Manual APN configuration guide for Russia. How to manually set up the Internet on Android

Just two or three years ago, any smartphone user in the US would have called you crazy if you said telecommunications networks would change. Verizon and Spring have smartphones that can work on AT&T and T-Mobile networks. Low-cost prepaid plans give you as much or more service than any of the big four plans for less money, and people are starting to switch from multi-year contracts to better plans. Our friends from Europe begin to laugh at us and offer new ideas.

In connection with replacing SIM cards, we also have to change the settings of the smartphones themselves, such as changing the APN, and many people have questions about this.

We will help you with this.

What is APN?

APN– this is the name of the access point, the gateway from the mobile data network through which access to data services is provided.

Your carrier reads these settings and then makes additional settings such as determining the correct IP address, connecting to the appropriate security gateway, and determining whether connecting through private networks such as VPN is necessary. All these actions are carried out by the operator, but we must make sure that the smartphone has the correct settings so that it can be determined which connection we need.

Depending on the cellular network architecture, various mandatory settings must be made. Some settings can be changed, but for most users, the operator settings should be left unchanged.

The good news is that these days, most phones come with preset settings in the system files and information such as APN will be filled in automatically when connected to the network. Some changes come in the form of SMS immediately after the phone is first registered on the network. For example, when installing a Cricket SIM card, your phone will prompt you to change the settings for the AT&T operator for the prepaid service. Once you do this, you will be prompted to download the most appropriate settings for your phone, which will optimize your phone's online experience. Automatic phone setup means fewer calls to the operator's support service.

But not all phone models support automatic APN configuration and you will have to make changes manually.

How to change APN

The steps are the same for most phones. Of course, Android smartphone manufacturers can (and do) make some differences in the settings menu items, so the process may be slightly different.

The first thing you need to do is find the correct APN settings that you need to use on the mobile operator's website. They might look something like this:

NAME: straight Talk

APN: tfdata

PORT: 80


MMS PROXY: mms3.


Once you have found this information and have it in front of you, you can begin setting up your phone.

In your phone's settings, find your wireless and mobile network settings. Next, find the mobile network settings menu item. The same steps must be performed on other devices. Next, you need to find the “Access Points” menu item.

The menu that opens should display at least one access point. If the smartphone does not access the Internet with the existing access point, then you need to add another one. You should not change or delete an existing access point; instead, create a new one that can be used after configuration. Click on the plus button to create a new access point, or select the appropriate menu item.

You will enter a section where you can make the settings that you found on the mobile operator page. There are two important things to remember:

  1. Specify only those settings provided by your mobile operator. You do not need to complete all sections.
  2. Be sure to enter the settings exactly as written on the mobile operator’s page. Any changes or inaccuracies when entering settings will lead to errors and your smartphone will not work properly.

After all settings have been entered, they will need to be saved. To save, follow the phone's instructions or prompts.

After the settings are saved, return to the access point selection screen and select the newly saved point. After a couple of seconds, the phone will change settings and automatically connect to the network.

In some cases, you may need to reboot your phone to use the new APN settings.

In recent years, due to the great popularity of mobile devices, there has been a high growth rate of mobile users of the World Wide Web. Moreover, 55% of users in this category in Russia (as of March 2015) are owners of smartphones and tablets on the Android platform. Therefore, the issue of setting up the Internet is very relevant.

As a rule, in most cases, the first time you connect to the network, the operator determines the device model and sends automatic settings. But quite often it happens that this does not happen. And then you need to do everything yourself.

Setup steps

To manually set up the Internet on an Android device, regardless of what operator you have, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Go to the main menu.
  2. Go to "Settings".
  3. Choose "Wireless network"(in earlier versions of Android), or the “More” tab (in newer versions).
  4. Next find the sub-item "Mobile networks".
  5. Choose Access Points (APN). P.S: If the phone has two SIM cards, then select the one for which the settings will be made.
  6. When you are in the Access Points section, press the touch button “Menu”, and then - “Create APN/New Access Point”.

The data is different for all operators. See below what needs to be written down. If you haven’t found your operator, the settings can be found on their website.

Setting up Beeline Internet on Android

  • Name - any
  • APN (Access Point) - (for a SIM card from a USB modem -
  • Username - beeline
  • Password – beeline
  • MCC – 250
  • MNC - 99

The default Authentication Type is PAP or CHAP. If the Internet on Beeline does not work, then try selecting only CHAP.

  • Name - any
  • APN (Access Point) -
  • Username - mts
  • Password – mts
  • MCC – 250
  • MNC-01

Setting up for Tele2

  • Name - any
  • APN -
  • Password - not entered
  • MCC – 250
  • MNC – 20

Settings for Rostelecom

  • Name - any
  • APN - internet
  • Username - not required
  • Password - not required
  • MCC – 250
  • MNC – 39

Settings for Megafon

  • Name - any
  • APN - internet
  • Username - not entered
  • Password - not entered
  • MCC – 250
  • MNC-02

After filling in all fields, do not forget to save using the appropriate button.

Facts and statistics

At the beginning of 2015, the number of Internet users in Russia using smartphones exceeded 21 million people. More than 10 million people access the World Wide Web from tablet computers. If we compare these figures with the same period in 2014, then there is an almost 2-fold growth trend.

  1. In 2012, Russia rose to first place among European countries in terms of the number of Internet users and sixth place in the world ranking.
  2. 55% of the mobile audience are owners of Android devices.
  3. 29% of this audience are owners of Samsung devices.
  4. 87% of users use the mobile Internet to search for some information, and approximately 75% use it to communicate on social networks.

07. 08.2018

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

APN - the holy of holies of mobile Internet users

Greetings, my dear readers. In connection with the development of 4th generation mobile communication networks, the question of what an APN is is increasingly being asked. This term is directly related to the process of connecting to a packet data service, which is becoming increasingly popular among our operators.

Let's start with the abbreviation. Access Point Name is nothing more than the name of the access point, but in reality it is a whole series of settings that will allow you to use Internet services through your mobile operator.

Essentially, an APN is a gateway identifier between a mobile network (EDGE, 3G or LTE) and the Internet. But in special cases, instead of the Web space, a local computer network can act.

What are the access point settings for?

In most cases, mobile communication services are used using smartphones and phones. These devices must be configured in a certain way to transmit a packet of information. First of all, these settings are checked by the mobile operator providing this service. This allows him to determine

  • a list of IP addresses assigned to this gadget;
  • data protection and encryption tools;
  • procedure for working with additional devices connected to this channel;

Correct IPN settings allow you to install the desired packet data network (PDN) for information exchange. In this case, it is possible to identify and select a specific service:

  • communication with the WAP wireless application server;
  • MMS multimedia messaging protocol;
  • packet radio communications;
  • directly Internet;

Despite such extensive functionality, the APN structure is quite compact and consists of two parts:

  • The first (mandatory) is the network identifier. The name of the external network to be connected, which has a special support node, is written here. In addition, the type of service requested by the user may be added to this information.
  • The second is the operator identifier. The packet domain in which the operator operates and the GGSN node responsible for its connection with the Internet Protocol (IP) is located here. It is also mandatory to define MCC and MNC codes, which respectively identify the country and operator.

In simple terms, without correctly setting up the APN, working with the Internet via a mobile network is out of the question. How relevant this is is needless to explain, since this topic is the most promising today.

Software and application developers are moving their products to the mobile platform whenever possible. Now the phone is the main intermediary between the network and the user (in games, at work, at home, during financial transactions). For their part, this is actively supported and developed by gadget manufacturers and operators, providing support and distribution of high-speed data transfer standards (LTE and, currently being finalized, 5G).

And of course, we, users, are delighted with the opportunity to access any quality content anywhere in our environment. To do this, you need to correctly configure the APN settings. Those who like to use VPN to access prohibited resources can rest easy. The identifying information you exchange with the operator will not be shared online.

How to set the necessary settings?

Previously, this process was carried out by sending an SMS request to connect Internet services within a certain tariff. The operator responded by sending the settings, saving which the subscriber received access to the mobile Internet and other services. Over time, operators optimized this process and began to independently send the necessary information for the APN as soon as the SIM card was in the new device.

Despite this service, manual APN configuration is still relevant. The need for it arises when the parameters are lost for some reason or the automatic identification fails. Now I will tell you how to do this yourself, and you will see that it is much easier than remembering the request code or using other methods.

  • In the most common Android devices, your path in the settings menu will be as follows: “Mobile network” (you may find it in the “More…” section, depending on the software version) – “Access points (APN)”. Next, if you have a dual-SIM model, select the operator and see many parameters (we will return to them later).
  • On Apple phones, in the settings we find: “Cellular (data)” – “Data settings” – “Cellular data network”. Here you will see concise APN settings for individual services;

We select the operator and get to the desired parameter entry menu.

Now directly about what this means in the settings, which fields to fill out and what to enter there. I ask you, my dear friends, to remember simple rules that will allow you to install an APN, even if you forget something. For each access point, we fill in only three fields: the APN itself, the username (username) and password. The last two values ​​are the same in most cases and are the name of the operator.

I think it will be easier for you if I provide these settings according to the scheme (APN / name / password) for the main Russian operators:

  • Megafon (internet / gdata / gdata) or (internet.ltmsk / gdata / gdata);
  • MTS ( / mts / mts);
  • Beeline ( / beeline / beeline);

As you can see, everything is logical and easy enough to remember. Also, do not forget to give a name to the created (or modified) access point and save it.

Perhaps someone else uses 3G modems. They are similarly configured through a software interface on a computer. But such devices have lost their relevance, since now it is much easier and more profitable to distribute high-speed Internet from your smartphone by switching it to the appropriate operating mode.

That's all there is to know about APN.

All I can do is wish you good luck, as well as convenient access to fast and stable mobile Internet.

See you soon in new interesting topics on my blog.

Connecting computers to the Internet using wires is a rather lengthy and unpleasant task. But technology develops over time, and the modern Internet services market offers a huge number of wireless communication services. However, to connect to them, you need to create an access point. Let's look at what a wireless access point is.

Wi-Fi access point and apn

Among the most common access points are Wi-Fi networks. You can understand what a wi fi access point is if you take a closer look at the operating principle of an ordinary router or router. In order to transmit the necessary information in space, they have a special frequency spectrum, which is defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard. In practice, the use of wireless networks is possible in any room: apartment, house or office. A router connected to an Internet cable emits waves that affect a certain area. Within this area, you can connect any device using a Wi-Fi adapter. The area increases depending on the power of the router and the quality of the adapter. 10-15 PC users can simultaneously connect to the wireless Internet using just one router. Also, with the help of an access point, it becomes possible to easily organize roaming when moving the device to another zone, much larger in volume than the previous one. In this case, the coverage area of ​​the second access point will overlap the first, and so-called “cells” are formed. However, it is worth remembering that then you need to configure all devices located in the movement area to the same identifiers and channel numbers. If you don't want unfamiliar devices connecting to your access point, you can set a password on it.

Access points of wi-fi networks, to which connection is free, are found in public places, such as bus stops, cafes, supermarkets, and airports.

One type of wireless access point is the APN access point. Let's look at what an apn access point is. It is usually used to connect mobile devices to the Internet. It is required to access services such as GPRS, WAP and MMS.

Access Point Name

The name of the access point is very important when connecting to a network. It can be named automatically or the user can come up with an arbitrary name for it. Understanding what an access point name is is very simple. When you connect your device to a wireless network, the name of the network appears, and by clicking on it you will see the name of the access point.

Finding an access point is very easy if there is a router or other wi-fi device within reach of your personal computer. All you need to do is configure the adapter correctly and start searching. The networks that appear are usually arranged in order of signal quality, so the better the signal, the higher the network is named in the list. If it does not have a password, then it is advisable to connect to it. Now you can easily use wireless Internet.

Having considered what an access point is and understanding how to safely connect to it, you can catch networks not only at home, but also on the street. Having found an access point once, your device will remember its coordinates and will connect to it constantly. This way you can not only enjoy using the World Wide Web, but also save your own money.

Good day everyone and all sorts of other differences. About APN, Yes.

  1. Settings -> More... -> Mobile network -> Check the box in "Data transfer" -> Access points -> Press the "menu" function key -> New access point";
  2. Enter the following parameters in the appropriate fields and save the data:
    • Name: Beeline Internet
    • APN:
    • Proxy: Skip item
    • Port: Skip item
    • Username: beeline
    • Password: beeline
    • Server: Skip item
    • MMSC: Skip item
    • MMS Proxy Server: Skip item
    • MMS port: Skip item
    • MCC: Skip item
    • MNC: Skip item
    • Authentication type: PAP
    • APN type: default
    • APN protocol: IPv4
    • Switch on switch off: Skip the item -> Press the function key “menu” -> Save.
  3. Enter the phone menu. Choose a section " Settings -> More... -> Mobile network -> Access points -> Select the created Beeline Internet profile".

But it is logical that if you are on the street and without Internet on your phone, then it is very difficult to get them, and if the operator’s employees (in my case two) do not know what they are, then all you can do is try to learn them by heart, and let , the situation happens extremely rarely, but sometimes it can be a big learning curve.

The main thing to remember is that APN usually coincides with the name of the operator, and is preceded by the word Internet. That is, MTS has it, you can see for yourself at Beeline, and so on and so forth. Well, the login password, as a rule, coincides with the name of the operator. The rest most often does not require intervention, but you never know.


It’s hard to say why I’m writing this, not to complain, not to help someone. But you know how it is - you will never guess in your life what information might suddenly come in handy. And in what situation. And so, look, you remember.

So it goes. Thank you for being with us.