SBIS electronic reporting and document management download the program. Sbis plugin. software module

Every user who actively uses the full functionality of the VLSI program understands that it is necessary to choose which option for working with the application to choose. There is a local version, which is completely installed on a personal computer with the entire database. If you want to use the program online, then you simply cannot do without the VLSI Plugin.

Plugin Feature

Every user who is interested in this term, what an SBI plugin is, will definitely be interested in what exactly it means. The plugin is a software module that does not pose any threat to a personal computer. It is the most indispensable tool to become a link between the PC and the portal of this company for electronic document management.


Thanks to this, several important advantages can be identified. The user will always receive all relevant information on each company in sufficient quantity. It is worth considering that the data is updated as soon as any changes occur. Also, the VLSI plugin, unlike the downloaded application, takes up much less space on the computer. This allows you to do the following:

  • receive notifications about all important events;
  • work with ES;
  • processing of attached documents;
  • move from VLSI to specific files and folders;
  • login to your personal account.

In fact, the VLSI plugin almost completely replaces the application. It is only important to take into account that if the computer is not connected to the Internet, then it will be impossible to use the functionality of the portal.

Features and functions

The most common functions are editing documents that are created using Microsoft Office. You can also insert screenshots from your computer screen into electronic documents. If securities received from another source need to be checked, then it is possible to run a scan.

Thanks to this, it is possible to protect existing files and your own computer from virus programs. Do not forget that using the application it is possible to log into the user’s personal account. It is also important for each user to remember that this program can only work with computers running Windows.

You can download the VLSI update by clicking on the link.

Download the plugin

In order to install this software module, you must click “OK” as soon as you log in for the first time.

This is what the download window looks like.

Download window

After downloading is complete, you need to unzip the document.


After this, the VLSI plugin will start automatically as soon as the computer starts.

Purpose and capabilities of VLSI

System " SBS++ Electronic reporting» is intended for the generation, verification and submission of reports. The program supports processing and transmission:

  • financial statements and tax returns (including regional forms) in tax office;
  • personalized accounting information in Pension Fund;
  • reporting in Rosstat, FSS;
  • requests for information extracts and reconciliation reports;
  • documents arbitrary format.

With our program, you can submit reports both electronically and on magnetic media or in the usual printed form.

How does this happen?

When submitting reports via electronic communication channels you:

  1. prepare and send an electronic document to the relevant regulatory authorities via electronic communication channels;
  2. You receive confirmation from the regulatory authority that the reports have been submitted.

When submitting reports on magnetic media:

  1. generate reports in the program;
  2. write the reports to a file on magnetic media (floppy disk or flash media);
  3. submit magnetic media with reporting and a printed report to the relevant regulatory authorities.

When submitting reports on printed form:

  1. generate reports in the program;
  2. print out the reports on printed form;
  3. submit a printed reporting form to the relevant regulatory authorities.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. And all the actions necessary for this are described in detail in subsequent chapters of the manual.

Basic concepts of SBS++

Throughout the program and manual you will encounter the following concepts:

  • Electronic digital signature (EDS) replaces a handwritten signature in electronic documents. The digital signature has private and public keys.
  • By using private key The digital signature is being generated. The private key is kept by you and known only to you.
  • EDS public key available to everyone. With its help, the recipient to whom you sent the document verifies the authenticity of your digital signature.
  • Signing Key Certificate– a document (on paper or electronic) that identifies you to other participants in the document flow. The signing key certificate contains your public digital signature key.
  • Cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) performs document encryption. For example, systems can be used as CIPF CryptoPro CSP, LISSI-CSP or Signal-COM.

Document flow diagram of Electronic reporting

Submission of reports via electronic communication channels in the system " SBS++Electronic reporting» is performed automatically. All information is encrypted using CIPF. Only the recipient can decrypt any document. Document flow is carried out according to the following scheme:

Rice. 1-1 - Document flow diagram

1. The taxpayer generates a report, signs it with his digital signature and sends it to the regulatory authority.

2. The report is sent to a specialized telecom operator. The special operator sends the taxpayer a confirmation signed with his digital signature. The confirmation records the time of submission of the report to the regulatory authority.

3. The report from the special operator is sent to the regulatory authority. It is automatically checked here. After this, an inspection protocol signed by the digital signature of this regulatory body is sent to the taxpayer.

Interaction of SBS++ with GPR

Sending tax and accounting reports in a unified data transmission format is possible both through a specialized telecom operator and through the exchange server GNIVTs-Priem Region (hereinafter GPR).

In this case, the document flow diagram for the report changes slightly:

  1. The criteria for submitting and submitting reports (operator confirmation and verification protocol from NI) remain the same as in the case of interaction with a special communications operator. But they are now generated and delivered to the taxpayer by the GPR exchange server.
  2. Additional phases are added during the passage of documents " EDI protocol», « Extract", if errors are made, then the phase " Error" This is described in more detail in the chapter “Additional options for sending reports”, in the section “Features of passing documents when interacting with the State Register”.

An important feature of this interaction is thatthat it is carried out only when using CIPFCryptoPro CSP.

VLSI is a comprehensive system that is designed to establish electronic document management in enterprises. She also helps with the preparation of financial statements for further submission to various government bodies: the Federal Tax Service, the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, the FSRAR, Rosprirodnadzor, Rosstat and the Migration Service. In addition, the software includes tools for compiling a database of contractors, analyzing purchases, setting up an offline cash register, processing data from the point of sale, managing supplies, and even creating a corporate intranet (internal network).

Electronic document management

Recently, more and more large and advanced enterprises are abandoning the use of “paper”. The presented system helps to establish the exchange of electronic documentation. It will provide tools for creating electronic signatures and even provide the ability to exchange with third party companies that use the same or similar systems. By the way, you can add a digital signature on almost any device. This service has clients for many popular mobile operating systems. The developers also provided the ability to collaborate on one document: making edits, adding comments, and so on.

Among other important features of VLSI, it is worth noting the creation of an electronic archive and easy integration with third-party software. For example, with products from 1C or components of the Microsoft Office office suite. The system offers specialized solutions for various industries: energy, pharmaceutical, food, manufacturing, telecommunications, logistics and banking.

Financial statements

VLSI offers accountants ready-made forms for filling out declarations, forms, accounts, and also includes a lot of tools for calculating certain indicators and amounts. The program will help calculate VAT, income tax, property tax, social and pension payments, land tax and so on. There is even a special robot that creates “zeros” for enterprises that are temporarily not operating.

Key Features

  • all necessary means to eliminate paper documentation at the enterprise;
  • forms for creating reports required to be submitted to government services (Federal Tax Service, Russian Federation, etc.);
  • assistance in accounting calculations;
  • specialized solutions for various manufacturing and financial industries;
  • six months trial period for new entrepreneurs;
  • flexible tariff plans;
  • full compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, provided that the latest version of the software is used.
. 4 Auto-update settings . 8 . 9 . 10 Running the installer . 10 Launch of SBS++ . 11 . 12 . 12 Starting module registration . 13

General information

When working with the “SbiS++ Electronic Reporting” program (hereinafter simply SbiS++), you should always be sure that you are working with the latest build of our system. Before starting the update installation, log off all users and make a backup copy of the SBiS++ directory.

Program information

The build number of the SBiS++ program installed on your computer can always be found in the “ About the program» (« Main menu/Help»):

Rice. P1-1 – Help about the program

In the first line of the window " About the program» the program build number is indicated (build of the executable filesbis.exe), module build numbers are indicated on the “ Modules».

For example: " 2.3.33 », « 2 " is the version number, "2.3.33"– build number.

Please note that the same information is always displayed in the main program window:

Rice. P1-2 – Help about the program

In addition, in the assembly number, the assembly of the “Taxpayer” module is indicated through an oblique “/” (in our example, 752).

If a more recent build than the one you have is found on the developer’s website, the program will notify you about this and offer to perform an automatic update (for more details, see the “Automatic update” section).

Types of updates

We will talk about two types of updates - an update within the current version of SBiS++ and a transition to another version of SBiS++.

For example, an update from build 2.3.37 to build 2.3.70 is an update within the same version. Updating from build 2.2.227 to build 2.3.38 is a transition to another version.

All software updates SBS++ are provided to users for free, regardless of the type and method of update.

Update methods

There are three ways to update the program:

§ Automatic update - in accordance with the settings made in the program, the next time you start the SBiS++ program, a message about the released update will appear with a proposal to update the program.

§ Updating using the installer - the sbis-setup-.exe program is used for updating (switching to another version of the program). In this case, all program resources are updated. If a new version includes new features and, accordingly, new resources, they will be installed during the installation of the new version.

http:// ereport. sbis. ru/ download/

§ Updating using the updater - the sbis-update-.exe program is used for updating (update within the current version).

To purchase the file, please contact the SB&S++ developers office or download it from the website at:

Documentation Update

Before starting a program update, it is advisable to update the program documentation. You can do this from the website at: or request it from the SBiS++ support service.

Preparing for the update

Before you start installing the update using programssbis- setup -. exe orsbis- update -. exe Shut down all users and make a backup copy of the SBiS++ directory.

Automatic update of SBS++

The ability to automatically update the system within the current version via the Internet allows you to track, deliver and install new and revised report formats in the shortest possible time. To do this, it is enough that your computer is connected to the Internet and the appropriate settings have been made (more on this later). The system monitors the appearance of updates for your version on the developer’s server and automatically downloads them to the local disk of your computer:

Rice. P1-3 – Message about downloading a new version

The monitoring icon in the system tray will indicate that files are being downloaded.

Rice. P1-4 – Monitoring icon in the system tray

After downloading the updates to the local disk, SBS++ will offer to install them.

Rice. P1-5 – Update message

Before installing updates, review the list of changes in the new system build in the dialog box. The list of changes is also published on the developers' website

Click the Update Now button and the system will begin installing updates.

I would like to note that in SBS++, starting with build 2.3.54, the mechanism for performing auto-updates of the system has been significantly improved. Now, in order to receive updates, you just need to connect to the Internet. The update files will be automatically downloaded to your computer's hard drive. SBiS++ will take them from there the next time you start it, even if at that moment the computer is not connected to the Internet. The program files are not updated completely, but only their changed part. All this allowed us to reduce not only the time, but also the size of the update (by about 3-4 times).

This window will appear every time you start SBS++ until you update the program.

If for some reason you were absent from your workplace for a long time, did not turn on the computer, or did not have access to the Internet, you can update the program by clicking the “Service” menu and selecting the command “ Update the program».

Rice. P1-6 – Message about installing updates

In this case, updates detected on the developer’s server are first downloaded to the local disk of your computer and from there installed in the SBS++ program. While updates are downloaded to your computer, you can work in the program. Once the download is complete, a dialog will be displayed asking you to install them. Then SBiS++ will automatically reboot and install updates.

The same command (Tools\Update program) is used if you want to check installed updates. To do this, in the dialog box you need to select "Check for correctness." The program will compare installed updates with a standard located on the server.

Rice. P1-7 – Checking the correctness of the version

Auto-update settings

So, in order to be able to track the release of new builds of the program, you need to configure your program accordingly. All necessary settings are made in the “ Workplace configuration» (« Main menu/Service") on the tab " Updates»:

Rice. P1-8 – Setting up to receive updates

First of all, the opportunity must be given Perform automatic program updates for all users" In this case, all users of the program will track the release of updates. Other options are also possible:

§ « Perform automatic program updates only for this workstation " - this opportunity will be provided to users of this workplace only.

§ « Do not automatically update the program " - only the availability of updates on the server will be checked, without their subsequent downloading and installation into the program.

Update files are downloaded from the HTTP server, the address of which is indicated in the " Server» ( ).

By default, updates are checked on the developer's server once every 6 hours.

Features of auto-update of the network version

The process of updating the multi-user version of SbiS++ has its own characteristics:

1. Receiving a message about the release of a new build of the program with a proposal to update will occur at the workplace where access to the SBSiS++ update server is provided - this is regulated by the system administrator, and the corresponding rights are granted to users of this system.

2. After receiving this message, the user agrees and starts the process of updating the current SB&S++ build at his workplace. This will update the reference program directory installed on the server.

3. After a certain period of time set in the system, after checking new tasks on all other workstations, users will see a message in their program asking them to update:

Rice. P1-9 – Notification of received updates to the SBiS++ system

4. Click “Restart now” and reboot the SBS++ system for the received updates to take effect. If it is not possible to restart at the moment (for example, you have started a complex data calculation in the system), then the reboot can be postponed and performed a little later (click “Remind me later”) - the system will remind you about it again. The reminder will appear until you restart SBS++.

5. If you do not react in any way to the received message, the system itself will automatically restart after a certain period of time (this is indicated in the window).

6. When SBS++ is restarted, program files on client sites are synchronized with files on the server and the system is updated on all client sites on the local network.

Updating using the installer

SBiS++ installation program ( sbis-setup -.exe) is used to migrate to a new version of SbiS++.

Running the installer

1. Run the installer. As the program directory, specify the directory with the current version of SBiS++. The program installation process is described in detail in the “Installation and Startup” chapter.

If you are working with the network version of SBiS++, then before starting the update installation, shut down all users in the program. Then on the server, stop the services “Pervasive.SQL (relational)” and “Pervasive.SQL (transactional)” (“Control Panel/Administration/Services”). Stopping transactions on the server is necessary to create a correct copy of the database.

2. Follow the wizard's instructions and complete the program update.

If you are updating the network version of SbiS++, then after completion, configure the sbis.ini file, which is located in the main program directory, in the same place as the sbis.exe file. More details about the settings of the network version are described in the book “User’s Guide - General Principles of SBiS++” in the chapter “Installing and launching SBiS++ on a network”. Only after this launch SBS++.

Launch of SBS++

Launch SBS++ and convert the database (DB) (answer " Yes»):

If you answered “No”, then the request to convert the database will appear every time you start SBS++ until the database is converted.

A detailed description of performing database conversion is provided in the documentation “ Administration of SBS++", available in the program by pressing the F 1> key, in the chapter " Database Maintenance».

After the conversion is completed, registration of the updated modules will start. Detailed instructions are provided in the section " Registering updated modules».

Updating using the updater

Along with automatic updating, the program is used to update within the current version of SBS++: sbis-update -.exe.

Program update procedure sbis-update -.exe same as the program sbis-setup -.exe. The only differences are a few points:

§ The update program does not update the installation database (db.install directory).

§ Does not create shortcuts to quickly launch the program.

§ Does not update help files (*.chm).

§ The sbis-update- file is more compact than sbis-setup- and is more convenient to download from the site.

As a rule, when updating SBS++ within the current version, database conversion is not required. At the very least, the developers are trying to ensure that database conversion is only necessary when migrating to a new version of SBiS++.

Registering updated modules

Regardless of the update method, the first time you start SBS++ after the update, the updated modules are registered. This is the final stage of the SBS++ update. Registration of updated modules is required. When registering modules, changes are made to the program.

If for some reason the updated modules have not been registered, the update cannot be considered complete.

Starting module registration

The process of registering updated modules occurs automatically, without user intervention:

Rice. P1-11 – Module registration

During registration, in the installed modules window, you can read useful information that you will need when working with the program.

When all the modules in the list are registered, the module registration window will automatically close. After this, the updated database is ready for use. If the updated modules remain unregistered, they will be registered automatically the next time you start SBS++.

(640 Kb)

Depending on how often you use the program, there are two ways to update electronic reporting.

1 Regular work with the program, performing all updates.

2 Electronic reporting is rarely opened, and a number of updates are missed.

Let's consider the sequence of actions when updating the program for each operation option.

Option 1. You often work with the program and do not miss a single update.

  • It is convenient to update electronic reporting through the special “Service” menu located at the top of the program window. In the “Service” menu, select the “Update program” sub-item.

The update wizard will show you the current and new versions of the program, and here you can also view the history of changes to various versions of electronic reporting.

  • After clicking the “Next” button, a list of program sections to which changes will be made is compiled. It is recommended to select the update mode “Recommended” or “Recommended with help files”. Creating a backup copy of the program during the update cannot be canceled. If the previous update was performed incorrectly and the program was accompanied by error messages, it is recommended to set the “Perform a full update” and “Install executable modules” flags.

  • Clicking the “Next” button will start downloading the update files and performing the update itself. The result of this work will be an open, updated program.

Second update option.

The electronic reporting program is launched, as a rule, on the last reporting days. With this mode of operation, a number of updates are skipped (for example, the version of your program is 2.3.30, and the current version from the developer is 2.3.38; several updates were released between these versions). The update under item 1 may take a long time, so it is faster and more reliable to update the electronic reporting as follows.

  • In the “SbiS++ Electronic Reporting” program, select the top menu item “Help”, sub-item “Visit the program website”.

  • The developer's website will open. On the website, click on the inscription “ SUPPORT 24/7" located at the top right of the page.

  • In the middle of the page that opens, select “ DOWNLOAD«.

  • Next, select the tab “ UPDATES". If you have regular electronic reporting installed (not a program for authorized accounting departments), then in the list of updates select the first item “Update of SBS Electronic reporting”. By clicking on the link, save the update file to the desktop of your computer or to any other location convenient for you.

  • Close the SBS++ Electronic Reporting program.
  • Run the update file saved from the site. If you have difficulty finding the update file, click “Start”, “Search” and enter the file name sbis_update_esign.exe.
  • After running the update file, follow the instructions of the update wizard. During a standard installation, you will need to click the “Next” button three times. The update will take place independently, the result of the work will be an open updated program.