Rating of the highest quality headphones by sound

Anyone who has to work with headphones for a long time knows first-hand everything that will be discussed in this article. One thing is clear: the growing popularity of this accessory is associated with the ever-growing market for mobile device products. This trend is clearly visible on the streets of the city, especially in public transport, cafes and the like.

There are many types of headphones, and they all have their own specific purpose.

Headphone classification

All headphones can be divided into several classes:

Emitter types:

Dynamic. They are equipped with mini-speakers, the sound of which is transmitted from the amplifier to the coil.
Reinforcement type. Such emitters are most often installed in more expensive models of sleeve-type headphones.
Isodynamic (planar) and electrostatic. These two types of drivers are famous for their lightweight sound membrane, which eliminates almost all distortion, resulting in clear sound at the output.

Acoustic design

In their acoustic design, headphones are also divided into two types. These are closed and open.
Closed-back headphones the sound emitter can be located either in the housing or in the cup itself, being hermetically sealed.
When open type headphones, the outer part of the cup is covered with an acoustically transparent grille (perforation, fabric, etc.). They, of course, sound better, but the problem is that those around you are forced to listen to your repertoire.


By type of configuration, the headphones are multi-band and single-band. Accordingly, it is not difficult to guess that in a single-band case, sound is created through one emitter. In another case, there may be more than two such emitters, and at the same time, they have different types, responsible for their frequency range.

In addition, there is a separate type of surround sound headphones, in which one ear cup has several single-way drivers. In this case, the effect of being surrounded by sound is created.


Classification of functionality implies division into typeface and simple. The headset provides the ability to listen and talk. The average consumer uses a similar headset for mobile devices, particularly phones. These are called hands-free headphones. But in addition to the most common headset, there is a specialized one, which is used by announcers, camera operators, disc jockeys, and so on. Each specific case has its own specifics, which can be either “single-eared” or “two-eared” with a microphone located in the headphone body.

Signal Processing

Now about the principle of signal processing. Relatively passive- everything is extremely simple. Just plug in the desired connector and you can enjoy the sound. Relatively active- everything is a little more complicated. They are equipped with a built-in amplifier, which means they are self-powered. That is, such devices can be powered either by batteries or using a power cord. The advantage of active headphones is that they can support wireless communication, have a noise reduction system, a DSP processor and much more, and can also serve as passive headphones.

Design and decoration

As for the design of this type of product, there is no limit to your imagination. However, at least approximately, we can consider the following order:

  1. Monitor, or full-size over-ear headphones. Such products can be either closed or open type. These headphones have a headband and are intended for listening in stationary conditions.
  2. Lightweight models "Straight". These headphones also have a headband, but they are more resistant to the external environment. In addition, most of these models are active and have a hands-free function, work via Bluetooth and perfectly suppress noise.
  3. Miniature street headphones. They also have a headband, but are quite rare today. These products can be equipped with a miniature emitter, which is located just near the ear canal, foam pads, thanks to which the sound enters directly into the ear, a horizontal headband with a rear position, and so on and so forth.
  4. Over-ear miniature headphones without headband. In another way they are called the sports version. These headphones have a special ear mount, making it almost impossible to just tear them off or lose them.
  5. In-channel plugs(inserts). These are the simplest passive models that are in great demand today. Although among them it is quite likely to find three-lane options.
  6. Ear Buds. This type of headphones is a close relative of the previous version, with the difference that not every ear is able to hold them.


There is no need to say much about the purpose of the headphones. They can be either professional or ordinary consumer. Of course, each professional version has a specific purpose, while a regular headset is used at the request of the owner.

How to choose headphones

In order for a thing to be useful, it must be chosen correctly. And choosing headphones is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to decide on some aspects. Namely:

  1. Where to listen?
    • in a stationary room (studio, home);
    • outside a stationary premises (home, studio).

    For the first option, you must choose a stationary, closed type option with a possible wireless connection. For the second option, a model with ear hooks is perfect, and best of all, a “street” model. Of course, if you have Bluetooth, you can opt for a wireless model, but for those who often find themselves on the subway, a noise-canceling headset is simply a must.

  2. What to listen to? There is no arguing about styles, and everyone chooses their own “repertoire”. The source is another matter. For stationary listening, the source has a resistance of hundreds of ohms, which is exactly what stationary sound amplifiers are for; they give you much higher sound quality. For mobile devices - in tens of Ohms, but this does not mean that among these headphones there are no high-quality ones. The best option is if you have a good portable player, then the sound will be of better quality than from any phone, because... The player uses special mobile DACs with amplifiers. They are small in size, but the sound is much better than a telephone.
  3. How to listen? First and foremost is the question of duration. Many on-ear headphones can cause discomfort after just an hour of listening, because... they can either put pressure on the ears, or on the head, or on both at the same time. The most important thing is to choose the right model that suits your head and ear shape. Again, over-ear headphones are best for listening to music at home rather than outdoors. If you want to listen to music outdoors, then you should choose earbuds. It should be noted that when using headphones that are inserted into the auricle, you should understand that the shape of everyone's ears is different. For some people they fit like a glove and don’t bother them at all, for others they just fall out of the ear for no reason at all. Therefore, you need to experimentally make sure that the in-ear headphones fit you anatomically. If not, then in this case, it is better to give preference to “street” headphones with a headband.
  4. In what capacity to listen?
  • Of course, everything is relative. But it is human nature to strive for the best. And therefore, depending on the situation, everyone wants to achieve maximum harmony. If you choose the highest price category, in the range of $400 and above, then, therefore, the sound source must be appropriate. This could be a specialized amplifier, the price of which is in the same line as the headset. In other words, in this case we are talking about professional headphones, such as beyerdynamic monitor products, which have a dynamic driver, electrostatic, such as STAX, or planar (orthodynamic).
  • Next in the criteria of prestige are modern “street” models. They are designed for their specific needs, but at the same time, among them you can choose a model with a decent level of sound reproduction. In the case when you plan to use such headphones at home, provided there is a high-quality source, then it is better to take a “street” model without raising the bass frequencies. Because it is provided by the player settings.
  • If you are making a choice from the class of miniature earbuds, then the most optimal solution will be armature headphones, since they operate with a different method of sound production and belong to a more expensive price category. Well, those that cost much less should be chosen carefully, “listening.” That is, try each specific option.

Moreover, when choosing headphones, be sure to pay attention to how they fit. In the case where there is a feeling that they are “not the right size,” you should look for another alternative. There should be no extraneous sounds, such as clicks, creaks, or extraneous sounds when touching the headphones with your hands. Pay special attention to whether the sound changes if you put a little pressure on the headphones. It should remain unchanged; also press on the headphones from the front and back so that they move slightly on your ear. The sound shouldn't change. Also listen to music at a low volume and start increasing the volume. The sound shouldn't change much throughout. But be that as it may, the most important parameter is the sound. If you don’t trust your hearing, then you can take with you a proven standard, those musical compositions that you know well and understand how they should sound, and when choosing, compare it with a certain option. This effective advice will definitely come in handy, because in the store it may seem to you that the new headphones sound great, however, very often what seemed much “better” turns out to be far from the depicted ideals. Well, if you don’t want to carry around unnecessary details with you, then just be careful, since it is quite difficult to assess the true state of things on an unfamiliar soundtrack.

You bought headphones

After the long ordeal has been completed and the headphones have been purchased, the first thing to do is evaluate them in action. You put on your headphones and listen. Everything is fine! Add sound. Yes, that's even better. Having enjoyed the first minutes, an irresistible desire arises to add to the celebration and release the sound to the fullest. Why is that? Because hearing gradually adapts to the given sound pressure, and it becomes insufficient. This is good for you, an individual, but when you are in a public place, you should not forget about those around you.

Let's say in Berlin, having been on the metro, you will definitely come across a sign that by its appearance prohibits voicing the car with headphones. We don't have that. Therefore, nearby people are forced to share with you the joy of your new acquisition.

Now a little about serious numbers. A normal person's hearing is capable of detecting a difference in volume level of at least three decibels. In other words, these are amplitude changes with an interval of one and a half times. So, when the scope increases to four times, it becomes really loud, but... After about a month of such activity, we can safely talk about the first stage of hearing loss. When you’re young, it’s not very noticeable; you’ll just have to repeat everything to your friends several times. But over time, this may worsen and reach an irreversible stage.

To prevent hearing loss, follow proven advice. Adjust the sound to the desired level, and then slow down a little and listen like that. And under no circumstances touch the regulator at the first extraneous sound. It will disappear in just a minute, and your native hearing will remain healthy and unharmed.

The owner of many types of modern equipment may need good headphones - from an audio player to a home theater. How to choose headphones that are suitable for your purposes?

The cost of Beats Studio headphones in online stores is in the range of 5490–7990 rubles.

Main selection criteria

The most important characteristics that influence the choice of headphones, regardless of what they will be used for, are the following parameters.

Sound quality

It depends not least on the frequency range of the headphones, which ideally should be 20–20,000 Hz. Although most manufacturers of such equipment do not indicate another equally important parameter for their products - the linearity of the frequency response. Therefore, the sound quality will most likely depend not on the frequencies, but on the price of the device - the higher it is, the more pleasant it will be to listen to high-quality music.

joycedragan / Shutterstock.com

Comfortable to wear

Here the main criterion is the buyer’s preferences. Some people prefer compact and quiet headphones that are inserted into their ears not only when listening to the player, but even while sitting at the computer (for example, in the office).

People for whom sound insulation is more important, but ear tips are not suitable for some reason, can wear headphones with wide cups even on the street.


In most cases, the buyer of headphones should choose their price range depending on the demands on sound quality. So, for example, for conversations on a mobile phone and even Skype, there is no point in spending money on an overly expensive model (although you shouldn’t buy headphones for a couple of tens of rubles either), but a music lover should consider options priced at $100 and above.

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Headphone wire parameters

First of all, this is its length. A standard one and a half meters will be enough for a person with a player or smartphone. For those who watch TV using headphones, devices with 5–10 meter wires may be useful. Although it is more convenient to use wireless headphones, the sound quality is lost, and the batteries in the device itself have to be changed or recharged from time to time.

How to choose headphones for your phone

When choosing headphones suitable for a mobile phone (as well as for a player), in addition to general criteria, you should also be guided by parameters.

Soundproofing devices

As a rule, when listening to music or talking on the phone, you want to isolate yourself from extraneous sounds. This means that a good choice would be either vacuum headphones or full-size ones that cover the ears.

Although, if while using them, for example, you are riding a bicycle or walking along the sidewalk, sometimes crossing the road, it is better to still hear some sounds - in this case, ordinary “in-ear” or overhead earbuds are quite suitable, but with a small bowl size.

Sensitivity and resistance

The first should be in the range of 100–120 dB, the second should be equal to 10–60 Ohms.
As for the headset that comes bundled with phones and other gadgets, it is suitable only for unpretentious music lovers, for whom sound quality does not play a special role. Therefore, in general, it would be better to replace such headphones.

How to choose wireless headphones

The persistent requirements for sound quality and convenience for wireless headphones are also complemented by the need to select the following parameters:
Battery capacity (on which the operating time of the device depends) and the possibility of charging it. A good option would be if the headphones can be recharged without removing the battery.

Radius of action

As a rule, for models in the mid-price range it reaches 50–100 m, which is more than enough for most users;

Since their invention by Alexander Graham Bell in the second half of the nineteenth century, headphones have undergone a large number of changes and have firmly entered the lives of not only music lovers who cannot imagine their lives without music, but also of all those who like to listen to the radio on the way to work or “read” a new audiobook, without disturbing the family. With the advent of personal items in almost every home, they have become an indispensable attribute in every family. But does everyone know how to choose headphones and what aspects should you pay attention to when purchasing this accessory?

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing headphones is that it should be borne in mind that the principle “the more the better” does not always work in this case. So with the “correct” frequency range? To begin with, it is important to know that the human ear is capable of perceiving frequencies in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The beginning of this segment is responsible for the “bass”, and at the top there are high-frequency sounds. What is important is not the width, but the correct reproduction of frequencies in this particular range, without blockages, “mumbling” or wheezing at lower frequencies and without grinding or hissing at the top and mid frequencies. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate the main technical characteristics of their product, including amplitude and frequency indicators, on the packaging or in the attached instructions.

The second important characteristic is resistance. Essentially, the more this characteristic an accessory has, the more powerful the device is needed for such headphones to perform optimally, and the much less impact this source has on the sound. Simply put, you can connect headphones with a resistance of 8-16 Ohms to a low-quality player, but you won’t be able to fully enjoy the music - the crackling of internal processes, amplifier noise and other extraneous sounds will distract you from this. If you connect large “monitor” headphones with a resistance of 250 Ohms to such a player, the sound in them will turn out to be very quiet and flat - the headphones will not play, but will “whisper”. The optimal resistance range for portable devices is 32-64 ohms. Knowing this will tell you how to choose the “right” headphones for your player.

Another significant factor that significantly affects the sound is sensitivity. The higher this characteristic, the louder the sound. Accordingly, the lower the sensitivity and resistance, the quieter such headphones will reproduce sound.

Many buyers, before purchasing this accessory, think about which one to choose - vacuum headphones or “regular” ones. In this matter, it is best to focus on your own feelings during test listening and the convenience factor. It should also be remembered that even with the sound turned off, the surrounding world in vacuum headphones is “muffled” quite strongly, so with such a device, it is advisable to cross the road very carefully and generally be more collected on the street.

And the last part of the question of how to choose headphones is the acoustic design of the upcoming purchase. In this regard, headphones are “open”, “closed” and “half-open”. In addition to appearance, the acoustic design affects sound insulation - in “closed” headphones, the outside world will be “drowned out” by the music as much as possible, and those around you will not hear what is playing in your headphones, even when played at a very high volume. But there is one drawback to “closed” headphones - the sound does not come out due to the blank back wall of the speakers and may be slightly distorted.

Some of the most popular headphone manufacturers at the moment are companies such as Koss, Sennheiser, Sony, AKG and Philips, but there are a number of other manufacturers providing the headphone market with high-quality and noteworthy products.

When buying headphones, it is important to understand that any choice you make will be a compromise in some way. Only the right priorities will allow you to find the optimal solution that satisfies the main requirements. Conventionally, we can distinguish three criteria from which we will have to build. It's about accessibility, portability and, of course, sound quality.

These three terms can be represented in the form of a triangular petal diagram, where the growth of one petal means the contraction of the other two.

Thus, choosing the best sound quality implies a maximum price tag and a rejection of portability. Likewise, an ultraportable wireless headset won't provide the best sound, nor will it likely be cheap. That is why it is important to highlight at least one of the criteria that you are willing to sacrifice.

2. Decide why you need headphones

Headphones, like any gadget, are bought for specific tasks and purposes. You need to understand when and how you will use them. The choice of headphone type depends on the usage scenarios.

For home and office

For use at work and at home, full-size headsets are usually purchased, which provide full coverage of the auricle and the most comfortable fit on the head. This type is ideal for long-term listening to music.

You can also consider over-ear headphones, which, due to their smaller earcups, are usually more compact than full-size ones. They do not wrap around the auricle, but are placed on top. A striking example is .


The most popular among office headphones are closed acoustic models. They have better sound insulation, so your music will not be heard by others. The open type is suitable for home use. These headphones have holes on the outside of the ear cups that allow sound vibrations to travel in the same way as in a natural environment, making the sound more realistic.

When choosing over-ear or on-ear headphones, don't underestimate the importance of ear pad material. Velor or even synthetics make your ears not sweat as much as faux or natural leather.

For the city

For simple walks, it is quite possible to use the previously mentioned on-ear headphones. But if we are talking about traveling on the subway and traveling on other public transport, then the best choice would be in-ear headphones, also called earbuds. They are compact, extremely convenient to use and do not create problems when moving in a dense stream of people. One of the best in terms of price and quality ratio can be called.


Headphones of this type are usually complemented by silicone ear pads of various sizes, so that each user can choose the right one. Also very popular are tips made of porous foam, which, heated by body heat, adapt to the human ear canal. Compared to silicone ones, they are less durable, but they hardly distort the sound.

The braid of the wire also plays an important role. One of the most practical is fabric, like, for example, . This prevents the wire from tangling and reduces the risk of damage due to accidental pulling.

Separately, we can highlight completely wireless headphones like. Accessories of this type provide maximum freedom of movement, but their price is quite high. In addition, there is a high risk of simply losing them.

For Sport

For running and the gym, wireless in-ear headsets are usually used. They may have neck-mounted arms or ear pads with hooks for better fixation inside the ear or on its outer part, as is the case with.

Many of these headsets are protected from sweat and even complete immersion under water, which allows you to swim without interrupting your favorite music.


Recently, Bluetooth sports headphones have increasingly been equipped with sensors for tracking physical activity, as is the case with. Such headsets allow you to replace the usual fitness trackers, but they are also much more expensive than their classic counterparts.

For traveling

If you fly often and like to listen to music on the road, it makes sense to consider a headset with active noise cancellation. Most often these are large full-size headphones, which can be either wired or. Their ability to block out external sounds allows you to immerse yourself in your favorite music, even if a restless child is sitting next to you.

An important feature of travel headsets is their foldable design. It allows the headphones to take up much less space and reduces the risk of damage when transporting in a bag. Expensive models are often supplemented with a hard case for better protection.

For games

The choice of gamers is full-size, over-ear headphones with a built-in or detachable microphone. An important criterion when choosing is the presence of surround sound technology, as in some models. Simulating a 5.1 or even 7.1 configuration will be a big advantage in 3D action games, where you often have to navigate in space by ear.


Most gaming headphones have a long, 2-meter wire. It is important that it has a reliable braid and rigid bulges at the plugs, eliminating kinks and possible breaks.

Noise reduction is also an important parameter. In this case, this applies to both headphones and a microphone, so that you are not distracted by external factors and can be heard well.

3. Assess the basic characteristics

Regardless of the type and class, all headphones have basic technical characteristics that allow you to form an idea of ​​​​the sound capabilities. When choosing relatively inexpensive headsets, you shouldn’t take such numbers too seriously, but you also shouldn’t ignore them.

Frequency range

This parameter characterizes the spectrum of sounds that the headphones can reproduce. The standard range is 20 - 20,000 Hz. The human ear simply does not recognize more, although in the description of headsets one can often find meanings that go beyond these limits. There is nothing bad about this, but it cannot be called an undeniable advantage either.


Sensitivity tells how loud the headphones will play, all other things being equal. The relationship is direct: the higher the sensitivity, the higher the maximum volume. 95-100 dB or more is considered good for normal use.


This parameter also affects the headphone volume ceiling, but it should only be taken into account by bass lovers using stationary amplifiers. In combination with a high-quality sound source, high-power headphones provide brighter and richer sound. If you are going to listen to music mainly from a smartphone, you are unlikely to be able to unlock the potential of high power.


The nominal input resistance of headphones, also called impedance, affects both volume and overall sound quality. You need to focus on this parameter in accordance with the device with which you are going to use the headphones. For smartphones and portable equipment, you should select headsets with a lower impedance - up to 32 or even 16 Ohms, and for stationary devices - with a higher one, from 32 Ohms.

frequency response

The amplitude-frequency response is demonstrated in the form of a graph and characterizes the quality of transmission of various frequencies.

The minimum number of sharp bends in the frequency response curve indicates a balanced sound and accurate transmission of the original audio material. The height of the curve on the graph reflects the volume in a specific range. A “hump” at the beginning of the frequency response curve, at low frequencies, indicates that the headphones are bassy.


It is also worth noting the method of connecting wired headphones. Most models on sale have a mini-jack plug (3.5 mm). A regular jack (6.3 mm) can be found on professional-level headsets, and a micro jack (2.5 mm) has become very rare lately. Nevertheless, pay attention to which plug the headset has and whether there is an adapter included.

4. Listen and read

Of course, you shouldn’t blindly focus on all the numbers in the characteristics, especially if you choose relatively inexpensive headphones. Two headsets with equal parameters can sound completely different, since the quality is also affected by many other features that are not always indicated by the manufacturer in the description.

You can find out for sure whether the selected headphones are suitable for you by listening to them first. This applies to covering and overlay headsets, which specialized stores often allow you to test before purchasing. This is a chance to evaluate not only the sound, but also the ease of fit on your head.


Also, before purchasing, you should definitely refer to reviews and full reviews that can be found on the Internet. Such feedback allows you to get at least some idea of ​​the real sound quality, design features and possible weak points of the device, identified after long-term use.

Buyer's checklist

  1. First of all, decide on the maximum price and main use case.
  2. Next, based on the purpose, select the type of headphones: over-ear, on-ear or in-ear.
  3. Select several models of a specific type that fit your budget.
  4. Evaluate the important features of the selected models: ear pad material, wire braid, headband design, and so on.
  5. Study the technical parameters that characterize sound quality.
  6. Check out reviews and reviews online, and see if there's somewhere you can test the headphones before purchasing.
  7. Make your choice.

The value of the data indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging with headphones, as a rule, does not tell the average consumer anything, so many sales consultants, taking advantage of the buyer’s ignorance, easily “hang noodles” and sell off the stale goods. To prevent this from happening to you, you should learn to understand the basic technical parameters of headphones and their meaning on your own.

Frequency characteristics without indicating the harmonic distortion coefficient are worthless, and a flat frequency response graph does not guarantee high sound detail.

The frequency range in headphones and its meaning.

It is generally accepted that the higher the frequency range, the better the sound quality. But as we know from a biology textbook, a person is able to distinguish sound in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Then why do manufacturers of various audio devices produce products with frequencies exceeding the audible range of the human hearing aid by two to three times or more.

If in the frequency characteristics of the headphone model you like you see values ​​exceeding the limits of the audible region, this is more likely a plus than a minus. Such speakers are capable of operating not only in a narrow boundary mode, but also have additional potential for more accurate, distortion-free transmission of audible frequencies.

Speaker size and headphone power.

The diameter of a speaker is just its size and nothing more, but for some reason many buyers are consciously or subconsciously convinced of the relationship between the size of the driver (aka speaker) and the sound quality of the acoustics.

The speaker size characteristic is meaningless; in fact, it is a marketing ploy designed for the stereotype of an unenlightened buyer.

Acoustic power matters when choosing. This parameter tells us about the output power of the speakers and affects their volume. The higher the headphone power value, the richer, brighter the sound, the greater the bass, and the more accurate the interpretation.

High power headphones of 2000 mW and above will drain the battery of your portable device much faster. If the power of the sound source exceeds the maximum permissible for the headphones, they may fail. Consider these nuances when choosing.

What affects the sensitivity of headphones?

Let me answer briefly - the sensitivity parameter is responsible for the sound volume. With the same headphone power, those whose sensitivity is higher will sound louder. Focus on a sensitivity rating of 90 dB and above; such devices can be considered good.

What does impedance mean in headphones?

What affects resistance or what is impedance in headphones? This technical parameter means the following: the greater the resistance (impedance)
headphones, the more powerful the incoming signal must be to swing the membrane.

Thus, for players and other portable gadgets, the acceptable headphone impedance is 16-50 Ohms. More powerful headphones with an impedance of 250 Ohms will require a sound source more powerful than a standard player; of course, they will work from a standard player, but you will not get powerful sound.

There is the following pattern: the higher the resistance, the clearer and purer the sound. Therefore, low-impedance headphones can transmit sound with distortion, while high-impedance headphones are not loud enough when the power of the outgoing signal source is low.

A good choice for a portable player and computer would be headphones with an impedance of 32-80 Ohms. For more professional work in the studio, etc., the headphone impedance can be from 200 Ohms and higher using sound amplifiers.

When choosing headphones, for example for a player, take into account its power and the impedance of headphones it is designed for. Typically, portable gadgets are designed to work with low-impedance head-mounted monitors with a resistance of 32 ohms.

Frequency response - amplitude-frequency response of headphones.

Frequency response is one of the visual ways to present the sound of head monitors in the form of a graph. As a rule, this is a curve on which you can see how certain headphones transmit frequencies. The fewer sharp bends there are in the graph and the further this line goes, the more accurately the monitors transmit the original audio material. Bass lovers can use the frequency response graph to understand whether these headphones are suitable for them or not; there should be a “hump” in the low-frequency region of the graph. The higher the graph extends, the louder the sound of the headphones.

A flat frequency response line does not guarantee high sound quality. This gives us reason to believe that the sound in the headphones is balanced, in other words, the low frequencies do not roll over or stick out, and do not hurt the hearing.

Nonlinear (harmonic) distortion factor.

In Western literature, they usually use THD - harmonic distortion factor, while in domestic literature they traditionally prefer THD - nonlinear distortion factor. This is perhaps the only parameter by which you can judge the sound quality. If you want to get high-quality sound from your headphones, choose models with a harmonic distortion coefficient of less than 0.5%. Head-mounted monitors with an indicator of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

Very often you will not find this indicator on the packaging or on the official website of some manufacturers; perhaps the manufacturer has something to hide, this is a reason to think about it. For example, the widely advertised Beats by Dr. headphones, popular among young people. Dre Studio has a THD of 1.5% at 1kHz.

If you find this characteristic in the description of the model you like, pay attention to what frequency this indicator is indicated for. The fact is that the harmonic distortion coefficient is not constant over the entire frequency spectrum. Due to the fact that the human ear hears the low frequency region less intelligibly, harmonic distortion of up to 10% is permissible in the low frequency range, but in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 2 kHz - no more than 1%.

The best headphone manufacturers

Now you know the importance of the characteristics of headphones and you are unlikely to buy a “pig in a poke”, but I still advise you to choose head monitors from well-known brands, time-tested and proven to be good.

Here are some reliable companies: AKG, Beyerdynamics, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, Grado, KOSS, Sony, Fostex, Denon, Bose, Shure. There are dozens of headphone models in the model range of these manufacturers, but whatever one may say, they are all made using similar technologies, so their accents are very similar.

Fans of classic rock should take a closer look at the KOSS models; they have a pronounced bass. Head monitors under the AKG brand are famous for their “beauty” - the detail of high frequencies. Headphones from the German company Sennheizer usually have a relatively flat frequency response, which indicates good balance without falling or bulging frequencies.

What do the letters in the name of the headphones mean?

The letter prefix in the name of the head-mounted monitors indicates the design features and some technical details of the model.
Here is an example of smart labeling of Sennheiser headphones:

  • CX, as well as the IE series - in-ear headphones;
  • MX - in-ear headphones;
  • HD - classic with headband;
  • RS - wireless, base and headphones included;
  • HDR - additional pair of wireless headphones;
  • OMX - plug-in with hook type fastening;
  • OCX - in-channel with hook type fastening;
  • PMX - overhead or plug-in with an occipital arch;
  • PXC - a line of headphones with an active noise reduction system;
  • PC - computer headsets;
  • HME - headset models designed for pilots and crews of airplanes and helicopters.

If you see the index “i” at the end of the model name, then you are looking at headphones that can work with Apple gadgets.

The final values ​​of the main technical characteristics of head-mounted monitors should be as follows.

1. The size of the speakers does not matter from a technical point of view.
2. Acoustic power - The higher the power value, the “brighter” the sound, the higher the bass, and the more accurate the interpretation.
3. Sensitivity - from 90 dB and above can be called good.
4. Resistance (impedance) - for a portable player and computer, choose head monitors with an impedance of 32-80 Ohms. For studio work from 200 Ohms and above.
5. Harmonic distortion coefficient - high quality sound will be provided by models with a harmonic distortion coefficient of less than 0.5%. Head-mounted monitors with an indicator of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

Have a nice day and good luck in choosing headphones!