Guangzhou Safari Park: an unusual zoo. Amazing Guangzhou Zoo

To make your vacation in Guangzhou complete, you should definitely visit the world-famous city zoo. The peculiarity of the zoo is that there are many different animals and fascinating places gathered here under one roof. Entering the zoo, you will find yourself in an animal world that exists according to its own rules and has a rich history.


The Guangzhou City Zoo is the third largest in China and the first in the south. The total area of ​​the park is 430,000 square meters. More than 5,000 thousand animals live freely in such a large territory. The zoo was founded in 1958, and throughout its existence, it has expanded and improved. All animals in the park are divided into departments according to their type, which is very convenient for zoo workers and visitors. You will be given information about each area so you can easily navigate the zoo.
Main areas:
“Bird zone” - about a hundred different species of birds live here. Some of the interesting bird species are the black swan and the black-necked crane.
“Zone of reptiles and fish” - reptiles, amphibians and fish are located in this zone.
“Central zone” - mammals, herbivores and predators live here. In this area you can meet the giant panda, tigers, lions, zebras, deer, hippos, elephants, and chimpanzees. Also here you will see giraffes, brown bear, rhinoceros and many other animals.
The zoo is proud of the presence of rare species of animals - panda, golden monkey, South China tiger, black-necked crane. The Guangzhou Zoo can pride itself on preserving rare species and helping them reproduce.
For your attention, the zoo presents an ocean exhibition, an aquarium built in the open air. There are exotic fish in the aquarium.

What else is interesting?

The zoo distinguishes several more special areas:
“Ocean World” - marine life lives in this zone. Especially for visitors, performances are held every 1.5 - 2 hours.
"Butterfly Word" - this area includes a beautiful butterfly garden. Here you can look at many species of butterflies, spiders, and bats.
“Goldfishes” - here is a collection of goldfish, which consists of 100 species of fish and 10,000 individuals.
The famous “Children’s Jungle” area - small animals are collected here, children can interact with them and feed them.
The next zone is “Animal Square” - this zone is popular because parrots and pythons live here. Visitors have the opportunity to take pictures with the guests of this area. Children really like this area; here you can ride a camel and a horse, feed the birds and watch bright and intense performances.
The Animals Performance area hosts events involving animals. Tigers jumping through hoops, monkeys riding scooters, a bear doing a lot of acrobatic feats.
There is an amusement area on the territory of the zoo, where you can have a fun and active time. There is also an area where visitors can watch how animals are fed and cared for.
There are a lot of interesting places in the Guangzhou Zoo. The presence of many varieties of animals will help you understand the animal world.

Good day!
I have long been planning to take a tour of the famous Guangzhou Zoo, which is one of the three largest in the Celestial Empire.

Lair of the Monkeys

The zoo was “born” in 1958. During its existence, it was expanded several times. Predators sought to conquer new spaces. At the moment, the zoo has conquered an area of ​​430 thousand m2.

As you understand, almost all main routes in the city lead to the zoo. It can be reached by metro. You will need to get off at Zoo station. Climb out of the dungeon via exit “B”. This will take you straight to the south. entrance.

In addition, almost all bus routes lead to it. I recommend taking routes 14, 133, 221 and getting off at the 动物园南门 stop.

If you decide to use a taxi service, then copy and print the name and address of the zoo in Chinese: 广州市越秀区先烈中路120号 (北门. At the same time, you can indicate the address of the southern entrance: Huan Shi Dong St., Yue District Xiu, or northern gate - Xian Lie Zhong street, number 120, Yue Xiu district 广州市越秀区环市东路入口 (南门.

Don’t forget that the zoo welcomes visitors from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. In summer, the Zoo 广州动物园 is open until 16-30.

Entrance - 20 yuan / person (10 yuan for students).

it's me with a giraffe and an old Thai elephant

Walk through the zoo

The territory itself, where more than 5 thousand animals live freely, can be divided into three main and several additional zones.


Here we can meet more than 1000 different species of birds. The black swan and black-necked crane deserve special attention.

Black swans
flamingo in sleep mode
two smartest parrots, capable of remembering and repeating words

2. Reptiles and fish

Yes, here we can observe the life of not only crucian carp, but also crocodiles.

feeding fish is allowed!

Unfortunately, the crocodiles were sleeping and I couldn’t capture them.
3. Central part

This is the largest area of ​​the zoo. Here you can meet animals from all over the world. It is in this zoo that tigers get along well with pandas and monkeys.

z- care
After watching this monkey for 10 minutes, I got the impression that a priori, it is smarter than many people😂
king of the hill
zebras frolic among themselves
did anyone know that this animal is stronger than a lion?
one panda cares for another

Does anyone remember their correct name?

a lion

rare species of chimpanzee

Some of the individual zones include:

Here we find ourselves in a real terrarium, where bats coexist with butterflies and spiders. Entrance to this zone is completely free, but unfortunately, this zone was closed during the cold weather.

In order to get into this zone, you need to fork out 100 yuan. But here, in addition to observing the life of marine inhabitants, we will witness amazing performances. Unfortunately, I did not make it to this event.

Yes, we can talk about this landmark of the city for hours. But, unfortunately, our time frame is somewhat limited. Therefore, I recommend all guests to Guangzhou to visit this zoo.
By the way, I have been to different zones here, so I can freely meet you at the airport or train station and give you a fascinating tour of the hidden corners of the zoo. As you understand, my services are practically free. Especially for compatriots. But, at the same time, my excursion will be more informative and interesting than the official one.

You already know how to contact me. I'm waiting for your call.

The guide to Guangzhou and other parts of the Middle Kingdom is Alexey Kiselev.

Guangzhou is the largest city in Southern China, famous for its huge number of attractions and interesting places to visit. One of them is the only safari park in Guangzhou - Chimelong. It has a huge area - about 130 hectares, which is inhabited by more than 300 species of different animals.

What's so special about Chimelong Safari Park?

The Guangzhou Safari Park itself is more like a huge nature reserve; here the animals are not kept in cages, but enjoy life behind fences in large enclosures.

The zoo is divided into two zones: the first is the safari zone, where visitors are transported around the territory in peculiar steam locomotives, consisting of several small carriages; here you can also rent a special car or drive your own, making an independent trip; the second is a pedestrian zone.

The safari area is divided into parts according to the natural regions where the animals live. Here you can not only see animals living in the open air from a very close distance, but you can even touch and feed some of them.

Safari Zone

In this zone, animals are kept with virtually no fences. Some of them can be found moving freely along the road, for example, kangaroos or llamas.

The locomotive stops near each animal for a couple of minutes so that tourists can take pictures, but getting out of the vehicle is prohibited. It is best to take seats in the last carriage - this will provide the opportunity for additional visibility.

The habitats of predatory and large animals are fenced with a ditch and tensioned wire.

In the safari area you can see elephants, camels, tigers, lions, cheetahs, hippos, bears, rhinoceroses, giraffes, storks and other large species of animals and birds.

A trip along the route of one tram takes about half an hour, but it may take several such trips to see all the animals.

Pedestrian zone

The most numerous inhabitants of the territory are monkeys. They can be seen not only in enclosures, but also climbing trees overhead. You can also buy food for them and feed them.

Next in number are birds, especially parrots. Very interesting to visit at home for newborns. Here you can look at recently hatched chicks, baby monkeys, tiger cubs, bear cubs and others. Also see the animals that are in the safari area, but here they are in enclosures, and almost any of them can be fed.

For children, there is an area with domestic animals - goats, chickens, horses and others. There are attractions nearby.

There are several more particularly interesting parts of the pedestrian zone.

  • Panda Center is an area of ​​about 10 thousand square meters. m, which is inhabited by pandas. Here conditions are recreated as close as possible to their habitat.
  • Australian park - you can see koalas and kangaroos.
  • Tiger Zone - 6 species of tigers live in this part: Northeast, South China, Golden, Silver, White and Bengal.
  • Green Dragon Mountain - here you can observe a gigantic salamander, as well as various owls, squirrels and hamsters.
  • Jurassic Park is an area where very realistic figures of dinosaurs are exhibited that can jump out of the bushes at the most unexpected moment.
  • Snake trail inhabited by various types of snakes.
  • Swan Lake with a large number of white and black swans, which themselves swim up to visitors in search of food.
  • A rainforest home to various species of monkeys, lemurs and other tropical animals.

Zoo show

Another difference between the Guangzhou Safari Park and a regular zoo is that it hosts various shows with animals:

  • tigers;
  • elephants;
  • birds;
  • hippopotamuses;
  • monkeys and others.

The program includes not only feeding the animals, but also performing some tricks, dancing and performances.

In the park you can see a mountain of fruits and flowers and much more.

Guangzhou Safari Park: how to get there?

Where it is located? There are two ways to get to Guangzhou Zoo:

  • by bus: routes No. 288, 288A, 301, 301A, 304, 305 and 309 - get off at Xiangjiang Zoo Station;
  • by metro: line 3, Hanxi Changlong station.

It is more convenient to get there by metro, both from Guangzhou itself and directly from the airport or Guangzhou East Railway Station. There is a direct line that goes to the desired station. At each station you can find a detailed map of the surrounding area. You need to proceed to exit E. Every 15 minutes there is a free shuttle that goes straight to the entrance to the zoo. You don’t have to wait for the shuttle, but take a walk - the journey takes only 10 minutes.

Opening hours and ticket prices

Entrance to the zoo is open every day from 9:30 to 18:00.

Tickets cost 250 yuan for adults and 175 yuan for children. This is about 2400 and 1600 rubles, respectively. If the day of visiting the park coincides with any of the holidays, then the ticket price will be slightly higher - 300 yuan for adults and 210 yuan for children. Converted to rubles - 2900 and 2000. For children whose height does not exceed 1 m, admission is free. Prices are current for summer 2018.

What to see in Guangzhou

An urgent tourist question. Let's say you have already visited the Guangzhou Safari Park and the Chimelong complex. The latter, by the way, includes not only a zoo, but also attractions, an international circus, a separate Now you may have a question about what else to see in Guangzhou. The main attractions of this city include:

  1. The central square of HUACHENG SQUARE is a green alley more than 1.5 kilometers long, located among skyscrapers in the very center of the city. There are a large number of other buildings recommended for visiting: the Guangzhou Opera and Museum, a library, an underground shopping center and others. Ideal for lovers of walks and modern architecture.
  2. Shamian Island is a historical monument of the period when this territory was a European colony.
  3. The Chen Family Academy is an example of 19th century architecture. It houses various works of art - ivory sculptures and statues made by famous masters of their craft.
  4. Yuan is a building with an unusual shape.
  5. Sun Yat-sen Memorial - built in honor of the father of the Chinese revolution.
  6. Dafo Temple is one of several famous Buddhist temples.
  7. - the tallest building in China.
  8. The Lotus Mountains are a very picturesque place with ancient buildings and unique statues.

Guangzhou is a beautiful city with an amazing safari park and other interesting places.

Guangzhou Zoo is the largest zoo in the south and the third largest in China. This is a place where you can see an incredible variety of animals living under one roof.

The zoo, founded in 1958, has repeatedly expanded its boundaries during its existence. Now on its area, which is 430 thousand square meters, more than 5 thousand animals live.

In addition to three main areas where you can see more than a hundred species of birds, amphibians, the giant panda, zebras, lions and other mammals, the zoo also has several special areas: Ocean World, Butterfly World, Goldfish and an Amusement Area. Children are allowed to feed some animals and take pictures with them. In addition, the zoo constantly hosts performances with animals.

Wild Zoo in Changlong

The Chang Long Wild Zoo is very well organized and allows visitors to get up close and personal with the animals.

This zoo has a very well thought out organization. Firstly, it is thematically divided into “day” and “night” parts. Each, respectively, contains animals leading one way of life or another. The placement of animals throughout the territory also has its own logic: they are selected by region - visitors consistently get to know the fauna of Africa, Australia, Asia, and so on. The enclosures in which animals are kept closely resemble their natural habitat. Animals are also mainly separated from their will by natural obstacles. This approach creates the illusion that the animals are free. And the proximity of animals adds thrill.

The fact that the animals in this zoo are comfortable is confirmed by a successful breeding program. There are a lot of babies here, including those animals that are not very willing to breed in captivity.

It occupies an area of ​​more than 40 hectares, on which 20,000 animals live together, representing seven hundred species existing on the planet. Every year the park attracts more than four million visitors of all ages from different parts of the world.

ZOO Guangzhou

Even the mention of the name of the zoo in Guangzhou delights local children - it’s hard to imagine a better scenario for spending a birthday, a children’s party, or just a day off with the family than a walk here.
A lot of scientific and educational work is carried out in the park. For example, the exhibition of the World of Dinosaurs pavilion not only talks about prehistoric giants, but also demonstrates their skillfully made sculptures.

Pride and achievements

The favorite place for photos for all visitors to the Guangzhou Zoo is the enclosure with giant pandas, but white tigers, various representatives of the primate order, lemurs and deer evoke no less positive emotions from guests.
Thematic exhibitions represent different climatic zones of the planet and animal kingdoms. In the “Butterfly Garden” visitors are entertained by hundreds of multi-colored weightless beauties, in the “Goldfish” pavilion there are amazing underwater inhabitants, and the “Feeding the Animals” show is an opportunity to observe the habits of our little brothers.
The Guangzhou Zoo also exhibits a variety of vegetation. In the shade of tropical trees you can relax and admire the vibrant representatives of the blooming flora.

How to get there?

The zoo's address is 120 Xianlie Middle Rd, Yuexiu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, .
You can get to the southern gate by taking metro line 5 to Zoo station and going up to the surface via Exit B. Buses B2, B3, B10, 30, 133, 191, 209, 245, 278, 545 and 886 also go there.
Passengers using buses 6, 11, 16, 65, 112, 201, 246, 535 and 833 should get off at the Xianlie Middle Road stop. They will take you to the north gate of the zoo.

Helpful information

Opening hours:

  • From April 16 to October 15, the park is open from 08.00 to 16.30.
  • The rest of the year from 08.00 to 16.00.

Ticket price for adults and children whose height exceeds 1.5 meters is 20 yuan. Children between 1.2 and 1.5 meters tall are entitled to a discounted ticket priced at 10 yuan. Children enter the Guangzhou Zoo for free.
To see special pavilions, it is best to buy combined tickets. The most expensive one costs 50 yuan, but it gives you the right to attend all shows.

Services and contacts

In the central part of the park there is a Chinese restaurant where up to 300 people can dine at the same time. Ten shops on the territory of the zoo sell drinks, snacks, souvenirs, ice cream and children's toys.
The official website of the zoo is
Phone +86 20 3837 7572.

Guangzhou Zoo