Program compatibility with Windows 7. Solving program compatibility problems. Running the program in compatibility mode for the selected operating system

Favorite games and familiar programs cannot be replaced with new ones. When Microsoft releases a new OS, compatibility between programs from previous ones is a feature that developers think about first.

But sometimes trying to start the old one results in an error. Are Microsoft employees really that careless about their jobs?


How to run old software on a new OS

Despite numerous changes in Windows 8.1 and 10, they support programs for XP and 7 with rare exceptions. Windows 8 compatibility problems do occur, but this is 1 case out of 100. Similar things happen with applications for XP and OSes released earlier. The problem encountered is the inability to launch an old game.

What is compatibility mode? If the software or 3D toy was made for win2000, then it probably won’t work on Vista. The point is the different OS structures. Software is created to work in a specific environment. When it gets into an unfamiliar one, it does not start or functions with errors. Windows compatibility is a way to “slip” into an application data from the old OS that is present in the new one. But sometimes the need to launch such functionality is unfounded.

Software under development regularly receives new installers. There is no point in running an old antivirus on eight or ten when it has already been updated 10 times. So first check if there is a new “build”. The exception is for programs whose previous releases contained useful functions that, for some reason, were not implemented in updates. In order for the old application to work correctly in the new OS and without failures, it is recommended to set the compatibility mode. This is not a special program for launching old games or software: everything is implemented using standard Windows tools.

How to make the game compatible with Windows 8? Do you have a retro game lying around or an old program that has no worthy analogues, but it does not start or is “buggy” on the “eight”? Running old games on Windows 7 or 8 can be made stable. To do this, right-click on the shortcut and call up the context menu. Pay attention to the “Properties” item. Launch and select the Compatibility tab.

This window provides the necessary parameters to help ensure compatibility on Windows 8 for legacy applications.

Running old programs on Windows 7 will be easier if you know for sure what OS your game was released for, then for the “Run the program in compatibility mode for...” option, select this operating system. According to statistics, 90% of applications that conflict with Windows 8 and 8.1 work without problems in compatibility with XP Service Pack 2 or 3. Select the desired option, click “Apply” and “OK”. If it doesn’t start the first time, try other options, don’t forget to click on the “Apply” button.

If you are wondering how to disable compatibility mode in Windows 7, then simply follow the above steps in reverse order. But this is just a basic setup. The “Compatibility” tab in the application shortcut properties also offers advanced settings:

  1. low color mode;
  2. lowering display resolution;
  3. Disable image scaling for modern screens.

Color reduction

Games and applications for legacy operating systems were created to run on computers whose monitors had an image resolution of 640X480 or 800X600 pixels. Modern video cards and monitors offer resolutions of up to 2000-3000 pixels. You need to configure Compatibility View settings. It is recommended to run such software in color. By activating the mode, you will run the program at the resolution for which it is intended. In the “Compatibility” tab, check the box next to the corresponding item and select the appropriate color option - 8 or 16 bits.

Using a different screen resolution

Old games were created for screens with a resolution of 640X480. This resolution is supported in modern monitor models, but is not used. Sometimes the Windows 7 compatibility problem lies precisely in the stretched image.

To run old games on the new OS, apply the “Use screen resolution 640X480” option

Disabling picture scaling

If a computer program or video game was intended to run on monitors 10-20 years ago, on new displays they are distorted - the image is stretched and blurred. To prevent this from happening, check the box next to “Disable image scaling...”. Now the picture looks correct.

Is there a completely incompatible Windows 7 application? Not often. It is not recommended to use compatibility mode for the following applications:

  1. antiviruses;
  2. garbage cleaners;
  3. hard drive utilities;
  4. tweakers.

This is a risk of compromising the stability of the OS.

Automatically apply settings

Windows contains special software that determines the appropriate correct launch mode for outdated applications and games. This is a good test of compatibility with Windows 7, 8 or 10. To launch, use the context menu of the installer file. At the top, click on the line “Fix compatibility problems”.

A new window will open, offering two options: using recommended parameters and diagnostics

The first point is fine. Select: A new window will open showing suggested options for the program to start correctly. The “Test program” item will help you test the proposed parameters in action. Clicking the button will launch the application with these parameters. If OK, save the result. Now the application automatically launches as it should, with the necessary options.

The diagnostics item helps you select options for correct launch, based on problems with the application.

By editing the registry

You can enable Windows 7, 8 or 10 compatibility using the registry. This method is used in rare cases, as there are plenty of other methods. For curious users, to run the game in compatibility mode or a legacy application:

  • Click on "Start".
  • In the “Run” field, enter cmd and press Enter.
  • In the command prompt window that opens, type regedit and Enter.
The registry editor will start, find the branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ AppCompatFlags\ Layers
  • Right-click on the empty space on the right half of the window and select “Create”.
  • Here, choose to create a “String Parameter”.
  • The parameter name is the full path to the executable file of the program for which you are setting up compatibility with Windows 7, for example.
  • Now right-click on the parameter name and open “Edit”.
  • In the “Value” line, enter one of the proposed options:
  1. WIN7RTM - to install compatibility with the “seven”;
  2. VISTARTM - for Vista;
  3. VISTASP1 - Vista with Service Pack 1;
  4. VISTASP2 - Vistas with Service Pack 2;
  5. WINXPSP2 - for "expi" with service pack 2;
  6. WINXPSP3 - "ex pi" with service pack 3;
  7. WIN2000 - for Windows 2000;
  8. NT4SP5 - for Windows NT version 4;
  9. WIN98 - for Windows 98;
  10. WIN95 - Windows 95.
  • Do you intend to open the program in compatibility mode with administrator rights? After the selection above, add the word RUNASADMIN (separated by a space).
  • Now find the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers.
  • Repeat steps 5 - 10 for this branch.
  • Save and restart your computer.

Now you know how to enable compatibility mode on Windows 7, 8 10.


If the computer is used by two or three or another number of users under separate accounts, it is recommended to apply program compatibility settings for “accounts”. Otherwise, if you boot under a different login, you will have to configure it from scratch. To do this, log into the OS under an administrator account. Applying compatibility mode using the first method (in the shortcut menu), apply the “Change settings for all users” item. Now the program runs with the same characteristics on all accounts.

Users are faced with cases when outdated software does not start after the manipulations have been done and no program for compatibility of games on Windows 7 helps. But this does not mean that there are no chances to use a “prehistoric” program or play a retro game. What to do? Answer - ! This is a program that creates an environment for running an OS within an OS. On Windows 10, you can run Windows 2000 or XP and install the application or toy of interest in a virtual machine in its native environment. An example of a virtual machine is the Virtualbox program. This method is reliable and guarantees full compatibility. For trouble-free operation of the virtual machine, you need a PC with advanced technical characteristics.

As soon as the user starts the program, the OS automatically turns on the Compatibility Assistant. It is designed to improve system performance, but on devices with minimal technical parameters, one more running utility will cause a crash or slow operation (how to increase PC performance is described in the article “”). Therefore, if you want to speed up your computer, read how to disable compatibility mode in Windows 10.


Windows Compatibility Assistant is designed to track:

  • programs installed on the computer (read how to remove a program from a PC in the article “”);
  • failures that occurred previously during the operation of applications;
  • ways to solve emerging compatibility problems.

It is also designed to run applications written for earlier versions of the OS. But if you don't want to constantly see messages on your PC asking you to install an app with recommended settings, disable this feature.

Using the Services

In Group Policy

  1. Press Win+R and enter the command: gpedit.msc.
  2. Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → Windows Components - Application Compatibility.
  3. On the right side of the window, find “Disable Program Compatibility Assistant” → RMB → Change → Enabled → confirm changes → restart your PC.

In OS Configuration

Manually launch applications in compatibility mode

RMB on the launch shortcut → properties → “Compatibility” tab.

There are three options available here:

  • click the “Run Compatibility Troubleshooter” button - the system will automatically try to solve the problems;
  • in the “Compatibility Mode” block, check the box “Run the program in compatibility mode for” and select from the drop-down list the OS in which the application worked stably;
  • in the “Parameters” block, specify the values ​​with which the program will be launched in compatibility mode - save the changes.

Good to know! To make the changes made for each user on the computer, click the “Change settings for all users” button (Administrator rights are required).

The video describes the manual start process more clearly.

Automatic parameter detection

  1. To start automatic setup, you can also right-click on the shortcut to launch the program - Fix compatibility problems.
  2. After diagnostics, windows will appear with two options for troubleshooting:
    • use recommended parameters;
    • program diagnostics.


If a program stops working on Windows 10, use the Compatibility Assistant to start it. If necessary, it can be disabled. But it is not recommended to do this if it does not interfere with the operation of the computer.

Let's look at this instruction on how to disable compatibility mode in the Windows operating system. A special compatibility mode allows you to run older programs on the new version of Windows.

Many users use computer software whose latest releases were released quite a long time ago. It happens that the developer has stopped supporting the application, the program is not updated for some reason, and in the meantime a new version of the OS has been released. Until the transition to a new version of Windows, the program works and fully satisfies the user's needs.

After installing a new version of Windows or after installing from previous versions of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, it turns out that some programs do not work on the computer. To run older applications that work normally in previous versions of the operating system, Windows compatibility mode is used.

In some cases, the user needs to disable s. For example, a new version of the application has been released that supports a new version of Windows, or because this mode interferes with the operation of some programs.

Sometimes, messages appear stating that the program is running in compatibility mode, so the user is faced with the question of how to disable this mode for an individual program or disable the mode altogether on the computer.

There are two ways to disable Windows Program Compatibility Mode:

  • disable program compatibility mode;
  • disable compatibility mode in the Windows operating system.

In the first case, compatibility mode will be disabled for the individual program. In the second option, the system service responsible for program compatibility on the computer will be disabled.

To disable Program Compatibility Mode in Windows, you can use several methods: from “Manage Services”, disable the “Program Compatibility Assistant Service”, disable it using the Local Group Policy Editor, or by disabling the service in the system configuration.

How to disable compatibility mode for a specific program (method 1)

To disable compatibility mode for a specific program, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the shortcut or program file. Select "Properties" from the context menu.
  2. In the Properties: Application Name window, open the Compatibility tab.
  3. In the “Compatibility Mode” section, uncheck the box next to “Run this program in compatibility mode for:”, and then click on the “OK” button.

After this, the compatibility mode for this application will be turned off in the Windows operating system.

Disabling the Compatibility Assistant service in the System Configuration application (method 2)

The easiest way to disable the Program Compatibility Assistant service in Windows is to use the System Configuration program.

Make the following settings:

  1. In the Windows search bar, enter the expression: “msconfig” (without quotes), and then run the system utility.
  2. In the System Configuration window, open the Services tab, find the Program Compatibility Assistant Service service.
  3. Uncheck the box next to “Program Compatibility Assistant Service”, click on the “Apply” and “OK” buttons (In Windows 7, the service is called “Program Compatibility Information”).

  1. Restart your computer.

After the computer starts, the Program Compatibility Assistant service will be disabled in the Windows operating system.

Stop the Program Compatibility Assistant service (3rd method)

Another method is to disable the Compatibility Assistant service in local services in the Windows operating system.

Configure the following settings:

  1. Press the “Win” + “R” keys on your keyboard at the same time.
  2. In the “Run” window, in the “Open” field, enter the expression “services.msc” (without quotes), and then click on the “OK” button to execute the command.
  3. In the Services window, double-click on the Program Compatibility Assistant Service service.

  1. In the “Properties: Program Compatibility Assistant Service (Local System)” window, in the “General” tab, click on the “Stop” button if the service is currently running.
  2. In the Startup Type setting, select Disabled, and then click OK.

Disabling the Compatibility Assistant in the Local Group Policy Editor (method 4)

Users of the Windows operating system in editions: Pro, Enterprise, For educational institutions can use one more method using the Local Group Policy Editor.

Go through the following steps:

  1. Type "gpedit.msc" (without quotes) into the Windows Search box, and then launch Local Group Policy Editor.
  2. In the “Local Computer Policy” setting, open the “User Configuration” section.
  3. Follow the path “Administrative Templates”, then “Windows Components”, find the “Application Compatibility” policy.
  4. Double-click on the Program Compatibility Assistant option.

  1. In the Disable Program Compatibility Assistant window, select the Disabled option, and then click OK.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can disable Windows Program Compatibility Mode for an individual program or disable the Program Compatibility Assistant service in the Windows operating system in three different ways.

Designed to install and run applications or drivers written for earlier versions of the OS, such as Windows Vista, Windows XP, etc.

It is recommended to first check for software or driver updates on the manufacturer's website. If versions for Windows 7 no, you can try installing and running a program (or driver) designed for Windows Vista or Windows XP in compatibility mode. I’ll immediately make a reservation that a program launched in this way may not work correctly or not work at all, but in the absence of better options, we try to use this one.

Attention! Do not use compatibility mode for system programs such as antiviruses, disk utilities, tweakers, cleaners, etc., this may damage the system.

Install or run an application using the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter

Right-click on the application shortcut or installation file (setup.exe, install.exe, etc.) and select " Fixing compatibility issues".

Most programs created for Windows Vista and earlier versions of the operating system also work with Windows 7. But some older programs in the new operating system may function with errors, or even not start at all. To solve such problems, the Windows 7 operating system has a built-in compatibility troubleshooter that allows you to fix the problem by configuring a number of parameters (manually or automatically).

  1. Right-click on the shortcut or executable file of the program that has a compatibility issue with Windows 7. A context menu will open.
  2. Select the menu command Troubleshoot compatible by clicking on it. As a result, a dialog box will open for selecting a diagnostic mode. You should use the recommended settings first, in which case the changes you make are usually enough to run most problematic applications correctly. If the result does not satisfy you, then you need to move on to a semi-automatic diagnostic method.
  3. Click on Troubleshoot program. In the changed dialog box content, you should check the statements that apply to your application's problem.
  4. Check the boxes next to the appropriate items or check the I don’t see my problem listed box.
  5. Click the Next button. The contents of the dialog box will change again and you should now select the operating system on which the application functioned normally before.
  6. Select the operating system on which the program functioned normally, or click on I don’t know if the version of Windows is unknown.
  7. Click the Next button. Now you should check the boxes for statements that detail the problem with your application.
  8. Check the boxes next to the appropriate items or check the I don’t see my problem listed checkbox if the program does not start at all.
  9. Click the Next button. The dialog box that opens indicates changes in the program settings and prompts you to run the program to check.
  10. Click the Start the program button.
  11. After closing the program, click Next.

Now you should choose one of the options, depending on whether the problem is resolved. If the program started and functioned normally, you should save the changed parameters. Otherwise, try using other parameters or, if no “magic passes” save the situation, send a report to Microsoft and activate an automatic search for a solution on the Internet, similar to when you are looking for a place to buy artificial Christmas trees.

Setting startup options manually

You can also independently change the launch parameters of a program that has compatibility problems. To do this, right-click on the shortcut or executable file and select the Properties command from the context menu. After this, a dialog box will open in which you need to go to the Compatibility tab. In the Compatibility mode group, you need to check the Run this program in compatibility mode for checkbox and select the version of the Windows operating system in which the program previously functioned normally from the drop-down list below. As a rule, for most "incompatible" programs, Windows XP with Service Pack 2 is sufficient.

In the Settings group of settings, additional parameters for launching the application are defined. The Run in 256 colors, which limits color reproduction, and the Run in 640×480 screen resolution checkboxes are useful for running completely outdated applications. Checking the Disable visual themes checkbox disables themes and can help if there are problems with the visual design, with the display of buttons or menus. Checking the Disable desktop composition checkbox disables transparency and other advanced screen features and most often avoids compatibility issues.

The Disable display scaling on high DPI settings checkbox disables automatic program resizing when using large fonts. Some programs may require administrator rights to function properly. In this case, check the Run this program as an administrator checkbox in the Privilege Level settings group. Click the Change settings for all users button to assign changes to program startup settings to all users on this computer.