Tatar love in contact


I welcome you to the most modern Tatarlov dating site on the RuNet! If you are looking for dating for a serious relationship, love, or maybe to create a strong friendship - welcome to the page of our Tatarlov website. Today on the Internet we offer the largest database of Tatarlov profiles and we are proud that people choose our Tatarlov website to find their other half. Registration on Tatarlov is absolutely free!


Our site tatarlove went even further and developed many unique programs, systems and other assistants for our users. Dating has never been so easy. Use our interactive map of the city tatarlove and without specifying a specific location it will show you the people closest to you who are ready to start communicating on tatarlove or even meet right now. Send a message to the person you like directly from the tatarlove website; your boring lunch in the middle of the workday can turn into an exciting conversation on the pages of tatarlove

tatarlove ru Tatar dating site

Take tatarlove ru Tatar dating site with you as a mobile application and you will never be bored and lonely again because at any time you can chat on tatarlove ru Tatar dating site, read something useful and interesting. Registration on tatarlove ru Tatar dating site is absolutely free, as well as filling out the tatarlove ru Tatar dating site questionnaire and much more interesting and certainly useful. Ask our experts for advice on tatarlove ru Tatar dating site and we will help you find love on tatarlove ru Tatar dating site.

Tatarlov ru my page

In real life, each of us once tried to meet each other and everyone probably had at least 1 unsuccessful experience, and there are people who, under the pressure of fear of the first conversation and awkwardness, cannot open up to the person they liked. The dating site Tatarlov ru my page is ready to help you in this delicate matter, give advice and you yourself will understand how your life has changed since registering on the site Tatarlov ru my page. Post your profile on Tatarlov ru my page for free!

Nowadays, the relevance of dating sites is growing every day, so that people can not only communicate, but also meet in person, start a family, and so on. However, the search services of dating sites can be completely different. Some users may be looking for a soul mate based on criteria such as religion, while others may be primarily interested only in national characteristics.

Many Runet users have their favorite dating sites, which include sites such as tatarlove, yuldash, as well as many other portals that are guaranteed to help many people meet their destiny on the Internet.

Ariana:“Unfortunately, at the moment, fleeting acquaintances on sites such as Tatar-lav and Yuldashe could only bring me disappointment for the simple reason that I only came across married men posing as single.

Milena: “Choosing among many men, I finally decided to choose a Tatar, since such men are the true breadwinners of their family, and, moreover, as a rule, they do not have bad habits. However, many people I know tell me that on the Internet many people can deceive and pretend that they are not who they are. However, I continue to believe people and look for my soul mate.
I also want to note that on the Internet, as in life, it is extremely important to be able to recognize the essence of a person by asking him certain questions. Therefore, it seems to me that if a person is deceiving, his lie can be easily recognized and the correspondence can be stopped instantly.”

Elvira:“I don’t know why, but I’m extremely unlucky on such a dating portal as tatarlove, since in correspondence I only come across unserious and insincere men. Once, I even agreed to meet with one, but due to the fact that everything went extremely poorly, I had to run away. Considering my unsuccessful experience, I gave up trying to find love on the Internet; now I rely only on family and friends. It seems to me that every person has more chances in real life.”

Gulya:“The main advantage of a dating site like tatarlove is a large number of users, and among them there are quite a lot of decent men. I learned a lesson for myself that if you behave in a balanced manner and ask interesting questions and give polite answers, then it is quite possible to find your one and only.”

Diana:“For a long time I was looking for a husband on the Internet, however, for the reason that I communicated with absolutely everyone and could not concentrate on such a sign as nationality. Now, based on the only criterion of nationality, I have deep hope and confidence that I will succeed.”

Rinat:“Since childhood, I have known that Tatar women are the ideal and embodiment of femininity and decency. A site like tatarlove helped me meet a decent girl, for which I am very grateful.

The dating site "Tatarlove" is an analogue of all-Russian and even international dating sites.

Everything is the same as in more popular sites.

Registration by filling out the form. In the questionnaire you need to indicate not only your name, age, etc., but also your preferences in relation to future partners. I don’t specifically name future spouses, because I don’t really believe that you can find your wife or husband through such sites.

Although the site has a section “Our Couples”, where photographs of newlyweds who allegedly met here are posted.

But there are suspiciously many of them. Getting acquainted, and especially getting married, needs and can be done in a completely different way.

There are also competitions, interactive communication via SMS, photo albums, music, and everything that is on other sites. It’s clear that all this was created to attract visitors. After all, site administrators

"Tatarlove", like many others dating sites, no matter whether you get married or not, it is important for them that you stay here longer and visit more often.

So I go to this site to listen to Tatar music, look at young beautiful faces, by the way, I met a lot of acquaintances, which means the site is more or less popular.

I myself, in principle, do not get acquainted with such sites.

Video review


Date of creation: 2007


Users: 151,276

Mobile version: There is

Payment: free dating site

TatarLove was founded in 2007 and is a continuation of the TatarLand project. In five years, the site has become a leader among Tatar dating sites and confidently holds its position.

Tatar Dating Site

The Tatar Love website has more than one hundred and fifty thousand profiles. On average, about 1,000 people are constantly online. As of June 20, 2012, by 15:00 Moscow time, there were 40 new registered users.


Registration on the tatarlove website required and completely free. To complete this procedure you need to fill out several points:

  • Email;
  • Password;
  • Repeat password and enter the code from the picture.

Next, you should select your country, city, date of birth and gender. Registration opens up great opportunities. You can not only view the data of other users, but also post your profile and photo, and tell about yourself.

My page on TatarLove

Tatar dating site provides a great opportunity to communicate and find not only new friends, but also a life partner. In the “My Page” section you can add or change information about yourself. To place more detailed information in your application form, you need to fill out the following items:

  • About me;
  • Ethnic;
  • Status;
  • Type;
  • Education;
  • Preferences;

This significantly increases the chances of finding a person close to you in spirit and interests. The “Self-Portrait” section invites you to answer questions about happiness, dreams in life, preferences in art, literature, and many others. It is possible to post photos, create albums, keep a diary, etc.

Probably the most important section on the site is the “Our Couples” section. It shows better than any other indicator that the site was not created in vain. Many couples have already tied the knot and their photographs are presented in this section. The site has a very convenient search. One has only to indicate the approximate age, select gender, country, region and city, and also mark all the users you want to see with such data or only those who are currently online, and the program immediately produces a rather impressive list. It is very important that there are very few dummy questionnaires.

There are also SMS greetings on the site. Here you can convey symbolic greetings to all site participants and leave your wishes. Excellent “Most Popular” and “Most Beautiful” sections. Here are the photos that have the highest rating and number of views. There is a section “Actively Searching”, it presents photographs of those who are actively looking for their soulmate.

Paid free services of the TatarLav website

Paid services of the site include sending gifts and raising profiles to the top. Services can be purchased by sending a paid SMS. Sending messages and viewing profiles are completely free.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tatar dating has always been based on the traditions of the people and the canons of Islam. Maybe that's why on the TatarLove website You won’t meet girls whose photos are strikingly frank or those who actively offer their services. Social moderation makes it possible to carefully monitor user photos. By moderating photos of other users, you can earn points, and then exchange them for paid services of the site. It is rare, but it still happens that a user begins to receive messages with obscene offers or spam, in which case the sender can be blacklisted. The disadvantages include the lack of games, free gifts, VIP status, and video chat.