Independently change the password in any TP-Link router. Changing the password on Wi-Fi routers TP-Link, Asus, D-Link, ZyXel and Huawei

You can change the password on a TP-Link router only through a special web interface. Let's figure out how to log into it, change the password for authorization in the settings and connecting to the access point. We will also clarify how to reboot the wireless router and reset the settings to factory settings if the password is forgotten.

Login to the web interface

To change any password, you need to log into a special web interface to manage the router. As a rule, the entrance to it is standard for all devices.

As a result, an interface will open for configuring the router. Login instructions are identical for all routers. You can log in not only from a PC, but also from any mobile device.

Changing the password for logging into the web interface

After connecting the device and providing Internet access, you should change the login password. This is necessary because all devices have the same address to activate the configuration mode and an outsider, having gained access to the connection, can freely open the settings and make arbitrary changes.

Changing the WiFi network password

If a user notices a decrease in Internet speed when using WiFi or notices that when there is no connection, the router is flashing all the indicators, then it is time to change the password for the wireless network.

After changing the password, you need to reboot the router and reconnect the devices to the network. Often, for a new connection, you need to forget the current account and connect with a new one with a set password.

Most settings require a reboot after changing parameters. To restart, you need to go to the System Tools menu on the left side of the window and select the Reboot command. This will be the most correct option when changing settings.

Technically, you can organize a restart by briefly turning off the power to the device. But it should be used only in emergency cases.

Reset all settings to factory defaults

If something went wrong with the router settings and you can’t connect to the Internet or the user has forgotten the password for authorization in the settings menu, then a complete reset of the device will help solve the problem.

If you have access to the settings web interface, then in the right panel you need to open the System Tools section and select the Factory Defaults option.

Taking into account the intensive spread of wireless networks and their availability, users are concerned with the question of how to change the password on their TP-link wifi router and models from other companies. Changing your password is not difficult for experienced users. And for beginners, just use the instructions below with a detailed description: from logging into the administrator interface to changing all the necessary parameters.

When purchasing a wireless router, for example, from TP-link, you need to change the password preset on the modem by the manufacturer. This is done immediately during the TP-link setup process. The standard username and password set on the router are publicly available and do not allow you to secure the process of unauthorized login to the router.

The danger of such a connection is great. Firstly, anyone can connect to a wireless network and use someone else’s paid Internet. It's one thing when it's just downloading a movie or surfing social networks. But a person can be an attacker engaged in illegal and illegal actions, and this is fraught with serious consequences.

These reasons are enough to change the preset login and password to data known exclusively to the owner of the TP-link router and his relatives.

Changing the password for the router settings

On a router manufactured by TP-Link, it is easy to password-protect a Wi-Fi router. First of all, you need to change the access options to the control panel.

You should go to the address indicated on the sticker located at the bottom of the router: or After this, standard values ​​are entered: user name - admin, in another field - password (code word).

Then a special interface opens, where there are many sections. The user has a question: having access to the TP-link router interface, how to set a new password. To do this, you need to find the “System Tools” section, select the “Password” sub-item. Here, in the first two fields, you need to enter information recorded on the router and allowing you to administer the router settings. To change the standard login admin to a more suitable one, you need to enter a new login in the “New username” field. Then a code is entered to enter this interface. To save the settings, click the “Save” button.

After this, access to the address will be carried out exclusively using the new values ​​entered.

Changing your Wi-Fi password

To change the wireless network access capabilities on the TP-link router, you need to go to the Wireless tab (English version) and “Wireless mode” (Russian version). After that, find the sub-item “Wireless network protection”, where, in fact, the password for “Wi-Fi” is changed.

First, the secure authentication type is set to wpa/wpa2 personal or wpa/wpa2 enterprise. TP-link recommends installing the first type. In the “Wireless Network Password” field, enter a secure set of characters known exclusively to the user and his relatives. There is no need to install too complex code; in addition, there is a maximum length limit: no more than 15 characters. All this will eliminate the possibility of unauthorized persons connecting to the network. , protected by the specified type of encryption, is almost impossible even for professionals, let alone ordinary neighbors.

Final actions

After changing the login and password required to enter the administration interface, as well as establishing the necessary protection in the form of encryption type, changing the username and password for connecting to the wireless network distributed by the TP-link router, you need to proceed to the final setup stage. After adjusting the necessary settings, a window will appear on the screen informing you that the new parameters are in effect only after rebooting the TP-link.

In order for the changes on the TP-link router to be fully used, you must reboot it. To do this, just click the mouse cursor on the highlighted link or manually click on the power button. After these manipulations, it will be impossible to log into the TP-link administrator interface or connect to the wireless network without knowing the new data.


Based on the above, it is obvious that changing the password for a TP-link router will not be difficult even for inexperienced computer users. Moreover, this applies to the login and password intended to enter the administration interface, as well as the password required to connect Wi-Fi to specific devices and gadgets: a computer, tablet, smartphone or laptop. To do this, just perform a few simple manipulations, for which you need to go to the specialized interface of the TP-link router. After this, we can confidently say that no global problems with the security of a personal wireless network will arise, and no outsider will be able to connect to it due to the impossibility of hacking the established code.

Actually, there are two passwords on Wi-Fi routers. One (more precisely, login and password) is responsible for access to the control panel and network settings. The other is used for network authentication: it is what is needed to connect a computer (phone, tablet, etc.) to a Wi-Fi network. The article tells you how to change both passwords of your TP Link router.

Changing the password to manage the router

It can only be used by those who are already connected to your home/office network. Such people can, theoretically, go into the Control Panel and change some settings. Usually, no one really needs this, even in the case of a hidden grudge against the owner of the Wi-Fi. It’s not difficult to correct the attacker’s actions: just reset all settings to factory settings and configure the modem again.

But, rather, you will have to reset the router parameters manually at the moment when you need to reconfigure something, and the login and password you configured yourself have already been successfully forgotten, and it is not possible to remember them. Read below for instructions on how to change the password on a TP Link router: there are only 3 steps.

Changing the “admin” password to a more suitable one

Any modem has settings - for connecting to the Internet, for distributing Wi-Fi, for managing torrents and security. Its parameters are configured in its Control Panel via the browser.

Fig: Login to the Control Panel of the TP-Link router. The password is still standard: admin.

To access the Control Panel, you must first connect to a working network, then enter the IP address in the browser: Login to the Control Panel is protected by a login/password pair. Usually the default login is admin; The password is exactly the same: admin. To find out this information on the TP Lin router, just look at the sticker on the bottom of the case - all the authorization data is printed there.

Attention: strictly adhere to the spelling of logins, passwords and IP addresses!

Main user mistakes:

· Russian layout instead of Latin: admin instead of admin;

· entering your login (or password, or both words) with a capital letter: Admin instead of... see above;

· ignoring periods in the IP address, or incorrectly entering a period after the address – there shouldn’t be a last point!

Step-by-step instructions for changing the “admin” password on TP-Link routers:

Fig: In some models of TP-Link routers, the password is changed in the Management – ​​Access Control – Passwords tab.

  1. The Username field is intended for changing the login. You shouldn't touch it. Old Password – field for entering the old password that needs to be changed. New Password - a place to enter a new one. Confirm Password - in this field, enter the new password again to avoid spelling errors. The Save/Apply button is used to save changes. If you do not click on it, then when you switch to another tab, you can delete all the innovations.

Ready! We urge you again - if you forget your password, there are no instructions for TP Link on how to restore everything. But you can reset it to the factory standard. At the same time, all other settings will also change to the default settings: the Internet connection and Wi-Fi distribution will have to be configured in a new way.

How to reset modem settings and password to factory defaults

This instruction is needed in order to reset the settings.

  1. Physically disconnect the TP Link router from the power supply.
  2. Find a hole in the body the diameter of a pencil lead.
  3. Having inserted a needle, pin or similar thin object into this hole, press the button hidden inside the case: the pressure will definitely be felt.
  4. Reconnect the router: all settings will be reset.
  5. Ready!

Change Password

Rice. This is the Wi-Fi password: you enter it to connect to a wireless network

In this section we will tell you how to change the WiFi password on a TP Link modem. It is used to connect laptops, PCs and other gadgets to a wireless network. It is strictly necessary to change it. Exceptions are when the network is used for free public access. If you do not set access restrictions, then anyone can not only connect to the Wi-Fi network, but also waste traffic, intercept your personal data, publish materials on the Internet on your behalf - and these materials can be very illegal.

Step-by-step instructions: how to change your Wi-Fi password

To change the password on your Tp Link router to a more secure one, use these 6 steps.

  1. Login to the Control Panel as indicated above: in the browser address bar, enter the login and password for the TP-Link router.
  2. Wireless – Security tab.

3. In the Network Authentication field, you need to select the appropriate authorization method. In general, the best option would be WPA2 (or its types - WPA2-Personal, WPA-Private). Other authentication methods are unreliable. Open mode means open access to the network without a password.

Fig: Wireless network security methods. Open – a publicly accessible network without a password; WPA2-Personal is the most reliable method of protection against intrusion and hacking

4. In the Wireless Network Key field, enter a new password. It will be used to authorize tablets, computers and other devices on the network.

5. Apply/Save button to save updates.

6.After the change, to connect each device on the network, you need to enter exactly the new network password on it. Until it is entered, the Internet will not be available.


  • You can change the login password, but this is not a very critical setting.
  • You should always change your Wi-Fi password, especially when installing a router.
  • The more complex your password, the better. Only Latin letters, numbers and symbols such as commas, apostrophe, etc. are allowed. Spaces and Cyrillic characters are not allowed.
  • If you have forgotten the changed password, simply reset all the router settings to factory settings (see described above).

Happy Internet to you!

Hello dear readers of my humble blog. Today I’ll tell you about how you can protect your router. We’ll also talk about why this is necessary and what can happen if this is not done. Let's talk about how to change the login and password for the router and how to restrict access to the admin panel. As an example, we will use the TP-Link WR841N router. This is a very popular router that is used both in offices and at home. It is quite reliable and not expensive at all, which is why many people use it. I will try to write the article in simple language so that everyone can understand everything.

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How to change login and password on TP-Link WR841N router

All manufacturers of network equipment strongly recommend changing the standard passwords for the administrator panel after purchase and installation. Let's look at how to do this using the example of a TP-Link router, or rather the WR841N model. And so we need to get into the web interface of the router. How to do this, open any browser in the search bar, write and press Enter. After which you should see the login page. The standard username and password for TP-Link is admin admin.

Then in the menu on the left we look for the System Tools item. Click on it and look for the Password item in the list that opens. A window opens in which you need to enter old credentials and come up with new ones. Fill in all fields and click save. It is better to come up with a password using special characters as well as numbers and letters with different case, for example something like @!Sdf23A. Such a password is almost impossible to crack.

Well, we’ve changed the password and login, let’s now indicate which computers can connect to the router.

How to restrict access to the web interface of the TL-WR841N router

Now we will restrict access to the router; to do this, we will indicate which computers can connect to the router. For example, let's indicate only your computer; for this you need to go to the Protection tab and select Local management. Switch to the item Only specified computers and enter the mac address of the required PC. For convenience, the router already shows the address of the computer from which you are currently connected, if this is the computer you need, then click copy and click save.

Well, we protected the router using standard means. We changed the login and password and also allowed only one computer to connect to the router. That is, if previously any network user could connect to the router, enter a standard login password and configure the router, now this situation is excluded, and only you have access to the router.

How to install and configure a Wi-Fi router