Utf 8 text editor. Problems with encoding. Abracadabra in a text editor. What plugins for Notepad you may need in your work

unicode text converter (19)

You can only use Notepad.exe with Arial Unicode MS font (if all text is left to right, given English version of Windows). Just select "Save As", select "UTF-8".

In general, use your favorite editor with a font like "Arial Unicode MS". I mention this because it is the most Unicode-covering font I've seen,

I'm looking for a (simple) text editor that can handle text in different encodings in the same document.

I need to develop some sites with mixed Japanese and English text, and the editors I have now (on an English Windows system) cannot display Japanese text. Jedit files do not display the text I entered, but when I look at the file in the browser, it displays correctly. Gvim shows all Japanese text in the editor as question marks and also in the browser. Gvim inputs kanji works (you enter the pronunciation and then press spacebar to get the kanji), but when you validate a kanji, you want it to replace that kanji with question marks. (1 question mark for each kanji).

After reading about emacs I installed it. See below.

Thanks everyone for the tips. if you don't already have a unicode font, you should find one online or buy one. Here are the instructions for installing the font on a Windows system http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314960

jEdit I changed my font in Jedit to a UTF font and now Japanese appears fine. typing Japanese is still problematic since you can't see what you're typing. (to change the font for editing files, go to Utilities -> Global Options -> Text Area, select the Unicode font and you will be able to see the Japanese characters.

gVim I'm still trying to figure out how to add a font to gvim. As soon as I know how to do this I will update this.

Emacs Emacs does not display kanji correctly, they are displayed as??? but at least I can see that I'm typing in Japanese and choosing the right word.

so at this point I have to say that in jEdit I can see Japanese text, but I can't enter Japanese text. Gvim I can enter Japanese text, but inside the text area it shows up as??? and the same goes for Emacs. adding a font to emacs and gvim is unfortunately not a trivial task. I'm currently using notepad with MS Arial Unicode font and saving it as a UTF-8 file as my Japanese editor. Not perfect, but at least it works.

I like jEdit for its ability to identify wrapped strings. Very nice when editing XML files. A word of warning though: This is Java, so it's not a light text editor as you'd expect.

Text codecs are fully supported. It distinguishes between text files with and without a header specifying the file format (byte order sign), calling them UTF-8 and UTF-8Y. This is what I miss in other text editors.

EditPad Lite and Pro fully support Unicode since version 6.

If you are getting question marks, you are using an encoding that does not support Japanese characters. In EditPad, you can change text encoding (Unicode, legacy code pages) with Convert, Text Encoding. You can set defaults for each file type under Options, Customize File Types, Encoding.

If you see squares instead of Japanese characters, select the Japanse or Unicode font. You can do this in EditPad via Options, Font.

To type Japanese, simply install the Japanese keyboard driver in the Keyboard Settings in the Windows Control Panel if you haven't already done so.

EditPad Pro has pre-configured file types for PHP and HTML.

Just to add one more: I just checked that Programmer's Notepad 2 has some UTF-8 settings.

(vim and emacs are also very good)

For very basic text editing in multiple UTF-8 languages, I've had good luck with BabelPad (www.babelstone.co.uk): it's free, simple and reliable, and displays almost everything without any fuss. When my editing needs are more serious, I use EditPad Pro or sometimes Notepad++ a lot. For non-Unicode editing on Windows, I'm a TextPad user - my staff - and I've probably spent about 200,000 hours in TextPad, with only occasional forays into NotePad2, MadEdit, jEdit, XML Copy Editor, and EPCedit. The last two handle UTF-8 XML files well. All the editors mentioned above are free except TextPad and EditPad Pro. Thanks to the person who suggested Emeditor. I will try. --PFSchaffner

It looks like the problem with Jedit is the font - are you using a font that can display all the characters correctly?

To be more precise, Arial Unicode MS is a reasonable choice for a Unicode font that can display a wide range of characters across a range of languages. There are some issues with it that can make it less than optimal for some languages ​​used in isolation - which is why there are also language-specific Unicode fonts included with Windows.

Try EditPlus. It has dedicated HTML support, syntax highlighting and can also work as a simple framework for any compiler.

EmEditor was written by a Japanese company specifically for this purpose. It's a fine text editor with good performance/simplicity, but almost all the features you'd expect from a capable editor; I use it by default when on the Windows platform and also for editing Japanese web page templates. He deserves to be better known IMO; it's at least as good as, say, TextPad, but with full Unicode support.

Unfortunately, it's not free, however you can find a free version of the old EmEditor 6 on sites like download.com.

Emacs handles UTF-8 correctly for me. (And of course it can edit HTML and PHP files).

Vim works fine for me as a UTF-8 text editor.

Firstly, you need a font that has the characters you are using. Choosing a different text editor won't help you (unless it looks for other fonts for the correct characters when the font you're using doesn't have them). If you are using gVim you can set the font like this:

Set guifont=Consolas

(This doesn't mean Consolas is the right font.) You'll probably want to put this in the .vimrc file so it's always used.

Secondly, Vim should interpret the file as UTF-8, which it doesn't always automatically do. To do this, do the following:

Set encoding=utf8

You can also find out what encoding it uses:

There's a problem with most text editors that support Unicode: when you choose a font, they stick with it. If the font does not contain a glyph for a character, then the default replacement character is used (I believe U+FFFD, REPLACEMENT CHARACTER).

In contrast, web browsers typically try to find a glyph for the characters they are supposed to display among all the fonts provided by the system.

So what you need, if you don't have an "Arial Unicode MS" font or similar (including Japanese glyphs), is an editor that tries to match glyphs to fonts other than the one you select.

  • Install the latest stable version of python 2.x for MS Windows (currently 2.6).
  • Enable "downtime" in the installation.
  • Start → Programs → Python 2.6 → Idle (Python Gui)

The "idle" editor is commonly used to edit python code (and test it interactively in the Python shell). However, it can be used as a regular text editor with full-length Unicode code, and when saving text, including non-ASCII characters, the default encoding is UTF-8.

Now idle is based on Tkinter, which is an interface to tk, which is a gui library for tcl; tcl/tk, for example, web browsers, when asked to display a character for which there is no glyph in the font, it will also look for other fonts.

As strange as it may seem, I really believe this will help; if no other solution works for you, try it.

Kate. and, in addition, any other KDE program that uses Kate as a built-in KPart (KWrite, Quanta+, KDevelop). It handles a lot of encodings, but I like to always use UTF-8. It also has a huge collection of syntax highlighting.

I've never had a problem with vim as long as I use a font that actually contains the characters I need. It must be a monospace font. : Set enc=utf8 to switch to utf8 mode. You can then use the command: digraph to display the available symbols and see how they are displayed.

To add a font, add it in Windows (Control Panel / Fonts / Add Font). If it is a monospaced font, it will appear in vin in /Edit/Font.

Hello, dear readers of my blog!

In this article I want to tell you about a wonderful free program that I use to edit files (HTML, PHP and text) of a WordPress blog. How to use Notepad++? What encoding should I use for my WordPress blog? What problems can arise when using incorrect WordPress encoding? You will find answers to these and other questions from this article.

Before moving on to the notepad++ text editor, I’ll tell you about text encodings.

WordPress encoding. What is UTF-8?

The letters that you now see on the screen are nothing more than numeric values ​​that are stored in a text file. The computer, or rather a text editor or browser, converts these numbers into characters (letters, numbers and other characters) that we see on the screen in accordance with the encoding standard.

Today there are a considerable number of standards that have been developed for various languages. All standards differ from each other and contain different sets of characters.

I will not describe the history of the development of text encodings and their types, I will only say that their use led to one significant problem - incorrect display of characters (krakozyabry).

To avoid the appearance of cracks when using different encodings, a universal encoding was invented that contained the maximum number of characters. This encoding is called Unicode.

Today, the most advanced and optimal of all Unicode encodings is UTF-8, here is an example of this encoding:

Why UTF-8 without BOOM? What problems can arise when using the wrong encoding?

As UTF encodings developed, they added the ability to write characters both in direct sequence (for example, C2AD) and in reverse sequence (ADC2). In order for programs to know in what order to read the code, BOOM (Byte Order Mark) was invented. This signature added three extra bytes to the beginning of documents.

The UTF-8 encoding did not provide BOOM, which is why some programs could not read the Unicode encoding properly, resulting in crappy symbols (unreadable characters) being displayed on the screen.

That is why, in order to display text and other characters correctly, it is necessary to use UTF-8 (without BOOM) encoding on a WordPress blog.

By the way, I will say that the use of other encodings on a blog and the presence of the BOOM signature in them can affect not only the display of characters, but also lead to other, more serious consequences, for example, .

When editing text and code (for example, in WordPress template files), the encoding is set in the program in which the editing occurs. If we perform all the actions of editing codes and text directly in , then nothing bad will happen, since all files will be saved in the encoding used on the blog, in our case it is UTF-8 (without BOOM).

But such editing is not always convenient and deprives you of many useful functions that will be available when editing these files on a computer, and which I will mention later in this article.

If you edit blog template files, then you need to save them in the encoding UTF-8 (no BOOM).

Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this using standard Windows tools. The same notepad, when saved, adds the BOOM signature to the saved files, as a result of which problems may arise on the server, which can lead to the appearance of cracks and other unpleasant consequences.

Therefore, never use Notepad and similar programs to work with blog files if you do not want problems.

Personally, I use Notepad++ to edit blog files, which allows you to save files in the required encoding.

Where can I download Notepad++? Features and capabilities of notepad++ when editing HTML, PHP and other code.

If you compare the notepad++ program with the standard Notepad text editor, which is built into all Windows operating systems, you will see that they differ from each other like heaven from earth. In fact, notepad is an ordinary (“bare”) text editor that has practically no functions, with the exception of standard ones (copy, paste, print and a few more), in general, the functionality of this program leaves much to be desired.

The notepad++ text editor, on the contrary, has many very useful and popular functions, which I will now talk about.

You can download the latest version of the notepad++ text editor on the developer’s website by following this link.

Installing the program is very simple, no difficulties should arise.

This is what the program window looks like:

If necessary, you can download a portable version of the text editor - portable notepad++, which allows you to edit php, html and other code, without the need to install it on a personal computer.

Now let's talk about Notepad++ text editor capabilities.

I will not list all the functionality of this text editor, but will tell you only about the most, in my opinion, important functions that are useful for working with php and html code.

One of the most amazing and necessary features of notepad++ is the (code syntax) feature. For example, if you place the mouse cursor on the opening tag

, then the closing tag will be highlighted at the same time

Thus, the notepad++ editor will allow you to avoid errors when editing code, or correct them.

All other paired code elements are highlighted using the same principle. For example, brackets - () and.

The type of syntax highlighting is selected automatically, in accordance with the type of code being edited, which you can always change using the “Style” tab (in some versions this tab was called “Syntax”), which is located in the top menu.

I would like to note that the notepad++ text editor supports a huge number of code types (highlighting styles). I will not list them all, I will only note the most common: php, css, sql, xml, Java Script, C, C++, C#, Java and others.

Notepad++ features and capabilities for editing HTML, PHP and other code

The next, in my opinion, very useful function of the notepad++ text editor is the ability to undo previously made changes to php, html and other code.

Moreover, this function is implemented in such a way that the number of steps back (undoing the previous action) is not limited. That is, you can experiment with the code as much as you like without fear of making mistakes. Undoing an action in notepad++ is implemented using buttons in the form of curved arrows located on the toolbar.

Naturally, any action in the notepad++ text editor can be performed using hotkeys, which can be viewed and edited in the “Options” menu tab, select “Hotkeys...”

Another useful feature that I often use is the ability to automatically complete entered text. For example, if you enter a command and are not sure of the correct spelling of the word, then just press the Alt+Space key combination, the program itself will offer you options to choose from.

By the way, this function (automatic word completion) can be configured to be fully automatic, then you will not have to press the Alt+space keys every time, and the program itself will offer options. This is done in the “Options” tab, “Settings” item, “Reserve/Autocomplete” tab, here you need to check the “Enable for each input” line.

Additionally, you can check the “Hints when entering function parameters” item.

Many useful functions of the notepad++ text editor can be activated in the “TexFX” tab. For example, the “Autoclose XHTML/XML” function shown in the screenshot allows you to automatically close paired tags as they are entered, thereby preventing errors arising from unclosed paired tags when editing and writing code.

The notepad++ text editor supports tabs. That is, if you need to open several documents, then all of them will not be opened separately, launching several copies of the program, but will open in one window. Tabs can be managed with the appropriate settings (and by default), when you start the program, documents that were edited before closing notepad++ will be opened.

Well, in conclusion of my post, I can’t help but remind you of the wonderful ability to convert and save text in UTF-8 encoding without BOOM, which will help you get rid of the consequences of adding this signature.

Also, you can assign notepad++ as a text file editor in the FileZilla program (read the article: “”) and remotely edit WordPress files, directly on your server.

"Free HTML, CSS, PHP editor: Notepad++"

“Secrets of working in Notepad++”

That's all for me. How do you like the article?


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Discussion: 27 comments

    Thanks for the clear and detailed post! Otherwise I still didn’t understand which encoding from UTF-8 to choose with or without BOM - BOM 😯

    Everything is clear and understandable. Best article about Notepad++

    Wow, tell me honestly, was it difficult to write such an interesting article?)

    Alexander Bobrin

    Well, there were some minor difficulties; it took me about 4 hours to write the post :)

    “TexFX” I don’t find such a tab 😮 I recently started using this editor actively.

    4 hours... you're just a meteor 🙄 . I could write all day. I can’t write quickly and I can’t write briefly.

    And the article is really good. I will use it as instructions.

    This is all too complicated for me, I feel like a blonde 😯

    Great article! Now it’s clear where the krakozyabrs come from. They often appear in the admin panel when I click “Activate plugin”. And when I return to the previous page, they disappear on their own...

    Yes, the program is just super. I've been using it for a long time and am very pleased. Indispensable for editing templates, plugins, etc. And the recording is good. I learned about some points only recently, and about others only after reading the article :)

    Cool article. Excellent editor, I’ve been using it for a long time and I think it’s the best of its kind.

    The article is really very useful, thank you, Alexander.

    I've been using notepad++ for a long time, but I've learned a lot of new things.

    And if in the PHP file there is “;” I forget to put it at the end of the line or what other syntax error do I make? will notepad ++ report an error???

    and I don’t use a laptop, but phpdesigner. It's more convenient

    But about the encoding, I don’t know how to change it in the WritePipeDesigner. I do this through a regular notepad or also a laptop.

    I’ve been using Notepad++ since the very beginning of blogging, it’s an excellent program, I’m glad that the code is highlighted, I recommend it to everyone!

    Yes, the program is just super. I've been using it for a long time and am very pleased. Indispensable for editing templates, plugins, etc. And the recording is good. I learned about some points only recently, and about others only after reading the article

    The coolest editor for php, I only use it) Nothing superfluous, there are all the basic functions that are required for work)

Creation date: 2012-05-07 07:11:41
Last edited: 2012-05-07 07:13:51

I have been looking for a long time for which lesson to include this material in. As a result, I decided to expand it a little and put it in a separate article.

So, today we will learn how to change encoding in two text editors: standard notepad and Notepad++

But first, a few words about text files.

Text files

There are two types of text files: plain text files and text files containing formatting information (called Rich Text Format).

We will only work with simple text files.

File encoding

All text files have some kind of encoding. There are two main ones: ANSI and Unicode. ANSI encodings (and there are many of them) can only encode 256 characters. If you have Russified Windows, then notepad creates text documents in Windows-1251 encoding - this is one of the ANSI encodings. Which ANSI encoding is used depends on the operating system language.

Unicode can contain many more characters - approximately 65 thousand, so all scripts are encoded in Unicode. However, there are several variants of Unicode. Unicode LE is used on Windows, UTF-8 is common on the Internet.

BOM (Byte Order Mark) - byte order mark

To distinguish between different versions of Unicode, a special mark can be placed at the beginning of a text file - which indicates in which version of Unicode the text of the file is encoded.

The label consists of 2-4 bytes.

Using a BOM is optional and, in some cases, undesirable - especially when it comes to source code files.

Well, now, let's see how to change the encoding in text editors:

Changing file encoding in notepad

In a standard text editor, the encoding can only be changed when saving the file.

To do this, use the menu item File -> Save As...

In the dialog box that opens, you can select the desired encoding at the bottom. And there are only four options:

ANSI is one of the ANSI encodings (depending on the current OS language), Unicode is the Little-Endian version of Unicode that is used in Windows. Unicode BE - Big-Endian version of Unicode (used in (*NIX OS), UTF-8 - Unicode for storing files on the Internet.

How to change encoding in Notepad++


Why do we need to know how to change the encoding in text editors? Visual C++ IDE selects the encoding itself. If you open any source code file (.cpp or .h) in a simple text editor, you will see that the encoding of this file is ANSI.

In assembly language programs we will also use ANSI - this is required by the compiler. But when we analyze scripting languages, the source files can be saved in UTF-8.

I'm looking for a (simple) text editor that can handle text in different encodings in the same document.

I need to develop some sites with mixed Japanese and English text, and the editors I have (on an English Windows system) cannot display Japanese text. Jedit files do not display the text I entered, but when I look at the file in the browser, it displays correctly. Gvim shows all Japanese text in the editor as question marks and also in the browser. Gvim inputs kanji works (you enter the pronunciation and then press spacebar to get the kanji), but when you validate a kanji, you want it to replace that kanji with question marks. (1 question mark for each kanji).

After reading emacs I installed it. See below.

Thanks everyone for the tips. If you don't already have a Unicode font, you should find one online or buy one. here are the instructions for installing the font on the windows system http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314960

jEdit I changed my font in Jedit to a UTF font and now the Japanese displays fine. typing Japanese is still problematic since you can't see what you're typing. (change font to edit files go to Utilities -> General Options -> text area select Unicode font and you will be able to see Japanese characters

GVim I'm still trying to figure out. how to add a font in gvim. Once I know how to do it I will update this.

Emacs Emacs doesn't display kanji correctly, they show up as???, but at least I can see what I'm typing in Japanese and select the correct word.

so at this point I should say that in jEdit I can see Japanese text, but I can't enter Japanese text. Gvim I can enter Japanese text, but inside the text area it shows up as??? and the same goes for Emacs. Adding a font to emacs and gvim is unfortunately not a trivial task. I'm currently using notepad with MS Arial unicode font and saving as a UTF-8 file as my Japanese editor. Not perfect, but at least it works.


This is a terrible requirement: "different encodings in the same document." If someone created this format, they should be fired. Go to Unicode and forget this nonsense. Also, English + Japanese is supported without issue on all Japanese code pages if (for some reason) you can't use Unicode. - Mihai Nita 15 Dec. 11 2011-12-15 12:06:08


@MihaiNita That was my reaction also when reading the first sentence, but fortunately the OP's "different encodings in the same document" seems to only mean "both Japanese and Japanese English text in the same document"( both Unicode encoded in UTF-8). In hindsight, it seems that the OP's problem was simply not having good system fonts that display Japanese characters, which has probably been fixed by now. - ShreevatsaR Aug 19 16 2016-08-19 23:05:36