Creating an Instagram for business from scratch. How to make a business account on Instagram: step-by-step instructions. Promoting a business account on Instagram using paid methods

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.

There are two blogging formats on Instagram. You can register as a regular user. This option is suitable for those who do not plan to monetize, since it does not have access to advanced statistics and other convenient options. You will not be able to track the results of your actions.

A page for a company, on the contrary, has more functionality. It helps to understand whether the promotion strategy is working and increases the number of visits to the site/calls. It becomes possible to set up advertising directly from Instagram. In this article we will tell you how to create, configure and design such a profile so that it becomes as useful as possible.

How to create an Instagram account for business

Connection is free and very simple. You should already have a regular blog. It doesn't matter if it contains publications. Go into it (the function only works in the mobile application) and open the settings – the icon in the form of a gear or three dots in the upper right corner. Find the item “Switch to a business account.”

Tap “Continue” several times, select the category that is closest to your activity. Select a Facebook page or create one if you don't have one. In the second case, follow the instructions: enter a name, category, click “Done”. You can do the opposite. First register on FB and then go to Instagram and combine them.

On Facebook, open the menu on the right, as in the screenshot, and create a company or brand page.

How to return a blog to its previous format

The connected company profile becomes open to all users of the social network by default. If you decide that you want to close the publications or the new format did not live up to your expectations, you will have to go to the regular page. To do this, go to Settings again and tap Switch back to personal account. Confirm your actions. Everything is ready, but the posts can still be seen by anyone. Hide them in Settings if necessary.

Some blog owners note that after the transition from regular mode, organic reach rates decreased. But this is not a universal phenomenon, so you cannot say that it will be the same for you. The disadvantages include malfunctions in the linked FB.

How to transfer Instagram to a business account: another way

In the same section where you connected the previous format, there is a “Register a business profile” button. Click it. Instagram will give you a choice: reorganize this blog or create a new one. In the second case, you will create another page under a different name. As a result, the same functions will be available to you in any of the three options.

The first of these is statistics. Icon on top, right. Data will only appear for new posts that you publish after you switch from normal mode. What you can see:

  • Number, gender, age, geographical location of subscribers.
  • The effectiveness of publications, stories and promotions.
  • Number of impressions, reach, views per week.
  • Clickability of communication buttons.

In addition, you can view analytics for each note. The button is located under each photo. All this will help you create better content, adjusting it to the characteristics of your readers. You can also find out at what time your target audience is most active so you can post posts at the appropriate times.

Other new features in your profile include a gray signature in the description with a category that characterizes your company. What you chose during the connection process. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find exact definitions in the list offered by Instagram. But this is not the main advantage of the new format. Please note: Readers can now write or call you directly from your blog.

A contact button has appeared on the main page – email or phone number, depending on what you added during registration. You can add another contact later. You no longer need to put this data in the description. When the subscriber clicks on the inscription, a window will open with a choice of application for communication. And that's not all the options!

How to connect and set up a business account on Instagram to get traffic to your website

In addition to the buttons listed, you can configure other useful elements for interacting with your audience. To do this, go to “Edit Profile” and tap “Communication Methods”. If you add an address, it will appear in the description under the avatar and next to the mail or phone. When you click on it, the reader will be able to open a map with your location. This option may not be suitable if the organization has many branches, since only one needs to be added in the settings.

The next item in the settings is action buttons. They help you complete the transaction directly from Instagram. Available options:

  • Sign up.
  • Make a reservation.
  • Checkout.
  • To buy tickets.

Check the box next to the one you need and click “Next” in the upper right corner. In the next step, paste the URL.

There are four buttons on the page, but only two will be visible. To access others, the user will need to open the menu (three dots). Their sequence is selected automatically and cannot be changed.

How to create a business account on Instagram

For it to be successful, it is important to fill it out correctly. This affects both search results and the reaction of the target audience to the blog. There are several recommendations that are suitable for any business. All actions must be performed in the “Edit Profile” section.


Install a picture that reflects the essence of the company's activities. This could be a company logo or your photo. Adapt the image to the Instagram format. It should be of high quality, with contrasting colors, without a lot of details and small font.


Choose a short one that suits the meaning. Use the same spelling on all social networks. If you produce something, add keywords. For example, if you sell cakes in Moscow, write that. In the column with the account name, enter the brand name.


This is a small text block under the avatar. It should include a short, interesting description of the company. This is the first thing a person looks at when they log into their profile. At this point he decides whether to stay on the page. All phrases must be clear and short. How to fill these few lines?

  • Type of activity or listing of goods. Don't write vaguely. At this stage, people are looking for specific information.
  • Link to another social network or website. Make a summary of the address with a call to follow it.
  • USP. Your unique offer to clients: list your advantages.
  • Delivery conditions and other important information. Write down your opening hours, which countries you ship to, etc.

Use meaningful emoji to structure information and grab the attention of your audience. Add no more than one character per sentence.


The next factor influencing the number of subscribers and clients is your profile feed. If possible, take photos in daylight and always with a good camera. Choose a specific color scheme. You can alternate light and dark images or choose two pastel shades. It depends on the focus of your business. For example, if you sell children's products, a cheerful or calm palette would be suitable. If you don’t like this design option, choose a detail that will be repeated in every or most photos. This will create a feeling of unified style in the account.


If the visuals catch the user’s attention, he reads the text. Please adhere to the following guidelines when publishing it:

  • Divide your entry into paragraphs using a space or emoji.
  • Lists are highlighted with dashes or arrows.

In long posts, do not post the second part in the comments. Some blogs make it difficult for readers to search for the end of a post. Type it in the editor on your phone: take a screenshot and add it to the carousel of pictures, and in the first half write where to read the rest.

Gallery "Actual"

In this article, we told you how to switch to a business account on Instagram. As you can see, the connection process itself is simple. All you need to do is register a regular profile, press a few buttons and connect all the necessary functions. In just a few minutes you will have a new tool for promoting your commercial blog. All that remains is to design it according to our instructions and start conquering the vastness of Instagram.

Almost every modern Internet user has a personal Instagram page. If you are thinking about developing your own business on a social network, you need to create and set up a business account on Instagram. As a professional Internet manager, I will tell you all the nuances of creating such a profile and help you choose the necessary functions in practice.

How to create a business account on Instagramand link the page to Facebook

  1. Online registrationInstagram. First of all, you need to register your profile. Create a login and link your account to your phone number. Then add the basic data that is provided for by the network rules. If you already have a page created, proceed to the next step.
  2. Create a profile inFacebook. The main thing is to create a business page, not a personal account. Without it, you won’t be able to transfer your Instagram profile to the “business” category. The main requirement is to be an administrator of your account in order to have the necessary rights for further configuration.
  3. Switch to a business account. Now you need to return to the Instagram application, go to the menu and select the “Switch to company profile” option.
  4. Linking a page toFacebookaccount. In the window that appears, you must enter your credentials to log into your FB profile. If you have the Facebook application on your smartphone, you can immediately select your page.

5. Setting up a business account inInstagram. The next step is to fill out contact information that will be visible to all Instagram users, including your potential clients.

How to set up a business account on Instagram

The business page setup item includes adding the following data:

  • Email. Please provide your mailing address if you plan to do business online only. For example, when opening an online store or promoting a personal blog.
  • Phone number. Telephone communication is convenient for online sales or if you have a local business (cafe, clothing boutique, personal beauty salon or beauty salon, etc.)
  • Physical adress. It should be added if your business exists not only on the Internet. This will make it easier for potential buyers to find you and see the product in person.

What is the difference between a business account on Instagram?from personal profile

When you transfer your Instagram profile to the business category, you will receive the following additional options:

  • Icons for contacting the company. These buttons hide the contact information that was specified at the profile setup stage. The customer will be able to call, write an email or find your address on Google Maps with one click.
  • Determination of business category. This option will allow you to assign a specific category to your page. You can specify your field of activity, be it selling goods or services.

Business account statistics on Instagram

  1. General Statistics. By clicking the button in the upper right corner of your account, you can see the following statistics:
  • number of impressions;
  • coverage of all posts;
  • total views of the account during the week;
  • transitions to the website, calls, sent e-mails;
  • the most viewed posts for different periods of time;
  • information about subscribers (number, gender, age);
  • geolocation of your audience;
  • subscriber activity at different times of the day and days of the week.
  1. Statistics on publications. Information will be provided starting from the first post that will be published after switching to a business account:
  • date and time of the published post;
  • number of impressions;
  • general coverage of the publication;
  • response to the post, audience engagement.

Main advantages of a business account

A business profile on Instagram has the following advantages:

  • mobile methods of feedback. Buttons with contact information will simplify communication with customers. Buyers or clients will be able to contact you much faster to discuss order details or terms of potential cooperation.
  • detailed account statistics. Detailed statistical data will give a comprehensive picture of the target audience of your profile, their interests, and activity. Analysis of statistics will help you select competent text and visual content that will attract and increase the number of subscribers.
  • promotion of posts on Instagram. The options that are already built into the application will allow you to quickly and easily set up an advertising campaign and launch an ad. The owner of a business profile does not need to log into a Facebook account - now everything can be done without leaving the network. You can also specify the purpose of your ad, add a referral website, set an estimated budget and personal characteristics of the desired audience.
  • payment for advertising through the application. A convenient payment function will allow you to top up your advertising account in the payments section. Using a card or online services, you can pay for an advertising campaign directly on Instagram.

Promoting a business account on Instagrampaid methods

Effective promotion of a business page on Instagram requires the use of proven working techniques:

  • Targeted advertising. A properly configured and designed advertising campaign will give an excellent result in the form of an increase in visits to your business page and, as a result, a growing number of interested subscribers.
  • Raffles andGiveaway. A fairly popular way to increase activity on a page and attract new audiences is to hold a promotion with gifts for Instagram users. For subscribing, reposting, liking or commenting, the most active follower receives a free product or service from your brand.

  • Advertising with bloggers. In addition to the advertising campaign in the application itself, it is worth turning to popular bloggers and opinion leaders for PR. Determine the most suitable trendsetter in your business category and order an advertising post from him in your feed or InstaStories.
  • Mass following and mass liking. Subscriptions and likes in mass volumes work effectively at the beginning of promoting a business account. Such promotions can be carried out either manually or using special programs.
  • Audience parsers. A convenient analytical tool designed to make daily routine tasks easier. The profile owner or administrator of your account can collect the necessary information, auto-post, or carry out mass following using parsing programs.
  • Profile design in the same style. Of course, when running a business profile, it is important not only what you sell, but also in what form you do it. An account is a showcase of your store, so it is better to entrust the development of a stylish visual solution to a professional designer.

How to promote a business account on Instagram for free

In combination with paid methods of promotion, you should definitely pay attention to free methods of profile promotion. Such methods can be implemented independently and regularly carried out work in all available areas:

  • Interactive content. Proper filling of your profile with high-quality visual and textual information helps to quickly attract live subscribers who can become your customers and buyers. Make a rough content plan for the week and publish posts on schedule. If you doubt the quality of your photos or captions for posts, contact an experienced Instagram photographer or copywriter.
  • Networking. In addition to various advertising posts and announcements, for the harmonious development of a business account, daily interaction with other Instagram users is necessary. New useful contacts and communication in thematic communities will make your profile recognizable and popular.
  • Guest posting. As a result of active networking, you will definitely meet interesting people and specialists in your field of activity. Ask them to write an educational, informational post and you'll attract an interested audience to your page.
  • SFS or mutual PR. One of the most popular ways to promote. Choose another blogger who also wants to improve their stats and make a post or story about them on your feed. In return, the manager of the second account will publish your post on his account. The result will be mutually beneficial PR, especially if both profiles have a sufficient number of subscribers.

How to make a business account on Instagram private

One of the features of a business profile on Instagram is the lack of a privacy mode. In other words, the page cannot be made closed to network users. To close your profile from outside visitors, you must return to your personal account again.

To switch to personal profile mode, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your profile using your personal credentials.
  2. At the top, on the right side of the page, you need to click the button.
  3. Select the "Switch to personal account" option.
  4. In the new window, confirm your action by clicking “Switch to personal account” again.
  5. Go to the settings again and turn on the “Private account” mode. Your profile is now available only to authorized subscribers.

How to deactivate a business account inInstagram application from Facebook

If for some reason you need to disconnect your Instagram account from your Facebook account, follow the sequence of actions from our instructions:

  1. Launch the Instagram application on your smartphone.
  2. Go to your business profile by clicking on the “man” icon in the lower right corner of the page.
  3. Open your account settings using the three vertical dots at the top right.
  4. In the settings, find the “Linked Accounts” section and go to it.
  5. Here you will see a list of social networks, including the Facebook platform.

  1. Clicking on “Facebook” will open a new window. Select the "Unlink" option.
  2. Confirm your action by clicking the “Cancel connection” button again.

How to deleteconnection to an Instagram business account via Facebook

To permanently disable accounts, you need to carry out similar actions in your Facebook account:

  1. Log into your Facebook profile, which is linked to your business page on Instagram.
  2. In the menu bar on the right in the upper corner of the page, find the white arrow.
  3. In the list that appears, go to the settings section.
  4. In the new window you need the “Applications” section, which will contain a link to Instagram.
  5. Click on the icon of the social network you need and remove it from the list.
  6. Confirm the deletion by clicking on the desired button again.

Instagram is a fairly well-known media product on the Internet. Every day, hundreds of thousands of photos are published there, a huge number of comments are left, and a dozen different products and services are advertised, both in individual regions and around the world. It would be short-sighted to miss this opportunity to conduct advertising activities and inform your audience. Therefore, many aspiring and existing entrepreneurs are wondering: how to create a business account on Instagram? Here you will see step-by-step instructions and some useful tips for maintaining your profile.

Why do you need a business account?

Thanks to this type of profile, there are many opportunities for advertising your business and sales. Every second a lot of goods and services are advertised on Instagram and find their customers. The audience coverage is very large, plus the owner of a business account can receive and track statistics on his publications, and not only “likes” and subscribers are displayed, but also views, which allows you to find out whether your information has reached consumers. In addition, you will receive a "Contact" button. This feature will help your customers call you, find the street where your organization is located, or write an email.

Russia and business account

There is great news for our compatriots. Recently, Instagram began to support the possibility of running business accounts from Russia. Until this point, Internet entrepreneurs had to look for workarounds, for example, using American VPNs (an anonymizer that replaces the IP address), which made creating a business account much more difficult. However, the biggest problem was maintaining the account: viewing statistics and other functions also required a US address. Because of this, most users did not know how to connect a business account on Instagram.

What you need for your account

You don’t need anything complicated to figure out how to create a business account on Instagram. You only need access to the Internet and a mobile device on Android or iOS to install the Instagram application. Next, you will need an account on Facebook, preferably with real user data, as well as a special business page on this social network, which is linked to the account. It is better to set up a profile on Facebook using a computer, it is more convenient and faster. You will see more detailed instructions for creating business accounts on social networks below.

Facebook page

Before you learn how to set up a business account on Instagram, you need to register on the social network using your details or go to your profile if it already exists. Next, in the upper right corner there will be a button - “Create page”. Click on it, then select the page type, read about the conditions and requirements, then select one of the proposed types for the enterprise or product, and enter the name. Then the social network will ask you to fill out information about the company, select an image, indicate the website of your business, or integrate it with a page in other services.

It is not recommended to skip any of the steps proposed by Facebook, otherwise the question “how to make a business account on Instagram” may acquire new difficulties, you may have to repeat all the steps from scratch, which will take quite a long time. Many will wonder, what does Facebook have to do with it? "? The answer is quite simple - the social network acquired the rights to Instagram back in 2012, and now takes advantage of the advertising opportunities provided by two media products. Perhaps the integration may seem too intrusive to users, but everything has its advantages, because a business account is intended for maintaining your business, and Facebook’s advertising policy will allow you to attract more clients from both social networks.

Instagram account

This step should only be taken after creating a similar page on Facebook. If you already have it, then that's great, because more than half of the routine is already done, and you won't need to fill out almost anything. So, how to make a business account on Instagram? Just go to Instagram from your mobile device, open your account settings and select “Switch to company profile.” Everything is ready, now you have access to various useful information, business statistics and other delights of a commercial account. Now all you have to do is take care of the content on your page, but many users do this before wondering how to create a business account on Instagram. Despite this, it is important to follow certain rules, for example, your posts should be relevant to the purpose of the page, be relevant and interesting, and if it is a product, then it is advisable to make sure that users clearly see its characteristics and cost.

In addition, it is important to comply with the user agreement and conduct business honestly. In case of any difficulties, it is recommended to contact Instagram technical support or use the help built into the application.

Good day!
In today's article I will talk about how to create a business account on Instagram. How to configure it, why it is needed, pros and cons.

Not long ago, Instagram introduced the function of changing your personal account to a business option. By and large, nothing has changed, only 4 functions have been added, the so-called pluses:

  • Signature under your name about your activities
  • Ability to call without copying your phone number
  • Sending a letter by email
  • Map with directions to the office or other point you set

This is what it looks like:

Accordingly, such an account is intended for entrepreneurs who conduct business on Instagram: online stores and the service sector.

How to make a business account on Instagram

Everything is done quickly, literally in 5 minutes. Now step by step.

Congratulations. You did it!

How to deactivate a business account on Instagram

Sometimes this function loses its relevance due to the end of the company’s activities or for other reasons. You need to delete your Instagram business account.

To do this, we need to go to the settings and specify “Switch back to personal account.”

How to make a business account on Instagram private

Unfortunately, it is not possible to close a business account on Instagram. This function is available only to regular pages, which is a big minus. Thus, choose for yourself what goal you are pursuing and what promotion methods you use.

Account promotion

There are several ways to promote and promote your account. The main ones:

  • Use mass liking and mass following. I wrote about this in my .
  • Buy advertising on popular pages, both directly through administrators and through special exchanges.
  • Use targeted Instagram advertising through your Facebook account.

Before promoting, always make sure that your account is set up correctly. This is the main point, if not followed, you can lose up to 70% of your budget.

Commercial organizations actively use Instagram to promote their products, trade, and increase awareness. To connect Insta to business, it is better to create a business profile on Insta; it contains useful tools and functions.


After connecting a business account, its owner receives a number of benefits:

  • viewing detailed statistics of page visits;
  • the ability to create promotions using special tools;
  • Useful buttons are added to the profile page: call, send a letter, directions, etc.

How to create a business account via phone

On Android and IOS devices, the process of creating a business profile is simple; you need to perform several steps:

Video: How to create a business account on Instagram

How to make an Instagram business account if you already have a regular account

Video: How to make a business account on iPhone

How to create a business account via computer

An entrepreneur’s Instagram profile will help promote the project and attract new audiences. This is a modern approach to clients and customers. Using this profile, you can easily track statistics, communicate with customers and promote your product.

Unfortunately, the PC version of Instagram is very limited in its capabilities. Through it, you can quickly register a regular account, however, you will have to transfer it to a business profile through a smartphone or tablet using the official application. It’s also not possible to manage your business profile using a computer; this version of Instagram does not have the necessary functions.

To set up a business account, you must provide contact information about yourself; it is advisable to provide as much data as possible so that there are more opportunities to contact the company and its representatives.

Now you know how to make an Instagram business profile, what actions you need to perform. Unfortunately, this function is not available on a computer, but you can create a business profile through your phone, you can also transfer an existing regular account, all you need to do is select the function and follow the application prompts.