Poems about clouds. Nursery rhymes about clouds. A collection of poems about clouds. Evgeniy Lukin What was the cow made of?

Near the river, closer to the ford,
Clouds lap up the water.
- Hey, look, clouds,
So that the sides don't burst!
V. Orlov

* * *

The rain is warm and short-lived
washed away all the clouds.
They are like white sheets
The sun is drying for now.
Wind clouds after drying
I stroked and stroked, but got tired.
And across the sky in a crumpled heap
I scattered those sheets!
U. Yavorskaya

It happens that the sky
doesn't look down -
They fell to the ground
clouds today!
I open the doors
and it seems like I’m flying!
I'm swimming in the sky
I really want it!
And it's all not true
that the sky is far away -
You can touch it
It's easy to inhale!
And people are airplanes
sway slightly
They're flying home from work
cursing the clouds.
But I don't see lightning,
but I don't hear thunder,
And drowns in the whole sky
my home is an airfield.
A. Orlova

The sky has become cloudy,
The clouds looked into the river.
And as soon as we looked,
They sighed so quietly:
- Oh, what kind of water there is!
We should wash ourselves gray!
Refresh your sides
We are, essentially, clouds.
And they dived and sank,
It rained frequently,
The grayness was scrubbed away in the river,
They haven’t become like snow yet.
Well, what happened next?
The sun has dried the clouds!
These clouds have dried out,
It's like going to heaven!
And they floated like a river
Feather clouds...
T. Marshalova

At the heavenly children
There are balloons:
Miracle milk colors
There are miracle clouds in the sky.

The plane flashed its wing,
Pierced right through the clouds,
But the kids laugh -
The hole is not scary for the balls!

Having feasted in distant countries,
They rush to us from afar
Talk about the oceans
Cumulus clouds.
O. Shamshurina

Why are there clouds?
And are there clouds?
Because the clouds are cooler
Clouds - they are light!
Clouds are flying, fluffs,
Formidable clouds hang
There, because there are wet rains
They want to pour water on us.
If you take and squeeze out the clouds
And dry it a little
Clouds, then we'll get
And it won't rain.
S. Juice

Tuchkin's things.
Clouds floated across the sky.
Tuchek - four things
From first to third - people
And the fourth was a camel
To them, overwhelmed by curiosity,
The fifth one inadvertently arrived.
From her in the blue bosom
The elephant ran after the elephant.
And I don’t know if the sixth one scared me away,
But the clouds took everything and melted.
And after them, chasing and devouring,
The sun chased - a yellow giraffe!
V. Mayakovsky.

A steamer sailed across the sky,
Turning into an airplane
And then into the bear
On a small moped.
In a few minutes
It was already fireworks.
He was melting in the sky for now
I looked at the clouds.
L. Budanova

Clouds, what a miracle!
Have you noticed, my friend,
How they are under the strong wind
Turns into a horn.
And there are, like sheep,
Why did we go down to the river for a walk?
In the evening, when sunset -
Amethyst firmament.
The shepherd drives them home,
And they fly like an arrow.
These are the clouds
You see and I see.
V. Dmitriev

Clouds, and imagine different shapes from them in the form of a heart, face or figurine. And, of course, you will also want to soar into the sky, and then fly on wings straight through the clouds to the sun. Or, just fly straight to your person and say hello to him from above. Is this why so many romantics write poems about clouds?

Of course, people cannot fly, and they have to look at the clouds from the ground. But, nevertheless, there is so much attractiveness in the clouds that one cannot help but write poems about them. We also couldn’t resist and published poems about clouds on our website, which you can read with pleasure.


Clouds are floating across the sky,
They glide silently over the ground.
The heavenly river flows
Merging with the blue haze.

The path is far above the horizon,
Space from edge to edge.
And the clouds float
Forward, without knowing fatigue.

So weightless and light,
Changeable, fickle.
Bizarre clouds
Sometimes they are very strange.

Take a close look at them.
Suddenly you see something unusual there
For the eye to see an image...There, in the distance
There is a whole world, it is limitless.

Enter that world even for a moment...
There's nothing to worry about there.
Forget earthly vanity.
As in, a fairy tale will open the door...

Poems about clouds

Woven from lace
Cloud birds.
Maybe it's a fairy tale
Rushing through the centuries?

They see the sun
They see darkness
And of course they know
About my destiny.

I'm looking out the window
And I'm looking for an answer.
How can I reach
To get into a dream?

Fairy tales flutter there,
Centuries fly there,
It's meandering somewhere
River of bygone days.

I raise my hands -
Like the flapping of wings.
And I'm flying over the world
In gentle clouds.

I see happy colors -
Thoughts are so easy.
Gray clouds -
The essence is conductors.

Clouds are floating

White-white, light-light
Clouds float in the deep sky.
Distant countries await them ahead,
The road will not be easy for them.

We stopped for a while
Where the river splashes beneath them.
We washed ourselves with clean water, drank,
Filling the sides with life-giving moisture.

So, did they disappear? No, look!
The rainbow flashed, and above it -
Light-light, gentle-gentle
Feathers of cloud swans!

So they sail through countries, centuries,
Connecting eras, centuries,
Lungs, lungs,
eternal clouds!

What would this steady rain be worth?
Whenever he reminds you of anything,
Whenever you fill with the past
On an April night this steady rain...

The embezzler was recently swept away.
He stole only iron rubles.
And they screwed it up without going into the details.
And he them - for the sake of the leader’s profile...

Obedient to world laws
Both large people and small atom.
While they were paying, he was Plato.
As they shortened it, he became Socrates.

Apostle Peter, fleeing from the cross,
He denied Christ three times.
And yet, don’t despise Peter -
Otherwise he will not let you into heaven.

Exposing the vices of the century?
Sorry. The wine has run out.
You tear off a person's mask -
And there is the same face.

Look: a tsunami is rising
Above the shells of apartments.
So, dealing with us,
Beauty saves the world.

O man-made streams,
Originating in the hatch!
And creative hands... Whose?
I wish I could find them and snatch these hands...

I, walking along Senate Square,
I couldn’t understand who was being beaten and crushed there,
And he was a full 18 late
The minutes the Motherland needs...

Once upon a time a lamprey
Bitten by an octopus
And for this the octopus
Ate 14 lampreys.

Greet the monarch while standing?
Don't hit the ground with your forehead?
You took away the most sacred thing -
Freedom to be a slave.

We would spend 220 Mitek
Unauthorized rally -
Yes, the riot police came running
54 Paramon...

You, drowned in debauchery,
Move away because I
I don’t trade the ringing lyre -
I'm speculating in stockings!

Christ, cruelly ridiculed, spoke,
That there is no prophet in his own country.
So even with this in Rus' it’s not smooth:
There are prophets. With the Fatherland overlay.

I would steal a stereo speaker
Yes, my conscience did not allow me.
Give me some rubble, citizens.
Totalitarian regime!

Democracy gave us
Freedom of swear words,
Yes, and there is no need for anything else,
To glorify her deeds.

Don't look that I'm already gray -
Dissida remained dissida:
I used to be fond of "Continent"
And now - "Red Star".

She feeds her husband well and a lot,
And no vicissitudes await...
Yes, there is a road through the stomach.
Tell me where it leads?

Didn't notice
God's grace:
The body sinned -
Should the soul suffer?

Our blue eyes are here!
We are an amazing nation!
Well, Rus' cannot wait in line:
Not for butter - but for shares!..

Whose invisible hand
Are there clouds in the sky?
And he carefully sculpts -
Not otherwise, for centuries.

Yes, of course, Stenka Razin
Wasn't too courtly
Yes, and the captive princess
It hurts, you know, it’s tender...

Don't be upset, old man!
We'll change everything again soon.
Dark times will disappear
They will become a bright memory...

Understand that every crack
Given to you for your greater good.
This truth is bequeathed to us
From grandfathers, ancestors and lizards.

Burn. Create. Until one day
The horoscope will come true -
And brutal fellow citizens
They will come and take you away...

Whatever I talk about, guys,
Me, as the German genius says,
Only stellar chaos shakes
And the chaos of my attempts.

That's the end of the fight. Forever.
There are still some years ahead,
Drunk tears and crows cawing.
A grain of sand from a funeral squeaks on your teeth.

The one - for the sake of glory, the one - in excess of courage,
Another - for the sake of a ringing penny,
And I’ve been writing for years out of horror,
That I won't write anything more.

Clouds... How many times our gaze turns towards them! How many times do we long to shout out to them, ask them to tell us where they are going, why, and ask them to take us with them! How many times do we try to see something in a cloud, to see what the clouds look like... Clouds catch our eyes and bring peace to our hearts, to our souls... Because it seems that all our sorrows, all our anxieties float away with them...

Hello, my dear readers! Today you will read children's poems about clouds. I hope you like them.

I wrote the first poem. It's called, of course, "What Are Clouds Like?" Happy reading!

What do clouds look like?

To pieces of cotton wool!

The river carries them forward

And it won't come back.

Clouds are friends of miracles,

They arise, they melt,

Among the blue skies

They just grow up.

Can be anyone

Big cloud:

Sailing a ship across the sky,

Become a grandfather with a beard...

Maybe he can become a bear,

Hare, crocodile,

Riding a horse through the meadow -

The cloud can do anything!

What do clouds look like?...

The following poem was written by my niece Lera. The verse is short, but I really liked it, because beauty is not in the length of the verse, but in its sincerity. I think that you will also appreciate this poem.


Clouds floated across the blue sky,

Similar to a cake, pillow and elephant.

Playing with the breezes, they changed their appearance.

How I wish they would take me with them.

I really love looking at clouds. I often look out for what animal what cloud resembles, and I still get childish joy when I find similarities. Do you like looking at clouds?

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