Phone versions: Global Version, EU, Rostest and for the Chinese market. What is their difference? What is “Rostest” and is it possible to buy a gray phone? What does made in ua mean?

Made in PRC - which country produces goods under this abbreviation? In stores you can buy spoons and forks, as well as serious household appliances, the labels of which contain similar symbols. The goods, I must say, are of quite acceptable quality, and the price is objective. The brand, most often, does not tell customers anything, but this is also not surprising; so many companies appear and disappear on the market that you can’t even remember each one.


The age of information technology and, naturally, free access to knowledge via the Internet gives us the opportunity to obtain information in any way. Since it doesn’t work out straight, we go around and study the barcode. The main producing countries, or more precisely, their numbers in a coded set of arithmetic symbols used in the world, are familiar to everyone, well, certainly to many. For example, Russia has a code of 46, and Germany has a code of 40 to 44. These symbols, indicating the state in whose territory what you are about to purchase were manufactured, are the first in a line of 13 digits.

barcode of a product with the inscription “Made in PRC” on the label? Which country is indicated in the code? China (690-695). It’s strange, because the inscription for goods from this country looks completely different, and even more so it sounds - Made in China. It is this formulation that we are accustomed to; this phrase is considered established and generally accepted. What's the catch, where's the inconsistency?


But, in principle, she doesn’t exist. Everything is extremely simple. The barcode indicates the country in which the product was actually produced, and this is indeed China, that is, made in the People's Republic of China. Made in PRC (deciphering: People's Republic of Chinese) is nothing more than a derivative on this topic. It should be noted that both the Republic of China and Taiwan fall under this abbreviation.

For the uninitiated consumer, the difference is, in principle, insignificant, but... At the moment, the politically unstable state divides itself into two, or rather three, parts: the PRC, the Republic of China, Taiwan. The nature of the controversy is not so significant in the context of manufactured goods. A completely logical question arises: why are innovations needed? The previous version was popular and well known. Who and why introduced the new acronym Made in PRC?

Which country do we associate with defects and low-grade “junk”? Agree, the answer is obvious - China. It doesn’t matter to us which political region we are talking about, we are talking exclusively about the quality of the goods supplied. How objective is it?

Celestial Empire

We dare to remind you that China is an ancient state that has a rich culture that influenced not only adjacent countries (Japan, Thailand, etc.), but also European states. It was the inventors from the Middle Kingdom who made such discoveries as gunpowder and fireworks, books and paper. By the way, the word “porcelain” in English is written and sounds identical to the word “China”, namely chine. I don’t think we should blame craftsmen for producing low-quality consumer goods. Things made by Chinese artisans last a long time and reliably.

But in fairness it must be said that the accusations are not groundless. Cheap labor and low levels of education played a cruel joke on the image of the state. Despite the fact that there are enough enterprises in the country that produce high-quality goods, the reputation was created by small apprentices aimed at easy profit and large turnover. They supplied a huge amount of disgusting goods to all countries of the world. Products glorifying the state (no matter how pretentious it may sound), no matter whether it was porcelain or pyrotechnics, were simply lost in a sea of ​​“trash.” As a result, consumers stopped considering purchasing goods made in China. And they do this on principle.

New abbreviation

What does Made in PRC mean? This is not just an abbreviation, it is a way to get customers out of the shock they found themselves in due to the uncontrollable supply of “defects”. This is just a marketing ploy, designed for a favorable outcome, after which the demand for consumer goods supplied from China will increase significantly. China is a country where hardworking people live, who gave the world a fishhook and whiskey (invented for medicinal purposes), paper money and a toothbrush, with a writing system that has no equal in the world. They deserve respect. Their desire for success is enormous.

It was the desire to destroy stereotypes that led to the appearance of the Made in PRC abbreviation on product boxes.

What country

Who can compete with China in terms of the number of non-food consumer goods produced? I think no one. At this stage of time, the Chinese economy is on the rise, foreign investment is pouring in in powerful flows. Factories and factories are being built. Foreign investors are attracted by the country's cheap labor and loyal legislation.

You should not think that only new companies that have not yet gained momentum are building their enterprises there. No! Many large concerns have opened their subsidiaries in this region. The quality of production is monitored tirelessly. Personnel training is carried out. All processes are automated as much as possible.

This is how Made PRC products are born. The manufacturing country can be any, even one that has nothing to do with China. But it is a fact that products manufactured in factories in the Celestial Empire, produced in global volumes and not in single pieces, can compete in quality with those produced in prim England or Germany. There is plenty of evidence of this.

PR stunt

They have been trying to break the stereotypes that were once created for a long time. Many have encountered products whose packaging boxes proudly displayed the names of countries that command respect as manufacturers, such as Austria or Switzerland. Upon closer examination, it turned out that the company whose product you purchased is, for example, Austrian (more precisely, the company is registered in this country), but everything was produced in China. To many, this seems like a low and indecent trick. So what to do? How to convey to consumers that something that is not very expensive can be of decent quality? That the brand and place of production are, of course, important things, but far from the last?

Synonyms should be “quality” and the inscription on the packaging Made in PRC. A country that can build the Great Wall of China, has the largest diasporas around the world, and whose economy is developing by leaps and bounds, can do things worthy of respect.

Common sense

The words spoken above may be a little pretentious. Let's talk without pompous phrases and discuss everything from the point of view of banal erudition.

It's no secret that you have to pay extra for the brand and country of origin. Often the markup for these two items exceeds the 50% barrier. For many, this is an indicator of status. An item purchased at an incredibly high price speaks of wealth.

But is this really important for ordinary consumers, for whom a mixer is just a device that whips egg whites into a strong foam? The main thing that is required of him is proper service to the mistress. That's it, nothing more. So why are Made in PRC products not suitable for this? Whose production should be indicated on the packaging for the mixer to work better?

What's better?

Many housewives note the fact that a simple mixer, even a Chinese one, will last less, but its price is several times lower. That is, the price ratio is such that during the operation of an expensive, branded unit, you can buy two new ones that are not inferior in design and characteristics, without losing at all financially.

Choose the best, even if it is made in China.

Articles and Lifehacks

Newcomers who come to buy a smartphone on , often enthusiastically rush to the offer of the chosen model with the lowest price, after which they begin to zealously brand the insolent domestic retailers who have completely lost their shores in their greed.

And they completely forget to pay attention to the modest addition to the name - China.

Sobering up comes a little later, even if nothing happened to the purchased gadget along the way and it ended up safely in the hands of the buyer.

We decided to spend a little time and thoroughly clarify how the versions of Global, EU, China, Rostest and some others differ from each other, which Russian users may end up with in one way or another.

Essence of the question

Whether one likes it or not, China today is the “factory of the world.” That's why he sells his phones all over the world.

Human civilization has not yet reached common standards, so manufacturers have to take this issue into account. Plus, there is also such a thing as certification.

As a result, the same model can have not only versions with different numbers or colors of the case, but also configuration, firmware, or even the composition of the modules available “on board”.

And it is precisely these “little things” that distinguish the above-mentioned variations.

Global version

A variant of the gadget intended for the international market.

There are additional varieties of it - EU and UK. They differ from each other only in the charger plug, since the “wily British” still use their own standard.

EU Plug corresponds to the Euro plug familiar to any Russian, so this charger does not require any adapters. In addition, US (United States) and AU (Australia) plugs are occasionally found.

In principle, the problem is not fatal, but you will still have to look for an exotic adapter on the same AliExpress.

The next characteristic feature is the multilingual version of the Stable ROM firmware, which includes up to several dozen languages, including Russian. So this will definitely not be a problem when using the phone.

When updating such a device, problems arise less frequently than in other cases.

The inscriptions on the packaging and documentation are made in English, plus the language of the sales region can be added.

There are also several additional ranges compared to the Chinese version. In addition to the main bands 1, 3, 5 and 7, bands 4 and 20 are additionally supported.

The first is of no interest to Russians, since it is used mainly by cellular operators in South American countries.

The second is relevant for subscribers living in small towns. Due to the low frequency, this band is not very popular.

It should be borne in mind that many Chinese online stores take into account the above-described features, and for such products there are country-specific instructions, with the help of which the buyer can understand whether a particular range will work for him.

The Chinese Internet is fenced off from the rest of the world by a global firewall - the “Great Wall of China”; in addition, the American IT giant Google is not held in high esteem in the Middle Kingdom. Therefore, versions for the domestic market have completely different applications preinstalled.

If you bought a smartphone marked Global version on the packaging, you won’t have to worry about digging out all this stuff from the system, and then installing other useful services.

In addition to everything described above, there are many more less significant details.

For example, unlike China, “global” devices may have support, there may be versions with a different amount of memory than devices for the domestic market, or, say, different body colors.

The latter fact sometimes fails those who want “that pink smartphone” that is not supplied to the Russian Federation.


In the most difficult case, you will have to deal with a device in which only two languages ​​are firmware: Chinese and English - unless, instead of China ROM, firmware that is more suitable for Russian users is not installed.

The inscriptions on the packaging and documentation will also be made in hieroglyphs. The charger plug complies with Chinese CPCS-CCC standard.

Such devices do not support 20 LTE bands and do not have NFC. Sometimes, instead of two separate slots for a SIM card and a memory card, a common hybrid one is used. Instead of Google, Chinese services are installed, for example, the Baidu search engine.

Often such versions have synonymous names that differ from those accepted for the global market. For example, the well-known sub-flagship Huawei P20 Lite in China is known as Huawei nova 3e.

Don’t forget that some models are initially intended only for users from the Middle Kingdom, so there is no official global firmware for them.


This name itself does not appear very often - it is usually referred to as reflashed devices that have Global ROM firmware installed.

Essentially, this is the same China, but with multilingual support, installed services, equipped with an adapter for a European plug and documentation in Russian.

This option can be found on sale in small online stores at a price significantly lower than in the official one, or from large retailers.

However, you often come across a Global version, which is still significantly cheaper than Rostest.


Particularly popular are devices that have passed special certification for the Russian market, known as “Rostest”, also known as “white”, since all the others are classified as “black” (stolen) or “gray” (imported without the appropriate documents).

You can find the corresponding sign on their packaging.

The main thing that this certification gives the user, besides about a 20% increase in the price of the gadget, is warranty repair at any service center in Russia. And, in fact, this is their only advantage compared to the Global version.

They are assembled at absolutely the same enterprise; of course, no one checks each device individually - a certificate is issued for the entire batch at once. On the contrary, there may be disadvantages.

Very often, Rostest versions have a reduced amount of RAM - this is how manufacturers cover their costs. For example, Huawei Nova 3 Global version has 6 GB of RAM, and the Rostest version has only 4 GB.

In addition, usually these versions are poorer in colors: the same “global” Nova 3 has four of them:

  • black;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • golden.

While Rostestovskaya has only two of them: black and blue.

Some unscrupulous sellers pass off “gray” devices as Rostest ones. As a result, the buyer, tempted by the low price, is simply left without warranty service.

There are several ways, from visual to using a unique IMEI number.

A few words should be especially said about the so-called “Eurotest”.

This concept is completely unofficial, and at different times it included both devices with European CE certification and all kinds of Indian-Chinese devices.

It is important to understand that there is no difference in the quality of materials and assembly, which the cunning salesman so selflessly talks about, between Rostest and Eurotest - they were all assembled at the same factory.

The real difference is in the warranty service.

Warranty Issues

Despite the apparent complexity, in reality everything is simple: warranty service for a smartphone is carried out in the country for the market for which it is intended by the manufacturer.

That is, the EU version will have to be repaired in the EU countries, the China version will have to be repaired in China, and Rostest is obliged to repair the corresponding service centers throughout the Russian Federation.

At the same time, sellers selling “gray” devices swear: there is no difference between them and Rostest’s, you’ll just pay 20% more. And we - we will give a guarantee.

But in this case you will have to rely solely on the integrity of not the largest store, which exists today, but not tomorrow, since either, or even their less impressive competitors, like or “gray” phones, do not sell.

And the Rostest device will be accepted for warranty repair in any region of the Russian Federation. And even if these sellers were a hundred times honest, few people would like taking the gadget for warranty to another city.

They simply have nowhere to get their own regional network of service centers.


It remains to bring together everything you need to know about the versions of smartphones.

Global versionChinaRostest"Eurotest"
InstructionsEnChEn, RuEn, Ru
GuaranteeChinaThe entire territory of the Russian FederationTarget country + at the discretion of the seller
Russian languageEatNoEatEat
ChargerEuro, UK or USChinaEuroEuro or any other + adapter
FirmwareGlobal ROMChina ROMGlobal ROMGlobal ROM

We will not draw a clear conclusion, saying, buy only this version, and all the others are rubbish and a source of bad mood.

It’s just that before purchasing a gadget from one or another seller, it makes sense to clearly understand why its price is lower than that of another, and how you will have to pay for it.

Ready? Go for it! No? Welcome to, to Svyaznoy or from.

EU domain – whose domain, what country, when the domain zone appeared, who can buy an EU domain.

EU is a top-level national domain name that was created for use in the European Union. The stated purpose of organizing a new domain zone was to maintain the unity and consolidation of Eurozone residents in a single domain space.

The domain name was launched in 2005 and within the first hour 300 thousand applicants applied for registration. The domain name is very popular in the European Union and is actively indexed by search engines.

Register a second-level domain in the zone. EU is possible by providing an address and contact in the EU, excluding Switzerland. Initially, the rules were more stringent and allowed only trademarks to register domains.

Characteristics of the European Union domain zone.

Zone.EU is popular in the European Union and is trusted throughout its territory. A potential domain owner in this zone can count on visitors to trust him, understanding that his company operates in accordance with European standards and laws. Therefore, such domains are suitable for companies that want to do business in Europe and want to establish contact with residents of the European Union.

International companies that want to attract a target audience of about 500,000 people create websites on this domain. Examples of such companies include Microsoft and Louis Vuitton.

Requirements for registering EU domain names.

EU domain registration rules:

  • Allowed domain name length: The minimum number of characters in the name is 3, the maximum number of characters in the name is 63.
  • Domain name restrictions: It is allowed to use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and hyphens. It is prohibited to use hyphens at the beginning and end of a name, in the third or fourth position in a word, as well as two hyphens in a row. The use of various geographical names, geopolitical terms, and letter codes of Eurozone countries in the domain name is prohibited. Some names are reserved by the European Commission.
  • When is a domain renewal possible: renewal is allowed two days before the date of termination of registration; a domain can be renewed for up to five years.
  • Procedure for termination of delegation and deletion of EU domains: termination of delegation and deregistration is carried out instantly, upon expiration of the delegation period.

Who is a EU domain name suitable for?

In the EU domain zone, you can register news sites dedicated to the European Union and intended for its residents. Domains are registered:

  • Small business owners.
  • Large international companies.
  • Firms providing various services.
  • Travel companies.
  • Services for obtaining visas.
  • Information sites about the EU.

Owners of travel companies register websites in this zone in order to show that they operate in the European Union. Among other things, regular sites dedicated to tourism, history and travel are also registered there.

Advantages and disadvantages of the EU domain zone.


  • Domain recognition: Residents of the European Union trust sites located on the domain. EU, which have distribution there.

Main disadvantages:

  • Price: the high price is, on the one hand, an obstacle to registration. On the other hand, this cuts off the possibility of domain registration for low-quality sites - sitelites, doorways, etc.
  • Lack of whois-protect: Anyone can find out the details of the domain owner.
  • Registration ban for non-residents of the European Union: Only residents of the European Union can register a website in this zone. Residents of other countries have to resort to the services of trusted persons who are residents of the Eurozone.

Where to register a domain?

Domain registration must be done with companies that have authority in the market. A characteristic indicator for such a company is its existence on the market for more than 3 years. It is important that the company has a license to register domains. A potential website owner in the .EU zone should find reviews about registrars on the Internet and, based on them, draw conclusions about further cooperation with them.

Frequently asked questions about the domain zone.EU

When paying for the “Business” tariff plan for a year or more, you can register a domain worth up to 1000 rubles free of charge (for a period of 1 year). Shared hosting tariffs are presented. After a year, the domain name can be renewed at the standard price for the selected zone.

Yes, we provide hosting services - from shared hosting to server rental.

For promotion, it doesn’t matter whose domain it is, Russia or the European Union. A site's ranking in a search engine depends on its content, not the domain name.

The initiative was supported by Italy and Greece, as well as most of the new EU members, while Germany And France support the preservation of independent product labels.


Wikimedia Foundation.


    See what "Made in EU" is in other dictionaries: made

    - made ... Dictionnaire des rimes- adjective made in a particular country or type of place: sales of British made equipment Using factory made precast sections gives us additional speed in construction. * * * made suffix produced in a particular way or place: "On the... ... Financial and business terms

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    See what "Made in EU" is in other dictionaries:- v 1.) the past tense and past participle of make 2.) factory made/German made/homemade etc made in a factory, in Germany, at home etc ▪ sales of Japanese made cars 3.) have (got) it made informal to have everything that you need for... ... Dictionary of contemporary English

    Made- Made, a. Artificially produced; pieced together; formed by filling in; as, made ground; a made mast, in distinction from one consisting of a single spar.

    2. having the sheets and blankets set in order; of a bed;… … Made up - Made Made, a. Artificially produced; pieced together; formed by filling in; as, made ground; a made mast, in distinction from one consisting of a single spar.

    2. having the sheets and blankets set in order; of a... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    made in- ● made in Expression anglaise signifiant fabriqué en, à, et qui, suivie du nom anglais d un pays, indique l origine d un produit manufacturé. made in loc. anglaise (fabriqué en) précédant le nom du pays où un produit a été fabriqué. Made in… … Encyclopédie Universelle

    Made in U.S.A.- Made in U.S.A. Compilación de The Beach Boys Publicación 7 de julio de 1986 Grabación Abril de 1962 – mayo de 1986 Género(s) Surf Rock, Rock, Pop … Wikipedia Español

    Made in EU- (auch Made in the EU) ist ein Qualitätssiegel, das seit 2003 von der EU Kommission etabliert wird. Made in EU ist als Kennzeichnung für europäische Produkte anstelle der Landeskennzeichnung nicht verpflichtend vorgeschrieben, aber langfristig als … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Made- adj. 1. formed or conceived by the imagination; not true; as, a made up story. Syn: fabricated, fancied, fictional, fictitious, invented. - Made Made, a. Artificially produced; pieced together; formed by filling in; as, made ground; a made mast, in distinction from one consisting of a single spar.

2. having been paved.

  • 3. marked by the use of cosmetic makeup; as,... ... Books Made in Germany , Kostnick Joachim M. , Made in Germany war urspr?nglich einmal als Warnung gedacht, doch wie bekannt, verkehrte sich das bald ins Gegenteil: Made in Germany wurde zum G?tesiegel, auch und gerade in Sachen Automobil…