Find out iPhone history by imei. How to find out your phone's history by imei. iPhone check. How to tell if your iPhone is new

When buying an iPhone secondhand, you need to be extremely careful. The Chinese have learned to make almost perfect copies of smartphones, which can be difficult for an inexperienced user to distinguish, and the original devices may have an expired warranty. The official Apple website will help you verify the seller’s honesty, where you can check the device you are purchasing by serial number in a few seconds.

In order to get additional information about the iPhone, we need the device's serial number. You can get it in various ways, for example, look at the back cover of the device (or on the SIM card tray in older models), but the easiest way is to go to the settings.

How to find out iPhone serial number?

Step 1: Go to Menu Settings -> Basic

Step 2: Select an item About the device

Step 3. Find the line " Serial number" and rewrite the value specified in it

We got the serial number, all that remains is to check it on the Apple website. How to do this is written in the instructions below.

Step 1. Go to the special page on the Apple website to check your iPhone by serial number (link)

Step 2. In the “Enter hardware serial number” line, enter the serial number of the device being tested and click “ Continue»

Step 3: Wait for the results page to load and review the information received

What information does this page provide? Here you can verify the originality of the purchased device, determine the expiration date of the warranty and the possibility of receiving technical support by phone. If the iPhone has not been activated, then on the same page you will receive a notification about the need to complete activation.

Note: You can also check the serial numbers of other Apple devices in this way, including Mac computers, iPads, Apple TVs, and even some accessories.

Good time everyone! The need to check IMEI arises, firstly, when purchasing an Apple gadget second-hand, and secondly, if it is purchased from an unknown seller, for example, via the Internet. An appropriate check (for example, on the official Apple website) will allow you to find out whether the device is original, whether its warranty has expired, and whether you can use support services.

To “get through” all the information mentioned, you only need to know the serial number, and then use it to obtain data either from the office. website or through other sources. Which ones? Now you will find out everything! And yes, an important note, the information is provided absolutely free to everyone.

Where can I check the authenticity of an iPhone using its serial number?

In fact, there are a large number of resources providing similar services. I advise you to use only two. Why?

  • All inquiries are free.
  • Reliability of information - 100%.

This, in my opinion, is quite enough. What are these sites? I already talked about one of them in the article about buying an iPhone. There are also instructions for using this service. And the second place where you can check the iPhone serial number carefully and thoroughly is, of course, the Apple website. Let's talk about this procedure in a little more detail today.

Step-by-step instructions for checking iPhone by IMEI on the Apple website

This action is carried out in several elementary steps. Do each of them in turn.

Here you can see the model and color of the device, find out when technical support by phone and warranty expires. Also in this section there will be a notification about the need to carry out, if this has not been done previously.

Already on the basis of this information, one can draw conclusions about the originality of the iPhone (although there is more for this), determine whether the case has been changed and whether the serial number really corresponds to this particular model.

Helpful advice! The presented instructions allow you to check not only the iPhone, but also other Apple devices: iPad, Mac computers, Apple TV set-top boxes, AirPods wireless headphones, as well as some additional accessories.

P.S. Are the data on the Apple website and in “reality” the same? Like it"! No? Write in the comments!

The serial number helps to fully identify a device of any well-known brand.

There are many sites that allow you to literally check a phone in a few minutes and find out, for example, whether it is real, whether it is wanted, etc.

Let's look at why you need to check, in what cases it is absolutely necessary, how to find a verification site and how to understand it.

Why check your iPhone serial number?

In the case of the iPhone, there is even an official website for this in Russian.

Using the Apple website, you can not only check whether the device you received actually belongs to this particular brand, but also what its status is in the company’s service - whether it is under warranty and what kind of warranty obligations apply to it.

There are so many fake iPhones! And they are sometimes executed so skillfully that not every experienced person can tell them apart from a Chinese copy.

Therefore, when purchasing a device from someone else, you should be extremely careful. This is where the site identifier comes to the rescue.

Official site-identifier

The site has a completely Russian-language interface and it’s not difficult to understand, you just need to follow the instructions.

You can go to the verification section from the official website page, or directly go to the desired resource by entering this request into a search engine.

If you want to check the device right now, just follow this link.

You will find yourself here:

As you can see, everything is extremely clear, it is impossible to get confused here.

How to use the site?

Let's go through the basic steps. So, we are on the site page. What to do?

  • You need to enter this same serial number in the search bar, then confirm that you are not a bot by entering a visual code (the code can also be spoken, not pictured, if you click on the speaker) and click “Continue”. But what if you don't know your serial number? This problem is also easily solved. Here, under the code entry line, there is an interactive footnote to the instructions "How to find the serial number". Click it. You will find yourself here:

How find the serial number:

What to do if there is no access to the device itself? (For example, the iPhone is stolen and you need to report it as missing.)

Then you can try the following:

Here, in the site tab for identification "How to find the serial number" It is proposed to obtain more detailed information on how to find the number by selecting the device type.

If you don't understand, click the icon "iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, iPod" and get more detailed instructions.

So, you have found the serial number, you just need to enter it in the search bar. Now you can “Continue”.

A page will load containing detailed information about your device.

It will take a while to load, so you'll have to wait a bit.

First of all, you will find out whether the serial number of this iPhone has been activated.

If not, you need to activate it and you will see a notification about it.

That's all - information received. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

What will you learn about the desired specimen thanks to these simple operations?

What can you find out from the serial number?

First, you will find out whether it is actually an iPhone or . So, identifying the serial number will provide an indispensable service when purchasing an iPhone.

You can try to distinguish the original device by many signs, if you understand them, but a search engine for identifying serial numbers will help you find out for sure, one hundred percent.

Everything is clear here: Either the company released this device or it didn’t.

So, if you are just about to purchase, be sure to take advantage of the identification option.

The second useful thing that you will find out by entering the device number in the Apple search engine is whether the device is under warranty, as well as the terms and specifics of the warranty.

This is very important if you want to buy an already used iPhone from someone else. They can tell you whatever they want, but the serial number won't lie.

Such information may also be needed if, for example, you lost documents from your iPhone and do not remember what information they contained regarding warranty service.

What kind of warranty service you can get for this iPhone, you can find out by its serial number.

Here, on the information tab, you can get technical support by phone.

So, if your device requires warranty service, or the information received does not satisfy you, you can take advantage of this opportunity.

Why activate the serial number?

If your device has been activated by serial number on the official Apple website, you have access to service.

If some problems arise with your iPhone, you need help with settings, etc., you can contact the technical center and get the necessary information and assistance.

Apple offers similar activation, or identification, for its other devices.

In addition to iPhones, you can punch through the serial number, and, as well as accessories.

The list is long, here are some examples:

All these icons are located on the Apple website in the “How to find the serial number” tab.

If you want to get to this page now, click .

In addition to the list of company products that can be identified by serial number and instructions for searching for the number, there are a couple more suggestions here.

What to do if your iPhone is stolen?

A very important point, what to do if your beloved device, be it an iPhone or another device, is suddenly stolen?

Often, it is the loss of an iPhone that prompts you to look for its serial number.

Here, in the tab "How to find the serial number" You can find detailed information on what to do in this case.

Interactive string "Report a missing or stolen Apple product" will take you straight to the instructions in a separate section.

The page looks like this:

As you can see, it is useful to familiarize yourself with this information even before the device is stolen.

Special tracking programs “Find iPhone” and “Find Mac” allow you to report a missing iPhone, or by adding the device to the balance of the devices you are looking for.

These programs also provide access to personal data and make it possible, if necessary, to clear existing information.

Search programs will also allow you to find out the location of the device.

From here you can follow the interactive footnotes.

And also “Apple Watch and Mac Computer”.

By clicking what you need, you can try to find a stolen device if it is included in the Find iPhone and Find Mac search engines, and what to do if you need to find an iPhone without these search engines.

So, if suddenly your iPhone disappears, click the line “Lost or stolen iPhone, iPad, iPod touch”.

The footnote will take you to a page with detailed instructions.

Here she is:

If you want to access it now, click .

As you can see, the instructions here are more than detailed. It is proposed to find the device, both using the “Find iPhone” and “Find Mac” programs, and without, both in an active state and in a switched off state.

Each point describes exactly what needs to be done in each specific situation. You just need to read carefully.

Having chosen the most optimal search option in your circumstances, follow the active footnotes of the desired item and follow the instructions received.

The efforts made will not only increase the chances of finding the missing iPhone, but will also help protect personal information.

To do this, using the Apple service, you can set or change passwords. Just follow this link:

Here you will also find instructions on how to protect yourself from financial fraud if your iPhone is lost.

If payments and bills are linked to your phone, you'll see how to temporarily block access to them.

In addition to all these useful things with passwords and finances, family search is offered. You can use it by following the active footnote.

It is also suggested that you use it to report the loss to local law enforcement agencies.

If luck smiles and the iPhone is found, you will need to unblock the accounts and cancel the status of the missing iPhone.

There are also detailed instructions on how to remove an iPhone from the balance of the devices you are looking for.

As you can see, the serial number is simply necessary! You can’t do without it if you need to get information about the originality of the iPhone you are purchasing.

He will tell you about warranty obligations and their terms. Also, thanks to the serial number, the company will provide invaluable assistance in finding the missing device.

So, feel free to use all these available gadgets of the Apple service in the sections of the official website.

Just read carefully, follow the instructions received and you will succeed!

How to check iPhone by serial number - detailed instructions (2019)

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Apple's iPad is a popular tablet model today due to the high-tech capabilities built into it, the iOS operating system, good build quality and other additional features. Therefore, quite a few counterfeit copies, as well as stolen devices, have appeared on the device market.

Therefore, when purchasing an iPad anywhere, always check the iPad by serial number and model number. Basically, all counterfeit iPads and iPhones come from the Chinese goods market. Craftsmen have also appeared on the Russian market, imitating counterfeit copies of original iPads that are indistinguishable from real ones. Perhaps the screen on the iPad was replaced, how to find out and where?

When faced with different situations, we will offer you several effective ways to determine the authenticity of an iPad, thanks to its serial number, which will not be difficult to verify with the official Apple database.

There are cases when the seller provides false information about the iPad, while hiding the fact that the warranty period for the device being sold has long expired. It’s better not to be lazy and, knowing the serial number, if you have an Internet connection, check the iPad and iPad Mini 2 yourself using the serial number to determine the validity of the warranty, while going to the manufacturer’s website.

How to find out the model and where to see the serial number of the device on iPad 4?

The series and number of the iPad Pro tablet is located on the back panel of the device. How to find out IMEI? In iPad mini models that are equipped with telephone communication, you can also see the IMEI of the device.

The serial number and model of the iPad must also be on the packaging of the tablet. Because if it goes missing, you will definitely need the box with the number as proof of ownership of the device. Therefore, store it and do not throw it away.

In addition, if you have a tablet in your hands, you can see the serial number by going to the “Settings” menu of the iPad, where in the “General” section open the “About this device” option and see directly the number and ICCID, as well as the IMEI code of the device and the iPad model . For information, the MEID code consists of the first fourteen digits of the IMEI code. For convenience, you can take a photo display.

You can also determine the serial number of the tablet by going to the “Settings” menu in iTunes. To do this, turn on your iOS computer on which the iTunes application is installed, and launch the program itself if it does not turn on automatically. Connect the tablet to the PC via a USB cable so that the device is detected by the computer.

To check information about the iPad, go to the “Overview” section and then activate the “Phone Number” button, and on the communication-enabled version of the tablet, click the “Serial Number” option. You will see complete information about the device: ICCID, IMEI, CDN codes, thanks to which you can determine the model.

Next, copy all the data into a separate document or take a screenshot to get the device through the official service, for example, whether the iPad Mini had a replacement, or an iPad Air screen replacement, or an iPad 2 screen replacement, what is the activation date.

How to officially confirm iPad Mini 2


When contacting Apple product user support, you need to provide all the information about the device and send a written request, the answer to which will come very quickly and you can verify the authenticity of the Mini iPad two. Next, fill out the registration form and contact the specified support service using the “Edit” and “Copy serial number” sections.

Products webpage

In addition, you can go to the manufacturer’s website, which stores all codes of issued devices and information about them, including information about the theft or blocking of the device. So, open the site window, where you will find the section “Checking the right to service.”

In it, fill out the field with the serial number for your iPad Air and click the “Continue” button. After which the search for the device will begin in the database of released devices. After some time, the screen should display complete information about the iPad, including the release date and warranty period.

If the iPad Air turns out to be fake, the database will give a negative answer. And if the device is locked, then information about previous locks and other events will be presented immediately. This check will be able to confirm or refute your doubts, and will also convince you of the reliability of the purchase and the integrity of the iPad seller. On the same site, you can register as the owner of the device and control many accesses to the iPad through this site.

Other sources

There is also another site that breaks through the data and allows you not only to check the originality of the device by serial number, but also to obtain additional information, for example: The site will provide information about the country where the tablet was first sold, when it was released, and at what factory it was manufactured.

You can also find out whether the iPad Mini 2 screen was repaired, or the iPad Air 2 was replaced, or the iPad 3 was replaced under warranty and what the result was, whether the iPad 2 was restored or activated when applying under warranty. One cannot but agree that when purchasing an expensive device, this information is critically important. As much time as it takes to change the screen, it costs the same amount of time to find an iPad and check its authenticity.

The cost of Apple gadgets does not always allow you to purchase a device in a store from an official dealer. Therefore, it is often practiced to purchase an iPhone second-hand at a more reasonable price. Against this background, in addition to real sellers, many scammers have appeared who sell stolen or even counterfeit devices. Let's figure it outhow to check iPhone for authenticityb before completing the purchase and avoid becoming a victim of a scammer.

Check on the official Apple website

As a rule, when buying a smartphone in a store, the risk of purchasing a fake is zero. But purchasing a gadget second-hand is a risky undertaking, no matter how you look at it. Therefore, before completing the purchase and transferring money to a private seller, you should carefully check the smartphone. A respectable seller will not resist and will allow the buyer to verify the quality and authenticity of the device.

Check by serial number

The device serial number is indicated on the packaging and in the device settings. The first thing you need to understand is that it must be sold complete with the original box. This condition is mandatory since the future owner will need the packaging in case of contacting technical support.

So, turn on the device, go to the settings menu, open the “General” section and open the “About this device” tab. In this section, find the serial number and check it with the information on the box. If the data does not match, then you should refuse the purchase.

If the numbers match, you should check it on the manufacturer’s official website . In the upper right corner of the page, find the “Support” section and go to it. Find the "Warranty and Repair" tab and click on the "Check Warranty Status" link. In the form that appears, enter the serial number of the gadget and the captcha. Click “Continue” and if the serial number matches the original device, the user will see information about the owner’s rights to service and support. Opposite the item “Valid date of purchase” there should be a checkmark in a green circle, this confirms the originality of the smartphone.

If the site reports that the number is incorrect, double-check that you dialed it correctly. If the combination of characters is correct, but the resource does not recognize the device, you have a fake.

Check by IMEI

Few people know by IMEI. Moreover, not everyone knows where to find the right number. There are several options for this case.

This code is a combination of 15 digits. Mention that the number must match everywhere. If, for example, the SIM tray has different data, this does not necessarily indicate that you have a fake in your hands. Most likely, the gadget was simply being repaired.

You can check the authenticity on the website . To do this, you need to enter the combination into a special form and click on check. After this, the page will open data about the gadget to which this number belongs. Therefore, if a smartphone is found in the database, then this means that this is the original.

CNDeepInfo is another service that allows you to check your iPhone by IMEI. In addition, it gives an understanding of the quality of the gadget’s hardware. Enter the number in the field and click "Check". As a result, the system will issue a certificate confirming that the gadget is original and is not on the list of stolen ones. In addition, the user will receive a transcript of the number itself. There is also a block of additional information, but it is available for a fee. In case of theft, the owner can add his device to the list of stolen devices on this resource and make it much more difficult for scammers to sell it.

upon visual inspection

It is best to buy an iPhone in its entirety: in the box and all the accompanying accessories. But sellers cannot always provide a complete set, and often selling at a low price is a consequence of the lack of packaging and components. In such circumstances, it is worth carefully examining the appearance of the device. In addition, we will tell you a few tricks on how to be sure to distinguish a Chinese counterfeit (the latter, by the way, do not always have obvious differences) from the original.

  1. Supports multiple SIM cards. The original iPhone only works with one chip, which is removed from the smartphone using a special needle.
  2. A removable battery is a sure sign that this is a fake. The battery and iPhone are a single design.
  3. The presence of a retractable antenna. For unknown reasons, Chinese craftsmen supply all fakes with this device. The original gadget does not have any antennas.
  4. Screen quality. The original device has a display created using a special technology with very dense pixels, which ensures high clarity and image quality. If the image graininess is noticeable on the display, then you should refuse the deal.
  5. Resolve a question, how to check iPhone authenticitya logo will help. Chinese counterfeiters apply the “Apple” with paint or even use a sticker. If this is noticed, then you are guaranteed to be dealing with a scammer.
  6. A stylus included with a smartphone is a sure sign that you are being fooled. Not only Apple, but also other manufacturers have not used resistive displays in production for a long time.
  7. A heavy sensor will also be a sign of a fake. The original smartphone has a very sensitive sensor, any difficulties with use are excluded. As a test, you can grab the shortcut of one of the applications and drag it across the screen; the icon should move freely around the entire perimeter and not break off the grip.
  8. The presence of touch buttons is permissible only for crafts. A real iPhone only has one Home button, and it's physical.
  9. Open the device settings and in the general section, find the “Software update” item. If you fail, feel free to give up your smartphone.
  10. The voice assistant is a distinctive feature of the original, which has not yet been counterfeited. Press the "Home" button and hold for a few seconds. If there is no response from the system and Siri is not activated, then, alas, they are selling you a copy.
  11. Fake devices most often have the Android platform or even home-written software. Try opening the device Market. In the first case, you will be redirected to Google Play, in the second, nothing will open.