Speeding up Windows 8 on a laptop. How to Avoid Malware

Install and run the CCleaner utility (www.piriform.com/ccleaner). Click the Analyze button to have the program search for unused files on your computer. When the search is complete, click Cleanup.

After cleaning the disk, go to the Registry section. Click on the “Search for problems” button and wait until the scan is completed. Then click "Fix" to let the tool repair the Windows registry.

Then go to the “Tools” section and select “Startup” from the menu. The Windows tab displays all programs that start automatically. Select those applications that you definitely do not use and click on the “Turn off” button.

Be sure to leave the programs necessary for the correct operation of the system, for example, video card, wireless network and sound card drivers. You can recognize them by the name of the manufacturer, for example, Realtek or Intel.

When finished, close CCleaner and open the This PC folder. Right-click on the drive and select “Properties” from the context menu. On the “Service” tab, click on the “Optimize” button. The optimization process may take some time.

Then right-click on the “This PC” icon and select “Properties”. From the menu on the left, select Advanced System Settings and in the Performance box, click Settings.

Here you can indicate your preferences: provide either the best appearance, that is, apply visual effects, or the best performance, abandoning visual effects. In the list you can enable or disable individual effects to suit your taste.

If your system does not have an SSD installed, on the Advanced tab, in the Virtual Memory field, click the Change button. Uncheck “Automatically select paging file size for all drives”, select the “No paging file” option at the bottom and confirm the changes by clicking OK.

: Make it a more responsive and user friendly system.

Although the reviews were mixed - and this is understandable: on modern computers the issue of system speed is not as pressing as on computers of the Windows 98 - XP era - today in the article we will talk about speeding up the Windows 8 - 8.1 interface, using useful registry hacks, disabling unnecessary services.

Not everyone likes the somewhat imposing nature of this system, which is characteristic, in principle, of all Windows systems, starting with Win XP. So, it is for those who like to fine-tune the OS that this article will be useful. It will also probably be useful to those who have Win 8 - 8.1 installed on a not very fast machine.

1. Disable unnecessary visual effects in system properties

Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R to open Run. In the window that opens, type


The system properties window will open. Go to the tab Additionally and click on the button Options near the point Performance. In the tab Visual effects you can disable all or some of the options:

Apply the changes and close the window.

2. Change additional settings for folders and files in Explorer properties

Open any Explorer window, for example a folder This computer. Go to the tab View and now click on the button Options. Immediately below click on Change folder and search options.

Uncheck the boxes next to the following items:

  • Display descriptions for folders and desktop items;
  • Display file size information in folder suggestions;
  • Display compressed or encrypted NTFS files in a different color;
  • Hide empty disks;
  • Hide extensions for registered file types.

Save your changes.

3. Make changes to the system registry

5. Disable autorun of unnecessary programs

If it seems to you that your system takes a long time to start up, then it is possible that during startup a large number of third-party applications are automatically launched, the launch of which is not so necessary.

Try removing unnecessary programs from startup.

Click Ctrl + Shift + Esc in order to launch Task Manager. This can be done with one hand, unlike everything known Ctrl + Alt + Del.

In the task manager, go to the tab.

Find programs that have medium and high startup impact values ​​next to them, select them and click the button Disable at the bottom. For example, I use Viber. I disable it to speed up the launch.

If the name of the program is not familiar to you, you may be able to find out more about it by looking at the location of the program file on your disk. To find a program that starts automatically on the disk, right-click on the program name and click Open file location.

6. Turn off event audio

System event sounds in Windows add interactivity between the system and the user, but can slow down the system somewhat, especially if you have a slow computer.

Discover our favorite line Run (Win + R) and type in it

A window will open Sound. Go to the tab Sounds and in the dropdown list "Sound Scheme" select Soundless.

Now your system will be as silent as a fish, but will work a little faster.

7. A couple more points

  • Try to install the latest updates from Microsoft;
  • Use the latest drivers whenever possible;
  • Install only those programs that you actually use;
  • Stay away from interface transformation packages;
  • Use an antivirus and update it regularly.

The Windows 8 operating system came as a pleasant surprise to many users. A completely different start screen, a beautiful tiled Metro interface, fast system loading, smooth opening of program windows. But all this takes up certain system resources and affects the speed of the operating system itself.

Let's look at several methods that will help speed up the operation of a computer or laptop with the Windows 8 operating system installed.

Disable visual effects and gadgets

The first way is to disable visual effects and desktop gadgets. Visual effects allow you to make the display on the screen pleasing to the eye: smooth transition between windows, displaying text, closing a program window. To configure them, press the key combination Win+E, Explorer will open. Right-click on the “Computer” button in the left menu and select “Properties”.

In the "System" window, on the left side, open "Advanced system settings".

A window will open "Properties of the system". On the tab "Additionally" select "Performance" and click the Options button.

In the next window "Performance Options" on the tab "Visual effects" mark the item with a marker "Provide the best performance". Or you can choose "Special Effects" and tick a couple of necessary items. Click Apply and OK.

Although there are no gadgets in this operating system by default, those who are used to using them in earlier versions of Windows install gadgets for the Windows 8 desktop. They help when working on the computer, but they also take up some system resources.

If you cannot do without them, leave a couple of necessary ones, and it is better to remove the rest from your desktop.

Watch the video:

Increase virtual memory

The second way is to increase virtual memory. Open the window "Performance Options" as described in the paragraph above, then go to the tab "Additionally", and in the section "Virtual Memory" click "Edit".

Please note that the paging file is not located on the partition of your hard drive where the OS is installed. The size of the paging file should be 2 times the size of the RAM. Select the disk partition and set the paging file size. Click OK. Return to the previous window and click “Apply” and “OK” there. Restart your computer.

To increase virtual memory, you can also use a regular flash drive and the ReadyBoost function. Follow the link and read how you can configure it.

Set up sleep or hibernation mode

The third way is to use sleep mode or hibernation mode. If you use your laptop several times during the day, you don’t have to constantly turn it off. To do this, configure the mentioned modes.

In sleep mode, all open files and programs are stored in RAM, in hibernation mode - on the hard drive. When the computer enters one of the modes, less power is consumed, and when you resume using the computer, the system starts up almost instantly.

Hibernation mode is designed primarily for laptops. You can put your computer into sleep mode.

Right-click on the battery icon in the tray and select "Power supply".

Now in the menu on the left, click on the item "Action when closing the lid".

If you don't have enough space on your hard drive, you can disable hibernation mode completely. This will free up at least 2 GB of memory. Follow the link and read how to do it.

Removing programs from startup

The fourth method is to exclude unnecessary programs from startup. This will increase the loading speed of the operating system. Press the key combination Win+R. In the “Open” field, enter msconfig and click “OK”.

Next go to the tab. If there is a list of programs that run along with the operating system, uncheck the unnecessary ones, click “Apply”, “OK” and restart the computer. I need to go to this link: "Open Task Manager".

In the task manager, select the unnecessary program with the mouse and click “Disable”.

Disabling search

The fifth way to speed up the operating system is to disable indexing. This will be useful for those who do not use search on hard drive partitions, or through the Start menu. This service scans and monitors files on your computer, using its resources accordingly.

Press the combination Win + E, Explorer will open. On the left side, select “Computer” and right-click on it, select “Manage” from the context menu.

Now on the right side expand "Services and Applications" and click on “Services”. A list should open, find the “Windows Search” service in it and double-click on it.

In the next window, in the “Startup type” field, select “Disabled”, click on the “Stop” button, then “Apply” and “OK”.

Disk cleaning

The sixth method is to clean and defragment the hard drive.

How to defragment a hard drive using the utility built into Windows - I wrote, read the article by following the link. The Auslogics Disk Defrag hard drive defragmentation program will also cope with the task perfectly.

Watch the video:

Computers running Windows 8.1 or Windows RT 8.1 automatically optimize their performance based on default settings, so you can usually rest assured that your PC is performing at its best. But sometimes situations arise when The computer is running too slow and you begin to look for the reasons for the “braking” in order to manually eliminate them.

Despite the fact that Windows 8.1 integrates an automatic performance optimization function, Microsoft includes separate utilities in the operating system that should help the user solve certain problems. The optimization process itself is very simple and you do not need special knowledge to manually increase the performance of your computer.

The 3 best methods below will help you optimize the performance of your Windows 8.1 computer or tablet, which you can then use on a regular basis.

Let's start with the most important and effective way. 1 way:

We scan your computer for viruses and malware. Viruses and malware are perhaps the main reason why your computer slows down. A virus can enter a computer from any source - either when visiting an infected site through a browser, or through a downloaded file, or from an infected medium such as a CD, DVD, flash drive or memory card. Viruses and malware can be found in applications and files of any purpose and format, so it is very important to always be on guard so as not to infect your computer.

Viruses and malware can slow down your PC in a variety of ways, and when infected they can interfere with a range of normal activities. In addition, viruses can give hackers access to your personal data or completely block the ability to use certain functions.
Windows 8.1 comes pre-installed with Windows Defender, which is Microsoft's own antivirus product. The application is designed to protect your computer from infection by any types of viruses and malware. Even though Defender updates itself and automatically scans your computer for infection, viruses can disable virus detection mode in Defender dangers or limit automatic updates and scanning.

Reminder: If you use third-party antivirus software to protect your Windows 8.1 PC, we recommend that you also use this method to optimize PC performance.

1. Launch Windows Defender or any other antivirus software (if you have installed it) through the Control Panel.

2. Update the database of known viruses through the built-in function of the antivirus product. At the same time, you will receive the latest updates with signatures of the latest viruses.

3. After updating the anti-virus databases, run a full scan of your computer for viruses.
Tip: Windows Defender Quick Scan scans your computer a little faster and can save you a couple of minutes compared to Full Scan.

4. After completing the anti-virus scan, if viruses or malware were detected, immediately remove them using anti-virus software.

The first method will help you get rid of malicious objects on your computer and restore (increase) its performance.

Method 2: Remove unnecessary system files

Windows 8.1 stores a large number of system files on the computer's hard drive for future tasks, but subsequently never deletes them and the files take up space on the hard drive. Often, an array of unnecessary system files can take up up to several gigabytes of disk space. Storing a large amount of unnecessary files can lead to reduced computer performance and increased response time in various tasks.

Windows allows you to clean up disk space by deleting unnecessary files and clearing specialized file storage areas such as the browser's Internet cache, temporary files (Temp folder) and the recycle bin.

1. To clear file storage data, use the Start screen search bar to find the following term: “” .

2. In the search results you will see one of these items “ Free up space by deleting unnecessary files" or " Disk Cleanup" Click on one of these links.

Reminder: if you don’t find anything similar in the search results, you will need to enable access to administration utilities. Read our separate instructions on how to do this.

3. Utility window " Disk Cleanup" will open on your desktop. Select drive C from the drop-down menu and click OK.

4. Next, the utility will automatically calculate the disk space that you can free up. Once counted, you will be given a complete list of files (in categories) that you can delete to free up disk space.

5. Select all files. There may be files from the recycle bin, installation files, temporary files and much more. Sometimes the total volume of files in these categories can reach several gigabytes. By checking the boxes of the categories from which you do not need files, you will see exactly how much disk space will be freed up at this stage.

7. At the end of the process, you will receive a message that space on the local disk (in our case it was drive C) has been freed.

8. You can repeat the described procedure for all logical drives into which your hard drive is “partitioned”.

Method 3: defragmentation

Most likely, your computer is equipped with a hard drive, which, in a sense, is the brain of the PC, storing data for a long time, writing it in a certain sequence in parts onto the surface of the disk drive. In this case, digital data, consisting of bytes and bits, can be located in different areas (sectors) of the hard disk.

As soon as the process of writing files to disk begins, they are divided into parts by sector, which from the outside may look like chaos. Data is not written sequentially (continuously) and this results in increased response time when accessed from the PC operating system. Microsoft has traditionally included a utility in the new OS that should help you organize your data and provide faster access to it.

The Disk Defragment utility sorts (moves) data blocks in such a way that it is easier to access the data, and, accordingly, Windows responds faster to your requests.

1. Go to the Start screen of the operating system and press the buttons simultaneously Windows key + I" or swipe left with a touch gesture and select the menu item " Settings».

2. The settings menu window will open “ Settings" Select " Tiles».

3. The option to manage dynamic blocks will open. In it, activate the display mode of administration utilities " Show administrative tools", moving the slider to the right.

4. Now press the button combination “ Windows key + S" or swipe right and select the option " Search».

5. In the search dialog, type " Defragment».

6. As a result, all disk devices that can be defragmented will be highlighted. Here you can select the disk you are interested in.

7. Dialog box " Optimize Drives" will open on your desktop.

8. Now select drive C and click on the button Analyze» to see the device status.

9. After analyzing the disk, which may take several tens of seconds, you will find out whether defragmentation of this disk is required or not. If the OK status is displayed, then you do not need disk defragmentation.

10. Click the button Optimize» to start the optimization process.

Note: The optimization process may take several hours, depending on the speed of your computer.

11. Once the operation is completed, you will immediately feel that your computer's performance has increased, especially when accessing data stored on your computer's hard drive.

12. If necessary, defragment all logical drives.

How often should the described operations be performed?

You may be wondering how often you should perform each of the described methods to increase computer performance. Below we give an answer for each of the three methods:

1. You can scan your computer once a week, but at the same time you should update the Windows Defender antivirus database daily;

2. Run Disk Cleanup utility Disk Cleanup can be done once a week or even once every 2 weeks. Running the utility more frequently may not produce results.

3. Defragmentation is not a process that needs to be run regularly (daily or weekly). Launching the utility once a month or even once every two months can provide optimal disk performance for your computer.

By regularly performing one of the described methods or performing them one by one, you can seriously increase the performance of your computer.

16.03.2016 Frank 0 Comments

You are probably like most people and would like to have faster internet when running your Windows 10 Windows 8.1, Windows 8 Windows 7, Vista or XP.

After all, there's nothing worse when working on a computer than waiting for your favorite website to load.

Regardless of the speed promised by the data plan you're subscribed to, chances are your internet can get a significant boost.

Make a few simple, accessible settings and changes for everyone. Here are just a few of them.

Make sure your computer is completely free of malware. One of the most common reasons for poor system and Internet performance is including malicious infections.

Make sure your router is capable of supporting the maximum connection speed that comes with your service plan.

Some older routers were built with less than modern technology that simply cannot keep up with modern speeds.

For example, if you have very fast internet, then it is recommended to get a router class with wired Ethernet ports in order to take advantage of this lightning-fast speed.

You can check for the latest firmware update for your router on the manufacturer's website. If an update is available, follow the instructions on the download page and install it.

Make sure your computer's Ethernet card or Wi-Fi is fast enough to support your internet connection and router at maximum speed.

If not, you can additionally install a USB adapter to get maximum network speed capabilities.

Try a few different browsers to see which loads your most visited sites the fastest.

Simply by changing your browser you can see a big difference in how quickly your favorite sites load. Note: Windows 10 includes an all-new web browser called edge, but Internet Explorer is still included as well.

Clear your web browser cache periodically. Corrupt files stored in the cache can cause problems, making it sluggish and unstable. Cleaning is done by pressing just one button, which you can easily find

Make sure your neighbors aren't speculating on your Wi-Fi connection. The more devices that share your router's Wi-Fi network, the slower connection speeds you will experience.

You can easily prevent anyone from logging into your Wi-Fi network using the strongest encryption method your router supports, and then set a password.

Once you have taken care of the points above, visit Speedtest.net to check your load and internet connection speed. If the speed is fairly close to the speed promised by your plan, you're in good shape.

If the speed is poor, contact your service provider and ask them to send a specialist to check the connection.

It's most likely a bad connection with their backbone cable or a poorly configured modem that is limiting your connections. If that's the case, then they should fix it.

If all of the above hasn't changed anything, your only option to speed up your Internet is to upgrade to faster service.

You need to upgrade your plan to a higher level of service with your current service provider or switch to a different one altogether.

Bottom line: There's no reason why you should put up with sluggish internet, given the state of modern technology.

The steps listed above can help you get the speed you pay for. Good luck.