Creating mail with your own domain in Yandex.Connect. Review of services for creating corporate email

A large number of free email services greatly simplifies communication between people, both during personal correspondence and in the process of business communication. The choice is really large, here you have Gmail, Yandex.Mail, and many offers based on large portals (for example,
True, what suits the average user will not always be the best solution for business. And corporate mail for a company domain is much better than just a set of mailboxes registered in one of the public services. Moreover, due to general access to registration, the choice of name for the e-mail will be significantly limited.

Let's figure out why corporate email is needed and what benefits it provides. I will also briefly explain how it all works and look at the features of the services that allow you to create it.

Why do you need email for a domain?

The reason a business is a business is that its owner doesn’t do anything for nothing. Completing any task should bring some benefit, if not immediately, then at least in the long term. By connecting mail to your domain, the owner of an online store or any other business receives a number of advantages:

  • beautiful and memorable addresses. You will be able to create them by connecting your mail to your domain. Agree, an e-mail like this sounds much better than that. Moreover, you can create an individual mailbox for each employee;
  • company image. Unlike addresses on popular mail services, corporate mail is part of it. This is a kind of business card that some of your clients may attach to;
  • no restrictions on quantity. As the company develops, the number of employees will also increase. At the same time, you can create any number of mailboxes with the necessary addresses that you need, indicating, for example, the title of the position or the surname of the employee;
  • authority and trust. And in the business world this is important. The potential client has a direct association of the site with the project and postal address. For example, when corresponding with a person whose e-mail sounds like , it is immediately clear that he really works for this company, and does not pretend to be one of its employees;
  • separation of personal and work matters. There is no point in filling up your personal email with work matters, especially if you frequently engage in active correspondence. Nothing will be lost, everything is clear and understandable;
  • ease of control. This point just comes from the previous one. As a manager, the business owner has access to all employee mailboxes, which allows him to monitor the speed of response, for example, by managers to customer requests, and also clearly understand how well-coordinated the work is in the company.

Undoubtedly, you have already noted at least one point among those listed above. Now that you understand why you need an email address for your company's website, let me explain in a nutshell how it all works.

How it works

In order to be able to receive and send letters from the mail that contains your domain, you need to perform a number of actions. We are talking about setting up MX records in the DNS zone control panel.

The MX record is used to determine the server that accepts mail for your site. The process for setting this parameter is the same, regardless of which service you use to receive corporate mail:

  1. receiving MX records from a mail service (for example, Yandex.Mail);
  2. authorization in the domain control panel and deleting existing MX records;
  3. creating a new MX record and saving the changes.

It is necessary to remember that changes in DNS settings do not take effect immediately and you just need to wait a while until everything works. This can take from several hours to three days.

Gmail corporate email

Mail for a domain based on the popular Gmail service is offered as part of the Google Apps for Work package. However, it is worth noting that the use of these services is paid, and its cost is $5 per month per user. Not very democratic, taking into account the current exchange rate of the national currency against the dollar, but in return you get a ready-made solution for business automation and benefits such as:

  • a familiar interface for working with mail, but with addresses linked to the company’s domain;
  • 30 gigabytes of space for storing letters and attachments (for each account);
  • integration with Google Docs cloud office;
  • the ability to install plugins to expand Gmail functionality;
  • offline mode and the ability to work with letters from any device;
  • convenient collaboration on files and access rights management;
  • support for all popular email clients.

One of the most significant advantages of Google Apps for business is the integration of all services with each other, which improves the quality of employee interaction. That is why, despite the cost of connection, most companies ultimately choose the service from Google. By the way, we did this too :)

You can start registering and setting up corporate Gmail for your company on this page.

Yandex.Mail for domain

Creating corporate mail on Yandex in Russia and a number of CIS countries is popular, similar or even greater than the use of Google services. One of the main advantages of using Yandex.Mail for a domain is the possibility of free use.

After registration, you get access to a convenient interface for managing employee accounts, as well as:

  • mailboxes with unlimited capacity and anti-spam protection (from 10 GB at the start with an increase in the available volume during use);
  • up to 1000 addresses by default, with the possibility of increasing the application limit;
  • tools for convenient work with attached files (viewing office documents) and convenient sorting of incoming letters;
  • Calendar for organizing work and personal affairs;
  • mail client for devices running Android and iOS.

When using this service, you can also set up work through various email programs and work with letters from any device.

In order to start registering and get started, just follow this link, enter the address of your website and click the “Connect domain” button. for business

Under this name, the corporate mail service from appeared on the market. It launched later than the offerings from the previous two players, but the company is confident that its offering will be popular among business owners. In addition to actually working with letters, integration with such working tools as cloud storage, Calendar and messenger for communication is offered. features include:

  • unlimited mailbox volume with anti-virus protection;
  • creation of up to 5000 addresses;
  • the ability to work with several accounts simultaneously (multi-authorization);
  • preview and editing of office documents;
  • integration with cloud disk and Calendar;
  • the ability to activate SMS notifications about new letters;
  • support for popular email clients and adaptation for work.

In general, the mail service from offers quite attractive opportunities that are free for businesses of any level. True, there are also annoying little things. For example, you cannot attach a logo to your signature.

The question of its choice is related to personal preferences, since for many users convenience and a familiar interface play an important role. Google and Yandex are more popular in this regard.

You can start connecting mail for your domain at this address:

Corporate email in Office 365

This offer is available to subscribers of Office 365 enterprise plans, a suite of Microsoft Office applications for creating and editing documents in the cloud. Subscription to corporate plans is open to Russia and a number of other CIS countries, but is not available to users from Ukraine. Its cost ranges from $6 per year for the starter plan and up to $26 for the corporate plan.

In the basic plan, the mailbox volume is limited to 50 GB of free space, in all others there is no limit. Calendar and contacts are integrated. You can register and subscribe on the official website.

Setting up mail on hosting

The ability to configure email for a domain is available from almost every hosting provider. After creating the necessary e-mail addresses, it will take no more than 5-6 hours to activate them, after which you can start working. If service and functionality are not your top priority, you can use this function without any problems.

Also, some hosting sites offer additional settings that simplify mail processing and add convenience. For example, forwarding letters to another address:

Having created mail on using special settings, you can add mail configured on the hosting, thus obtaining a corporate option that will work through a regular Gmail account.

So what should you choose?

Email is an important means of communication, without which it is difficult to imagine effective work in the world of modern business. Despite the emergence of many instant messengers and other similar solutions, none of these tools has yet been able to replace it.
Each of the email services is good in its own way and has advantages that are valuable for any business. Which one should you choose in the end? This is a matter of individual preference. If you are satisfied with Yandex, register your corporate email there. If the Google ecosystem (especially the cloud office) is important to you, then join this service.

It is possible that you are not sure about which service to make your final decision. In this case, you can just take a little time to try each of them. In the end, you will certainly understand what suits you best.


If your organization has its own domain name, get an email box You can use it by running the sendmail program or a similar program on the server. The mail server itself can be located either on the premises organizations, and in the server room of the hosting provider. The program can also be run on the same server that is used to make the official website available to the public. The main thing is that a DNS record is made for it. Instruct your system administrator organizations create accounts on this server for its various employees. Please indicate the received email addresses on the official website. This option can be considered the most prestigious (addresses will be located on the same second-level domain as the site), however, to ensure reliable protection of email box To protect against spam and viruses, the system administrator will have to make a lot of effort.

A slightly less prestigious option for creating an email box but consists in using the appropriate services of a provider that provides the organization with Internet access (do not confuse it with a hosting provider). Then the addresses will be located on the same second-level domain as the provider’s website. Please note that the main disadvantage of this method of receiving postal box ov is their small volume. If they are not cleaned in a timely manner, they quickly become full, and if they end up on spammer lists, their addresses are difficult to change to others.

The least prestigious, but also the most convenient way to receive electronic mail box ov for organizations is the use of public mail servers. Their services are provided, they provide fairly high-quality protection against spam, and sometimes against viruses. Volume box and, which can be created on such a server, can amount to several gigabytes. And some of these servers (for example, Gmail) are considered less prestigious than others.

Regardless of which server the mailbox is located on box, it is important to ensure its safety. Set a complex password, and enter a random sequence of characters as the answer to the security question. Change your password periodically.

To be able to accept paper correspondence, please contact your nearest organizations post office for the purpose of establishing a subscription box. Having received a set of documents, including a contract form, fill out all the necessary papers. Indicate your postal code and subscriber number on the website box A. Don't forget to pay for it on time.


  • mail server for organization

For company, you need to find friends with whom not only you can communicate with interest, but also they must have common hobbies with each other, or in general, at least something that would connect them. Be ready to take the initiative: organize meetings and invite friends to interesting events.


A company is several people who gather for the sake of communicating with each other, but at the same time they are also connected by something else that allows them not to fall apart. For example, they are all neighbors, belong to the same study group, are interested in the release of new Terminator films, whatever. If you approach starting a company from this point of view, be prepared to include such a thing as a unifying factor for a group of people.

Start small - invite a few people you know to get together. You can invite them for a walk, to go to an exhibition or to the cinema. Then everyone should go to a cafe and discuss their impressions. If your friends find it interesting to get together, then organize similar outings more often in the future.

People love communication and strive for it, but be prepared that, as a rule, you take the initiative for meetings. At first, it’s just you. Until several people have become friends and become a strong group, getting them together can be difficult.

Invite those people who are having fun, who are good with each other, those with whom you enjoy being with. But don't forget to invite someone else in from time to time, as new faces always bring something to the table. Do not try to limit yourself to a selected narrow circle of people.

Organize unusual parties, come up with something so that your friends will enjoy gathering at your place, so that they perceive these meetings as something interesting and look forward to them.

Don't forget about holidays such as birthdays and New Year. Celebrate them together, if not on the very date of the holiday that your friends may want to spend with someone else, then at least in the coming days.

You don't have to try to start your own company, you can join someone you are interested in. If you have been invited and you would like to continue communicating with these people, take the initiative - invite them somewhere yourself.

Be friendly, smile. If your friends value you, then you will never be left without company. Be interested in the affairs of your friends, participate in their lives, pay attention to them.

Video on the topic

Having changed their primary email address, many users are faced with the problem of changing the mailbox in the services they use. First of all, this is necessary in order to receive important service notifications in a timely manner.

You will need

  • New email address, access to the service’s personal account.


In order to change the address in the service to a new one, the user needs to perform a number of specific actions. Initially, you need to log in to the service using a password. After user authorization is completed, you need to go to personal settings. Typically, a link like “My”, “My” or “Personal Account” leads to such a menu.

Once in your personal account, you need to find the “Change personal data” menu. After the user is redirected to change personal information, in the “E-mail” field you need to erase the old email address and enter a new one in its place. At the end of the operation, you must save all changes by clicking on the appropriate button. This way, the user will be able to change their mailbox.

Some services, when changing an email address, provide confirmation of the operation by transferring the user, which is sent to the previously specified e-mail address. After completing all the steps, do not forget to check the contents of your mailboxes for a new message with relevant content from the service. If there is no email confirmation letter, the service does not provide for such an operation and your e-mail has been changed to a new one.

Video on the topic


  • how to change your mailbox password in 2019

In the Internet era, having an electronic mailbox has become much easier than using physical home mail. Anyone can connect to the Internet and create an unlimited number of free mailboxes on any email service they like.


The most popular in the world are Yahoo!, Google Mail (Gmail), AOL Mail, MSN Hotmail; in Russia – Rambler, Yandex.Mail and Registration in email services is absolutely free, except for special services with privileged options and for various.
Usually the mailbox takes no more than five minutes. The stages are similar for all services, only the interface and some details change. Let's look at a specific example of registration in the international email service Google Mail and the domestic Yandex.Mail.

Google Mail:
Go to the site On the right side of the screen you will see an Account button - click it.
In the e-mail creation form, enter your data: first name, last name, desired login. The login will be the first part of your email address - [email protected] . After this, create a password of at least 8 characters and confirm it.
Next, you need to enter data such as a secret question and the answer to it, set the home page settings, select and enter the verification code from the picture. After completing all the steps, click the “I accept the terms and conditions. Create my account" at the bottom of the screen. The mailbox has been created.

Yandex Mail:
Go to the website In the center of the screen, just below the login form, you will see a blue link “Set up mail on Yandex”. Click on it.
On the new page, enter your first name, last name and desired login, which will become part of your e-mail. After Yandex checks the login to see if it can be selected, click “next”.
On the next page, create a password and enter it in the password field, and confirm the password in the next field. Select your security question and enter the answer. If desired, mail can be linked to e-mail and .
Enter the captcha, check the box next to “I accept the terms of the User Agreement” and click the “Register” button at the bottom of the screen. Congratulations, your account has been created on Yandex.


  • how to register your mailbox

If postal box If your home is broken or unreliable, and you need to receive correspondence regularly, you can set up a post office box. Such a box is a separate cell located in the communications department and locked with a key. Having acquired a PO Box, you can receive correspondence to his address without fear for its safety.

You will need

  • Passport, service agreement, funds to pay for the service


Before you open a mailbox, choose a post office that is convenient for you. In some cases, it is preferable for the box to be located in the post office closest to your home. And sometimes it is more profitable to use a post office located near your place of work. The choice is yours, since when you open a PO Box, registering your place of residence does not matter.

Come to the selected post office and contact the subscriber department with a request to give you the documents necessary to obtain the service. If there are free cells, the post office employee will provide you with an application form and an agreement, which you must fill out in two copies.

Pay special attention to the contract for cell subscription services. In it, indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, passport number, date and place of issue. Enter in the appropriate line the box number that the post office employee will indicate to you.

In the appropriate section of the contract, enter the amount of the advance payment. The amount will depend on the period for which you conclude the contract, but cannot be less than three months. A month of servicing a box for an individual costs from 70 rubles (the amount may differ from the indicated amount, it all depends on the specific conditions).

Include your details in the contract, including postal address and contact phone number. The details of the communication company are usually indicated in advance in the text of the contract. Do not put the contract number; it will be written down by postal employees after the document is signed by the head of the post office.

Pay the prepayment amount to the post office cash desk and present the receipt to the subscription department. In exchange, you receive a key to the cell. Ask the postal worker to check the serviceability of the box and locking device in your presence. You will receive your copy of the agreement signed by the other party in a few days in your new mailbox.

Write down the post office code and your post office box number. Now you can use this address for correspondence. Don't forget to renew your contract in advance by paying a subscription fee.

If you already have one postal box, second in a row, third, etc. You can use any service:,, and others. It can be registered in the same way as the first one, using the same data (last name and first name).

You will need

  • - Internet browser;
  • - account on Yandex.


A fairly wide range of services today is offered by postal box Yandex. Go to the main page of the project and click the “Create mail” link on the left side of the site. You will see a mail account registration page. Here you need to go through 3 steps sequentially: 2 registration steps and the last step to log into your account.

In the first step you need to enter your details, i.e. Fill out the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields and come up with your login. If everything is clear with the first and last name, you will have to tinker a little with the login. Hundreds of users register on email services every day, so there are significantly fewer free and unique logins than a few years ago. If the login you have chosen is busy, use the recommendations that will appear below the field to be filled in.

After completing this page, proceed to the next step by clicking the "Next" button. Here you also need to fill in all fields. First of all, you should come up with your password and enter it in the appropriate field. Please note that as you type your password, a comment bar will appear to indicate the complexity of the password you entered. It is advisable to create a password that is marked “Complex” or “Strong”.

Then you need to enter a password confirmation - this is done in case you entered the password by accident. If the passwords do not match, please enter again.

The next column is “Secret Question”. It is used to restore access to your email box u. Select one of the proposed questions and enter the answer in the field of the same name. It is recommended to use your own question here - this will reduce the likelihood of your email being hacked. box A.

Next, enter a different e-mail. Because you register second email address, please indicate box, which was the first. This technology allows you to contact support if you have technical questions or discover that your account is unavailable.

Don't forget about the "Mobile" field. Here you need to enter your number, with which you can restore access to your box u. To complete registration, enter the check numbers in the empty window, check the box next to “I accept the terms of the User Agreement” (which you should read) and click the “Register” button.


How and where to set up an email. Electronic mail allows you to transfer emails between users over the Internet. At the bottom, click on the button “I accept the terms, create my account.” 3. All registration is completed - now write down the mailbox name, its password on paper or in another convenient way. Congratulations! Now you have a Mailbox!!!

Helpful advice

First, make sure that you do not have a mailbox. If you have “your own” Internet, then most likely, along with the “Internet delivery to your home” service, you will also receive a mailbox (and sometimes several). Therefore, it is best to get yourself one or several free mailboxes from the very beginning. It is better to do this where there is a high probability that these boxes will be safe and sound for many years.


  • where is the best place to have a mailbox?

If you need to constantly share data in your office or home between multiple computers, you should consider using a file server. This is a computer that is connected to a public network and allows you to freely transfer files within it.

You will need

  • - Computers;
  • - Ethernet card;
  • - large-capacity hard drive;
  • - 256-512 MB of RAM.


First of all, determine the number of users who will be able to access the server at the same time. If their number reaches 10, then the file server can be built on fairly modest hardware. For large quantities, the connection to the server must be established in parallel. Buy a powerful and productive computer with sufficient RAM.

Choose a hard drive for proper file sharing. If most of the files that the server will use are ordinary electronic documents, then a 60-80 gigabyte hard drive will be sufficient, since these types of files are relatively small. However, if your plans include exchanging or large databases, then you need to choose a disk with a capacity of several hundred gigabytes.

Install additional memory if necessary. Smaller file servers can run with 256 megabytes of RAM, but faster performance will require 512 megabytes or more. The more users there are, the more RAM is needed.

Select the appropriate operating system. This may depend on the level of comfort required and preference. Linux or other similar operating systems are very suitable because they can run on low-end hardware. In this case, you may not need to install a GUI.

Assemble and configure your computer by preparing all the necessary components. When using Linux and similar systems, the server will require fewer computers and with lower performance. You can safely opt for supported equipment. The main thing is that the main computer has an Ethernet card to connect to an office or home network.

Configure the server by going to the control panel. Enable file sharing using administrative tools. Make sure that communication between computers is functioning properly and that there is no hardware overload.

Video on the topic

(Electronic mail) translated from English means “Electronic mail”. It is a technology for sending virtual messages on the global network. In the modern age of technology, not only advanced users have email - everyone uses it, from children to the elderly. Registering an email is a two-minute affair.


To begin, select the service where you are going to create a box. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to count the number of mail services - there are too many of them. They are both paid and free. The main difference is in service - paid mailboxes have good anti-spam protection, responsive technical support, and a reliable antivirus. But the average Internet user has no need for a paid account. The most popular free ones are such mail services as “” “” “” “” “”. Once you have made your choice, proceed to registration.

Corporate mail allows you to use addresses:

[email protected], [email protected], etc., where is the address of your site.

Advantages of Corporate Mail:

  • the status of your Company;
  • the memorability of your Company;
  • security of corporate correspondence;
  • security of communication lines with your Clients.

Corporate email is an integral part of modern business culture. Since now all companies actively use information technology products, today a company should have not only a website on the Internet, but also its own corporate-format email.

The company’s corporate mail looks in such a way that after the usual “dog” icon the domain of the organization’s website is written, and not the name of the mail services to which the mailbox belongs, like for ordinary users. You can create a mailbox (email) for corporate mail using the services of specialists in the field of information technology.

Why do you need corporate email?

You need to create a corporate-type mailbox in order to look presentable in front of clients. An organization is treated with the greatest confidence if the manager decides to make mail on the domain of his company. The company's contacts in the form of corporate mail look presentable and respectable. Therefore, a corporate email format has a positive impact on the company's reputation and also increases its rating in the eyes of customers.

How to create an email with your own domain?

In order to create a corporate email, you need to contact a technical specialist who is able to implement this task. If your company does not have such an employee, then this is not a problem. After all, specialists from a specialized organization that specializes in this industry – dm-design – know very well how to create mail with your own domain.

To create a corporate email, you will need hosting on which all the company's email will be stored. You can purchase this hosting for rent from the appropriate provider so that all your company’s corporate mail is stored on your hosting. You can also configure everything so that mail arrives at the hosting of one of the popular mail systems, namely:

  • @gmail
  • @Yandex

Additionally, there is a technical possibility to duplicate emails. That is, your employees can give clients and also indicate on business cards a corporate address, which is an email address with its own domain, but the letters will arrive both at work and personal email, that is, duplicated or forwarded. This function is necessary to ensure that important emails do not end up in spam or are accidentally deleted.

How to create a corporate email?

Internet solutions studio dm-design specializes in creating technical solutions for business. The range of services includes the creation of corporate mail for commercial organizations, as well as the creation, configuration and maintenance of corporate mail with the individual wishes of the client.
dm-design specialists will take your company’s email to a new level!

For effective interaction between company employees, you need mail for a domain - a technology that makes it possible to organize personalized mail on your own domain. However, some hosting providers do not provide mailboxes, and even if they do, these mailboxes take up a lot of space on the hosting, so you have to constantly delete read letters and correspondence.

The site's registered mail is an electronic mailbox with an address that contains the name of the company: for example, [email protected]. Using this service, you can send emails on behalf of the site to the addresses of employees and other registered users. This is also convenient for the recipient: his email address is identified with the brand, thereby increasing brand recognition and the recipient’s trust in letters that come from a known sender.

Free domain mail from Yandex

Yandex offers any owner of a personal domain with a valid account on Yandex.Mail a free solution for creating a mailbox with the owner’s domain name.

Features of the offer:

  • provision of free corporate mail for up to 1000 boxes (subject to certain conditions - more than 1000 boxes);
  • convenient interface in Russian;
  • support for standard mail protocols (POP3, SMTP, IMAP);
  • correspondence is stored without taking up space on the hosting;
  • scanning emails for viruses;
  • many themes for the interface;
  • the ability to add a company logo;
  • spam protection;

Step-by-step instructions for registering and setting up mail from Yandex

Mail with a site domain name from Yandex is available to those who have an account on Yandex, so to connect it you first need to register or log in with your username and password. After this, you can go to the mailbox registration section.

Step 1. We go to The following page opens before us:

In the appropriate field after the @ sign, enter the name of your domain (highlighted in the red rectangle in the screenshot) and click “Add”.

Step 2. You need to confirm your rights to the domain, that it belongs to you. You can do this in 3 ways:

  • by placing a text file (txt) in the root directory of your site;
  • creating a subdomain with a name offered by Yandex with a CNAME record;
  • changing the contact address.

The easiest way is to use the first method. To do this, you need to connect to the site via FTP and create a file in the root directory with the name, as recommended by Yandex. In this case, you need to insert verification text from the interface inside the file. However, this method is not very convenient in terms of the fact that when updating the CMS you will have to constantly drag and drop other people’s files in the root directory.

You can use the second method. To do this, add an entry in the domain control panel with the following parameters: yamail- . In each specific case, the combination of letters and numbers that must be entered instead of name is generated by Yandex individually. Select the CNAME record type and the following data:

As for the third method, to change the contact address you need to go to the control panel on the registrar’s website. Then enter a new contact address: (instead of login we write our login, instead of key we write the code that is indicated on the confirmation page). However, this method is not suitable for, .ru and .by.

Regardless of the confirmation method chosen, after completing the steps, click “Verify domain ownership.” If you chose the first method and did everything correctly, the new file will be available via a link from the browser. Check this feature before further configuration.

Now all that remains is to wait for confirmation from Yandex: this process may take a day, or maybe a couple of minutes. Press the test button periodically.

Step 3. After you have verified domain ownership, you need to set up MX records.

In order not to waste time on this, the easiest way is to delegate the domain to Yandex: the records will be changed automatically. This does not mean that now it will be serviced by Yandex: the service still remains on your hoster, Yandex acts as an intermediary and nothing more.

A domain is delegated as follows: in its settings (you can open them using a link issued by your domain registrar), you need to make changes to the DNS server:

  • We call the primary DNS server “”;
  • secondary - “”.

Please note that there is a period after net. Having done this, save the DNS records and wait until they are updated (on average it takes from 4 to 24 hours). You will see the following status until the update takes effect:

Refresh the page from time to time until you see the following:

A message appears, highlighted in green.

Creating mailboxes with your own domain

Actually, the previous step was final, the setup is complete. Now you can add an address in the form of specific mailboxes and log into regular Yandex mail using the newly created login and password for the organization’s mailbox. To do this, find the “Add mailbox” field and enter your name and password.

The interface of this mail is the same as regular mail, but the letters will already be sent with your domain in the address, which is what everything was done for. At the same time, to create a mailbox, you can enter any name, letters, numbers: you will not encounter the fact that the name is already taken, as often happens when you try to create a new mailbox in regular mail.

When you log into your new mailbox, you will be required to fill out your personal information, after which you will be redirected to the “Complete Registration” page.

Here you just need to fill out all the fields and save, after which you can fully use domain mail. There are several ways to enter it:

  • open Yandex.Mail and specify your login and password;
  • open the address, where yourdomain is the name of your domain, and indicate the login and password of the corporate mailbox;
  • through a form on your website.

Disadvantages of free mail from Yandex

Despite the fact that the free offer is attractive simply because it is free, the capabilities of the service and the ease of managing it are not suitable for every company. Let's look at the main disadvantages of such mail:

1. Limited number of boxes

It is stated that email from Yandex allows you to create an unlimited number of mailboxes. But if your business dictates that you need to create more than 1,000 boxes, you may run into a limit. More than 1000 boxes can be provided only if the traffic and user activity on them is high.

2. Inability to send mass mailings via email

Yandex Mail does not allow mass mailing to external addresses, i.e. those that are not registered on your website. Group mailings can only be done within a domain.

3. No technical support

If the user encounters any problems, then he simply has nowhere to call. All you have to do is use the feedback form, but you may never get a response.

4. Illogical SPF

Yandex Mail allows you to create and configure an SPF record - a means of filtering out spam on behalf of a domain and preventing the forgery of email addresses of its owner. However, Yandex's practice of using this tool does not prohibit receiving messages from illegitimate IP addresses.

5. Small message size limit

It is impossible to send messages larger than 41 MB through the Yandex mail service.

From all this we can conclude that free Yandex mail is good only for the smallest businesses, which cannot afford to pay even a small subscription fee for professional hosting solutions.

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Corporate mail is an email address in which, instead of the well-known free service, there is a specific company domain.

The company offers non-profit organizations, educational institutions, as well as individual entrepreneurs and companies to use the personal domain name connection service to create concise and memorable addresses.

Advantages of connecting a domain name to

By connecting your domain to the service, you receive a basic set of services, which includes the ability to add up to 5,000 mailboxes. In addition, each user gets the opportunity to use cloud storage for workgroups, hot and cold data. Additionally, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Unlimited mailboxes;
  • Modern mobile applications, access via IMAP protocol;
  • Integrated calendar, address book and messenger;
  • Reliable protection against spam and viruses;
  • Notifications of incoming emails via SMS and some other functions.

Messages from other mailboxes can be imported to the new address. It is also possible to create mailing lists within a domain. This is a particularly popular feature when sending a message to everyone or a group of users.

Disadvantages of the service include advertising in the mailbox, which cannot be disabled without the use of special modules, and the lack of confidentiality of user data, including the content of letters sent and received. According to the user agreement, data is collected and processed for improved monetization of the service through advertising.


Personal mail is an electronic mailbox, the address of which, instead of a free service, contains the name of the company itself, the surname of the business owner or any other data.

The Alphabet company (Google brand) offers the use of its service for connecting a personal domain name, which is focused on team work and is characterized by extensive administration and settings capabilities. At the same time, even a private user can connect to it.

Benefits of connecting a domain name to Google

The main advantages of Google are high protection against spam and a user-friendly interface. However, besides this, the service has other advantages:

  • Providing mailboxes for each user;
  • Alias ​​(aliases) for mailbox and domain, special general chat;
  • Migration of messages from other mailboxes;
  • Spell checking of letters before sending, translator functions;
  • Autoresponder;
  • Filtering messages, canceling sending a letter;
  • Two-factor authentication;
  • Convenient mobile application.

The number of boxes in Google is limited only by the user's budget. A few years ago it was completely free for everyone, but today it remains so only for educational institutions. At the same time, each client can try a free 30-day version of Google Apps for Works and independently evaluate the service.

Among the disadvantages of the service are the high advertising overload of the user interface, as well as the aggressive collection of confidential data (scanning the contents of the mailbox) for subsequent sale to advertisers.

Mailbox from the company "Tendentsia"

For those companies that have special requirements for the quality of hosting service, we offer an advantageous service - domain mail for a company from a website. Our email hosting protects users from spam and viruses, advertising and other unwanted messages. Key advantages of the offer:

  • unlimited mailbox volume;
  • as a gift (for orders from 10 addresses);
  • free testing (up to a month);
  • 24/7 technical support.

To configure, you need to delegate the domain to the site's DNS servers. All users are provided with 3 independent DNS servers free of charge. To protect served addresses from spam, viruses, counterfeiting and other cyber threats, the company site uses deep integration of the mail server with the protected DNS zone. Integration involves entering various service records into the zone, for example TXT.

Many third-party DNS services do not support the necessary records or records of sufficient length, so for reliable operation of the mail server it is recommended to use a DNS site. The website can remain on the current hosting; there is no need to transfer it. Updating the information in DNS may take up to a day, after which the service of corporate addresses will be connected to the hosting site

To order a service or ask any questions, please contact us in a convenient way. You can do this by email, order a call back, or call the numbers listed on the website.

Test for free!

Business communication involves the exchange of messages. The selection of free services is amazing. Here you have Gmail, Mail.Ru and others. If such boxes are suitable in everyday life, then it is not a fact that they will be a good option for business interaction. Corporate mail is much better than a set of standard storages. In addition, when registering on an accessible resource, you will definitely encounter the problem of a lack of free domain names.

The online correspondent service for exchanging information at work operates according to a standard principle. By connecting such a server, you gain a number of the following advantages:

  • Presentable address. Business mail allows you to create unique and custom domains. [email protected] looks and sounds much better than [email protected]. You get the opportunity to improve the company's image. The second argument is that your address is easily remembered by potential clients and partners. Even if they don't write it down, they will be able to reproduce it from memory, since the email will not be a string of numbers or random words.
  • No restrictions. As the organization grows, the number of employees increases rapidly. Mail with a domain allows you to create mailboxes for each employee. You can indicate your position or department number in your nickname. This simplifies communication within the company and with partners.
  • Confidence. You always know who you are communicating with. Information does not leave the company; there is no risk of leaks or “theft” of ideas.
  • Convenience. The repository contains exclusively working dialogs. You will not need to spend a lot of time searching for the required document among your personal messages.
  • Control. The manager will always be able to monitor the reaction, efficiency and workload of employees.
  • Reliability. As a rule, the director has access to the work email of each employee. If a person gets sick or quits, all correspondence with clients and partners does not disappear with him, but remains within the company. This way you can easily finish the work you started without losing the customer or breaking deadlines. In other words, you will virtually eliminate the risk of the human factor and ensure that tasks are completed regardless of the individual employee.

How to make a corporate email?

Using the 1C-UMI designer, you can create a mailbox in your domain directly through the site control panel. It will also be connected to message forms and alerts on your website.

To solve a problem on third-party services, you will need to perform a number of actions. First of all, take care of setting up MX records; they are needed to redirect messages. They are located in the management panel of your domain's DNS zone. If the domain was purchased through 1C-UMI, then setting up records will be directly in the control panel. This is necessary to select a server that will receive mail. There is no need to worry if corporate mail on Yandex or another service does not work. The authorization process takes from 2 hours to 3 days.

Gmail corporate email

Users and entrepreneurs are offered the corporate Apps for Work package with the connection of an internal communication resource. You will have to pay to use the site. You will need to pay about $5 per person per month. The cost is not entirely affordable and can be intimidating. In return you get the following benefits:

  • Familiar and understandable interface for maintenance. Previously registered domains are linked to the internal one.
  • Each account receives built-in electronic memory. It is 30 GB.
  • Integration with Google Docs occurs automatically.
  • You can easily install plugins and extensions to improve functionality.
  • Enable offline mode.
  • View emails from desktop and mobile devices.
  • Simplified viewing, reading, editing of files, full regulation of access rights to documentation.
  • Support for in-demand and popular clients.
  • The connection to applications from Google Play is activated.
  • The new account is offered updated sorting filters.
  • Google Chat supported.
  • Sites that were created in advance will remain accessible. “Fresh” services will already be assigned to the updated profile.
  • 99% uptime guarantee.

An additional feature is that all services are interconnected. This has a great effect on team interaction and cohesion. The advantages outweigh the cost of the service, which is why this kind of CP is popular.

The company offers a brief description and tour of all functional parameters. On the support site you will find detailed answers to your questions.

Yandex corporate mail

Among the CIS countries, this type of correspondence in a company is most popular. The main advantage is free services. Yandex business mail has the following advantages:

  • Unlimited storage capacity.
  • Comprehensive anti-spam protection.
  • At the start, 10 GB of memory is given. It increases depending on the frequency of use.
  • Yandex.Mail for business has a Russian-language interface.
  • Simple and intuitive operation.
  • By default, up to 1000 address names are provided. The application limit increases upon request.
  • You can always add a company logo or emblem.
  • Setup is done in two clicks.
  • Mail protocols are protected and completely safe.
  • A full list of tools for processing attached files opens.
  • Incoming letters are sorted, the mailbox does not turn into a “dump”.
  • Additional functionality: built-in calendar reminder for work and personal meetings.
  • Yandex (corporate mail) functions without problems on Android and iOS.

Setting up the service is easy. The basic algorithm for performing the procedure is discussed below.

Be sure to register on the presented site. Follow the link:

  • Initially, add a mail domain to the interface. Confirm your rights to it. The best option is to attach a verification text to the site. Connect via FTP and create a text file in the root partition. The requirements for the name are set by the site itself. Copy the verification data that is displayed in the open window directly into a text document.
  • Creating corporate mail on Yandex is complemented by checking rights. It can be performed instantly or within a day. In case of failure, it is recommended to contact support.
  • Set up hosting management through the ISP panel. If you don’t want to suffer with MX, then you can delegate hosting. After this, Yandex.Mail corporate allows you to add specific components in the form of profiles for each employee.

To protect yourself from constantly ending up in the spam section, activate DKIM. When you log into your personal account, a code will open in the upper right corner. You don’t need to read it carefully, just copy it. Paste it into the new DNS and save. Activation will take place within 24 hours. A signature will be assigned to your messages. Mail servers around the world will correctly accept sent materials. Successful delivery guaranteed!


The free offers are attractive. Unfortunately, not every company can boast of trouble-free implementation of the system. What difficulties may you encounter:

  • An unlimited number of accounts is a pitfall. If the number exceeds 1000, then it may become difficult. Additional storage boxes are opened if activity and traffic are high enough.
  • Mass mailings to external addresses are prohibited. There is only group sending within a domain.
  • From technical support there is only a return form of communication. But the wait for an answer can be very long and painful.
  • The Spam Filtering Tool (SPF) does not always protect against receiving mailings from strange IPs.
  • There is a size limit. In reality, it is possible to send messages weighing no more than 41 MB. and organization of commercial activities

The principle of operation and application is known to many. The developers have taken care to increase the range of possibilities. Basic list: viewing emails, full integration with cloud page, calendar and messenger. Functional:

  • Unlimited volume, full anti-virus protection.
  • Up to 5000 accounts are supported.
  • Multi-authorization.
  • Extension for previewing and editing office materials.
  • Connecting SMS notifications about actions.
  • Full adaptation for mobile devices.

The only negative is that it is impossible to attach a logo to the signature.

Mail for a website or any institution is the basis of well-established communication. Microsoft Office applications help you create and edit documents in the cloud. Free subscription is open to Russia and CIS countries. Users from Ukraine will need to pay from 6 to 26 dollars. The cost fluctuates depending on the level of implementation.

The basic level, or plan, has a limitation. The volume is 50 GB. There is no such requirement on “advanced” plans. Connection to your calendar and contacts occurs automatically. Registration and subscription are carried out on the official portal.

Hosted development

Almost all hosting providers offer a KP configuration feature. You can create and activate an e-mail in 5-6 hours. After this, you can immediately proceed to use. This simple option is suitable for those who are indifferent to the service and advanced functionality. During registration, be sure to check any add-ons, such as redirects.

Implementation and cost

After registering a documentation web service, you will be able to:

  • Log in to your individual account using the same login and password that was registered before.
  • Work with existing emails and ready-made contacts.
  • Send materials not only from the created account, but also from the old account.

Don't be afraid of paid offers. By transferring money, you receive qualified service. The total amount is formed from two payments:

  1. For placement on the site.
  2. For a domain name.

Please note that the second payment will be charged once a year solely for renewal. You can also buy a unique nickname, which is written after the @ symbol. Such personalization is guaranteed to increase your level in the eyes of partners or clients. After purchasing a custom name, register it. All contact parameters that are specified during registration will be included in the domain directory of the owners. If necessary, they can be made confidential. Just uncheck the “Publicly available information” checkbox. What happens when you hide contact indicators:

  • Instead of your contacts, information from information security providers will be shown.
  • Online users will not be able to find out your real information. They will have to contact the supplier. Sent messages will be forwarded to you. The sender will only be able to see the real information after you reply to the email.

Yes or no?

Still in doubt and wondering if it's worth it? The answer is obvious - of course! It doesn't matter if you have a trust fund or a small coffee shop. The manager, administrator and performers must stay in touch. Communication with clients and suppliers, internal chat are components that will help establish productive joint work. What can we say about expanding commerce or entrepreneurship. This is impossible to imagine without normal communication within the team and with partners. Technical support will help you cope with any difficulties that may arise during the completion of the task. Corporate mail will become a useful working tool and improve your own image. It will make all processes in the company more streamlined and efficient, as a result of which your business will become more profitable.