Windows license types. Types of Windows licenses. What are the rules for selling OEM versions?

Boxed versions are the easiest, but also the most expensive way to purchase Software from different manufacturers.
Boxed Products (FPP) are probably the most consistent with the idea of ​​what a software product should look like, due to the fact that the buyer immediately receives all the necessary components to install and use the product, namely a license agreement, a certificate of authenticity, a distribution kit with software The product is usually a registration card and printed documentation.
Boxed versions can be purchased at retail computer stores, via the Internet, and from any software supplier. They are a box containing a license for one copy, an installation disk and instructions.
Examples of boxed deliveries are: Kaspersky Internet Security 2010, Dr.Web Security Space Pro,
ESET NOD 32 Smart Security.
Pros of buying boxed versions:
- quickly (receipt of licenses on the day of purchase);
- easy (no need to fill out any forms and wait for a response);
- accessible (you can just come and buy it at any store that sells licensed software);
- profitable (if you need to purchase a license for only 1 computer).
Disadvantages of buying the boxed version:
- expensive. Each box contains 1 license, distribution, instructions, and possibly other materials. While when purchasing Corporate licenses you pay for the distribution only once, purchasing the required number of licenses. In addition, when purchasing a corporate license, you often receive additional bonuses, such as an administrator program for managing all antiviruses on the network.
- as a rule, there is no possibility of additional purchase of licenses for other computers of the organization during the validity period of the box license.

For example, you bought a box of antivirus on May 1 for 1 computer. You remember that on April 30 next year you need to renew your license. After 2 months, on July 1, you bought 1 more box of antivirus for another computer. Now you remember that on June 30 next year you need to buy another box. Then another computer appeared in your company.....

OEM versions

The key difference between OEM versions of products and "boxed" versions of software is that OEM versions of products come pre-installed on your computer when you purchase it.
Computers with OEM versions of Microsoft products pre-installed on them are intended for both retail customers and for sale within an organization.
As a rule, buying computers with pre-installed OEM versions is the most economical option for purchasing Microsoft software for all types of customers.
OEM versions can ONLY be used on the computer on which they were ORIGINALLY installed. The product is tied to a computer, motherboard (usually). At the same time, “boxed” versions can be transferred to other computers without restrictions.
Another difference is from a legal point of view. The end user license agreement for the OEM version of the product is between the end user and the system builder; The license agreement for the “boxed” product is concluded between the end user and the Software Supplier. OEM is always a license for the computer builder.
Why are OEM licenses not intended to be purchased by the end user separately from the computer?
The Client, by receiving an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) license and opening it, thereby accepts all the conditions of the “System Builder License”.
In particular, it assumes that the assembler (in this case the client himself) will independently install the software on computers, sell them and independently support these computers.

OEM license restrictions

The OEM version can only be used on the PC on which it was originally installed. This is the main limitation that distinguishes OEM versions from versions purchased through other licensing methods.
- If the customer purchases a new computer, they must purchase a new copy of the OEM product for it. You cannot transfer an OEM license from an old PC to this computer, even if the old computer is no longer in use.
- If a user wants to transfer or sell an old computer with an OEM version of the software installed on it to another user, then all parts of the OEM license are transferred along with the computer.

Corporate licenses

Volume licenses are for organizations that purchase one product for multiple computers. When purchasing products through Volume Licensing programs, the customer pays only for the license rights and can use one licensed disc as a sample installation.
This not only reduces acquisition costs, but also eliminates the complexity associated with deploying a product to a number of PCs in an organization. Volume Licensing provides significant cost savings, ease of deployment, purchasing flexibility, payment options and other benefits such as Software Assurance.
Volume licensing provides significant savings and increases the return on investment compared to purchasing individual user licenses.
Advantages of purchasing corporate licenses:
- Discount. You get a discount for purchasing multiple licenses. While when purchasing boxes, the price of the product is usually fixed;
- Saving. You do not always need to purchase a licensed disk (media) with a software product distribution. Often software providers allow you to download licenses for free to install the product when you purchase a volume license. If you need to purchase licensed media, you usually only need to buy 1 disk for an unlimited number of licenses; - Vendor licensing programs often allow “Additional purchases” of licenses during the validity of the main license.
For example, if you purchased 5 product licenses for 100 rubles on January 1, and decided to purchase another one on July 1, then its cost will be 100(rub.)/5(persons)/12*6(months)=10 rubles.
- purchasing flexibility. Boxes are a ready-made product with a fixed price. Licensing allows greater flexibility in obtaining special discounts from the software supplier.
Disadvantages of purchasing corporate licenses:
- as a rule, buyers of 5 or more licenses can participate in the volume licensing program.

Questions and answers

What are the differences between boxed, electronic, OEM and volume licenses for Microsoft software?

There are several types of licenses for mass-produced Microsoft products (Windows, Office, Windows Server, SQL Server, etc.):

  1. OEM – purchasing a license complete with equipment.
  2. Box (FPP) – purchasing a license at a retail store.
  3. Electronic key (ESD) – purchasing a license in the online store.
  4. Corporate license (Open License, Open Value, etc.).

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

A great option if you buy licenses along with your computer. If you buy Windows, the seller is required to install the OS on the computer and also has obligations to provide technical support for the software. Lowest price, simple licensing. Licenses are not personal; they can be transferred to another organization or individual along with the equipment.

The software is “tied” to the hardware. It is not possible to purchase a license separately from the equipment (i.e. computer). Available only for operating systems – Windows and Windows Server.


Easy licensing, no minimum quantity restrictions. If the seller has it in stock, there is no need to wait for the order to be fulfilled. Licenses are not personal, they can be transferred to another organization or individual separately from the equipment, but no more than once.

This is a type of Windows licensing that allows the license to be transferred to another computer.

Highest price. Limited assortment. Inconvenient logistics for large purchases. The need to store packaging (empty boxes) to confirm the legality of the software. A box license is not always equivalent to a corporate license.

Electronic key

In the specialized Microsoft online store you can purchase electronic keys for Windows and Office of the latest versions, as well as download the corresponding distributions. These licenses are intended for personal users and correspond to the boxed versions.

In Russia, electronic ESD licenses are sold in authorized online stores, including and

Enterprise license

The preferred option if you are purchasing licenses for an organization with more than 5 computers. The price is significantly lower than the price of the boxed version. They do not take up much space when stored. Multiple installation keys (VLK). It is possible to legally use previous versions - downgrade.

Complex licensing scheme. Licenses are personal and cannot be transferred to another organization. The production time for licenses is from 5 working days.

UPD: Since January 2013, corporate licenses began to be delivered electronically, and accordingly, the order processing time has decreased - now the client receives access to keys and distributions within 2-3 business days after placing an order with Microsoft.

Note that 80% of organizations prefer corporate licensing in cases where the purchase of licenses is not related to the purchase of equipment.

This text provides answers to the main questions that users of Microsoft products have. For more detailed licensing information, I encourage you to visit Microsoft: Step Up

1. Types of OS licenses Windowsand corporate licensing programs

Microsoft has developed various types of operating system licenses and licensing programs to best meet the needs of different types of customers:

- OEM versions, intended for use by system assemblers for installation on new PCs or upgrading/modifying existing PCs (OEM - original equipment manufacturer or equipment manufacturer);

- Boxed versions or FPP( full packaged product or fully packaged product) for retail sale and subsequent use by consumers;

- Version for licensing the installed Windows XP Professional operating system(Get Genuine Kit). The version is intended for installation on already used PCs with a previously installed counterfeit, pirated, otherwise obtained illegally, or unlicensed copy of Windows XP Professional and is available to buyers since November 2006.

- Corporate licenses under volume licensing programs designed for organizations that require at least 5 licenses. Attention! According to volume licensing programs Full OS versions are not supplied. In Volume Licensing programs, you can only purchase update version. Full versions are supplied in the 3 product types presented above.

2. How to choose the right operating system license Windows

OSWindowsfor a new computer

There are only two ways to purchase a licensed Windows OS for a new PC:

· OEM version, pre-installed on a new computer and supplied with it;

· Retail boxed version.

Purchasing Windows OS as a pre-installed OEM version is the most cost-effective solution.

If you already have a PC

The advantage of Microsoft's licensing policy is the choice offered to the user and allowing him to find the optimal solution when installing the OS on a PC he is already using.

Option 1.PC modification.

To modify a PC you are already using, when there is no need to save system settings and data stored on the hard drive, you can contact your system builder for installation OEM OS versions Windowson PC. When using an OEM license, the system builder must comply with the requirements of the builder's license agreement, including:

1) Mandatory installation of operating systems on the hard drive of a fully assembled computer using the OPK pre-installation kit (clause 6 of the system builder's license). Those. during installation all old data and settings, if any, are deleted .

2) The system builder must affix a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) sticker to the body of the fully assembled computer (Clause 7 of the system builder's license)

3) A system builder that installs a separate software license and distributes hardware components must provide technical support on terms no worse than the terms of technical support provided by the system builder for fully assembled computers. The technical support telephone number must be prominently displayed in the help files of fully assembled computers and in the end user documentation. (Clause 8 of the system builder license)

In accordance with clause 1 of the system builder license, the following organizations can act as a system builder:

1) Organizations engaged in the production of computer equipment.

2) Organizations that engage in Refurbishment, i.e. purchasing used computers for further repair, modification and bringing them into working condition, suitable for resale or transfer to a new owner.

3) Organizations providing software preinstallation services.

Option 2. Legalization of an already used PC with an unlicensed OS

"Windows XP Professional/Vista Business. Version for licensing the installed operating system" (Get Genuine Kit) is the only solution recommended by Microsoft for installation (legalization) on already used PCs with a previously installed counterfeit, pirated, otherwise illegally obtained, or unlicensed copy of Windows XP Professional/Vista Business.

The main advantages of the “Version for licensing the installed operating system” (Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional/Vista Business) are:

· Possibility of installation on top of the operating system in use - during installation, data is not completely deleted from the hard drive and, thus, this is the most user-friendly way to transfer a PC to a licensed OS;

· Get Genuine Kit support is provided by Microsoft Support;

More detailed information about the product can be found at the following link:

Option 3. Boxed version of Windows OS

Can be used both for modification (upgrade) and for legalization of a PC. The boxed version provides the user with a wider range of rights to use the product compared to OEM versions. The license may be transferred from one computer to another, but no more copies may be installed than permitted by the terms of the license agreement. Recommended to users for licensing home PCs.

Option 4: OS update Windows

If you already have a licensed OS installed Windows and you want to upgrade to a new version of the product, you can purchase the upgrade version ( upgrade ), available through volume licensing programs and in boxed versions.

3. Confirmation of the user's license rights and verification of the authenticity of the copy of the OS installed on the computer

3 a.Necessary and sufficient confirmation user license rights is a COA (Certificate of Authenticity) pasted on the PC case or located on the product packaging if using a boxed version of the OS.

3b.Examination authenticity of the copy of Windows OS installed on PC

Types of licenses and characteristics sufficient to verify the authenticity of the OS Windows





Certificate Of Authenticity)

Supporting documentation and software product components


Certificate of Authenticity (COA) glued to the PC case Product Key

Boxed product - FPP

Certificate of Authenticity (COA) pasted on the box and is a confirmation of the user's license rights. The certificate contains the name of the product and a 25-digit product key ( Product Key

To confirm rights to use the product, users of boxed versions must preserve components of the purchased product, as well as supporting payment documents.

Components WindowsXP:

Product packaging with SOA pasted on the top;

Information carrier (disk with a copy of the product and a hologram);

A printed version of the license agreement (if included in the package);

Components WindowsVista:

Product packaging, certificate of authenticity sticker COA with a barcode attached to the back of the case for DVD;

Information carrier - disk DVD with a hologram is inside the case.

Version for licensing the installed Windows XP Professional/Vista Business operating system (Get Genuine Kit)

Certificate of Authenticity (COA) glued to the PC case and is a confirmation of the user's license rights. The certificate contains the name of the product and a 25-digit product key ( Product Key

Enterprise license

Certificate of Authenticity (COA) glued to the PC case or pasted on the product packaging in case of using the boxed version.

A package of documents confirming the right to use corporate licenses.

For Open Licenses:

- Open License Agreement

- License certificate

- ht tps://eopen. m i crosoft. c o mas additional confirmation

For programs Enterprise Agreement/Enterprise Agreement Subscription

  • EA Agreement
  • Registration Agreement
  • Order confirmations
  • Payment confirmations

: For programs

  • C announcement Open Value/Open Value Subscription/OSL/MYO
  • Notice of consent to enter into an agreement (Acceptance letter)
  • Annual orders
  • Order confirmations
  • Payment confirmations

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) A license to sell software with new computer hardware. You can purchase a full version of the Windows operating system either as part of a completely assembled computer system, or along with a non-peripheral component of computer hardware, such as a memory module. In cases where the end user is the assembler himself, assembling his own new computer, as an exception, the assembler may sell the unopened OEM packaging to the customer.

There is no licensing requirement to accompany such delivery with the sale of any hardware. In turn, the customer who receives the OEM packaging and opens it thereby accepts all the terms of the "Microsoft System Builder License". In particular, it assumes that the assembler (in this case the client himself) will have to independently install the software on computers and independently support these computers.

What are OEM versions?

Microsoft software may come pre-installed with your computer. These versions of the products that are intended to be shipped with the hardware are called OEM versions of the products.

Which products are available as OEM versions?

Not all Microsoft software products are available as OEM versions. Most often we are talking about desktop operating systems Windows Vista or Windows XP, Office 2007 or Office 2003 applications, and server products such as Windows Server 2003.

Separately, it should be noted that for the desktop operating systems Windows Vista and Windows XP, OEM versions are practically the only economically viable way to purchase full versions of desktop operating systems, since there are no full versions supplied in corporate licensing (only updates are available), and full boxed versions are obviously have a higher price. Thus, purchasing a new computer that comes pre-installed with a licensed OEM version of the Windows desktop operating system is the most preferable scenario.

What are the rules for selling OEM versions?

Unlike boxed products, which have colorful packaging designed for display, OEM versions have technological packaging made of brown cardboard. Depending on the product and delivery option, the technology package may contain 1 or 3 separate OEM software licenses.

The system builder, by opening the technology packaging, thereby accepts the terms of the "Microsoft OEM System Builder License". Specifically, these terms require the builder to distribute the individual OEM licenses included in the packaging only with fully assembled computer systems, and for desktop operating systems and applications, there is also a requirement that the software be pre-installed on the computer (no such requirement for server products). .

The OEM version of the product usually includes a certificate of authenticity (COA), a distribution kit with the product, and an end user license agreement (EULA, can only be submitted in electronic form). Upon sale, all these components must be transferred to the client.

Can the buyer purchase the OEM version separately from the computer?

OEM versions of the software are intended for PC and server builders/manufacturers ONLY. They are not intended for distribution to end users separately from computer equipment.

This requirement strictly applies to desktop applications and server software. If it is necessary to supply desktop applications and server software separately from computers, you should use boxed versions or corporate licenses.

Sale of Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional to legalize existing computers

There is often a situation where customers already have at their disposal computers on which counterfeit, pirated, otherwise obtained illegally, or unlicensed copies of Windows XP Professional were previously installed.

Since volume licensing programs do not include full versions of desktop operating systems (only updates), to legalize the operating system on such computers, you can purchase either boxed versions or a special version of the operating system called “Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional”

The Get Genuine Kit includes the same components - a certificate of authenticity (COA), a distribution kit with the product, and an end user license agreement (EULA). Like regular OEM versions, this operating system is locked to the PC it was first installed on and cannot be transferred to another PC.

The main differences between Get Genuine Kit and regular OEM Windows XP Professional licenses are described below:

  • Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional is intended for computers with a previously installed pirated, counterfeit, or unlicensed operating system and cannot be included with new computers;
  • Technical support for Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional is provided by Microsoft;
  • A complete installation of the operating system (installation on a blank disk) is not mandatory - reinstallation while saving data or updating the product key is possible.

Note: The Get Genuine Kit delivery option for legalizing existing computers exists only for the Microsoft Windows XP Professional version.

You can buy the program from anywhere in Russia, because We We deliver throughout Russia to small and large cities.

In addition, you can contact our specialists by multi-channel phone: (495) and receive comprehensive information on the software product you are interested in, as well as through the submission form in our online store.


How to buy software from Microsoft? Features of purchasing and using OEM versions

“Why is this necessary?” – many will answer with a wry smile when it comes to the need to use licensed software. Nowadays you can buy almost any software “on trays” very cheaply! And it's almost like the real thing! What more could a system administrator want?

But as soon as you work with such a “lost” product for some time, the system administrator begins to sigh, staring at the ceiling with long glances and cursing in every way those who slipped him this very disk. It seems like you’re doing everything right, and smart people on forums are giving practical advice, but the system lives by its own laws that people don’t understand. And the numbers break off so much that even seasoned specialists who have eaten more than one gigabyte throw up their hands and cannot recommend anything other than reinstallation. So, maybe it’s not about you, but about the software that you got almost for nothing and on which your company now works?

It is no secret that pirates, when producing their... hmm... products, sometimes make significant changes to the distribution, throwing out at least driver libraries and other things of little importance to them. What kind of torment the admin will experience later is of little concern to them. This will not affect their profits. In addition, the system is overgrown with “Resets” and other unappetizing software that forces this wretched cripple to somehow work. As a result, we end up with a lot of problems, which we spend most of our time solving instead of doing business.

The pirates themselves often do not know in whose hands the system was before it reached the pirate’s tray. What these unknown fighters of the pirate front did with this system, and why now a couple of hundred programs fit on one DVD, also cannot be explained. Life can show how viable this whole structure is; in other words, they are selling you your own problems for your money. You need it?

And the matter will not be limited to incorrectly working software. The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of copyright protection (anti-piracy) has undergone significant changes over several years, and is now being built on the basis of international standards in this area. Under certain conditions, pirated software in a company's office can become a criminal offense. You can imagine what this can do to your profile and job opportunities.

There is an opinion that legal software is so expensive that companies simply have no choice - they will go broke buying it. As a rule, this opinion is shared by people who do not know its value. If you don't believe me, ask them. Get the answer “Very expensive.” But nothing concrete.

Almost any company, even a small one, can now buy licensed software. By the way, you don’t have to buy, but rent (few people know about this). Became interesting? Read on.

There is an opinion that purchasing licensed software is not much different from buying, for example, a kettle - give the money, receive the product, use it as you want. Actually this is not true. By purchasing this or that software, you buy the right to use it. In other words, the manufacturer allows you to use their product, but on its own terms. These conditions are stipulated in the License Agreement and must be followed. Required! Failure to comply with these requirements is piracy. So keep in mind that you can become a pirate out of ignorance.

What are the features of acquisition and use?

There are different ways to purchase Microsoft software. In all cases, it is accompanied by a license agreement, either electronically or in printed form. Please note that the terms of use of the software depend not only on the product itself, but also on the method in which it was purchased. That is, the same product, purchased in different ways, can be used in different ways.

I will list the types of licenses and ways to purchase them:

  • FPP license(Full Packaged Product - boxed). Boxed products are intended for individual clients and home offices. In some cases, the boxed version can be purchased for installation in company offices, but my advice to you is to first consult with a reseller.
  • OEM License– intended for computing equipment suppliers.
  • Licenses delivered under Volume Licensing programs– designed for organizations of any size. The cost of licenses already includes discounts for order volume.

There are special product licensing programs for ASP (Application Service Providers) companies that provide access to Microsoft applications to third parties. For example: SQL Server database hosting, Exchange Server mail server hosting. SPLA – Service Provider License Agreement. In some cases, you can download the product online. Let's look at the three most popular options: boxes, OEM licenses, corporate licensing programs.

The box is beautiful, but a little expensive

The easiest (and most expensive) way to purchase a software product is to purchase a box (FPP). When you buy a boxed version, you receive in the set: License Agreement (often only in electronic form), original media with anti-counterfeit elements, User Guide (often only in electronic form), packaging with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA). To confirm the authenticity of the software purchased, you must retain the entire package plus any proof of purchase. Not all software can be purchased as a boxed version; some products are not distributed this way. As a rule, these are products aimed at corporate users; for example, Microsoft Office Pro Enterprise Edition cannot be purchased in a box. The right to use the boxed product is unlimited, i.e. you can use it all your life. In addition, such a product can most often be installed on two PCs (the right to install on a laptop computer). You can read more about the rules for using the boxed version of the product in the documentation included with the delivery. I would like to dwell in more detail on the purchasing methods that corporate customers most often use.

OEM – simple and cheerful

Compared to the box, you can purchase the OEM version of the software product for much less. Not all products are distributed as OEM versions - only Windows XP Home & Pro, Office 2003, Windows Server, Small Business Server. Formally, OEM versions of the product are intended for suppliers (assemblers) of computer equipment and should be distributed only with their products. In other words, OEM versions of products are not intended for distribution to end users separately from computer equipment. The validity period of the OEM license is equal to the period of use of the computer. Please note: there are no upgrade versions, no special academic pricing for educational institutions. What is the update version? This is a “Windows XP Pro Upgrade” disc, intended not for installation on an empty computer, but for upgrading another operating system, for example, Windows XP Home Edition, to the Windows XP Pro level.

The original OEM version looks like a cardboard box, without beautiful printing. The System Builder License Agreement must be stuck on the box. The number of discs inside the box (and therefore the number of products purchased) can be one, three or thirty. Moreover, server software always comes in packages of one piece, and thirty pieces of disks can only be for Windows XP. Each boxed product includes hologram media, COA, End User License Agreement (electronic), printed user manual (rare). Confirmation of product licensing consists of the entire kit plus purchase documents.

How can an OEM version come to your company?

Firstly, you can purchase a computer with a pre-installed version. Secondly, you can buy the OEM version as such, separate from the computer. First, about the first method. If you buy a computer with the OEM version already installed, then look at the paragraph above! You can confirm the authenticity of this version only if you have the entire set in your hands: a disk with a hologram (“original”), an SOA sticker, documentation, if there was one - you should have all this along with your new computers. Be sure to demand this from your suppliers. There is one exception to the rule. It concerns large computer manufacturers, the so-called Direct OEM. These are companies that have signed a direct agreement with Microsoft and have documented evidence of their Direct OEM status. For large computer manufacturers (Direct OEM), there are three options:

  • BIOS-locked recovery procedures allow major computer manufacturers to create CDs containing the operating system and device drivers to restore factory settings. The CD is labeled by the PC manufacturer and is linked to a specific computer, preventing copyright infringement.
  • Large computer manufacturers may also place system recovery tools on the hard drive, usually in a separate partition on the hard drive.
  • Sometimes major computer manufacturers do not provide any system recovery media. However, they are required to provide software recovery tools when necessary upon customer requests.

In addition to the CD, OEMs may also place an additional copy of Windows on the hard drive, configured to meet specific customer requirements.

COA is an anti-counterfeiting element that helps end users distinguish between legitimate and illegal copies. This is a sticker that should be placed on the computer case in a visible place. It cannot be distributed separately from the rest of the package and does not in itself guarantee that the copy is legal.

  • The COA sticker has a security element in the form of two holes, one of which is shaped like an ellipse, and the other is shaped like the Windows flying windows logo. The outer layer of laminate within these openings is missing, so the individual fibers of the paper structure become visible.
  • The metallized thread embedded in the structure of the sticker has color transitions that become visible at an angle.
  • The COA sticker contains microtext - a security element in the form of text that becomes readable only under a magnifying glass.
  • The new COA decal does not have a laminated coating.

If there is no COA, then you do not have a legal license to use the Microsoft software. The COA is not a software license - it is a visual aid to help you verify the authenticity of the Microsoft software you are using.

There are certificates of authenticity for application programs (for example, Microsoft Office). They are attached to the end user documentation and are not stickers. They must be given to you along with the documentation. There is no need to attach such a certificate to your computer.

And so it is possible!

Now about the second option for purchasing OEM versions, namely, purchasing them separately from computers. Surely, if you read this article carefully, you will be surprised. Indeed, I already wrote that these versions are not intended for end consumers. But in the context of the proliferation of OEMs, there is one great phrase: “except in cases where the end user himself acts as a system assembler.” Here I will say that the very concept of “System Builder” at Microsoft is very flexible - it includes not only those who are directly involved in assembling computer equipment, but also persons (legal or physical) involved in installing software on previously purchased computers. Thus, you can absolutely safely purchase the OEM version of the product separately from the computer (you already have one) and complete the installation. One important note: in this case, you will not be considered an end user, but rather a system builder. Accordingly, you are subject to the requirements of the System Builder License Agreement, which is affixed to the box. This agreement comes into force upon opening the box. Microsoft's OEM System Builder License is a "Break-the-seal agreement" - you open the package and agree to be bound by the terms of the license agreement. This is a simple procedure, free of bureaucratization. You do not need to sign any additional documents to have the right to distribute OEM versions as a system builder (this method of accepting an agreement is intended to provide the widest possible sales channel, since it replaces signing documents). And this brings up two important points - you must buy an unopened box; In addition, once the box is opened, you will no longer be able to return it. In addition, you will be required to install the software products that you remove from an open OEM package on end-user computers - further distribution of software from this box in any other way than in a pre-installed form is prohibited (exception: server software) .

We carry out the activation procedure

All OEM versions of the product require an activation procedure. Starting with Microsoft Office XP and Microsoft Windows XP, a number of Microsoft software products include a special technology - Microsoft Product Activation. This technology is designed to protect both Microsoft and its customers from software piracy, helping them ensure that they are getting what they paid for: genuine, licensed, high-quality software. Product activation technology is intended primarily to counteract such types of violations as software copying by end users - when users install a software product from one genuine storage medium on more computers than the terms of the license agreement allow. According to experts, about half of the damage caused by software piracy to the economies of various countries around the world is due to this type of violation.

Microsoft Product Activation technology is designed to exclude the possibility of using copies of products if the user does not have a license agreement with the copyright holder for the right to use this software product.

If the license agreement allows you to install and use a software product on only one personal computer, installing the same product on other personal computers leads to a violation of the terms of the license agreement, as well as a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright protection. Activation technology allows you to technically limit the number of working copies of the product used and eliminate the installation of one licensed copy on an unlimited number of personal computers. Moreover, the number of installations and activations on the same personal computer is not limited.

The activation process begins after the software product is installed on the user's computer. In order to install and then activate the software product on a specific PC, the user must have:

  • disk with software product distribution;
  • product key.

The product key is a 25-character number, divided into groups of 5 characters and having the following format: ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ-ХХХХХ, where X is one of the numbers from 0 to 9 or one of the letters of the Latin alphabet from A to Z .

The product key is required to install the software product on the user's computer; Activating the installed software product on a specific PC. Without entering the key, installing the product on your computer is impossible.

There are the following two types of keys: a key for one-time installation and activation (type A) - used to install a boxed product on one PC (unless otherwise specified in the license agreement for a specific product and type of delivery). Keys of this type are intended for installation and activation of a product whose license allows its use by only one user (boxed product or OEM version of the product).

The Multiple Installation and Activation Key (Type B) is used to install a product purchased through the Volume Licensing program. Keys of this type are intended for license buyers under various volume licensing programs and can be used for multiple installations of the product (depending on the capacity of the key).

When using these keys, you do not need to complete the activation procedure from each computer. The Product Key required to install the OEM version of the product is located on the Certificate of Authenticity label.

The activation process itself is extremely simple. When you launch a non-activated product, the Activation Wizard window appears on the screen. The activation itself can be performed either via the Internet or by telephone. If you select activation via the Internet in the wizard, then after entering the key everything happens automatically. If you choose activation by phone, you will need to select a country, after which you will see a phone number. Call this number, a robot will answer you. Switch the phone to tone mode, then follow the robot’s instructions. Pretty fast. If you need to perform a large number of installations of OEM versions, then you can carry out the automatic activation procedure.

When performing an upgrade, the system may ask you to reactivate it; this happens when the computer undergoes an update that changes a large number of hardware components (usually more than three). But since the motherboard was not replaced, the product will allow itself to be activated. It's another matter if the motherboard was replaced.

Let me remind you that according to the Terms of Use, maintaining a license is possible only if this replacement was associated with eliminating a defect in the motherboard itself.

You will not be able to activate the product via the Internet; you will have to call and explain the situation to the operator. Next - how it will turn out: either they will immediately reset the activation counter, or (more often) they may ask you to send by mail or fax a document confirming the fact of the repair.

Software Assurance helps you save money

And one more thing that is important to know. After you purchase OEM versions of server products and Windows Professional, or OEM versions of Office Small Business 2003 or Office Professional 2003, you have 90 days of purchasing the great thing called Software Assurance. You can buy for a period of two or three years, with the possibility of further extension even indefinitely. During this period, you will receive all new versions of the OEM product for which you have Software Assurance free of charge.

If you now buy the 2003 versions of servers, offices, etc., and buy Software Assurance for them, then very soon, in the winter, you will receive Vista, Office 2007 ... so to speak, somewhat cheaper than they cost. The cost of Software Assurance ranges from 25% to 29% of the product license cost per year - you can calculate the savings yourself.

In addition to direct profit, this program will give you a wagonload of bonuses, which is very difficult to list within the framework of this article. I’ll send you to the website, and if you’re interested, I’ll write about Software Assurance separately in the next article.

The last paragraph - and not a word about the price! You are absolutely right, there will be no information about prices in this article. A little patience - next time I will conduct a comparative analysis of the cost of legal software for a small and medium-sized organization. How much will it cost to purchase licensed software in OEM form, as well as through various volume licensing programs?

So no goodbyes!


How to legalize an operating system?

Let's assume that the decision to switch to licensed software has been made. But here another pitfall awaits us. After all, the software is already installed and working! Pirate, stolen, whatever, but requiring rearrangement and everything that will follow from this. In other words, temporary paralysis of the company and an aged system administrator by fifteen years. What are the options here? If we are talking about Windows XP Professional, then to legalize the operating system on such computers, you can purchase a special version of the operating system called “Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional.” The Get Genuine Kit includes the same components - a certificate of authenticity (COA), a distribution kit with the product, and an end user license agreement (EULA). Like regular OEM versions, this operating system is locked to the PC it was first installed on and cannot be transferred to another PC. The main differences between Get Genuine Kit and regular OEM Windows XP Professional licenses are described below:

  • Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional is intended for computers with a previously installed pirated, counterfeit, or unlicensed operating system and may not be included with new computers.
  • Technical support for the Get Genuine Kit for Windows XP Professional is provided by Microsoft.
  • A complete installation of the operating system (installation on a blank disk) is not necessary - reinstallation while saving data or updating the product key is possible.

If we talk about other software products, there is no such set for them. In addition, there is no trade-in either, and the cost of old legal software will not be credited to you.

How to avoid becoming a pirate using OEM versions of products?

Or, in other words, what responsibilities and rights do you have? The most common violation of using the OEM version is exceeding the allowed number of installations. Remember - one OEM version can only be installed on one computer. Once installed, it becomes an inseparable part of the computer itself. The lifespan of the OEM version is equal to the lifespan of the computer itself. You cannot transfer this OEM version to another computer. The operating system cannot be transferred to a new or different PC. The entire computer, however, can be transferred to the new user along with the licensing rights to the software installed on it, i.e. provided that all components of the OEM license are transferred to the new user: hologram media, certificate of authenticity, documentation. It is also recommended to provide original payment documents - invoices or receipts confirming the purchase of the OEM by the original user. In this case, the original user should not retain any copies of the software product.

Will I still be licensed for the OEM version if I need to upgrade or repair my existing computers?

The license is tied to the computer, and we begin to upgrade it, i.e. We change the original hardware! Microsoft did it simply: it singled out one component that uniquely identifies the original computer. I think you already guessed which one. That's right - the motherboard. The general rule is that you can upgrade and replace almost anything except the motherboard and still keep your original Windows license. If you are upgrading or replacing the motherboard and the replacement does not involve fixing a defect, then that computer requires a new operating system license because by replacing the motherboard you have essentially created a “new” computer. If you are replacing a defective motherboard, a new operating system license is not required. If you are transferring an upgraded computer to a new user, the software license, media, COA, and user manuals must all be transferred to the new user.


Changes to Microsoft Product Sales Policies

Since the publication of the first article about the peculiarities of purchasing OEM licenses (No. 12 for 2006), Microsoft has changed the rules for selling OEM versions of software products. Since late 2006, sales of OEM versions to end users are only permitted if the end user assembles their own computer. If the end user already has an assembled computer, he cannot use the OEM version of the software product. Thus, for legalization purposes, you can use either the boxed versions of the products, or, for Windows XP Professional, purchase the Get Genuine Kit.

Sales of OEM versions of Microsoft Office 2007 have also undergone changes. When this product ships with a built-in PC, you receive a free pre-installed version of Office 2007 that you can use for 60 days. During this period, the product can be activated, which requires purchasing a product key. Thus, you can become the owner of the OEM version of the software product, but you will not have a distribution disk. Instead of a disk, part of the license is the key you purchased in the form of a DVD box. The media can be purchased for an additional fee. The new Microsoft Office 2007 sales program is called Office Ready.

The rules for selling Windows Vista Business Upgrade, the version of the operating system purchased under corporate licensing programs, have changed. Windows Vista Upgrade is possible with Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional. Purchasing a combination of Windows XP Home + Windows Vista Upgrade is only possible if Windows Vista Business Upgrade is purchased as a boxed product.

Second part of the article.