Curricula in primary school. How to choose a curriculum in elementary school

A convenient and free tool for learning programming in Pascal. Designed for high school and university students. Contains a collection of tasks for practicing a wide variety of basic programming skills.

City Car Driving 1.5.5 A realistic car driving simulator that will teach driving skills in urban, rural and mountainous areas in a wide variety of weather conditions and time of day.

Examination tickets for traffic rules 2016 (A, B) 4.0 Preparation program for passing the exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for obtaining licenses of categories “A” and “B”. The program contains all changes and additions to the rules dated July 19, 2012.

Schulte tables Schulte tables are used to increase a person’s peripheral field of vision and train them to quickly read text and memorize information. Practicing with tables also has a beneficial effect on the development of memory and concentration.

English practice 7.2 Convenient and easy-to-use program for self-study of English. The program will significantly expand your vocabulary and teach you to confidently perceive English by ear.

English Language Trainer 1.12 Trainer program for learning English: fully voiced words, phrases and dialogues, advanced system of tests and assessments, very easy to use

PerfectBrain 2.1 Pro Training program for training and developing speed reading skills, attention and intelligence. With its help you can improve memory and reaction speed. It will be useful for schoolchildren, students and those who want to improve their intellectual performance.

Keyboard Trainer 2.0.2 A small, free program for teaching fast typing and learning the computer keyboard layout. The program contains many lessons on both the Russian and English keyboard layouts.

Testdel 2.4.7 Testdel testing program was created for passing and creating tests. Supports formulas, pictures. Stores the results of work, exports each work to a text document, exports all works to Excel.

Mapsmaker 1.0 The Mapsmaker program is designed to help create and save technological lesson maps for the Federal State Educational Standard. All components of the lesson are selected from those proposed by the program with a simple mouse click.

USE GIA tutor and problem book "ExamL 16.2.7 Preparation for the USE and GIA exams for students in grades 9-11 in the following subjects: Mathematics, Russian and Literature, Social Studies, History, Geography, Physics, Biology. Contains 4500 questions from 150 tests for 2012 -4 years and 4150 school problems.

Remember Everything 2.0 The program is designed to quickly memorize the 3,500 most commonly used words in the English language according to the system of the Guinness Book of Records record holder for memorizing foreign words - Samvel Gharibyan.

MemoryUp 1.1 Do you forget logins, passwords, your own phone number, year of birth? Then the simple MemoryUp program is for you. With its help, you will quickly improve the process of memorizing both symbolic and figurative information of any complexity.

Memory training 2.1 Free program for developing visual memory and mental abilities of a person. Your attention is asked to remember a few words for a limited time, and then, if possible, remember each of them.

Test Yourself 2.0 A program for testing school or university students. The subject of the tests is determined by the compiler with the ability to connect a graphic (jpg, bmp), audio (wav, mp3) or video file (avi, mpeg) to the question.

Examenator Education Pack A program for organizing educational material on a specific subject, creating cheat sheets. Using the export function, you can save your cheat sheets in different forms, from text files to your own Android application

Knowing 2.3 The program is designed for creating tests and testing students in computer classes at schools, universities, as well as at home, to test knowledge in various fields.

Division table in cartoons 1.0 An educational program for children in mathematics that allows you to study the division table using pictures and melodies from domestic and foreign cartoons.

AnimalsBaby 1.0 With the help of this simple educational program you can expand your child's horizons, improve his perception of the world and erudition. The program is a colorful guide to the animal world, in which the child must guess the names of the babies of various animals.

Multiplication tables in cartoons 1.0 The program allows children to study the multiplication tables together with their parents in three different ways using pictures from domestic and foreign cartoons.
The task is to guess the fragment of the cartoon depicted, open the image in full and at the same time make a minimum number of mistakes.

Basics of the HTML 2.0 Basics of the HTML language is a training program, the distinctive feature of which is the graphical presentation of information using knowledge maps (mind maps). Each lesson ends with a test with carefully selected questions and practice assignments.

FlowersTest 1.0 Guessing the names of flowers from their images.
The program is testing and educational, intended for children of preschool and school age. Instills in children a love of nature.

Bodies of rotation 1.0 Automatic construction and viewing of bodies of revolution in space. After constructing a figure on a plane, the user has the opportunity to see the construction of a body of rotation relative to any of the three coordinate axes, rotate it and pass the test.

In the review below there are applications for both iPhone and Android gadgets; some require English, and some will have to be paid for. One thing they have in common is their usefulness in education.

For those preparing for the main school exam

In conditions where a schoolchild devotes as much time to a phone or tablet as he does to sitting in class, it is difficult to underestimate gadgets. You can use YouTube, WhatsApp, and even VKontakte wisely. At the same time, educational and academic applications offer schoolchildren to consolidate the material they have covered and gain new knowledge, and parents - to better understand the child.


Algebra Tutor- free algebra tutor. When solving equations, it shows step-by-step instructions and errors during the calculation steps. Problems range from finding the common denominator to solving linear equations and transformations. The interface is in English, but with basic knowledge of mathematics and algebra, it will not interfere with the main goal. "Unified State Examination Mathematics" will help prepare students for exams.

Those who can cheat in math and are preparing for Olympiads should get acquainted with the WolframAlpha group of applications for mathematical tools. It contains calculators for physics, mechanics and applied fields. The only negative is that the applications are paid. If a student studies technical sciences, then the product of a Moscow State University graduate Geeksmath will help him with mathematical analysis and probability theory - students Geek and Blondie will explain complex university programs.

The GeoGebra application allows you to work with complex numbers, matrices and graphing functions. MathematUM will teach you to add, subtract, multiply, divide two-digit numbers and do it in a certain time.


Learning to program is unlikely to be possible with just one application. But Codeacademy will help the student take his first steps, repeat what was taught in computer science, and get acquainted with the basic principles of programming. There are many similar applications, but Codeacademy presents information in a playful way.

The application is in Russian, which is rather a minus for learning programming. Another drawback is that the tutorial game is only available on iOS. You can compensate for the misunderstanding by going to - a popular website for learning programming.

Career Story with Codeacademy by Tommy Nicholas

Hopscotch has the same characteristics, but the application prioritizes entertainment over education. The closest analogues in Russian are interactive online courses on HTML and CSS from INTUIT and HTML Academy.

Android users will create their first web page with "HTML & CSS Light Basics," and "Learn Java" offers skipping code exercises and lectures. More serious guys should get acquainted with Learn programming. It was created as a textbook on Internet technologies.

Well, if you want to download applications and write them yourself, then “Android Programming” will come in handy. The SoloLearn group offers video lecture applications for learning seven programming languages.

Introduction to SoloLearn Apps


Language assistants are often made by programmers who do not understand language learning technologies. LinguaLeo is an application by Ainur Abdulnasyrov, who, while still a student, created an offline language school. Preparation programs for the Unified State Exam and TOEFL, thematic collections, six types of training and a personal dictionary - these are the advantages of LinguaLeo. It uses a gaming model: for newly acquired knowledge, the user receives “meatballs” - food for the virtual pet Leo. Application for mobile devices, on the website and as a browser extension.

A similar cross-platform app is Duolingo. It also has game “currency” and versatile training. The basic principle is the use of statistics: the application remembers what mistakes the user made and suggests tasks for the user to correct them. Another app worth checking out is Lingualy. Expanding your vocabulary builds up reading interesting articles, and the game “snake” offers time to select the correct translations of words.

Other language learning apps are dictionaries. Exceptions are Busuu, Rosetta Stone, Mindsnacks and Voxy.


If parents support that it is too early to read “War and Peace” and other masterpieces of Russian literature at the age of 15-16, but it is necessary to write an essay, the student will find Briefly useful - an application of the website of the same name, which provides a summary of the books.

"Russian Spelling" offers easy tests and explains why words are spelled the way they are. The interpretation of difficult words and the built-in difficulty levels will be helpful. In “Dictation. Russian language" the student must correctly choose the missing letter(s) and punctuation marks in the text. However, some of the material is available for free in this application.

“Russian language” from the developer MyDevCorp - assistant on Android. The main advantages are the simplest interface and diary keeping. For iPhone owners - “Russian language: theory, exercises, dictionary, Unified State Exam.”


Applications for other subjects in the school curriculum every now and then consist of lectures on topics and tests for them. The main differences between them are in the interface, design and amount of free content.

Exceptions to the rule include school curriculum subjects in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Among them is Yandex.USE. The application contains training versions of the Unified State Exam and State Examination, in which you can repeat only specific questions and work without an Internet connection. It is available only on Google Play and on the company's website.

"Foxford Textbook" - an application with theory, examples and video lessons from specialized teachers in the disciplines.

"Eureka" is an application for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics on iOS. Only basic tasks are available in the free version; for the rest you will have to pay extra.

The "12th grade" application allows you to solve tasks from the school curriculum for grades 1-8. The main advantage is that parents see the statistics and successes of the child.

A student’s smartphone can help its owner with both academic subjects and applied knowledge and skills. Mnemocon, Brain Training, Memory Ladder and Memory Trainer (paid) will help you develop your memory, and Schulte Tables will teach you how to concentrate.

Assimilation of information, the ability to focus and concentrate, formation of cognitive development, development of logical decisions - what the Lumosity application can teach

This program generates examples from the multiplication table. The solver needs to write down the correct answer in a special field and click the CHECK button. After clicking, the program will display the result.

You can skip tasks by clicking on the example you want to skip, but all gaps will be counted and after clicking on the RESULTS button, the number of correct and incorrect answers, as well as the number of missed tasks, will be shown.

The program will be useful to everyone who wants to repeat and consolidate their knowledge of the multiplication tables.

The program requires a java virtual machine (JVM) installed on your computer.

Subject: Mathematics

The program generates number series of different lengths (up to 12 characters) and displays them on the screen. The user selects the display time of the series and its length. After pressing START, the series is shown and disappears after a specified time, and the user must repeat it. The program is quite easy to use and will be useful for memory development. The program requires java installed on your computer to run.

Subject: Metasubject

Automatic diagnostic analysis. The table presents 4 methods: “Questionnaire for assessing the level of school motivation of N. Luskanova”; “Student survey” (according to N.Yu. Yashina); Methodology “What am I?”; “Attention test” (P.Ya. Galperin, S.L. Kabylnitskaya).

For each method, a table has been compiled with automatic output of results. Points must be entered in gray cells. The findings for each indicator are entered into the Diagnostic Summary Sheet. The archive contains diagnostic materials.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Analysis of dictation and grammar assignments in 1st grade with individual diagnostics for each student.

The teacher marks the work; if the student made a mistake, you need to put + from the drop-down list, if there were no mistakes, leave the cell empty. The upper cells are active - you can enter the classification of errors. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student. The table contains instructions.

Subject: Russian language

The table presents a list of educational achievements that the teacher evaluates in students at the end of the year. A 5-point system is used for evaluation (description attached). A report is displayed for each student after filling out the main table.
The template allows for changes: you can change the class by a quarter, as described in the table. The table was compiled based on the material of L.I. Berdikulova. (the document is included in the archive).

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for teachers

Analysis and processing of control cheating in 1st grade with individual diagnosis of each student.

The teacher enters the text of the work in the upper cells; makes a mark for the work; the number of corrections that the student made when cheating; indicates errors and words in which they were made. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student; if many mistakes are made, recommendations “How to copy the text correctly” are displayed, which can be printed for parents.

The table contains detailed instructions.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 1st grade

Analysis and processing of data on the surrounding world (VPR) in 4th grade. After filling out the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

On the “Analysis” sheet, the mark will be placed only after entering the option number.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 4th grade

Analysis and processing of data on the Russian language (RLP) in 4th grade. After filling out the table on the achievement sheets for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

After entering the results for each task, the program displays an analysis of the work performed. The number of correctly completed tasks and the names of students who completed each task are displayed. Skills acquired at a high level are displayed on individual sheets for students; skills to look out for.

Subject: Russian language

Target audience: for 4th grade

When choosing a school for a child, parents take into account many factors: location, traditions, educational focus of the school, reviews. Now this list has been supplemented with another important item: the training program.

Currently offering a variety of work programs for each level of the school from grades 1-11 . As a rule, general education institutions choose several educational programs, especially in the primary grades, and parallel classes are taught in different teaching materials.

Today it is important for parents to know: how to choose a suitable educational program and how do they differ? This question arises especially urgently in elementary school, because it determines how successfully the child will study.

Let's make a reservation right away: it is incorrect to divide programs into “bad and good”. All elementary school programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. They are simply designed for different ways of perception and take into account the peculiarities of the child’s thinking. One thing in common: all programs allow the student to master the necessary minimum knowledge for primary school. The difference is in the presentation of the material, in the organization of educational activities, in the variety of exercises.

Educational programs for primary school

1. Program "School of Russia"(edited by A. Pleshakov) is one of the oldest and time-tested programs. Since Soviet times, the program has been improved more than once and adapted to the realities of modern times.

Designed for all children and allows them to thoroughly develop writing, reading and counting skills.

2. Program "Primary school of the XXI century"(edited by N. F. Vinogradova). The material is complex, designed for erudite children. The program teaches independence, a lot of work is being done to cultivate interest in the educational process, the ability to properly organize studies. There are many additional materials and exercises aimed at developing memory , logic, outlook, imagination. Each student can learn at his own pace, since there are tasks of different levels of complexity and different directions.

The main goal of the program: to teach the child to learn.

3. Program "Primary Promising School". Features: there is no need to cram rules, theorems and axioms. The emphasis is on the development of logic, intelligence and analytical thinking. Additional hours are provided for drawing, music, and physical education.

Suitable for any child, regardless of his level of readiness for school.

4. Program "School 2100"(edited by A. A. Leontyev). This program is gaining more and more fans. An undoubted advantage of the program: continuity of education, since you can study it from the age of 3 until graduation.

Feature of the program: educational material is given to the maximum, varied, at different levels. The student himself chooses how much knowledge will be sufficient. An individual approach to each child is used.

Suitable for all children.

5. "Harmony"(edited by N. B. Istomin). The program involves close cooperation with parents. Many topics are suggested to be discussed at home first. Much attention is paid to the development of self-education skills.

Priority is given to students' independent work. The techniques of observation, selection, transformation and design are actively involved. All material is presented in a diverse manner, taking into account the students’ own experience and practical orientation of knowledge.

Suitable for children with analytical thinking and a penchant for technical sciences.

6. "Planet of Knowledge"- focused on the development of creative abilities. During the course, schoolchildren compose their own fairy tales, stage plays, complete projects, and make presentations.

Provides the necessary minimum knowledge, skills and abilities. Everything beyond the program is at the request of the students.

Suitable for children with a humanitarian bias.

7. Primary school program "Perspective". Here, much attention is paid to the issues of raising children as citizens of their country and the formation of moral positions.

Many tasks are aimed at developing logic and imagination. A huge amount of additional material is used, with several manuals for each subject. The teaching principle is dialectical. The presentation of the material is accessible, although sometimes boring.

Suitable for all children, regardless of their readiness for school.

8. Program by L. V. Zankov. There is a huge amount of material included in the system. All lessons are equivalent; great attention is paid to the development of logic, analytical thinking, and independent work skills. There are electives in computer science, economics, and foreign languages. Training is carried out at a fast pace.

Suitable for children well prepared for school.

9. Elkonin-Davydov program. A rather controversial program, but very interesting for children. Much attention is paid to theoretical thinking, the construction of tasks, problematic issues and the search for their resolution. Learning is slow. The only disadvantage we can note is the discrepancy in some of the terms studied. So, for example, the authors of textbooks call verbs action words, and nouns - object words. This creates some difficulties in high school... We hope it helps you in your work!