Installing the server on your computer. How to make free hosting on your computer. Installing a local Open Server

Once upon a time I already wrote articles about installing local servers... but they were already outdated by technical power. And today we will install and configure a local Bitnami server on your computer - Bitnami. Nowadays, in my opinion, this is a more useful gadget, unlike all the Xamps and Denvers, etc....

Firstly, it is quite easy to install and configure, and without any changes to Windows system files. For example, today I copied my work website to LAN in 25 minutes!

The curtain opens:

Let's agree this: I will try to describe the installation in as much detail as possible for beginners, but still not excessively... I will not publish any intermediate and insignificant photos like “further”. It will be long!

However, I will try to make it clearer and those who already know the details will simply be able to follow the “anchors” and read what they need:

Sections of the article:

If you pay attention to this article, your local server will soon be up and running!

As I said, running your own server for a WordPress site, for example, is very easy. And that's great! As you know, a local server is simply necessary in certain cases and at various stages of website development. Although now, for the final polishing of the site, before releasing it, dearly, into the world, there are suitable hostings. I will talk about this throughout the article.

In short, I will say: this local server can be used with many cms sites. You just have to select the default CMS server configured for the desired CMS... And in a couple of minutes (relatively speaking) you will already have a configured test site, which you can already forward to the desired one.

By the way, the Bitnam server engine will already have the ruler installed by default, so... let's install it.

Linking to a specific CMS also means ease of installation.

Download “underlined” to your computer.

Well, for example, I placed the installer on drive “D” - there I configured its operation so as not to repeat it after the next installation of Windows. I don't use drive C.

More details below...


Create a folder on drive “D”, say, with the name localca and place the Bitnami installer in it - it’s more convenient.

Now that you have everything downloaded and placed in a folder, click installer...

Select the Russian server language (f 2) - this is the Database, etc. (not to be confused with the site engine itself... the English version is installed by default. Don’t be shocked by the English dialect when you first open a local site) You will change everything in further settings... the “Yes” button (f 3).

Well, now you need to select the server components. Let all the “ticks” remain as they are.

And here's attention!!

As I said above, at this stage you need to select a directory to install the server. That is, indicate the path to the installer program (by default, the path to drive “C” is specified).

We'll change it to "D"! But whatever is more convenient for you..

And your server works only for you and, in general, there is no one to hold back your password.

Creating a Bitnami WordPress Administrator Account

Here's another plus from Bitnami
These real addresses will be useful to you when you start testing the site interacting with the Internet: that is, you will be able to configure the connection of your future site with the real world directly on the local area - for example, set up forms and shortcodes for subscriptions in articles, or the main one) And many other important adjustments , which cannot be configured on XAMPP...

In the next pop-up window, indicate the port of the Apache server - in my opinion, port 80 will be indicated there. I advise you to change it, because there may be conflicts with other installed programs on your computer. Usually Skype is installed on port 80.

So write some other 87, for example.

Well, let SSL (if the window pops up - certificate protocol) remain as it was: just accept the conditions and that’s it.

Provide a blog name on your local server

The next step and the window that opens will be:

setting up Gmail email on a local Bitnami server

...I seriously advise you to set it up... This is exactly what was mentioned above - all this will come in handy when you start setting up those site modules that need to be connected to the Internet.

Just to avoid confusion, enter your real address and password.

...a dialog box and an installation process window will open...

...The process of unpacking, installation and preliminary automatic configuration of the server will begin...

1 - brown arrow: go to the main page http://localhost/ in your browser window (and in the window that opens, press the GREEN underline... photo below) - the main page of your new local site on Bitnami will open (but don’t rush - you still need to make the final adjustments local web server). But remember this step: you will return to it when you gain access to the database. More on this later...

2 - red: phpMyAdmin login path to the MyQL Database

3 - green: opens the root directory of the server (more about it below).

There is, in fact, nothing to configure here, but you should figure it out a little.

Click in the direction of the green arrow and find yourself here:

This is a regular computer explorer, but with the folder of the created local server open and needed for us.

1 - send the shortcut to your desktop (highlighted) and pay attention to the apps folder, I didn’t emphasize it on purpose, complications for)

Let's go to the following path: apps/wordpress/htdocs - this is where the root directory of the site is located, in which we will begin to conjure up a shadow theater performance.

...and - we continue the performance:

First of all, we need access to the database - the password, for your information, can be found in the wp-config.php file ... as well as all the accompanying data of the TEST site.

Enter the data and au revoir... you are in the MySQL database

Well, when completing the server settings, take a look at the photo: in the second tab of the top menu the server control is hidden. Start All “Start” and Stop All “Stop” the server - these are the necessary control levers.

Find out the rest yourself.

For your information:

If you suddenly need to move your site here to Bitnami for testing, then all settings are regulated in the wp-config.php file and CAREFULLY to the site theme FILES! To the header.php file You will need to edit the paths to the CSS files (in the site header) and all kinds of LOGO images.

Well, about what you missed and didn’t tell, ask in comms...

Your site will open at the initial http://localhost/wordpress/ ...

In general, on a local location, I advise you to perform only the initial settings of the future site. Well, of course, until you are a real webmaster... and you know little of the nuances.

And then on the hosting you have to do some fine-tuning.

There is such hosting Gino. I use it myself to speed up the site, and then, if necessary, I transfer it somewhere to a stronger hoster, but this, however, is only required.

I declare with all responsibility, I have not yet seen it in RuNet, simpler and clearer, more convenient for adjustments and settings of the site (without any ftp clients).

! subscribing to site updates -
... let's part with ignorance..!

And here is the video and post, for those who...

General information about the local server and the principle of its operation. Creating a local server based on the Denver assembly: preparation, installation and first launch.

Any programming is integral to the testing process - this is an axiom. Speaking about the development of web applications, the question inevitably arises of the presence of a certain “environment” that allows one to emulate the operation of an Internet server. In other words, we need local server.

Local server(English) local server) - a program or set of programs that perform service (maintenance) functions at the request of a client on a home (local) computer.

This “gentleman’s set” consists of Apache, PHP and MySQL - this is usually enough. On the other hand, this may include other components, depending on your needs. What is important for us here is the fact that we can use a ready-made assembly - Denver. Thus, we don’t have to understand the specifics of installing and configuring a local server - everything is done before us.

The only thing I want to draw your attention to in the operation of a local server is the need to reserve certain IP addresses for servers that will be available only on our computer. In the case of Windows, the file is responsible for reserving IP addresses hosts. Depending on the Windows version, the file hosts may be:

  • Windows 95/98/ME: WINDOWS\hosts
  • Windows NT/2000: WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Windows XP/2003/Vista/7: WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

If you decide to use a local server based on the Denver distribution, you do not need to edit this file, everything will happen automatically, but it is useful to have a general understanding of the essence of the issue.

Preparing the local server for operation

From words to deeds. We assume that you have already downloaded the latest version of the Denver build and are ready to storm the citadel. Kidding. The main thing is not to rush and first of all check what is installed on your computer network protocols or not. How to do it? The easiest way:

Installing a local server

Now that we have made sure that our computer is ready to work with the network, we can begin installing the Denver distribution. Close all browser windows(es). Having launched the downloaded Denver installer, you will see a window in front of you:

Denver distribution installer window

Confirm your intentions by clicking the “Yes” button. The unpacking process will begin. After which a browser window will open with the message:

Message in browser window

Close the browser window and continue the installation in the installer window.

Following the instructions, we install the Denver distribution.

Note: You can interrupt the installation process at any time using a key combination Ctrl+Break. On most modern laptops, a key combination is used for this Ctrl+Fn+Pause.

  1. The directory where the distribution will be installed. I advise you to leave the default option, i.e. C:\WebServer - so press Enter.
  2. The name of the virtual disk that will be associated with the directory you just specified. I advise you to leave the default option, i.e. Z: . The main thing is that there is still a disc with that name did not have in the system - most often this happens with the Z: drive. So press Enter again.
  3. Starting and stopping Denver. We will be offered two options:
    1. Create a virtual disk when the machine boots (of course, the installer will make sure that this happens automatically), and do not disconnect it (the disk) when the servers are stopped.
    2. Create a virtual disk only by explicit command to start the complex (by clicking on the launch shortcut on the Desktop). And, accordingly, disconnect the disk from the system when the servers are stopped.

    I advise you to use the second option, because... running programs will constantly “hang” in the computer’s memory, which has a detrimental effect on its performance and can cause conflicts when working with other programs.

    Note: Some versions of Windows 98 may have a bug that prevents the virtual disk from disconnecting, at least the first time. This is not a distribution error, but an error in subst and there is nothing to be done about it.

That's all, the installation is finished.

First launch of local server

Finally, the installation is complete. Three icons should appear on the desktop: Start Denwer(start Denver), (stop Denver).

Denver management icons

Click the icon Start Denwer and wait until all the console windows that pop up during loading disappear. We open the browser and type in the address: http://localhost/, or rather http://localhost/denwer/ - but this is not essential. It is not necessary to leave the Internet. The main thing is that the following page should appear in front of us:

Test page when accessing localhost

If the test page does not load, check:

  • Is your proxy server disabled in your browser settings?
  • Is Denver running? If so, are there any errors when clicking on the pen icon (see bottom right corner)?
  • Are you running some other web server that could conflict with Denver? If yes, disable it.

Other options are possible, but this is no longer within the scope of this note.

Creating a website on a virtual server. Server on local computer.

Before starting to create their own website, novice web developers are recommended to try their hand at a local machine (personal computer). To do this, they need the DENWER distribution kit, which can be found on the developers’ website

Gentleman's Web Developer's Kit (DeNVeR)

The software is emulation of a virtual server on a local computer, at home as a replacement for web hosting, without the need for an Internet connection. You can create a website on any CMS platform (or without a CMS) in a matter of minutes, fill it with content and debug the configuration. With subsequent transfer to hosting or to the server, respectively. The virtual server contains all the most necessary components: Apache, MySQL, phpmyAdmin, SMTP server + the ability to connect additional extensions. Distributed free of charge - in Russian.

Why do you need a local server?
  • Firstly, for the development of the site, the possibility of initially filling it with content and optimizing the site structure.
  • Secondly, it’s a way to check the site for errors and debug the configuration.
  • Thirdly, as a site backup and subsequently saving site data and SQL databases to a local server.
DENWER includes:
  • Installer (installation on a flash drive is also supported).
  • Apache, SSL, SSI, mod_rewrite, mod_php.
  • PHP5 with GD, MySQL, sqLite support.
  • MySQL5 with transaction support.
  • Template-based virtual host management system. To create a new host, you only need to add a directory to the /home directory
  • Startup and shutdown control system for all Denver components.
  • phpMyAdmin is a MySQL management system via a Web interface.
  • Sendmail and SMTP server emulator (incoming letters are placed in /tmp in .eml format); Supports work in conjunction with PHP, Perl, Parser, etc.
The distribution does not leave entries in the registry and does not affect important system files, does not clog the system and is tested in practice.

Today we will talk about how to install and configure a local server on your computer?!

This is necessary so that you can develop and debug your scripts in PHP, since PHP is a programming language created for generating HTML pages that run on a web server and working with databases.

Installing Apache server and related programs manually can be quite tedious. The fact is that you will have to deal with numerous configuration parameters for Apache, PHP and MySQL, which will never be useful to you again.

In order to simplify the entire installation process as much as possible, the complex was created " Gentleman's kit for web developer", which contains the same distributions of Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl, combined into a single archive, equipped with a convenient installer and configuration utilities for a specific machine.

To download this set, follow the link This is the official website of Denver developers. Download the latest version of Denver from there.

After you have downloaded the distribution, you need to run it. First, the archive will be unpacked into a temporary directory, and then the installer will automatically launch.

Next, you will be asked in which directory you would like to install the complex (the default is C:\WebServer, You only need to press the "Enter" key to accept this choice). Absolutely all system components will be installed in the specified directory.

After this, copying of the distribution files will begin, and at the end you will be asked how exactly you are going to start and stop the complex. You have two options:

  1. Automatically create a virtual disk when the machine boots, and do not disconnect it (the virtual disk) when the server is stopped. This is the most convenient mode. I recommend choosing him!
  2. Create a virtual disk only manually, using the complex start command (by clicking on the launch shortcut on the desktop). And, accordingly, disconnect the disk from the system when the server is stopped.

Well, that's all. Installation completed. Immediately click on the shortcut created by the installer "Startservers" on the desktop, and then wait until all console windows disappear.

In order to check the operation of the local server, open your browser and type in the address: http://localhost. If everything went well, you will see the following window:

So great! Now let's create a test site on the local server, which will have the address . To do this, open the directory where you installed the distribution (by default it is C:\WebServers). It contains 4 folders.

So, remember, all your sites must be created in a folder "home"! To do this, open the “home” folder and create a directory in it with a name that matches the name of your future site (in our case it will be a directory with the name ). Now in the folder "" we will create another folder and call it " www ". It is in this folder that all the files of our site will be stored.

After all folders have been created, you need to restart the server. To do this, use the shortcut "Restart servers" on the desktop.

That's all there is to it. Now you can easily upload your files to your local server in the folder home/ . And in order to check them, you need to type the address in your browser.

That's all! Good luck!

Creating your own local server based on a regular personal computer is a rather complex and painstaking task. Here you need to understand the following points:

  1. 1. , and whether you need your own server at all. This is one of the key questions that requires a clear and unambiguous answer from the future administrator.
  2. 2. What technical resources are at your disposal, and what will be necessary for the operation of a full-fledged server. The minimum technical requirements for creating a “high-quality” server are quite high: the equipment alone will cost 70 - 80 thousand rubles.

Also keep in mind that for normal operation of the resource (for which you are planning to make your own server), you need the server computer to be constantly on and working without interruptions. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure an appropriate power supply.

3. How much money are you willing to spend on creating and maintaining the server. In addition to the above-mentioned hardware costs, creating a full-fledged server on a computer requires a dedicated (statistical) IP address and high speed of data reception and transmission (the minimum indicator is 10 Mbit/sec). Accordingly, for this you will have to pay extra to the provider and enter into an additional contract for the provision of such services.

And before you try to make a server out of a computer, you need to clearly define all these nuances.

How to make a server from a home computer?

To create your own server, you first need to install a multi-user network operating system.

The choice is huge: Debian, FreeBSD, CentOS, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu, Windows and many others.

On the Internet you can find many examples of testing the operation of the above-mentioned operating systems and their ratings in accordance with the test results. For example, the “SOS” rating for 2016:

1st place: “Debian” and “Ubuntu Server”;

3rd place: “FreeBSD” and “ Windows Server»;

4th place: “Red Hat Enterprise”;

5th place: “Fedora”.

Of course, the lion's share of the network software market is made up of operating systems that occupy first place in the ranking. Therefore, in order to create a server on a computer for the first time, we recommend choosing one of them.

As an example, we will focus on installing the Ubuntu Server operating system.

How to set up a local server from scratch on ubuntu?

1. Download and copy the operating system image onto a bootable USB flash drive. Boot your computer from the flash drive: at the first stage you will be asked to select a language.

3. In the next steps, select "Region" and "Keyboard Layout Settings";

4. Specify your username, computer account and password,

then click “Continue”;

configure “Disk Layout”

and select which disk the system is installed on;

6. Wait for the installation and system update to complete.

7. Select the software you need to get started.

8. Confirm the installation is complete by clicking on the “Continue” button;

9. After restarting the computer, to log into your account you will need to enter the username and password created in step “4”;

10. At this point, the installation of the server operating system and the initial creation of the server are completed.

How to make yourself an admin on your server?

  1. 1. To obtain administrator rights, enter the command “sudo su”;
  2. 2. By default, the server’s network settings are obtained using DHCP, but for the server to work, you will need to change the “iface eth0 inet static” value in the “/etc/network/interfaces” file to a “static IP address”. The text should look something like this:

iface eth0 inet static

After saving, restart the network with the command “/etc/init.d/networking restart”.