The most expensive applications from the App Store. The most expensive App Store apps

For many users, the App Store online store is something of a grocery store for ordinary citizens who have not yet experienced the beauty of the iPhone and iPad. Some, the most active users, more often purchase various games and applications than go out to buy bread.

The Russian App Store is filled with simple games and entertainment programs, the price of which generally does not exceed 15-30 rubles. But there is also software in the catalog that costs more than the devices themselves on which it runs. You'll probably be surprised to learn how much the most expensive app on the App Store costs.

Four years ago, the most expensive application in the App Store cost about 30,000 rubles. It was called iRa Pro and was intended to control surveillance systems. As conceived by its creators, the target audience was government agencies, corporations and schools. Then many were surprised at such a high price and predicted the imminent death of expensive applications. However, their predictions were not destined to come true.

Apparently, demand creates supply. Because an even more expensive VIP Black application has been released in the App Store. Unlike corporate iRa Pro, it is not intended for managing surveillance systems or corporate services. According to the creators, this software is intended exclusively for millionaires who can confirm the presence of at least 75,000 rubles in their account.

For this money, the user receives VIP access to various places: he will be able to order various VIP services through the company’s partners, book expensive housing, buy watches, yachts and other luxury goods.

It seemed like who would buy a mobile application at the price of an iPhone 7. But such people were found: there is at least one iVIP Black user in the Russian App Store. “Kaef in general. My dog ​​is now filthy and only goes to VIP places (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),” he wrote after purchasing the program.

The App Store contains a huge number of applications - paid and free. You can read about the best applications on the website, find thematic selections in iTunes or directly from your device by going to the App Store application. But which apps are the most expensive? And are they worth the money? Let's figure it out.

It is impossible to create a definitive list of the most expensive App Store apps, for the simple reason that new products appear in the store every day, and old ones are reduced in price during the next sale. Therefore, the list you can see below may become irrelevant within a few months. However, many of the presented applications have been at the top of the list of the most expensive ones for several years now, so you shouldn’t worry too much about the “liers”. Before starting the review, I would like to warn you that not all applications justify their price, there is even an outright “scam”.

Sexy Finger Print Test HD (RUR 3,290)

The developers of the Sexy Finger Print Test HD application promise to determine your sexuality after you touch the device screen with your finger. The application, of course, does not possess any magical abilities, but it is valued at a tidy sum. Purchasing and downloading is not recommended.

G-Map U.S. West (RUB 6,490)

G-Map U.S. App West was last updated in February 2010 and then, perhaps, there was a demand for it. However, now that you can find a navigator with the ability to work offline for a few dollars (there are also great free options), interest in users in G-Map U.S. West has faded away. The application was never a “scam”; the developer simply decided not to remove his brainchild from the App Store, in case someone bought it.

Water Globe (RUB 7,990)

We continue the hit parade of expensive and useless applications. Next up is Water Globe, a simulator of a glass ball in which snowflakes fall on top of a snowman (and other characters). The idea, you see, is not at all bad for a children's app, but not for 7,990 rubles, sorry.

SafeSession Voice Encryption (RUB 9,790)

SafeSession Voice Encryption allows users to make VoIP calls that will be encrypted and in no way (according to the developers) can fall into someone else's hands. The only scary thing here is the price - for almost 10,000 rubles, hardly anyone would want to download such a dubious application.

Mobile Cam Viewer Enterprise Basic Version (RUB 11,490)

The first useful, but still dubious application in our collection. Using Mobile Cam Viewer Enterprise Basic Version, the user can set up a video surveillance system consisting of a large number of cameras from almost any manufacturer. The application has a huge number of functions, and the developers even offer demo access to their brainchild. Everything would be fine, but competitors have long released cheaper solutions.

iDIA - Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal (RUB 12,990)

iDIA is an application for professional veterinarians designed to make their work easier. The software has a huge database, has its own analytical center, but was last updated at the end of 2011. Apparently, not all veterinarians were satisfied with the price of 12,990 rubles.

BarMax CA (RUB 32,990)

A group of Harvard Law students have successfully completed their studies and are well aware of how difficult it was. To help new students, they created an application in which they collected tips, notes, sample questions from professors, and much more. For their “help” they asked for 32,990 rubles and, apparently, they were right with the price - the business flourished for the time being.

The App Store is filled with simple games and entertainment programs, the price of which, as a rule, does not exceed 1-3 dollars. But few people know that the Apple store has software that can cost more than the device itself on which it runs. Vesti.High-Tech publishes lists of the most expensive applications in the App Store that we were able to find.

App Store is Apple's official online store, where games, utilities, dictionaries and other programs for i-devices are located. It began work on July 10, 2008, the day before the release of the iPhone 3G smartphone. This year, the "sales outlet", which celebrated its 5th anniversary, has overcome several important milestones.

In May, Apple boasted that it had paid out more than $10 billion to developers since its launch. On June 10, it was announced that the store hosted over 900 thousand programs. If we remember that back in June there were 800 thousand of them, the App Store will probably have time to exceed the million mark before the end of the year.

It's not hard to guess that of the 50 billion downloads, the lion's share came from simple games that are sold for a symbolic dollar, like Cut the Rope or Angry Birds, or even distributed for free. More useful mobile utilities, such as Photo Manager Pro ($4.99) for managing photos or GoodReader ($4.99), cost more. The third category (up to $20) includes high-quality products from reputable companies, which usually also have a “desktop” version - for example, the password manager 1Password ($7.99), Numbers spreadsheets ($9.99) or the graphics editor Adobe Photoshop ( $9.99).

There is another, “premium” category of software in the App Store. Some of these programs - with exorbitant price tags of $200 or more - are created by developers for fun, to attract attention. They are not worth the money, and their functionality tends to zero.

Another part of the "luxury" applications is dedicated to professionals. The iPad tablet has long outgrown itself as an entertainment device and is increasingly serving as an auxiliary tool for people in various specialties - musicians, dentists, anatomy teachers, etc. By the way, since last year, American Airlines pilots began to navigate using electronic maps from an iPad. The tablet replaces about 15 kilograms of “paper” documentation.

Another interesting fact: in July, Gazprom decided to create a “mobile automated workstation” for its head, Alexey Miller. The iPad program, according to the published terms of reference, must have access to the company’s corporate storage data and be able to display all the main indicators of Gazprom’s performance.

"Phrasebook" for people who have difficulty communicating. Designed for those suffering from Down syndrome, autism, apraxia and other diseases that affect a person's ability to speak. The developers do not think about charity when they demand $300 for their product.

Self-study book for Master of Business Administration. The "platinum" version of the program includes almost 6,000 vocabulary terms, thousands of articles and interactive cards, 2,500 questions and much more. An MBA degree certificate is not included in the price.

For accounting, auditing and tax professionals studying for CPA certification. The app shows flashcards with questions about financial accounting, regulation, reporting and more to help you prepare for one of the toughest exams in the United States.

A utility for security guards or paranoid people who go to watch their apartment from an iPad. Can connect to 6 CCTV cameras simultaneously.

Electronic encyclopedia to help veterinarians. Allows you to diagnose an animal based on symptoms. The version for horses costs $349.99, and for some reason the version for small fauna is more expensive - $399.99.

It is reminiscent of a puzzle game where you need to build a structure from available objects in order to roll a ball into a hole. In fact, the program allows you to deploy an automated SCADA system on a tablet. They are used in industrial enterprises to control and monitor technological processes. Such systems process information coming from equipment and display it on the screen in a form understandable to humans.

Utility for architects. Helps to create a project estimate and calculate the cost of materials. The developers are silent about why it costs more than a regular calculator.

This is not a premium messenger for sending super expensive text messages, as you might think. The word SMS refers to Scrape Management System - a system for managing scrap metal. And the word “alchemist” means help in how to reduce the costs of recycling iron and steel and make money on it.

Toolkit for investors and financial analysts. Displays fluctuations in quotes in real time, notifies about a sharp jump in stock prices, shows charts and much other valuable information.

Developed by Harvard Law graduates to help aspiring lawyers pass their exams. Contains about 50 audio lectures from leading professors.

Designed to make life easier for nurses. Helps to correctly calculate the dosage of a medicine, clarify the diagnosis and check with any term in the medical dictionary.

An application for synchronization with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, a customer relationship management system. Provides the same functions as the "desktop" version. Able to work offline.

Almost the same as Nursing, only for dentists. The program itself is free; a fee is charged for access to the database containing information on pharmacology, maxillofacial surgery, diagnostic procedures, etc.

Designed to calculate the cost of PDR - paintless dent removal, and other repair services related to the car. Contains a database of 900 brands and models.

Only for millionaires. After purchasing, you will need to confirm that you are one of them. Only then can you order various VIP services through the company’s partners, book expensive housing, buy watches, yachts and other luxury goods.

Relieves agronomists from headaches by integrating chemical, crop, and pest information into one app. It also helps to create a crop care plan and remember when the farm was last inspected.

Have you asked yourself the question - is there a limit to these price tags, and, if so, what is it? Which applications can be considered the most expensive and why? Where do such unrealistic numbers come from? We tried to find out, and this is what our analysis led to:

5-Minute Sports Medicine

5-Minute Sports Medicine is an educational application dedicated to sports medicine and created with the participation of doctors. It contains 280 different topics, as well as international disease codes - ICD-9 (ICD-9) and SNOMED. Unfortunately, ICD-10 codes are already in effect, so the application may be considered outdated. It was last updated in 2013, when support for the Nexus 7 was added. So, while the topic of sports medicine is serious, 5-Minute Sports Medicine is not worth the money in any way.

Abu Moo collection

A developer named Abu Moo decided to take the concept of high cost to a whole new level. Instead of just one incredibly expensive app, he created six. Each of them is offered at the highest possible price on Google Play. Purchasing all six apps will cost you the same price as a Macbook Pro. What can they offer you? Just a widget that showcases the diamond on the home screen - and that's it. It is unlikely that this collection of diamonds will interest anyone.

Bonney's Gyn. Surgery, 11th Edition

Bonney's Gyn Surgery 11th Edition is another educational application, the texts of which are written by real doctors. It is dedicated to the topic of surgical interventions in gynecology and is based on the technique of the famous surgeon Victor Bonney. In addition to detailed information, there are descriptions of surgical procedures with pictures. That's all This is probably useful for students of surgery, but, alas, no one has canceled the prices, and they are quite high.

Dr. Web Security Space Life

Dr. Web Security Space life is an antivirus application that offers various payment methods, including a lifetime license, which will cost you $75. This sounds absurd, but only at first glance - most antiviruses offer users monthly or annual license fees, which ultimately cost more in total. But, even if it is profitable, the price is still steep, which is difficult to argue with.

Mobile Accessibility US

Mobile Accessibility US is a special package of applications for people who have serious vision problems. It includes ten useful applications at once - contacts, phone, alarm clock, calendar, mail, browser, settings and some others. It allows blind people to use a smartphone without experiencing any inconvenience. And this package is really popular - people buy it, despite the price. However, the price is justified - it was not at all easy for developers to create such applications.

Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics

And again another medical book - this time, a textbook on pediatrics. Again, it was written by real doctors, contains a ton of useful information and is ready to kill your wallet on the spot. Yes, this application organizes a convenient search, you can make bookmarks in it, and the information is certainly extremely valuable for future and current doctors. But for everyone else, this book is a ruinous thing.

The Atlas of Internal Medicine

Here the scheme is the same - a textbook written by doctors with a lot of useful information, optimized for smartphones and tablets, which may be of interest to doctors and medical students. Regular people are unlikely to need an app that costs $130.

Super Color Runner

Super Color Runner is an endless runner that looks strange compared to medical textbooks and diamond apps. This game offers simple graphics and equally simple gameplay, and should run perfectly on phones that cost less than it does. The reasons for the $200 price tag are not clear to us. It seems that the author decided to abandon his game and set the price on purpose so that no one would buy it.

Freemium games

These games hold a special place in our hearts. And this place is sometimes occupied only by irritation - because these endless crystals, gold bars and other types of in-game currency are so difficult to earn and run out so quickly. As a result, you invest money in them over and over again. Purchases in such games can reach considerable prices - up to $100 or more, so all of these games deserve a place on our list.

Most expensive app

There are a lot of applications on Android that position themselves as the most expensive among existing ones. They can be found in Google Play search. Basically, they are all about the same - they show you precious stones or diamonds, making you believe in your own wealth. Sometimes it seems funny, and sometimes absurd, but the fact is that they exist, despite the fact that no one buys them.

How much did you pay for the most expensive application or game?

Every day more and more people are willing to pay for software and other digital products that they cannot touch. The App Store makes purchasing as convenient and simple as possible, and prices, unfortunately for developers, are quite low, from 33 to 169 rubles and rarely higher. However, if you try, you can find applications with a cost that is completely unusual for everyone. A selection of just such applications was compiled by colleagues from Business Insider.

Sexy Finger Print Test HD

This is a universal application that, despite its cost, is absolutely useless. It promises to evaluate your sexuality and suggest the optimal time to take advantage of it. You need to have incredible faith in the performance of this program in order to pay for it.
Price: RUB 3,290

G-Map U.S. West

It's a navigation app, and maybe even a good one. Does not require an Internet connection, there are voice prompts and 3D display. But I’m sure you can find a program no worse than this one for a lower price.
Price: 6,490 rub.

Water Globe

This application is not available in Russian, but don't worry. I don’t think that our compatriots need a glass ball simulator with snowflakes, which costs more than $200. Moreover, a real ball will cost less.

TouchChat AAC with WordPower

This app helps people with autism and other disorders that limit their ability to communicate vocally. You just have to pay a lot for the opportunity to use it.
Price: RUB 9,790

SafeSession Voice Encryption

The application is designed for secure calls using VoIP. Its creators claim that the application uses a speech encryption algorithm, but for complete security the interlocutor must also use the application. Security is at a premium these days.
Price: RUB 9,790

Barcelona vs Madrid

What football fans are not prepared for, especially when it comes to the confrontation between two famous Spanish clubs. If Fifa doesn't suit you with having to constantly select rival teams, this game is for you.
Price: RUB 9,790

Mobile Cam Viewer

And again we are talking about the high price of security. If your home or other facility is equipped with a video surveillance system, for an immodest sum you can include your iPhone in this system.
Price: RUB 11,490

This application cannot be called useless. It is aimed at restaurants, hotels, shops and other organizations that have something to offer. They can design their proposals in the form of a touch menu with pictures, however, for this you will have to spend money on an iPad and a comparable application.
Price: RUB 12,990

iDIA – Diagnostic Imaging Atlas, Small Animal

The application was created for veterinarians and is designed to help them study pets and the factors that influence them. Professional software is usually expensive.
Price: RUB 12,990

The Alchemist SMS

This is not a new method of sending text messages at all. The application should help in recycling scrap metal to reduce costs. It used to cost $999.99, but has dropped in price.
Price: RUB 12,990


Another application for professionals, namely specialists in the field of dental treatment. It will help your dentist visualize the future course of treatment so that you understand where the money will be spent.
Price: RUB 16,990

BarMax CA

This application was created by Harvard Law School graduates to help students who want to take the California bar exam. It contains over 50 hours of audio lectures and a ton of other information that will be helpful when taking the test.
Price: RUB 32,990


Application for investors. It shows real-time changes in stock prices and asset ratios.
Price: RUB 32,990

MobiGage NDI

The application was created to check manufactured parts for compliance with specified parameters.
Price: RUB 32,990

As the name suggests, the application was created to help agronomists. It takes care of all the paperwork and also contains a lot of necessary information. But is it worth the money?
Price: RUB 32,990


This application will allow you to track the statistics of American football matches in all leagues. Never before has it cost so much.
Price: RUB 32,990

Cyber ​​Tuner

Piano tuning is a delicate and quite profitable business. Possibly enough for the customizer to use the application. Reviews about it are extremely good, but it is not available in the Russian store.
Price: 999.99 dollars

iVIP Black

To the people for whom this application is created, the price may seem quite reasonable. This is the “millionaire's app” that will allow you to have the time of your life at the highest level anywhere in the world. This is not at all an application that is worth buying for the last thousand dollars.
Price: RUB 32,990

Based on materials from Business Insider