Program for double photos. Duplicate Image Remover Free - program for removing duplicate images

Most programs for cleaning and optimizing Windows have built-in modules for searching and removing duplicates.

True, their effectiveness seems somewhat questionable, since the search for duplicate files is carried out not by their content, but by metadata.

Therefore, it is better to use specialized utilities for these purposes.

There are programs that search for duplicates only among text documents, there are programs designed to search for duplicates of photographs, audio and even video. Today we would like to bring to your attention five applications whose main task is to search for identical and similar images.

Dup Detector

A simple and effective utility for finding duplicate images. Supports JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, PCX, TGA, WMF, EMF and PSP formats. Dup Detector's capabilities include pixel-by-pixel comparison of images within one or more galleries (folders). A distinctive feature of the program is the option to set the percentage matching range when searching.

Among the disadvantages, the relatively slow speed of operation should be noted. In addition, when displaying results, the utility only shows two images at a time. Interface language - .


A simple and convenient program for finding and removing duplicate photos and other images. The search is carried out by comparing MD5 checksums. Otherwise the program is similar to Dup Detector. It supports working with subdirectories, displaying the percentage of similarity, and previewing comparison results. Selected duplicates can be deleted. Disadvantages include somewhat slow speed and the need to install a Java package. Interface language is English.

Similar Images Finder

A lightweight program for searching for identical and similar images in various formats. SimilarImages supports about 30 formats, including JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, ICO, CUR, as well as the lesser known RAS, PGX, WBMP, MNG, PCX, DCX and some others. It is possible to automatically and manually remove duplicates.


Another good tool for finding the same or similar pictures. Allows you to find images even with minor changes. Works both with individual directories and with entire sections. It is possible to filter by degree of similarity. The supported formats are JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, TIFF, TGA and RAW. The main drawback is the somewhat inconvenient user interface and the lack of Russian language.

Let's say you have some image (drawing, picture, photograph), and you want to find the same (duplicate) or similar one on the Internet. This can be done using special tools from Google and Yandex search engines, the TinEye service, as well as the amazing PhotoTracker Lite browser extension, which combines all these methods. Let's look at each of them.

Search by photo in Google

  1. Provide a link to the image on the Internet
  2. Uploading a file from a computer

As a result, we get a complete list of similar pictures from the image that was chosen as a sample:

There is another good way that works in the Chrome browser. While on the page with the image you are interested in, move the mouse cursor to it, right-click and in the tooltip that opens, select “Find image (Google)”:

You will be immediately taken to the search results page!

Search by images in Yandex

With Yandex, everything is no less simple than with Google :) Follow the link and click the camera icon in the upper right corner:

Enter the address of the image on the Internet or upload it from your computer (you can simply drag it to a special area at the top of the browser window):

The search result looks like this:

You instantly have access to the following information:

  • What are the online dimensions of the image you uploaded as a sample for searching?
  • List of sites where it appears
  • Similar pictures (modified based on the original one or based on which the algorithm decided on their semantic similarity)

Many have probably already heard about the online service TinEye, which Russian-speaking users often call Tinai. It is developed by experts in the field of machine learning and object recognition. As a consequence of all this, Tinay is great not only for finding similar pictures and photographs, but their components.

TinEye's indexed image database contains more than 10 billion items, and is the largest in the entire Internet. “Everything can be found here” - this phrase perfectly characterizes the service.

There is another way to search in one click. By default, the “Show quick search icon” item is activated in the application settings. When you point at a photo or picture, a round green icon pops up, clicking on which starts a search for similar images - search results for Google, Yandex, Tinay and Bing will automatically open in new tabs.

The extension was created by our compatriot, whose hobbies are closely related to photography. He originally created this tool to quickly find his photos on other people's sites.

When you might need it

  • You are a photographer, you post your photos on the Internet and want to see on which sites they are used and where your copyrights may be violated.
  • You are a blogger or copywriter, write articles and want to choose an “unhackneyed” image for your material.
  • What if someone uses your photo from your VKontakte or Facebook profile as an avatar on a forum or a fake account on some social network? But this is more than possible!
  • You found a photo of an actor you know and want to remember his name.

In fact, there are a huge number of cases when searching by photo can be useful. You can give another example...

How to find the original of a given image

For example, you have some kind of photograph, perhaps cropped or photoshopped, and you want to find its original, or a better quality version. How to do it? Conduct a search in Yandex and Google, as described above, or using PhotoTracker Lite and get a list of all images found. Next, follow the following:

  1. The original image is usually larger and of better quality than the altered copy resulting from cropping. Of course, you can set a picture to any size in Photoshop, but when you enlarge it relative to the original, artifacts will always be observed. They can be easily noticed even with a cursory visual inspection.
  2. Original photographs often have watermarks indicating the author of the photo (last name, website address, company name, etc.). Of course, anyone can add a watermark to absolutely any image, but in this case, you can look for a sample photo on the website or by the author’s last name, he probably posts his portfolio online somewhere.
  3. And finally, a very simple sign. If your sample photo is black and white (sepia, etc.), and you find the same, but full-color photo, then you obviously do not have the original. much more difficult than converting a color photo to black and white :)

A program for finding duplicate files is most often needed by users who store a large amount of music, photos and documents on disk.

And, although you can delete such unnecessary copies manually, specialized applications can save a lot of time.

Especially if the files are located in different folders or in .

You can search for such duplicates using universal software or one designed for a specific type of data.

In the first case, the search speed increases, in the second, the probability of finding all copies increases.


Universal Applications

Universal applications for finding copies mainly work on the principle of comparing file sizes.

And, since the probability of the same number of bytes in different photos is practically zero, identical values ​​are considered a sign of a duplicate.

Sometimes the algorithm provides for checking names - also an important parameter for the search, especially since the same data in most cases also matches by name.

The advantages of the programs are the ability to find files of any type with their help and the relatively high speed of operation. Disadvantage: lower detection accuracy.

So, for example, none of these utilities will consider the same file saved with different resolutions to be a duplicate.

1. DupKiller

And among its advantages we can note:

  • ease of setup;
  • setting multiple search criteria;
  • the ability to ignore certain files (with a certain size or creation date, as well as system or hidden ones).

Important: If files with a size of zero are found, they do not have to be deleted. Sometimes this may be information created on another operating system (for example, Linux).

Rice. 4. CCleaner system optimization program can also search for duplicate files.


Among the advantages of another program, AllDup, we can note support for any modern Windows operating system - from XP to 10.

At the same time, the search is carried out inside hidden folders, and even in archives.

Although the comparison of information by default occurs by file names, so it is advisable to change the settings immediately.

But during the search process, each duplicate found can be viewed without closing the application.

And if a copy is found, you can not only delete it, but also rename it or move it to another location.

Additional benefits of the application include completely free work for any period of time.

In addition, the manufacturer also produces a portable version in order to search for copies on those computers on which the installation of third-party software is prohibited (for example, on a work PC).

Rice. 5. Search for files using the portable version of AllDup.

6. DupeGuru

Another useful application that searches for duplicates with any extension is DupeGuru.

Its only drawback is the lack of new versions for Windows (although updates for MacOS appear regularly).

However, even a relatively outdated utility copes well with its tasks when working in newer operating systems.

With its help, even system files are easily detected, and the menu is intuitive and in Russian.

Rice. 6. Detecting copies using the DupeGuru utility.

It is noteworthy that, in addition to the usual universal option, the manufacturing company has created a utility for searching for files of a certain type.

There is a separate version for images and another for music.

And, if you need to clean your computer not only from documents and system files (which, by the way, need to be deleted very carefully - sometimes it’s even worth leaving an “extra” copy rather than disrupting the system’s functionality), it’s worth downloading these applications as well.

7. Duplicate Cleaner Free

Duplicate Cleaner Free, a utility for detecting copies of any file, has the following features:

  • filtering data by extension;
  • Russian interface language;
  • possibility of free use;
  • high speed.

Its disadvantages include minor limitations when searching for images (for this it is recommended to purchase a paid version) and not entirely accurate translation of individual menu elements.

However, due to its effectiveness and ease of use, the application enjoys some popularity.

Rice. 7. Find duplicates using the Duplicate Cleaner Free utility.

Finding duplicate audio files

If the search results for duplicates are not satisfactory for the user, you can consider an option designed for specific files. For example, for accumulated on disk.

This need often arises when downloading several albums and collections of the same artist at once - often the same tracks end up in different folders.

They can have similar sizes and differ, by and large, only in names. Especially for this, there are utilities for searching for similar melodies.

8.Music Duplicate Remover

Among the features of the Music Duplicate Remover program are relatively fast search and good efficiency.

In fact, this application “listens” to the composition and compares it with other audio files.

At the same time, naturally, its operating time is longer than that of universal utilities.

However, the amount of data checked by the program is usually tens of times less, so the average scan duration rarely exceeds a couple of hours.

Rice. 8. Detection of copies of music and audio files by album.

9.Audio Comparer

At the same time, photo analysis also takes longer compared to searching for files of any extension, but the result is worth it.

Images are detected even when there are several duplicates of the same image on the disk, but with different resolutions and, accordingly, sizes.

In addition, to increase efficiency, files with any graphic extensions are scanned - from to .png.

Rice. 11. Search for pictures using another version of DupeGuru.

12. ImageDupeless

Moreover, it is distributed free of charge and has a Russian interface. And the manufacturer periodically releases updates to it, increasing the efficiency of image search.

Rice. 12. Stylish interface of the ImageDupeless application.

13. Image Comparer

The advantages of the Image Comparer application, in addition to its simple interface, include the presence of a step-by-step wizard that allows you to learn how to quickly and efficiently search for images.

This feature distinguishes the utility from most others, to work with which you will have to read help files that are not always correctly translated (and sometimes even provided only in English).

In fact, the application is another version of Audio Comparer, and is also distributed under a “shareware” license - that is, the user will have to pay for certain functions.

Rice. 13. The Image Comparer app is a good way to find duplicate pictures.

There is probably not a person today who does not actively use a computer or other portable devices. As a rule, over time, a huge number of absolutely identical files accumulate on a PC. Searching for and deleting them manually is quite tedious and time-consuming. Fortunately, today you don’t have to rack your brains about how to perform these manipulations. Developers of modern applications have long come up with programs for finding duplicate photos on a computer. Let's look at the best of them, as well as types of graphic files that often have to be deleted.

What are the same photographs?

As a rule, on laptop computers of several categories:

  • Identical files. And in this case we are talking about those situations where users simply copy the same files and paste them into other folders on the computer.
  • Images with the same names. This often happens when using cameras of different brands. As a rule, they assign the same file names.
  • Bad shots. Today, professional photographers very often use burst shooting of one or another object. As a result, a simply fantastic number of the same photographs appear, differing only in some scanty nuances.
  • Modified images. In this case, we are talking about those photographs that have been reduced, enlarged, mirrored or modified

It’s easy to find a program for finding duplicate photos on the Internet. The main thing is to install them correctly.

How to download

It is best to look for programs to find and remove duplicate photos on the official websites of the developers. As a rule, software creators provide users with the opportunity to use truncated versions of utilities.

Downloading applications from unofficial sources is fraught with consequences. Very often there are viruses in the folder with boot files.

Duplicate Cleaner

This tool does a great job of finding and removing duplicate photos on laptop computers. To get rid of unwanted files that only slow down your hard drive and take up a lot of free space, just use Duplicate Cleaner, which cleans network and local drives. In addition, the application also finds identical audio, video files and text documents.

If we talk about the main features of this utility, then it is worth paying attention to the fact that the search is carried out not only by name, but also by the contents of files. In this case, you can set custom settings. Sound files are scanned in all known and currently valid formats.

While the duplicate photo search program is running, you can export and import search results in CSV format. The user can also track and view the size, creation date and other data about the files. This helps you decide which documents are best to delete.


This program for finding identical photos allows you to quickly recognize all duplicate documents on your computer’s hard drive. This tool is absolutely free, in addition, it supports an interface in several languages, including Russian.

The utility works very quickly and has minimal requirements for system resources. Moreover, you don’t even need to install the program; you just need to copy it to a flash drive and use it in any directory.

The application perfectly processes a large amount of information and allows you to quickly detect entire lists of identical files. The main window of the program contains basic controls, the meaning of which becomes clear on an intuitive level, so even an inexperienced person can use the utility.

Among the most interesting options is the ability to search for defective files. You can also select the type of documents that may be lost during the search process. In addition, the program for finding duplicate photos in Russian allows you to search for files even in subdirectories and hidden folders.

In the settings, the user can specify whether he wants to delete mirrored images or those files in which the image sizes have been changed. Thanks to such flexible parameters, all duplicates are removed very quickly and efficiently. At the end of the application, a detailed report is issued.


This very small utility will quickly clean your computer of unnecessary files. Immediately after installation and the first launch of the program, an automatic search and control recording of all files that are in the system are performed. In this case, the application completely ignores the creation date, size and other indicators of documents.

However, in the menu of this program there is no option to disable the display of files with the same names. However, if you consider that this is a free product, then you can put up with some nuances.

Image Comparator

This program for finding duplicate photos is very popular among users. By and large, it can be considered the most productive and functional.

Both paid and free versions of this application are available. If we talk about the advantages of the program, then you should pay attention to the fast speed of searching and displaying duplicates. This is the optimal solution for those who store terabytes of information on their computer for a huge amount of time.

However, there are some drawbacks that many users have noticed. The most important drawback is visible after installing the application. The program interface is very inconvenient. The same goes for file processing.

In order to view the desired file, you will have to select it and click the arrow. Only after this can the document thumbnail be displayed in the main window. What should those who have more than 200 photos do that they want to delete or process? In this case, manipulations will have to be performed 400 or more times. At the same time, the user also needs to remember the names of the files that they need.

Also, many noted the not very convenient method of searching for duplicates by the number of similar pixels. Therefore, on the one hand, it is very difficult to say that this is the best program for finding duplicate photos, but on the other hand, the utility has a lot of flexible settings.


This application breaks all records for the number of downloads abroad. On the one hand, this is explained by the fact that this is a free version and perhaps there are big problems with access to such applications “over the hill”. But, according to reviews, it really has a lot of positive qualities. Among them, it is worth noting excellent functionality. The settings are very sensitive, thanks to which the user can independently adjust the mechanism for searching for similar source images.

Displaying identical files really happens very quickly and efficiently. However, many have noticed that this program for finding duplicate photos is a little more tied to the light of the photo, which in some situations can lead to confusion.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then, according to user reviews, they also drew attention to the inconvenience of the interface. You can view photographs enlarged only after holding the cursor on the image for a very long time. At the same time, a miniature is displayed with a resolution of only 48 pixels, and it is very difficult to see anything on it. Therefore, it is inconvenient for an experienced photographer to use the program.

It is also worth considering that the utility interface is not translated into Russian, so those who do not speak English will find it quite difficult at first.

Photo Database 4.5

This program for finding duplicate photos is very often used by specialists when working with photographs, not only to search for identical files, but also for many other functions.

Starting with version 4.5, the utility has a new folder called “Collection”, where you can find the “Duplicates” category. She is responsible for finding the necessary files. When you open this directory, the program automatically searches for duplicate photos.

The utility also offers quick navigation, which is responsible for navigating to folders with selected images. Removal is done in a very convenient way. To do this, simply select all unnecessary files in Explorer using shortcut keys. After that, you just need to press 1 “Delete” button. All selected photos are moved to the trash can and removed from the collection.

Automatic file deletion is also available. To do this, just click the corresponding button, which is located on the lower taskbar. You can also select several images and get rid of only them.


This article discussed free utilities that can be easily found in the public domain or downloaded via torrents. They are more suitable for home private use. Of course, there are also commercial versions of almost all programs. However, such extensive functionality is not always needed by a person who just wants to quickly delete identical files. As a rule, they are used only by experienced photographers who constantly work with a huge number of images.

Good day.

Statistics are an inexorable thing - many users sometimes have dozens of copies of the same file (for example, a picture or a music track) on their hard drives. Each of these copies, of course, takes up space on the hard drive. And if your disk is already “filled” to capacity, then there can be quite a lot of such copies!

Cleaning duplicate files manually is not a rewarding thing, which is why I want to collect in this article programs for finding and removing duplicate files (even those that differ in both file format and size from each other - and this is a rather difficult task !). So…

List of programs for finding duplicates

1. Universal (for any files)

They search for identical files by their size (checksums).

By universal programs, I mean those that are suitable for searching and deleting duplicates of any type of file: music, movies, pictures, etc. (below in the article, “its own” more precise utilities will be given for each type). Most of them work according to the same type: they simply compare file sizes (and their checksum), if among all the files there are identical ones in this characteristic - they show you!

Those. thanks to them, you can quickly find complete copies (i.e. one to one) of files on the disk. By the way, I’ll also note that these utilities work faster than those that are specialized for a specific type of file (for example, image search).


I put this program in first place for a number of reasons:

  • supports simply a huge number of different formats in which it can search;
  • high speed;
  • free and with Russian language support;
  • very flexible settings for searching for duplicates (search by name, size, type, date, content (limited)).

Duplicate Finder

This utility, in addition to searching for copies, also sorts them as you please (which is very convenient when there are an incredible number of copies!). Also, add byte-by-byte comparison, checksum verification, and deletion of zero-sized files (and empty folders too) to the search capabilities. In general, this program does a pretty good job of finding duplicates (both quickly and efficiently!).

Those users who are new to English will feel a little uncomfortable: Russian is not in the program (maybe it will be added later).

Glary Utilities

In general, this is not one utility, but a whole collection: it will help you delete “junk” files, set optimal settings in Windows, defragment and clean your hard drive, etc. Including this collection there is a utility for searching for duplicates. It works relatively well, which is why I will recommend this collection (as one of the most convenient and universal - as they say, for all occasions!) once again on the pages of the site.

2. Programs for finding duplicate music

These utilities will be useful to all music lovers who have a decent collection of music accumulated on their disk. I’m picturing a fairly typical situation: you download various collections of music (the 100 best songs of October, November, etc.), some of the compositions are repeated in them. It is not surprising that, having accumulated 100 GB of music (for example), 10-20 GB can be copies. Moreover, if the size of these files in different collections were the same, then they could be deleted by the first category of programs (see above in the article), but since this is not the case, then these duplicates cannot be found by anyone except your “hearing” And special utilities (which are presented below).

Music Duplicate Remover

The result of the utility.

This program differs from others, first of all, in its fast search. It searches for duplicate tracks by their ID3 tags and sound. Those. she will listen to the composition for you, remember it, and then compare it with others (thus doing a huge amount of work!).

The screenshot above shows the result of her work. She will present her found copies to you in the form of a small tablet, in which a percentage similarity figure will be assigned to each track. In general, quite convenient!


Found duplicate MP3 files...

This utility is similar to the one above, but it has one undoubted advantage: the presence of a convenient wizard who will guide you step by step! Those. a person who launches this program for the first time will easily figure out where to click and what to do.

For example, in my 5000 tracks in a couple of hours, I managed to find and delete several hundred copies. An example of how the utility works is shown in the screenshot above.

3. To search for copies of pictures, images

If you analyze the popularity of certain files, then the pictures will probably not lag behind the music (and for some users they will surpass them!). It’s hard to imagine working on a PC (and other devices) without pictures! But finding pictures with the same image on them is quite difficult (and time-consuming). And, I must admit, there are relatively few programs of this kind...


A relatively small utility with fairly good performance in finding and eliminating duplicate images. The program scans all the images in the folder and then compares them with each other. As a result, you will see a list of pictures that are similar to each other and you will be able to make a conclusion about which one to keep and which one to delete. It is very useful, sometimes, to thin out your photo archives.

ImageDupeless example

By the way, here is a small example of a personal test:

  • experimental files: 8997 files in 95 directories, 785MB (archive of pictures on a flash drive (USB 2.0) - gif and jpg formats)
  • gallery occupied: 71.4MB
  • creation time: 26 min. 54 sec.
  • time for comparison and output of results: 6 min. 31 sec.
  • result: 961 similar images in 219 groups.

Image Comparer

I have already mentioned this program on the pages of the site. It is also a small program, but with fairly good image scanning algorithms. There is a step-by-step wizard that starts when you first open the utility, which will guide you through all the “thorns” of first setting up the program to search for duplicates.

By the way, just below is a screenshot of the utility’s operation: in the reports you can view even small details, where the pictures are slightly different. In general, it’s convenient!

4. To search for duplicates of films and videos

Well, the last popular file type that I would like to dwell on is video (films, videos, etc.). If once before, having a 30-50 GB disk, I knew in which folder where and what movie takes up how much (and they were all against each other), then, for example, now (when disks have become 2000-3000 GB or more) - they are often found the same videos and films, but in different quality (which can take up quite a lot of space on your hard drive).