Smartwatch Smart watch A1 (W8). Smartwatch Smart Watch H1 Black

", the flight of Smart-1 was extremely mysterious, mysterious, full of unsolved mysteries - and all these secrets were, of course, connected with the Apollo program:

The SMART-1 probe, which attracted everyone's attention with the strange and difficult to explain mystery that surrounded its mission by the European Space Agency ( European Space Agency, ESA), once again surprised observers.
What exactly is hidden behind the series of strange events around the seemingly ordinary probe can only be clarified by additional information and new images - but for this, ESA must break its too-long “vow of silence”

The headlines of the articles themselves were in the spirit of sensationalism: “SMART-1 probe: unexpected embarrassment?”, etc. The atmosphere of mystery and mystery was intensified on purpose and for no reason. For example, in the article the author of CNews writes:

One of the last images taken by the probe and released by ESA was a striking image of the Pythagoras crater.

The previous article shows a photograph of the Pythagoras crater without any comments, and there is nothing “striking” in this photograph. In the same article, based on materials from the portal, the author of CNews wrote:

As reports, one of the tasks facing the European Space Agency's SMART-1 research probe was the “inspection” of American sites on the Moon.

Along with the title of the article ( "Yankee on the Moon: Test Coming?") such a statement gives the impression that Smart-1 was supposed to check the veracity of the Apollo program, which is not true. Then CNews manipulates the quote:

In the future, the European probe will survey all areas on the Moon where, according to NASA, the Apollo manned lunar modules landed. “We are making observations of some of the landing sites for calibration purposes as well as confirmation of their presence,” said Bernard Foing, lead scientist for the ESA research program.

Foing spoke about calibration, but about “confirmation of their (Apollo’s) presence”- no, author of CNews simply lied, attributing these words to Foing himself. Quote from the original article: ""We are observing some of the landing sites for calibration and ground truth purposes," said Bernard Foing, Chief Scientist of the ESA Science Program".

The same article states:

Of course, it will not be possible to examine in detail either the remains of the devices themselves, or, especially, the traces of astronauts in the dust.

This is true: the resolution of the Smart-1 camera was completely insufficient to examine the remains of the equipment.

In the following article, CNews moves from hints to outright lies, stating the following:

  • Allegedly existed “the widely publicized program of “inspection” of American sites on the Moon by the European SMART-1 probe”; supposedly “The agency stated that one of the most important elements of the probe’s scientific program is the “inspection” of the Apollo lunar landing sites, as well as other American and Soviet vehicles.”. In real such a program did not exist and could not exist, and agency did not announce its existence: “Smart-1” was a technological device (as stated) [, ], filming of the Apollo landing sites was envisaged, but not as any kind of “inspection program” [,].
  • Supposedly the European Space Agency “suddenly stopped publishing images transmitted by the probe, and doesn’t even remember the program itself”. In real the pictures continued to be published; the flight itself continued for more than a year after the publication of the article, although it was initially assumed that the flight in lunar orbit would last only six months.
  • Allegedly, in the scientific program “Smart-1” there was "unexpected change of emphasis". There was no change of emphasis.

To make this lie more convincing, CNews supplied it with a portion of insinuations:

ESA's "silence" is especially disconcerting because the agency has previously demonstrated a willingness to provide information to the general public promptly, such as with the breathtaking images transmitted by the Huygens probe from Saturn's moon Titan. In addition, it has just now become clear that research vehicles, even from Mars orbit, are capable of successfully finding long-lost landing vehicles on the surface, the landing sites of which were only approximately known to scientists. These devices are much smaller in size than the Apollo fragments that were supposed to remain on the Moon, and Martian winds and sandstorms significantly complicate the task.

However, CNews chose to “forget” that the interest in Huygens’s images was much higher than the interest in Smart-1: Huygens was the first and so far the only probe on Titan, and Smart-1 could only do photographs of much lower quality than other devices had taken before (perhaps the interest of the Apollo program debunkers was high, but they constitute a marginal part of those interested in astronautics, so the ESA is unlikely to try for them). CNews also chose to “forget” that the resolution of the Smarta-1 camera is much lower than that of the Martian probes that photographed artifacts on Mars; therefore, “Smart-1”, in principle, could not photograph the Apollo equipment on the Moon (the author of CNews even “forgot” that the same publication wrote about the impossibility of photographing the remains of the equipment several months earlier in an article). As for publications, processed scientific data is published in scientific journals; on the Internet, both ESA and NASA usually post only the most interesting images, but this is not always done and not necessarily promptly.

The magazine “Cosmonautics News” disavowed this CNews article.

In the article, all of the above statements and insinuations were repeated in the same order. The article was dedicated to “exposing the deception” of the ESA, which published a photograph of the Cassini crater. Two photographs were placed side by side: the Smart 1 photograph (left) and a cropped photograph of the same crater taken by the Lunar Orbiter 4 probe in 1967 (right). The photographs were accompanied by the following commentary:

Such strange coincidences may mean that both images were taken by cameras of similar resolution, from the same point in orbit and at the same point in local time. This explanation seems quite plausible, but extremely unlikely - especially given the decades separating both missions. It is not surprising that another, more “down-to-earth” explanation is beginning to emerge - ESA simply passed off a slightly retouched old NASA image as a new one, its own. The pessimists have nothing to say against them, and their number continues to grow.

CNews did not explain, however, what is the point of faking the Cassini image: “Apollo” cannot be clearly seen in this image. The reasons why the pictures are similar are completely transparent:

  • "Lunar Orbiter-4" was filmed by O most of the Moon's surface, so almost any photograph taken by Smart 1 would show objects already captured by Lunar Orbiter 4.
  • Both probes were in polar orbit, and therefore were guaranteed to end up over approximately the same areas, while having approximately the same orientation.
  • The cameras of both probes looked vertically down, and therefore the shooting angle was the same.
  • Finally, photography of lunar objects is most effective (allows one to reveal the greatest number of details) in a rather limited range of solar altitudes, so for any probes it is carried out, if possible, at close “moments of local time” (more precisely, two moments - lunar “morning” and “ In the evening").

Therefore, the similarity of any objects in lunar photographs is a completely natural thing. There are also noticeable differences between the images of Lunar Orbiter-4 and Smarta-1:

  • The original Lunar Orbiter 4 image has a significantly b O larger sizes, CNews cropped it in a suitable way to give additional resemblance to the original Smart-1 image.
  • The Lunar Orbiter-4 image contains many characteristic artifacts, unlike the Smart-1 image.

This “exposure” was copied by A.I. Popov in his book “” [, ] (see).

Mythology of A. I. Popov

A.I. Popov in the Introduction to his book “Americans on the Moon. Great breakthrough or space scam? " [, ] copied "exposure", ). Popov considered it necessary to add his own contribution to the CNews commentary:

It is almost impossible to take two identical photographs of the Moon at different times (both according to the shooting angle and according to the conditions of illumination of the area by the Sun) from a satellite orbiting the Moon. To do this, it is necessary that the satellite pass over this area for the second time at the same moment of local lunar time and that it be in the same shooting direction as the first time. But the period of rotation of the Moon around its own axis and the period of revolution of the satellite around the Moon are not multiples of each other. Therefore, the satellite will not appear where it is needed and not when it is needed, or the photographed area will be rotated in relation to the sun’s rays differently than during the first photograph.

Popov apparently does not know that an orbiting satellite in a polar lunar orbit passes over all parts of the lunar surface for about a month (as the Moon rotates below it and makes a full revolution around its axis). Surface images are taken at approximately the same local time specifically to provide the best contrast (see photo).

Today in the issue: printing houses, robot builders, housing for introverts, and other innovations in the real estate industry, a “smart pedestrian crossing” is being tested in the UK, and Billionaire Richard Branson will invest money in finalizing the “flying” Hyperloop train. Eternal health to everyone! With you Alexander Smirnov, Correct Truth and Science and Technology News. Russians are quite reserved about innovation, however, recent surveys have shown that 42% of respondents would like to personally try technologies that make the home more efficient: control systems for lighting, heating, energy consumption and household appliances. At the same time, 36% said that they are ready to pay for appropriate solutions now. Meanwhile, the world is already making full use of new technologies in the real estate sector. In the world of 3D printing, there has long been a race to create buildings using printers. In Switzerland, engineers from the Higher Technical School are building a three-story house with the help of robots. In Japan they are going to press apartments into the frame of a skyscraper. Saudi Arabia plans to print 30 million m² of housing. Meanwhile, the Danish company 3D Printhuset has begun implementing a 50 square meter office hotel printing project. The printing building will be erected in Copenhagen near the port, so the first printed building in Europe will be able to be viewed not only by yacht owners, but also by tourists. At the same time, the company announced that it would print its first house in Europe using a construction machine developed by the Yaroslavl company SPETSAVIA. The decision to use a Russian-made 3D printer for construction is due to the fact that the company produces the best devices in terms of price and quality. Attempts to print a building have been made in Europe before, but this hotel will be the first house created using the construction 3D printing method in compliance with all EU building regulations. The company uses a portal-type printer measuring 8x8x6 meters. It is capable of printing concrete layers with a thickness of 20 mm and a width of 70 mm. The machine produces 2.5 meters of such strips of concrete per minute. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Earth, Australian engineers from Fastbrick Robotics, together with specialists from Caterpillar, introduced a giant construction robot, Hadrian X, which lays 1,000 bricks per hour. The robot works 24 hours a day and can complete the construction of a house in just two days. Perhaps very soon a robot mason will replace builders. Hadrian X has a 28-meter "claw" that connects to the body. Using a robotic arm, the device grabs bricks and places them according to the building's layout. The robot can work with bricks of various sizes. In addition, he also cuts, grinds and crushes building material, adjusting it to the required parameters. Instead of traditional cement, the robot will use construction adhesive. This will further maximize the speed of assembly, while also increasing the strength and thermal efficiency of the building. To design the house that Hadrian X will need to work on, 3D computer-aided design (CAD) technologies are used - with their help, the robot “understands” where each brick should be placed. The first serial Hadrian X construction robots should appear on the market by the end of 2017. But building a house is not everything. It is important to develop the infrastructure, supply water, electricity, sewerage and prepare future residents to pay bills. In the same Australia, architects decided to meet the residents halfway and created a house that consumes $3 per year in energy. The house, with an area of ​​160 square meters, was created using standard construction technologies using available materials; it is capable of accumulating sunlight during the day and heating the rooms with this heat at night. The roof with solar panels with a power of 5 kW is made in the shape of butterfly wings. By the way, installing solar panels on the roofs of houses is gaining increasing popularity all over the world. By 2020, every new home in California is projected to be self-sufficient in electricity. Light entering through the huge windows of the northern wing of the house is collected in a thermal trap, which accumulates heat during the day and releases it at night. To achieve this, the architects used a new insulation technology called bio-Phase Change Material (bioPCM). It is built into walls and ceilings and can accumulate and release heat. Thanks to this, even on cold winter days the house will be warm enough without additional heating. In addition, a cross-ventilation system is installed so that the house can be cooled or heated. There is also a water heating system, double glazed windows, LED lighting, and a 10,000-liter rainwater cistern. Taking all this into account, owners will pay approximately three Australian dollars per year for utilities. The creators of this project want developers across Australia to be inspired by their idea and put the production of such eco-friendly houses on stream. Meanwhile, researchers from the Higher School of Economics conducted a study that assessed the demand for promising technologies in the country. Respondents were asked which of the listed goods and services they would like to use, and which ones they are already willing to pay for. It turned out that 42% of Russians would like to test smart home technology. Interestingly, one of the most trending technological topics - robotaxis - was received the coldest by those surveyed. 48% said they did not see any point in this technology, and for 12% it caused concern and wariness. But robots for the home aroused interest among a third of respondents, and 27% were willing to pay for such an assistant. The mood of the respondents who showed the greatest interest in telemedicine and smart homes also coincides with the ideas of some scientists. Thus, researchers at the University of Kansas are going to develop a smart home that monitors the health of its residents. The house will be stuffed with sensors that collect biometric data from residents to monitor their health. For example, the floor that watches steps knows if a person has fallen or that their legs are shaking (early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease). This kind of information would be especially useful for older people, which is why scientists are collaborating with the Landon Longevity Medical Center. Unlike smart bracelets, floor sensors - accelerometers connected to GPS - are turned on and always work. Homes of the future may also have smart mirrors and toilets. Mirrors monitor skin changes - moles, wounds, signs of stroke. Toilets analyze body fluid levels and stool. The point of connectivity and the Internet of Things is to connect all the data together. Scientists are exploring the possibility of automatically analyzing body hydration, which would allow people to start taking diuretics or heart medications immediately. This approach could revolutionize geriatrics. The home can become a personal medical instrument and take care of its inhabitants. Home is our fortress. However, sometimes this concept is exaggerated. Thus, many programmers do not leave the house for several days in a row. The work is done from home, the money is transferred to the card, and sometimes it’s even cheaper to buy groceries with free home delivery than in a store. However, there are some people who do not leave the house for another reason. Not because they don’t feel the need for it, but because they feel inconvenienced. In particular, these are people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While there has been a significant amount of research aimed at helping people with ASD improve their cognitive abilities, researchers in Japan are trying a different approach through a "user-friendly information environment" called Mobile Personal Space. MPS is a small booth designed to help people with social anxiety. While inside it, a person does not see anyone, but can communicate with another person through special equipment. The cabin uses wheels to move. Interaction with the outside world occurs through cameras and LCD screens on each side. Cameras and screens not only protect physical contact with the outside world, they can transform it for the observer from the inside, that is, provide a kind of augmented reality. For example, she can imagine the interlocutor as an animated anime-style avatar to reduce the stress of communicating with a real person face to face. Maybe the Mobile Personal Space booth will not help a social phobia to rehabilitate, but it should at least create comfortable conditions for existence in this world. The researchers were able to conduct a preliminary psychology experiment with a prototype of their system, and the results were encouraging. Feelings of limitation, fear of the other person, and sadness if a conversation does not go well were significantly reduced during the patient's interaction with the new system, proving that MPS can actually improve communication between sick and healthy people. Scientists note that the number of phrases spoken when talking from a booth among social phobes doubled compared to a normal conversation. So perhaps there is something to this technology. The use of such “walking” booths in the real world would at least cause strange sensations among the public. If we leave behind the fact that this is a development for people who have real medical problems, then this, of course, is a fertile topic for jokes. I'm sure many would like to have such a booth. You come to a boring event or to the office and sit in your house, no one bothers you. An introvert's dream. But overall, I’m glad that the future is becoming more and more pleasant.. If you want a house, please give it 24 hours and move. This is how the housing of the future should be: small, autonomous houses in different corners and places of the world, which are rummaged around like Uber and Airbnb. If necessary, with built-in additional options, such as the Zombie Apocalypse package, which includes an increased supply of toilet paper and a gift edition of the Bible. Friends, until the printed houses become publicly available, we choose them in accordance with our own requests and needs. The choice of housing is a decision that largely determines the rest of your life. Therefore, you need to approach this process wisely. For example, using the website, this is a project about new buildings and cottage communities, which also contains a catalog of advertisements for the sale of residential real estate. Perhaps the only domestic platform that allows you to filter information about new buildings in Moscow and the region in a few clicks, not only by price and square meters, but also by such indicators as ecology, crime rate, infrastructure, reliability of the developer and many others. In addition, the portal provides the opportunity to independently track price changes for apartments in specific housing complexes and draw appropriate conclusions. For now, the site operates in Moscow and the Moscow region, but very soon it will expand to St. Petersburg. Link in description. As you know, every year around the world many accidents occur at pedestrian crossings, resulting in injuries and deaths. Knowing this, British insurance company Direct Line, in collaboration with design firm Umbrellium, created a “smart crossing” called Starling Crossing, designed to make such road sections safer for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. As you know, the first “zebras” began to appear around the 50s of the last century. Since then, such markings have undergone virtually no changes, and yet, it’s the 21st century, and today’s roads are very different from those that existed before. Unfortunately, road markings do not guarantee absolute protection of road users, but only create suitable conditions for their “decent” behavior and respect for each other. Unforeseen circumstances can ruin the lives of even respectable citizens. And here high technologies rush to help people. Thus, in Britain they presented to the public their project called STigmatic Adaptive Responsive Learning, abbreviated as Starling Crossing. The project is something more than just a set of light bulbs highlighting the usual stripes on the asphalt. Starling Crossing has many interesting features, each of which is aimed at making life not only better, but also safer. The most obvious thing is the display of road markings that fully comply with all current rules. However, the system will work with some differences. For example, limit strips and stop lines for car drivers will always be displayed, but a zebra crossing for pedestrians will be visualized on the asphalt only when it is possible to walk. The developed system can change markings, block traffic, and change speed limits. Video cameras record images of road users, after which artificial intelligence carries out calculations and determines the current risks with a further choice of what shape and color of markings should be shown to the pedestrian at the moment. For these purposes, three common colors are used on the road - white, red and green. Each of them gives a signal about how pedestrians should behave, where there are dangerous sections of the road and where there are safe ones. And although this sounds quite complicated, in reality all the drawings that appear on the asphalt are intuitive and beyond doubt. And if a lot of people appear on such an interactive zebra crossing during rush hour, it automatically expands and begins to separately zone pedestrian traffic areas, as well as car and bicycle stopping lines. Once all pedestrians are safely across the road, the Starling Crossing design simply disappears until it is needed again. A prototype of the system has already been temporarily installed in south London. The road surface in the pedestrian crossing area is designed to withstand the weight of any vehicles and prevent slipping even in heavy rain. LEDs are built into the roads, the light of which is visible from all directions at any time of the day. They draw markings on the road. A separate function has been invented for pedestrians looking at a smartphone screen. The system will draw warning signs around them. This will help restore alertness to pedestrians and ensure they can cross the road safely. The system is currently being tested, and if it shows good results, it will be able to appear on real roads in cities as early as 2018. Not a bad idea. It’s just very low-budget, so most likely they won’t implement it here. But on the other hand, it’s budgetary, so they can implement it. Although in fact, in order for pedestrians to be visible, it is enough to simply install a lamp. Well, it’s also advisable to turn it on in the dark. As it is, it’s scary to imagine how children will abuse the system, playing with it right on the road. Yes, and over time, if she herself thinks for everyone, then all road users will very quickly relax and either become stupid or kill themselves at a regular crossing. But what a joy for traffic police officers. You’re driving without bothering anyone, and then bam! A zebra and a double solid appear simultaneously right in front of your nose on the road! And welcome to drawing up the protocol. Since Elon Musk voiced the idea of ​​the technical implementation of the Hyperloop high-speed tunnel transport, several companies have begun working on the project. Some of them are already doing something in hardware, others are still only theorizing, building castles in the air. But the future, in which ultra-fast capsules ply through vacuum tunnels, is gradually getting closer and closer. Richard Branson's conglomerate Virgin Group has invested in Hyperloop One, a startup building a next-generation bullet train system that recently demonstrated a working prototype. In addition to the cash injection and the participation of Sir Richard Branson himself, the overall enterprise will be renamed Virgin Hyperloop One in the near future. In a statement, Branson called the Hyperloop system "the world's most revolutionary propulsion system." Hyperloop is an innovative way to move people and cargo in capsules that reach speeds of over a thousand kilometers per hour. The movement must occur through special pipes with reduced pressure using magnetic levitation technologies. Hyperloop One is further advanced than others in its field. Thus, in 2016, an electric motor for capsules was tested. A few months ago, the company conducted tests with a full-scale model of the capsule on a 500-meter-long track. This is negligible compared to the planned length of the tunnels, but even this length is suitable for testing. Everything went well, the Hyperloop One transporter was able to reach a speed above 320 kilometers per hour. Probably due to the fact that Hyperloop One is closer than other “tunnel” companies to building a full-fledged route, Branson decided to choose it. As far as we can tell, Branson's investment was indeed significant, since the company agreed to change its name. Currently, Virgin Hyperloop One has only one worthy competitor in Elon Musk. He recently promised to build a route between Washington and New York. Musk usually keeps his promises, despite the not-so-rare delays in his plans. But Branson is also not used to waiting; if he starts doing something, he continues to work on the project until its implementation. Virgin Group is not only working on this transport project, Branson also has Virgin Galactic, a company that promotes the idea of ​​space tourism. Now this company is gradually recovering from the SpaceOne plane crash. By the way, tickets for the first flight into orbit have been sold out for a long time, so Virgin Galactic will have to hurry in order to keep its customers happy. As for Virgin Hyperloop One, the company has announced its intention to create a network of high-speed transport lines in Europe. This network, if implemented, will connect Estonia and Finland, as well as pass through Germany and a number of other countries. It is also proposed to build vacuum tunnels in the UK, connecting Scotland, Wales and other regions of the country using a single network. The strength of the Virgin brand, coupled with the speed with which Hyperloop One was able to develop its prototype, promises a new transportation system will soon arrive. It could be said that the Branson name is a famous brand in itself, and the Virgin chief executive's deep connections with many of the world's technology companies and government agencies could help reduce and speed up the bureaucratic procedures that anyone who decides to undertake such developments will certainly encounter. We need Dyson to get involved in the project. Seriously, I am sincerely encouraged when there are people investing money in such projects, and not in another country house or bank without offline branches. Let's just be happy that we are now witnessing how romantics/techies are spending their money on developing rockets, high-speed trains, autonomous cars and hundreds of other amazing things that we could not have dreamed of a couple of years ago. As for Hyperloop. Despite the fact that some of our drivers drive on rough roads at comparable speeds, the company deserves respect. The only confusing thing is that the company's new name, First Virgin Hyperloop, sounds like a rite of passage for a teenager in American Pie. Of course, I always thought virginity was a funny word because of my teenage sense of humor. Thanks everyone for watching! Alexander Smirnov was with you, Correct Truth and Science and Technology News. Don’t forget to like this cinematograph, subscribe to the channel, share the video with friends and press the bell so you don’t miss new episodes. Lechaim, boyars!

The Smart Watch H1 Black smart watch will help you track a number of parameters that affect your health or personal results in sports; in addition, it has good autonomy and works not only in conjunction with a smartphone, but also as an independent device. Without having to occupy your hands with your phone, you can perform several activities at once, such as charging or jogging, while combining this with communication or listening to music. The watch is made in a massive and reliable case with a removable, replaceable silicone strap. The degree of protection is IP68, allows moisture to enter the case and protects against the penetration of dust.

How it works?

Thanks to the MTK6572 processor with a clock frequency of 1.4 gigahertz and 512 megabytes of RAM, the device is able to quickly respond to user commands and view pages in the built-in browser without delay. Smart Watch H1 Black supports pairing with a smartphone based on Android (from version 4.3) and iOS (from version 7.0) to expand functionality and conveniently create an activity schedule. The watch's operating system is based on the Android mobile platform and supports many applications that you can install from the built-in Google Play store. In addition, the device is capable of receiving notifications and push messages from applications on the phone via Bluetooth.

The device has all the functions of modern fitness bracelets: sleep monitoring, heartbeat, calorie counting, pedometer, GPS navigation (with Google Maps support), thermometer, compass, barometer, several modes for physical activity. The watch connects via Wi-Fi and is also equipped with a slot for a Nano-SIM card with the ability to operate in the 3G range.


  • Protection against water and dust according to IP68 certificate.
  • GPS tracker with built-in support for online maps.
  • Communication via Wi-Fi or 2G/3G when using a SIM card.
  • Combines the functions of a fitness bracelet and a smart watch.
  • Modern stylish design with the ability to change the strap.
  • Rich functionality and support for many applications for Android Wear.
  • A convenient stand-alone gadget that expands the capabilities of smartphone control.



Camera 5 MP
Connection GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz WCDMA 850/2100 MHz
CPU MediaTek MTK6572 with a frequency of 1.4 GHz
Screen 1.39", touch, OLED
Memory 4 GB (built-in)
RAM 512 MB
operating system Android 4.4 (wear shell)
Screen resolution 400x400 px
Bluetooth versions 3.0 and 4.0
GPS There is
3G network support There is
WiFi There is
SIM card nano-SIM
Protection from dust and moisture IP68 certificate
OS support Android version 4.3 and higher / iOS 7.0 and higher
Heart rate sensor There is
Sending SMS There is
Thermometer There is
Phone book There is
Alarm There is
Timer There is
Inactivity reminder There is
Nutrition lithium battery 450 mAh
Standby operation up to 120 hours
Language support Russian 1, English, Simplified Chinese, Chinese, German, Spanish, Italian, French Portuguese, Indonesian, Polish, Vietnamese, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Thai, Turkish, Japanese, Korean.


Dimensions 45x55x12 mm
Weight 78 g

1 - menus and some names of main functions may be in English, depending on the device software version.


  • Watch - 1 pc.
  • Charger - 1 pc.
  • Screwdriver for removing the strap - 1 pc.
  • User manual - 1 pc.

Smartwatch A1 (W8)– inexpensive smartwatches

Smart watch A1 is another excellent smartwatch from the inexpensive segment. Another name for the Smart watch W8 model. The A1 smartwatch will appeal to Apple lovers, and unlike the model GT08 they have even greater similarities with the famous “apple” brand. The W8 smart watch has the same type of clasp as the Apple watch, and the location of the A1 watch button is the same as that of the Apple watch. Smart watch A1 has a great design and the same functionality.

Smart watchA1- review

The A1 smart watch is made of a metal case painted with a high-quality indelible coating. The device body is available in the following colors: black and silver. The straps on the gadget are black, red, green, blue and white. The case of the watchphone has a rectangular shape, with slightly rounded edges. The device is equipped with one physical button located on the right side of the case, above the middle, like an Apple watch. The A1 model's button rotates, but the rotation is only decorative. When you press the button, you can turn on/off the watch itself, as well as turn on/off the display image.

On the left side of the gadget's body there is a plug that securely covers the USB connector for charging the smart watch. The SIM card and memory card are located under the back cover of the device, made of plastic. To remove the cover, you need to hook it with your finger onto the existing protrusion on one side.

The Smart watch W8 bracelet is quite flexible, made of soft and pleasant-to-touch silicone. At the same time, the strap is quite strong and reliable. It's not easy to break it. As already mentioned, the strap clasp is designed to overlap and has a secure fastening. The bracelet will not unfasten at will.

Smart watch A1– functionality

Calls– smart watch A1 can be used autonomously by installing a SIM card into the gadget. Thus, the smart watch turns into a full-fledged watch phone on the wrist, from which you can make calls and, accordingly, receive incoming calls to the watch’s SIM card.

SMS– just like any smartphone, smart watch W8 allows you to write SMS yourself, not to mention receiving and reading them from other subscribers.

Time display. The A1 smartwatch is still a watch. And to display the time, the device comes with three different displays preset by default. You can choose according to your taste. By the way, there are craftsmen who, after reflashing the gadget, install completely new time displays.


Notifications. A smartphone is a smartphone, a watch is a watch. Still, the main function of a smart watch is to receive notifications from various applications on your smartphone. When the smart watch A1 is paired with a mobile phone via Bluetooth, you will receive a notification of all incoming calls to your mobile phone. You will also receive SMS notifications, the first lines of which can be read simply by looking at your watch. And by installing a special application for a smart gadget on your smartphone, called BT Notifier, the smart watch W8 will receive notifications from absolutely all applications on your phone.

Fitness functions. The smart watch W8 has almost all the functions of fitness trackers. This is both a pedometer and a calorie burner. In addition, there is a sleep monitoring function and a sedentary monitoring function.

Calculator– the gadget has a built-in calculator. And if you have nothing else at hand, you can divide, multiply, add and subtract numbers using a clever device right from your wrist.

Dictaphone– W8 smartwatches are equipped with a voice recorder. To use it, do not forget to install a memory card in the device to save audio recordings of your voice recorder.

Calendar- another useful application in your smart gadget. When the calendar is literally and figuratively at hand, you will not miss the significant events of your “calendar”.

Multi-alarm clock– on the A1 smart watch you can set several alarms at the same time. They can be used both for morning awakening, and simply as a reminder.

Audio and video player. The smart W8 smartwatch can be used either to control the music of your smartphone or to listen to the music files of the watch itself. At the same time, you can listen to music through the watch speaker, or by connecting via Bluetooth - on audio speakers or Bluetooth headphones. The device also allows you to view videos in some formats directly from the watch.

Smartphone camera control. Another feature of the A1 smartwatch is remote control of the mobile phone camera in Bluetooth connection mode. This can be useful, for example, for taking a selfie with your arm extended as far away from you as possible.

Anti-lost– or anti-loss function. A useful feature is that the A1 watch phone will not allow you to lose your smartphone. After all, when the anti-lost mode is turned on, the watch will emit a sound signal when you move more than 10 meters from the synchronized smartphone.

To summarize, we can say that smart watch A1 (W8) is an excellent choice of inexpensive smart watches. They have a nice design and are equipped with a wide range of functions.

Smart watch W8 - characteristics:

CPU: MTK6260A 364 MHz
Memory: RAM 128 MB + internal 64 MB. TF memory cards up to 32 GB available
Screen: 1.54" TFT HD 240*240 pixels
Connection: 2G; Bluetooth 3.0; GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
SIM card: micro sim card
Camera: 1.3 MPix
Languages: Multilingual (Russian - available)
Fitness tracker: pedometer, calorie counting, sedentary monitoring, sleep quality monitoring
Support: Audio: MP3, MP4 video: AVI. Photo: JPG, PNG
Functions: Calls, SMS; notifications about calls, SMS, from any applications; Internet 2G; audio and video player; camera; multi-alarm clock; anti-lost, calculator, calendar, voice recorder, smartphone camera control, etc.
Battery: 350 mAh lithium polymer battery
Compatibility with OS: Android (full), IOS (full)