The phone freezes when turned on. Android phone gets stuck on the logo when turned on and won't boot further. What to do? — Useful information for everyone

Hi all. Today I would like to look at all the most common reasons why an Android smartphone may not turn on. I will not touch on situations where disassembling the phone and interfering with the electronics is required, since this is the work of completely different specialists.

If your smartphone or tablet suddenly stops turning on, you don’t have to immediately run to a service center or workshop and have it repaired. Most likely, there is a chance that you can do it on your own and save some money (programs for home accounting on Android will also help you save money, look for them on the blog). Below we will look at the main measures that can be taken if your Android smartphone or tablet does not turn on. So, let's get started.

Android phone won't turn on. 5 ways to solve the problem.

Method No. 1

From my own experience, I will say that in 80% of all cases, if they come to me with a problem that the phone does not turn on, the whole problem turns out to be a dead battery. And I understand perfectly well when they tell me that they’ve been charging their smartphone all day, but it still won’t turn on. Some devices have one unpleasant feature - if you discharge the battery too much, it will not charge, even if you keep it on charge all day.

In this case, a frog-type charger will help us, which allows you to charge almost any battery directly by removing it from the phone. It is enough to recharge the battery in this way for 15 minutes. Then you insert it back and put the phone on charge as usual, everything should be OK.

If getting a frog is problematic for you, then you can use any old cell phone charger. Cut off the old plug and protect the wires.

Make sure that the charger is not connected to the outlet at this time.

We fix the exposed wires to the battery with tape for a few minutes.

Important. Don't reverse the polarity.

Method No. 2

Faulty charger. Of course, the second thing you should check is the serviceability of the charger. Everything is simple here - we take a known working charger and try to charge our smartphone. If the process has started, then we buy a new one and rejoice. Although it sounds banal, it helps every fifth person.

Method No. 3

If the phone does not turn on, then perhaps it is simply frozen. To revive your device, we’ll use a long-known but still relevant method - remove the battery and reinsert it.

Unfortunately, this technique does not work on many modern phones with non-removable batteries. In this case, to reboot you need to find the reset button and press it, for example with a paper clip. It can be anywhere, but, as a rule, it is located near the SIM card slot or on the back of the smartphone or tablet. Near the reset button there is sometimes a message reset or off. The photo below is an example of the location of such a button in a smartphone.

Method number 4

This method is applicable if your phone not only does not turn on, but does not turn on completely. For example, it gets stuck on your Android logo and nothing else happens. This happens due to a glitch in the smartphone software. Then a hard reset or, translated, a hard reset, will help us. It is done differently for each device model. To find out how, enter the name of your phone and the words hard reset, for example LG G3 hard reset, in Google or Yandex and follow the instructions. In the future I hope to create a separate section on this topic on the blog.

Unfortunately, not all smartphones support hard reset; it depends on the recovery installed in the device. If you are interested in learning more about what it is, search the Internet.

For example, this function is not available by default in many Sony phones, but the manufacturer has provided the ability to restore the software using a special Sony pc companion utility.

Method No. 5

Not often, but it still happens that smartphone won't turn on due to the fact that the contacts under the battery do not reach. To fix this, you need to use tweezers or a small screwdriver to bend the contacts to improve the connection to the battery. The main thing here is not to be fanatical, otherwise you will only make it worse.

If your mobile smartphone or tablet on the Android operating system stops turning on, loading or charging, a failure has occurred, which we will try to fix. A smart phone, like a computer, may freeze from time to time without loading the system, or may not turn on at all. Unlike PCs, the problems here are not so serious, but they require solutions. In case of unstable loading of the operating system, failures when turning on or during operation, it is necessary to clear the internal or flash memory of the device, as well as reset the settings. These actions will allow the platform to recover and earn stable earnings.

To format the memory, go to “Settings”.

Next, go to the “Memory” section.

Select the category you want to format. Be careful, as after formatting all user data will be lost!

And the first thing we will do to solve the common problem of freezing when turning on a mobile gadget is to delete all user settings, returning the platform to factory settings. Press the power button for 12 seconds to turn off the tablet/smartphone. When the screen goes completely dark, turn the device back on. To turn it on, use two buttons - first volume (up), and then power.

A context menu will appear. To select a specific item, use the volume buttons. We need Settings or Settings, if the language of your gadget is English. Using the power button of your smartphone/tablet, click on this item.

We need to format the system, so we select this item in Settings. Before you take this step, remember that all user settings along with the content will be permanently deleted. This is the case if you do not save backups to cloud storage. By the way, this is a reason to think about it, because a mobile device can turn off at any time and “emergency” methods will be needed to restore the platform’s operation.

If you are using a MicroSD, remove it. If you need to format it, you will have to do this separately. After the software process is completed, click Reset Android to reboot your smartphone or tablet.

If the problem is not resolved and the device continues to freeze when loading the OS, use another option. Only in this case will we reset the settings, which means we will lose all user data. Follow 4 steps:

Be careful, as this method will return the phone to the state intended by the manufacturer!

These are two ways to solve the inclusion problem!

Even modern gadgets with a high level of technology development can fail. There are often cases when your smartphone simply does not want to turn on. Many people fall into a stupor and don’t even know what to do if their phone doesn’t turn on. We will present the most common causes of this failure, as well as possible solutions.

Why it doesn’t turn on and how to solve it

In most cases, the problem is related to the gadget's battery. A less common option is problems with the operating system. Before taking your device to a service center and preparing money for repairs, we recommend taking a few independent steps to identify the problem. The problem may be trivial, which you can solve without outside help.

Battery faults

There are several reasons why your phone won't turn on. Perhaps the battery is simply dead and charging is not having any effect. This is the most popular problem, but there may be several reasons:

  • Another reason why Android won’t turn on is that the power button is broken. If you have a new smartphone, then this may be a defect. Then take it back and exchange it for a new copy. Otherwise, you will have to contact a workshop, where they will replace the button for money if the problem really lies there.
  • The worst case scenario is that the power controller on the phone has burned out. It is he who is responsible for the charging process of the gadget. The only way out is to take the phone to a service center and then have it replaced.

As you can see, users can solve most problems on their own if the phone does not turn on. To extend the life of the battery, do not frequently discharge the gadget to zero, but use only certified chargers from the manufacturer.

Memory card

The problem may be that you inserted an SD card into the gadget that the smartphone does not support. This may lead to failures in the program code and impossibility of inclusion. How to turn on the gadget? Just slide out the wrong memory card. If it still does not activate, you may have to reflash your smartphone.

Beforehand, always read the specifications which memory cards your mobile device supports and up to what capacity. You can also get advice from mobile showroom sellers.

Incorrect system update

Some smartphones, after updating to a more recent firmware, turn into , which will no longer turn on using the usual method. The solution may be to restore to factory settings. This can be done using . To enter it, follow these steps:
  1. Hold down the "Volume Up" key.
  2. Without releasing it, hold down the Home key.
  3. At the same time, press the third “Power” key.

On some smartphones, the transition is carried out by pressing “+.- volume” and the “Power” button. Using the volume keys, you need to move the slider to the line “Wipe data/factory reset”, and then confirm your choice by clicking “Yes - delete all user data”.

You will be able to clear the cash and data section. But be careful as all personal data (photos, contacts, videos and apps) will be lost. If there is something important on your phone, contact the service center.

This is relevant if loading your phone hangs at the “Android” icon. This also indicates that the firmware is not working correctly. On some devices there is a special button that can only be pressed with a needle or toothpick.


If your phone won't boot, the operating system files may have been corrupted by a virus. Here you will need to reflash the phone. In some service centers, specialists will be able to restore the phone’s functionality by cleaning it from viruses. To avoid such situations, we recommend downloading applications only from the official Play Market and installing an antivirus. You can choose ESET or Dr.Web for mobile devices.

Every year electronic gadgets become more and more complex. The Android operating system, on the basis of which the vast majority of smartphones are created, is gradually acquiring more functionality. Sometimes this doesn't lead to anything good. Some devices regularly produce certain errors, freeze, and sometimes they cannot be turned on at all. The last case is the rarest. Most often, this is caused by unsuccessful flashing - which is why manufacturers recommend not to deal with this matter using standard firmware.

Android contains millions of lines of code. Even Google itself says that there are errors hidden somewhere in the depths of this code. They are eliminated with each update, but new ones appear at the same time. In most cases, these errors do not in any way affect the performance of the device. But sometimes some third-party application accesses the ill-fated piece of code, causing the smartphone to freeze. In such cases, a reboot usually helps. But there are also situations when after this the device does not want to turn on.

Don't assume that Google employs incompetent programmers. There are no fatal errors as such in a bare-bones operating system. But the creators of branded shells may well allow them. But in this case we are talking about some small manufacturers who are not involved in the most meticulous verification of the created software. This is why problems most often occur on devices from Prestigio, Cube and other little-known companies.

But more often than not, a smartphone turns into a “brick” after the user’s actions. In particular, such cases that occurred after updating the phone's firmware are widely known. More precisely, after trying to install custom firmware based on an inappropriate version of the operating system. This can become the most serious problem, which can often be “cured” only in an official service center with serious equipment.

Other user actions that lead to the inability to turn on the device are associated with damage. For example, a person dropped a smartphone into water and immediately took it out. It may seem that this will not lead to anything terrible. But corrosion is a terrible thing. It gradually covers the metal elements. If it gets to the RAM, processor or some other components, then you can forget about turning on the device. In this case, there is a possibility that even the service center will not help. That’s why you need to take the device to a specialist immediately after it (the gadget, not the service center employee) has been in the water.

Trying to save a smartphone after being submerged in water

Now there are waterproof smartphones that are not afraid of even the most severe tests. But most of us own a device whose body allows water to pass through perfectly. If your Android smartphone or tablet falls into a river or a full bathtub, it will definitely not turn on after you take it out. If you are not able to immediately run to the service center, then do the following:

Step 1. Try to remove the battery. If you have a non-removable lid, then there is a high probability that nothing can be done without the use of special tools.

Step 2. Place the device in a plate with rice. Before this, you can blow off the gadget with a household hairdryer at a low power level.

Step 3. Wait a while. Rice perfectly absorbs moisture, as a result of which the smartphone itself becomes dry.

Step 4. Take out the device and clean it of rice.

Step 5. Buy a new battery and insert it into your smartphone. Theoretically, you can try to turn on the device with an old battery, but this is risky - getting the battery into water could damage it.

After this procedure, many phones came back to life. But if your device has been in the water long enough, this may not help it.

Software errors

As we said above, the smartphone does not turn on not only after physical impact, but also after intervention in its firmware. If an attempt to install a different version of the operating system is unsuccessful, the device may refuse to load anything. But it is possible that this problem can be solved without the involvement of specialists with their special equipment. Try exiting to Recovery Mode. Different devices use their own methods for this. We wrote more about them in the article about how to reset android to factory settings. If you get to the Recovery menu, then do a hard reset. It is possible that this will help the computer identify the device so that you can install the previous firmware.

How to flash Android if it won't turn on?

If the device reacts at least somehow after you hold down the power key, then there is a chance of saving it. If there is no reaction, then try first connecting your smartphone to the computer, and then holding down one “Power” button or it together with the volume down key. If the PC gave a signal or even immediately identified the connected device, then you have every chance to flash your smartphone.

There is no point in talking in detail about the methods for flashing a seemingly dead device. It all depends on the manufacturer, brand of smartphone and some other parameters. The only thing that should be noted is the fact that you will need a special flasher - a special utility from the manufacturer or third-party developers. Also, do not forget to get a high-quality USB cable that does not suffer from sudden loss of contact.

Other solutions to the problem

If you did not try to change the operating system, then the cause of the problem should be looked for elsewhere. It is quite possible that you were using a very old smartphone whose battery eventually died. The fact is that each battery is designed for a certain number of charge cycles. The closer the limit, the smaller the battery capacity. Also, at some point, the battery runs the risk of being discharged to zero, after which it cannot be charged using standard means. Or, after dropping the smartphone, the power controller is damaged, which immediately blocks the ability to recharge. In short, there can be many reasons for the problem...

It will be better if you take your Android smartphone to a service center. You will spend some money on diagnostics, but you will know exactly the source of the problem. After this, all that remains is to replace the battery (you can do this yourself) or the power controller (here you will have to rely on specialists). There are also cases when the power button breaks - this is also usually repaired without any difficulty at a service center.


Sometimes the smartphone refuses to turn on after resetting the settings. In other cases, getting into water causes this problem. It also happens that even experienced specialists do not understand why the Android phone does not turn on. In short, the reasons for this are very different. We hope that our article helped solve your problem. If not, then you will have to either experiment with the device, resorting to the most fantastic means of resurrection, or contact a service center.