Tariff plan “Smart Mini. Smart mini MTS tariff: description, reviews, connection Smart mini MTS description

The MTS “Smart mini” tariff is the youngest of the “Smart” line. It has minimal volumes of calls, traffic and SMS. The low monthly fee makes “Smart mini” one of the popular TPs among MTS clients. Let us consider in detail the conditions of this tariff, its cost and additional services.

Parameters and cost

Monthly fee for “Smart mini” with a federal number - 350 rubles per month. The package includes:

  • unlimited minutes to MTS numbers home area;
  • calls to phones in the connection region – 350 minutes;
  • Internet - 1 gigabyte;
  • SMS to subscribers within the home area – 350 pieces.


On the “Smart mini” tariff, incoming calls are not paid. If the package of minutes is used up, outgoing calls are charged as follows:

  • in the MTS network of your region - free of charge;
  • clients of other operators, users of landline numbers and MTS SIM cards in Russia – 2 rubles/min;
  • to phones of clients of other operators in other regions of the country – 14 rubles/min.

Team for checking the remaining minutes in the package* 1001 * 1 # .

A package of minutes is spent on calls to subscribers of all telecommunications service providers. Calls to MTS phones are also taken into account. Only after the package ends, outgoing calls to MTS subscribers in your region will become free.

When calling to the operator's short service numbers, the minutes of the package are not consumed. If the short number is a paid one, a certain amount per call will be debited from your account, but the package will remain untouched.

SMS messages

The SMS package is valid exclusively in the region of connection. When 350 SMS are exhausted, one message will cost 2 rubles. A message sent to another region costs 3.8 rubles, SMS abroad costs 8 rubles apiece.

Internet on MTS Smart mini

When you exhaust 1 GB of free traffic, the operator will automatically connect an additional 500 MB package for 95 rubles. Up to 15 such packages can be connected within a month. We are dealing with a service imposed by MTS, since many subscribers do not check their traffic balances, and the additional fee. Internet can increase communication costs.

To check the rest of the traffic on MTS Smart mini, dial ussd code * 111 * 217 # , A disable additional internet- team * 111 * 936 # .

If necessary, you can purchase additional ones. Internet traffic if you use .

Roaming in Russia

The Smart Mini tariff plan from MTS does not work outside the home area. When traveling around the country you pay for everything:

  • incoming and outgoing calls (including MTS numbers) - RUB 10.90/minute;
  • long distance calls - 14 rub./minute;
  • one SMS - 3.95 rub.;
  • 1 megabyte of Internet - 10.90 rubles.

To use the tariff conditions when traveling around Russia, activate the service.

How to connect MTS Smart mini

To switch to a tariff plan, there must be a minimum amount of 300 rubles on your phone account, since the subscription fee is charged at the time of connection to the tariff.

To change the current MTS tariff to “Smart mini”, dial * 111 * 1023 # .

You can connect “Smart mini” through the gadget application “My MTS” or the operator’s website with a detailed description of the tariff plan.

How to disable "Smart mini"

It’s easy to cancel the tariff, choose any option:

  1. log into your “Personal Account” on the MTS website and select another tariff plan in the “Tariffs” category;
  2. call the operator at number 0890 and ask to switch you to another tariff;
  3. come to the nearest MTS office and write an application to terminate the communication services contract.

New MTS Smart mini tariff recently added to the Smart line. The tariff plan itself appeared quietly and unnoticed - it was not advertised at all, and the operator’s news about its appearance went unnoticed by most subscribers. The fact is that it had the headline “Choose the best tariff for smartphones,” which said little. And why recommend to your subscribers a tariff plan with a pitiful package of half a gigabyte of traffic? This tariff plan may seem like sweet candy only in the first days of use, but after a few weeks all the “nasties” of this tariff creep out. This is connected both with the use of the Internet and with conversations on. All the advantages, disadvantages and pitfalls of this tariff are described below.

Description of the MTS Smart mini tariff

Subscription fee

The subscription fee until May 15, 2014 is 200 rubles. per month for the first two months of use. Starting from the third month, it increases to 250 rubles. If in the future the subscriber switches to “Smart mini” (until May 15, 2014), then the subscription fee for “Smart Everywhere at Home” is not charged for the same 2 months, and from the third month it will be only 50 rubles. per month However, from the 13th month the cost will increase to 100 rubles. Now in 2017, the subscription fee for this tariff is 300 rubles per month.

In a word, for the first two months the subscription fee for Smart mini will be 200 rubles, which was indicated in the advertisement. Starts from the 3rd month until the end of the current year - 300 rubles, and then - 350 rubles. for each month of using the tariff. Is your head swelling yet? No? Well then, read on for the Smart mini MTS tariff description.


An Internet package of 1 gigabyte size without speed restrictions is included in the subscription fee. However, this volume will be used only for the first 2 months - then the volume of traffic will decrease by half. In addition, if it is exhausted, the speed will not drop - but the Internet will turn off. Funny, right? If you want to continue using the Internet, you will have to pay 75 rubles for every 500 MB. Internet, or immediately 200 rubles. for 2 GB. In addition, GPRS packages are not available on this tariff plan. If the “Smart at home everywhere” option was activated, then the subscriber will be able to use the Internet throughout Russia, but if not, then only on the “home” network. But it is precisely in this place that the insidious tariff trap lurks!

The fact is that most smartphone users do not know how much traffic their device consumes. Everything here is quite complicated - for example, iPhones and the latest Androids simply live on the network, constantly “eating” precious megabytes. Old Nokias won’t even dare to go online without the owner’s consent. The browser also means a lot - one will load pictures and all the junk that is on the page, and the other will only load text and links. It is the aforementioned iPhones that use (give or take) 1 gig of traffic per month, and after it expires, the device turns into an expensive brick. An ardent iPhone user will spend one and a half to two gigabytes of traffic per month - but now think how much you will have to pay for “turbo buttons” with saving 0.5 and 2 GB of traffic.


The cost of calls on this tariff plan is very reasonable - there is no limit for calls within the MTS “home” region, but you will have to pay 2 rubles/min. for calls to MTS to other regions of Russia.

Switch to a free plan

The tariff is valid from 03/06/2014 and when switching to it, the fee for the first month of use is charged.

Everywhere is like home Smart

This option is reminiscent of the “neighboring regions” that have sunk into oblivion, which, however, cost 30 rubles. and not 100. There are still differences, but it is immediately noticeable that the operator is targeting exactly the same audience of subscribers. In a word: using Smart Everywhere, Like Home, you receive a conditional “home tariff”. If you unexpectedly find yourself in a neighboring region and do not disable this option (I strongly recommend turning it off), then you will be able to make unlimited calls to MTS in your “home” region for 8.89 rubles. on MTS of the current region and at 15 rubles/min. to numbers of other operators. This is the whole catch.

As you can see, MTS considers the “home tariff” not the amount that you and I think about, namely 8.9 rubles. It is from them that we are given “generous” discounts at home. Internet traffic with the “Everywhere at home Smart” option enabled is provided throughout the Russian Federation.

MTS Smart mini tariff - main advantages

I would like to compare Smart mini with the popular "Super MTS". In the latter, every day they give an hour of free calls within MTS and to landline numbers (!!!), albeit with major exceptions. And if you also generously top up your account with 300 rubles. or more, you will receive free calls to MTS in other regions. All other calls will have to be paid at exorbitant prices - 2.5 rubles per minute, while in Smart Mini - only 2. Well, initially you get 250 minutes of free calls to numbers within your home region and to MTS Russia, as well as 250 SMS , which you can use as you wish.

However, Smart mini, although it will seem more profitable with its gigabyte of Internet in the first month, only then with a monthly fee of 250-300 rubles will become a luxury for millionaires. At this time, “Super MTS” eats 149 rubles/month. and gives 50 MB of traffic every day. The speed is maximum. If the traffic drops to zero, the speed drops along with it to 64 kb/s, but the Internet continues to work. Such volumes are enough even for an iPhone.

Disadvantages of the MTS Smart mini tariff

And the latest (and unpleasant) thing we see in the smart mini is the MTS tariff. Of course, the legislation of the Russian Federation requires all footnotes and clarifications to be shown to the user in bold letters, but no one has canceled the asterisks and small text at the bottom of the page. Sometimes you don’t even want to peer at the small text at the very “bottom” of the screen, which is made in dull gray on a blinding white background. You understand that almost all laws can be circumvented.

MTS is no exception to this. To read in detail about the terms of the tariff, you need to take a long journey through the MTS website, then stumble upon the PDF. Otherwise, you will only see huge amounts of bright and optimistic advertising. The subscriber will have to spend a lot of effort, time and nerves to understand simple numbers that the operator is carefully trying to hide. Here, for example, is this phrase:

“for subscribers who connected / switched to a tariff plan during the period from March 6 to May 15, 2014, within two months from the moment of connection / switch to the tariff - 0 rubles**; over the next ten months from the moment of connection / transition - 50 rubles.** "...which you come across in the description of the option "Everywhere at home Smart", can be opened by clicking on the link in the description of the tariff, which is disguised under the anchor "Now on territory of all Russia!" Well, how do you feel?

This reminds me of the good old joke: “Honey! You will find salt in the bathroom, in a drawer labeled “medicine”, in an egg carton labeled “Coffee.” What can we say? Smart mini is an amateur tariff. Not for a big fan.

How to switch to Smart Mini on MTS? This question arises for many users. It is worth understanding the main features of the proposal and providing as much information as possible for further study.

There are differences in price. Users are looking for a program for 200 rubles, others for 100. This is due to the following factors:

  • The tariff plan has been updated. The company changed its conditions and cost.
  • Settings may vary depending on region.

Therefore, it is worth studying the current conditions for your subject. Usually they can be found on the operator’s website in a special section with current offers.


What conditions apply to the tariff? Let's study the latest version of the program from the operator:

  1. The subscription fee is 100 rubles per month.
  2. Unlimited within your home network.
  3. Issued 100 minutes for other operators.
  4. You receive 50 SMS.
  5. 1 GB of traffic is provided.
  6. The cost of calls to numbers of other operators after the end of the package is 1.5 rubles.

The advantage is a significant number of free minutes and unlimited access to your home network. The operator is quite common at the moment. If you actively call MTS numbers, then such a program will be an excellent solution.

For many, the disadvantage will be the small amount of traffic.

With monthly use, 1 GB is only enough to view email and occasionally visit social networks.

Even in this scenario, there is a high probability that the package will end earlier.

Is it worth using the tariff? It all depends on your needs. If there are enough packages offered, then it will be a good solution. For 100 rubles, a client gets unlimited access to his home network, 100 minutes and 1 GB of traffic, which is quite good.

How to study the balance of packages?

How much traffic, minutes or SMS is left per month? You can check this data in the following ways:

  • Using the command *100*1#. Enter your request and wait for a response.
  • Log in to your personal account. The personal account contains all the information you need, including package balances.
  • You can use the “My MTS” application. The program allows you to manage your account and quickly obtain the data of interest. It acts as an analogue of a personal account.

How to switch to the Smart Mini MTS tariff for 200 rubles per month

Attention! In many regions the tariff is officially closed!

The company constantly updates its offers. Some programs become archived. This means that they are completely closed for connection. There is no way you can access them.

This also happened with the Smart Mini tariff. The company decided that this option was outdated. Therefore, it moved to the archive, and Smart was created as a replacement.

Everyone who used the pricing plan can keep it for now. But what happens next?

  1. The company may adjust the conditions for the archive tariff.
  2. The offer risks becoming not as attractive as before.
  3. Archival programs close after 5-7 years, when there are a minimum number of users left.

How to switch to the MTS Smart Mini tariff? You won't be able to do this. All archived programs are completely closed for connecting new users. Smart Mini is saved only for people who managed to join it.

Don’t look for ways to connect to the archive tariff, there simply aren’t any. But if you study the information, you will find special offers on the Internet for joining the program.

Don't believe in such promises. These are most likely fraudulent schemes.

The person will lose money and receive nothing in return. Be very careful and use only official connection methods from your operator.

How to switch to the tariff in regions where it is still available?

Smart Mini operates in some regions of the country. If your subject is on the list, you can connect. How can I clarify this fact? Go to the MTS website and study the list of tariffs. If Smart Mini is on the list, then the transition can be performed in several ways:

  • Request to number *111*1023#.
  • Call the call center operator.
  • Use your personal account.
  • Through the program.

It's easier to use the activation application. You need to download the program from the official store. Then go into it and open the tab with tariffs. Find a suitable option among them and connect immediately.

Smart Mini from MTS is the optimal tariff plan for subscribers who do not need a large amount of Internet traffic or even own mobile phones that do not support modern wireless data transfer standards (3G, 3G+, LTE) and primarily use their cell phone to make calls. What are the current conditions of this tariff plan, how to connect or disconnect it? What are its main disadvantages?

Description of the Smart mini MTS tariff

This tariff plan is balanced for making calls and sending SMS with rare use of the mobile Internet, for example, for instant messengers or video calls. It is a simpler and cheaper version of the Smart line tariffs with a small monthly fee. Smart Mini is also a package tariff plan, that is, the subscriber pays a monthly fee and for this receives a certain package of services.

This tariff can be connected to both a federal and a city number, however, the declared services will be fully provided only within the home region. Outside of it, the cost of services will be standard for roaming.

Cost of services on the Smart mini tariff

According to the terms of the tariff, the monthly subscription fee is:

  • for federal number- 400 rubles;
  • for a city number (with a landline number prefix) - 900 rubles.

The specified fee includes the following list of prepaid services:

  • 1 gigabyte of Internet (95 rubles per 500 megabytes above the norm);
  • 350 minutes to all mobile numbers in your home region and MTS within the Russian Federation (2 rubles per minute above the norm);
  • 350 SMS messages in your home region (2 rubles per message above the norm).

Prices for all other services are as follows:

  • calls to MTS in your home region - unlimited;
  • calls to MTS outside the home region - 2 rubles per minute(after completion of 350 minutes);
  • calls to all other numbers - 14 rubles (after 350 minutes);
  • SMS messages - 2 rubles to MTS (above the package of 350 SMS) and 3.8 rubles to all other numbers;
  • MMS messages - 9.9 rubles.

For international calls, the tariffs are standard for the entire Smart line and are 35 rubles to the CIS countries, 49 rubles to Europe and 70 rubles to all other countries.

The above conditions are valid for subscribers from August 16, 2017. Before this period, tariffs were slightly different and the subscription fee was only 200 rubles. But for this amount a significantly smaller package of services was provided, and calls abroad were charged according to the standard tariff schedule of MTS (which is almost 5 times more expensive).

How to connect the Smart mini MTS tariff

You can connect to a tariff plan either on the official website mts.ru, or by sending a Push request (combination *111*1023# and call key). It is worth noting that when activating a tariff plan in an online store, the first subscription payment will be not 400, but 320 rubles. Subsequent ones are at the standard rate.

The repeated payment is withdrawn from the subscriber's account by the operator 30 days after activation of the tariff plan, and not on the first day of the following month. You can find out until what date the already paid service package is valid using a Push request with the combination *100*1# and the call key.

You can also subscribe to this tariff plan by contacting the operator at 0890 (calls are not charged). Another affordable option is to purchase a starter package (SIM card) with an already connected Smart Mini tariff.

How to disable the Smart mini tariff

As with other tariff plans, Smart Mini can only be disabled by switching to another plan. This can be done in your personal account on the website https://login.mts.ru, or using the service menu *111# and the call key. Naturally, when switching to a new tariff plan, a new subscription fee will be charged. And no payments are provided for the unused volume of services. That is, if a subscriber connected Smart Mini on the 1st, and after 2-3 days decided to change the tariff plan to another, then 400 rubles will not be returned.

How to switch to smart mini tariff

For existing subscribers, the transition to a new tariff can be accomplished by sending a USSD request *111*1023#. The cost of switching from any other tariff plan is 0 rubles, however, to activate the service package for the first month, you must have at least 320 rubles on your account. The connection can also be made in your personal account on the MTS website.

By the way, in addition, the subscriber can activate the “Everywhere at home” service, with the help of which the tariff’s coverage area expands to the entire country. The subscription fee for it is 100 rubles per month.

Disadvantages of the Smart mini MTS tariff

The main disadvantage of the Smart Mini tariff plan is that it operates exclusively within the home region. Calls outside its borders, including messages, are already charged under roaming conditions. For those who often make calls to home numbers and to mobile numbers of other operators, 350 minutes per month may not be enough.

And recently, connection no longer costs 200 rubles, as before (including all taxes), but 400. And for this, only SMS messages and Internet traffic were added (previously - 500 megabytes). In fact, those who used the phone primarily for calls did not make any profit from this. On the contrary, the subscription fee simply increased for a slight increase in the number of minutes.

Many are still confused by the cost of connecting to additional service packages. They say that it is significantly higher than on other tariff plans or other telecom operators in general. Unfortunately, subscribers will not be able to influence the company’s pricing policy in any way.

In summary, Smart Mini is a balanced and profitable tariff plan, but with its minor drawbacks. It’s clearly not suitable for frequent Internet use, but for those who need to make calls or send SMS messages more often, it’s the best choice. And the Internet is already a pleasant addition to the main package of services.

Finding a good offer from a mobile operator is not as easy as it seems. The thing is that now companies offer different tariff plans for any need. A modern client cannot always decide what is more important to him - calls, the Internet or SMS messages. Therefore, many people prefer to connect package tariffs at once. For example, "Smart mini" (MTS). How to connect it? What conditions does this tariff plan offer? How much will the connection cost? Our article will help you understand all this.

Short description

Before you connect Smart Mini (MTS) for 150 or 200 rubles, you need to pay attention to the description of the offer. It may not be very suitable for the client.

"Smart mini" is a package tariff plan that allows the subscriber to receive unlimited communication with MTS subscribers within their home region. It also provides some internet traffic. You don't have to pay to surf the Internet from your phone.

An advantageous offer for those who sometimes prefer to use mobile Internet, but at the same time actively talk with MTS subscribers within the region where the service is connected. You can use a federal number, or you can use a city number. The subscription fee for using Smart Mini (MTS) depends on this. How to activate this offer? What specific opportunities does the tariff provide?

Details about the offer

So, if you are interested in the “Smart Mini” from MTS, it is worth studying in more detail all the conditions that are offered to the subscriber. Today, a federal number (like a city number) allows you to:

  • get 2 GB of Internet traffic;
  • talk to all MTS subscribers within your home region for free;
  • use 200 free SMS per month;
  • gives 200 minutes of free conversation with MTS in Russia, as well as to all numbers in your home region.

After this, all calls to other operators in the connection area will cost 1.5 rubles. You will have to pay the same amount for a conversation with MTS in Russia. Messages will also cost 1.5 rubles after the limit is reached. These are the conditions offered by Smart Mini (MTS). How to activate this offer?


The first and most reliable way is to buy a SIM card with a tariff plan. Depending on the region, as well as the selected number type, the cost of connection will vary. As a rule, a SIM card costs 150-200 rubles.

A passport is required for purchase. All you have to do is come to the MTS office and report your idea of ​​purchasing a SIM card with the Smart Mini tariff. The employee will quickly issue the number. You can use it!

This method is good for new clients. It is also suitable for those who want to change their MTS phone number. Many people are interested in how to connect MTS: Smart-mini to their phone without replacing the SIM card while maintaining the number. It's not that hard to do! There are several options for the development of events.

USSD Commands

For example, you can use the USSD command. This is the most common method of action if the client wants to change the tariff plan on their own. By the way, the transition is free. But there must be enough funds in the account to charge the subscription fee.

Are you interested in Smart Mini (MTS)? How to connect it using the USSD command? You need to dial *111*1023# on your phone. After this, just click on the “Call” button and wait for the operation to be processed. After a few minutes, the subscriber will receive an SMS indicating a successful tariff change.

Let's go to the office

How can I connect Smart Mini (MTS)? 200 rubles - and you can, as already mentioned, get a new SIM card. But this is far from the best scenario. The USSD command sometimes does not work. For example, due to a system failure. Then you have to look for alternative courses of action.

For example, you can connect a Smart Mini by contacting the MTS office. The offer is valid for existing subscribers. You need to come to the company office with a phone, inform employees about the desire to connect to a new tariff plan, name it and give the mobile device to the employees. A few minutes of waiting - and the phone will be returned with the connected tariff.

This method is popular among older people, as well as those who are not “friendly” with technology and gadgets. What other ways help you use the Smart Mini (MTS) tariff? How to connect it?

"Personal Area"

You can use your “Personal Account” on the mobile operator’s website. In order to connect to Smart Mini, you will need:

  1. Visit the MTS website. You need to log in to your “Personal Account” there.
  2. Find it on the Smart Mini page. The exact region of residence must be indicated.
  3. Click on the "Connect" button under the tariff description.
  4. Confirm actions. An SMS message with a service activation code will be sent to your mobile device. It must be entered into the appropriate field on the screen in the browser.

There is nothing difficult or special about it. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. There are no other current ways to connect to a tariff plan. But you can improve it a little. It’s clear how to connect the Smart Mini tariff to MTS. What should you do if you want to actively use the Internet with this offer? For example, do you need more than 2 GB of traffic per month?

About the Internet

Then the subscriber's traffic will be automatically extended. Initially, all MTS clients are offered 2 GB of Internet, after which a service called “Additional Smart Internet” is activated. It costs 75 rubles. You can activate no more than 15 packages per month. Adds 500 MB of traffic.

How to connect the Internet to MTS: Smart-mini? You can activate “Additional Internet” in the following ways:

  • automatic connection on the Smart line;
  • in the “Personal Account” on the official MTS page;
  • command *111*936#.

You can also ask to connect to the Internet at the MTS office. It is not necessary to activate "Additional Internet". Any tariff plan for unlimited Internet will do.

You can refuse auto-connection of traffic using the command *111*936#. If you type it when the “Additional Internet” connection option is enabled, the function will be disabled. There is nothing difficult or special about it.

Disabling the "Smart Mini" tariff

It’s clear how to connect the Smart Mini tariff to MTS. You can choose any method. It all depends on the desire of the subscriber and his skills. How can I cancel this tariff plan? What methods can be proposed?

Today, Smart Mini is disabled by:

  • changing the tariff plan (by connecting/switching to a new offer);
  • purchasing a new SIM card with a different tariff;
  • changing mobile operator.

Perhaps this is all the subscriber needs to know. It is clear what Smart Mini (MTS) is. How to enable or disable this offer is also no longer a secret. The subscriber can take advantage of this opportunity at any time! The main thing is to have the required amount of money on your SIM card balance to charge the monthly subscription fee.