Which Wi-Fi adapter for a computer is better? How to Choose a Network USB WiFi Adapter for a Computer or Laptop

If you have a regular desktop computer and the Internet is connected via a Wi-Fi router, then there are at least two ways in which you can connect your PC to the router.

Let's look at both options:

  1. Using a network cable. In this case, there is one big minus and one big plus. The downside is that you need to lay a network cable from the router to the computer. And if the router is installed near the PC, then this is not a problem. But it is not always possible to stretch the cable. It is not always convenient and beautiful. Well, the plus is that the cable connection is more stable and the Internet speed will be higher.
  2. Via Wi-Fi network, using a special adapter. Desktop computers, as a rule, do not have built-in Wi-Fi adapters, and in order to connect the PC to a wireless network, this adapter must be purchased, installed and configured. This is not a problem, but it is an additional cost. But no wires. I wrote about this in the article: .

In this article, we will look in detail at what Wi-Fi adapters for PCs are, what to look for when choosing, and how to choose a suitable adapter for a desktop computer. It should be noted that the USB adapters discussed in this article can also be used on laptops without any problems. If the built-in module is broken or does not work for some other reason.

In the meantime, you are choosing a Wi-Fi adapter, you can use an Android mobile device instead. I wrote in the article how to set it all up.

Perhaps you have another router, then you can try setting it up as a receiver according to the instructions.

What types of Wi-Fi adapters are there? Deciding on the connection interface

First of all, I advise you to decide on the interface through which the adapter will connect to your desktop computer. The most popular are USB and PCI Express. There is also PCMCIA (mainly for laptops), but they are no longer very relevant, therefore, we will not consider them. Let's take a closer look at receivers that connect via USB and PCI.

I think you have decided on the connection interface. As for other characteristics, there are no differences between USB and PCI. The information you will find below applies to Wi-Fi adapters with different interfaces.

Selecting a Wi-Fi receiver based on technical characteristics

Once you have decided on the connection interface, you need to look at other technical characteristics. Basically, this is one indicator: the speed of data transfer over a wireless Wi-Fi network. The Internet connection speed that you will get on your computer when connected via a Wi-Fi receiver depends on this.

Also pay attention to the gain of the Wi-Fi network. I looked at different adapters, but the characteristics usually do not indicate the power of the antennas. If your computer is installed far from the router, where the signal is not very stable, then for good Wi-Fi signal reception, take a receiver with external antennas. The system unit is usually installed on the floor. Therefore, for better reception, the adapter can be connected via a USB extension cable (if you have an external model) and put it on the table.

Wi-Fi standard, support 802.11ac (5 GHz)

At the time of writing this article (end of March 2017), the most adapters on sale support the 802.11n standard. Wireless network speed up to 300 Mbps (maybe higher). The cheapest Wi-Fi adapters provide speeds of up to 150 Mbps. I would advise buying such adapters only if you need to save a lot. It is better, of course, to buy a receiver with speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s, and even better with support for the modern 802.11ac standard.

Also, by connecting the Internet to your computer via a network cable and installing a Wi-Fi adapter, you can distribute Wi-Fi rather than receive it. I wrote how to do this in the article: .

If your PC was previously connected to the Internet via cable, then after connecting via Wi-Fi, the connection speed may drop significantly. There is nothing wrong with this, and it does not mean that you did something wrong or configured something incorrectly. True, it all depends on how much the speed has dropped. You can find tips on increasing the speed of your Wi-Fi connection in the article.

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The main goal of the creators of this standard was to create a real opportunity for PC users to work with peripheral devices in Plug&Play mode. In other words, the developers wanted to create a real connection between the equipment and the running computer, after which it should be automatically recognized by the device. In this case, all necessary drivers must be installed.

Nowadays there is a huge number of different standards, which can confuse and confuse ordinary users. In addition, such diversity can also affect the wallet of people who use computer devices and other modern technology. Small devices such as USB adapters, capable of transforming USB interface to another type and vice versa, which greatly facilitates the use of the equipment.

USB adapter

You can often hear the term " USB adapter", which is a synonym USB adapter. Using such a device, you can increase the functionality of many devices, including a computer, due to the matching of the interfaces of adjacent devices. Another common term is " USB Hub» is also an adapter, but with circuits for separating and powering USB channels. There are many different USB adapters available. Among PC users, the most common ones are wireless ones, such as Bluetooth And WiFi. Also quite often used are adapters for car radios, TVs, power converting adapters, etc.

USB bluetooth adapter

USB bluetooth adapter is a special device that allows you to connect a computer that previously did not have this function with another device equipped with the appropriate options to detect it. They are used to wirelessly connect a computer to other devices that support this function, such as phones, printers, laptops and cameras. In this case, information transfer is possible over a short distance. Modern Bluetooth adapters are universal and very compact devices that can be purchased at a very affordable price.

When you connect your mobile phone to your computer, you can use them to not only exchange information, but also access your phone book entries, and even send and receive messages. This function is available in almost all modern phones, so to exchange data with a computer you only need to connect the adapter and set up the connection. By connecting your mobile phone using bluetooth, you will configure the modem function with information transfer via the GPRS protocol.

If you decide to purchase such an adapter, then, first of all, you need to decide How far away will your devices be?. Modern models provide the opportunity for high-quality connection at a distance up to one hundred meters. This parameter depends on the transmitter power that the adapter is equipped with. Some devices of this type have external antennas that allow you to increase the range of signal reception. But the cost of models with a longer reception range is a little more expensive.

Main advantage USB bluetooth adapters are that with their help you can transfer data at a much higher speed than through an infrared port or data cables. It is worth noting that they receive the signal even if there are some obstacles between the connected devices.

USB bluetooth adapters are also used not only to connect digital devices to a computer, but also to connect two computers. Thanks to this, users have the opportunity to play online games or simply exchange information. Considering that the prices of these devices are becoming less and less recently, they are the most popular devices for wireless connection.

USB-Wi-Fi adapters

USB-Wi-Fi adapters make it possible to receive a wireless signal from an access point, router, etc. In computers and laptops, the Wi-Fi function may be built-in initially. In this case, you will see a special icon on the case. But if your PC is not equipped with this function, you can use a USB-Wi-Fi adapter, which is connected through the appropriate connector.

It is recommended to use this type of Wi-Fi adapter, as they are the most universal and are suitable for all laptops and computers with a USB port. All these devices look similar to a small flash drive, but differ in their technical characteristics.

When purchasing a Wi-Fi adapter, it is best to give preference to more modern models that support the latest standards for transmitting information at high speeds. up to three hundred megabits per second. Such devices will cost you a little more, but given the fact that equipment ages very quickly, you will save yourself from some problems in the future.

It is also necessary to pay attention to such a parameter as antenna power. The best option is to choose a device at least twenty decibels. In this case, you will be able to receive even weak signals. You can find out about this characteristic in the instructions. An additional advantage would be presence of a connector for an external antenna, which can be included or sold separately.

Today, the most advanced standards ensuring the security of a wireless network are encryption types such as WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK and WPA/WPA2, which you should focus on when choosing a USB-Wi-Fi adapter. Also an important parameter is support multiple connection modes, which can be either from an access point to a computer or between two computers.

If you want to purchase USB-Wi-Fi adapter for general home use, then you can choose a simpler and cheaper device, having decided only on the brand and some additional characteristics, for example, the ability to automatically configure WPS connection parameters. But if you are going to use the adapter in difficult conditions, it is better to choose a more serious model.

Concerning Wi-Fi adapter manufacturers, then their choice is simply huge, but it is recommended to purchase devices from the company whose equipment is already used in your network. For example, if you have a D-Link router, then it is better to purchase an adapter from the same manufacturer. Also among the reputable companies are Asus, Zyxel, Netgear and TP-Link, which produce high-quality products.

Good luck with your choice!

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Wardriving (detection and hacking of Wi-Fi access points) requires special equipment. But you don’t have to splurge on professional devices. Among the commercially produced Wi-Fi adapters, there are also suitable models. Turning them into hacker devices sometimes requires some manipulation. I will tell you how to choose such a device, where to buy it and what to do with it next.

External Wi-Fi adapters for wardriving

Kali Linux and 5 GHz

Wardriving at 5 GHz has its own challenges. Firstly, due to the high frequency, the signal fades faster. If an 802.11g access point that broadcasts in 2.4 GHz mode can be caught even a kilometer away, then five-GHz ones go out within a couple of tens of meters, even when using the 802.11n standard. You will have to get closer to such a goal.

Secondly, to monitor five-GHz access points, you will need a utility with this function. Kali Linux 2.0 has a WiFite r87 program that only sees 2.4 GHz APs.

This problem is solved by installing WiFite 2.0.

Git clone https://github.com/derv82/wifite2.git

CD wifite2/

and run the script with the new command to display APs broadcasting at 5 GHz

./Wifite.py -5

If you are not logged in as root, then you need to add sudo before the last command.

Before scanning, it may be useful to install updated firmware with the following command (example for Ralink chips):

# apt-get update && apt-get install firmware-ralink

For other adapters (for example, Atheros) the command is similar, only the name of the vendor changes.

There's a surprise in every building!

Surely you have come across the common phrase more than once: “The manufacturer may change the technical and consumer properties of the product without notice.” In practice, this means that if you buy the same model of Wi-Fi adapter from different batches, you can find different chips inside. It would be good if they were both on the Linux compatibility list. For example, in the first series of the Tenda W322UA adapter the RT3072 chip was installed. Now they contain a newer RT5372L - the same as in Tenda W322U v3. There is a unification of production, but the problem is that no new designations have appeared on the device - neither version nor revision.

Surprises can be pleasant... and not so pleasant

The W322UA looks interesting, but the chip in it is a cheaper version, and a pair of small pin antennas is of little use. They slightly increase the data rate (due to the use of a 2x2:2 MIMO scheme) at the expense of signal strength. The baby consumes only 660 mW and confidently catches AP only close. The signal from routers located behind the wall will always be in the red zone.

For wardriving, it is better to take one more powerful antenna, but in this adapter they are not removable. I'm glad that the antenna cable terminals are located separately on the board. They are located far from the chip, so you won’t overheat it when you solder another antenna.

Chinese watts and decibels

Signal strength is the key to successful wardriving, but sellers also understand this. Deprived of any remnants of conscience, they inflate the characteristics of the product several times and indulge in any deception. For example, reprints of last year’s articles still advise buying a High Power SignalKing 48DBI device from the Chinese. One of my colleagues decided to check and see what was inside this wonderful adapter. The parcel arrived for almost two months and... it would have been better if it had been lost. Opening the sent sample showed that the omnidirectional antennas in this adapter are dummy, and the directional one is much smaller in size than you would expect, looking at the dimensions of the case. Of course, the gain of a panel antenna is not even close to what is stated. 48 dBi you say? It's not even eight. Other adapters from well-known brands show similar results - they use high-quality pin antennas of 5–6 dBi. And the connection with them is more stable than with the self-proclaimed “King of Signal”.

Alas, this story is the rule, not an exceptional case. You should look at most products with skepticism and not be lazy to count. For example, a USB port with a current limit of 500 mA and an operating voltage of 5 V cannot power a load that consumes more than 2.5 W. Are they offering you a 9W USB adapter? Smile and look for another one. With a 100500 dBi antenna? Contact the air defense! Someone stole their radar!

Buying from a local store does not eliminate the need to think and check. You will simply wait less and return the fake more easily, but you will pay much more for the same thing. It is logical that ordering Chinese goods is cheaper in Chinese stores. Besides AliExpress, there is DealExtreme, FocalPrice, JD and many others.

Life hack: suitable adapters are searched in online stores by the name of the chip, as well as by the mention of Kali Linux, BackTrack, Beini and Xiaopan. It is better to filter search results not by price, but by seller rating and number of reviews. There are always hundreds of them for a popular item, and there are photographs and test results.

Russian Post is not giving up without a fight!

Our mail likes to redirect any complaints about the condition of parcels to dev/null or to customs (especially if the integrity of the package is compromised). De jure, customs can inspect international parcels, but de facto they rarely exercise this right. Their flow is so large that even in a quiet period, at any customs office they manage to check a maximum of every fifth shipment. If upon receipt you see traces of an opening (for example, the package is sealed with tape), then do not believe the stories about total checks. All packages opened at customs are sealed with tape with the FCS logo, and a certificate is attached to the shipment. Everything else is outright theft by the delivery service employees.

Recently, Russian Post has been actively fighting this shameful phenomenon. Therefore, if you find that the package has been opened or its weight does not match that indicated in the notice, proceed according to the following algorithm.

  1. Do not accept the package and do not sign the notice.
  2. Call the toll-free hotline 8-800-2005-888 and clearly explain the situation. Be sure to include the post office number and tracking number of the item.
  3. Call the postmaster or an employee temporarily performing his duties. Yes, in exactly this sequence: a call, then an on-site investigation. Without a magic kick from above, it will last forever.
  4. Request a form for drawing up a report on the opening of an international shipment.
  5. Fill it out at a table within sight of a CCTV camera (nowadays there are almost every department). There, open the parcel together with the head of the department. If you refuse to do this, call the hotline again and provide the name of the employee who denied your legal request.
  6. If they immediately begin to be rude to you and shout that nothing can be done, call the police. This is a theft, and uncovering it without delay is usually not difficult. Why? Due to the small number of suspects and detailed documentation.

At each point of reception and delivery of parcels, their weight is checked, and all data is entered into the database. Therefore, the crime scene is obvious in the first minutes of the investigation. Usually this is the last link in the chain, that is, the very department where you came to receive your parcel. Remember that the detective who arrived at your call has much more powers (that’s why he was called that, hehe) and methods of influencing postal employees than you. It also has performance indicators. Perhaps he will even be happy that he was called to investigate a fresh and thoroughly documented criminal offense (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - theft). The contents of the parcel interest him only in this aspect. Since you are the applicant and the injured party in this situation, you should not expect any counter-accusations. Almost all Chinese equipment can be classified as consumer electronics purchased abroad for the sake of economy. Of course, if it doesn’t shoot and doesn’t look like an overt spy device.

We evaluate the best plug-and-play options for connecting to Wi-Fi.

A USB Wi-Fi adapter is a useful device that improves the quality of your Wi-Fi connection. Almost all modern laptops and desktop computers have a wireless adapter built into them via a mini-PCIe card, but the performance of such adapters in most cases leaves much to be desired.

This is where a USB Wi-Fi adapter comes in: a simple plug-and-play device that dramatically improves the capabilities of your wireless network.

In this article, we have collected the latest devices from several manufacturers and conducted a series of tests. For performance testing, the NetPerf application was used at three distances at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. And, based on the test results, we present to your attention the best USB Wi-Fi adapters.

The best full-size Wi-Fi adapter.

Standard: AC1900 IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac | Frequency: 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz | Dimensions: 85 x 75 x 20 mm | Weight: 48 g


  • High data transfer speed thanks to AC1900 standard
  • Long range


  • Lack of MU-MIMO support
  • Too big to take on the road

There are a lot of high-quality nano-adapters on the market, but if you like full-size options, then you simply won’t find a better one than the Trendnet TEW-809UB. This device eschews portability in favor of solid antennas and high data transfer rates achieved with the AC1900 standard (N600, AC1300).

The device is equipped with four rotating antennas, each of which has a power of 5 dBi. To connect the adapter, you do not need additional software - just the driver that comes with the kit and is installed on Windows. The adapter does not support MU-MIMO, but is equipped with the Beamforming function.

In practice, Trendnet TEW-809UB shows amazing stability and speed. It costs $109, but you can get it on Amazon for just $79. Thanks to powerful antennas, this adapter has an outstanding range - both at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for connecting to a Wi-Fi network with a weak signal.

The best portable USB Wi-Fi adapter.

Standard: AC1900 IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac | Frequency: 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz | Dimensions: 115 x 30 x 18 mm | Weight: 44 g


  • Connects directly via USB port or via an extension cable included in the kit
  • Two retractable antennas


  • Mediocre performance at 2.4 GHz

The Asus USB-AC68 adapter has an advanced design and is equipped with two retractable antennas. The device has support for USB 3.0, AC1900 standard, Asus AiRadar Beamforming and MU-MIMO functions, which is ensured by a 3x4 antenna configuration (output x receive). The overall performance of the Asus device was quite mixed. At a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the adapter worked with slack, and at a frequency of 5 GHz it worked noticeably better, but was still inferior in speed to other models on the list.

While the Trendnet TEW-809UB is our favorite Wi-Fi adapter out of the bunch, it has obvious portability issues. If you need an option that you can always take with you, then you should stop at the Asus USB-AC68, which costs $75. The kit includes a convenient USB extension cable that can be used both at home and on the go.

The best mid-class USB Wi-Fi adapter.

Standard: AC1750 IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac | Frequency: 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz | Dimensions: 87.1 x 27 x 18 mm | Weight: 23 g


  • Best performance in throughput tests
  • Retractable antenna


  • Poor performance over long distances

In our list, the Edimax EW-7833UAC replaced another budget option - the EW-7822UAC. While most adapters have the capabilities of the AC1200 standard, the Edimax EW-7833UAC operates at higher speeds thanks to the AC1750 standard (N450, AC1300). The installation was quite simple, and Windows 10 set the optimal settings.

This adapter has similar dimensions to other popular models, but boasts a retractable part that houses three antennas that increase range and throughput. It is also worth noting support for MU-MIMO and Beamforming technology.

The EW-7833UAC turned out to be the undisputed leader in 4 out of 6 tests in terms of throughput at frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. We were especially impressed with 298.9 Mbps at 5 GHz, which is noticeably more than adapters in this class can offer. The only problem with the device is its relatively poor performance over long distances. However, you can live with this, given the more than modest price of the device, which is $34.

The best nano-USB Wi-Fi adapter.

Standard: AC600 IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac | Frequency: 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz | Dimensions: 40.64 X 18.03 X 11.94 mm | Weight: 5.9 g


  • Very compact
  • Built-in MU-MIMO support


  • Low speed at 2.4 GHz

Linksys representatives themselves call the Linksys WUSB6100M adapter a “micro device,” and it is truly miniature. The device operates at AC600 standard speeds (N150, AC433). Even despite its modest dimensions, the adapter supports the latest technologies such as MU-MIMO and Beamforming.

This small adapter showed very decent results in tests in terms of throughput and signal reception range. Although the AC600 standard does not perform well at 2.4 GHz, the device's performance at 5 GHz was equally strong at different distances.

These results look especially impressive in comparison with other adapters in this class, which are much inferior to the Linksys WUSB6100M model. The device costs only $30, making it an excellent choice for anyone who frequently uses a laptop outside the home.

The best budget USB Wi-Fi adapter.

Standard: AC1200 IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac | Frequency: 2.4 GHz + 5 GHz | Dimensions: 80 x 27 x 12 mm | Weight: 20 g


  • Affordable price
  • Impressive range


  • Not the fastest speed

Many of us dream of driving a Porsche or a Ferrari, but in reality we find ourselves driving a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla, recognizing the practicality of such a car. For those who do not want to spend exorbitant amounts of money on a wireless USB adapter, we recommend paying attention to Trendnet TEW-805UB - a budget version of the full-size Trendnet TEW-809UB.

The advantages of this device from Trendnet include, first of all, its dimensions - the adapter is quite compact, but not too small. You can also note the textured surface of the device, so that dirt does not stick to it. Despite the fact that the gadget did not show the best results in bandwidth tests, they can still be called very decent (with the exception of the 2.4 GHz test, during which the bandwidth dropped to 61.5 Mbit/s).

How we test USB Wi-Fi adapters

Bandwidth testing was carried out using the NetPerf application. The data was transmitted from a desktop computer with a Gigabit Ethernet port (10/100/1000) connected to the router. For each adapter, three tests were carried out at each frequency (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) and three distances: near (2.4 meters), medium (9.1 meters) and long.

During each test, the maximum throughput was recorded. For testing we used the Asus AC1900P router - the best budget gaming router, according to our editors.

Ilya 16888

First of all, let’s clarify why an external Wi-Fi adapter is needed, if most laptops and netbooks have had a built-in adapter installed for a long time. The problem is that due to insufficient power of the built-in Wi-Fi adapter or various obstacles (a long distance to the router itself, thick walls), the Internet speed may decrease. To avoid this problem, you can use this same adapter, which will strengthen the Internet signal.

Below is a review and comparison of inexpensive adapters under 1000 rubles, from which we will choose the best one.
First, we will define the criteria on the basis of which we will compare and select the best option.
Manufacturer. At the moment there are several main manufacturers - TP-Link, D-link and Asus. The advantages of this choice are obvious: good service support, a lot of information on the Internet and a well-known brand. The second important criterion is signal strength. Typically ranges from 13 to 28 dBM. Accordingly, the more power, the better for us.
The next important parameter is the connection speed. Speed ​​range from 150 to 300 Mbps. It’s the same here, the higher the better. The presence and number of antennas. They may not exist at all, but their presence increases the efficiency of the adapter. But such structures are very cumbersome.
Connection type. There are two main types: a simple connection via USB and a more complex connection directly to the motherboard. There are other connections, for example, via micro-USB, which is especially important with the advent of tablet computers that do not have a full USB input.

Prices in online stores:

Now let's move on to reviewing and comparing our models. Let's divide them into two groups, the first of which will include compact adapters, and the second will include options that have one or more antennas.
Let's start by considering the first group and the most expensive option, TP-LINK TL-WN821N. Its cost is 740 rubles. It has a 300 Mbps data transfer rate and a transmitter power of 20 dBm. Connects via USB version 2.0.

The next option is TP-LINK TL-WN821NC. Its cost is 510 rubles. It has the same data transfer rate and transmitter power as the previous version. It also connects via USB, and comes with a USB stand (cradle) as a gift. The other options, although they have a lower price, have insufficient characteristics. From this we conclude that the best compact wi-fi adapter is the TL-WN821NC from TP-Link.
Now let's move on to choosing the best adapter from the second group. These adapters are suitable for those who need this device to work at home or in the office.

Prices in online stores:

The first and most expensive representative is TP-LINK TL-WN8200ND. Its price is 930 rubles. The adapter has a data transfer rate of 300 Mbit/s, with a transmitter power of 27 dBm. It is also equipped with two 5 dBm antennas, which are removable. But it connects via a micro-USB connector, which is not entirely convenient.

The second option is TP-LINK TL-WN822N. Cost 660 rub. Data is transmitted at a speed of 300 Mbit/s, but the power is only 20 dBm, although the adapter is equipped with two non-removable antennas. Connection is made using micro-USB. The device also has a stylish design.

Prices in online stores: