Display type ips or tft. Current price situation and trends. So, what is a TFT display?

The image is formed using individual elements, usually through a scanning system. Simple devices (electronic watches, phones, players, thermometers, etc.) can have a monochrome or 2-5 color display. The multicolor image is generated using 2008) in most desktop monitors based on TN- (and some *VA) matrices, as well as in all laptop displays, matrices with 18-bit color (6 bits per channel) are used, 24-bit is emulated with flickering and dithering .

LCD monitor device

Subpixel of color LCD display

Each pixel of an LCD display consists of a layer of molecules between two transparent electrodes, and two polarizing filters, the planes of polarization of which are (usually) perpendicular. In the absence of liquid crystals, the light transmitted by the first filter is almost completely blocked by the second.

The surface of the electrodes in contact with the liquid crystals is specially treated to initially orient the molecules in one direction. In a TN matrix, these directions are mutually perpendicular, so the molecules, in the absence of tension, line up in a helical structure. This structure refracts light in such a way that the plane of its polarization rotates before the second filter, and light passes through it without loss. Apart from the absorption of half of the unpolarized light by the first filter, the cell can be considered transparent. If voltage is applied to the electrodes, the molecules tend to line up in the direction of the field, which distorts the screw structure. In this case, elastic forces counteract this, and when the voltage is turned off, the molecules return to their original position. With a sufficient field strength, almost all molecules become parallel, which leads to an opaque structure. By varying the voltage, you can control the degree of transparency. If a constant voltage is applied for a long time, the liquid crystal structure may degrade due to ion migration. To solve this problem, alternating current is used, or changing the polarity of the field each time the cell is addressed (the opacity of the structure does not depend on the polarity of the field). In the entire matrix, it is possible to control each of the cells individually, but as their number increases, this becomes difficult to achieve, as the number of required electrodes increases. Therefore, row and column addressing is used almost everywhere. The light passing through the cells can be natural - reflected from the substrate (in LCD displays without backlighting). But it is more often used; in addition to being independent of external lighting, it also stabilizes the properties of the resulting image. Thus, a full-fledged LCD monitor consists of electronics that processes the input video signal, an LCD matrix, a backlight module, a power supply and a housing. It is the combination of these components that determines the properties of the monitor as a whole, although some characteristics are more important than others.

LCD Monitor Specifications

The most important characteristics of LCD monitors:

  • Resolution: Horizontal and vertical dimensions expressed in pixels. Unlike CRT monitors, LCDs have one, “native” physical resolution, the rest are achieved by interpolation.

Fragment of the LCD monitor matrix (0.78x0.78 mm), enlarged 46 times.

  • Point size: the distance between the centers of adjacent pixels. Directly related to physical resolution.
  • Screen aspect ratio (format): The ratio of width to height, for example: 5:4, 4:3, 5:3, 8:5, 16:9, 16:10.
  • Apparent Diagonal: The size of the panel itself, measured diagonally. The area of ​​displays also depends on the format: a monitor with a 4:3 format has a larger area than one with a 16:9 format with the same diagonal.
  • Contrast: the ratio of the brightness of the lightest and darkest points. Some monitors use an adaptive backlight level using additional lamps; the contrast figure given for them (the so-called dynamic) does not apply to a static image.
  • Brightness: The amount of light emitted by a display, usually measured in candelas per square meter.
  • Response Time: The minimum time it takes for a pixel to change its brightness. Measurement methods are controversial.
  • Viewing angle: the angle at which the drop in contrast reaches a given value is calculated differently for different types of matrices and by different manufacturers, and often cannot be compared.
  • Matrix type: the technology used to make the LCD display.
  • Inputs: (eg DVI, HDMI, etc.).


Clock with LCD display

LCD monitors were developed in 1963 at the David Sarnoff Research Center of RCA, Princeton, New Jersey.

The main technologies in the manufacture of LCD displays: TN+film, IPS and MVA. These technologies differ in the geometry of surfaces, polymer, control plate and front electrode. The purity and type of polymer with liquid crystal properties used in specific designs are of great importance.

Response time of LCD monitors designed using SXRD technology. Silicon X-tal Reflective Display - silicon reflective liquid crystal matrix), reduced to 5 ms. Sony, Sharp and Philips jointly developed PALC technology. Plasma Addressed Liquid Crystal - plasma control of liquid crystals), which combines the advantages of LCD (brightness and richness of colors, contrast) and plasma panels (large viewing angles horizontally, H, and vertically, V, high update speed). These displays use gas-discharge plasma cells as brightness control, and an LCD matrix is ​​used for color filtering. PALC technology allows each display pixel to be addressed individually, meaning unrivaled controllability and image quality.

TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)

The “film” part in the technology name means an additional layer used to increase the viewing angle (approximately from 90° to 150°). Currently, the prefix “film” is often omitted, calling such matrices simply TN. Unfortunately, a way to improve the contrast and response time for TN panels has not yet been found, and the response time of this type of matrix is ​​currently one of the best, but the contrast level is not.

TN + film is the simplest technology.

The TN+ film matrix works like this: When no voltage is applied to the subpixels, the liquid crystals (and the polarized light they transmit) rotate 90° relative to each other in the horizontal plane in the space between the two plates. And since the polarization direction of the filter on the second plate makes an angle of 90° with the polarization direction of the filter on the first plate, light passes through it. If the red, green and blue sub-pixels are fully illuminated, a white dot will appear on the screen.

The advantages of the technology include the shortest response time among modern matrices, as well as low cost.

IPS (In-Plane Switching)

In-Plane Switching technology was developed by Hitachi and NEC and was intended to overcome the disadvantages of TN+ film. However, although IPS was able to increase the viewing angle to 170°, as well as high contrast and color reproduction, the response time remained at a low level.

At the moment, matrices made using IPS technology are the only LCD monitors that always transmit the full RGB color depth - 24 bits, 8 bits per channel. TN matrices are almost always 6-bit, as is the MVA part.

If no voltage is applied to the IPS matrix, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate. The second filter is always turned perpendicular to the first, and no light passes through it. Therefore, the display of black color is close to ideal. If the transistor fails, the “broken” pixel for an IPS panel will not be white, as for a TN matrix, but black.

When a voltage is applied, the liquid crystal molecules rotate perpendicular to their initial position and transmit light.

IPS is now being supplanted by technology S-IPS(Super-IPS, Hitachi year), which inherits all the advantages of IPS technology while reducing response time. But, despite the fact that the color of S-IPS panels has approached conventional CRT monitors, contrast still remains a weak point. S-IPS is actively used in panels ranging in size from 20", LG.Philips, NEC remain the only manufacturers of panels using this technology.

AS-IPS- Advanced Super IPS technology (Advanced Super-IPS), was also developed by Hitachi Corporation in the year. The improvements mainly concerned the contrast level of conventional S-IPS panels, bringing it closer to the contrast of S-PVA panels. AS-IPS is also used as the name for LG.Philips monitors.

A-TW-IPS- Advanced True White IPS (Advanced IPS with true white), developed by LG.Philips for the corporation. The increased power of the electric field made it possible to achieve even greater viewing angles and brightness, as well as reduce the interpixel distance. AFFS-based displays are mainly used in tablet PCs, on matrices manufactured by Hitachi Displays.

*VA (Vertical Alignment)

MVA- Multi-domain Vertical Alignment. This technology was developed by Fujitsu as a compromise between TN and IPS technologies. Horizontal and vertical viewing angles for MVA matrices are 160° (on modern monitor models up to 176-178 degrees), and thanks to the use of acceleration technologies (RTC), these matrices are not far behind TN+Film in response time, but significantly exceed the characteristics of the latter in depth of colors and accuracy of their reproduction.

MVA is the successor to VA technology introduced in 1996 by Fujitsu. When the voltage is turned off, the liquid crystals of the VA matrix are aligned perpendicular to the second filter, that is, they do not transmit light. When voltage is applied, the crystals rotate 90° and a bright dot appears on the screen. As in IPS matrices, pixels do not transmit light when there is no voltage, so when they fail they are visible as black dots.

The advantages of MVA technology are the deep black color and the absence of both a helical crystal structure and a double magnetic field.

Disadvantages of MVA compared to S-IPS: loss of details in shadows when viewed perpendicularly, dependence of the image color balance on the viewing angle, longer response time.

Analogues of MVA are technologies:

  • PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) from Samsung.
  • Super PVA from Samsung.
  • Super MVA from CMO.

MVA/PVA matrices are considered a compromise between TN and IPS, both in cost and consumer qualities.

Advantages and disadvantages

Image distortion on the LCD monitor at a wide viewing angle

Macro photograph of a typical LCD matrix. In the center you can see two defective subpixels (green and blue).

Currently, LCD monitors are the main, rapidly developing direction in monitor technology. Their advantages include: small size and weight compared to CRT. LCD monitors, unlike CRTs, do not have visible flicker, focusing and convergence defects, interference from magnetic fields, or problems with image geometry and clarity. The energy consumption of LCD monitors is 2-4 times less than that of CRT and plasma screens of comparable sizes. The energy consumption of LCD monitors is 95% determined by the power of the backlight lamps or LED backlight matrix. backlight- back light) LCD matrix. In many modern (2007) monitors, to adjust the screen brightness by the user, pulse-width modulation of the backlight lamps with a frequency of 150 to 400 or more Hertz is used. LED backlighting is primarily used in small displays, although in recent years it has been increasingly used in laptops and even desktop monitors. Despite the technical difficulties of its implementation, it also has obvious advantages over fluorescent lamps, for example, a wider emission spectrum, and therefore a wider color gamut.

On the other hand, LCD monitors also have some disadvantages, which are often fundamentally difficult to eliminate, for example:

  • Unlike CRTs, they can display a clear image in only one (“standard”) resolution. The rest are achieved by interpolation with loss of clarity. Moreover, too low resolutions (for example 320x200) cannot be displayed on many monitors at all.
  • Color gamut and color accuracy are lower than those of plasma panels and CRTs, respectively. Many monitors have irreparable unevenness in brightness transmission (stripes in gradients).
  • Many LCD monitors have relatively low contrast and black depth. Increasing the actual contrast is often associated with simply increasing the brightness of the backlight, up to uncomfortable levels. The widely used glossy coating of the matrix only affects subjective contrast in ambient lighting conditions.
  • Due to the strict requirements for the constant thickness of the matrices, there is a problem of unevenness of uniform color (unevenness of illumination).
  • The actual image change speed also remains lower than that of CRT and plasma displays. Overdrive technology solves the speed problem only partially.
  • The dependence of contrast on viewing angle still remains a significant disadvantage of the technology.
  • Mass produced LCD monitors are more vulnerable than CRTs. The matrix unprotected by glass is especially sensitive. If pressed hard, irreversible degradation may occur. There is also the problem of defective pixels.
  • Contrary to popular belief, LCD monitor pixels degrade, although the rate of degradation is the slowest of any display technology.

OLED displays are often considered a promising technology that can replace LCD monitors. On the other hand, this technology has encountered difficulties in mass production, especially for large-diagonal matrices.

see also

  • Visible screen area
  • Anti-glare coating
  • en:Backlight


  • Information about fluorescent lamps used to backlight the LCD matrix
  • Liquid crystal displays (TN + film, IPS, MVA, PVA technologies)


  • Artamonov O. Parameters of modern LCD monitors
  • Mukhin I.A. How to choose an LCD monitor? . "Computer Business Market", No. 4 (292), January 2005, pp. 284-291.
  • Mukhin I. A. Development of liquid crystal monitors. “BROADCASTING Television and radio broadcasting”: part 1 - No. 2(46) March 2005, p.55-56; Part 2 - No. 4(48) June-July 2005, pp. 71-73.
  • Mukhin I. A. Modern flat-panel display devices."BROADCASTING Television and Radio Broadcasting": No. 1(37), January-February 2004, p.43-47.
  • Mukhin I. A., Ukrainsky O. V. Methods for improving the quality of television images reproduced by liquid crystal panels. Materials of the report at the scientific and technical conference “Modern Television”, Moscow, March 2006.

It always comes down first of all to choosing the type of monitor matrix. And when you have already decided what type of matrix you need, you can move on to other characteristics of the monitor. In this article we will look at the main types of monitor matrices that are currently used by manufacturers.

Now on the market you can find monitors with the following types of matrices:

  • TN+film (Twisted Nematic + film)
  • IPS (SFT – Super Fine TFT)
  • *VA (Vertical Alignment)
  • PLS (Plane-to-Line Switching)

Let's consider all types of monitor matrices in order.

TN+film– the simplest and cheapest matrix creation technology to produce. Due to its low price it is most popular. Just a few years ago, almost 100 percent of all monitors used this technology. And only advanced professionals who needed high-quality monitors bought devices based on other technologies. Now the situation has changed a little, monitors have become cheaper and TN+film matrices are losing their popularity.

Advantages and disadvantages of TN+film matrices:

  • Low price
  • Good response speed
  • Poor viewing angles
  • Low contrast
  • Poor color rendering


IPS– the most advanced type of matrices. This technology was developed by Hitachi and NEC. The developers of the IPS matrix managed to get rid of the shortcomings of TN+film, but as a result, the price of matrices of this type has risen significantly compared to TN+film. However, every year prices decrease and become more affordable for the average consumer.

Advantages and disadvantages of IPS matrices:

  • Good color rendering
  • Good contrast
  • Wide viewing angles
  • High price
  • Long response time


*VA This is a type of monitor matrix that can be considered a compromise between TN+film and IPS. The most popular among such matrices is MVA (Multi-domain Vertical Alignment). This technology was developed by Fujitsu.

Analogs of this technology developed by other manufacturers:

  • PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) from Samsung.
  • Super PVA from Sony-Samsung (S-LCD).
  • Super MVA from CMO.

Advantages and disadvantages of MVA matrices:

  • Large viewing angles
  • Good color rendering (better than TN+film, but worse than IPS)
  • Good response speed
  • Deep black color
  • Not a high price
  • Loss of shadow detail (compared to IPS)


PLS– a type of matrix developed by Samsung as an alternative to expensive IPS matrices.

The monitor is perhaps one of the most basic elements of a computer: it determines whether your eyes will hurt after ten minutes of use, whether you can process the image correctly, and even whether you will be able to notice the enemy in a computer game in time. And for more than 15 years of existence of liquid crystal monitors, the number of types of matrices has exceeded a dozen, and the price range is from several thousand to hundreds of thousands of rubles - and in this article we will figure out what types of matrices exist and which will be the best for a particular task.


The oldest type of matrix, which still occupies a significant market share and is not going to leave it. TN has not been on sale for a long time - mostly improved modifications are sold, TN+film: the improvement made it possible to increase horizontal viewing angles to 130-150 degrees, but with vertical ones everything is bad: even with a deviation of ten degrees, the colors begin to change, even inverting . In addition, most of these monitors do not cover even 70% of sRGB, which means they are not suitable for color correction. Another disadvantage is the rather low maximum brightness, usually it does not exceed 150 cd/m^2: this is only enough for indoor work.

It would seem that all TFT TN are hopelessly outdated and it’s time to write them off. However, not everything is so simple - these matrices have the shortest response time, and therefore are firmly established in the expensive gaming segment. It's no joke - the latency of the best TN does not exceed 1 ms, which in theory allows you to output as many as 1000 individual frames per second (in reality it is less, but this does not change the essence) - an excellent solution for an e-sportsman. Well, besides, in such matrices the brightness has reached 250-300 cd/m^2, and the color gamut at the very least corresponds to 80-90% sRGB: it’s not suitable for color correction anyway (viewing angles are small), but for games is the ideal solution. Alas, all these improvements have led to the fact that the cost of such monitors from $500 is just beginning, so it only makes sense to use them for those for whom minimal latency is critical.

Well, in the low price segment, TN is increasingly being replaced by MVA and IPS - the latter produce a much better picture, and cost literally 1-2 thousand more, so if possible, it’s better to overpay for them.


This type of matrix began its journey to the consumer market from phones, where the low viewing angles of TN-matrices greatly interfered with normal use. In the last few years, the price of IPS monitors has dropped significantly, and they can now be purchased even for a budget computer. These matrices have two main advantages: viewing angles reach almost 180 degrees both horizontally and vertically, and they usually have a good color gamut right out of the box - even monitors cheaper than 10 thousand rubles often have a profile with 100% sRGB coverage . But, alas, there are also a lot of disadvantages: low contrast, usually no higher than 1000:1, which is why black looks not like black, but like dark gray, and the so-called glow effect: when viewed from a certain angle, the matrix appears pinkish (or purple). Previously, there was also a problem with low response time - up to 40-50 ms (which made it possible to honestly display only 20-25 frames on the screen, the rest were blurred). However, now there is no such problem, and even cheap IPS matrices have a response time no higher than 4-6 ms, which allows you to easily output 100-150 frames - this is more than enough for any use, even gaming (without fanaticism with 120 fps, of course ).

There are many subtypes of IPS, let’s look at the main ones:

  • TFT S-IPS (Super IPS) is the very first improvement of IPS: viewing angles and pixel response speed are increased. It's been out of stock for a long time.
  • TFT H-IPS (Horizontal IPS) - almost never found on sale (only one model on Yandex.Market, and only from leftovers). This type of IPS appeared in 2007 and, compared to S-IPS, the contrast has increased slightly and the screen surface looks more uniform.
  • TFT UH-IPS (Ultra Horizontal IPS) is an improved version of H-IPS. By reducing the size of the strip separating the subpixels, light transmission was increased by 18%. At the moment, this type of IPS matrix is ​​also outdated.
  • TFT E-IPS (Enhanced IPS) is another legacy type of IPS. It has a different pixel structure and allows more light to pass through, which allows for lower backlight brightness, which leads to a lower price of the monitor and lower power consumption. Has a fairly low response time (less than 5 ms).
  • TFT P-IPS (Professional IPS) are quite rare and very expensive matrices created for professional photo processing: they provide excellent color rendition (30-bit color depth and 1.07 billion colors).
  • TFT AH-IPS (Advanced High Performance IPS) - the latest type of IPS: improved color reproduction, increased resolution and PPI, increased brightness and reduced power consumption, response time does not exceed 5-6 ms. It is this type of IPS that is now actively sold.

These are types of matrices that can be called average - they are in some ways better, and in some ways worse, both IPS and TN. Plus, compared to IPS - excellent contrast, plus compared to TN - good viewing angles. The downside is the long response time, which also increases quickly as the difference between the final and initial states of the pixel decreases, so these monitors are not very well suited for dynamic games.

The main types of matrices are:

  • TFT MVA (Multidomain Vertical Aligment) - wide viewing angles, excellent color rendition, perfect blacks, high image contrast, but long pixel response time. In terms of price, they fall between budget TN and IPS, and offer the same average capabilities. So if games are not important to you, you can save 1-2k and take MVA instead of IPS.
  • TFT PVA (Patterned Vertical Alignment) is one of the varieties of TFT MVA technology, developed by Samsung. One of the advantages in comparison with MVA is that the brightness of black is reduced.
  • TFT S-PVA (Super PVA) - improved PVA technology: the viewing angles of the matrix have been increased.

Just as PVA is an almost exact copy of MVA, so PLS is an exact copy of IPS - comparative microscopic studies of IPS and PLS matrices made by independent observers did not reveal any differences. So when choosing between PLS and IPS, you should only think about price.


These are the newest matrices that began to appear on the user market just a couple of years ago and at astronomical prices. They have a lot of advantages: firstly, they do not have such a thing as the brightness of black, because When outputting black, the LEDs simply do not work, so the black color looks like black, and the contrast in theory is equal to infinity. Secondly, the response time of such matrices is tenths of a millisecond - this is several times less than even that of e-sports TNs. Thirdly, the viewing angles are not only almost 180 degrees, but also the brightness hardly drops when the monitor is tilted. Fourthly - a very wide color gamut, which can be 100% AdobeRGB - not every IPS matrix can boast of this result. However, alas, there are two problems that nullify many of the advantages: this is the flickering of the matrix at a frequency of 240 Hz, which can lead to eye pain and increased fatigue, and pixel burnout, so such matrices are short-lived. Well, the third problem that many new solutions have is the exorbitant price, in some places more than twice as high as that of professional IPS. However, it is already clear to everyone that such matrices are the future, and their problems will be solved and their prices will fall.

Currently, for the production of consumer monitors, the two most basic, so to speak, root, matrix manufacturing technologies are used - LCD and LED.

  • LCD is an abbreviation for the phrase “Liquid Crystal Display”, which translated into understandable Russian means liquid crystal display, or LCD.
  • LED stands for “Light Emitting Diode”, which in our language is read as a light-emitting diode, or simply an LED.

All other types are derived from these two pillars of display construction and are modified, modernized and improved versions of their predecessors.

Well, let’s now consider the evolutionary process that displays went through when they came to serve humanity.

Types of monitor matrices, their characteristics, similarities and differences

Let's start with the LCD screen that is most familiar to us. It includes:

  • The matrix, which at first was a sandwich of glass plates interspersed with a film of liquid crystals. Later, with the development of technology, thin sheets of plastic began to be used instead of glass.
  • Light source.
  • Connecting wires.
  • Case with metal frame, which gives rigidity to the product

The point on the screen responsible for forming the image is called pixel, and consists of:

  • Transparent electrodes in the amount of two pieces.
  • Layers of molecules of the active substance between the electrodes (this is the LC).
  • Polarizers whose optical axes are perpendicular to each other (depending on the design).

If there were no LC between the filters, then the light from the source passing through the first filter and being polarized in one direction would be completely delayed by the second, due to the fact that its optical axis is perpendicular to the axis of the first filter. Therefore, no matter how much we shine on one side of the matrix, on the other side it remains black.

The surface of the electrodes touching the LC is processed in such a way as to create a certain order of molecules in space. In other words, their orientation, which tends to change depending on the magnitude of the voltage of the electric current applied to the electrodes. Next, technological differences begin depending on the type of matrix.

Tn matrix stands for “Twisted Nematic”, which means “Twisting thread-like”. The initial arrangement of the molecule is in the form of a quarter-reverse helix. That is, light from the first filter is refracted so that, passing along the crystal, it hits the second filter in accordance with its optical axis. Consequently, in a quiet state such a cell is always transparent.

By applying voltage to the electrodes, you can change the angle of rotation of the crystal until it is completely straightened, at which light passes through the crystal without refraction. And since it was already polarized by the first filter, the second one will completely delay it, and the cell will be black. Changing the voltage changes the angle of rotation and, accordingly, the degree of transparency.


Flaws– small viewing angles, low contrast, poor color rendering, inertia, power consumption

TN+Film matrix

It differs from simple TN by the presence of a special layer designed to increase the viewing angle in degrees. In practice, a value of 150 degrees horizontally is achieved for the best models. Used in the vast majority of budget-level TVs and monitors.

Advantages– low response time, low cost.

Flaws– viewing angles are very small, low contrast, poor color rendering, inertia.

TFT matrix

Abbreviation for “Think Film Transistor” and translates as “thin film transistor”. The name TN-TFT would be more correct, since it is not a type of matrix, but a manufacturing technology and the difference from pure TN is only in the method of controlling pixels. Here it is implemented using microscopic field-effect transistors, and therefore such screens belong to the class of active LCDs. That is, it is not a type of matrix, but a way of managing it.

IPS or SFT matrix

Yes, and this is also a descendant of that very ancient LCD plate. In essence, it is a more developed and modernized TFT, as it is called Super Fine TFT (very good TFT). The viewing angle is increased for the best products, reaching 178 degrees, and the color gamut is almost identical to natural


Advantages– viewing angles, color rendition.

Flaws– the price is too high compared to TN, the response time is rarely below 16 ms.

Types of IPS matrix:

  • H-IPS – increases image contrast and reduces response time.
  • AS-IPS - the main quality is to increase contrast.
  • H-IPS A-TW - H-IPS with “True White” technology, which improves white color and its shades.
  • AFFS - increasing the electric field strength for large viewing angles and brightness.

PLS matrix

Modified, in order to reduce costs and optimize response time (up to 5 milliseconds), the IPS version. Developed by the Samsung concern and is an analogue of H-IPS, AN-IPS, which are patented by other electronics developers.

You can find out more about the PLS matrix in our article:

VA, MVA and PVA matrices

This is also a manufacturing technology, and not a separate type of screen.

  • – abbreviation for “Vertical Alignment”, translated as vertical alignment. Unlike TN matrices, VA does not transmit light when turned off.
  • MVA matrix. Modified VA. The goal of the optimization was to increase viewing angles. The response time was reduced thanks to the use of OverDrive technology.
  • PVA matrix. Not a separate species. It is an MVA patented by Samsung under its own name.

There is also an even greater number of various improvements and improvements that the average user is unlikely to encounter in practice - the maximum that the manufacturer will indicate on the box is the main type of screen and that’s all.

In parallel with LCD, LED technology developed. Full-fledged, pure LED screens are made from discrete LEDs either in a matrix or cluster manner and are not found in household appliance stores.

The reason for the lack of full-weight LEDs on sale lies in their large dimensions, low resolution, and coarse grain. The scope of such devices is banners, street TV, media facades, and ticker tape devices.

Attention! Don't confuse a marketing name like "LED monitor" with a real LED display. Most often, this name will hide a regular LCD of the TN+Film type, but the backlight will be made using an LED lamp, not a fluorescent one. That’s all that such a monitor will have from LED technology – only the backlight.

OLED displays

OLED displays are a separate segment, representing one of the most promising areas:


  1. low weight and overall dimensions;
  2. low appetite for electricity;
  3. unlimited geometric shapes;
  4. no need for illumination with a special lamp;
  5. viewing angles up to 180 degrees;
  6. instant matrix response;
  7. contrast exceeds all known alternative technologies;
  8. the ability to create flexible screens;
  9. temperature range is wider than other screens.


  • short service life of diodes of a certain color;
  • the impossibility of creating durable full-color displays;
  • very high price, even compared to IPS.

For reference. Perhaps we are also read by lovers of mobile devices, so we will also touch on the portable technology sector:

AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode) – combination of LED and TFT

Super AMOLED – Well, here, we think everything is clear!

Based on the data provided, it follows that there are two types of monitor matrices - liquid crystal and LED. Their combinations and variations are also possible.

You should know that the matrices are divided by ISO 13406-2 and GOST R 52324-2005 into four classes, about which we will only say that the first class provides for the complete absence of dead pixels, and the fourth class allows up to 262 defects per million pixels.

How to find out what matrix is ​​in the monitor?

There are 3 ways to verify the matrix type of your screen:

a) If the packaging box and technical documentation have been preserved, then you can probably see a table there with the characteristics of the device, among which the information of interest will be indicated.

b) Knowing the model and name, you can use the services of the manufacturer’s online resource.

  • If you look at the color picture of a TN monitor from different angles from the side, top, bottom, you will see color distortions (up to inversion), fading, and yellowness of the white background. It is impossible to achieve a completely black color - it will be deep gray, but not black.
  • IPS can be easily identified by a black picture, which acquires a purple tint when the gaze deviates from the perpendicular axis.
  • If the listed manifestations are absent, then this is either a more modern version of IPS or OLED.
  • OLED is distinguished from all others by the absence of a backlight, so the black color on such a matrix represents a completely de-energized pixel. And even the best IPS black color glows in the dark due to BackLight.

Let's find out what it is - the best matrix for a monitor.

Which matrix is ​​better, how do they affect vision?

So, the choice in stores is limited to three technologies: TN, IPS, OLED.

It has low cost, has acceptable time delays and constantly improves image quality. But due to the low quality of the final image, it can only be recommended for home use - sometimes to watch a movie, sometimes to play with a toy and from time to time to work with texts. As you remember, the response time of the best models reaches 4 ms. Disadvantages such as poor contrast and unnatural colors cause increased eye fatigue.

IPS This, of course, is a completely different matter! Bright, rich and natural colors of the transmitted image will provide excellent working comfort. Recommended for printing work, designers or those who are willing to pay a tidy sum for convenience. Well, playing will not be very convenient due to the high response - not all copies can boast even 16 ms. Accordingly – calm, thoughtful work – YES. It's cool to watch a movie - YES! Dynamic shooters - NO! But my eyes don't get tired.

OLED. Oh, a dream! Such a monitor can be afforded either by fairly wealthy people or by those who care about the condition of their vision. If it weren’t for the price, it could be recommended to everyone - the characteristics of these displays have the advantages of all other technological solutions. In our opinion, there are no disadvantages here, except for the cost. But there is hope - the technology is improving and, accordingly, becoming cheaper so that a natural reduction in production costs is expected, which will make them more accessible.


Today, the best matrix for a monitor is, of course, Ips/Oled, made on the principle of organic light-emitting diodes, and they are quite actively used in the field of portable technology - mobile phones, tablets and others.

But, if there are no excess financial resources, then you should opt for simpler models, but without fail with LED backlight lamps. The LED lamp has a longer lifespan, stable luminous flux, a wide range of backlight control and is very economical in terms of energy consumption.

TFT technology is used to create displays for all kinds of electrical devices, including TVs, tablets, computer monitors, mobile phones, navigators, etc. Undoubtedly, the screen in such devices plays an important role, so before purchasing equipment and gadgets, it is worth understanding the intricacies of their manufacture. The design of the display determines the quality and clarity of the image, viewing angle, and color reproduction. In some cases, these parameters are of great importance.

Concept of TFT display

TFT LCD is a type of active matrix liquid crystal display. Each pixel of such displays is controlled by 1-4 thin film transistors (in English - Thin Film Transistor, abbreviated as TFT), which help to easily turn on / off the LEDs, creating a clearer, higher-quality image.

The TFT display has two glass substrates, inside of which there is a layer of liquid crystals. The front glass backing contains a color filter. The back substrate contains thin transistors arranged in columns and rows. Behind everything there is a backlight.

Interesting to know: Each pixel is a small capacitor with a layer of liquid crystal sandwiched between transparent conductive layers of indium tin oxide. When the display turns on, the molecules in the liquid crystal layer bend at a certain angle and allow light to pass through. This creates the pixel we see. Depending on the angle of bending of liquid crystal molecules, one color or another appears. All pixels together form a picture.

A standard TFT monitor has 1.3 million pixels, each of which controls its own transistor. They consist of thin films of amorphous silicon deposited on glass using PECVD technology (this method is usually used to create microprocessors). Each element operates on a small charge, so the image is redrawn very quickly, the image is updated many times per second.

Is it worth buying equipment with TFT displays?

Displaying moving images on a large LCD display is challenging because it requires changing the state of a large number of liquid crystals in a fraction of a second. In passive matrix LCDs, transistors are located only at the top and left of the screen. They control entire rows and columns of pixels. In such devices, crosstalk can occur due to the fact that the signal sent to one pixel affects its “neighbors”. Because of this, we see slowdown or blurring of the picture.

TFT displays do not have this problem. Installing a control device in the form of a thin film transistor directly on the pixel prevents the blurring effect during video playback. The unidirectional current flow characteristic prevents the charges of multiple LEDs from merging. Therefore, today Thin Film Transistor technology has become the standard for LCD screen production. What other advantages does it have?

  1. TFT allows you to get a stable, fairly high-quality image with a good viewing angle. In this case, you can make a screen of different sizes with different resolutions (from a calculator or smart watch to a TV for the entire wall).
  2. Such screens have bright backlighting, which is important for mobile phones and computers. Bright LED backlights provide greater adaptability and can be adjusted based on the user's visual preferences. Some devices have a function to automatically adjust the brightness level depending on the lighting.
  3. The advantages of TFT over older CRT monitors are obvious. CRTs are bulky, dim and small. CRTs generate a large amount of heat, as well as electromagnetic radiation, which negatively affects vision. TFT matrices are safe in this regard.
  4. TFT screens have a fairly competitive price, although this method is used to make not only budget devices, but also professional, expensive equipment.

At first glance it looks tempting. However, before you buy, you need to know: there are several types of TFT displays and they have different characteristics.

Types of TFT displays, their advantages and disadvantages

Names such as TN, IPS and MVA are all TFT displays. It's easy to get confused by these names. Let's try to figure out how they differ, and what is better.

Tweeted Nematic (TN) + Film

This is a simpler, cheaper and faster option. The response time of the TFT TN screen matrix is ​​only 2-4 ms. They can display more frames per second, which is especially important when watching videos and playing video games.

However, TN-based devices have many disadvantages in terms of image quality:

  • The viewing angle of a TN display is only 50-90°. This means that you can only get the full effect of graphics on a screen made using TFT TN technology by looking at it directly. If you look from the side, above or below, the picture will change its color;
  • low contrast ratios (maximum 500:1) and a small range of colors. Such a device will not convey all colors;
  • The blacks in TN screens are too bright and lack depth, and the whites are not bright enough, meaning that nothing will be visible in sunlight.

If you use the device for regular web browsing, office work or other daily tasks, then a display with TFT TN technology will suit your needs. It is also suitable for gamers, since the image transmission speed is still more important during gaming. But for business or graphics work that requires the highest levels of color and graphic accuracy, your best bet is to choose a display with IPS technology.

Super TFT (or IPS)

IPS TFT technology solves all the problems of TN screen. The main difference from TN panels is the direction of movement of the crystals. In IPS displays, they move parallel to the panel plane, rather than perpendicular to it. This change reduces light scattering in the matrix and allows for wider viewing angles (from 170°), a large color spectrum (up to 1 billion), and high contrast (1:1000). Blacks will be deeper and more refined.

However, IPS also has a drawback: the response time of such matrices is 10-20 ms, which is not enough for modern video games, although acceptable. AMOLED screens have even longer response times.

It is impossible to say which is better: IPS or TN TFT technology. Each of them has pros and cons, so you need to proceed from the purpose for which you are buying the device. IPS is widely used in high-end monitors aimed at professional graphic artists.


This technology is the most advanced - it combines the advantages of the two previous options. MVA displays have a wide viewing angle, excellent color and contrast, deep blacks and at the same time optimal response time.

If you compare displays with TFT IPS and SVA technology (a type of MVA), it will be difficult to choose the best option. Everyone has merits. SVA has only a slight difference in structure - in such a display the crystals are aligned vertically rather than horizontally. This affects their ability to transmit or block light, which determines the display's brightness level and black output. In SVA displays, these parameters are at their best, although this does not mean that IPS shows a bad picture. Compared to IPS, SVA has a smaller viewing angle.


Thin film transistors are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations and mechanical stress. They can be easily damaged, resulting in the formation of “dead” pixels – dots without an image. However, AMOLED screens, which are now gaining popularity, are even more fragile. From a reboot or mechanical damage, they stop working completely.

Another small minus is the thickness of the TFT display. Due to the additional layer, it will be slightly thicker than the thickness of a plasma panel, regular LCD or AMOLED. However, the TFT screen is quite compact.

Another relative disadvantage of the technology is its higher energy consumption when compared to other types of screens. But again, TFT displays are economical enough for everyday use.