New VKontakte design extension. How to change the design of VKontakte in the computer version

Sooner or later, the usual design of the VKontakte website becomes boring and boring. This greatly affects the user's perception of information, making it more difficult to read and write. Unfortunately, the VKontakte administration has not yet developed such an option as setting a preferred theme.

Despite the lack of an official ability to install a new design for VKontakte, it is still possible to do this, and in several ways at once. To do this, importantly, you will not need to provide any personal information.

You can change the standard design of VKontakte without any problems if you follow a certain chain of actions and use only trusted methods. Please note that when we mention a change in design, we mean a change in the design, that is, the colors and partly the location of the elements.

To change the theme you can choose to use:

  • special browser;
  • browser extensions.

Today, of all the possible ways to customize a page, only a few actually work. It is these options that are worth using, since in this case you are guaranteed to receive:

  • data security;
  • performance when working with a designed page;
  • the ability to choose a design from a huge catalog or create a theme yourself;
  • free to use.

In some cases there is a VIP system. In this situation, installing certain themes will require financial expenses from you.

In most cases, themes for VKontakte are provided completely free of charge. You just need to choose the way you will install these styles.

Method 1: Using Orbitum Browser

In general, this Internet browser does not have any performance problems. At the same time, it provides each user, completely free of charge, with an extensive catalog of various design themes for some social networks, including VKontakte.

To put a topic on VK in this way, you need to follow simple instructions.

You can also create your own theme completely free of charge.

After installing the theme, each time you log into the VKontakte social network through this web browser, you will see the selected design instead of the standard one.

If for some reason you want to return the standard VKontakte design in this Internet browser, you also need to do this according to certain instructions.

Method 2: theme designer for VKontakte VKMOD

This method of changing the design of VKontakte no longer requires downloading a separate browser, since VKMOD is an extension. This add-on is installed exclusively in the Google Chrome Internet browser.

In most cases, no problems arise when working with this extension. However, the main disadvantage of VKMOD always remains relevant and is that only one single web browser is supported, albeit the most popular one.

It is worth noting that this extension was originally developed for the early design of VKontakte. Therefore, themes may appear slightly incorrectly.

In the future, this extension will probably be stabilized and adapted to the new design.

Method 3: Get-Style

The Get-Style extension is one of those add-ons that always keep up with the times. This is due to the fact that currently the design of VKontakte is changing dynamically - various new elements appear or existing ones are moved to another place, but high-quality styles are still published on Get-Style.

As for this extension, it supports both the old VK design and the completely new one. At the same time, no significant bugs are observed when using the Get-Style add-on.

Due to radical changes on VKontakte, it is recommended to use the latest themes. Thanks to this, your page will look fresh and attractive.

This extension is the best on the entire Internet, as it provides users with:

  • integration of the extension into Chrome, Opera, Yandex and;
  • large catalog of themes;
  • own constructor;
  • free installation of themes.

You can install and use this add-on by following the detailed instructions.

After all the steps taken, you can begin installing the extension.

Be sure to refresh the page before installing the theme.

The last thing left to do is to change the standard VKontakte theme. This is done extremely simply.

In most cases, the update occurs automatically.

This extension, without modesty, is the best among all add-ons that affect the design style of the VKontakte social network. At the same time, you are required to do a minimum of actions.

Sometimes the resource administration holds rating drawings. This way you can get even more features completely free of charge.

When choosing a method for changing the design of VKontakte, it is recommended to take into account all the pros and cons. That is, in some cases, for example, if you only use the system to visit a few social networks, it is best to choose Orbitum. But if you use Yandex, Opera, Firefox or Chrome not only for social networks, it is best to install the most stable extension.

What you choose in the end is up to you to decide. We wish you good luck when choosing a theme for VK.

The social network VKontakte carried out its first large-scale design change. As many users expected, the developers focused on Material Design, bringing the design of the desktop version as close as possible to the look of the social network in applications on Android and iOS.

“The main principle of the new VKontakte design is that it looks similar and recognizable on all devices. It’s easy for a website user to find the desired section in the mobile application, and vice versa,” noted operational director of the social network Andrey Rogozov.

The new design has so far been launched in test mode for a limited audience. You can try it by clicking on the “Join testing” button.

The main achievement of the updated VKontakte, perhaps, concerns the use of white fields on the sides. Before this, all elements of the social network were placed in the center of the screen, and they were surrounded by an incomprehensible emptiness. Owners of wide-format screens felt this especially acutely.

At one time, various “themes” that could be used using browser extensions were popular among VKontakte visitors. Mostly among the “topics” were popular musicians, actors or favorite games. In most cases, it looked terrifying and interfered with the use of social network functions.

The main habitat of many VKontakte users, “News,” has undergone significant changes. News lists have moved to a separate block, along with search and comments.

The function of turning on the “most interesting” news is marked with a separate “light”. It has existed on the social network for quite a long time and works on the principle of selecting the most relevant information for the user, but at the same time, unlike Facebook, it shows all the posts that appear.

The “Messages” section has undergone the most dramatic transformation. Users will now be able to see the active chat and a list of all conversations. As in applications, the online status of the interlocutor is marked with a green dot.

All notifications that were previously part of the “News” section have moved to a separate item in the site header. It is now possible to subscribe to notifications about new posts from groups and communities: a “bell” will notify you of innovations, as well as birthdays and friend requests.

The photos took on a Facebook-like appearance: comments were placed on the right side of the image, and the photos became larger. The photo viewer has also been adapted to a widescreen screen.

Rumors about the redesign of the social network have been circulating on the Internet for several years. In the summer of 2014, VKontakte invited developers to take part in a competition for a new design: more than 500 people took part in the competition. Among hundreds of entries, the top five were selected, the winners were awarded MacBook Pro laptops with the maximum configuration, and four more received incentive prizes in the form of an iPad Air.

Despite the fact that the competition was quite large-scale, the social network did not announce specific dates and did not specify whether the participants’ works would be used if the appearance of the site was changed.

Developers have caught on to the trend towards “flat” design quite a long time ago - the VK Developers section, even before large-scale changes, was more like a version of the site for applications and was already using the free space around the edges for its intended purpose.

While VKontakte does not offer a test version on an ongoing basis, in order to stay in the new design, you must agree to use the updated design by default. In addition, the social network decided to give the opportunity to roll back to the old version of the site.

In the case of VK, the redesign is unlikely to cause indignation among fans of the social network, since preparations for large-scale changes took more than a year and the site clearly needed to be adjusted to the application versions. The disappearance of the white fields and the final transition to the name VK should only benefit the social network.

A page on a social network is no longer just a formal profile. This is a full-fledged imprint of personality, designed to convey the individuality of a modern person. But how can you remain unique and not get lost in millions of similar pages? An individual VKontakte page design can solve this problem. There are many ways to do this, we will focus only on those that are easy to implement and do not require any payment.

Changing the VKontakte theme. Get Styles

The first method that we will consider involves installing a special plugin “GetStyles: Contact Themes”. You can install this plugin on all popular browsers: FireFox, Opera, Yandex and of course Google Chrome. Installation methods for all browsers, in principle, come down to one sequence of actions.

Download the GetStyles plugin from the Google app store and install it.
Go to the official GetStyles website.
We look for a suitable theme and click “Apply”.
Go to your VKontakte page and update it.

These simple steps will help you change the VKontakte design to your taste.

Changing the VKontakte theme.

Another plugin, this time from After downloading this plugin and trying to install it, you will receive an offer to integrate an additional toolbar for your web browser and allow auto-unloading. A little suspicious, but if you go further, then after restarting the browser, the menu of your page will change slightly. In the new section “Theme Manager” you can find a list of themes for installation, which, of course, is very different from what is presented on the site, but in it you can also find interesting themes to change the design of the VKontakte page to suit your mood.

You will have to get used to using the plugin: the theme manager menu unsuccessfully overlaps the page menu. Let's hope that the developers will correct this drawback in future versions and, of course, add more diverse themes that expand the ability to make your VKontakte design individual.

Changing the VKontakte theme.

Another way to change the design of VKontakte is offered by the project. This extension is somewhat simpler and better than the previous version. After installing the proposed file and restarting the browser, you can find a new category “My Themes” on your “Settings” page. There are many more topics here; you can choose a design on VKontakte to suit almost every taste. Added the ability to change the background color and even the font color. This finer tuning is very convenient and pleasant for the user.

Changing the VKontakte theme. Orbitum

Orbitum is a browser with fully integrated support for all kinds of social networks. It consists of two parts: the left one is used for linking an account and communication, and the right one is for surfing itself and other tasks of a standard browser. Orbitum users can also change the VKontakte design very simply and conveniently. Browser developers have provided a built-in ability to change the theme of your page. The catalog of proposed themes includes several thousand options that just need to be activated.

Each of these methods explains how to change the VKontakte design without much effort. All you have to do is choose yours and take a step towards individuality and vibrant communication!

How to change the design of your page on the VKontakte website to your liking

We all use social networks such as Odnoklassniki and VKontakte every day. We regularly visit our pages, update photos, read the feed and like :-) and also just communicate with our friends and acquaintances. Do you want to surprise them today? Themes for VKontakte and Odnoklassniki websites are the newest and most fashionable trend in social networks. You can create your own, creative and unique page design, which all your friends can see ! You can completely change the appearance of the page - make new pictures, background and font.

You can even customize a theme yourself, simply by selecting your favorite picture from your computer , in general, there is room to turn around

How to do this? Now I will tell you everything in detail:

1. Go here to install themes for VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

select "Install Plugin". The Page Morth program page appears. We install. The message will appear

This means that you did everything correctly and the application is ready to use.

2. Now press the button and select, for example, VKontakte.

3. Now you can log in to VKontakte. There you will see new functions appear: Remove Style, Edit Style, Change Style

What do these new features do?

1. Function Remove Style - completely removes the set style (made using the other two functions), and returns you to the standard style.

2. Function Edit Style calls the style editor. This is where you can select and edit styles, set background images, and choose text color.

I chose the bouquet from the previous post as the background image, then set the background transparency to 50%, then chose the text color in blue shades like this , if I don’t like it, I’ll change it later :-), click Apply

And this is what my page looks like now!

When the site is closed, the Style does not disappear, it remains saved and can be seen by all visitors to my page. To remove it, you can use the Remove Style function.

3. Function Change Style brings up a window in which you can change the theme.

To do this, go to the Catalog (at the top of the screen) and select a style category. Here there is a really large selection of very beautiful and varied styles for every taste. My eyes widened and I wanted to try them all on))) By the way, thanks to the creators of the program for such a wide selection - everyone will find something for themselves, and it’s just great to admire, some of the backgrounds are very beautiful!

For example, I really liked these topics:

And these are not the leaders yet))) the leaders are generally nice - come in and choose for yourself to your taste :-)

Which one should I choose? I decided to try one on:

Now I just need to edit the font colors, well, I already know how to do that :-)

By the way, changing Styles in Odnoklassniki is just as easy. Try it!

It is worth adding that the program is completely free, easy to install and, if necessary, uninstalled, and it is easy, convenient and very pleasant to use. So I recommend it to everyone!

You can install the program Themes for VKontakte (VK) and Odnoklassniki PageMorph here:

The design of the most popular social network in the post-Soviet space, Vkontakte, has remained virtually unchanged since its founding. Instead of eating the developers’ “breakfasts” about the imminent site redesign, it is better to do it yourself and to your liking. In this material we will tell you how to independently change the VKontakte design in one of the popular browsers.

How to change the design of the desktop version of VKontakte using the example of the Google Chrome browser?

1 . Install the free extension Styles(direct links):

2 . Go to the special page “Prototype of the new VKontakte design”.

3 . Go through all the settings in the right column. Here, in the drop-down menus, you can customize the design of the site header, background, logo, dialogues, ad units and other interface elements based on your preferences (you can even rename the side menu tabs at your discretion).

4 . After all manipulations with the settings, press the green button below "Install with Stylish", and then confirm the action by pressing "OK".

5 . After the button turns blue and the text appears "Style Installed!" open VKontakte.

You should like the result much more. If some element upsets you, then return to the second point and correct the right moment. If you still want to return to the classic design, then just disable the “ Prototype of the new VKontakte design", by unchecking the corresponding item in the extension settings. In extreme cases, the extension can be completely removed.