Installing 1c gpo. Installing and updating “1C Enterprise v8” using group policies (GPO). Actions on the client computer

Near the rector July 26, 2014 at 01:09 pm

Connecting 1C 8 databases using AD/GPO

  • System administration

Good afternoon

Inspired by a recent post, I’ll share an alternative solution to this problem:

  • without using scripts
  • without editing 1C files (ibases.v8i, 1CEStart.cfg)
The automation tasks are similar: there are many 1C databases and an AD directory; it is necessary for a user in a certain AD group to be given the opportunity to launch a certain 1C database.

This method is convenient only if the user works with a small number of 1C databases (from one to ten), since it involves placing a separate shortcut on the desktop for each database.

Step 1.

Let's create a group in AD that includes a list of computers on which the 1C client is installed - it will include terminal farm servers, as well as computers on which the 1C client is installed. In fact, this may not be necessary, but we will use this group as an additional filter:

Step 2.

Let's create groups in AD for 1C database users:

You may notice that a separate group is created to launch the database with other parameters (in this case in thick client mode).

Step 3.

Create a group policy that controls user shortcuts:

Unfortunately, for 1C there is not yet a client version for the x64 platform, so the default location of the client depends on the bitness of the platform. For version 1C 8.3 on the 32-bit version of Windows, the client is installed in %ProgramFiles%\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe, and on 64-bit Windows - %ProgramFiles(x86)%\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe

Now let's take a closer look at the creation of each element.

On the “General” tab, set the parameters for connecting to the database and the location of the shortcut (in this case, the desktop). An example of creating a shortcut for the Win x64 platform

A small digression for those who are just planning to migrate from the 1C 8.2 platform to 8.3:

In the “General Settings” tab, let’s target our shortcut to the previously created AD groups:

Setting for Win x86 platform:

And for Win x64:

Adding a new database involves creating a new AD group, copying the shortcut to the GPO, and editing the connection to the database.

P.S. If you have employees who independently place shortcuts on the desktop, then it is better not to use this method of accessing databases.

Thank you for your attention, I hope this post will be useful to you.

Tags: 1c, ad, gpo, links

So, what methods of deploying our software does 1C offer us?

1. Installation using logon script

2. Installation by placing it in a shared network directory

3. Installation using group policies

We reject the first two methods, because In this article we will look at installation using group policies (GPO).

The information on the 1C:ITS pages that the manufacturer offers us about deploying its product using group policies is very sparse:

When installing via group policies, to specify the installation language, you must specify the appropriate language transformation file. The file names correspond to the Microsoft Windows decimal LCID representation (with the extension .mst). The transformation file for the Russian language is called 1049.mst.

In addition, you additionally need to specify the transformation file adminstallrestart.mst. In this case, the 1C:Enterprise system, if the client and server versions do not match, will prompt you to restart the computer to install the new version. The administrator must ensure that the new distribution has already been added in group policies.

Using group policies, you can install several versions of 1C:Enterprise.

To install a new version, you must create a new installation in Group Policy.

1049.mst is obvious, but adminstallrestart.mst is not very useful. Therefore, we will create our own transformation file.
First of all, I would like to understand how we can indicate to the installer which components of the product we want to install and which we do not? Despite the fact that the documentation from 1c is generally quite extensive and detailed, for some reason not a word is said about this. But the logon script, which we rejected at the very beginning, will help us get out of this situation. In the script we can see the following lines:


DESIGNERALLCLIENTS – all clients and configurator.
THINCLIENT is a thin client for client-server operation.
THINCLIENTFILE – thin client with the ability to work with file infobases.
SERVER – 1C:Enterprise server. If the installer is run from the launcher, the server will be installed as an application.
WEBSERVEREXT – extension components for the web server.
CONFREPOSSERVER – 1C:Enterprise configuration storage server.
SERVERCLIENT – components for administering a cluster of 1C:Enterprise servers.
CONVERTER77 is a converter of information bases from version 1C:Enterprise 7.7.
LANGUAGES – list of interface languages ​​for installation. If several languages ​​are specified, they are listed separated by “,”.

This line of the script generates a command line that will be sent to the msiexec installer for processing.

To create a transformation file we need the “Orca” editor. (
And so, after installation, we launch the program. “File” – “Open”, and select “1CEnterprise 8.msi” from the 1C distribution kit. A list of tables appeared on the left side of the program, and table values ​​appeared on the right. Because 1C itself does not recommend changing the msi package, so we go to the “Transform” – “New Transform” menu.

You need to go to the “Property” table. On the right side we look for the line “DEFLANGUAGE”, with the value “Auto”. The value must be changed to “RU” (Without quotes, of course).

For most users, you need to install a minimum of components, these are Thin Client, Thick Client, and language (for example Russian)
Therefore, let's create new fields (Ctrl+R), where you need to specify a name and value.

Those. It should look like in the pictures:

Next, go to the “Transform” menu – “Generate Transform...”. Save the file, maybe in the folder with the distribution, for example Client.mst
This completes the generation of the transformation file.
To check the installation, you need to open the “cmd” program. Go to the distribution folder. And run the command:
setup.exe /S TRANSFORMS=Client.mst TRANSFORMS =1049.mst
msiexec /i "<каталог с дистрибутивом >"TRANSFORMS="<каталог с дистрибутивом >"\Client.mst TRANSFORMS="<каталог с дистрибутивом >"\1049.mst/passive

In the first command, the “/S” parameter and in the second command, the “/passive” parameter means that the installation will take place in the background.

After some time you can check. Thick client, Thin client and Russian interface should be installed.

Next, you need to create a new installation in domain group policies.
You also need to create a shared directory on your network where the installation files will be stored. Check that domain users have read permissions from this directory.
Open the GP editor. We create a new policy. Open it for editing. Go to the section “Computer Configuration” - “Installing Programs”.

Let's create a new package. We select the file 1CEnterprise 8.2.msi, the path to the file must be specified through the network environment \\SRV\…..\1CEnterprise 8.msi, we select the deployment method - a special one, so that modifications can be made.

After creating the package, the package properties window will open.
You need to go to the “Modifications” tab and add a transformation file for the Russian language called 1049.mst and a transformation file Client.mst.

After you click “OK”, it will not be possible to add modification files.
The package is ready. It is worth noting that the package must be applied to a group of computers; to do this, you need to create such a group in AD and place the computers for which installation is intended there.

Good afternoon

Inspired by a recent post - “Managing a list of 1C 8.2 databases using Active Directory”, I will share an alternative solution to this problem:

  • without using scripts
  • without editing 1C files (ibases.v8i, 1CEStart.cfg)
The automation tasks are similar: there are many 1C databases and an AD directory; it is necessary for a user in a certain AD group to be given the opportunity to launch a certain 1C database.

This method is convenient only if the user works with a small number of 1C databases (from one to ten), since it involves placing a separate shortcut on the desktop for each database.

Step 1.

Let's create a group in AD that includes a list of computers on which the 1C client is installed - it will include terminal farm servers, as well as computers on which the 1C client is installed. In fact, this may not be necessary, but we will use this group as an additional filter:

Step 2.

Let's create groups in AD for 1C database users:

You may notice that a separate group is created to launch the database with other parameters (in this case in thick client mode).

Step 3.

Create a group policy that controls user shortcuts:

Unfortunately, for 1C there is not yet a client version for the x64 platform, so the default location of the client depends on the bitness of the platform. For version 1C 8.3 on the 32-bit version of Windows, the client is installed in %ProgramFiles%\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe, and on 64-bit Windows - %ProgramFiles(x86)%\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe

Now let's take a closer look at the creation of each element.

On the “General” tab, set the parameters for connecting to the database and the location of the shortcut (in this case, the desktop). An example of creating a shortcut for the Win x64 platform

A small digression for those who are just planning to migrate from the 1C 8.2 platform to 8.3:

In the “General Settings” tab, let’s target our shortcut to the previously created AD groups:

Setting for Win x86 platform:

And for Win x64:

Adding a new database involves creating a new AD group, copying the shortcut to the GPO, and editing the connection to the database.

P.S. If you have employees who independently place shortcuts on the desktop, then it is better not to use this method of accessing databases.

Thank you for your attention, I hope this post will be useful to you.

Tags: 1c, ad, gpo, links

Using group policies, you can install several versions of 1C:Enterprise.
To install a new version, you must create a new installation in Group Policy.

When installing via group policies, to specify the installation language, you must specify the appropriate language transformation file. The file names correspond to the Microsoft Windows decimal LCID representation (with the extension .mst). The transformation file for the Russian language is called 1049.mst.
In addition, you additionally need to specify the transformation file adminstallrestart.mst. In this case, the 1C:Enterprise system, if the client and server versions do not match, will prompt you to restart the computer to install the new version. The administrator must ensure that the new distribution has already been added in group policies.

You need to create a shared directory on your network where the installation files will be stored. Check that domain users have read permissions from this directory.
Open the GP editor. We create a new policy. Open it for editing. Go to the section “Computer Configuration” - “Installing Programs”. The example is shown on Windows Server 2008 R2.

Let's create a new package. We select the file 1CEnterprise 8.2.msi, the path to the file must be specified through the network environment \\SRV\…..\1CEnterprise 8.2.msi, we select the deployment method - special, so that modifications can be made.

After creating the package, I have about 30 seconds, the package properties window will open.

You need to go to the “Modifications” tab and add a transformation file for the Russian language called 1049.mst and a transformation file adminstallrestart.mst. It should look like this:

After you click “OK”, it will not be possible to add modification files.

The package is ready. It is worth noting that the package must be applied to a group of computers; to do this, you need to create such a group in AD and place the computers for which installation is intended there.