Installing a new bios. The only correct choice: one among many. Reinstallation process from flash drive

There will inevitably come a time when the operating system will need to be reinstalled. For most users, this situation is not a very favorable moment. Some people treat the problem calmly, while others, on the contrary, are horrified because they do not know how to reinstall Windows via BIOS. As a rule, the unlucky person settles on the option that saves the situation: “Hello, is this the computer help service?” As a result, he loses time, patience and money. From now on everything will be different. Right now you will learn the “great secret” that Windows OS installs itself. The user only needs attention and a few confident presses on the appropriate buttons. Are you interested? Then go ahead!

Meet the chief PC manager - Mr. Bios!

Incredibly, the Bios firmware, the abbreviation of which stands for “basic input/output system,” is primarily responsible for the functionality of the computer. If any of you, dear reader, thought that Windows was responsible for the “omnipotence” of the PC, then you were mistaken. Accept the paragraph title as an important fact of reality. You will soon understand that resolving the question of how to install Windows will first of all require turning to a certain Bios program preinstalled by the motherboard manufacturer. Moreover, you should know that the base system may have different versions, since competing companies in the IT industry each have their own idea of ​​the beauty, convenience and efficiency of the ROM (read only read only memory) chip, the “micromonster” Bios. Yet, despite the individuality of the graphical shell of each separately existing program for controlling the hardware of a computer, the functioning of embedded “hardware” systems becomes intuitive when directly entering their environment, since they all use the same notation in the form of standard terminology.

How to reinstall Windows via BIOS: thumbs up!

We won’t rush, because you know that “rush is only needed when fishing...”. Before you get into the PC, that is, when the Bios interface opens in front of you, know: carelessness in actions, which is expressed in mindlessly pressing keys and changing “incomprehensible” parameters, is critical, and in poetic language it’s even like death!

However, you still have to do some “editing” yourself.

The only correct choice: one among many

You can activate the BIOS firmware when you turn on or restart your computer. In order to do this, you need to press the corresponding button on the keyboard several times at short intervals. As a rule, this is the “Delete” or “F2” key. If it doesn’t work, the user will always be able to see the name of the “responsible” button on the initial loading screen (lower part of the display or upper left corner).

Why “boot”?

The most common method of installing an OS is a practical solution to the question: “How to install Windows from disk?” However, the method of implementing the system via a flash drive is becoming increasingly popular, but more on that later.

  • Depending on the Bios version, the tab responsible for boot priority may have different names. However, the English word "Boot" will mean that you are on the right track.
  • Having opened the above menu or activated the “Advanced BIOS Features” item, pay attention to the “Boot Device Priority” item. Or lines that indicate the order in which devices are loaded. Typically these are Floppy, HDD and CDROM (DVD R/RW).
  • Set the boot priority to your disk drive (drive).
  • You can save the changes by pressing the F10 hotkey or simply agree: “Yes” (if you used the “Esc” button).

We reboot and proceed to the next stage of the project “How to reinstall Windows via BIOS.”

Where does Windows come from?

Perhaps some of you will feel that this point should have been placed at the beginning of the process being described. Meanwhile, this “discrepancy” in the presentation of the material does not in any way disrupt the sequence of actions; moreover, it is the most acceptable option to learn how to do everything according to the rules. Now insert the Windows distribution disk. If you are using licensed software, and the disk with the system image you purchased is original, then you have nothing to worry about. When you have free Windows, downloaded from a dubious Internet resource, the chances of long-term and fruitful “cooperation” with the OS are negligible.

However, there are exceptions. Perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones, and the “cracked” system will turn out to be quite suitable for work. But do not forget that the final result—the success of the OS installation—depends on the correctness of the changes made to the BIOS settings. It is the microprogram that monitors the “fairness of the game” of the user. Therefore, installation of a system distribution kit from a Windows environment is often fraught with software failures and, as a rule, does not proceed correctly. As a result of using a “treacherous” method when solving the question: “How to reinstall Windows XP?” the efforts of an uninitiated user simply become wasted time. Moral: install Windows from DOS, that is, through BIOS!

When the disc “whispers” - the user is drinking coffee

Once you've designated the drive as boot device #1, then inserted the Windows disc and restarted your computer using the Alt+Ctrl+Delete key combination, it's time to observe. As promised, the system will “become” automatically.

  • When the message “Press any key...” appears, press any button.
  • After the initialization process, a window will open in which you need to assign the OS installation directory.

Attention: do not mindlessly press “Enter” on a non-functional Windows OS, which usually takes up space in the system partition of the HDD and is designated by the letter “C”. “How to reinstall Windows XP?”, you ask, if the required disk area is occupied by an old copy? Easily! To do this, simply format the partition, first erasing the old data.

  • On the highlighted OS, press “D”, which means delete.
  • Then use the "L" button to confirm your intentions.
  • After the unallocated area appears, press “Enter” and format the created partition to the NTFS file system.

You don’t have to do anything else, except at the end of the installation to make some adjustments regarding the system language for using the operating system, as well as user data. As you have probably already seen, everything is quite simple and transparent, and the solution to the question “How to install Windows through BIOS?” - not a labor-intensive process at all.

Spectacular Windows 7 and royal flush download

Now the time has come to enlighten the attentive reader about the method of installing an operating system using a flash drive. The promised installation method is something more practical, since it does not require participation. However, the feasibility of this method greatly prevails over the traditionally used boot from a CD or DVD. Especially today, in our age of compactness, when modern electronics take on ultra-thin features, and technology gets rid of devices that unnecessarily “devour” time and energy.

Modern solution to the problem: via BIOS?

First of all, it is necessary. This is not difficult to do; it is worth considering that the capacity of the compact storage medium must be at least 4 GB. "Why?" - you ask. The thing is that the standard distribution kit of the seventh OS “weighs” almost 3 GB, so the minimum size of the flash drive must correspond to the above value.

From words to deeds

  • Format the Flash media using standard Windows tools. The file system should be NTFS.
  • Then you need to prepare the system distribution for recording. That is, if the installation files are on an optical disk, insert it into the drive; when the data is in the form of an image, download it to a virtual device.
  • The next step is to use the “WinSetupFromUSB” program. This software is freely distributed on the Internet, you should not have any difficulties downloading it. After installing and launching the specified program, you will be literally two steps away from the moment when you can consider yourself a professional in solving the question: “How to install Windows?”
  • In the top checkbox, select the flash drive installed on your PC.
  • Check the corresponding box (Windows 7) and, by clicking the button, specify the path to the OS distribution next to it.
  • After activating the “GO” toolbox, all you have to do is wait a few minutes. Upon completion of the process, the program will display a corresponding message.

It's time to start a practical solution to how to install Windows through BIOS!

Flash start!

Setting up boot parameters is done in almost the same way as in the case described at the beginning of the article. The only difference is the choice of media. With this installation method, your choice is a USB Drive, that is, a flash drive. There is another way to boot from the desired data source, bypassing the main thing. This scenario of action is possible when the user presses “F8” to call up the Boot menu, so to speak, a hot version of the base system. Of course, on different PCs this option can be activated using a different key.

After reboot, follow the instructions:

You must now understand that the previously described method of how to install Windows from a disk is somewhat outdated. Flash drives are an incredibly convenient invention of mankind!


The article talked about the two main methods of the Windows family. It's up to you to decide which one is optimal. However, there are a lot of programs that allow you to make backup copies of working systems, that is, if the operating system crashes, the user has the opportunity to restore a clean copy (duplicate) of the OS with working programs and previously made settings in a matter of minutes. Incredible convenience, since the user does not need to reinstall the software and remember forgotten passwords. However, a new question will appear: “How can I launch Windows through BIOS?”, which, in principle, can be solved just as easily as in the case when reinstallation is necessary. But this is a topic for another article. Don't learn from your own mistakes...

BIOS update- This is a very useful, but at the same time extremely dangerous procedure. Useful in that after releasing their products, manufacturers continue to improve them based on feedback from service centers and their research. Over time, data about errors and their corrections appears. So, it is precisely solutions to hardware-level problems, additional options in the settings that appear in new versions of the BIOS management firmware.

The danger of this procedure lies in its complete inoperability after an unsuccessful BIOS flashing. In most of these cases, the operation of the motherboard or laptop can only be restored at a service center. And sometimes such a recovery procedure is impossible or involves removing the chip from the motherboard and then flashing it in a special programmer. And all this costs money.

Attention! Flashing the BIOS involves the risk of losing the functionality of the equipment. Reflash it only as a last resort, and with sufficient experience for this! If you decide to flash your BIOS to follow a buzzword, don't do it!

So, you have decided to flash the BIOS on your laptop. In this article we will try to help you.

Before flashing the laptop BIOS

The safest and most reliable method is to flash it from DOS using a USB flash drive.
The general principle of flashing the BIOS from DOS is as follows. It is necessary to copy the file of the new BIOS version, as well as a special flashing utility (flasher) to a bootable USB device. Reboot the laptop, boot from the flash drive. Using the command line, launch the flash program and follow further instructions.

What you need to know before flashing the laptop BIOS:

1. Download the latest BIOS version only from the official website of the laptop manufacturer. Don't download the beta version. You should download the latest tested and working version.

2. The laptop must be turned on via the power supply and not run on battery power. The best option would be to connect the laptop to the mains via Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).

3. The USB flash drive used must be reliable and proven to work. If you notice any errors in the operation of a USB storage device related to data loss, then do not use it under any circumstances.

4. Never disconnect power from your laptop during the BIOS update process. Also, never press any keys or buttons on the laptop during this time.

How to flash laptop BIOS

Let's look at the BIOS update process using a laptop as an example. Dell Inspiration 1525.

1. Create a bootable USB flash drive. Read about how to do this quickly and reliably. If you don’t have a standard USB flash drive at hand, but your laptop supports booting from the built-in card reader, then use it. To do this, you need to make a bootable memory card from a camera or phone, having previously saved the data from it.

2. Download the latest BIOS version from the official website of the laptop. It is best to use the serial number from the sticker on the underside of the laptop case for this. Many manufacturers provide a service on their website to search for the necessary files to download by serial number. Our laptop has this Service Tag. By entering it on the manufacturer's website we find the BIOS file. At the time of this writing, this is version A17 dated December 2, 2009. Moreover, everything we need is already contained in one file with the extension *.exe. So, download the file from the official Dell website 1525_A17.EXE and copy it to our bootable USB flash drive. Be sure to remember or better write down the name of the downloaded file!

3. Booting from a USB flash drive. To do this, we set boot from a USB device in the laptop BIOS itself. Or we use special keys when turning on the laptop to call up the menu for selecting boot devices. On Dell laptops this is a function key. F12. After loading we will see the DOS command line

4. Enter the command to run the BIOS flashing program (file name):


5. The programmer shell from DELL will start

The program itself will check the BIOS file for errors and for compliance with its laptop model. If the verification procedure was successful, press any button on the keyboard to continue.
When you are ready to start the BIOS flashing process, press the " Y"

The laptop BIOS update process will begin.
and checking the result of the BIOS update
Wait until the update process finishes! Do not turn off the laptop or press any keys during this time! After the BIOS flashing is completed and it is successfully checked, the laptop will be rebooted
When the laptop goes into reboot, it may turn off and not turn on for several seconds. This is fine! Just wait until the laptop turns on on its own.

6. After flashing the new BIOS version, go into it and set all the settings you need.

Flashing on different laptop models and from other manufacturers, of course, may differ. Usually, along with the BIOS files, instructions for flashing it are also supplied. Be sure to read it. But in general, all actions are very similar to each other. The main thing is to take your time and do everything thoughtfully!

What to do if the BIOS flashing process fails

If after updating the BIOS your laptop stops turning on or displays an error, do not panic. Save the flash drive with the BIOS file that was used for flashing.

Many modern laptops have an emergency system for restoring the original BIOS version. This is just for such cases. Just run this firmware rollback process.

If you don’t know what to do in this case, contact your nearest service center. Bring the BIOS file you used. It's paid, but they will help you there.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The fact of flashing the firmware itself is not considered a violation of the manufacturer's warranty. But if the result is unsuccessful, you may lose your warranty!

The administration of our resource and the author of the article are in no way responsible for any damage resulting from an unsuccessful BIOS update performed by you yourself! This is only a description of the update process, and not a clear guide to action!

Are you planning to install windows? The correct installation is from the disk via the BIOS. To do this, you need to ensure that the download is done using a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. If you need to make loading With USB flash you need to select an item USB HDD.

To do this, we need to restart the computer and get into the BIOS settings (Setup) - a program that ensures the initial boot of the computer. When the computer boots, a window will appear, at the bottom there will be an entry Press xxx to enter SETUP, in fact, there it will be written how to get into Bios. There are not many options - it could be a button: Del, Esc, F1, F2, F3, F10, Ctrl+Alt+Esc (simultaneously)

Also, to select the boot option from HDD, USB, DVD, you can use Boot Menu, keys to enter:

All-in-One PCs and Laptops

Samsung - Esc
HP - F9 or Esc key and then F9


If you have Did not work out go into the BIOS, try to do everything again, if YES, we see the following window.

from DVD-ROM - burn a disc from windows to minimum speed, to another disk (new), select another distribution.

If in BIOS, UEFIno possibility select, add boot from disk or usb flash, necessary switch off Secure Boot or run in the operating system installation from disk.

One of the reasons why booting from a USB flash drive does not occur (black screen) is that it is turned on UEFI, the flash drive is formatted in NTFS. Legacy BIOS supports booting from NTFS, UEFI - FAT32 partition

Windows XPnot installed on hard driveSATA III (3)

You should be wary of distributions with auto-installation of Windows, an answer file, the operating system may install on the wrong partition and delete data!

And so we are in the AMI Bios settings, to change the settings, click the "->" button on the Boot tab

Use the "down" button to select the CD-ROM Drive, and move it to the first place in the list with the "+" button. By doing this, we ensured that loading was done from CD\DVD-ROM. Take your time to rejoice :), you need to save these settings! This can be done by pressing F10 (Save and Exit), or using the " -> " button to go to Exit - Exit Saving Changes.

If you have an AWARD (Phoenix) BIOS, select the Advanced bios Features item:

Second Boot Device - HDD-0

After changing the boot option, press Esc and save the settings in the Save & Exit Setup item.

Save & Exit - Boot Override

gigabyte uefi dualbios in Russian

Select Bios functions - Device boot priority - Boot option - F10

When the computer boots, press any key.

Tags: install, reinstall windows via Bios

Choosing Russian language

Click install

At this stage you will have to choose x86 architecture or x64 bit, x64 bit is worth choosing if you have more than 4 GB of RAM.

Click I accept the license terms

Choose Full installation for further formatting drive C

Click on section C, Disk setup

Uncheck the box Automatically activate Windows 7 when connected to the Internet

I hope the article is how to install helped.

Would you like to reinstall windows? It is very important to reinstall the OS correctly. The process can be divided into three stages: The first stage is the actions performed before installation, the Second is installation of the operating system, and the Third stage is configuration.

You cannot reinstall the system via the Internet; you can reinstall Windows using a DVD rom or USB flash drive.

Before you reinstall Windows, you must Right choose a distribution that you can buy in a store or download on the Internet. The disk image can be burned using UltraISO. I recommend using clean builds that do not have pre-installed drivers, themes, or tweaks (changes to registry settings). To improve performance and security, the latest service pack and critical updates must be preinstalled. This operating system will last longer!

Next, we take out the network cable (if there is one) from the network card so that the “evil spirits” do not climb out of the network. We check the distribution kit and all partitions of the hard drive (hard drive) for viruses with updated databases. All sections must be checked so that after installing the operating system the virus does not enter it from partitions other than C.

Copy everything you need files from system drive C (root, folders My Documents, Desktop, Documents and Settings, C:\Users) to D, E, since when installing the OS, partition C must be formatted (complete loss of information). In the future, do not store documents, films, games (do not install) on the system drive, as these files will affect performance in a negative way.

We rewrite the network settings (IP address, gateway, workgroup, etc.), if there is a home or other one. Make sure you know in advance how to set up internet connection after reinstalling the system. Go to your Internet provider's website and look at the instructions.

If you do not have a system disk with DRIVERS or saved on the hard drive, a program will be useful that will help you correctly save existing drivers, as well as find them on the Internet and update them in the future.

If you have completed all these steps, move on to the Windows installation process. you can read how to do this correctly

After installing Windows, install an antivirus, drivers for all devices, service packs, critical updates, if they were not preinstalled in the distribution. As well as all the necessary programs, configure the OS as convenient (folder type, theme, desktop shortcuts, etc.), update anti-virus software via the Internet, optimize the OS.

So that you don’t have to install Windows again from scratch, and the reason for this could be: a virus attack, slow system operation, caught a “Blue Screen of Death” and the like, there is something for you correct solution- special program!

I hope this article helped you reinstall Windows!

Tags: install, reinstall via Bios

how to reinstall (remove) pre-installed windows 8?

After purchasing a new Acer v3 laptop, I encountered a problem - it was running Windows 8, this operating system is unusual for many people, like me, so the decision was made to reinstall it on Windows 7.

It was not possible to reinstall Windows 7 right away using the usual method, since when the computer booted there was no message on how to enter the BIOS and it was impossible to select boot from DVD-ROM.

I managed to enter the bios using the F2 button, the remaining keys for entering and the BIOS settings can be viewed. By default, the UEFI interface was used, in this case it is impossible to choose to boot from a DVD ROM or flash drive, so to reinstall Windows you need to Boot - Boot Mode instead of UEFI choose Legacy Bios.

Tab Exit - Exit Saving Changes(Exit Save Changes), restart the laptop.

Go to bios, in Boot priority order select boot from DVD ROM or flash, click F10.

asus laptop, Free DOS aptio setup utility installed

The BIOS is standard and works flawlessly. However, in situations where the microcodes are not sufficiently developed, there is a discrepancy between the motherboard and integrated devices, more modern equipment appears, and it becomes necessary to install the BIOS again.

What is required to reinstall the BIOS?

To flash the BIOS, you will need specialized utilities developed by the motherboard manufacturer or other companies. With these installation products, all necessary firmware is written into the CMOS chip. It is advisable to use the “native” utilities that are available on the disk supplied with the motherboard, since they are fully adapted to specific equipment and eliminate the possibility of failures or errors.

Since CMOS in modern motherboards is nothing more than flash memory with microcodes and settings, in order to correctly install the BIOS, you need to find a file with its corresponding version and a flasher program.

By the way, it is better to flash the BIOS from Windows, because it is more convenient. A similar operation from DOS will take a lot of time and require some ingenuity, although it is more reliable. Moreover, here you will have to create a boot floppy disk with a flash program and BIOS firmware.

And a few more important nuances. Before starting work, it is important to backup the current BIOS version to an external one using a flasher program. This will allow you to return to the old version of the software in case of failure.

It is necessary to ensure stable power supply through an uninterruptible power supply. Otherwise, sudden sharp surges in voltage will bring all the work to NONE.

When flashing the BIOS from Windows, you will need all active applications and antivirus programs.

What should you be prepared for if you need to install a new BIOS?

Even a minor error in flashing the BIOS can cause serious complications. Therefore, you should prepare in advance to eliminate them. In particular, if the power is turned off or the system freezes, you will have to use the programmer. Although in this case it is advisable to contact specialists.

If the BIOS firmware is not fully completed, it is rational to use the following method:

  1. We remove CMOS from a similar working motherboard that is turned on.

  2. We put several threads in the socket, thanks to which it will be easy to remove the microcircuit later.

  3. We install a damaged CMOS. a damaged analogue.

  4. Launch the firmware

  5. When off

It is stored in a ROM chip, which can be called without accessing the disk. It is located on the motherboard and stores codes for the normal operation of disks, video cards, etc. If you want to find out how to update the BIOS from a flash drive, you need to identify this procedure for all components to which this action is applied.

Using external storage for BIOSa firmware.

The main condition is the ability to systematize an update for the BIOS, the main task of which is the normal operation of the electronic device. A really pressing question is how to install a BIOS from a flash drive for those users who use processors that are not supported by the initial versions of the BIOS.

Usually, BIOS firmware is flashed from a CD, but the fact is that some modern electronic devices, for example, netbooks, do not have a disk drive and for this reason it is not possible to flash the BIOS from a disk. So, quite a few users are interested in how to update the BIOS from a flash drive.

Most users, sooner or later, come to the conclusion that they need to flash the BIOS firmware from a flash drive. This should be done in the following cases:

  1. you need to install new components or applications on your computer;
  2. it is planned to modernize the device by installing the latest components;
  3. The manufacturer advises doing this;
  4. errors or system malfunctions appear.

Updating the BIOS from a flash drive will be required if a device conflict occurs or if the system data is damaged by a virus. This process is also not least important for overclocking a PC.

It should be taken into account that if the computer is working normally, then there is no need to change the motherboard configuration by updating the BIOS only on the advice of a friend or because a new version has appeared. However, if it has the latest functions required by the user that increase the performance of the device, then it is already possible to upgrade the program. Having found out what opportunities a BIOS update provides, you need to figure out how to flash the BIOS from an external drive without negative consequences for the computer. To flash firmware from a flash drive, you will need to complete several steps.

Determine your motherboard model

The point is that since the updated BIOS is installed in ROM on the motherboard, it turns out that it is this that needs to be updated. And to do this you need to know exactly what model your motherboard is. You can find such information in the book on the motherboard that comes with the PC, or you can disassemble the system unit and look at it on the board itself.

It is also possible to resort to the help of operating system software. To do this, press the Win and R keys together, type msinfo32, then click OK. The window that appears will provide all the required information about the system, including the BIOS version.

However, there are also cases when it is not possible to find out the name of the motherboard even using this command. Then you can use the special program AIDA64 Extreme. Within a month, you will be given the opportunity to use it for free, and you can download the utility freely on the Internet. After installing and launching the application, open general information about the operating system, and there you will find the name of the motherboard.

Download the firmware

You need to enter the name of the motherboard model into any search engine. After this, you need to follow the provided link to the official manufacturer. In the downloads section, now select BIOS. Find the new version that is labeled InstantFlash, and then download it. Now you need to figure out how to write the BIOS to a flash drive. It's very easy to do. It is enough to unpack the downloaded archive onto a flash drive, it is better that it is clean. Insert the USB flash drive into your PC and reboot it.

Install BIOS firmware from a flash drive

When booting, you need to press Delete or F2, so you can open the BIOS settings. If the motherboard of your device supports SMART technology, then you need to go to this section and use the arrows to select InstantFlash. Otherwise, you need to find a section whose title contains the word Flash. The system will quickly and automatically detect the flash drive and the available BIOS versions.

Now you need to select the flash drive on which the BIOS file was downloaded and the firmware version you want to install. Then press Enter. The BIOS recovery from the flash drive will begin, and the PC will reboot.

In certain situations, in order to flash the BIOS, it becomes necessary to boot from the flash drive where the installation file is located. To do this, press Delete or F2 during boot to open the BIOS menu. Find the BOOT tab, and in it find BootDevicePriority. Here the device boot priority is determined. As a rule, the first place is the hard drive with the operating system installed on it. After highlighting the line, you must press Enter, this will change the loading priority. Find your flash drive in the list and perform this operation with it. Then press F10 to exit the BIOS and save all changed settings. When the computer restarts, the BIOS recovery installation file recorded on the USB flash drive will be automatically launched.

You should know that at the moment when the BIOS is updated from a flash drive, you cannot turn off the power to the computer, otherwise this may lead to negative consequences. Just in case, it would be a good idea to connect to an uninterruptible power supply if you have one.

On the official website of the motherboard manufacturer, you need to familiarize yourself with information on how to restore the BIOS; it is usually provided complete with the BIOS file.

Now you know how to install BIOS from a flash drive. However, it should be noted once again that the BIOS should be updated only as a last resort, otherwise problems may arise. It would also be better to write the full version of the BIOS onto a flash drive, since the a- and b-versions are still being finalized and have errors.