The best browser for your computer. What's the best browser? The best browser. How to choose a browser

To ensure that access to the Internet is not associated with discomfort and negative emotions, you need to take care of choosing the most suitable software. The most important software for web surfing is the browser, which helps you find the required information and media content on the Internet in a matter of moments.

And if the technology developers have already made the choice for the owners of Apple equipment, giving preference to their own brainchild - Safari, then few Windows users are content with the basic Microsoft solution in the form of Internet Explorer. Our material today is dedicated to finding a candidate for the title of best browser of 2018-2019.

#10 – Comet

This browser is distributed using a method that is quite annoying to every user of personal computers - it is bundled with the installation of other programs. Removing it is much more difficult than installing it, and during operation Comet has an unpleasant habit of displaying huge advertising banners on the screen once every certain period of time, however, many domestic users use this not the most convenient browser on an ongoing basis.

Despite the fact that the search engine of this software leaves much to be desired, especially compared to such monsters as Yandex and Google, a number of users note a fairly convenient interface for working on social networks and the relatively high speed of the program.

No. 9 – Amigo

A browser from the domestic giant Group, which also comes with other software. De facto, we see standard Chromium, equipped with integrated services. There is a built-in module for communication on social networks, but its convenience is highly debatable.
Reviews about its work are mostly negative, but this does not prevent it from being among the most popular browsers among Russian users for several years. Seriously inferior to its competitors in many components, thanks to its intrusive distribution it has still found its place in the sun and, if for some reason you do not want to work with the most popular solutions, you can try Amigo.

No. 8 – SlimJet

Another Chromium-based browser, but much more powerful and less annoying. Among the advantages, it is worth noting an excellent password manager, integration with the number one social network - Facebook, a built-in photo editor and basic protection against malware.
If you are tired of classic Chrome, but you don’t want to lose the advantages of its speed and comfort, this browser looks like one of the most promising solutions. At least try and if the result is unsatisfactory, removing it is much easier than the same Amigo.

#7 – SRWare Iron

The next representative of our top 10 browsers of 2018-2019 is again an interpretation of Chromium, beloved by millions of users around the world, and this time, perhaps, the best. Among Google services, only search is integrated here, but unlike standard Chrome, it does not keep a record of your requests, which will appeal to those who are worried about the privacy of their actions on the Internet.
Among the disadvantages, it is worth mentioning the lack of automatic updates, and therefore you will have to monitor the release of new versions and install them manually, but most users do not need this, and once you install SRWare Iron, you can use it until its functionality seems insufficient to you.

#6 – Safari

In Russia, this solution is not as popular as in the rest of the world, which is probably due to the less widespread distribution of Apple technology in our country. However, Safari can also be installed on Windows, but do not forget that its work has been optimized specifically for iPhones and MacBooks.
Older versions of this browser often showed significantly better results in tests than Chrome, which had seemingly long since seized the palm, but a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and the developers of the American company have done everything possible to ensure that this strategy ceases to exist on personal computers running Windows. be rational in nature.

No. 5 – K-Meleon

The first five top browsers are opened by a little-known relative of the legendary Mozilla Firefox, which has the same engine as its older brother. Despite a lot of common features, the browsers have differences, for example, K-Meleon is the lightest browser for Windows, which will appeal to owners of not the most powerful home computers, whose resource consumption by the browser must be treated carefully and carefully.
For a domestic user, the problem may be displaying the Cyrillic alphabet in this browser, but with each update this problem becomes more and more a thing of the past. Another drawback is that the design is too cheesy; aesthetes obviously won’t like it. But the rich possibilities for personalization and interface customization will appeal to those who like to stand out from the crowd.

No. 4 – Opera

The oldest columnist, dating back to 1994. Previously, this legendary browser had its own engine, but since Google Chrome supplanted its competitors, Opera followed suit and switched to Webkit+V8. In Russia, this software ranks fourth in popularity, which is higher than the global figure.
Obvious advantages include solid operating speed - pages are displayed much faster than Internet Explorer, and the built-in Turbo mode allows you to further increase this figure and save traffic. By the way, in this mode you can bypass the Roskomnadzor bans that are so annoying to domestic users. An express panel with easy-to-set up bookmarks and a huge number of shortcut keys allow advanced users to create the interface in the most convenient way for themselves.

But there are some drawbacks - Opera is quite voracious in terms of PC RAM, and therefore it is impossible to open many tabs without losing the quality of work. Another nuance is that this browser is not highly stable, and therefore various crashes and freezes are a constant companion for its users.

#3 – Mozilla Firefox

In our list of the best we have reached the “Fire Fox” itself. In the world, this browser continues to hold a leading position, and in the Russian Federation it is slightly ahead of Opera in popularity. A big plus of Mozilla is free access to its Gecko engine, and therefore many enthusiasts around the world are busy every day perfecting all its parameters. Appearing in 2004, which is quite recent compared to Opera, Firefox has changed beyond recognition over the years thanks to its community.
In terms of interface simplicity, this browser can only be rivaled by Google Chrome, and more than one browser has such a convenient settings system. A wide selection of plugins and cross-platform functionality make Mozilla an incredibly versatile solution, and in tandem with the highest reliability and network security, for many it is absolutely the best software for web surfing.

The main disadvantage is the increased requirements for free RAM, and therefore you can rest assured that many open tabs and windows will seriously affect the performance of the software for the worse.

No. 2 – Yandex.Browser

It's nice to see a domestic product in such a high and honorable place. It appeared quite recently - in 2012, but in Russia it predictably immediately gained enormous popularity. Integration with Yandex services, many of which we use almost daily, gives it a big head start in the fight against competitors. Despite the fact that Chromium was taken as the basis for the development of the engine, the Yandex.Browser interface is distinctive and original.
The developers deserve gratitude for at least the level of security that was implemented in the browser - it is much more difficult to pick up a virus in it than in similar programs. The built-in ad blocker and dictionary show the caring attitude towards users from the creators of the browser. The presence of a mobile version and Turbo mode will help hardened Opera fans switch to a more modern solution for Internet surfing.

But the advantages of the application do not seem so to everyone, and therefore a number of users, on the contrary, speak negatively about the integration with Yandex services and the uniqueness of the interface. Everyone must decide for themselves with what sign they relate to such aspects.

#1 – Google Chrome

Our current ranking of PC browsers for 2018-2019 is quite predictably headed by the legendary Chrome. It appeared in 2008, but quickly established itself as the fastest and most reliable browser. Today, almost half of personal computers and mobile gadgets are equipped with this browser as the main tool for searching the Internet.

The pros can be listed endlessly, so let’s talk about the cons, and, unfortunately, we couldn’t do without them. Firstly, old systems with 2 gigabytes of RAM or less simply will not provide the search engine with the necessary resources for high-quality and high-speed work. Secondly, such a load on hardware has a very negative impact on the battery charge of laptops and mobile devices, so if your smartphone does not already have an impressive battery, then Chrome is unlikely to be the best solution for it. Well, Russian users are unlikely to like the fact that most of the plugins are not available in their native language.

But even such serious shortcomings cannot cover up the countless set of undeniable advantages: speed, reliability, security, convenience - in each of these parameters it is almost impossible to compete with Chrome. Deserved first place in our ranking.

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There are many web browsers on the browser market today, however, each developer claims that their product is worthy of attention, since it was created based on the best experience in this area. There are also many browsers now available in a mobile version for smartphones, especially since alcatel smartphones, which can be purchased here:, are ready to pleasantly surprise you both in quality and price. Having such a smartphone, you simply get an excellent opportunity to use all the capabilities of browsers and the Internet - I highly recommend it.

Therefore, I have created this list of the most popular browsers that are used around the world. It is worth considering that the top was compiled not on the basis of statistical popularity, but rather on data that combines: statistics around the world, statistics among Russian speakers, the future potential of companies and some other “immeasurable force” that influenced my decision.

Top 9. Avant Browser (Trident, Blink, Gecko engine)

The browser is built on the basis of three engines, which depend on the version of the program. It is something similar in functionality to Opera, and also allows you to use plugins from Internet Explorer, which underlies it.

The program is being developed by Avant Force, which released the initial version of the browser in January 2004. What's funny is that the original name of the products was "IEopera".

Works exclusively with Windows versions.

Top 8. Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML engine)

The list continues with a web browser from the transnational company Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates.

This browser is only available to users of Windows 10, in the box with which it comes. The product debut took place in March 2015. As tech journalists report, Microsoft Edge is set to completely replace Internet Explorer, both on desktop and mobile platforms.

The browser is something innovative because it has many useful features that make browsing the Internet more comfortable. However, due to the fact that not everyone has installed Windows 10 yet, the browser still has many bugs, but does not have a base of extensions and much competition from other browsers; it occupies only 2-3% of the market.

Top 7. Yandex.Browser (Blink engine)

This browser was created by, as you may have guessed, the company Yandex. The first version of the program was released in October 2012. At the moment, the browser has been installed on approximately 35-40 million computers, which is approximately 9.4% of browsers among Russian-speaking users.

The browser is implemented to support Windows, Android, iOS, OS X and Linux, supports extensions from the Chrome store, and also develops compatibility with Opera Addons.

Top 6. Android Browser (AOSP engine)

Today, every fourth person has a smartphone or tablet in their hands. Each of these devices has a stock browser - AOSP Browser, which made it to our top.

If I'm not mistaken, this browser is open source and each manufacturer can make their own changes to this browser.

Top 5. Opera (Presto, Blink engine)

The Internet application program was released by Opera Software in April 1995.

According to global statistics, the browser is used by 2.1% of users, and among Russian-speaking users this figure is 4.3%.

The browser works with many operating systems Windows, OS X, iOS, Linux, Symbian OS, MeeGo, Java, Android, Windows Mobile and others.

Probably the abundance of supported devices allows the product to occupy fifth position among similar software solutions.

Top 4. Safari (WebKit engine, Nitro)

This browser is an Apple product and is included with OS X and iOS. It is also possible to install it in Windows, but support for this system has recently been discontinued. The browser began its history in January 2003 and today has a share of 9.3% in the world rankings, and only 4.1% among the Russian segment.

Based on the number of installations worldwide, it is clear that this is the fourth most popular browser.

Top 3. Internet Explorer (Trident engine)

Despite its slow operation and hostility among more or less advanced PC users, the browser occupies approximately 25% of the market share; in 2002-2003 this figure was as much as 90%, and, for example, in Korea 99%. But let's say thank you that there are other high-quality products that have moved this browser from first to third place.

The developer of the browser is Microsoft, which in 2015 decided to completely get rid of the “elderly old man” Internet Explorer and replace it with a new solution – Microsoft Edge.

Top 2. Mozilla Firefox (Gecko engine)

The browser is being developed by Mozilla Corporation, which introduced the first version of the program in September 2002.

It occupied first place in the rankings for quite a long time, until Google Chrome overtook it. Now every year the observer is losing its position, and today it accounts for approximately 18% of the market share. However, at the same time, in many countries this browser ranks first.

Works with operating systems such as Linux, Windows, OS X, iOS, Firefox OS, Ubuntu Phone and Android.

Top 1. Google Chrome (KHTML and WebKit engine)

The first version of the program was released in September 2008. The browser is developed and supported by Google.

The browser's market share is as much as 60%, making it the most popular browser of all, overtaking Mozilla Firefox, whose developers were brought in to create Google Chrome.

The browser works on most platforms: Windows, OS X, iOS, Linux, Android and Chrome OS.

The browser also boasts a huge selection of extensions in its online store.

As you noticed, I started straight from ninth place, missing tenth. This is because many of you probably know other browsers that are not on the list, so I suggest you add to the list yourself and name another good web browser in the comments.

Internet browsers for devices on the Windows platform are considered not only the largest, but also the most diverse category. However, this is not surprising. After all, this operating system is widespread among computers, laptops, tablets and even smartphones. This explains the variety of browsers, most of which are universal and can be used on any Windows device. Some of them have variations for a number of popular systems, thanks to which they are known to almost everyone. Others, on the contrary, are only suitable for Windows 7 or 10, and sometimes only for Windows Phone.

Most browsers in the category, not counting mobile versions, offer an order of magnitude more features than Internet browsers of other systems. This is explained by the fact that web surfing programs for Windows are developed primarily for full-fledged computers. This means that they are designed not only for reading forums and communicating on social networks, but also for downloading heavy online games, interacting with various protocols and technologies, working with scripts, protecting confidential data, and much more. Therefore, the best representatives of browsers for computers easily become not only pleasant entertainment for any user, but also a reliable assistant for the programmer.

Despite the great variety of web surfers for Windows, only a few of them can be called truly fast, convenient and multifunctional. There are even fewer secure browsers, which today, due to the increasing incidence of cybercrime, have become more in demand than ever before. Therefore, our rating of the best web browsers for Windows includes only seven browsers that attract users with excellent speed, useful additional features, as well as high reliability and the ability to protect confidential information. Moreover, they can be downloaded absolutely free on the manufacturers’ websites, and some even on the official Windows page.

TOP 8 best browsers for Windows

8 Kaspersky Safe Browser

The best secure mobile browser
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.2

The review of the best browsers for Windows opens with the most useful Internet browser, which can be downloaded not only on the manufacturer’s website, but also on the official Microsoft page. The main difference between the application and ordinary mobile web surfers, and indeed many desktop browsers, is obviously reliable data protection. Developed by a leading antivirus manufacturer, the web browser is unrivaled in recognizing and blocking malware. Filtering sites by content can be equally useful, allowing parents to protect their children from sites with violence, gambling and other inappropriate content.

Otherwise, Kaspersky is a simple browser offering standard features. The user can add sites to favorites, save tabs, move pages to the desktop, and view recent activities. At the same time, the browser is quite fast and, unlike the antivirus, it is free.

7 Internet Explorer

Most Popular Basic Browser
Country: USA
Rating (2018): 4.3

Despite its relatively modest capabilities, the standard pre-installed browser for Windows is in demand not only among owners of 7 and earlier versions of the platform, but also among users of Windows 10. After all, the web surfer is constantly being improved and, although previously it was not the fastest and richest in useful properties , it now syncs across multiple devices, supports most web technologies, blocks pop-ups, and has a phishing filter. It is also one of the easiest browsers to use with a nice interface.

However, the latest version of Internet Explorer supports a number of options, including text playback, RRS feed, zoom and much more. Economical in terms of memory and battery consumption, we can call this browser one of the best for laptops and other portable equipment.

6 Google Chrome

Better integration with Google services
Country: USA
Rating (2018): 4.4

Sixth place is occupied by one of the most famous browsers for Windows. For a long time, Chrome was a trendsetter and even now, despite the emergence of many fast and functional competitors, it remains a popular web surfer. It is especially in demand among users of Gmail and other Google services. After all, having logged into the browser, the user can easily switch between services and accounts without entering additional data, which is very convenient. At the same time, the Internet browser offers good functionality, including voice control, and supports the installation of extensions.

However, some features of Chrome can also be considered disadvantages. First of all, the browser is far from the most protected from malicious extensions, so it will require caution from the user. In addition, the data collection and preference-based advertising required to integrate services sometimes seems excessive.

5 Tor Browser

Better anonymity
Country: USA
Rating (2018): 4.5

Today, in the age of advanced technology, information security worries many. Therefore, some users prefer to visit sites anonymously, not allowing special bots or browsers to collect personal data. It's no surprise that Tor Browser, based on onion routing technology that hides your actual location and IP address, is rapidly gaining popularity.

In addition to reliable data protection, this browser for Windows provides a number of other features. For example, a user can easily change his IP address to bypass file hosting restrictions, and also visit any resources, even closed ones. At the same time, the browser, like the well-known Firefox, runs on the Gecko engine and is just as easy to use. Tor also supports various extensions and utilities, making it easy to expand upon.

4 Firefox

The most versatile
Country: USA
Rating (2018): 4.7

Practicality and versatility allowed this browser to become one of not only the most popular, but also the best browsers in the world. Although Firefox offers a lot of versions for different platforms, the fastest and most convenient to use is still the product designed for Windows 7 and Windows 10.

Most users liked the “fire fox” for its simplicity and accessibility even for beginners. On the one hand, the browser is not overloaded with annoying toolbars, and on the other hand, all the necessary settings are always at hand. At the same time, it supports all popular data transfer protocols and is considered the best for working with plugins, Java and javascript. And many webmasters value Firefox for its ease of editing web page code. Therefore, the browser will be an excellent assistant not only for a web surfer, but also for a demanding programmer.

3 Yandex Browser

The best domestic browser for Windows 7 and 10
Country Russia
Rating (2018): 4.8

The top three participants in the ranking are opened by the fastest and most sophisticated Russian browser. In ease of use, level of customization and variety of tools and settings, it not only does not lose to many foreign competitors, but beats them.

Yandex Browser is often compared to Google Chrome. After all, like its main competitor, it integrates perfectly with all the company’s services: mail, maps, search, virtual data storage, and so on. The browser is also easily synchronized across different devices, equipped with a private mode, accelerated Turbo loading and much more. But there are also a number of differences. The main advantage of the Yandex product over its foreign counterpart is speed. It loads pages many times faster, while being less resource-intensive. In addition, the browser has a built-in Kaspersky anti-virus, the ability to accelerate loading and recognizes mouse gestures.

2 Opera

Maximum useful functions
Country: Norway
Rating (2018): 4.9

The second place in the review of the best browsers for Windows is deservedly awarded to one of the most popular Internet browsers. The web surfer received universal recognition largely due to its reliability. Indeed, unlike Chrome and some analogues, Opera very successfully resists many malware that are embedded in the browser. The program can also be praised for its support for extensions and most protocols, its compactness and abundance of useful properties.

Perhaps Opera is the most functional browser. A high-quality RSS news feed, a convenient download manager, bookmark and password managers, spell checking, private mode, and search by browsing history make up only a small part of the browser’s basic capabilities. It is not without unique features that make Opera stand out from the crowd. These features include voice control, support for computer mouse gestures, and even text playback.

1 Safari

The best balance of functionality and simplicity
Country: USA
Rating (2018): 5.0

Initially available only to followers of the Apple brand, this fast and practical browser has recently become available to users of Windows 7 and 10. In addition to excellent speed and low memory consumption, the key advantages of Safari include a laconic and, most importantly, intuitive interface without cumbersome control panels.

Despite the simplicity of the browser, many useful functions are available to the user. Quick viewing of bookmarks, a variety of modes, an intelligent address bar, viewing HTML5 videos in full screen, RSS and a whole set of basic properties cannot but rejoice. At the same time, the browser surprises with its original properties. In particular, the panoramic view of frequently visited Top Sites pages allows you to jump to any site by clicking on the page thumbnail. At the same time, Safari is equipped with ad blocking, which allows you to avoid annoying pop-ups. And the closed nature of the system guarantees security.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to say unequivocally which is the best browser, and this is not surprising. The fact is that there are very, very many of them, and most of them are worthy of attention. Developers try to make their product high quality, which is also quite logical. But our task is to choose an Internet browser for yourself and fully understand this issue.

What you need to know about browsers?

We don’t need to go deep into the topic and understand what an HTML interpreter is, etc., for you it will just be an Internet browser. As noted above, there are quite a few browsers and they are all good in their own way. Some developers pay more attention to design, some to navigation, while others prefer speed and ease of use. Agree, all these parameters are vital for the user, especially in cases where you are a beginner or spend most of your free or work time on the Internet. It’s worth immediately drawing your attention to the fact that there is no Internet browser that has all these advantages, but there are those where the developers’ solution is implemented best. The fact is that if you ask ten users a question about what is the best browser, you will get different answers. Of course, a few people will lean towards one thing, some towards something completely different. And now we will figure out why this is so.

Why do people use different browsers?

If everything were so simple, then all of humanity would use one browser that meets basic consumer requirements, such as speed, ease of use, simplicity, etc. But in practice, everything is somewhat different. Some people use Opera, others use Chrome, there are even those who have Internet Explorer as their default browser, but there are only a few of them. If you used a certain Internet browser from your first access to the Internet, then you are unlikely to want to use any other, even if it is a little better. But this is not the main reason why there is a whole line of popular browsers. The fact is that a lot depends on the needs of the user, or rather, on what he wants to achieve from the browser. Thus, those for whom speed is important use one product, for whom navigation is important - another, and those who prefer comfort - a third. That’s why you can’t just go ahead and say which browser is the best. But let's talk about what a good reviewer should be.

High page loading speed

According to statistics, most users put this indicator in first place. This is quite justified, because who needs a product that takes a long time to load one page at a good Internet speed. It is important to understand here that not everything depends on your Internet, since many people are guilty of a bad connection. The fact is that there is browser speed and page loading speed. Performance is in no way affected by what kind of connection you have. As a rule, the fault is with the engine. As for the page loading speed, not only your Internet is important, but also the processing speed of the browser. It should be noted that all browsers differ in this indicator. This is due to the fact that developers have their own approach to solving the problem. In some cases, it really makes sense to pay attention to your Internet and only then look for problems in the software.

Comfort and attractiveness

As a rule, most users use the Internet to simply browse web pages. Sometimes you want to save information, add an interesting site to your bookmarks, etc. The easier and faster this can be done, the better. If you can quickly view the history and select information you are interested in from there, change settings without bothering, or quickly navigate through sections of the browser, then it is really convenient.

Basically, the number of features affects performance, so it should be specific. It is best if the most important things are present. When it comes to attractiveness, this is a personal question for each of us. Beautiful design themes that do not make it difficult to use will only come in handy. Of course, today's best free browsers have a huge selection of visual themes, but not all of them will suit you. Some things will strain your eyes too much, while others will simply interfere with reading the text.

Opera browser and its features

Many users started with this Internet browser. Those who are used to it still use it. Developers are constantly updating the product and adding new features and other useful additions. Opera is rightfully considered the simplest browser, since its interface is extremely convenient and understandable. For those whose pages load too slowly, there is a special “Turbo” mode that allows you to speed up the process.

A distinctive feature is that Opera works without problems with a large number of open tabs, and this has virtually no effect on the system load and speed itself. It is also worth noting a very convenient download manager, as well as the ability to correspond by mail directly from the interface. In short, this is a fairly good, simple and fast Internet browser, both for beginners and for more experienced users. But there are also disadvantages. Among them are the insufficient speed of script processing and the lack of bookmarks in the latest versions of the program.

A quick overview of Google Chrome

In recent years, this browser has gained immense popularity. If you make a TOP list that includes only the best browsers for Windows, then Chrome will definitely be among the leaders. The fact is that the best Google specialists worked on the creation of this masterpiece, and we can say with confidence that they coped with the task. It is unlikely that any other product can boast such performance and page loading speed. Chrome is not very demanding on hardware and is therefore used by many. Once you install it, you won't see anything except a few buttons. The unnecessary stuff has been removed, and everything you need can be downloaded as an add-on, fortunately there is a lot of such goodness and in a large assortment. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the built-in anti-virus program, which warns about going to a malicious site. Please note that Chrome has only one search bar, which is used both to enter the site address and for search queries, which is very convenient. There is even a special panel for the developer and a multilingual interface. As for the disadvantages, these include the lack of visual bookmarks, but they can be added through special extensions.

A good fast browser or a little about Mozilla Firefox

If we talk about Mozilla, then this browser is something between Opera and Chrome. It is quite fast and simple, has a laconic design and a user-friendly interface.

Just like Chrome, it has a bunch of different extensions and applications. All passwords can be saved, and the security of data storage is very well implemented here. There is a bookmarks bar and an automatic update function to the latest version. In principle, there is no point in listing all the features and advantages of this browser. One thing can be said: it’s good, but it’s not for everyone. The fact is that the performance here is not the best, however, this error is fully compensated by fine tuning.

A few words about the domestic product

Many have probably already guessed that we will be talking about nothing other than the “Yandex Browser”. Its peculiarity, one might even say its advantage, is that security is well established here. And not only the storage of personal data, but also the actual presence on the Internet.

It is also worth highlighting the full integration with Yandex services. By the way, Chrome is also fully integrated with Google. If you have Yandex on your computer, then you can use cloud storage, that is, store important information on the server. Directly from the interface you can view files with the extension /doc and pdf; Chrome also allows you to do this. If you want to transfer settings from any other Internet browser, then you can do this, which is undoubtedly convenient.

You must decide for yourself which is the best browser for you. As noted above, it all depends on what you need the browser for. However, it is highly recommended to try several options. For example, “Chrome” and “Opera”, or “Yandex” and “Amigo”. Then you decide for yourself what you like best. Many people do not know that the same Internet Explorer is recommended for use on laptops when the devices do not operate on the network, but in offline mode. This is due to the fact that this browser saves battery power, and this, you see, is a big plus, even if you have to sacrifice data processing speed. Although if you update IE to the latest version, you are unlikely to notice any loss in this parameter.


As you can see, the best browser for a computer can be anything, because the operating system makes virtually no difference what it works with; it rather depends on your needs. We have looked at the main parameters that modern Internet browsers must meet, and you know what to focus on. If you are choosing the best browser for Android, then pay attention to how much RAM it uses and how optimized it is. Currently, the optimal solution may be Chrome, Opera, Yandex, which have long been configured for this platform. That, in principle, is all on this topic. Believe me, choosing a good browser is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and understanding any of the ones described in this article will not be difficult.

Browser– the main user tool. There are many of these programs in the world: popular and not so popular. This article is the TOP 10: rating of the best and fastest browsers for Windows on the Russian-language Internet.

TOP 10 browsers

The TOP 10 was compiled based on data from Liveinternet and Google Analytics visit counters of this site. The sample is 1,215,527 sessions, which indicates a high degree of reliability of the information, but it does not claim to be the ultimate truth.

The site is in Russian, so it mainly reaches a Russian-speaking audience around the world. The following figure shows the countries that are the sources of referrals to the site. The darker the region, the more visitors came from it.

1 - Yandex Browser

The best in Russia. Built on Chromium source code. The main feature is integration with Yandex services: , translator, Disk. It is possible to synchronize passwords, extensions, bookmarks with various devices and backup data from cloud servers.

Users with slow Internet speeds will appreciate the Turbo mode, which speeds up loading videos and opening web pages on low Internet connection speeds.

We note the comfortable work with text, namely translation of foreign sites, spell checking, searching for all forms of words and viewing electronic documents.

2 - Google Chrome

Search history and saved bookmarks can be accessed across devices thanks to the synchronization function (you need to sign in to your Google Account).

3 - Opera

For Windows, Mac, Linux.

According to the developers, Opera is a convenient and fast browser. However, from my personal experience I can say that this is not entirely true. Opera was once number one for me, but due to constant slowdowns and emergency shutdowns, I had to give it up altogether.

But technologists do not stand still; over time, things are “finished up”, old ones are removed and new functions are added. He's probably not as bad now as he was before. This is evidenced by its popularity and third place in the ranking.

4 - Safari

Developed by Apple using the WebKit engine. It is very popular in the world, but has not received such attention in Russia.

According to the developers, this is the best browser for PCs on Mac OS. It's fast and uses less power, so pages load instantly and your laptop lasts longer on a single charge.

All these laudatory characteristics are a marketing ploy, which is used not only by Apple employees, but also by other developers. In our ranking he took fourth place.

5 - Mozilla Firefox

A good browser with many features, including spell checking, a download manager and search as you type. The missing functionality is added by special plugins and extensions, of which there are a great many for Firefox.

As extensions are added, Mozilla's loading times also increase. Opening additional tabs noticeably reduces the speed of work, and it slows down.

6 - Internet Explorer

It was created specifically for Windows by Microsoft. But the reality is that IE is not the fastest web browser with little ability to expand functionality. It doesn't have as many plugins as, say, Firefox.

A small note: sometimes, on my not very powerful computer, online video in Google Chrome slows down on pages with a lot of advertising. These “brakes” are not related to, but to the power of the computer. So, online video that slows down in Chrome is successfully played in Internet Explorer.

7 - Opera Mini

Probably the lightest browser for mobile devices. There are versions for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile. Works on most mobile phones. Loads web pages very quickly even on slow Internet connections thanks to the fact that it uses up to 90% less data than others.

8 - Android Browser

A mobile browser from the company UCWeb (UC Mobile) developed on the Java platform, there is also a version for iOS. Works on all major mobile platforms: Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry. Due to page compression and special optimizing settings, it is the fastest.

10 - Microsoft Edge

A new browser from Microsoft included in Windows 10 and designed to replace Internet Explorer, which still remains for backward compatibility of enterprise applications.

Best browser for Windows - rating

Users of different versions of Windows have different preferences. Information taken from Google Analytics counter.

Windows 7

Descending order of popularity. Sample 413,130 visit sessions.

  1. Chrome
  2. YaBrowser
  3. Opera
  4. Internet Explorer
  5. Firefox
  6. Maxthon
  7. Nichrome
  8. Safari
  9. PlayFree Browser

Windows 10

Sample 117,838 sessions.

  1. YaBrowser
  2. Chrome
  3. Microsoft Edge
  4. Firefox
  5. Opera
  6. Internet Explorer
  7. Nichrome
  8. Maxthon
  9. SeaMonkey

Windows XP

Sample 83,225 visits.

  1. Chrome
  2. Firefox
  3. Opera
  4. YaBrowser
  5. Internet Explorer
  6. Maxthon
  7. Nichrome
  8. Safari
  9. PlayFree Browser

Windows 8.1

Sample 62,599.

  1. YaBrowser
  2. Chrome
  3. Internet Explorer
  4. Opera
  5. Firefox
  6. Maxthon
  7. Nichrome
  8. Coc Coc
  9. SeaMonkey

Windows 8

Sample 20,059.

  1. YaBrowser
  2. Internet Explorer
  3. Chrome
  4. Opera
  5. Firefox
  6. Maxthon
  7. PlayFreeBrowser
  8. Nichrome
  9. Safari
  10. UC Browser


Sample 4,132.

  1. Chrome
  2. YaBrowser
  3. Firefox
  4. Opera
  5. Internet Explorer
  6. UC Browser
  7. Maxthon
  8. Safari
  9. Nichrome
  10. PlayFreeBrowser

Conclusions: the best and fastest in Russia is Yandex Browser (YaBrowser). Despite the fact that Google Chrome is the most popular in the world, it is in second place on the Russian-language Internet. Third place went to Opera.