Widescreen matrix pls. VA matrices are the basis of displays with unique high contrast

TN + film technology

Twisted Nematic + film (TN + film). The “film” part in the technology name means an additional layer used to increase the viewing angle (approximately up to 160°). This is the simplest and cheapest technology. It has been around for a long time and is used in most monitors sold in the last few years.

Advantages of TN + film technology:

- low cost;
- minimum pixel response time to control action.

Disadvantages of TN + film technology:

- average contrast;
- problems with accurate color rendering;
- relatively small viewing angles.

IPS technology

In 1995, Hitachi developed In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology to overcome the disadvantages inherent in panels made using TN + film technology. Small viewing angles, very specific colors and unacceptable (at that time) response time pushed Hitachi to develop new IPS technology, which gave good results: decent viewing angles and good color rendition.

In IPS matrices, the crystals do not form a spiral, but rotate together when an electric field is applied. Changing the orientation of the crystals helped achieve one of the main advantages of IPS matrices - viewing angles were increased to 170° horizontally and vertically. If no voltage is applied to the IPS matrix, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate. The second polarizing filter is always turned perpendicular to the first, and no light passes through it. The black color display is perfect. If the transistor fails, the “broken” pixel for an IPS panel will not be white, as for a TN matrix, but black. When a voltage is applied, the liquid crystal molecules rotate perpendicular to their initial position, parallel to the base, and transmit light.

Parallel alignment of liquid crystals required placing electrodes in a comb on the bottom substrate, which significantly degraded image contrast, required a more powerful backlight to set normal sharpness levels, and resulted in high power consumption and significant time. Therefore, the response time of an IPS panel is generally faster than that of a TN panel. IPS panels made using IPS technology are noticeably more expensive. Subsequently, Super-IPS (S-IPS) and Dual Domain IPS (DD-IPS) technologies were also developed based on IPS, but due to the high cost, manufacturers were unable to make this type of panel a leader.

For some time, Samsung has been producing panels made using Advanced Coplanar Electrode (ACE) technology - an analogue of IPS technology. However, today the production of ACE panels has been curtailed. On the modern market, IPS technology is represented by monitors with a large diagonal - 19 inches or more.

The significant response time when switching a pixel between two states is more than compensated by excellent color reproduction, especially on panels made using an upgraded technology called Super-IPS.

Super-IPS (S-IPS). LCD monitors on S-IPS panels are a very reasonable choice for professional color work. Alas, S-IPS panels have exactly the same problems with contrast as IPS and TN+Film - it is relatively low, since the black level is 0.5-1.0 cd/m2.

Along with this, the viewing angles, if not ideal (when deviated to the side, the image noticeably loses contrast), are quite large compared to TN panels: sitting in front of the monitor, it is impossible to notice any unevenness in color or contrast due to insufficient viewing angles.

The following types of matrices are currently known, which can be considered derivatives of IPS:

Advantages of S-IPS technology:

- excellent color rendition;
- larger viewing angles than TN+Film panels.

Disadvantages of S-IPS technology:

- high price;
- significant response time when switching a pixel between two states;
- a faulty pixel or subpixel on such matrices always remains in the extinguished state.

This type of panel is well suited for working with color, but at the same time, monitors on S-IPS panels are also quite suitable for games that are not critical to a response time of 5 - 20 ms.

MVA technology

IPS technology turned out to be relatively expensive, this circumstance forced other manufacturers to develop their own technologies. Fujitsu's Vertical Alignment (VA) LCD panel technology was born, followed by Multidomain Vertical Alignment (MVA), providing the user with a reasonable compromise between viewing angles, speed and color reproduction.

So, in 1996, Fujitsu introduced another technology for making VA LCD panels - vertical alignment. The name of the technology is misleading, because... liquid crystal molecules (in a static state) cannot be fully vertically aligned due to protrusion. When an electric field is created, the crystals are aligned horizontally and the backlight light cannot pass through the various layers of the panel.

MVA technology - multi-domain vertical alignment - appeared a year after VA. The M in the abbreviation MVA stands for "multi-domain", i.e. many areas in one cell.

The essence of the technology is as follows: each subpixel is divided into several zones, and the polarizing filters are made directional. Fujitsu currently produces panels in which each cell contains up to four such domains. Using protrusions on the inner surface of the filters, each element is divided into zones so that the orientation of the crystals in each specific zone is most suitable for viewing the matrix from a certain angle, and the crystals in different zones move independently. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve excellent viewing angles without noticeable color distortions of the image - the brighter zones that fall into the field of view when the observer deviates from the perpendicular to the screen will be compensated by the darker ones nearby, so the contrast will drop slightly. When an electric field is applied, the crystals in all zones are aligned in such a way that, almost regardless of the viewing angle, a point with maximum brightness is visible.

What has been achieved as a result of using the new technology?

Firstly, good contrast - the black level of a high-quality panel can drop below 0.5 cd/m2 (exceed 600:1), which, although it does not allow it to compete on equal terms with CRT monitors, is definitely better than the results of TN or IPS monitors. panels. The black background of a monitor screen on an MVA panel in the dark no longer looks so distinctly gray, and uneven backlighting has a noticeably less effect on the image.

Moreover, MVA panels also provide very good color reproduction - not as good as S-IPS, but quite suitable for most needs. “Dead” pixels look black, the response time is approximately 2 times faster than for IPS and old TN panels. Thus, there is an optimal compromise in almost all areas. What's in the bottom line?

Advantages of MVA technology:

- short reaction time;
- deep black color (good contrast);
- the absence of a helical structure of crystals and a double magnetic field led to minimal power consumption;
- good color rendition (slightly inferior to S-IPS).

However, two fly in the ointment somewhat spoiled the existing idyll:

- as the difference between the initial and final states of the pixel decreases, the response time increases;
- the technology turned out to be quite expensive.

Unfortunately, the theoretical advantages of this technology have not been fully realized in practice. 2003, all analysts predict a bright future for LCD monitors equipped with an MVA panel, until AU Optronics introduced a TN+Film panel with a response time of only 16 ms. In other respects, it was no better, and in some ways even worse, than existing 25-ms TN panels (decreased viewing angles, poor color rendition), but the short response time turned out to be an excellent marketing bait for consumers. In addition, the low cost of the technology against the backdrop of ongoing price wars, when every extra dollar per panel was a heavy burden for the manufacturer, supported the financial and marketing campaign. TN panels remain the cheapest today (noticeably cheaper than both IPS and MVA panels). As a result of the combination of these two factors (a successful bait for the consumer in the form of fast response time and low price), monitors on panels other than TN+Film are currently produced in limited quantities. The only exceptions are top Samsung PVA models and very expensive monitors on S-IPS panels designed for professional color work.

The developer of MVA technology, Fujitsu, considered the LCD monitor market not interesting enough for itself and today is not developing new panels, having transferred the rights to them to AU Optronics.

PVA technology

Following Fujitsu, Samsung developed Patterned Vertical Alignment (PVA) technology, which in general terms replicates MVA technology and is distinguished, on the one hand, by slightly larger viewing angles, but on the other, by worse response time.

Apparently, one of the development goals was to create technology similar to MVA, but free of Fujitsu patents and associated licensing fees. Accordingly, all the disadvantages and advantages of PVA panels are the same as those of MVA.

Advantages of PVA technology:

- excellent contrast (the black level of PVA panels can be only 0.1-0.3 cd/m2);
- excellent viewing angles (when assessing viewing angles according to the standard contrast drop to 10:1, it turns out that they are limited not by the panel, but by the plastic screen frame protruding above it - the latest models of PVA monitors have stated angles of 178°);
- good color rendition.

Disadvantages of PVA technology:

- monitors on PVA panels are of little use for dynamic games. Due to the long response time, when a pixel switches between similar states, the image will be noticeably blurred;
- not the lowest cost.

There is great interest in this type of matrices due to their widespread availability on sale. While it is almost impossible to find a monitor with a good 19-inch MVA matrix, with PVA their developer (Samsung) tries to regularly release new models for sale. To be fair, it should be noted that other companies produce monitors on PVA matrices not much more willingly than on MVA, but the presence of at least one serious manufacturer, such as Samsung, already gives PVA matrices a tangible advantage.

A monitor based on PVA matrices is an almost ideal choice for work due to its characteristics that are closest to CRT monitors among all types of matrices (if you do not take into account the long response time - the only serious drawback of PVA). 19-inch models based on them are easy to find on sale, and at quite reasonable prices (compared to, say, monitors on S-IPS matrices), so when choosing a work monitor for which performance in dynamic games is not too important, You should definitely pay attention to PVA.

Last year, Samsung introduced Dynamical Capacitance Compensation (DCC) technology, which, according to engineers, can make the switching time of a pixel independent of the difference between its final and initial states. If DCC is successfully implemented, PVA panels will be one of the fastest among all currently existing types of panels, while retaining their other advantages.


There are significantly fewer manufacturers of LCD panels than manufacturers of monitors. This is due to the fact that the production of panels requires the construction of expensive (especially in conditions of constant competition) high-tech factories. Manufacturing a monitor based on a ready-made LCD module (an LCD panel is usually supplied assembled with backlight lamps) comes down to ordinary installation operations, which do not require either ultra-clean rooms or any high-tech equipment.

Today, the largest manufacturers and developers of panels are a joint venture between Royal Philips Electronics and LG Electronics called LG.Philips LCD and Samsung.

LG.Philips LCD primarily specializes in IPS panels, supplying them to large third-party companies such as Sony and NEC. Samsung is better known for TN+Film and PVA panels, mainly for monitors of its own production.

You can accurately determine on whose panel a particular monitor is assembled only by disassembling it, or by finding unofficial information on the Internet (the manufacturer of the panel is rarely officially indicated). In this case, information about any specific model applies only to this model and does not in any way affect other monitors of the same manufacturer. For example, in different models of Sony monitors at different times, panels from LG.Philips, AU Optronics and Chunghwa Picture Tubes (CPT) were used, and in NEC monitors, in addition to those listed, also from Hitachi, Fujitsu, Samsung and Unipac, not counting their own panels NEC. Moreover, many manufacturers install different panels in monitors of the same model, but of different production dates - as newer panel models appear, the old ones are simply replaced without changing the monitor markings.

Monitor resolution is the size of the resulting image in pixels. The higher the resolution, the more detailed the image you can get and the higher the cost of the monitor (all other things being equal).

Typical resolutions of modern monitors are given below:

Separately, it is worth mentioning Full HD and 4K resolutions.

Built-in speaker system

If you do not have serious demands on the sound quality of your audio system, you should consider purchasing a monitor with built-in speakers. If you connect such a monitor using an HDMI or DisplayPort connector, you will not need a separate cable for audio transmission, which is very convenient.

Headphone output

If you use headphones frequently (for example, listening to music at night or in the office), then a monitor equipped with a headphone audio output would be a smart purchase. This will make them more convenient to use.

3D image support (3D-Ready)

The 3D format is gradually gaining popularity. First it conquered cinema screens, and now it is penetrating the household appliances market. Some monitor models already support 3D content. Such monitors have a high screen refresh rate (144 Hz and higher) and can alternately display images for the left and right eyes. To ensure that each eye sees its own picture, the kit includes special glasses with “shutter” technology.

To summarize, we can conditionally divide monitors into several price categories:

monitors costing from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Inexpensive monitors for office or home use. They have a diagonal size from 17 to 21 inches. As a rule, they are equipped with TN-type matrices, or an inexpensive variety of VA or IPS matrices. Maximum resolution is FullHD or less. Equipped with VGA or DVI connectors. Additional adjustments to the screen position are rare.

monitors costing from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.  Monitors for everyday home use fall into this category. They have a diagonal size from 22 to 27 inches, equipped with good TN, VA or IPS matrices with FullHD resolutions. Equipped with HDMI or DisplayPort connectors. May have USB hubs, built-in speakers and screen position adjustments.

monitors costing over 20,000 rubles.  More advanced monitors with diagonals from 24 to 35 inches and higher, with matrices with resolutions from FullHD to 5K with good response speed and color reproduction. In this category there are models with a curved screen or 3D image support. They also have on board a wide range of different connectors for connecting system units and other devices, USB hubs, and audio outputs.

I hope this small guide will help you choose the right monitor for your computer.

Good day.

When choosing a monitor, many users do not pay attention to the matrix manufacturing technology ( matrix is ​​the main part of any LCD monitor that forms the image), and, by the way, the quality of the picture on the screen greatly depends on it (and the price of the device too!).

By the way, many may argue that this is a trifle, and any modern laptop (for example) provides an excellent picture. But these same users, if you put them on two laptops with different matrices - will notice the difference in the picture with the naked eye (see Fig. 1)!

Since quite a lot of abbreviations have appeared recently (ADS, IPS, PLS, TN, TN+film, VA), it’s easy to get confused. In this article I want to describe a little each technology, its pros and cons (it will turn out to be something in the form of a small reference article, which will be very useful when choosing: a monitor, a laptop, etc.). So…

Rice. 1. Difference in the picture when the screen is rotated: TN matrix VS IPS matrix

Matrix TN, TN+film

Descriptions of technical issues are omitted; some terms are “interpreted” in their own words so that the article is understandable and accessible to an untrained user.

The most common type of matrix. When choosing inexpensive models of monitors, laptops, TVs, if you look at the advanced characteristics of the device you choose, you will probably see this matrix.


  1. very short response time: thanks to this, you will be able to watch a good picture in any dynamic games, films (and any scenes with a rapidly changing picture). By the way, on monitors with a long response time, the picture may begin to “float” (for example, many complain about the “floating” picture in games with a response time of more than 9 ms). For games, a response time of less than 6ms is generally desirable. In general, this parameter is very important and if you are buying a monitor for gaming, the TN+film option is one of the best solutions;
  2. affordable price: this type of monitor is one of the most affordable.


  1. poor color rendering: Many people complain about not bright colors (especially after switching from monitors with a different type of matrix). By the way, some color distortion is also possible (therefore, if you need to select the color very carefully, then you should not choose this type of matrix);
  2. small viewing angle: probably many have noticed that if you approach the monitor from the side, then part of the picture is no longer visible, it is distorted and its color changes. Of course, TN+film technology has somewhat improved this point, but nevertheless the problem remains (although many may object to me: for example, on a laptop this is useful - no one sitting next to you will be able to see exactly your image on the screen);
  3. high probability of dead pixels: Probably even many novice users have heard this statement. When a “dead” pixel appears, there will be a dot on the monitor that will not display the picture - that is, there will just be a luminous dot. If there are a lot of them, it will be impossible to work behind the monitor...

In general, monitors with this type of matrix are quite good (despite all their shortcomings). Suitable for most users who love dynamic movies and games. It’s also quite good to work with text on such monitors. For designers and those who need to see a very colorful and accurate picture, this type should not be recommended.


(Analogues: Super PVA, Super MVA, ASV)

This technology (VA - vertical alignment in English) was developed and implemented by Fujitsu. Today, this type of matrix is ​​not very common, but nevertheless, it is in demand among some users.


  1. one of the best black color renditions: when looking at the monitor surface perpendicularly;
  2. more quality colors(in general) compared to TN matrix;
  3. enough good response time(quite comparable to a TN matrix, although inferior to it);


  1. higher price;
  2. distortion of colors at a wide viewing angle (professional photographers and designers especially notice this);
  3. it is possible that small details may “disappear” in the shadows (at a certain viewing angle).

Monitors with this matrix are a good solution (compromise) for those who are not satisfied with the color rendition of a TN monitor and who need a short response time. Those who need colors and picture quality choose an IPS matrix (more on that later in the article...).

IPS matrix

Varieties: S-IPS, H-IPS, UH-IPS, P-IPS, AH-IPS, IPS-ADS, etc.

This technology was developed by Hitachi. Monitors with this type of matrix are most often the most expensive on the market. I think there is no point in considering each type of matrix, but it is worth highlighting the main advantages.


  1. better color rendition compared to other types of matrices. The picture turns out “juicy” and bright. Many users say that when working on such a monitor, their eyes practically do not get tired (the statement is very controversial...);
  2. largest viewing angle: even if you stand at an angle of 160-170 degrees. - the picture on the monitor will be just as bright, colorful and clear;
  3. good contrast;
  4. excellent black color.


  1. high price;
  2. long response time (may not suit some fans of games and dynamic films).

Monitors with this matrix are ideal for all those who need a high-quality and bright picture. If you take a monitor with a short response time (less than 6-5 ms), then it will be quite comfortable to play on it. The main drawback is the high price...

Matrix PLS

This type of matrix was developed by Samsung (planned as an alternative to the ISP matrix). It has both its pros and cons...

pros: Higher pixel density, high brightness, lower power consumption.

Minuses: Low color gamut, lower contrast compared to IPS.

By the way, one last piece of advice. When choosing a monitor, pay attention not only to the technical specifications, but also to the manufacturer. I can’t name the best of them, but I recommend choosing a well-known brand: Samsung, Hitachi, LG, Proview, Sony, Dell, Philips, Acer.

On this note I end the article, good luck to everyone :)

Modern scientific and technological progress does not stand still and engineers of manufacturing companies are constantly developing new technologies or improving old ones. Initially, matrices did not exist in principle, and the production of televisions (later monitors) was reduced to lamp technologies. But progress cannot be undone. . .

In monitors, manufacturers install matrices made using various technologies; the following types of matrices are used: TN, IPS, VA with various modifications. In the figure below you can see how the picture changes on different screens when viewing the image at an angle. TN matrix

TN+film- the first TFT panels are still produced today as inexpensive screens, with the advantage of low-cost production. The disadvantage is small viewing angles, decreased brightness and contrast when viewed from the side. At first there were TN matrices, then a special film was added to improve color rendering, a kind of filter, and the matrices began to be called TN+film.

Matrices made using IPS technology

IPS Generations Summary (Hitachi)
PLS - Plane to Line Switching (Samsung)
AD-PLS - Advanced PLS (Samsung)
S-IPS - Super IPS (NEC, LG.Display)
E-IPS, AS-IPS - Enhanced and Advanced Super IPS (Hitachi)
H-IPS - Horizontal IPS (LG.Display) e-IPS (LG.Display)
UH-IPS and H2-IPS (LG.Display) S-IPS II (LG.Display)
p-IPS - Performance IPS (NEC)
AH-IPS - Advanced High Performance

IPS (LG.Display) AHVA- Advanced Hyper-Viewing Angle (AU Optronics) IPS - one of the first technologies for the production of TFT screens, was invented in 1996 (Hitachi) as an alternative to TN displays, has wide viewing angles, deeper blacks, good color reproduction, the disadvantage of a long response time , which made them unsuitable for games.

PLS- (Plane-to-Line Switching) Samsung translated the name of the panel as “switching-from-plane-to-line”, it turned out to be complete gobbledygook, the literal translation “By plane to the switching line” also does not make any sense. Most likely, under this slogan they wanted to show that the monitor has a high response time and can switch the picture at the speed of an airplane. PLS is essentially an IPS matrix only manufactured by another company that came up with its own designation and its own production technology. The advantages include:

Response time is 4 miles seconds
- (GTG). GTG is the time required to change the brightness of a pixel from minimum to maximum brightness.
- Wide viewing angles without loss of picture brightness.
- Increased display brightness

AD-PLS- the same PLS panel, but as Samsung says, the production technology has been slightly changed, as many experts say, this is just PR.

S-IPS- improved IPS technology in this direction is being developed by NEC A-SFT, A-AFT, SA-SFT, SA-AFT, as well as LG.Display (S-IPS, e-IPS, H-IPS, p-IPS). Thanks to improvements in technology, response times have been reduced to 5 miles of seconds, making these displays suitable for gaming.

S-IPS II- next generation S - IPS panels, reducing energy intensity.

E-IPS, AS-IPS- Enhanced and Advanced Super IPS, development (Hitachi) one of the improvements to IPS technologies increases brightness and reduces response time

H-IPS- Horizontal IPS, (LG.Display) in this type of matrix the pixels are placed horizontally. improved color rendering and contrast. More than half of modern IPS panels have horizontal pixels.

e-IPS- (LG.Display) the next improvement in matrix production is cheaper to produce but has the disadvantage of slightly smaller viewing angles.

UH-IPS and H2-IPS- second generation H-IPS technology, improved matrix, increased panel brightness.

p-IPS- Performance IPS is the same as H-IPS, the marketing name for the matrix from NEC.

AH-IPS- modification of the matrix for high-resolution displays (UHD), analogue of H-IPS.

AHVA- Advanced Hyper-Viewing Angle - this designation was given to the company's displays (AU Optronics), the company was formed from the merger of Acer Display Technology and the screen production division of BenQ Corporation.

PVA matrices - Patterned Vertical Alignment

S-PVA - Super PVA
A-PVA - Advanced PVA

SVA PVA The matrices were developed by Samsung and have good contrast, but have a number of disadvantages, the main loss of image contrast when viewed at an angle. In order to periodically update the production line, a new screen model was released after a certain period of time, so there are the following types of VA screens.

S-PVA- Super PVA improved matrix due to changes in production technology.

cPVA- simplified production technology; screen quality is worse than S - PVA

A-PVA- Advanced PVA small absolutely not significant changes.

SVA- another modification.

V.A.- Vertical Alignment

MVA- Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment (Fujitsu)

P-MVA - Premium MVA
S-MVA - Super MVA
AMVA - Advanced MVA

TFT display technology (VA) was developed by Fujitsu in 1996 as an alternative to TN matrices; screens made using this technology had disadvantages in the form of long response times and small viewing angles but had significantly better color characteristics. To overcome the shortcomings, production technology has been improved.

MVA- the next version of the technology in 1998, the difference was that the pixel consisted of several parts, this made it possible to achieve a higher quality image.

P-MVA, S-MVA- improved color rendering and contrast.

AMVA- next generation production, reduced response time, improved color reproduction.

Monitors with different types of matrices

Now has come the era of liquid crystal models, which (according to the manufacturers) are “completely safe.” However, this is not quite true. It all depends on the type of matrix used in the display. Some of them really provide high-quality color rendition and have almost no effect on the user’s eyes. But there are others. Choosing a monitor with the right matrix can have a positive impact not only on overall comfort, but also on human health. This means that this cannot be neglected. It's better to overpay a little but get a quality product.

What types of matrices are there?

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Matrix monitor

During the years of dominance of CRT boxes there were no such “problems” about matrices and other things. This is because in those days the concept did not even exist "matrix". But now everything has changed. And manufacturers produce a variety of models with different fillings.

  • TN+Film. The most popular type, used in the vast majority of modern budget displays
  • IPS and its derivatives. Higher quality matrices that are widely used by professionals.
  • V.A. The type of matrices used in mid-price segment displays. Doesn’t differ in any outstanding features
  • PLS. Something similar to IPS, but using more advanced technologies. Also successfully used by designers and graphic artists
  • OLED. The coolest (but slightly underdeveloped) guy. It features excellent color rendition and wide viewing angles. However, there are also serious disadvantages (more on them later)

All of the above options are basic. There are also modifications of existing matrices on sale, but they do not deserve special attention, since they do not differ much from the originals in terms of characteristics. And now more about each type.


Read also: AOC G2460PF monitor for real gamers. Review 2017 + Reviews

TN monitor

These matrices appeared first. They replaced outdated CRT technologies (CRT). At the moment, they are inexpensive, since the production process of such matrices is very simple (compared to others).

Distinctive features of TN are the short response time of the matrix and good horizontal viewing angles. It's a problem with vertical ones. If you rotate the monitor incorrectly, the colors may even be inverted.

Also, the color gamut in such models is not very attractive. In cheap matrices it is not even 70% sRGB. And this is already quite serious. With such color rendering it will not be possible to work normally with images.

The maximum brightness of the backlight is also not enough. Monitors with such a matrix can be successfully used only indoors. They cannot withstand direct sunlight. And this is another minus.

TN advantages:

  • low cost
  • fast response time
  • Possibility of use in difficult conditions
  • ideal for gaming
  • good horizontal viewing angles
  • durability
  • excellent contrast

Disadvantages of TN:

  • no color rendition
  • insufficient brightness
  • poor vertical viewing angles
  • outdated technology
  • insufficient black color saturation

These matrices have approximately the same number of pros and cons. However, no one will refute the fact that this technology is already outdated. But such monitors have firmly established themselves in the segment of products for gamers.

These professionals have no use for outdated matrices, but average users and professional eSports players still use them. But the latter have modified versions. And their prices start at $500.


Read also: IPS matrix: what is it? Technology Review + Reviews

IPS monitor

At the moment, IPS monitors are widespread even in the budget segment. But at the dawn of this technology, only very wealthy users could afford such devices. However, times have changed.

VA monitor

VA matrices appeared after IPS. In them, manufacturers tried to correct the shortcomings of previous generations, but not everything went smoothly. Currently, VA monitors make up a negligible percentage of the market and are not very popular.

T However, these matrices boast amazing contrast(black looks as it should), excellent viewing angles, good color rendering and the absence of harmful radiation.

However, the response time of the matrix leaves much to be desired. Moreover, it is also dynamic: it increases depending on the initial and final state of the pixel. This makes such displays completely unsuitable for games and dynamic scenes in films.

However, professionals working with graphics are quite happy with this state of affairs. They are the main buyers of monitors on VA matrices. The main thing for them is adequate black color. And he is here.

VA benefits:

  • full color rendition
  • very high contrast
  • realistic black color
  • no eye strain
  • Possibility of application in professional fields
  • excellent viewing angles (both horizontal and vertical)
  • high brightness
  • good pixel density per inch

PLS monitor

PLS type matrices are practically no different from IPS, although much more have been invented. This technology was taken as the basis. Therefore, the characteristics of both matrices are approximately equal.

The main difference between PLS and IPS is the black color. In PLS it is much richer. This is all due to the high contrast. But otherwise, this is an exact copy of a product ten years ago. Even examination of the matrices under a microscope did not reveal any differences.

PLS monitors are actively purchased by designers, video processing professionals and similar users. They are great for image processing as they have excellent color rendition.

To be fair, these displays are better suited for dynamic gaming than IPS. They easily produce high-quality images even at 120 frames per second. And this says a lot.

Advantages of PLS:

  • excellent color rendition
  • high contrast
  • realistic black
  • wide viewing angles
  • normal operation when displaying dynamic scenes
  • bright backlight
  • decent number of pixels per inch (PPI density)

Disadvantages of PLS:

  • high price
  • very difficult to find in retail
  • fragility

It's hard to say what the future holds for PLS monitors. On the one hand, they are slightly better than the same IPS. But they cost significantly more. Therefore, they are unlikely to gain high popularity. Especially when you consider the fact that recently IPS displays have become noticeably cheaper.

If you have a choice between PLS and IPS, then it is better to choose the latter. This technology has a future. But what will happen in the future with PLS matrices is unknown. Perhaps the project will be completely abandoned. How not profitable.