The largest satellite in the solar system. Natural satellites of planets. What moons does Mars have?

We invite you to learn some interesting and educational facts about the satellites of the planets of the solar system.

1. Ganymede is a large satellite. This is the largest satellite not only of Jupiter, but also of the Solar system as a whole. He's so big. Which has its own magnetic field.

2. Miranda is an ugly companion. Considered the ugly duckling of the solar system. It seems as if someone cobbled together a satellite from pieces and sent it to revolve around Uranus. Miranda has some of the most spectacular scenery in the entire solar system, with mountain ranges and valleys forming intricate crowns and canyons, some of which are 12 times deeper than the Grand Canyon. For example, if you throw a stone at one of these, it will fall only after 10 minutes.

3. Callisto is the satellite with the largest number of craters. Unlike other celestial bodies, Callisto does not have geological activity, which makes its surface unprotected. That’s why this satellite looks like the most “beaten one”.

4. Dactyl is an asteroid satellite. It is the smallest moon in the entire solar system, as it is only one mile wide. In the photo you can see the satellite Ida, and Dactyl is the small dot on the right. The uniqueness of this satellite lies in the fact that it does not orbit around a planet, but around an asteroid. Previously, scientists believed that asteroids were too small to have satellites, but as you can see, they were wrong.

5. Epimetheus and Janus are satellites that miraculously avoided a collision. Both satellites revolve around Saturn in the same orbit. They probably used to be one satellite. What is noteworthy: every 4 years, as soon as the moment of collision occurs, they change places.

6. Enceladus is the ring bearer. This is the inner satellite of Saturn, which reflects almost 100% of the light. The surface of Enceladus is filled with geysers that eject particles of ice and dust into space, forming Saturn's "E" ring.

7. Triton - with ice volcanoes. It is Neptune's largest satellite. It is also the only satellite of the solar system that rotates in the opposite direction from the rotation of the planet itself. Volcanoes on Triton are active, but they do not emit lava, but water and ammonia, which freeze on the surface.

8. Europe - with large oceans. This moon of Jupiter has the smoothest surface in the solar system. The thing is that the satellite is a continuous ocean covered with ice. There is 2-3 times more water here than on Earth.

9. Io is a volcanic hell. This satellite is similar to Mordor from The Lord of the Rings. Almost the entire surface of the satellite, which revolves around Jupiter, is covered with volcanoes, the eruptions of which occur very often. There are no craters on Io, as lava fills their surface, thereby leveling it.

11. Titan is a home away from home. This is perhaps the strangest satellite of the solar system. It is the only one that has an atmosphere that is several times denser than that of Earth. What was under the opaque clouds remained unknown for many years. Titan's atmosphere is based on nitrogen, just like Earth's, but it also contains other gases, such as methane. If methane levels on Titan are high, methane rain may occur on the satellite. The presence of large bright spots on the surface of the satellite suggests that there may be liquid seas on the surface, which may include methane. It is worth noting that Titan is the most suitable celestial body for searching for life.

There are good reasons to believe that humans will not only be able to survive on Jupiter's moon Europa, but will also find life already existing there. Europa is covered with a thick ice crust, but many scientists are inclined to believe that underneath there is a real ocean of liquid water. Additionally, Europa's solid inner core adds to the chances of having the right environment to support life, be it common microbes or perhaps even more complex organisms.

It is definitely worth studying Europe for the presence of conditions for the existence of life and life itself. After all, this will greatly increase the chances of possible colonization of this world. NASA wants to test whether Europa's water has some connection to the planet's core and whether this reaction produces heat and hydrogen, like we do on Earth. In turn, studying the various oxidizing agents that may be present in the planet's icy crust will indicate the level of oxygen produced, as well as how much of it is located closer to the ocean floor.

There are prerequisites to believe that NASA will closely study Europe and attempt to fly there by 2025. It is then that we will find out whether the theories associated with this icy satellite are true. In situ studies could also reveal the presence of active volcanoes beneath the icy surface, which in turn would also increase the chances of life on this moon. Indeed, thanks to these volcanoes, essential minerals can accumulate in the ocean.


Even though Titan, one of Saturn's moons, lies on the outer edge of the solar system, this world is one of the most interesting places for humanity and perhaps one of the candidates for future colonization.

Of course, breathing here will require the use of special equipment (the atmosphere is unsuitable for us), but there is no need to use special pressure suits here. However, of course, you will still have to wear special protective clothing, since the temperature here is very low, often dropping to -179 degrees Celsius. The gravity on this satellite is slightly lower than the level of gravity on the Moon, which means walking on the surface will be relatively easy.

However, you will have to seriously think about how to grow crops and take care of issues of artificial lighting, since only 1/300 to 1/1000 of the Earth’s level of sunlight falls on Titan. Dense clouds are to blame, but they nevertheless protect the satellite from excessive levels of radiation.

There is no water on Titan, but there are entire oceans of liquid methane. In this regard, some scientists continue to debate whether life could have formed under such conditions. Regardless, there is a lot to explore on Titan. There are countless methane rivers and lakes and large mountains. Plus, the views must be absolutely stunning. Due to Titan's relative proximity to Saturn, the planet in the satellite's sky (depending on cloudiness) occupies up to one third of the sky.


Although Uranus's largest moon is Titania, Miranda, the smallest of the planet's five moons, is most suitable for colonization. Miranda has several very deep canyons, deeper than the Grand Canyon on Earth. These locations could be ideal for landing and establishing a base that would be protected from the harsh external environment and especially from the radioactive particles produced by the magnetosphere of Uranus itself.

There is ice on Miranda. Astronomers and researchers estimate that it makes up about half the composition of this satellite. Like Europa, there is a possibility of water on the satellite, which is hidden under the ice cap. We don't know for sure, and we won't know until we get closer to Miranda. If there is still water on Miranda, then this would indicate serious geological activity on the satellite, since it is too far from the Sun and sunlight is not able to maintain water in liquid form here. Geological activity, in turn, would explain all this. While this is just a theory (and most likely unlikely), Miranda's close proximity to Uranus and its tidal forces may be causing this very geological activity.

Whether there is liquid water here or not, if we establish a colony on Miranda, the very low gravity of the satellite will allow us to descend into the deep canyons without fatal consequences. In general, there will also be something to do and explore here.


According to some researchers, Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons, not only could be an excellent place to colonize and observe the planet, but is also one of the most likely places to already support life.

Enceladus is covered in ice, but observations from space probes have shown geological activity on the moon and, in particular, geysers erupting from its surface. The Cassini spacecraft collected samples and determined the presence of liquid water, nitrogen and organic carbon. These elements, as well as the energy source that released them into space, are the important “building blocks of life.” So the next step for scientists will be to detect signs of more complex elements and perhaps organisms that may be lurking beneath Enceladus's icy surface.

The researchers believe that the best place to establish a colony would be in the areas near which these geysers have been spotted - huge cracks on the surface of the south pole ice cap. Some very unusual thermal activity has been observed here, equivalent to about 20 coal-fired power plants. In other words, there is a suitable source of heat for future colonists.

Enceladus has many craters and fractures just waiting to be explored. Unfortunately, the atmosphere of the satellite is very thin, and low gravity can create some problems in the development of this world.


NASA's New Horizons spacecraft returned stunning images of the dwarf planet and its largest moon Charon after its encounter with Pluto. These images have caused heated debate in the scientific community, which is now trying to determine whether this satellite is geologically active or not. It turned out that the surface of Charon (as well as Pluto) is much younger than previously thought.

Although there are cracks in Charon's surface, the moon appears to be quite effective at avoiding asteroid impacts as it has very few impact craters. The cracks and faults themselves are very similar to those left by the flow of hot lava. The same cracks have been found on the Moon and are an ideal place to establish a colony.

It is believed that Charon has a very thin atmosphere, which may also be an indicator of geological activity.


Mimas is often called the "Death Star". It is possible that an ocean may be hidden under the ice cap of this satellite. And despite this moon's overall ominous appearance, it may actually be suitable for supporting life. Observations by the Cassini space probe showed that Mimas wobbles slightly in its orbit, which could indicate geological activity beneath its surface.

And although scientists are very careful in their assumptions, no other traces that would indicate the geological activity of the satellite were found. If an ocean is discovered on Mimas, then this moon should be one of the first to be considered as the most suitable candidate for establishing a colony here. Rough calculations indicate that the ocean may be hidden at a depth of about 24-29 kilometers below the surface.

If the unusual orbital behavior has nothing to do with the presence of liquid water under the surface of this satellite, then, most likely, it is all to do with its deformed core. And the strong gravitational pool of Saturn's rings is to blame for this. Be that as it may, the most obvious and most reliable way to find out what is happening here is to land on the surface and take the necessary measurements.


Images and data from the Voyager 2 spacecraft in August 1989 showed that the surface of Neptune's largest moon, Triton, is composed of rocks and nitrogen ice. In addition, the data hinted that there may be liquid water beneath the moon's surface.

Although Triton has an atmosphere, it is so thin that it is of no use on the surface of the satellite. Being here without a particularly protected spacesuit is like death. Triton's average surface temperature is -235 degrees Celsius, making it the coldest cosmic object in the known universe.

Nevertheless, Triton is very interesting for scientists. And one day they would like to get there, establish a base and carry out all the necessary scientific observations and research:

“Some areas of Triton's surface reflect light as if they were made of something hard and smooth, like metal. These areas are believed to contain dust, nitrogen gas and possibly water that seeps through the surface and freezes instantly as a result of the incredibly low temperatures.”

In addition, scientists estimate that Triton formed around the same time and from the same material as Neptune, which is quite strange given the size of the satellite. It appears to have formed somewhere else in the solar system and was then pulled in by Neptune's gravity. Moreover, the satellite rotates in the direction opposite to its planet. Triton is the only satellite of the solar system that has this feature.


Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, as well as other space objects in our solar system, have been suspected of the presence of water beneath the surface. Compared to other ice-covered moons, Ganymede's surface is considered relatively thin and easy to drill into.

In addition, Ganymede is the only satellite in the Solar System that has its own magnetic field. Thanks to this, northern lights can be observed very often over its polar regions. In addition, there are suspicions that a liquid ocean may be hiding under the surface of Ganymede. The satellite has a rarefied atmosphere, which contains oxygen. And although it is extremely small to support life as we know it, the satellite has the potential for terraforming.

In 2012, it planned a space mission to Ganymede, as well as two other moons of Jupiter, Callisto and Europa. The launch is expected to take place in 2022. It will be possible to get to Ganymede 10 years later. Although all three moons are of great interest to scientists, Ganymede is believed to contain the most interesting features and is potentially suitable for colonization.


Roughly the size of the planet Mercury, Jupiter's second-largest moon is Callisto, another moon that has been suggested to contain water beneath its icy surface. In addition, the satellite is considered a suitable candidate for future colonization.

Callisto's surface mainly consists of craters and ice fields. The satellite's atmosphere is a mixture of carbon dioxide. Scientists are already suggesting that the very thin atmosphere of the satellite is replenished with carbon dioxide escaping from under the surface. Previously obtained data indicated the possibility of the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere, but further observations did not confirm this information.

Since Callisto is at a safe distance from Jupiter, the radiation from the planet will be relatively low. And the lack of geological activity makes the satellite's environment more stable for potential colonists. In other words, it is possible to build a colony here on the surface, and not under it, as in many cases with other satellites.


So we have come to the first potential colony that humanity will establish outside its planet. We are, of course, talking about our Moon. Many scientists are inclined to believe that a colony on our natural satellite will appear in the next decade, and soon after that the Moon will become the starting point for more distant space missions.

Chris McKay, a NASA astrobiologist, is among those who believe the Moon is the most likely site for the first human space colony. McKay is confident that further exploration of the Moon with a space mission after Apollo 17 did not continue solely due to considerations of the cost of this program. However, current technologies developed for use on Earth can also be very cost-effective for use in space and will significantly reduce the cost of both the launches themselves and construction on the lunar surface.

Despite the fact that NASA's biggest mission right now is landing a man on Mars, McKay is confident that this plan will not be realized until the first lunar base appears on the Moon, which will become the starting point for further missions to the Red Planet. Not only many states, but also many private companies are showing interest in the colonization of the Moon and are even preparing corresponding plans.

Satellites are celestial bodies that orbit around a specific object in outer space under the influence of gravity. There are natural and artificial satellites.

Our space portal website invites you to get acquainted with the secrets of Space, unimaginable paradoxes, fascinating mysteries of the worldview, providing in this section facts about satellites, photos and videos, hypotheses, theories, discoveries.

There is an opinion among astronomers that a satellite should be considered an object that rotates around a central body (asteroid, planet, dwarf planet) so that the barycenter of the system, including this object and the central body, is located inside the central body. If the barycenter is outside the central body, then this object cannot be considered a satellite, since it is a component of a system that includes two or more planets (asteroids, dwarf planets). But the International Astronomical Union has not yet given a precise definition of the satellite, claiming that this will be done in the near future. For example, the IAU continues to consider Charon to be Pluto's satellite.

In addition to all of the above, there are other ways to define the concept of “satellite,” which you will learn about below.

Satellites at satellites

It is generally accepted that satellites can also have their own satellites, but the torrential forces of the main object would make this system extremely unstable in most cases. Scientists assumed the presence of satellites for Iapetus, Rhea and the Moon, but to date natural satellites for the satellites have not been identified.

Interesting facts about satellites

Among all the planets of the solar system, Neptune and Uranus have never had their own artificial satellite. Planetary satellites are small cosmic bodies in the Solar System that orbit the planets through their gravity. Today, 34 satellites are known. Venus and Mercury, the planets closest to the Sun, do not have natural satellites. The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth.

The moons of Mars - Deimos and Phobos - are known for their short distance to the planet and relatively fast movement. The Phobos satellite sets twice and rises twice during a Martian day. Deimos moves more slowly: more than 2.5 days pass from the beginning of its sunrise to sunset. Both satellites of Mars move almost exactly in the plane of its equator. Thanks to spacecraft, it was found that Deimos and Phobos in their orbital motion have an irregular shape and remain turned over to the planet with only one side. The dimensions of Deimos are about 15 km, and the dimensions of Phobos are about 27 km. The moons of Mars are made of dark minerals and are covered with numerous craters. One of them has a diameter of 5.3 km. The craters were probably created by meteorite bombardment, and the origin of the parallel grooves is still unknown.

The mass density of Phobos is approximately 2 g/cm 3 . The angular velocity of Phobos is very high; it is capable of overtaking the axial rotation of the planet and, unlike other luminaries, sets in the east and rises in the west.

The most numerous is the system of satellites of Jupiter. Among the thirteen satellites orbiting Jupiter, four were discovered by Galileo - Europa, Io, Callisto and Ganymede. Two of them are comparable in size to the Moon, and the third and fourth are larger than Mercury in size, although they are significantly inferior to it in weight. Unlike other satellites, the Galilean satellites have been studied in more detail. In good atmospheric conditions, it is possible to distinguish the disks of these satellites and notice certain features on the surface.

According to the results of observations of changes in the color and brightness of the Galilean satellites, it has been established that each of them has a synchronous axial rotation with the orbital one, so they have only one side facing Jupiter. The Voyager spacecraft captured images of Io's surface, where active volcanoes are clearly visible. Bright clouds of eruption products rise above them and are thrown to great heights. It was also noticed that there are reddish spots on the surface. Scientists suggest that these are salts evaporated from the bowels of the earth. An unusual feature of this satellite is the cloud of gases surrounding it. The Pioneer 10 spacecraft provided data that led to the discovery of the ionosphere and rarefied atmosphere of this satellite.

Among the number of Galilean satellites, it is worth highlighting Ganymede. It is the largest among all the satellites of the planets in the Solar System. Its dimensions are more than 5 thousand km. Images of its surface were obtained from Pioneer 10. The image clearly shows the sunspots and the bright polar cap. Based on the results of infrared observations, it is believed that the surface of Ganymede, just like another satellite, Callisto, is covered with frost or water ice. Ganymede has traces of an atmosphere.

All 4 satellites are objects of 5-6th magnitude, they can be seen with any binoculars or telescope. The remaining satellites are much weaker. The closest satellite to the planet is Amalthea, which is located only 2.6 radii of the planet.

The remaining eight satellites are located at great distances from Jupiter. Four of them orbit the planet in the opposite direction. In 1975, astronomers discovered an object that is the fourteenth satellite of Jupiter. Today its orbit is unknown.

In addition to the rings, which consist of a swarm of numerous small bodies, ten satellites have been discovered in the system of the planet Saturn. These are Enceladus, Mimas, Dione, Tethys, Titan, Rhea, Iapetus, Hyperion, Janus, Phoebe. The closest one to the planet is Janus. It moves very close to the planet; it was revealed only during the eclipse of the rings of Saturn, which created a bright halo in the field of view of the telescope.

Titan is Saturn's largest moon. In terms of its mass and size, it is one of the largest satellites in the Solar System. Its diameter is approximately the same as that of Ganymede. It is surrounded by an atmosphere that consists of hydrogen and methane. Opaque clouds are constantly moving in it. Of all the satellites, only Phoebe rotates in a forward direction.

The satellites of Uranus - Ariel, Oberon, Miranda, Titania, Umbriel - rotate in orbits whose planes almost coincide with each other. In general, the entire system is distinguished by an original inclination - its plane is almost perpendicular to the average plane of all orbits. In addition to satellites, a huge number of small particles move around Uranus, which form peculiar rings, unlike the known rings of Saturn.

The planet Neptune has only two satellites. The first was discovered in 1846, two weeks after the discovery of the planet itself, and is called Triton. It is larger in mass and size than the Moon. Differs in the reverse direction of orbital motion. The second - Nereid - is small, characterized by a highly elongated orbit. Direct direction of orbital motion.

Astrologers managed to discover a satellite near Pluto in 1978. This discovery by scientists is of great importance because it makes it possible to accurately calculate Pluto's mass using data on the satellite's orbital period, and in connection with the debate that Pluto is a "lost" satellite of Neptune.

One of the key questions of modern cosmology is the origin of satellite systems, which in the future may reveal many secrets of the Cosmos.

Captured satellites

Astronomers aren't entirely sure how moons form, but there are many working theories. Most of the smaller moons are believed to be captured asteroids. After the formation of the solar system, millions of cosmic boulders roamed the skies. Most of them were formed from materials that remained from the formation of the solar system. Perhaps others are the remains of planets that were smashed to pieces by massive cosmic collisions. The greater the number of small satellites, the correspondingly more difficult it is to explain their occurrence. Many of them may have originated in a region of the solar system such as the Kuiper Belt. This zone is located at the upper edge of the solar system and is filled with thousands of small planet-like objects. Many astronomers believe that the planet Pluto and its moon may actually be Kuiper Belt objects and should not be classified as planets.

The fates of the companions

Phobos - the doomed satellite of the planet Mars

Looking at the Moon at night, it’s hard to imagine that it would be gone. However, in the future there may indeed be no Moon. It turns out that the satellites are not permanent. By taking measurements using laser beams, scientists discovered that the Moon is moving away from our planet at a speed of about 2 inches per year. The conclusion follows from this: millions of years ago it was much closer than it is now. That is, when dinosaurs still walked on Earth, the Moon was several times closer than in our time. Many astronomers believe that one day the Moon may escape the Earth's gravitational field and go into space.

Neptune and Triton

The rest of the satellites also faced similar fates. For example, Phobos is actually, on the contrary, approaching the planet. And one day he will end his life, plunging into the atmosphere of Mars in fiery agony. Many other satellites may be destroyed by the tidal forces of the planets around which they constantly orbit.

Many of the rings surrounding the planets consist of particles of stone and fire. They could have formed when the satellite was destroyed by the planet's gravity. These particles arrange themselves into thin rings over time, and you can see them today. The remaining satellites near the rings help keep them from falling. The satellite's gravitational force keeps particles from rolling back toward the planet after leaving orbit. Among scientists they are called shepherd companions, as they help keep the rings in line, like a shepherd tending sheep. If there were no satellites, Saturn's rings would have disappeared long ago.

Our portal site is one of the best space sites on the Internet. This section about satellites contains the most interesting, informative, informational, scientific and educational materials.


Let's start with the largest moon of the solar system called Ganymede. It accompanies Jupiter and is larger than Pluto and Mercury. Therefore, if Ganymede had an orbit around the Sun, it could become a full-fledged planet.

Despite its huge diameter of five thousand kilometers, the satellite has a density of only twice that of water. This suggests that 50% of this celestial body consists of water. This gives rise to speculation about the habitability of the satellite. Ganymede has huge craters of ice. These are places where water from internal lakes rushes out and instantly freezes, forming so-called “volcanoes”.

Robert Pappalaro studied the satellite for a long time and concluded that in the equator region the surface of Ganymede is like a porous sponge, and the crust is covered with “volcanoes”. The resulting internal pools must be warm enough to suggest that they may contain some form of life.

In addition, there are some other facts that may indicate that Ganymede may be inhabited. Thus, active volcanic activity occurs on the satellite, which means the development of the planet. Ganymede is heated by radiation from Jupiter and has a huge hot core.

Ganymede has a magnetic field, which creates a beautiful aura that no other satellite in the solar system has. By the way, the presence of such a magnetic field also indicates the habitability of a celestial body.

Perhaps one day a person will reach Ganymede, and then much more facts will become known about this mysterious satellite, which is so similar to the planet.


Uranus' moon Miranda was named the ugliest moon. It was discovered on February 16, 1948 and became the smallest of the five moons of Uranus. It owes its name to one of the characters in the play “The Tempest” by W. Shakespeare. By the way, all previous satellites were also named after the characters in the works of this author.

Due to the enormous distance from Earth, only once, in 1986, was it possible to obtain a photograph of Miranda. Research has shown that the satellite has all the geological forms that were previously represented on the rocky planets of the Solar System.

Two theories try to explain this fact. One of them says that it is possible that the satellite collided with a huge celestial body, which literally destroyed it. However, under the influence of gravity, the satellite “assembled” again after some time. This was the reason for such a strange appearance.

Proponents of the second theory argue that Miranda's interior is heated unevenly, which leads to the fact that the satellite has such geological diversity.

The satellite's soil has large ice inclusions. In addition, astronomers concluded that some areas of Miranda changed their appearance at least five times. The territory of the satellite is completely covered with small craters. The exception is the area called Chevron.

The satellite owns one of the highest formations among all the satellites of the Solar System - the Verona Rups rock. Its height is 20 kilometers. The unusual thing is that this hill could be formed on a satellite whose dimensions are relatively small - only 472 kilometers in diameter. This fact may indirectly confirm the theory that the satellite was reassembled in parts after an unsuccessful collision.


Jupiter's moon Callisto was discovered in 1610 and owes its name to the girlfriend of Zeus, who was transformed into the Ursa. This is one of the oldest celestial bodies in the solar system. There are a huge number of craters on its surface, their number cannot be compared with any other space object that can be observed. This once again proves the ancient age of the satellite.

The thickness of the ice that covers Callisto is approximately 200 kilometers. At the same time, the thickness of the water layer under the ice is about 10 kilometers. Thus, the Callisto satellite consists of 60% water and ice. The remaining 40% consists of compressed rocks.

The main feature of the satellite is a huge bright spot, which is called Valhalla. Its diameter is approximately 600 kilometers. Around this spot, at almost equal intervals, the surface resembles a “ploughed” surface. Scientists explain this as a result of the fall of a huge number of cosmic bodies.

Recently, a version was put forward that in the crust of Callisto, the surface of which is covered with ice, electrolysis processes can occur with the formation of an oxygen-hydrogen mixture. This mixture may become explosive if accumulated in large quantities. Someday, this connection will simply blow up the satellite and then its fragments will begin to fall to Earth. The impact of such a fragment can be equated to an atomic explosion, the power of which is a thousand megatons.


It is the smallest satellite in the solar system. However, this is not why he deserved fame. The fact is that Dactyl is a satellite of an asteroid! It was discovered in 1993 when two asteroids, one of which had a satellite, were flying towards Jupiter. This asteroid was named Ida. Until this point, scientists believed that asteroids could not have satellites. However, Dactyl proved the opposite. Several more astroid satellites have now been discovered.

In the picture on the left is the asteroid Ida, on the right is the satellite Dactyl.


It is Neputn's largest satellite and was discovered in 1846. The main oddity of this satellite is that it moves in the opposite direction from the movement of the planet. In addition, Triton's orbit also attracts attention, which makes it possible to develop the theory that Triton was once a planet in its own right, which was attracted by Neptune's gravity.

Due to the lack of solar heat, Triton is covered in ice of several shades. In places where nitrogen has frozen it is blue-green. Where iron impurities are contained, it is reddish. The surface of the satellite is covered with cracks, which are believed to have appeared as a result of cryovolcanic activity. Triton has almost the highest seismic activity among all studied celestial objects. However, even she is absolutely unique here. Triton's volcanoes spew ice that spreads over hundreds of kilometers.

Scientists believe that thanks to the nitrogen atmosphere, Triton may become suitable for life. However, this will happen in a few billion years, when the Sun becomes a Red Giant and heats the surface of Triton to the required temperature.


Jupiter's moon Europa was discovered in 1610. It is similar in size to the Moon, but its surface is completely covered with ice. Europe does not have any mountains, only small hills.

Europa has a huge gravitational pull on Jupiter, which affects the icy surface and causes cracks to appear. Heat is generated inside the satellite and geysers may be erupting at the bottom. This heat explains the presence of a huge ocean covered with ice. Astronomers suggest that its depth can reach one hundred kilometers.

In addition, it was proven that in the highly rarefied atmosphere, in addition to oxygen, the satellite also contains carbon dioxide, which gives reason to think about the presence of life in the depths of the ocean.


Perhaps the most mysterious satellite of the Solar System. Titan, a moon of Saturn, was discovered in the 17th century. Its mystery lies in the fact that the dense atmosphere does not allow one to look at the surface of the satellite, and scientists can only guess what is hidden behind it.

There are methane lakes on the surface of Titan. Scientists say that Titan is suitable for the most primitive forms of life.

Titan is slightly larger in size than Mercury. If it had a trajectory around the Sun, it could be called a planet.