Tor and the “shadow Internet”: secrets of the dark side of the Internet. On the dark side of the Internet: What is the Dark Web and Deep Web

Anonymous sites are increasingly beginning to appear on the Internet, but how anonymous are they? After all, on the way to the site you pass many servers of the provider, who can easily view what goes where and how you transfer information. So think about how anonymous it is. But technology does not stand still and a “second” Internet was created, the network of which does not exist, and it is impossible for an ignorant user to get into it. This segment of the Internet will be discussed in this article.

Deep Web– the shadow Internet, which is based on maximum anonymity, complete rejection of provider servers, which makes it impossible to determine who sends what, where and what. This was created using onion routing. Before you get to any site via the deep web, your data is transmitted in encrypted form through the same network participants as you, which makes data transfer as anonymous as possible, but rather slow. The Deep Web now resembles in speed the very first Internet using dialup modems.

Tor– a way to get into the deep web. This is one of the deep web segments. The sites located in it have encrypted names with the .onion domain. It was Tor that created the largest onion network. This is a network in which there are no rules, laws or countries. Here you can do anything, buy a slave or a gun. This is the Fido network of our time.

Interesting? Well then, let's get acquainted with this small and secret world.

During the first launch, the Tor Browser setup will start.

If your Internet is connected directly, then try to click “Connect”.

If your Internet is censored (access to tor is prohibited) or is behind a proxy, select “Configure”.

Using the setup wizard, we configure tor. All settings are individual for each case and in most cases are not needed.

Once the setup is complete, the Firefox browser configured to run Tor will launch; to check, select “Check Tor Internet settings.”
On the next page you will enter information about connecting to Tor and the IP address from the tor network.
So you are on the Tor network, what should you do? where to go? You can, of course, anonymously browse familiar sites, but is that why we installed it? The most popular resource on the tor network is Hidden Wiki.

– Tor'a Wikipedia. A site that contains all the information about the tor network. Unfortunately, due to heavy workload, it is very often not available.

http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page —

http://nhxjvwasem5c7kdc.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page – Hidden Wiki Mirror

It would seem that everything is known about the World Wide Web, but in reality there are hidden places that some users are still just beginning to learn about. We invite you to find out what the black Internet is and how to enter the black Internet.

What is the black internet?

Not every user of the World Wide Web knows that there is access to the black Internet. It is also often called the deep or dark internet. There is often a lot of confusion with these terms, but by and large they all mean the same thing - the hidden part of the Internet. There are sites here that are not indexed by search engines and therefore can only be reached using a direct link.

There are also sites among them that require you to know and use a password to access. There are also resources that work on the TOR network. Sites in this network have their own domain – ONION, which is not officially registered anywhere. However, this does not prevent you from using it if you have software for working with TOR. Using this domain, you can easily distinguish links to regular sites on the traditional network from links to black Internet resources hosted on the TOR network.

Does the black internet exist?

Myth or reality? There are actually a lot of rumors and speculations floating around the deep web. However, we can say with confidence that such a network exists. At the same time, access to the black Internet is not difficult. Anyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the hidden part of the World Wide Web can get there. Anyone who still doubts can try to get into the deep network now.

Black Internet - what is there?

The very name of the network is frightening and alarming, but at the same time it arouses the interest of the average user and the desire to find out what is on the black Internet. This place is a network invisible to the user and search robots. Due to the fact that search engines cannot index information on this network, it is not so easy for the average user to see the information posted here.

For its anonymity, this part of the Internet is loved by everyone who wants to remain anonymous and those involved in illegal activities. Thus, with the help of the sites located here, illegal substances, pornography, etc. are sold. The problem is that new ones grow in place of closed large resources and it is much more difficult to fight them than with the same, for example, drug laboratories in real life. Yes, and identifying and arresting a seller who is located on one side of the planet and using a server on the other side of the planet is not always within the capabilities of the law enforcement officers.

Black Internet - how to get there?

Nowadays, probably only the lazy don’t know how to use the Internet. However, there is a network that not everyone knows about. Having heard about the deep Internet, an ordinary user often thinks about something special and very complex. However, in reality, understanding how to access the black Internet is very easy. To make such a trip, you need to have the desire and access to the World Wide Web. To go to the deep Internet, you need to install a browser on your computer - TOR.

How to get to the deep Internet through TOP?

Finding yourself in a black network is not very difficult. To access the deep Internet, the TOR Browser is often used. It has the following properties:

  1. TOR is able to ensure communication confidentiality and prevent navigation surveillance.
  2. Protects against various types of surveillance by website owners and providers.
  3. Hides data about the user's physical location.
  4. Capable of blocking all security threats.
  5. Does not require special installation and runs from all media.
  6. Does not require special knowledge and is accessible to beginners.

How to use the black Internet?

To understand how to surf the dark web, you need to understand that there can be no search engines there and all transitions are made through existing lists of links. You also need to know that the speed of the black Internet is so slow that you can’t do it without patience. Otherwise, everything is intuitive. Before going deep, users want to know what they can find on the black internet. Those who have been here say that the deep network provides:

  1. Market for counterfeit documents and identity documents.
  2. Places where illegal substances are traded.
  3. Equipment and equipment stores.
  4. Selling credit cards – data is obtained from skimmers installed on ATMs. Such information will not cost much, but the PIN code and scan of the card will cost more.

Why is the black internet dangerous?

Going to the black internet or can it be dangerous? Such thoughts can occur to anyone who first heard about the existence of the other side of the World Wide Web. In fact, downloading a browser and logging into the deep internet itself is not dangerous. However, if there is such a desire to use the capabilities of the black Internet, then it is worth thinking about how such an adventure could end.

The web is somewhat like an iceberg. And the information available for mass use is only the tip of this iceberg. The underwater part is something containing a huge amount of prohibited information. This is the so-called hidden Deep Web network. For Internet users, it is no secret how to get there.

Shadow Internet

Thanks to the presence of a large number of information sites, blogs, social networks, as well as torrent trackers, many users do not even think that there is much more information on the Internet. According to some estimates, only 1/5000 of the total volume of data is on the surface. On the Internet you can rarely find atypical or strange content, which is usually hidden from ordinary readers. Increasingly, network users are interested in the question of what the Deep Web is and how to get there, as well as what opportunities this side of the Internet offers. The Deep Web is an anonymous shadow internet that allows for absolute freedom of action.

Deep Web: how to get there?

To get into the deep web, you first need to get a Tor browser. The capabilities of this browser are represented by means of anonymous network connections that bypass the provider’s servers. The speed of surfing on the shadow Internet is much lower than on the regular Internet, the reason is that data transmission is carried out through several network nodes. Such a system allows you to hide IP addresses, as well as other client information. But on the other hand, data transmitted along the chain is securely encrypted at the last node that interacts directly with the server. So it is possible to intercept them. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically change the packet sending chain. You need to understand that in terms of anonymity, the browser is the best option, but it cannot guarantee it 100%. Finding Tor in the browser in a regular search engine will not be difficult. The interface of this browser repeats elements of the popular Mozilla Firefox browser, so users can easily get used to it.

The Hidden Wiki

Traveling through the hidden Internet using Deep Web Search has already acquired a certain shade of mysticism. Users who have sunk to the bottom of the network have already acquired their own name. They are called non-stalkers. It is believed that for such surfing it is necessary to have certain technical knowledge and be able to identify encrypted hidden codes and links. However, even a few resources, the addresses of which are posted on the main page of The Hidden Wiki, will be quite enough to surprise and interest the user. All banned sites have the “onion” domain. As a rule, access to them in regular Internet browsers is limited.

Narcotic substances

In The Hidden Wiki you can find a special Drugs item. There is a fairly extensive list of resources for the sale of narcotic substances. Sites with "onion" domains are usually not very reliable. They change their addresses on the Deep Web quite often. How can you get to the same page next time? It is very likely that you will have to learn about this from the latest news from various Internet forums. All this can be explained by a fairly large number of users who do not want to put up with the proximity of prohibited content, as well as their illegality. One of the most popular online resources for selling drugs is Silk Road. After the arrest of its creator, this project was closed. In its place, a larger-scale Silk Road 2.0 appeared. It was recently followed by the third version of Silk Road. Due to the fact that payments are made in Bitcoin currency, users are guaranteed complete confidentiality. To use this resource, you must complete the registration procedure. After this, you will immediately be given the opportunity to begin choosing the products offered at the specified price. It all looks about the same as in regular online stores. The only exception in this case is the product itself.

Immoral content

A certain share of the shadow market is occupied by the sale of immoral content. On the Deep Web it is represented by video content. The fight against such a product is not very successful for the reason that huge amounts of money are associated with it. A large proportion of onion sites simply do not post such content for ethical reasons. Check out The Hidden Wiki for other controversial Deep Web Links that provide a wide variety of rather unusual products and services.

Russified content

The shadow internet consists almost entirely of English sites. The share of Russified sources here is quite small. However, there are several trading platforms, led by Russian Road. They offer stolen electronic equipment, counterfeit documents, and smuggled products. The site also adheres to the rules of morality. It does not host child pornography and does not provide hitman services. Many resources claim that the sale of weapons and drugs is not prohibited in all countries, but the danger of immoral content is quite obvious.


Thanks to the dark internet, anyone can purchase firearms on the Black Market website. The cost in this case will be about $300 cheaper than in official stores. This will also require lengthy registration and fiddling with papers. According to the resource administration, they have several warehouses with narcotic drugs and substances. They can successfully disguise them and send them in packages.

Killer services

The Hitman Network resource is quite interesting in terms of the services offered. The shadow Internet has its own concepts about life values. For example, in the United States, ordering such a service will cost approximately $10,000. In Europe, even the service will cost 12,000. The service in this case will be practically no different from purchasing goods in a regular online store. The organizers also have their own restrictions - the object must be more than 16 years old and it must not be included in the TOP 10 politicians. Also on the site there are discounts of 1% of the order from attracted customers.

Fake documents

There are a huge number of onion sites that sell and produce fake documents. You can find such resources using Deep web search, presented by the search engines Duck Duck Go, deeper web, and so on. To communicate with the site owners, email is used. In most cases, sellers use hacked email accounts of users who are completely uninvolved in such transactions.

Hacker services

Such resources also quite often offer services for hacking mail and Internet accounts. There are specialists who can completely destroy a person’s reputation by accusing him of unacceptable behavior. The price range for such operations is within $200-300.

Stolen goods

On the vastness of the shadow Internet, you can launder Bitcoins and purchase stolen Paypal and other service accounts. The sale of stolen mobile phones is also booming here. In terms of cost, they will cost only 30% of the real cost. Online resources generally try to operate, covering a significant range of services and products.

News services

If you want to read news that has been censored, then the Deep Web will also come to your aid. Today it is no longer a secret how one can get to such sites on the deep web. There is a huge number of banned political and terrorist sites here. Using the onion connection technology introduced in the Tor browser, a project such as Wiki Leaks was first implemented. Deep Wiki Leaks 2014 presented by popular services. Here users can find interesting and working news sites. In the lower layers of the Deep Web, you can find stranger resources that contain information with a mystical or even paranormal overtone.


What is Deep Web

Deep Web(Deep Web) or as it is also called “ deep web"is a set of information resources that are hidden from ordinary search engines.

In simple words, these are sites that cannot be found in a search using a regular search engine like Google or Yandex. They are, so to speak, deep underground, and only those who know how to do this can get to them.

How much data does the Deep Web contain?

According to research, it has been found that only a small part is included in the main search engine index. The remaining part remains unknown to most Internet users. According to various estimates, the amount of content hidden in deep networks is hundreds of times greater than the amount of publicly available data.

How does the Deep Web work?

In order to understand how sites get into the search we are used to, we need to understand what it is and how it works. The system works as follows: search engines have their own search robots that constantly scan all the data that comes their way. But such " bloodhounds» work according to certain rules, which, if desired, can be circumvented, leaving your site unavailable for scanning.

Examples of how sites are hidden:

  • Private sites: sites that require registration and authorization. Such resources provide access to information only with a password, remaining completely closed to anyone who does not have one.
  • Restricted access to content: sites that limit access to their pages in technical terms. For example, using robot exception standards, captchas and similar technical obstacles.
  • Non-HTML material: text content is encoded into media ( images or videos). Files, or certain file formats, are not processed by search engines.

There are a lot of ways to hide a website. As they say, “if there is a desire.”

Who uses the Deep Web?

Hidden networks containing vast amounts of information represent an invaluable resource for various private companies, governments and especially cybercriminals. Since the Deep Web is considered to be a place where people have much more anonymity, this opens up enormous opportunities for various illegal scams.

The deep web can be used to purchase weapons and drugs, stolen credit cards, malware, illegal porn, and even slaves. This is a whole shadow world in which all rules and principles are blurred.

The main payment currency for settlements in Deep Web is -, this allows you to maintain the anonymity of transactions.

Having heard about the mythical Deep or Dark Internet, the user immediately wonders how to get there, how to access a site that is not accessible to ordinary Internet users. If you are also tormented by such curiosity, then this article should help you.

What is the Dark or Deep Internet

First, you need to briefly understand what the Deep Internet is and what the Dark Internet is. There is a lot of confusion with these terms, but to put it simply, these two names mean the same thing, namely the hidden part of the World Wide Web.

Different parts of this Deep Internet operate on different principles. Sometimes these are simply sites that are not indexed by search engines and therefore are only accessible through a direct link. Sometimes these are sites to access that require a password. And in some cases, these are sites operating on the TOR network.

In this article we will talk about how to get into this part of the Dark Internet, which operates on the TOR network. The TOR network is a computer network that runs on top of the regular Internet and uses the principle of onion routing. All information on the TOR network is encrypted and transmitted through several intermediate servers, making it more difficult to track the location and identity of the user.

Resources in the TOR network have their own top-level domain – ONION. Of course, this domain is not officially registered anywhere, but this does not prevent it from being used if software for working with the TOR network is installed on the computer. Thanks to this domain, it is very easy to distinguish links to regular websites on the regular Internet from links to Dark Web resources on the TOR network.

How to get into the Deep or Dark Internet

From the outside it may seem that in order to get into the Deep Internet you need to be a hacker and have some significant knowledge in the field of computer networks. In fact, everything is much simpler. All you need to access the Dark Web is a special browser called TOR Browser. Well, you will also need access to the regular Internet, but I think this is already clear.

So, we take the first step to enter the Deep Internet - download TOR Browser. To do this, go to the website, click on the “Download” button and download the installation EXE file to your computer.

Next, run the downloaded EXE file and install TOR Browser on your computer. The installation process for this browser is no different from installing other programs, so this should not cause any problems. Just select the Russian language, select the installation folder and wait for TOR Browser to install on your computer.

After installation, launch TOR Browser and in the window that appears, click “Connect”. This way you will connect to the TOR network with standard settings. This connection option is suitable for most cases. But, if there are problems with the normal connection, you can click on the “Configure” button and change the standard connection settings. You can read more about this in our article “”.

After connecting to the TOR network, a “Congratulations” or “Welcome” message should appear in the TOR browser. This means that everything is working and you can enter the Deep Internet.

Now, in order to get to the Dark Internet, enter the site “” into the address bar of your TOP browser and go to it.

After loading site, you will see a list of links to popular resources on the Deep Web. Go to any resource and you are already in the Deep Internet. As was written at the beginning of the article, you can distinguish links to Deep Internet resources from regular links by their first-level domain. All website addresses on the Deep Web end in ONION.

It should be noted that some links to Dark Internet resources may not open. This is quite normal, don't be surprised. This is not your ordinary Internet; not everything here works as smoothly as you are used to.