Tsvetkov's directory winding data of electric motors 8. Directory of winder of asynchronous electric motors

Book "Binder's Handbook" asynchronous electric motors» covers in detail the purpose and classification of asynchronous electric motors of the first and second unified series, unified series 4A, crane electric motors, electric motors increased frequency And single phase motors. The types of windings and methods of their representation, winding diagrams of three-phase and single-phase motors are given and described. The book describes those produced in given time winding wires, their nomenclature and characteristics. Dana detailed characteristics insulating materials. The properties and application of materials for impregnation of windings are described. The recalculation of winding data during repair and rewinding of asynchronous electric motors, the recalculation of windings to a different voltage, the recalculation of three-phase windings to single-phase, and the replacement of wire diameters (tables and graphs) are given. The book “Handbook for Winding Asynchronous Electric Motors” is intended for wrappers of small winding shops and workshops for rewinding electric motors. This guide designed to help wrappers deepen their knowledge and provide them reference material. “The Asynchronous Electric Motor Wrapper's Handbook” will also be useful to wrappers and engineering and technical workers at repair plants for the repair of asynchronous electric motors and power engineers at enterprises and farms.

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M.: Higher. school, 1985. - 207 pp. Contents:
General information.
Permissible temperatures and heating of parts electric machines.
Designation of types of asynchronous motors of single series.
Faults in the windings of electrical machines.
Winding wires and for electrical machine terminals.
Characteristics of winding wires.
Round wire sizes for winding wires.
Dimensions copper wire rectangular section.
Diameters of winding wires.
Brands of wires for electrical machine terminals.
Wire diameters for electrical machine terminals.
Insulation of windings of electrical machines.
Electrical insulating materials.
Insulation of windings of asynchronous motors of a single 4A series.
Impregnation of windings.
Schemes of windings of alternating current machines.
Classification of windings.
Basic data of three-phase windings (Fig. 1 and 2).
Three-phase single-layer windings.
Three-phase two-layer equal-coil loop windings with an integer q.
Three-phase double-layer loop windings with fractional number q.
Three-phase two-layer loop concentric windings.
Three-phase single-layer and double-layer windings for mechanized laying.
Windings of three-phase multi-speed asynchronous motors.
Working diagrams of three-phase wave windings with a view of the clamps.
Two-phase windings of asynchronous micromotors.
Calculations of windings of asynchronous motors during repairs.
Selection and calculation of basic parameters.
Determination of the number of poles of a three-phase stator winding.
Calculation of winding data of a three-phase stator asynchronous motor with random winding*
Conversion of the stator winding to a different voltage.
Conversion of three-phase winding to single-phase.
Inclusion three-phase motors V single-phase network without rewinding.
Recalculation of the winding when the frequency of the supply network changes.
Calculation of the mass and resistance of the random stator winding.
Replacing wire diameters.
Anchor windings of commutator machines.
General information.
Malfunctions of armature windings of DC machines.
Calculation of the armature winding of a general purpose DC machine with a power of 1-10 kW*.
Calculation of DC micromotor windings*
Calculation of the windings of a commutator micromotor for operation on AC power* Equipment for mechanization and automation of winding, insulating and impregnation works.
IS1A, IS23A, IS45A, IS345V machines for insulating stator slots.
OS2A and OSp1B machines for combined winding of stators.
Winding machines NvS2A, NvSZA, NvS4A.
Machines VS2A, VSZA, VS4A, RS2A for drawing windings into stator slots.
OpS2A machine for winding upsetting in stator slots.
Wedging machines ZS2A, ZSZA, ZS345B.
FS1A, FS23A, FS23B, FS45A machines for forming stator windings.
Banding machine BS23B.
Installation of USPZ-4 for connecting wires.
APzV123-1A automatic machine for making output wires.
Aggregate machine ANvS1A-5 and automated complex for the manufacture of stators.
Transport systems TrS12A, TrSZA, TrS4A.
Semiautomatic devices BR-1, BR-2, BR-3 for rotor banding.
Machines RT-31, RT-52, and OM-1 for cutting insulating tubes and materials.
Impregnation and drying installations.
Inspection and testing of electrical machine windings.
Winding data of three-phase asynchronous motors.
Designation of winding data in tables.
Data from engines of the unified 4A series.
Single Series A engine data
2. AO2.

The book “Handbook for Winder of Asynchronous Electric Motors” covers in detail the purpose and classification of asynchronous electric motors of the first and second unified series, unified series 4A, crane electric motors, high-frequency electric motors and single-phase motors. The types of windings and methods of their representation, winding diagrams of three-phase and single-phase motors are given and described. The book describes the winding wires currently being produced, their nomenclature and characteristics. The lady gives a detailed description of insulating materials. The properties and application of materials for impregnation of windings are described. The recalculation of winding data during repair and rewinding of asynchronous electric motors, the recalculation of windings to a different voltage, the recalculation of three-phase windings to single-phase, and the replacement of wire diameters (tables and graphs) are given. The book “Handbook for Winding Asynchronous Electric Motors” is intended for wrappers of small winding shops and workshops for rewinding electric motors. This handbook is designed to help wrappers deepen their knowledge and provide them with reference material. “The Asynchronous Electric Motor Wrapper's Handbook” will also be useful to wrappers and engineering and technical workers at repair plants for the repair of asynchronous electric motors and power engineers at enterprises and farms.

Purpose and classification of electrical machines.
Electrical machines are divided into generators, which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy; electric motors that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, as well as special machines that most often convert electrical energy of one type into electrical energy of another type.

According to their design, electric machines can be either brushed or brushless. Collector machines are most often used to work on DC both as generators and as electric motors. They are used less often on alternating current, mainly as single-phase electric motors relatively low power. Brushless electric machines operate almost exclusively on alternating current. Based on their operating principle, they are divided into asynchronous, used mainly as electric motors, and synchronous, used as generators or electric motors.

Electric machines are widely used in all sectors of the national economy, where there are a wide variety of working conditions and different requirements. In this regard, electric machines of many types have been developed and are produced by industry. designs; with horizontal and vertical arrangement shaft, foot or flange mounted, with different ways cooling systems, for example blown with air only from the outside or blown also inside, with varying degrees of protection against influence external environment- open and protected versions, splash-proof, waterproof, explosion-proof, sealed, etc.

1. Design of electrical machines
1.1.Purpose and classification of electrical machines
1.2.Asynchronous machines
1.2.1.First unified series
1.2.2.Second unified series
1.2.3.Unified series 4 A
1.2.4.Crane electric motors
1.2.5.High frequency electric motors
1.2.6.Single-phase electric motors
2. Schemes of windings of electrical machines
2.1.Types of windings of electrical machines and methods of depicting them
2.2.Schemes of three-phase windings
2.2.1.Single-layer concentric windings
2.2.2.Single-layer template (equal-coil) windings
2.2.3.Double-layer windings
2.2.4.Single and double layer windings
2.2.5.Windings of multi-speed motors
2.3. Winding diagrams of single- and two-phase motors
3.Winding wires
4.Insulation materials
4.1. Requirements for insulation of electrical machines
4.2.General information
4.3.Characteristics of insulating materials
4.3.1. Film-containing materials
4.3.2. Mica-containing materials
4.3.3. Impregnated materials
4.3.4.Textolites and getinaks
4.3.5. Glass tapes, bandage and compression tapes
4.4.Materials for impregnation of windings
4.4.1.Electrical insulating varnishes
4.4.2.Varnishes for impregnation of windings of electrical machines
4.4.3. Electrical insulating enamels
4.4.4. Compounds for impregnation and filling
4.4.5. Solvent-free compositions for impregnation of electrical machine windings
5. Recalculation of winding data during repair and rewinding of asynchronous electric motors
5.1. Conversion of the winding to another voltage
5.2.Changing the motor supply voltage
5.3. Conversion of three-phase winding to single-phase
5.4.Selection of wire diameters and number of parallel conductors
5.5.Replacing the round winding wire with two wires
6.Repair of asynchronous electric motors
6.1.Technological process electric motor repair
6.2. Work on disassembling electric motors and identifying defects
6.3. Repair of parts and components of the electric motor
6.4.Wrapping and insulating work
6.5.Impregnation and drying of stator windings
7. Making wooden wedges
8.Winding data of electrical machines
8.1. Winding data of electric motors of the unified series A2 and A02 and their modifications of sizes 1-9 for voltage 220/380 V
8.2. Winding data of phase rotors of electric motors of the AOK2 and AK2 series of 4-9 dimensions
8.3.Winding data of 4A series electric motors
8.4. Winding data of the rotors of electric motors of the 4ANK and 4AK series with a rotation axis height of 280-355 mm
8.5. Winding data of explosion-proof electric motors of the VAO series of 0-9 dimensions
8 6. Winding data of explosion-proof electric motors of the VAO series with a rotation axis height of 315, 355 and 450 mm
8 7. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors
8.7.1. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors of the A02 series of sizes 1-9 for a voltage of 380 V
8.7.2. Examples of stator winding circuits for two-speed electric motors with L/U switching
8.7.3. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors of the 4A132 series
8.7.4. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors of the VAO series of 6-9 sizes for a voltage of 380 V

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Download the book Handbook of Winder of Asynchronous Electric Motors, Likhachev V.L., 2004 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

The book "Handbook for Winder of Asynchronous Electric Motors" covers in detail the purpose and classification of asynchronous electric motors of the first and second unified series, unified series 4A, crane electric motors, high-frequency electric motors and single-phase motors. The types of windings and methods of their representation, winding diagrams of three-phase and single-phase motors are given and described.

The book describes the winding wires currently being produced, their nomenclature and characteristics. A detailed description of insulating materials is given. The properties and application of materials for impregnation of windings are described.

The recalculation of winding data during repair and rewinding of asynchronous electric motors, the recalculation of windings to a different voltage, the recalculation of three-phase windings to single-phase, and the replacement of wire diameters (tables and graphs) are given.

The book "Handbook for Winding Asynchronous Electric Motors" is intended for wrappers of small winding shops and workshops for rewinding electric motors. This handbook is designed to help wrappers deepen their knowledge and provide them with reference material.

"The Asynchronous Electric Motor Wrapper's Handbook" will also be useful to wrappers and engineering and technical workers at repair plants for the repair of asynchronous electric motors and power engineers at enterprises and farms.


1. Design of electrical machines

1.1. Purpose and classification of electrical machines

1.2. Asynchronous machines

1.2.1. First unified series

1.2.2. Second unified series

1.2.3. Single series 4 A

1.2.4. Crane motors

1.2.5. High frequency electric motors

1.2.6. Single-phase electric motors

2. Schemes of windings of electrical machines

2.1. Types of windings of electrical machines and methods of depicting them

2.2. Three-phase winding diagrams

2.2.1. Single layer concentric windings

2.2.2. Single-layer template (equal-coil) windings

2.2.3. Double layer windings

2.2.4. Single and double layer windings

2.2.5. Multi-speed motor windings

2.3. Winding diagrams of single- and two-phase motors

3. Winding wires

4. Insulation materials

4.1. Requirements for insulation of electrical machines

4.2. General information

4.3. Characteristics of insulating materials

4.3.1. Film-containing materials

4.3.2. Mica-containing materials

4.3.3. Impregnated materials

4.3.4. Textolites and getinaks

4.3.5. Glass tapes, bandage and tension tapes

4.4. Materials for winding impregnation

4.4.1. Electrical insulating varnishes

4.4.2. Varnishes for impregnation of electrical machine windings

4.4.3. Electrical insulating enamels

4.4.4. Compounds for impregnation and filling

4.4.5. Solvent-free compositions for impregnation of electrical machine windings

5. Recalculation of winding data during repair and rewinding of asynchronous electric motors

5.1. Converting the winding to a different voltage

5.2. Changing the motor supply voltage

5.3. Conversion of three-phase winding to single-phase

5.4. Selection of wire diameters and number of parallel conductors

5.5. Replacing a round winding wire with two wires

6. Repair of asynchronous electric motors

6.1. Technological process of electric motor repair

6.2. Work on disassembling electric motors and identifying defects

6.3. Repair of electric motor parts and components

6.4. Winding and insulation work

6.5. Impregnation and drying of stator windings

7. Making wooden wedges

8. Winding data of electrical machines

8.1. Winding data of electric motors of the single A2 and A02 series and their modifications of sizes 1-9 for voltage 220/380 V

8.2. Winding data of phase rotors of electric motors of the AOK2 and AK2 series of 4-9 dimensions

8.3. Winding data of 4A series electric motors

8.4. Winding data of the rotors of electric motors of the 4ANK and 4AK series with a rotation axis height of 280-355 mm

8.5. Winding data of explosion-proof electric motors of the VAO series of 0-9 dimensions

8.6. Winding data for explosion-proof electric motors of the VAO series with a rotation axis height of 315, 355 and 450 mm

8.7. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors

8.7.1. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors of the A02 series of sizes 1-9 for a voltage of 380 V

8.7.2 Examples of stator winding circuits for two-speed electric motors with switching?/YY

8.7.3. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors of the 4A132 series

8.7.4. Winding data of multi-speed electric motors of the VAO series of 6-9 dimensions for a voltage of 380 V
