Enable HTML5 in Mozilla Firefox. Expanded video support. Flash Player in Yandex Browser: enable, disable and auto-update How to disable html5 on YouTube Yandex browser

If you compare the YouTube that exists today with the one that existed 5-7 years ago, then these are completely two different concepts......

Hundreds of terabytes of exclusive content, an ever-growing audience and – a lot has changed, but first things first………………….

→ On the eve of 2017, YouTube management announced a new HTML5 player.

Interestingly, at first users had the right to choose, but now everyone has been forced to force a new browser.

Not surprisingly, the new feature has both supporters and opponents, so below we will talk about html5 technology on YouTube, as well as how to disable it ↓↓↓

What kind of Player is this???

At the end of 2016, many YouTube users began to observe problems with the service!!!

As it turned out, the reason lay in another new product - the html5 video player.

Example of a problem ↓↓↓

Why the new feature turned out to be a burden for many and how to disable it - further details

→ The html5 player is a new standard for video playback, which replaced the already obsolete flash player.

→ At the end of 2016, everyone could test the function by activating the corresponding button ().

The developers promised many interesting goodies, including:

  • lack of vulnerabilities and inhibition;
  • quick opening of rollers;
  • 64-bit video support;
  • reproduction of new standards (H.264, HTMLVideoElement, etc.).

In reality, everything turned out to be much worse, because instead of the promised “innovations”, users received many problems:

  • constant freezing;
  • appearance of artifacts in the video;
  • incorrect display in many browsers.

As it turned out, the main reasons are related to:

  1. outdated hardware
  2. software mismatch
  3. drivers
  4. browser and much more.

Now at the address () you can see the inscription “The HTML5 player is now used whenever possible,” therefore, most viewers no longer have a choice.


To check which player is currently in use, hover your mouse over the video and right-click.

If at the bottom there is an item “About html5 player”, then the corresponding player is used

Here ↓

That is why we have prepared the best ways to disable the html5 player on YouTube in various browsers.

This is quite realistic and will not take much time, so read carefully. ⇓⇓⇓

We remove this player fromFirefox

On Firefox, the problem can be solved in at least two ways:

1) Through special add-ons (Disable Youtube HTML5 Player)

2) Or manually.

In the first case, you just need to install the appropriate extension to disable the html5 player in YouTube.

But we will look at the simplest method below: ↓↓↓

  • Enter “about:config” into the search bar, which will open the developer panel.
  • Copy these components into a separate document: "media.ogg.enabled", "media.wave.enabled", "media.webm.enabled", "media.windows-media-foundation.enabled".
  • We copy each of them into the corresponding search line, find it in the list and disable it. To do this, you can double-click on the entry.
  • This action must be done with each component listed above.
  • Now restart your browser.

You may notice that videos are now played through a flash player !!!

In general, nothing complicated and in just 5 minutes you will be able to enjoy your favorite videos.

Now let's find out how to do this in other browsers ⇓⇓⇓

Let's remove this playerVChromeAndOpera

Now we will look at another method of how to disable this player using a special application - Disable Youtube HTML5 Player ↵

This method is suitable for Opera and Chrome browsers.

Below we will describe how to install this extension using the Google Chrome browser as an example:

  • follow the link we provided above;
  • click on the “Install” button and wait for the process to complete;
  • restart your browser.

In the “Settings” - “Additional tools” - “Extensions” section, you can see that the utility is installed.

P.S.— Make sure the “Enable” checkbox is activated.

Open any video and right-click and notice that the Flash player is already running.

If necessary, you can disable disable YouTube html5 player in the extensions and then the Flash player will not work again. In the Opera browser, the procedure is similar, so there is no point in describing it in detail.

Experience shows that this method helps get rid of constant slowdown of videos, as well as other problems with playback.

Thus, we can conclude that YouTube management presented a rather crude product, however, fortunately, you can always disable such improvements yourself.

Many users, when trying to play a video on Youtube, receive the following message - “Currently your browser does not recognize any of the video formats.” Most often, owners of Windows XP with the Mozilla FireFox browser encounter a playback error. The problem is also observed in other popular browsers: Google Chrome, Yandex, Opera and, of course, Internet Explorer. Today we will tell you about all the possible causes of the failure and their elimination.

Reasons why playback fails

The bug itself appeared relatively recently. It is connected with the active transition of the YouTube service to support HTML5 technology, which is not supported in browsers with outdated versions. The error also appears in updated versions on Windows 7 and 10. Here it is worth talking about extensions that block access to displaying videos in HTML5 format. The third reason is that the new video did not have time to load. Let's look at all the solutions to fix the crash.

Fixing the error

Let's check all the above points one by one. I’ll note right away that I won’t describe all the half-measures (reboot, new Flash Player, erasing cache/cookies), because they won’t be of any use. You will need to check the following.

#1 Checking for updates

First of all, you need to update your browser to the latest version. The update principle is the same in all applications. But still, here is a brief instruction:

The current versions of these programs include most of the necessary video codecs for YouTube. You can check which ones are supported at this address - youtube.com/html5. Perhaps some codecs will have an exclamation point, but be sure to check that there is a checkmark next to the first codec HTMLVideoElement. The problem should go away.

#2 Blocking add-ons

If the previous point did not help you, try disabling unnecessary extensions. The fact is that various plugins and extensions can block the display of videos in HTML 5 format. For example, these plugins most often cause the problem - “Flash Player for YouTube™” And “Disable Youtube™ HTML5 Player”. Extensions for direct downloads, ad blockers, etc. also fail.

  1. Open a page with a list of installed extensions. For example, in Chrome it is located here chrome://extensions/, and in Mozilla here - about:addons.
  2. Disable all active plugins one by one and check playback. It should help.

I will separately mention Flash Player, which conflicts with new versions of Chrome. You should try turning it off too. If you still have an old version, then go here - chrome://plugins, In the list of plugins, select flash and disable it. In the new version, go here – chrome://settings/content/flash. In point "Block" there is an option "Add", I recommend adding YouTube there. For other browsers on the Internet there is a lot of information on disabling Flash Player - try it.

#3 New video

Check the release time of the video. If it takes several hours, then the problem may be on the server side. Many users note that after waiting a little time, they start the video without problems. Perhaps this is your case.


If you did everything correctly, the error “Your browser does not currently recognize any video formats” should disappear. Finally, it's worth mentioning that Mozilla and Chrome recently stopped supporting their application on Windows XP. In this case, to solve the error, you will need to separately install codec support plugins. Here is a visual video instruction using Mozila as an example.

Flash player is a special library that allows you to work with applications that are based on Flash technology. By default, Adobe Flash Player is already installed in Yandex Browser and enabled in the browser modules, but if problems appear with displaying Flash content, then it was probably disabled or the player malfunctioned.

If necessary, Flash Player can be disabled or enabled. This can be done on the page for working with modules. Next, we will tell you how to get to the modules menu, enable and disable the flash player.

If any problems arise with the operation of the flash player, then first of all you will need the latest version of abode flash player for the Yandex browser, and only then, if problems arise again, you can try to disable it. You can do it like this:

We write in the browser line browser://plugins, press Enter and get to the page with modules;
look for the Adobe Flash Player module and click on “ Disable».

You can turn on the player in the same way. By the way, disabling the flash player can eliminate frequently occurring errors of this player. Since the importance of this player fades into the background over time, some users may not need to turn it on at all. For example, the YouTube player has long switched to HTML5, and it no longer needs a flash player.

Enable/disable automatic Flash Player updates

Typically, Flash Player automatic updating is enabled, and if you want to check it or, on the contrary, disable it (which is not recommended), here is how you can do it:

1. in Windows 7: Start > Control Panel
in Windows 8/10: Right click on Start > Control Panel;

2. set view " Small icons" and look for " Flash Player (32 bit)»;

3. switch to the “ tab Updates" and click on the button " Change update settings»;

4. select the desired item and close this window.

Adobe Flash Player is currently a popular module that is actively used by many sites. Despite the partial transition to HTML5, Flash Player continues to be a relevant plugin and needs to be updated constantly for new features and for security reasons.

The most popular browser, Mozilla Firefox, has good support for HTML5 standards, but it is still impossible not to notice that it does not cope with some tasks associated with this technology in the best way.

How to enable html 5 in firefox

So, despite HTML5 support, some YouTube videos in Firefox stubbornly refuse to play. Fortunately, there is an easy way to quickly solve this problem.

Mozilla Firefox has advanced support for HTML5 technology, but it is disabled by default. To enable this setting, first type about:config in your browser and navigate.

This will take you to a page with browser configuration settings. To go directly to the list of parameters, click the “I promise I’ll be careful” button. In the list that opens, find the parameter


The easiest way to do this is by inserting its name into the search field located just below the address bar. By default, the value of this parameter is set to false, that is, disabled.

Replace it with true by double-clicking on the parameter name with the mouse. That's all. Now close the configuration settings tab and restart the browser. You can check that HTML5 videos on YouTube should now play without any problems.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to one detail. For this setting to work, you need to have the appropriate Adobe Flash Player plug-in installed on your computer, otherwise the opposite may happen and some videos will stop playing.

Problems playing HTML 5 videos in Firefox

Also for Windows 7, installing the following updates may help:



And also set these parameters to default in about:config.


Firefox Quantum has the same problem.

Adobe Flash Player is in its last years. This platform is obsolete, and developers will stop supporting it by 2020. Many companies, programmers and enthusiasts have already begun to abandon the proven format in favor of progressive, but still “raw” technologies. One of these innovations is the “HTML5” video player, which could potentially replace the good old Flash Player.

Not all users can boast of powerful and modern personal computers with all operating system updates (drivers, codecs). Not everyone has it installed (the higher the version, the fewer errors during operation). But everyone is interested in the life that is boiling on the global Internet. Thousands of films and TV series, tens of thousands of clips, hundreds of thousands of funny amateur videos can be found and watched through the World Wide Web anywhere on planet Earth.

If graphic distortions occur when watching a video on a computer, the user should not be upset and look for an alternative to watch. The first thing you need to do is check the functionality of your PC, whether all updates, drivers and codecs are available and in working order. The second nuance is checking the video player built into the Mozilla Internet browser itself. Developers from Mozilla Corporation are trying to please all their fans and simply users of the search engine. Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to view video images through various players: Flash Player or HTML5. To check which player is enabled in the Firefox browser, just right-click on the screen with the video.

How to disable HTML5 in Firefox

If the user's personal computer is inferior in technical characteristics to its modern counterparts, you can try changing the player from HTML5 to Adobe Flash Player. To do this, you need to go to the hidden browser settings by typing “ about:config" The developers kindly warn about the risks associated with changes in “fine” settings. We take responsibility.

In the “Search:” window, for ease of finding to change parameters, you need to type the English word “media”.

Four parameters that can be enabled by default must be changed from “true” to “false”. That is, turn them off by double-clicking the left mouse button.

  • media.ogg.enabled
  • media.wave.enabled
  • media.webm.enabled
  • media.windows-media-foundation.enabled

After restarting the Mozilla Firefox browser, the settings will take effect and the new HTML5 player will change to Adobe Flash Player.

How to enable HTML5 in Firefox

If it is necessary to carry out the reverse manipulation and change the old Adobe player to a progressive analogue, the user needs to carry out the same manipulations with the above parameters from “false” to “true”. By restarting the Internet browser, the video should show without interference or glitches.