Samsung recording a call during. How to Record a Phone Conversation on Android

"ACR call recording" is a free application with which you can conveniently record telephone conversations in Android OS. In this mini-review, we will tell you how to record a conversation on phones from brands such as Samsung and Huawei.

Note: Please be aware: secretly recording telephone conversations is illegal, and in many countries it is punishable. By installing ACR on your phone, you agree to the terms of use of the application and that call recording is permitted in the country where it is recorded.

How to record a conversation on a smartphone (Samsung)

As soon as you call or receive a call, recording and saving the file to your mobile device is activated. Since recording on the phone is enabled automatically, no additional user action is required.

Where can I find a recording of a conversation on my phone?

Go to Settings -> Recording -> General Settings -> Recording Folder. Most often, the following path is set as the save location in ACR:

/storage/emulated/0/ACRCalls *

(* information is at least relevant for Samsung and Huawei smartphones).

In ACR, sorting by contact information and file size is available. Saved entries are grouped by creation date. Old and short audio files (a few seconds) are deleted automatically.

How to listen to a recording of a telephone conversation

Audio recordings of telephone conversations are stored in the folder specified when saving (see above). Anyone can listen. In addition, it is convenient to listen to recordings directly through the ACR program; tabs are available on the main screen.

For convenience, the entries are grouped - All, Incoming (someone called you), Outgoing (you called someone), Important (entries marked by the user that require special attention).

  1. Do not use the ACR application simultaneously with . This may result in Android system conflict or audio file saving error.
  2. Do not record conversations with subscribers who do not consent to this. This is especially true for countries where secret recording of telephone conversations is prohibited by law.
  3. There is no point in specifying the highest quality save format; Mp3 or m4a is enough to record conversations.

We may not use the call recording function very often, however, there are many situations when it can be useful to us. For example, we need to write down a phone number that is spoken to us, but we don’t have a pen at hand. Having recorded a conversation, you can listen to it again and slowly transfer all the necessary information to a paper or electronic version.

Or a bad person calls you and is openly rude. By recording such a conversation, it will be possible to bring him to justice. In general, the recording function is a very useful thing. Let's figure out how to use it.

Recording conversations using standard Android capabilities

The easiest and most accessible method for recording a conversation is to use the internal tools of your Android device.


To listen to the recording, go to the internal memory of the phone, to the folder “ PhoneRecord", in which our records are stored.

This is the simplest and most convenient option for those who do not want to bother with installing additional software.

This article was written using a smartphone running Android 5.0.2. On other OS versions there may be minor deviations from the first instructions.

Record a conversation using the Call Recording app


Now any telephone conversation will be recorded automatically. For example, I again called 611 so that Tele2 employees would not relax.

Let's return to the main menu of the program and see our entry in the inbox tab. By clicking on it, we can perform a number of actions: save, delete, make another call and, of course, play.

Let’s add that in the settings of the “Call Recording” program we can select the format in which the recording will be made, select the storage location, etc.

Recording conversations through the “polis callrecorder” application

Our next experimental “rabbit” is a program called “Call Recording” from the developer C Mobile.


The storage location and number of records will be indicated here. Here you can configure automatic clearing of old recorded conversations.
Let us add that this program has a convenient, intuitive interface and is easy to use.

Record conversations using the Call Recording app from lovekara


Sometimes Samsung Galaxy S5 users need to record a conversation. Not necessarily for any selfish purposes, for example, it is convenient when you call about an interview, negotiate some supplies, or simply find out the schedule of lessons or classes. Unfortunately, the “Enable Call Recording” feature on the Samsung Galaxy S5 is not available by default.

More precisely, the function itself is there, but it is inactive. And to activate it, you have to go through some system loopholes: for example, use the Xposed module. However, for the average user this method is not the most understandable, and therefore, we will analyze two simple alternatives to this solution.

Third Party Applications

Play Market, as you know, is full of various applications that significantly expand the functionality of your device. So, in order not to waste time manually turning on the call recording, you can simply download the appropriate application and record calls through it. The advantages of this method are that it is free and simple. But you need to understand that using such an application may be unsafe.

You can find similar applications in the Google Play Store upon request Voice Call Recorder. Almost all of them are free, many of them have maximum ratings and many reviews that you can read and choose the application that suits you best than others.

Editing XML

To enable a hidden function on Samsung S5 - “Record conversation”, it is not necessary to download applications or use Xposed. Here are some instructions for editing the .xml file in the system. firmware section (IMPORTANT: You will need a Samsung Galaxy S5 with original firmware and root rights):

  1. Open your phone's internal memory through the file manager;
  2. Open the file at “/system/csc/feature.xml”, and if it is missing, then “/system/csc/others.xml”;
  3. Next, you need to add the line “CscFeature_VoiceCall_ConfigRecording>RecordingAllowed” (without quotes) anywhere in the file between FeatureSet and /FeatureSet;
  4. Save and close the file.

The need to record telephone conversations arises among users quite often, but many do not even know how to do it. They usually turn to third-party software for help, but often this is not necessary. Why? Because most smartphone models support conversation recording using built-in software. Today we will look at several options for recording a telephone conversation.

Record a telephone conversation using built-in software

As mentioned above, almost all modern models support conversation recording, that is, no third-party programs need to be installed on the phone.

Of course, the exact scheme depends on the model of your smartphone, so let’s look at a few of the most common options.

In the first option, you see the “Record” icon directly on the screen of your phone. As soon as the subscriber picks up the phone, click on the “Record” button and the conversation begins to be recorded. Very easy and simple.

But it's not always that simple. Sometimes the “Record” or “Voice Recorder” button is simply missing from the menu, so you might think that it is impossible to record the conversation. But that's not true. Here is an example on Android 4.2.2.

Look, you are dialing a number, but none of the buttons means recording a conversation.

Where is she? In fact, the talk button is hidden. When the caller picks up the phone, you will need to press the “Menu” button, which is located under the screen (less often, at the bottom of the screen), after which the call recording button will appear, which you will need to press.

For Samsung Galaxy smartphones, the following scheme is relevant: during a conversation, you need to press and hold the “Menu” button, which is located under the screen. A menu will appear in which you need to click on the “Dictation” or “Dictation” button. But please note that not all Samsung phones (and not only Samsung) have such a button - in some countries, the law prohibits recording conversations, so this function is blocked by default. There is nothing surprising.

Recording a telephone conversation using third-party software

If you don’t find a built-in call recording function on your phone, then the direct path is to Google Play Market. Here you will find many call recording apps.

We will look at an example based on the Automatic Call Recorder application.

Install and launch the application. Now when making calls you will see a red icon in the top bar. This indicates that automatic recording of the conversation has begun; you do not need to press anything additional.

After the conversation, you see a recording of the conversation.

Of course, you can choose any application you like.