Twitter - what it is and how to use it - registration, login, settings and start communicating on Twitter. Solving problems logging into Twitter

service on the Internet, a social network of microblogs, with the help of which subscribers publish short, up to 140 characters, messages to their news feed, monitor messages from other users in their feeds in real time

Information about the Twitter service, what Twitter is and how to use it, the history of the creation and development of the Twitter network, Twitter ratings and statistics, technologies used on Twitter, activities, financing and acquisitions of the Twitter corporation, famous cases of using Twitter and criticism of the Twitter network

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Twitter is the definition

Twitter is a well-known online service through which users exchange public short messages, or tweets, about what they consider important and interesting, up to 140 characters long. On Twitter, you can also monitor the publications of other users in a similar format in real time and exchange personal messages between subscribers. This message format is called microblogging.

Twitter and its creators

Twitter is online service for maintaining (micro) blogs. Why micro? Messages are limited to 140 characters.

Twitter is a microblogging service in which everyone who registers can write short messages to their news feed. Anyone who subscribes to your feed begins to follow you - read your messages in theirs.

Twitter is microblogging service, a kind of social network that allows you to communicate with friends/acquaintances or follow (read) someone’s posts.

About the Twitter service

Twitter is a microblogging service that allows you to open your own microblog and write short text messages there. Each such text message is called a tweet. Each tweet is limited to 140 characters, including spaces.

Microblogging service Twitter

Twitter is a service for public exchange of short (up to 140 characters) messages using a web interface, SMS, instant messaging tools or third-party client programs. The publication of short notes in blog format is called microblogging. Using the service is free. Use via SMS is charged by the operator according to the user's tariff plan.

Twitter is microblogging service. A unique platform where everyone exchanges short messages, up to 140 characters long. All messages are accumulated by the service in real time. Now you can attach images, videos, geotags to short messages (tweets), and share links to any pages.

Twitter is the ability to follow the latest news in real time and maintain your own activity feed - that is, post publicly what seems most interesting, useful and important right now.

Twitter revolution

The Internet today is not only a global social network, but also an effective means of influencing the formation of the views of young people, including political views. , provided by social networks, played an important role in the so-called. Arab spring. In the Arab Spring, most activists used the social network as a key tool in expressing their discontent against the ruling regime. Activists used Twitter to organize protests, spread the word, and YouTube to show it to the world.

Concepts such as “Twitter revolution” and “revolution through social networks” firmly entered scientific circulation precisely after the events of the Arab Spring.

About Twitter revolutions

On April 21, Time magazine published a list of the 100 most influential people of 2010. The first place in it is occupied by Wael Ghonim, an Egyptian who created a page on the social network Facebook where he called on his compatriots to take to the streets to protest. Nobel laureate and former IAEA Director Mohamed ElBaradei characterizes Wael: “He quickly realized that social media, especially Facebook, had emerged as the most powerful communication tool for mobilization and ideas. By insisting that the regime would hear citizens only when they exercised their right to peaceful demonstration and civil disobedience, Wael helped initiate the call for peaceful . The answer was a miracle: a movement that began on January 25 with thousands and ended with 12 million Egyptians overthrew Hosni Mubarak and his regime. What Wael and the young Egyptians did spread like wildfire throughout the Arab world.”

Twitter revolution - what is it?

Protests against the election results in Moldova in 2009, anti-government protests in Egypt and Tunisia in 2010, demonstrations in Libya, Yemen and Morocco in 2011 - during all these events, social networks, primarily Facebook and Twitter, were used as a tool for coordinating activists. It is not surprising that journalists and scientists are talking about a new phenomenon - the Twitter revolution.

The author of the term Twitter revolution was an American researcher of Belarusian origin, Evgeniy Morozov. He applied this expression to the mass protests of Moldovan youth against the results of the parliamentary elections in 2009.

Twitter revolutions and technology

Twitter revolution in Chisinau 2009

Mass riots in Chisinau - mass riots on April 7 in the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, which began after the April 2009 elections to the Parliament of Moldova. The riots were preceded by a rally of the Moldovan opposition on April 6.

Open sorce are still reaping the benefits of his passion. The software that Jack wrote is now used by many taxi companies. In 2000, Dorsey moved from Missouri to California because he was tired of working for his uncle.

In California, he organized a company providing courier and passenger transportation services. In the same 2000, Jack Dorsey registered an account on LiveJournal. If this had not happened, then perhaps Jack would have continued to run his small company.

LiveJournal was then a young and not yet popular (as it is now) service. At that time, user registration was carried out by special invitations. Jack liked LJ. Soon the young programmer came up with the idea to make LiveJournal more “alive”. And to do this, you just needed to add one feature - the ability to publish your thoughts in real time.

But the idea went into the drawer. And Jack was captivated by work on new projects. He remembered his idea in 2005, when he was an employee of Odeo Inc.

Creation of a prototype of the Twitter service in 2005

The company Odeo Inc showed interest in services focused on text messages. This is what brought Dorsey to the company. The company was not having the best of times, but it was not strong, so new projects and ideas were required.

Dorsey shared with his colleagues the idea of ​​​​creating a service that would help people always be online. With the help of this server it was possible to know about activities and finding friends. Jack wanted to make adding new entries faster and easier. Therefore, the emphasis was on short text messages and mobile phones. Hence the limitation in message length (up to 140 characters).

The idea was approved. And two weeks later a prototype of the service was created. Everyone was delighted after viewing the working model. The service was simple but complete. Closed testing of the service has begun. There were about 50 users.

Biz Stone had a difficult weekend during testing - repairs, rearrangement of furniture. And at a certain moment the mobile phone beeped. Looking at the display, Biz learned that Jack was now relaxing in Napa and sipping wine. Then Stone was inspired by this idea.

Launch of Twitter

The service was named Twttr (from “Twitter” - “twitter”). The service was opened at This also happened because the domain was already taken.

But things were really bad for Odeo. The company had to constantly make cuts. The service was launched, but there was no success. Users were simply playing around because they didn’t understand why and who needed all this.

Twitter's first investor

Months passed, but nothing changed. Only the address was bought by Odeo, and Twttr became Twitter. Initially, the project had only one . It was IT guy and Evan Williams. Williams was one of the founders of Odeo.

And in order to support Twitter, Williams, Dorsey and Stone and some other employees created a company called Obvious Corp. and acquire Odeo and all of it, including and - with investors and shareholders. Twitter became a separate company in April 2007.

Twitter boom in 2006-2007

The service began to get on its feet in 2006-2007. People became more and more hooked on Twitter: they commented on their every move.

The real triumph of Twitter occurred in 2007 at the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival. During the event, Twitter usage increased from 20,000 tweets in one day to 60,000. "The Twitter people cleverly placed two 60-inch plasma panels in the conference halls solely to display Twitter streams," Steven Levy noted in Newsweek. “Hundreds of viewers followed each other through constant tweeting.” The response at the festival was very positive. Blogger Scott Beal said Twitter is "absolutely rul." Social software researcher Dana Boyd said Twitter had "taken over" the festival. Twitter Inc employees received the festival's Web Award with the note "We'd like to thank you in 140 characters or less. And we just did it!”

At this festival, Dorsey was presented with an award, and his brainchild was well advertised. The service was gaining popularity. And after the 2007 event (WWDC and MTV Music Awards), Twitter began to be talked about all over the world.

A huge number of people wanted to try Twitter in action. The developers were simply not prepared for such an influx of people, so the service was only up and running 98% of the time.

The rise of Twitter

The developers managed to completely get rid of technical problems only in 2008. For Twitter, 2008 was a defining year. The service continued to grow, gain popularity, and entered a phase of change. Twitter has new investors. And Twitter Inc, headed by Jack Dorsey, separated from Obvious Corp.

Twitter now has many useful features - RSS - broadcast, chat, links to messages, etc. And public interest only increased with each one.

In 2007, approximately 400,000 tweets were sent/quarter. This figure rose to 100 million tweets posted per quarter in 2008. By the end of 2009, there were 2 tweets/quarter. In February 2010, Twitter users were sending 50 million tweets per day. In the first quarter of 2010, 4 billion tweets were posted. As of June 2010, about 65 million tweets were sent every day, equivalent to about 750 tweets per second.

Twitter sets records during notable events. For example, during the 2010 World Cup, fans tweeted 2,940 times per second during the Japan-Cameroon match on June 14, 2010. The record was broken once again with 3085 tweets/sec. published after the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Finals on June 17, 2010. On June 25, 2009, when American singer Michael Jackson died, users updated their status with the words "Michael Jackson" at a rate of 100,000 tweets per hour. On April 11, 2010, Twitter acquired an application developer, Atebits. Atebits earned a Design Award for the Tweetie Twitter client for Mac and . The application, now called "Twitter" and distributed free of charge, is the official Twitter client for iPhone.

According to the service administration, as of September 2011, the number of registered Twitter users exceeded 200 million people. At the same time, in January, about 250 million people visited each month, and in September - already 400 million, while about 100 million registered users access the service at least once a month. website update in 2010

On September 14, 2010, Twitter Inc began redesigning the site, including an updated logo. On September 24, 2010, a new version of the site was launched, which allowed users to watch videos and photos directly on the site and generally enriched the user's interaction with Twitter, making it faster, simpler, and more functional.

On October 4, 2010, Evan Williams announced that he would be stepping down as CEO. Dick Costolo, former chief operating officer of Twitter Inc., took over Williams' chair. But Williams stayed with the company to "be fully focused on the manufacturing strategy."

On August 4, 2011, the old interface was finally disabled and everyone who used it was transferred to the new one, launched back in 2010.

On December 8, 2011, a new interface for the web version and applications for smartphones on iOS and called Fly Twitter was launched.

In 2012, Twitter Inc acquired Dasient, a developer of protection for online advertising networks.

Twitter service currently

Over the past year, the service has added many nice additions, such as normal search. There have already been attempts to buy this ever-growing dot-com. Facebook offered half a billion for Twitter with its shares. But the service management refused this proposal. Rumors are circulating online that the company is in talks to buy Twitter.

Currently, Twitter is the third most popular social network. Only Facebook and MySpace will overtake it. The annual growth of users is 1382%. This indicates the opportunity to lead this top.

Twitter ratings

According to Alexa Internet, Twitter is ranked as one of the 10 most visited websites worldwide. The number of daily users varies between studies, due to the fact that Twitter has not made the number of active accounts public. In February 2009, identified Twitter as the third most commonly used social network, with 6 million unique visitors per month and 55 million monthly visits.

In March 2009, named Twitter the "fastest-growing site." Twitter is growing 1,382% annually, rising from 475,000 unique visitors in February 2008 to 7 million in February 2009 (followed by Zimbio, with a 240% increase, and Facebook, with a 228% increase). However, only 40% of Twitter users continue to use it continuously after registering.

Fast growing Twitter site

Network statisticsTwitter

Some SEO optimizers use the Twitter service for faster indexing of website pages in search engines.

Criticism of the Twitter service - Belarusian Twitter community - website about the high technology industry - support for sites, ideas and people - site about business and IT technologies - information site about business and finance - resource for IT specialists - information and educational portal - information and news site about social networks - website of the Civil Society Development Fund - information and analytical website Diplomat.Am - information and encyclopedic resource Cyclopedia - information and news site Expert - website of the Interprofessional Union of Workers

Ua - online business magazine Forbes - information and news site - blog about Twitter - site with answers to questions - news site about Turkey - information and news website Gazeta Ru - information and news portal - high technology and science news portal - information and news site

Links to Internet services - information and analytical portal on financial markets is the largest search engine in the world - search for videos on the Internet using Google - translator from the Google search engine

Ru is the largest search engine in Russia - a service from Yandex that allows you to analyze search queries - search for videos on the Internet via Yandex - image search through the Yandex service

Application links - website of Microsoft Corporation, which created the Windows OS - website of the corporation that created Microsoft Office - a frequently used browser for working with websites - website of the creators of the HyperSnap screenshot program - free software for working with images - website of the creators of the eTXT Anti-plagiarism program

Article creator - VKontakte profile profile in Odnoklassniki Facebook profile - Twitter profile - profile on Google+ - blog on LiveJournal

(Twitter) is currently one of the most popular in the world. Every day the number of new participants is measured in tens of thousands. What is the reason for such great popularity? How to use this social platform? What features does it offer? We will talk about all this in this review article.

1. The history of Twitter

The Twitter social service was first launched on March 21, 2006. That day, the first public message left by founder Jack Dorsey appeared. It looks like this: “Setting up my twttr” (English: “Setting up my Twitter”). Initially, the service was planned to be used as a platform for the exchange of short messages between employees of the Odeo company, which specializes in software development. The message length had to be 140 characters. The website's architecture allowed for instant publication of messages from users who subscribed to the message creator's account. The first public version was presented in June 2006. Two years later, the billionth message was recorded.

Today, Twitter is a social network that gives account holders the opportunity to leave short messages on their page up to 140 characters long (the limit reappeared in 2012). Those who want to register here see Twitter not only as a social network, but also as an excellent opportunity to distribute advertising.

The great popularity of this site is also due to the large number of famous personalities who have official accounts. At one time, the world experienced the fashion of registering a Twitter page in order to find out more about the thoughts of their idols. Everyone has the opportunity to quickly find a famous person by typing his initials or nickname in the search. Subscribing to news allows you to receive the latest information about posts left on celebrity pages.

Additionally, Twitter has emerged as one of the most powerful news platforms. Thanks to a simple but at the same time effective hashtag system, everyone has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with various information that may arouse interest.

2. How to register on Twitter

In the "Design" section you also have the opportunity to customize your own theme. The interface looks like this:

There are no restrictions on design as such. However, we recommend that you refrain from posting images that are too explicit or may offend other users.

Now let's look at a short instruction on how to use Twitter, its capabilities and advantages.

4. Twitter features

4.1. Searching for information using hashtags

A hashtag is keywords that are placed directly in a user's message. With its help, other users can quickly find interesting information.

To find the information you need, you need to use the search bar located here:

A pound sign (#) is required before entering a keyword. After this, the search keyword is entered. There should be no space between the character and the word. For example, enter the hashtag #downhill. Here's what we got:

4.2. How to Retweet

Retweeting, in fact, is an alternative to reposting on social networks VKontakte, Facebook, and so on. The essence of this feature is that the user places a post from another user on his feed, showing it to his readers who have subscribed to the account.

The most common way to retweet is to use a special key under the post. Let's look at it with a specific example.

We're on the Twitter page of Downhill racer Aaron Gwin. We liked the post left on the page and want to retweet it to our page.

Select the "Retweet" icon and click on it.

The following window will appear. Click on the "Retweet" button.

The retweeted post appeared on your page.

4.3. How to add a follower on Twitter

There are two ways to become a follower of a specific user. The first, and perhaps the most common, is to subscribe to a person’s account suggested based on common interests. There is a special column located on the right side of the site for this purpose. Clicking on the "Follow" button automatically turns you into a follower (reader) of the selected user.

There is a second way. We are looking for a person who interests us. After that, we go to his personal page. On the right side of the page there is a "Read" button. Clicking on it automatically signs your account to the selected user.

4.4. View a list of your followers

On the page you can see a list of your followers, i.e. those who subscribed to you. I wrote a separate article about how you can attract users and become popular on Twitter.

People cannot exist without society and communication - these are one of the main human needs. Nowadays, everyone who has access to the Internet probably has accounts on some social networks. Communication brings people pleasure, so developers are trying to make this process faster and more comfortable, trying to diversify the functionality of their products.

This article will discuss the development of the company Twitter Inc, which has become so popular that it brings its creators an income of about 50 million dollars a year.

This " money generator"is Twitter, which today is not inferior in popularity to its social counterparts, although it is so different from the familiar Facebook, VKontakte and the like.

On Twitter, users have the opportunity to both exchange messages of 140 characters in length and maintain their own blog, publishing posts that do not exceed the established limit, which is why it received the name “microblog”.

Why does the leading microblogging service have such a name? Everything is very simple: communication between users of this resource is very similar to how birds chirp among themselves, making short sounds, similar to how people send short messages to each other and publish tweets.

Twitter translated means “twitter”. The developers decided that this was a good name and settled on it. This was reflected in the choice of the logo, which depicts a bird:

It should be noted that registration without email is impossible - this is a required field. Then you need to click on the “Registration” button:

2. After filling out the above fields, the service prompts you to select a user name ( nickname), after which you need to click on “Registration":

  • Introduction to Twitter - the page provides a brief description of the functionality and purpose of this social service;
  • Interests – the user must select topics that interest him: news, sports, music, etc.;
  • Once areas of interest are selected, Twitter suggests the most popular and interesting pages. After reviewing them, the user can delete those that he does not like;
  • Uploading a photo – a photo can be uploaded either from the file system or taken using the camera of the gadget you are using, be it a phone, tablet, or laptop;
  • Search for friends. Twitter offers to find friends through other resources: Gmail, Yahoo, etc.;
  • The last step is to confirm registration using a letter sent to the user's email inbox.

Having completed all the points described above, you can begin to conduct your microblog and correspondence with friends, as well as explore all the possibilities of the Twitter service. Registration in Russian significantly facilitated the creation of an account for the domestic audience, which ensured an increase in the number of users of this resource.


In order to log into the created account, you need to go to and enter the email address and password specified during registration in the appropriate fields:

After clicking on the “Login” button, you will be taken to Twitter (My page). Registration was successful if no problems arose during login.

Registering on Twitter via other networks

Recently, to speed up registration on various resources, the solution to use social networks, through which you can also log in, has become popular. However, registration on Twitter through VK, Facebook and others is not possible. You can only register using the standard form with your email address.

Is it possible to read Twitter without registering?

To some extent, Twitter owes a large number of users to movie and music stars, government figures, and simply public people who have created accounts on this social network and post interesting moments, as well as news from their lives, which is extremely interesting for fans. Therefore, you can read the tweets of idols, and even ordinary users, without the hassle of creating your own page within the service.

On Twitter you can also search for people without registration, just go to the address and in the search bar enter the first and last name of the person you are interested in, but since he may have many names, it is better to use a nickname, then Twitter will give the only correct result:

Programs for registering Twitter accounts

Twitter is not only a means of communication, but also a tool for promoting and advertising brands, doing business, promoting websites and blogs. Not every webmaster knows how links from Twitter affect the indexing of a site in a search engine, but they actually have a colossal effect.

The more links, the faster the indexing. This is precisely why there are programs for mass creation of Twitter accounts. Registering on Twitter is free, which makes things easier, but quality programs cost money. One of the most popular is RegTwitt, with which you can create accounts, configure them, post links, retweet, etc.

Thus, Twitter is an alternative to VKontakte and Facebook, which many are bored with, with their advertising ( Moreover, it is also a competitor, so registration on Twitter via VK and other social networks is impossible), and acts not only as a means for quickly disseminating information and communication, but also as a tool for promoting a brand, blog, website, doing business and advertising campaigns.

Good bad

Hello, dear blog readers . Today I will try to explain to you,what is twitter () and why your blog even needs it.

I'll tell you a secret, the next lesson (it will be a bonus) will be devoted to the topic of making money on Twitter (yes, yes, you can make money on Twitter!). I’ll write out a whole diagram of how I make money on Twitter, and not just “you can earn money here or there”), so be sure to subscribe to RSS and wait for a detailed bonus lesson. By the way, in the next lesson there will be a nice little thing and it will be available only to subscribers (RSS - what is it?).

Twitter theory

Twitter- This is a kind of “chat”. When I first learned about this service, for a long time I could not understand why it was needed, what its interest was. Since for now twitter in Russian The language has not yet been launched, so you may encounter some difficulties, but together we will overcome them.

So, in this “chat” you see messages from people who are interesting to you, in turn, your messages are seen by people who are interested in you. Below I will give an example.

Let's say you are friends with Kolya and subscribe to his tape(all his posts). Now, if Kolya writes, let’s say “I want to go for a walk!” You will see this entry. If you write “Kolya, let's go for a walk!”, he will not see this message, since he is not yet subscribed to your feed. And in order to see what you write, he will have to subscribe to you.

You are probably asking a question, huh? why do you need twitter and what does it have to do with my blog? The fact is that by subscribing to interesting people, you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things, in turn, you can periodically share links to articles on your blog, which may interest readers of your feed and they can go to your blog, and these are additional readers. In turn, if they like the material, they can tell others about this article and so on down the chain, which will attract tens, hundreds, and maybe thousands of new visitors to your blog.

A few words about Twitter

  • There are more than 110 million registered on Twitter! users.
  • Maximum number of characters sent at a time total 140 characters! This means that you don’t have to read all sorts of “works” of other users. Thoughts should be clear, short and clear.
  • More than 200,000 users from Russia.
  • Many famous stars, politicians, and athletes are also on Twitter. A small list of those who are already on Twitter: President D.A. Medvedev, hockey player A. Ovechkin, T. Kandelaki, S. Lazarev and others.

Twitter: registration in Russian

So, let's get straight to registering on Twitter.

  1. Fill in the data (I will provide translations of the lines in the language):
    Full name – your name;
    Username – Your nickname (login). He will “accompany” you constantly. Must be unique, since your twitter feed will have the address
    Password – Your password.
    Email – your email address.
    Let others find me by my email address – The checkbox next to these words allows searching by your email address (useful when you have many contacts in your email address). You can leave the checkbox.
    Terms of Service – service rules.
    I want the inside scoop—please send me email updates! – Notify about updates by email. The checkbox should probably be removed after all. I'm all about keeping my inbox clean.
    Click Greate my account.
    This is what my Twitter looks like after filling it out in Russian:

  2. In the next window that opens, enter the code from the picture:

  3. In the next window, click “Next step: friends”:

  4. The following is similar to “Next step: search”
  5. And in the next “Next step: You’re done!”
    If for some reason steps 5, 6, 7 didn’t work out for you, it’s okay.
  6. Now, if you have already received a letter from Twitter confirming the email specified during registration, you can confirm your mailbox. If the letter has not yet arrived, do it later.

About Twitter in Russian

Now I will talk about some concepts in twitter so that you can become a confident user on this service.

On the right you can see a panel that you will work with often. It looks like this:

Let's take it piece by piece.

following– a number that shows the number of people you have subscribed to. To subscribe to other users, you can find the people you need in the search bar (Search - it’s located just below). True, I have never used it yet.

By clicking on the above button, you should be redirected to the following page:

By clicking on the Follow button (see above) you subscribe to my feed. Try clicking too. As a result, you should get the following:

Now, to get back to the main page of your profile, you need to click on the Twitter logo or the Home button:

On your home page you will see my latest posts (the newer the post, the higher it is):

You can ask where you got a message from an unknown person in your feed (indicated in the picture above by number 1). It appeared because I did (let me remind you that in our case you subscribed to me) (Retweet), i.e. quoted someone's post. The fact that this is a retweet is written where the second arrow is. If you see a small window (help), just click Close (arrow No. 3).

Let's study Twitter further: let's say you are standing with your friends. When addressing someone, you say something like this: “Kolya, let’s go for a walk.” So on Twitter, in the same way, if a message is addressed to someone, then it is customary to put a sign at the beginning of the message @ (dog). For example, if you want to write to me, you should do something like this: “@wpnew Thanks for the instructions about Twitter in Russian, I figured it out.”

How can you see these messages that are addressed to you? To do this, just click on the button where it says @ your nickname:

As a result, you will see messages from other people on Twitter who mentioned your name (or rather nickname):

You can retweet a message that is sent to you (see the definition of the concept above) or reply to it. You can answer in two ways:

To see who and how many people retweeted your message, you need to click on the Retweets button:

Then go to the Your Tweets, Retweeted tab.

Arrow 1 shows the number of people who retweeted this message.

Arrow No. 2 shows the thumbnail of the person (avatar) who made the retweet (you can click on it to go to the page of this user). Naturally, if more than one person retweeted, then there will be many of these “small images”.

To go to Twitter settings, you need to click on the Settings button in the upper right corner:

In the tab that opens Account You can change your Time Zone.

Next go to the tab Notices and uncheck all the boxes (this is done so that any garbage does not come to you by email):

To save, click Save.

Now go to the Profile tab:

  1. Be sure to include an avatar (a picture next to your name).
  2. You can enter the city as you wish.
  3. It is also advisable to mention the address of your website (blog); if it is not there, it’s okay.
  4. The Bio section is required to be filled out! Remember, the more information, the more confidence in you. The Bio section needs to be filled out briefly and so that people who read this post immediately want to follow you.
  5. Don't forget to save your actions.

Next tab Design.

In this page you will manage the appearance of your Twitter page. You can choose background images that the service offers us. But, in my opinion, they don't look very good. Below there is a button Change background image, by clicking on it, you can upload your own image for the background.

You will see the changes after clicking the save changes button.

Also, by clicking on the Change design colors button (in the same tab), you can change the color of text, links, sidebar, etc.


  1. The number of remaining characters that will fit into your message.
  2. Fields for entering your message.
  3. Tweet button, similar to the “send” button.
  4. Previous message, on Twitter they are called tweets. That is, under arrow 4 the latest tweet is shown.
  5. How many hours ago was the last tweet posted?
Let's look at the next section.
  • @your_nick — View all messages where your nickname is mentioned.
  • Direct Messages – Personal messages (used VERY RARELY).
  • Favorites – Honestly, I’ve never used it.
  • Retweets – A page where you can look at retweets of other users; retweets made by you and retweets made to your messages.
  • Search – Search string.
  • Lists, the name of the created group (the creation of a group is described above).
    1. Mention – Write to this person.
    2. Unfollow – Unfollow (i.e. no longer see this person’s messages).
    3. Block – Block (helps against spammers).
    4. Report for spam – Complain (also against spammers).

    A few more words about twitter. Many people, instead of retweeting (Retweet button), do this: “RT @wpnew I like to read the blog” This is analogous to Retweet a message from a person with the nickname wpnew.

    If you have any difficulties, please ask in the comments. If necessary, I will add to the lesson or change it a little. It is still impossible to cover everything.

    As a token of gratitude, please follow me (subscribe to my Twitter feed).


    You may have noticed that this is quite a lengthy lesson. I gave it as an example. Dear blog readers, on the right there is a “Don’t pass by” item, where voting is carried out. Please vote: how often would you like to see lessons on the blog? But keep in mind that if the lesson is once a week, then it will be voluminous, approximately like this lesson, and if every day, then the lessons will be short.

    And of course, do not forget to subscribe to the blog, there are many more interesting things waiting for you. See you in the next lessons! Here's another very detailed lesson that you'll probably like: learn down to the smallest detail how to promote a website.

    Many people should admit to themselves that social networks have become a part of your life, but at the same time they take up a lot of time and sometimes distract from important matters. Some are familiar with Twitter, some with Contact, some with Odnoklassniki - all these networks bring together people with different opinions and personal preferences for online communication and correspondence. If you suddenly got an idea and the question arose: ? then you should follow some recommendations. But before you say goodbye to your page so abruptly, think - perhaps you simply lack some popularity on the social network. Achieve prod

    How to delete a Twitter page: general tips

    So, you have set yourself a task: how to delete profile on twitter? You can carry out these manipulations if you visit the full version of the Internet resource. Similar opportunities open up to the user if he has a tablet or laptop, but modern phones can also offer the option to go to the full version of the site.

    Some people wonder: how to delete a page on twitter only to satisfy interest, but there are also those who think: how to delete twitter permanently? If the issue becomes so significant, then all you need is a PC and access to your page. In any convenient browser, you can go to the main Twitter Internet resource and download your profile. Mobile browsers also provide the ability to log into the site, but they are not configured for all functions, so they automatically load a stripped-down version.

    If, nevertheless, you set a goal: then everyone’s favorite Google Chrome browser can help with this - the “switch to the full version of the site” option. With the help of elementary steps you will clarify the question: how to delete twitter from phone, if, of course, you have a modern model with all the universal options.

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    If you set yourself a task: how to delete twitter from computer, then use the resource and click the hexagon. The user will see the settings of his personal page, which will allow you to resolve the issue: how to delete twitter account. In the bottom lines you can see “Delete account”. Clicking this option deletes all followers, so be careful. How to delete Twitter from your computer- a task that can be solved with just a few mouse clicks. It is worth knowing that the online sector is being restored by leading sites independently without an agreement with the user. So, if you want to solve the issue: how to delete twitter permanently, then you will have to go a different way - the system help center can help with this.

    Solving the issue: you may receive emails about account restoration, after which you also need to log in again and delete everything again. For everyone who is interested, how to delete twitter account, it is also worth knowing that the data can be indexed by search engines and the old profile will still be assigned an address and nickname. All users who are asking the question for the first time should be aware of these limitations: how to delete all tweets on twitter?

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