Download the programming application.

Social network People who have a desire start learning programming in C++

  • , the following questions are often asked online:

What programs are needed for programming in C++

However, the answer to one question raises more questions. On this page I will try to answer them and tell you in more detail. The C++ programming language is very popular and used. Applications written in this language use system calls operating system directly without layers. This, in turn, saves resources computer

and affects performance. Programs written in C++ are famous for their speed.

What you need to program in C++ The most necessary thing is wish

. Without the desire to program, you will have to force yourself very hard and soon you will get tired of it. Programming is a mental process, and it can be tiring, even if you're really fired up. By the way, many people lose their desire after reading half of a textbook on a programming language, because... some complex structures or things that are uninteresting to you appear. For example, you wanted to immediately start writing games and learn the necessary commands (classes and functions) for this, but they tell you about smart pointers, function overloading or lambda expressions. If you are not afraid of the fact that you will have to study a lot of everything that may seem unnecessary at first glance, then you are welcome to join the ranks of novice programmers.

For the programming process itself, you need the programmer himself and his workplace (a computer with the necessary software). If you're reading this, you're probably on a computer, so you already have everything you need, except for the IDE.

  • So, you need:
  • Wish
  • Computer

Installed IDE IDE - an integrated development environment, or, to put it simply, it is a program that contains a whole set of useful things: text editor for code with syntax highlighting, a compiler (it translates your program code into machine code

, which is understandable to the computer), a debugger and a bunch of other useful gadgets.

There are many different IDEs for different operating systems.

IDE for Windows . The most popular for Windows is Visual Studio (You can download Visual Studio Express for free on the official Microsoft website). It has everything you need and even more, this monster weighs several gigabytes, but is slow on weak computers.

Dev-C++. The best option for programming is the Dev-C++ IDE, it has everything you need to get started, it weighs about 50 megabytes. Simple interface, easy to understand. You can download it.

IDE for Linux

Geany. Most best option- Geany. Lightweight, simple, fast and convenient.

QtCreator. The best, in my opinion, IDE for Linux (And not only that, it is cross-platform). There is everything you need + Qt Framework out of the box.

How to start programming in C++

Grab yourself a cup of delicious coffee, sit in front of your computer and launch the IDE. However, if you are just starting out, then you need to read up on how to use your IDE; there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. To begin with, it is enough to learn: how to create a program file, how to compile the written program and how to run it. This is a matter of 10-15 minutes.

Well, traditionally, the code of the first program that you can paste into the editor, compile and run:

#include using namespace std; int main() ( cout<< "Hello, world!"; return 0; }


using namespace std ;

int main()

cout<< "Hello, world!" ;

return 0 ;

There is a lot of educational literature on the Internet, there are websites with lessons, video lessons, etc.

I'd start with books, they describe everything in more detail.

  • Programming: principles and practice in C++(Björn Stroustrup) - a book for those who have no programming experience at all.
  • Tutorial for Beginners: C++(Stanley Lipman, Jose Lajoie, Barbara Mu) - for those who already have some experience. It contains a thousand pages of detailed description.

Well, the best thing you can do to learn programming is practice. Program more often, come up with interesting problems for yourself and implement their solution in the form of a program. If something doesn’t work out, ask other people on programming forums or stackoverflow.

I think I have answered all 3 popular questions. I wish you good luck in your endeavors.

We have prepared a selection of mobile applications for you, thanks to which you can learn programming anywhere. Share apps that are not on this list in the comments!


Khan Academy


SoloLearn is a range of mobile applications that teach the user programming using special games. SoloLearn apps are available free of charge for iOS and Android platforms.

Coursera: Online courses

Free courses from the world's leading universities on Coursera are now available as apps for Android and iOS.

EdX - Online Courses

We couldn't pass up these great resources that also focus on teaching programming in a fun way.


One of the most popular games for teaching programming. The application is often used in educational institutions to teach development. Contains courses for all ages.


A service where you can compete in programming with other participants. Users have access to different languages ​​to write code and tasks to complete.

If you found these resources interesting, we recommend that you check out our free online games that will teach you how to program.

Greetings to all readers of the site! There is one wonderful free one on the Internet, which is what we will talk about in today’s article.
Many users sometimes think about creating a computer program themselves, and there are various reasons for this, for example:

Despite the diversity of these reasons, they all share one difficulty - to develop a program, you need to know programming languages. To study the syntax of any programming language, a couple of months is enough, but to understand the logic of the language and learn how to apply it in practice, it will take years. But, as you know, there are no hopeless situations! In our case it will help us program for creating computer programs, which you can download absolutely free!

Looking ahead, I will say that after reading this article to the end, in just a couple of hours you will be able to create your own simple programs. So let's get started.
Our program for creating computer programs called HiAsm.

HiAsm is a powerful visual application development system with which you can develop your program without using programming. With HiAsm you can create various audio and video players, browsers, online chats and much more. You can create all these applications without a single line of code; the visual environment will do everything for you!

Before you start working with software for creating programs for your computer, I suggest downloading and installing it.

After downloading, you need to go through the standard installation procedure for this application.
1 . Select the desired language, in my case it is Russian.

2. Continue with the installation.

3. We accept the terms of the license agreement.

4. Select a location on your hard drive to install the program for creating programs for your computer.

5. Specify your name and email address (since email confirmation is not required, you can specify any email)

6. We complete the program installation process.

Once you have installed HiAsm, you can proceed to launch. Having launched ours, we will see the following window:

In order to start creating your application, you need to click on the main menu item “File”, then “ New…", choose " Windows"(if we want to create an application for Windows OS) and click " OK”.
Thus, we will get a form for our future program, which for now contains a single element called MainForm.

The form is the foundation of the program on which the various elements will be based. To add elements to our program, click on the item of the same name in the upper left part.

A tab opened with a huge collection of various elements. Thanks to such a large arsenal, you can create a very serious application that will meet all your requirements.
To show how HiAsm works, I will create a simple program that will have one button, clicking on which will change the title of the form from " Form" on " Hello».

How to install an element on a form?

So, we find the button in the elements panel (when you hover the cursor over an element, a tooltip with its name will pop up), left-click on it, then move the cursor to the part of the form in which we want to place it.

How to change element settings?

In order to configure our button, go to the upper right part of the program and click “ Properties" Now we see a tab with all the properties of our button. Now we are interested in the property " Caption", which is responsible for the label on the button. By default it has the value " Push", we will change it to " Click».

How to set an action for an element?

Now we come to the hardest part of creating an application using programs for creating computer programs- we need to make the button of our program start working. Once you understand the meaning of this operation, it will become simple and logical for you.
In order for our button to change the name of the program form, we need to establish a connection between the button and the main form (MainForm element). To do this, move the mouse cursor over the green dot located on our button, then hold down the left mouse button and begin to draw a line to the center MainForm.

Now you need to double-click on the laid segment and set the name of the form, which will appear after clicking on the button. After double clicking on the segment, “ Data editor».

If you want to set a text name for the form, then select String, and if numeric, then select Integer or Real. Select the data type " String" and enter the word " Hello».
At this point our program is ready and now we need to test it. To do this, we save our project - “ File", then " Save as" and select a location to save. To start we need to click on the green arrow or press the key F9.

Our program has launched, now we check its functionality - click on our button.

How can we replace the form title has changed and this means that the program is working! So that you can run the program without HiAsm, you need to create an exe file. To do this, click on the main menu item “ Launch" and click " Compile».
Congratulations, you have just created a program for Windows! To make the process of creating programs easier, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the following programming concepts:

  • data types;
  • the concept of events in object-oriented programming;
  • properties of Delphi programming environment components.

Knowing these concepts will greatly facilitate the process of creating programs in HiAsp. In this article we looked at an excellent free program for creating computer programs, also created their first application and tested it for functionality. To help you quickly understand the HiAsp program, I have selected several fairly good video lessons dedicated to this wonderful program creation environment. I wish you pleasant viewing!

Undocumented HiAsm features

HiAsm Settings

Graphics in HiAsm

Do you know which ones are free?

Agree, not a single sphere of our society can do without this type of intellectual activity such as programming. Progress in the development of the power of modern computers is gaining more and more momentum, requiring a huge amount of software. Millions of IT specialists work tirelessly every day, an incredible amount of software is created, and there is no limit to this. Therefore, to help the development of new generations of coders, we decided to prepare a selection of relevant applications!

Programming environments:

Ask any experienced Android user: “What is the best program for programming directly on a mobile device?” - they will most likely answer you: “AIDE” - and they will be right. AIDE provides ample opportunities for writing code in Java (including for Android OS) and C++ (for C++ you will have to download an additional 200 MB package for native support). Everything you want: from simple console applications to large projects, which, by the way, can be imported from GitHub.

In addition, the developer provides a wide range of interactive lessons on learning Java development for Android. After completing such courses, you will be able to create good applications and even games for the Android OS. Of course, it’s still worth stocking up on full-fledged textbooks (for example, “The Philosophy of Java” by Bruce Eckel), since little attention is paid to theory, and you can’t even dream about practice without theoretical knowledge.

AIDE Web, along with AIDE, is an excellent application, but for Web programming, which is so rapidly gaining popularity these days. Edit HTML documents, work with CSS and JavaScript - all in one application with a great code editor. You can freely import your projects from the Dropbox cloud service.

As with AIDE, there are excellent tutorials on the Web in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that you can use to hone your skills. But I would like to remind you that they do not provide enough theory; use textbooks on the areas of web programming that interest you.

Tutorials and tests:

C++ remains one of the most popular and studied programming languages ​​in the world, and it is also the native language of Windows, the most popular PC OS. Learning C++ becomes possible thanks to many useful books on language problems, as well as a considerable number of reference books, one of which is the following appendix. C++ Programming is an excellent collection of tutorials, programs, FAQs and exam questions. The application is designed in a bright Material Design, which makes it more comfortable to receive information.

The developer also has two more similar reference books: on C and Java, which are also worth looking through. There you can also find interesting lessons, sample programs, tricky questions and much more.

And this is a broader application in every sense, which copies the idea of ​​the previous one - to store basic information about the programming languages ​​you are interested in: from Assembly 8086 to Java - there are really a lot of languages, there is even help on creating scripts for the Linux Terminal. Each language comes with a short help sheet, as well as a large number of example programs.

If you really like the program, then you can buy the premium version, which includes faster update deployment, full-screen mode and no advertising, but all useful material comes completely free. You can treat the developer with a “cup of coffee” for such generosity.

Earlier we told you about this program. Java is one of the most popular languages ​​at the moment; the fact that Android is based on Java speaks volumes. Javvy is an excellent service for learning Java, containing a wide variety of programming lessons.

Good design is not spared by Javvy, the “tutorial” is very pleasant to read. The first lesson is available absolutely free, but, unfortunately, for subsequent lessons you will have to pay money, although if you really want to be well versed in Java, then you will not mind your money.

Do you think that your Java knowledge is not sufficiently strengthened by practice? Do you doubt your abilities? Well, here's your chance to review what you've learned and learn something new with the Learning Java app. The main advantages of the program are the presence of a wide variety of tests and support for the Russian language.

P.S.: the application is not only a good collection of tests, but also an excellent generator of flattering expressions :)

The following applications are the best reference books of their kind with tests on programming languages. What you won’t find here: from C++ to PHP - everything is available absolutely free. The lessons are delivered in video format, after which you will be offered interesting tests.

We live in the 21st century, and for many of us the typical format for acquiring knowledge is quite outdated. You can sit through lectures and cram textbooks for hours, but nowadays knowledge can be obtained in an easy-to-read video format. The Udacity app is a library of video tutorials on programming on almost anything: from pseudocode to trendy programming languages.


This program is not like the others presented in the article. F-Droid is an open repository that includes a wide variety of projects: from little-known ones to “giants” like AdBlock. But this is not another Play Market - here every application has open source code, which you can study in your free time if you wish.

The program itself does not have access to the code editor, but you can follow the link highlighted in each section and download the sources by opening them using the same AIDE.

Have you always dreamed of having a device with a full-fledged Linux OS in your pocket? Your dreams can come true thanks to the Linux Deploy program, which will create a disk image, install a full-fledged Linux distribution there, and then launch the VNC service to access the desktop from any device: your smartphone, tablet or PC.

What did this application forget in this collection? Well, first of all, it will give you the opportunity to use full-fledged development environments and compilers. Secondly, you will be able to debug your finished projects. But the ARM chip remains in place, so keep in mind that not all applications run correctly under this architecture.

With this, guys, we will finish our article. If you have any interesting information on the topic, share it with us in the comments. Good luck in your studies!

The modern computer world has already reached the point in its development that in the operating systems themselves under which computers operate, you can use specialized programming programs, which can be downloaded for free from our website, to create additional controls or advanced capabilities. For the most part, programming programs that can be downloaded are cross-platform environments that use a language. Programming is becoming commonplace. Even without knowing the basics, you can create some pretty interesting things.

If we consider programming programs from the point of view of their capabilities, especially those that can be downloaded for free, then it is necessary to highlight several aspects. Programming has several areas. Here it is worth noting the most popular ones. Among them, the most widely used platforms for creating educational materials (Lazaurus), free programming programs in the field of working with databases (Database Browser), free programming programs related to the development and testing of new software (Free Pascal, Python), and also, modern utilities for those who use programming in the field of web design. As is already clear, they can be downloaded for free even on the official websites of the developers. You can also download them in this section. Of course, this is not all, since programming now affects almost all areas. For example, programming can be used in modern factories with their most powerful equipment. But for now we are talking specifically about home or office conditions. It goes without saying that software developers know that many applications that can be downloaded for free are fundamentally little different from their paid counterparts. The fact is that even the developers of such software themselves are simply interested in making programming widely available. That is why many applications can be downloaded for free, in some cases such products are even open source, which allows any user to change or modify the program they downloaded at their own discretion. And the developers themselves quite often pay attention to the opinions of users or changes made to the main product.

There is also the simplest programming solution. For example, programs like Notepads can be downloaded for free. Despite their simplicity, they support many languages ​​and syntaxes. You can download the programming program in the form of Notepad anywhere. Even Windows operating systems have such a tool. Beginner users are very untrustworthy of this application. But in vain. Many programmers and developers prefer to work with Notepad because it offers a very wide range of functionality. Today, you can find as many free downloads of a programming program as Notepad with support for programming languages ​​on the Internet. The basic operating principles of all programming software are almost the same. The only differences may be in additional development tools.

In general, if we talk about programming applications, then you should not get hung up on professional utilities that cannot be downloaded for free. Even though free programming programs can be downloaded for free on the World Wide Web, their functionality is no worse, and in some cases even better, since, with their open source code, such applications are modified or made better and more functional by the users themselves, while , how the developers themselves monitor the content of paid analogues and often do not keep up with the introduction of innovations or additions from the rapidly developing field of programming.

So, in order to download programming applications for free, just enter “programming programs for free download” from the search query field. All available content will appear in the search results. You can additionally enter the scope of the application. It's up to you.

In this section of our website you can find the best free programming programs that you can download for free. Each file has been thoroughly checked and is completely safe. With our software, even the most complex programming process will be a pleasure for you!