Various ways to run Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows. How to open the command line

By entering commands in "Command line" in operating systems of the Windows family, you can solve a variety of problems, including those that cannot be solved through a graphical interface or are much more difficult to do. Let's see how you can open this tool in Windows 7 in various ways.

Interface "Command line" is an application that provides communication between the user and the OS in text form. The executable file of this program is CMD.EXE. In Windows 7, there are quite a few ways to call the specified tool. Let's find out more about them.

Method 1: Run window

One of the most popular and easiest ways to call "Command line" is to use a window "Run".

The main disadvantages of this method are that not all users are accustomed to remembering various combinations of hot keys and launch commands, as well as the fact that activation cannot be performed in this way on behalf of the administrator.

Method 2: Start Menu

Both of these problems are solved by running through the menu "Start". Using this method, it is not necessary to keep various combinations and commands in mind, and you can also launch the program of interest to us on behalf of the administrator.

Method 3: Use Search

The application we need, including on behalf of the administrator, can also be activated using search.

Method 4: Directly Run the Executable File

As you remember, we talked about launching the interface "Command line" is performed using the executable file CMD.EXE. From this we can conclude that it is possible to launch the program by activating this file by going to the directory of its location using Windows Explorer.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to use the address bar to go to the directory where CMD.EXE is located in Explorer. Moving can also be done using the navigation menu located in Windows 7 on the left side of the window, but, of course, taking into account the address that was indicated above.

Method 5: Explorer Address Bar

Thus, you don’t even have to look for CMD.EXE in Explorer. But the main drawback is that this method does not provide for activation on behalf of the administrator.

Method 6: Run for a specific folder

There is a rather interesting activation option "Command line" for a specific folder, but, unfortunately, most users do not know about it.

Method 7: creating a shortcut

There is an option to activate the “Command Prompt” by first creating a shortcut on the desktop that links to CMD.EXE.

  1. Click RMB anywhere on your desktop. In the contextual list, select "Create". In the additional list, go to "Label".
  2. The shortcut creation window opens. Click on the button "Review…" to specify the path to the executable file.
  3. A small window opens, where you should go to the directory where CMD.EXE is located at the address that was already specified earlier. You need to select CMD.EXE and click "OK".
  4. Once the item's address is displayed in the shortcut creation window, click "Further".
  5. In the field of the next window, a name is assigned to the shortcut. By default, it corresponds to the name of the selected file, that is, in our case "cmd.exe". This name can be left as it is, but you can change it by entering any other name. The main thing is that by looking at this name, you understand what exactly this shortcut is responsible for launching. For example, you can enter the expression "Command line". After the name is entered, click "Ready".
  6. The shortcut will be generated and displayed on the desktop. To launch the tool, just double-click on it LMB.

    If you want to activate as an administrator, you should click on the shortcut RMB and select from the list "Run as administrator".

    As you can see, to activate "Command line" using a shortcut you will have to tinker a little once, but in the future, when the shortcut has already been created, this option for activating the CMD.EXE file will be the fastest and easiest of all the above methods. At the same time, it will allow you to run the tool both in normal mode and as an administrator.

There are quite a few launch options "Command line" in Windows 7. Some of them support activation as an administrator, while others do not. In addition, it is possible to run this tool for a specific folder. The best option to always be able to quickly launch CMD.EXE, including as an administrator, is to create a shortcut on the desktop.

Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site, today I want to talk about the topic How to open the Windows command line / 10 ways to open the command line. What is cmd, that's what Wikipedia tells us.

cmd.exe- command line interpreter (English) command line interpreter) for operating systems OS/2, Windows CE and for a family of operating systems based on Windows NT (eng. Windows NT-based). cmd.exe is analogous to COMMAND.COM, which is used in the MS-DOS and Windows 9x families. Operating systems of the Windows NT family for the IA-32 and OS/2 architecture also have COMMAND.COM for compatibility with older programs. In the interpreter settings, it is possible to change the cursor size, font, text color and window size.

Let's look at how to open it.

How to open command prompt as administrator

Below we will look at ten ways I know how to open the command line as an administrator.

1 way to launch the command line. Before Windows 8 (unless you have to return the start button)

To open the command line, click start and enter cmd in the search field, the program icon to launch will appear at the top

or enter command line, the effect will be the same

If you need to open cmd on behalf of the Administrator, then this is done with the right button and selecting

Method 2 is by using Run

Press two magic buttons win+R

The Run window will open, type cmd and press Enter.

3 The way to open the command line is through the Windows folder

Open My Computer and go to the path C:\Windows\System32 and find the cmd.exe file there. The method is not the fastest, but anyone can handle it. The essence is simple, the command line, like all utilities, has its own executable file. We find it and launch it, do not forget about the right click and the context menu with administrator mode.

4 The way to call cmd is to create via a shortcut

In this method, we will create a Windows shortcut for the task at hand. Right-click Create-Shortcut

Specify the location of the file, write cmd here

How to name the shortcut is up to you, I’ll call it cmd too, Done

And we see that a command line shortcut has been created

5 Method to launch the command line, through the task manager

Open the task manager by right-clicking at the bottom of the screen

Go to the menu File-Run new task

We write cmd in the task and click OK and enable the command line.

6 Method to launch the command line, for those with Windows 8 and higher

We go to Start and click on the magnifying glass at the top right, or the magnifying glass can be called up from the side menu on the desktop

We enter cmd and in the search results we see the shortcut we need.

You can also press the down arrow in Start.

The start menu structure will open in which by scrolling to the right you will find the command line

7 Method to launch the command line, for those with Windows 8.1 and higher

Right-click on Start and select Command Prompt

Method 8 through standard programs in start up to windows 8

Open start all programs

Go to Tools - Command Prompt

9 Method using the Explorer menu in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

Open any folder and click on the File menu on the left

and select open command line, you will immediately be offered two options: simple opening or as Administrator.

The trick is that the command line will open the current directory, not the user's folder.

Method 10 via the Shift button

Select any folder, hold Shift and right-click and from the context menu select Open command window

Now we have figured out how to open the Windows command line, which method is right for you, I don’t know, I just know that there is a choice.

This article will describe three main ways to open the command line in any version of the Windows operating system. Recommendations will be given regarding the practical use of a particular method.

In what cases might it be necessary?

When personal computers ran the MS-DOS operating system, the question of how to call the command line was not relevant. At that time, the user’s work with the PC was carried out using a specific set of commands, each of which was responsible for a strictly defined action. For example, the “format a:” command allowed you to completely format a 3.5-inch floppy disk. This type of management organization has one significant drawback: to perform operations you need to remember and know many commands. To solve this problem, Microsoft has visualized the interface in its later operating systems. As a result, it was enough to point the manipulator pointer at the desired object and perform certain actions. But not all operations are performed this way. For example, the “PING” command allows you to test the state of the local computer network, check its functionality, and this can only be done through the command line. Also, using this OS component, you can format any drive. And the functioning of various DOS applications cannot be organized differently in the latest versions of Windows operating systems.


There are the following options for how to call the command line:

    Using the Start menu.

    Using a special set of keys.

    Using Explorer.

It is in this sequence that methods for solving this problem will be further considered and the one that is best used in practice will be selected.

Start Menu

The simplest way to launch the command line is to use the Start key. But not all Microsoft operating systems have such an interface element. For example, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 cannot boast of its presence. As a result, this method is no longer applicable to them.

The algorithm for solving this problem in this case is as follows:

    Click the “Start” button. This can be done using the left key of the manipulator, or using the corresponding button on the keyboard (it shows the OS logo).

    In the list that opens, select “All programs”. This operation can also be performed using the keyboard (use the navigation keys with arrows and press Enter at the end) or using a manipulator (point the pointer and press its left button).

    In a similar way, select the “Service” item.

    At the next stage, select “Command Line”.

Using the keyboard

More complex than using the Start menu is the method that is based on the use of the keyboard. In this case, you need to remember one key combination. But, on the other hand, this method is the most universal and works on all versions of the operating system, including 8 and 8.1. And the order of its execution is as follows:

    Switch the input language to English.

    At the next stage, hold down the Win key (with the Microsoft operating system logo) and, without releasing it, click on the English letter R. The “Run” window will open.

    Move the cursor to the input field of this window using the manipulator.

    Type the command “CMD” and press Enter.

After this, the corresponding window will open and you can enter command line commands into it.

Through "Explorer"

This is the most difficult way to start. We perform the following actions:

    Launch Explorer in any convenient way. This can be done using the Win and English key combination E or by clicking the manipulator pointer on its icon from the desktop.

    In the window that opens, in the right column, go to the drive with the operating system (usually “C:”).

    At the final stage, in the open directory you need to find a file called “CMD.EXE” and launch it by double-clicking the left button of the manipulator.

In the future, a familiar window will open in which you can enter command line commands. As an alternative, you can use the address bar of Explorer and type the previously given path there. But this is not entirely convenient, since you need to constantly remember an impressive set of symbols.

Now let's say a few words about how to find out the complete internal list of commands. The command line allows you to solve this problem easily and simply. To do this, simply enter the word “help” and press Enter. In response, a complete list of internal commands will appear. That is, these are those that are built into the MS-DOS operating system emulation shell itself. There are also external commands. These are not only command line programs, but also any other Windows OS application. In this case, go to the directory where the program is installed using the “CD directory name” command. For example, we need to run the program soffice.exe, located in the Program files directory on drive D. In this case, the sequence of commands is as follows:

C:\ D: /*go to partition D of the hard drive*/.

D:\ CD Program Files /*go to the Program Files directory*/.

D:\Program Files\ soffice.exe /*launch the soffice.exe application*/.

At the end of each line, do not forget to press Enter - confirmation of the actions taken. On the right, flash lines are bounded by comments that explain what is being done.

Which option is better?

This material describes three main ways to open the command line in Windows operating systems. From the standpoint of simplicity and versatility, in practice it is best to use the second of them, which is based on a special key combination and the use of the Run window. This method works in all versions of the OS without exception. And when implementing it, it is necessary to perform a minimum number of manipulations. Its only drawback is to remember the special key combination Win+R. But it's not that difficult. In addition, the Win button is used in many other combinations, for example, if you press the English E together with it, “Explorer” will launch. Thus, it is this method that is recommended to be used in practice. Good luck!

Windows operating systems have a very powerful tool for system administration - the command line, also known as the console. This tool is available not only in older versions of Windows (for example, Windows XP), but also in modern ones (for example, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10).

The command line is a program that allows the user to work with the operating system in a text-based interface. Using special text commands through the command line, you can change operating system settings and run programs. The advantage of the command line is that it allows you to solve problems without using a graphical interface. This greatly simplifies system administration and opens up great opportunities for automating work processes.

Often, in articles about setting up the Windows operating system, the user is asked to use the command line, but no information is given on how to launch the command line and how to work with it. Because of this, the user gets stuck and cannot take advantage of the recommendations received. If you also encounter such a problem, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this material.

The first and easiest way to launch the Command Prompt is to search the Start menu. To do this, open the "Start" menu (or the start screen if you have Windows 8) and enter the search query "CMD" or " Command line" After this, a search will be performed and you will be asked to run this program.

It should be noted that this method also allows. To do this, right-click on the found program and select the option “ Run as administrator».

After this, a User Account Control window will appear in which you will need to confirm running the program with administrator rights. To do this, you just need to click on the “OK” button.

This will launch the Windows Command Prompt. The fact that it works in administrator mode can be understood by the inscription “Administrator” in the window title.

If there is no “Administrator” sign, then the command line was launched with the rights of the current user.

Launching the Command Prompt using the Run menu

Another fairly quick and easy way to launch the command line is the "" menu. In order to use this method, you need to press the key combination Windows-R, enter the command “CMD” in the window that appears and press the enter key or the “OK” button.

As a result, the command line will be launched. Unfortunately, this method does not allow you to run the command line with administrator rights.

Launch the command line using a shortcut

If you often use the command line, you can create a shortcut on your desktop and launch the command prompt using it. To do this, right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “Create - Shortcut” in the menu that opens.

As a result, a window for creating a shortcut will appear. In this window, you need to enter the command “CMD" and click on the "Next" button several times in order to confirm the creation of the shortcut.

As a result, a command prompt shortcut will appear on your desktop. With its help, you can launch the command line both in normal mode and with administrator rights (right click - run as administrator).

If desired, this shortcut can even be pinned to the taskbar or Start menu.

Launching the Command Prompt in Windows 10

Windows 8 and Windows 10 have a new way to launch the Command Prompt. This method involves using a new menu that opens when you press the Windows-X key combination or right-click on the Start button. This menu provides a large number of tools for managing the operating system, including the Command Line. In this case, the menu allows you to launch the command line both in normal mode and with administrator rights.

Therefore, if you have Windows 8 or Windows 10, then you can press Windows-X or right-click on the Start menu and then launch the command line using the menu that opens.

If you have “” instead of the command line in this menu, then you need to open the “Options” menu (Windows-i) and go to the “ Personalization - Taskbar».

Here you need to disable the option that replaces the command prompt with Windows Power Shell. After disabling this option, the command line will appear in the menu specified earlier and you can launch it.

Sooner or later, almost every computer user, regardless of his experience, encounters the command line. Usually, novice users are advised to run some command on the command line, but they do not understand what it is and where it is located. We will not give boring and obscure technical definitions, since this is of little use, especially for computer beginners, but we will try to convey the essence in general terms.

The command line is a software shell that allows you to enter various commands into the computer in text form, including MS-DOS. After all, once upon a time there was no graphical interface familiar to everyone in operating systems. Everything was done on the command line and it was thanks to the advent of a graphical interface in the form of windows that Windows gained immense popularity throughout the world.

However, the command line has not disappeared anywhere, although a huge number of users are not even aware of its existence. The question arises, why is it needed at all now? The fact is that some things can be done faster in the command line, and some settings are basically not available in the GUI. You should also keep in mind that there are still utilities that do not have a graphical interface, and sometimes it is unavailable, for example due to a crash.

How to start the command line

However, enough of the lyrics, let's get down to practice. There are several ways to launch the command line as usual, and they may differ slightly in different versions of Windows. We list several ways:

  • press the WIN + R key combination, enter cmd and click Ok;
  • click the “Start” button, enter “command prompt” in the search field and click “Command Prompt” in the search results (you can enter “cmd” and select “cmd” in the results);
  • Click “Start” ⇒ “All Programs” ⇒ “Accessories” ⇒ “Command Prompt”;
  • Open the C:\Windows\System32 folder in Explorer and run the cmd.exe file.

Regardless of the method used, a command line window will open, which looks rather unusual.

The text in the window may vary slightly depending on your settings, the location of the system on your hard drive, the version of Windows, and how you launch the command line. It's very easy to understand, it's the same address you see in Explorer, it shows where you are currently located as this is important for some commands. At the end of the address there is a > sign and the cursor is blinking, which means that the computer is ready to accept the command.

Now you can control the system by typing the necessary commands into it and look at the result. The outcome of the command will depend on the command itself. It's easier to understand this with examples. If you enter into the command line

and press Enter on the keyboard, notepad will launch, and a new line will appear in the command line indicating readiness to accept a new command. In this example, we launched the Notepad program without any shortcuts or using Explorer.

This way you can run any program or executable, but in most cases you will need to enter the full path.

If there are spaces in the path, the entire path must be enclosed in quotation marks.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

You can also perform various operations with folders and files that you usually do in a windowed interface, such as creating, deleting, copying, renaming, and so on.

If the command entered is incorrect or Windows cannot execute it for some reason, an error message will appear on the command line.

However, not all commands lead to any visible changes in the graphical environment; quite a few commands display the result of their work on the command line itself. For example, try typing in the command line

Also, some commands can be executed without any external visible changes in the system or the command line itself. Others, on the contrary, require user reaction during execution, displaying appropriate requests.

We won’t describe the commands; there are a huge number of them, we’ll only tell you about a couple that can certainly come in handy. We've already noted that the prompt indicates your current location, and some commands require you to be in a specific location to execute correctly. To change the current folder, use the “cd” command. By the way, on the command line you can usually see brief help for a command if you add a slash with a question mark to it.

Please note that to change the current disk you must use the chdir command or the cd command with the d switch.

Cd /d i:\Games

An alternative method is to immediately open the Windows Command Prompt in the desired location. To do this, open the desired folder in Explorer and right-click on an empty space with the Shift key pressed and select “Open command window” from the context menu.

The second command is used to display the contents of the current folder. Just type "dir" and press Enter, or use the built-in help for other options.

It is worth noting that commands do not have to be entered directly into the Windows command line; instead, they can be written into a so-called batch file with a .bat or .cmd extension and run when needed.

Windows Command Line Setup

It seems that there is nothing to configure here, but this is far from the case. Click the Command Prompt icon in the upper left corner of the window and select Properties.

In the window that opens, you can configure quite a few different parameters. Select the parameters that best suit you for comfortable work. For example, increase the size of the window, otherwise the standard one is quite small, or select colors and fonts.

If you press the up key on the keyboard while waiting for a command to be entered, the commands you entered earlier will be substituted, which can be very convenient. You can configure this parameter on the “General” tab in the “Command Memory” block.

In the adjacent “Edit” block you can check the “Mouse selection” and “Quick paste” checkboxes, which greatly speed up your work. You will now be able to copy and paste using your mouse. Select the text you need in the command line, holding down the left mouse button, it will be highlighted in white. Now just right-click, the white highlight will disappear and the selected text will be on the Windows clipboard. Now if you right-click again, the contents of the clipboard will be pasted where the cursor is. The insert and copy hotkeys do not work in this case, so choose what is more convenient for you to use.

Run Command Prompt with Administrator Rights

Some commands require computer administrator rights to run. Moreover, simply launching the Windows command line while in a user account with administrative rights is not enough. It must be run as administrator. As always, this can be done in several ways.

  • click the “Start” button, enter “command prompt” in the search field and right-click on the “Command Prompt” line in the search results and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu (the same can be done with “cmd”) ;
  • Click “Start” ⇒ “All Programs” ⇒ “Accessories” ⇒ right-click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator”;
  • open the C:\Windows\System32 folder in Explorer, right-click on the cmd.exe file and select “Run as administrator”;
  • make a shortcut to launch the command line, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator”;
  • create a shortcut for the command line and in its properties specify “Run as administrator”, now the command line will immediately launch with the necessary rights;
  • press the key combination WIN + X (in Windows 8).

Naturally, it’s up to you to decide which method to use, but in any case, “Administrator” will appear in the title of the window that opens.

That's all the basic knowledge you need to know to use the Windows command line. Now you won’t be overwhelmed by the suggestion to use the command line, even if you are a novice computer user. You can explore the remaining features yourself if you need it. Suddenly you will like it so much that you will prefer to work on the command line rather than in the GUI. There are such people too.