can try

The Windows 10 operating system is very easy to use. Any user will be able to understand it and even cope with certain problems on their own. Unfortunately, sometimes there are too many errors and they cause damage to system files or lead to other serious problems. The Windows recovery option will help you fix them.

Reasons to use Windows Recovery

The main reason is the operating system refusing to boot. But this malfunction itself can arise due to various factors. Let's look at the most common ones:

  • file damage by viruses - if OS files are damaged by a virus attack, the system may malfunction or may not boot at all. Therefore, it is necessary to restore these files for normal operation, since there is no other way to solve the problem;
  • incorrectly installed update - if an error occurred during the update or some of the files were installed incorrectly for another reason, then instead of completely reinstalling the broken operating system, restoring it will also help;
  • Hard drive damage - the main thing is to find out what the problem is. If the disk has physical damage, you cannot do without replacing it. If the problem is precisely how it works with data or some OS boot settings, recovery can help;
  • other changes to the registry or system files - in general, almost any changes to the system can lead to errors in its operation: from small to critical.

Recovering directly from the Windows 10 system itself

We can conditionally divide recovery methods into those used before the system itself is booted and into those used after the system is booted. Let's start with a situation where Windows boots correctly and you are able to use programs after it starts.

Using a restore point to perform a system rollback

First, you need to configure the system protection itself so that it is possible to create and store recovery points. To do this, follow these steps:

Now you can proceed to creating a restore point:

When the point is created, you need to figure out how to return the system to the state at the time of its creation, that is, roll back to a restore point:

Another way to access restore points is in the diagnostic menu, which opens through the “Settings” of Windows 10 (Win I). This menu works in exactly the same way.

You can also use restore points through advanced system diagnostic options

Resetting the operating system to factory settings

Windows 10 has added another recovery method. Instead of a complete reinstallation, it is possible to simply reset the system to its original state. Some programs will become inoperable because all registry entries will be updated. Save the necessary data and programs before resetting. The process of returning the system to its original form is performed as follows:

  1. Press the Win+I key combination to open OS settings. There, select the “Update and Security” tab and go to the system recovery section.

    In Windows Settings, open Update & Security

  2. Press the "Start" button to start the recovery.

    Click the "Get Started" button under "Reset your computer"

  3. You will be prompted to save the files. If you click "Erase All", the hard drive will be completely erased. Be careful when choosing.
  4. Regardless of your choice, the next window will display information about the reset that will be performed. Study it and, if you are satisfied with everything, press the “Reset” button.

    Review the reset information and click Reset

  5. Wait for the process to complete. It may take about an hour depending on the selected options. During the procedure, the computer will restart several times.

Video: Resetting a Windows 10 tablet to factory settings

Recovering system data through File History

“File history” - the ability to restore damaged or deleted files over time. It can be very useful if you need to return missing videos, music, photos or documents. As with restore points, this option must be configured correctly before use:

This way, you can recover files, unless, of course, the disk was completely wiped. Now let's figure out how to recover a lost file:

Video: restoring Windows 10 on your own

Recovery methods without logging in

If the operating system does not boot, it is more difficult to restore it. However, if you act strictly according to the instructions, you can handle this without any problems.

Restoring the system through BIOS using a bootable drive

Using a bootable drive, you can start system recovery through the BIOS, that is, before Windows 10 boots. But first, you need to create such a drive:

Nothing more is required from you. The bootable drive will be created, and you can proceed directly to system recovery. First you need to open the BIOS. This is done by pressing different keys when turning on the computer, which depend on the device model:

  • Acer - most often the buttons for entering the BIOS from this company are the F2 or Delete keys. On older models, entire keyboard shortcuts were used, for example, Ctrl+Alt+Escape;
  • Asus - F2 almost always works, especially on laptops. Delete is used much less frequently;
  • Dell - also uses the F2 key on modern devices. On older models, it is better to simply look for instructions on the screen, since the combinations can be very different;
  • HP - laptops and computers from this company enter the BIOS by pressing Escape and F10. Older models did this using the F1, F2, F6, F11 keys. On tablets, F10 or F12 is usually used;
  • Lenovo, Sony, Toshiba - like many other modern companies, use the F2 key. This has become almost the standard for entering the BIOS.

If you did not find your model and were unable to open the BIOS, carefully study the inscriptions that appear when you turn on the device. One of them will indicate the desired button.

Once you are in the BIOS, do the following:

  1. Find First Boot Device. Depending on the BIOS version, it may be located in different subsections. Select your OS drive as the boot device and restart your computer after saving the changes.

    Set the download of the desired device as priority

  2. The installation will begin. Check the language and if everything is correct, click “Next”.

    Select your language at the beginning of installation

  3. Go to "System Restore".

    Click System Restore

  4. The recovery menu will open. Select the Diagnostics button.

    Open the system diagnostic menu in this window

  5. Go to advanced options.

    Go to advanced diagnostic menu options

  6. If you have created a system restore point before, select "Restore Windows using a restore point." Otherwise, go to Startup Repair.

    Select Startup Repair from advanced options to fix operating system errors

  7. Automatic checking and correction of boot files will begin. This process may take up to 30 minutes, after which Windows 10 should boot without any problems.

Creating a boot disk from an image

If you still need a boot disk to restore the system, and not a flash drive, then you can create it using the ISO image obtained earlier, or use a ready-made installation disk with the same OS version. Creating a boot disk is done as follows:

If the recovery does not work, you can always simply reinstall the operating system using the same disk.

System Restore via Command Line

An effective tool for solving OS boot problems is the command line. You can also open it through the diagnostic menu, which was opened using the boot drive:

Another method would require defining the partition name:

  1. To find out the desired value, enter the diskpart and list disk commands. You will be presented with a list of all your drives.
  2. You can determine the required disk by its capacity. Enter the command disk 0 (where 0 is the number of the desired disk).

    Enter the specified sequence of commands to find out your disk number

  3. Once the disk is selected, use the detail disk command to obtain the required information. You will be shown all the disk partitions.
  4. Find the area where the operating system is installed and remember the letter designation.

    Use the partition name you found in the bcdboot x:\windows command

In addition to these, there are a number of other commands that may be useful:

Just try entering these commands one by one: one of them will solve your problem.

Video: Windows 10 boot repair via command line

Fixing the recovery error

When trying to restore the system, an error code 0x80070091 may occur. It is usually accompanied by information that the recovery was not completed. This problem occurs due to an error with the WindowsApps folder. Do the following:

Windows activation key recovery

The OS activation key is usually written on the device itself. But if the special sticker with the key has worn out over time, you can recognize it from the system itself. The easiest way to do this is to use a special program:

If you need to find out the key before activating the system, then you cannot do without contacting the place of purchase or official Microsoft support.

Set the required screen resolution

Sometimes, when restoring the operating system, the screen resolution may drop. In this case, you should return it:

Password recovery in Windows 10

If you have forgotten your operating system password, you should recover it. You can request to reset your account password on the official website:

You should be prepared for any problems with your computer. Knowing how to restore your system in case of problems will help you save your data and continue working on your device without reinstalling Windows.

By default, System Restore is disabled in Windows 10, or rather, if you did a clean installation of the system, then in most cases System Restore is disabled. And if you are from previous versions of Windows, and you had this function enabled there, then most likely it is enabled here, but it won’t hurt to check :)

How to enable System Restore

Using the toolbar we can enable System Restore again if it was disabled. And Windows will begin to take snapshots of the system state according to your settings, and you will have to allocate some amount of hard disk for all this.

If the system restore function has been disabled and you currently have problems with Windows, turning on this function will not help you! When we enable the system restore function and set all the parameters, Windows will only begin to take snapshots of the system that we can roll back to in the future. Therefore, if you have problems with Windows now, skip this point and we will try to help you in the next one.

This feature is only available in the toolbar, not in Options. The fastest way to access "System Restore" is to write "Recovery" in the search bar (as in the picture) and select it from the options found. Now click "Create a recovery disk". You can also right-click on “Start” and select “System” => on the left side select “Advanced system settings” => “System Protection” tab

in this window you will see whether system recovery is enabled or disabled. If it says off next to the disk. and you want to enable monitoring of it - select the drive and click "Configure"

Check the "Enable system protection" box and use the slider to select the maximum disk space for storing system snapshots. The less disk space you allocate for recovery, the fewer recovery points will be stored.

To later restore the system from a snapshot taken earlier, go to “System Protection” (Start with the right mouse button and select “System” => on the left side select “Advanced system settings” => “System Protection” tab) and click "Restore"

Also, if Windows does not boot, you can restore the system from a previously created snapshot.

Other ways to fix system problems

If your computer starts to work poorly after installing some update, try it.

There is another way to fix problems in Windows 10 - resetting the system. Using the reset function, you will get a clean Windows 10 system without errors, but then you will have to reinstall the necessary programs and configure everything again according to your preferences. To use the system reset function, go to “Start” => Settings => Update and Security => Recovery => and in the “Reset the computer to its original state” item, click “Start”

There are still ways to restore the system, but we will talk about them in the following articles. If you have any additions, write comments! Good luck to you :)

Hello! We continue to disassemble the Windows 10 operating system! Today you will learn how to set up system protection on a Windows 10 computer. You can protect your computer from unwanted changes. You can enable or disable protection for specific drives on your computer. You will be able to restore the state of your computer.

To set up protection, open the menu at the bottom left of the screen "Start". In the window that opens, in the list of all applications, at the bottom of the list, open the tab “Windows Utilities”. In the list that opens, click on the tab "Control Panel".

Next, a window will open "Properties of the system". Here you can undo unwanted changes using system protection. To undo unwanted system changes, you can restore your computer to a previous restore point. Click on the button – Restore to undo unwanted changes.

You can configure recovery options, manage disk space, and delete recovery points. Select the disk and click on the button – Tune.

Enabling system protection allows you to undo unwanted changes, returning the computer to a state at an earlier point in time. Here you can enable or disable system protection.

You can specify the maximum amount of disk space used by the system protection feature. As disk space becomes full, recovery points will be deleted to make room for new ones. You can manually delete restore points.