Fun with the Windows 10 command line. Hacker command line. Command line cmd, feel like a hacker. telnet: Connect to Telnet servers

drag and drop files to get their full path

tried typing long paths to folders and files buried in the depths of the directory tree? just drag and drop the file into the command line window and the full path will be displayed automatically.

copy and paste text from command line

Right-click in the command line window and select Mark from the drop-down menu. Select the desired text and press enter. the text will be copied to the clipboard.

press F7 to display history

By pressing F7 you will get a complete list of all the commands you entered earlier. Next, you can choose, by moving using the directional keys, to launch any of them by pressing enter, or to redisplay in the command line window to change, to do this, select the command and press the right arrow key.

History Keys

Use the F1 key to insert the previous command one character at a time.

Run multiple commands

You can run multiple commands by separating them with && characters. However, it is worth noting that the commands do not run simultaneously. The command to the left starts first, and when it stops working, the next one starts. If the first command produces an error, the second one will not run.

Change colors on the fly

If you want to turn on nostalgia, enter the command color 3b and you will get yellow text on a blue background. Do you want to feel like Neo? Enter the command color 0c and you will get bright green text on a black background. Try the command color /? and discover all the colors you can change on the fly.

Go to full screen mode

Press Alt + Enter and the command line will expand to full screen. It's sad, but this trick doesn't work in Vista.

Change the window size

Now that you know the previous tip. Do you want to know how to resize a window? To do this, use the mode command. Together with the mode command, enter the parameters for window size and. For example, mode 100, 50 will make the window 100 characters wide and 50 characters high.

Get help

Linux users turn to the man command if they have any questions. But Windows users do not have access to manuals. But it is still possible to get information on most commands using the /? parameter. or -help. For example command /? or command -help. You can also type help and by pressing enter you will get a list of available commands.

Filter command output

If you are only interested in part of a command's output and don't want to waste time looking through all the information produced by a command, you can filter the output with the find command. For example tasklist | find "firefox" will only return information about the firefox process

Navigate directories with ease

One of the biggest hassles when working with the command line is the need to enter long paths to folders and files. And to find out which folders are in the directory, you had to use the dir command. But all this was due to not knowing a simple and very convenient trick that will help you navigate through folders with greater convenience. Use the tab key along with the cd command. It will substitute available directories in a circle. You can substitute the first letter to quickly move down the list. In some cases, tab allows you to highlight a file name.

And yet, shift + tab allows you to browse directories in reverse order. 😉

When constantly working in Windows, you need to pay due attention to quick ways to access various tools in order to quickly get what you need and complete tasks.

Below you will find a list of commands that launch the most popular tools and that you may find useful in your daily computer work.

appwiz.cpl - Uninstalling programs
calc - Calculator
charmap - Character table
chkdsk - Disk checking utility
cleanmgr - Disk cleanup utility
cmd - Command line
compmgmt.msc - Computer management
control - Control panel
control admintools - Administration
control desktop - Screen Settings / Personalization
control folders - Folder properties
control fonts - Fonts
control keyboard - Keyboard properties
control mouse - Mouse properties
control printers - Devices and printers
control schedtasks - Task Scheduler
desk.cpl - Screen resolution
devmgmt.msc - Device Manager
dfrgui - Disk defragmentation
diskmgmt.msc - Disk Management
dxdiag - DirectX Diagnostic Tools
eventvwr.msc - Event Viewer
explorer - Windows Explorer
firefox - Firefox browser
firewall.cpl - Windows Firewall
iexplore - Internet Explorer Browser
inetcpl.cpl - Internet Explorer browser properties
logoff - Log out of a Windows user account
magnify - Magnifier (magnifying glass)
main.cpl - Mouse properties
migwiz - Windows Easy Transfer
mmsys.cpl - Sound settings
mrt - Malicious Software Removal Tool
msconfig - System configuration
msinfo32 - System information
mspaint - Graphic editor Paint
ncpa.cpl - Network connections
notepad - Notepad
osk - On-screen keyboard
perfmon - System Monitor
powercfg.cpl - Power supply
prs - Problem Reproduction Recorder
regedit - Registry Editor
rrr - Quick launch Reg Organizer
shutdown - Shut down Windows
sysdm.cpl - System properties
syskey - Windows account database protection
taskmgr - Task Manager
timedate.cpl - Setting the date and time
utilman - Ease of Access Center
verifier - Driver verification manager
wab - Windows Address Book
winver - Windows version
wmplayer - Windows Media Player
write - Wordpad Editor
wscui.cpl - Help Center

Extensions - what are they?

Dangerous file extensions


.COM - programs for MS-DOS.

.SCR - screensaver file.

Office macros

An experienced user can be distinguished from a beginner by one very obvious sign - knowledge of file extensions. The former can easily tell what a particular file is - a picture, a program, and which one is better not to open without checking with an antivirus. The latter do not understand at all what we are talking about and what these extensions actually look like. This article will provide you with the necessary minimum knowledge that you will need to work safely on your computer.

Extensions - what are they?

Wikipedia defines this concept as a sequence of characters that are added to a file name and used to identify its format. This is the most common way to determine the type of data stored in a file.
By default, file display is disabled in Windows. Most likely, the developers tried to protect users from unnecessary information in this way. But as a result, a huge number of people have appeared who are guided by file names and open everything.
Through the Control Panel, you can enable a feature that will display file extensions. Open Folder Options. In the “View” tab, uncheck the “Hide extensions for known file types” option.

Dangerous file extensions

A high-quality antivirus program can protect your work. However, even an ideal antivirus may not have time to introduce the infection into its filters or may make a mistake. Therefore, an additional factor of protection should be your head, which contains the necessary knowledge.
If you receive a file by email from a stranger, pay attention to its extension. If you find it in the list below without opening it, send it to be scanned by your antivirus program.


EXE is a program file. Most programs in Windows have just such an extension.
.PIF is a special file that contains information for DOS programs. They do not contain executable code, but they can be dangerous.
.COM - programs for MS-DOS.
.APPLICATION is an installer for applications that support ClickOnce technology from Microsoft.
.HTA is a web application. Can be dangerous, unlike html type applications running in your browser.
.MSC is a Microsoft Management Console file.
.GADGET is a desktop display service in Windows Vista and 7.
.SCR - screensaver file.
.MSI - begins the process of installing the program on your computer.
.MSP - updates for already installed programs.
.CPL - all elements in the control panel have this extension.
.JAR is executable code for the Java environment.

CMD is a batch file of type .BAT, but this file extension was introduced in Windows NT
.BAT is a batch file that was previously used in MS-DOS. It contains a series of sequential commands for your computer.
.VB, .VBS, .VBE - VBScript file. Will execute its VBScript code at startup.
.WS, .WSF, .WSC, .WSH are Windows Script files.
.PS1, .PS1XML, .PS2, .PS2XML, .PSC1, .PSC2 - command script for Windows PowerShell.
.JS, .JSE - JavaScript file. When working in a browser and using on web pages, it is relatively safe. But, if Windows opens these files outside the browser, it can be dangerous.
.MSH, .MSH1, .MSH2, .MSHXML, .MSH1XML, .MSH2XML - command script for Monad. Monad was later renamed to PowerShell.

LNK - ensures the launch of the program. May contain command line attributes that are dangerous because they may delete files without permission.
.INF is a text file designed for automatic launch from external media. Often used for files copied from flash drives or disks.
.SCF is a Windows Explorer file. May contain potentially dangerous commands.

REG is a Windows registry file where you can find a list of entries that will be added or removed at startup. The danger is that you may lose important information from the registry or add unwanted or dangerous data to it.

Office macros

DOCM, .DOTM, .XLSM, .XLTM, .XLAM, .PPTM, .POTM, .PPAM, .PPSM, .SLDM are new office file extensions introduced in Office 2007. An "M" at the end of the extension indicates that the document contains macros.
.DOC, .XLS, .PPT - Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents. They may contain malicious macro code.

It is advisable to remember all this information, but you can print it out and hang it in a visible place. Or save the link and use it as needed. Share this information with all users

Microsoft on Saturday withdrew the 8.1 update for the Windows RT operating system, intended for Internet-enabled Surface RT tablets. According to Microsoft, the recall is due to the fact that some users of these tablets reported problems with the update, or more precisely, the impossibility of installing it on the tablet in normal mode.

In particular, some tablet owners claim that their gadgets stopped turning on due to damage to the files necessary to load Windows, The Verge writes. To restore operation, users need to use a special utility.

xxx: To restore operation, users need to use a special boot floppy disk.

How to control a computer without a mouse? To do this, you can launch the Windows cmd command line using the key combination win+r and then type cmd in the console that appears and press Enter.

A command prompt window opened. Through it you can turn off the computer, create/delete folders, set program launch schedules, make programs system programs, change file extensions, start and stop applications and much more.

If you want a number of cmd commands to be executed on your computer automatically, you can write them down in notepad and save them with the .bat extension

An example of a simple program:
@echo off
color 0a
chcp 1251
echo Restarting the computer
shutdown /r

This program restarts the computer and requires you to press any key to do this. To stop the execution of the program, you just need to close the window that appears.

Such bat files (bat files) are often used to write computer viruses, which, by the way, are not noticed by anti-virus programs (in most cases). And for secrecy they are translated into .exe format.

You can read more about the cmd commands below. (or you can just write help on the command line)

append - Allows programs to open files in specified directories as if they were in the current directory.

arp - displays and changes IP-to-physical address conversion tables used by the Address Resolution Protocol.

assoc - display or change associations based on file name extensions.

at - the command is intended to launch programs at a specified time.

atmsdm - Monitors connections and addresses registered by ATM Call Manager on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networks.

attrib - change attributes of files and folders.

auditusr - sets the user audit policy.

break - enable the CTRL+C key processing mode.

bootcfg - This command line program can be used to configure, retrieve, change or remove command line options in the Boot.ini file.

cacls - view changes to ACL access control tables for files.

call - calling one batch file from another.

cd - display the name or change the current folder.

chcp - output or change the active code page.

chdir - output or change the current folder.

chkdsk - disk check and report output.

chkntfs - Displays or changes disk check parameters during boot.

ciddaemon is a file indexing service.

cipher is a file encryption program.

cls - clear interpreter screen.

cmd - launches a new command line window.

cmstp - install connection manager profiles.

color - sets the color for text and background in text boxes.

comp - compares the contents of two files or sets of files.

compact - view and change file compression settings on NTFS partitions.

convert - converts the volume's FAT file system to NTFS.

copy - copy one or more files.

date - display or set the current date.

debug is a tool for debugging and editing programs.

defrag - disk defragmentation.

del - delete one or more files.

devcon is a device manager alternative.

diantz - same as MAKECAB.

dir - displays a list of files and subfolders from the specified directory.

diskcomp - Compares the contents of two floppy disks.

diskcopy - copying the contents of one floppy disk to another.

diskpart - use the diskpart script.

diskperf - disk performance counter.

doskey - editing and re-calling Windows commands; creating DOSKey macros.

driverquery - view the list of installed device drivers and their properties.

echo - display messages and switch the display mode of commands on the screen.

edit - launches the MS-DOS editor.

endlocal - end localization of environment changes in the batch file.

edlin - launch a line-by-line text editor.

erase - deleting one or more files.

esentutl - maintenance of utilities for Microsoft (R) Windows databases.

eventcreate - This command allows the administrator to create a special event entry in the specified event log.

eventtriggers - This command allows the administrator to display and configure event triggers on a local or remote system.

exe2bin - converts EXE files to binary format.

exit - exit the command line.

expand - unpack compressed files.

fc - compares two files or two sets of files and prints the differences between them.

find - search for a text string in one or more files.

findstr - search for strings in files.

finger - displays information about users of the specified system.

fltmc - work with driver load filter.

for - execute the specified command for each file in the set.

forcedos - mapping MS-DOS applications that are not recognized by Microsoft Windows XP.

format - format the disk for working with Windows.

fontview is a font viewer.

fsutil - Manage reparse points, manage sparse files, unmount a volume, or extend a volume.

ftp is a file transfer program.

ftype - View and change file types associated with filename extensions.

getmac - Displays the MAC address of one or more network adapters on the computer.

goto - transfers control to the line containing the label in the batch file.

gpresult - Displays the resulting policy (RSoP) for the specified user and computer.

gpupdate - perform group policy updates.

graftabl - select a code page for displaying symbols of national alphabets in graphical mode.

help - displays a partial list of commands that are used in cmd.

hostname - displays the computer name.

if is an operator for conditionally executing commands in a batch file.

ipconfig - display the subnet mask, default gateway and information about your IP.

ipxroute is a NWLink IPX routing management program.

label - create, change and delete volume labels for a disk.

lodctr - update counter names and explanatory text for an extended counter.

logman - Schedule management for performance counters and event trace log.

logoff - end a Windows session.

lpq - displays the queue status of the remote print queue lpq.

lpr - sends a print job to a network printer.

lsass is a local security definition server.

makecab - archiving files into a cab archive.

md - create a folder.

mem - displays information about used and free memory.

mkdir - creates a folder with extended functionality.

mmc - opens the MMC console window.

mode – debugging of system devices.

mofcomp - 32-bit. Microsoft (R) MOF compiler.

more - sequential output of data in parts the size of one screen.

mountvol - view, create and delete volume mount points.

move - moving and renaming files and directories.

mqbkup is a utility for archiving and restoring a message queue.

mqsvc - Provides infrastructure for running distributed applications.

msg - send messages to the user.

msiexec - launch Windows installer.

nbtstat - displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP).

net is an application package designed to work with the network.

net1 is the same as net.

netsh - local or remote display and change of steam

Sometimes we are faced with the fact that some important files on the flash drive are no longer available to us. This happens for various reasons: we could accidentally delete them or format the flash drive, or a virus could get on the media. A power surge, incorrect removal of the media from the port, or mechanical damage could make the data inaccessible. How to recover data from a flash drive?

First of all, don't panic. If you accidentally deleted files yourself, do not rush to format it; restoring data from a flash drive will be much more difficult. If you do format the media, do not write any new files over it, as this may also complicate recovery.

What if you did nothing, but the files still became inaccessible? In such cases, when you try to connect a removable disk or work with files and folders from the disk (open them or copy), system error messages appear when reading the disk. If you go to the properties of a removable disk, you will see that the disk capacity, the amount of free and used space, and the file system are incorrectly determined.

To recover data from a flash drive, first try restarting your computer - you definitely won’t make it worse, but it may help. If the flash drive is still not readable, disconnect it (only correctly, via “safely remove device”), and then connect it again. If this does not help, check the removable disk. To check the file system of the flash drive, you need to open “My Computer”. Right-click on the flash drive (removable disk) icon. A context menu will open, select “Properties” from it. A dialog box will open, in it you need to open the "Tools" tab and click on the "Run check..." button. In the dialog box that opens, check the "Automatically correct system errors" and "Scan and repair bad sectors" checkboxes. Then click the "Launch" button and wait for the scan to complete.

If these simple methods do not help, you will have to use special programs to recover data from a flash drive. Such programs work on two main principles. The first type of program collects information about the file system of the flash drive and builds a hierarchical structure of files and folders. Programs of the second type find file headers and their contents, but do not restore the folder structure and file names. The choice of a program of one type or another depends on the specific situation.

Examples of programs for recovering data from a flash drive in Windows include the following programs.

Recovery Toolbox for Flash is used to recover data in flash media and can work with memory cards and USB drives. It only supports the FAT file system. The program is paid, but using the demo version, you can scan a disk and recover 5 files.

The free PC Inspector File Recovery utility recovers data in FAT and NTFS file systems, but NTFS is much less supported. You can restore files with the original time and date they were created.

Another free program, SuperCopy, is quite simple. It allows you to copy data from damaged media by replacing damaged sectors with a sequence of zeros. Such copying does not take much time.

Recuva recovers files accidentally deleted by the user or as a result of a software failure. It allows you to search for files by name or extension and works with different file types.

Unstoppable Copier copies and moves files from damaged media, trying to copy as much data as possible. It prevents disk damage if copying fails.

Undelete Plus supports all file systems and can also recover data from memory cards. This program is also free.

You may also find programs for recovering data from a hard drive useful: many of them can work with other media, including USB flash drives.

Unfortunately, most programs for data recovery from media are shareware. This means that you can download a free demo version of the program, but its functionality will be significantly reduced (you will not be able to recover more than a certain number of files, or the maximum size of the recovered file will be limited).

To recover data from a flash drive in Linux, you can use the following utilities:
The Sleuth Kit
NtfsUnDelete and The Sleuth Kit are used to recover data on an unformatted flash drive with a saved file system. NtfsUnDelete is used for devices with the NTFS file system, The Sleuth Kit for other file systems. Foremost is suitable for formatted media or in case of partition damage.

When recovering data from a flash drive, be sure to save it to another medium. Of course, you need to be extremely careful when recovering files from storage media yourself, but in particularly urgent cases, it is quite possible to avoid contacting specialists and successfully recover data from a flash drive.

It's no secret that the OS reserves a significant part of your PC's resources for its needs. Today we are talking about Windows services, a significant part of which runs in vain. For example, in Windows Vista there are 122 of them, of which about 25-35 are not needed. Fortunately, the “seven” can only envy this figure. In general, as you already understand, today we will talk about how to dump unnecessary ballast.

Below is a list of services that it is advisable to disable in Windows 7 and I recommend disabling them because in most cases they are not needed and simply chew up system resources, and I will also tell you how to do this. Let's begin.

Services to disable:
Windows CardSpace
Windows Search (loads your HDD)
Offline files
Network Access Protection Agent
Adaptive brightness control
Windows Backup
IP Ancillary Service
Secondary login
Grouping of network participants
Automatic remote access connection manager
Print Manager (if there are no printers)
Remote Access Connection Manager (if no VPN)
Network Member Identity Manager
Performance Logs and Alerts
Windows Defender (if you have an antivirus, feel free to disable it)
Secure storage
Setting up a Remote Desktop Server
Smart Card Removal Policy
Software Shadow Copy Provider (Microsoft)
Homegroup Listener
Windows Event Collector
Network login
Tablet PC input service
Windows Image Upload Service (WIA) (if you don't have a scanner or camera)
Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
Smart card
Volume Shadow Copy
Diagnostic system unit
Diagnostic Service Node
Performance counter library host
Security Center
Windows Update (to prevent the key from leaving Windows)

Here are the services that were tested, and the test showed that the OS can work without them.

For those who value the system restore service, I strongly recommend not disabling:
Volume Shadow Copy
Software Shadow Copy Provider (Microsoft).

Otherwise, recovery and creation of checkpoints will not work.
How to disable services to optimize the system:

Start – Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services.
Start - in the search bar write “Services”
Find the service in the list and double-click on it with the left mouse button. If it is running, click the “Stop” button, and then select “Startup type” – “Disabled”. By the way, you can also read the tips there next to the service management menu. We do this with all the services on the list above.

Minor optimizations like these can save valuable resources. After all, services consume them too, some quite heavily. And don’t say that Windows 7 is already fast – for me, performance is never enough. Try it, go for it! All in your hands.

From the hub:
The new mouse allows you to feel the “weight” and size of files.
The larger the file or folder, the more the mouse resists movement. In addition, the mouse also shakes, depending on how often the file is used.

Read how to use the command line to check the integrity of system files, find an IP address by domain name, create a Windows shutdown shortcut, troubleshoot network connection problems, and much more. There are some functions in Windows that you can only run from the Command Prompt. Several of them do not have a GUI, while others that run this way simply run faster.

It doesn't matter whether you use PowerShell as a command line add-in or not, all the commands we'll cover in this article work the same everywhere. Obviously, we will not be able to cover all teams and talk about each one. Instead, we'll focus on the ones we think will be most useful. Even if you don't like working with the command line.


How to Run Command Prompt in Windows as Administrator

On Windows 10:

  1. Click the button "Start" or select "Search"– start typing the word "cmd" in English or "Command line" in Russian.
  2. The search result will appear at the top, click on "Command line" right-click and click on the item.

On Windows 8 and 8.1:

  1. Go to the Home screen by pressing the button "Windows" on the keyboard or button "Start".
  2. At the top right click on "Search" and start typing the word "cmd" or "Command line". The search result will appear below.
  3. Click on the application "Command line" right click and select "Run as administrator".

On Windows 7:

  1. Click on the button "Start", go to the tab "My programs"– then go to "Standard".
  2. Find the shortcut "Command line" and right-click on it, select the item "Run as Administrator".

Now let's move on to the commands.

ipconfig: Quick work with network connections

You will be able to find your IP address and all your network settings from the Control Panel, but it will require a few clicks. "ipconfig" is a Windows command line utility for managing computer network interfaces. That is, the fastest way to find out information such as: IP addresses, default gateway address, information about network connections that your computer uses, etc.

To use this utility, simply enter "ipconfig" on the command line and press "Enter". As a result, you will see a list of all the network connections that your computer is using. Look below the inscriptions "wireless LAN adapter" if you are connected to Wi-Fi, or "Ethernet Adapter" if you are connected to a wired network. For more information about "ipconfig" type the command "ipconfig /all", the result will be a list of all keys, and, accordingly, the capabilities of the utility.

ipconfig /flushdns: Flush-flush DNS cache

If you changed the DNS server in the network settings, this action will not take effect immediately. Windows uses a cache that stores received DNS responses, which saves time when accessing the same network resources again in the future. To have Windows obtain addresses from new DNS servers, enter the command "ipconfig /flushdns" after changing your DNS server.

When you constantly surf the Internet, your computer automatically caches IP addresses and other necessary data from the domain name service. Flushing the DNS cache helps refresh this data. Stale cached data can, over time, cause connection problems.

ping and tracert: Troubleshooting network connection problems

If you have problems connecting to a local network, the Internet, or any website, then Windows has standard tools that you can use to solve them.

"ping" is a utility for checking the integrity of networks and the quality of connections in them based on the TCP/IP protocol. The utility sends so-called ICMP requests to a specified IP address or host on the network, and monitors the responses received from them. The time between sending such a request and receiving a response to it allows us to determine the delay of packets along the route, as well as the number and frequency of their loss. That is "Ping" allows you to determine how heavily loaded the data transmission channel is.

Enter "ping site"(or any other server on the Internet you want to test) and Windows will send packets to that address. You can enter the server name, or the actual IP address of the resource. The server at that IP address will respond and report that it has received them. You will be able to see if there was any packet loss along the route and how long it took to receive a response.

Also, team "ping" has many keys and information display capabilities, such as: checking connection with the specified IP address before manual termination, decoding host names by IP addresses, number and size of packets, recording route, changing time, etc.

"tracert" is a utility utility designed to track data routes on TCP/IP networks. When entering the command "tracert", the complete delivery route of the package is displayed, with information about each server through which it was routed. For example, if you enter "tracert site", then get information about each node along the path to our server with which the package interacts. If you have problems connecting to a website, the utility "tracert" will determine at what stage the error occurred.

shutdown: Create Windows shutdown shortcuts

Team "shutdown" Allows you to shut down or restart Windows from the command line. Basically, this is more useful for Windows 8, where the standard button "Shutdown" was harder to find. This command can be used to create your own shortcuts: "Shutdown", , "Sleep mode" etc. And place them where it is convenient for you: in the menu "Start", on the desktop, on the taskbar..!

In Windows 8 and 10, you can use a dedicated computer restart button for specific OS boot options. .

To use the command on the command line, simply enter one of the following values ​​(all command parameters are entered using a backslash):

  • "shutdown /s /t 45" - analogue "Shutdown" with a delay of 45 seconds.
  • "shutdown /r /t 0" - analogue.
  • "shutdown/l" - analogue “Logout/Change user”.
  • "shutdown /r/o" – reboots the computer into Recovery environment.

sfc /scannow: Check the integrity of Windows system files

"sfc" is a standard utility for checking the integrity of Windows system files. It allows the user to find and restore missing system files. If, for some reason, the files are missing or damaged, the utility will scan them all and replace the erroneous versions of the files with the original versions. System File Checker also checks the cache directory and updates its contents if necessary.

To scan, you must run the command line as an administrator, enter the command "sfc /scannow" and let the program do its job. .

telnet: Connect to Telnet servers

Protocol client "telnet" It is not installed by default in Windows OS. But this is one of its additional features that you can install through the control panel. After installation you will be able to use the command "telnet" to connect to servers without installing additional software, directly from the command line.

Just go "Start""Control Panel""Programs and Features"– next click "Turn Windows features on or off"- find and check the box "Telnet Client".

cipher: permanently deleting and overwriting a directory

Team "cipher" provides efficient encryption and decryption functions for files and directories in Windows OS. It also has an option that will overwrite free disk space with garbage data. This will not allow you to recover deleted files and folders using specialized software. In Windows, files deleted normally remain on the disk unless you use a Trim-enabled SSD. Team "cipher" allows you to effectively "erase" all free disk space without installing additional software.

For example: To clear disk space on drive F:, enter the command "cipher /w:F:\". Note that there is no space between the command switch (/w:) and the drive letter (F:\).

netstat -an: List network connections and ports

"netstat" is a standard Windows command line utility that displays the status of incoming and outgoing TCP connections. The main purpose of the utility is to search for problems in the network and determine its performance. The command has many keys and options, but the most interesting is "netstat –an". This line will display a list of all open network connections, along with the ports they are using and the external IP address they are connected to.

nslookup: Find IP address by domain name

When you enter the name of a website into the address bar of your browser, your computer finds the IP address associated with that domain name and displays the result. You can use the command "nslookup" to independently find out the IP addresses and names of the servers on which the domain is located.

For example, on the command line, enter "nslookup –type=any site"(the -type=any parameter means displaying all available data). And all the information about our server will be revealed to you. You can also perform a reverse search, that is, find out the name of the server by IP address.

This is not a complete list of all commands that may be useful to you. We have provided an introduction to ten useful command line utilities in Windows and hope that you will find them easy to use in the future.

Little-known Windows 9xx commands for
run from the command line:

"rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL" - Outputs
"Control Panel"

"rundll32 shell32,OpenAs_RunDLL" - Outputs
window - "Open with.."

"rundll32 shell32,ShellAboutA Info-Box" -
Show "About Windows" window

"rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl" -
Open "Display Properties"

"rundll32 user,cascadechildwindows" -
Sorting windows "Cascade" (Similar to Win 3.x)

"rundll32 user,tilechildwindows" - Offset
Windows down

"rundll32 user,repaintscreen" - Update

"rundll32 shell,shellexecute Explorer" -
Launch Windows Explorer.

"rundll32 keyboard,disable" - Disable
Keyboard! (This is what I understand in a sneaky way!)

"rundll32 mouse,disable" - Disable the Mouse!
(The Chief Will Have a Seizure:)))

"rundll32 user,swapmousebutton" - Change
Mouse keys swapped! (Holy shit! and that Uncle Billy
did not forget!)

"rundll32 user,setcursorpos" - Offset
rat cursor in the upper left corner

"rundll32 user,wnetconnectdialog" - Call
"Map network drive" window

"rundll32 user,wnetdisconnectdialog" - Call
"Disconnecting a network drive" window

"rundll32 user,disableoemlayer" -
Cause a crash!!! (I know, I didn’t believe it myself right away,
but that's FUCKT...)

"rundll32 diskcopy,DiskCopyRunDll" - Show
"Copy Disk" window

"rundll32 rnaui.dll,RnaWizard" - Window output
"Establishing Communication", with the key "/1" - without

"rundll32 shell32,SHFormatDrive" - ​​Window
"Format: Disk 3.5 (A)" call

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx -1" -
Restart Explorer

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 1" -
Turning off the Computer.

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 0" -
End Current User

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 2" Windows-98-PC boot

"rundll32 krnl386.exe,exitkernel" - exit
Windows without any messages/questions

"rundll rnaui.dll,RnaDial "MyConnect" -
Call up the “Connection setup” window with
connection "MyConnect"

"rundll32 msprint2.dll,RUNDLL_PrintTestPage" -
select the printer in the menu that appears and send, and
him test

"rundll32 user,setcaretblinktime" - install
new cursor blinking frequency

"rundll32 user, setdoubleclicktime" -
set new double tap speed

"rundll32 sysdm.cpl,InstallDevice_Rundll" -
install non-Plug&Play equipment

Netscape Navigator:

1. Type in the "Location" field - about:logo,
and then change "logo" to: "rsalogo" "javalo"
"cach" "memory-cache" "image-cache" "plugins"
"fonts" "francais" "license" "document"
"global" "pics" "FeCoNtEx=123" "blank"
"hype" "1994" "jwz" "chouck" "marca"
"mozilla" "authors" "security" "internal-news-"
"internal-security-" "internal-panel-handler".

2.Type in the address input line:
about:ari. Try this as an argument to about:
use alternately - atotic, blythe, dp, ebina, jg, karlton,
terry, robm, gtlogo, kipp, mtoy.

3. Simultaneously Ctrl, Alt and t. - Statistics

4. Press Ctrl, Alt and f at the same time. -

5. Press Ctrl, Alt and s at the same time. -
Will update


Select Help, then About. Select More
Credits. Press Ctrl.


Select Help, then About. Press Ctrl and h.
Double click on the HomeSite/Allaire logo.

Nuke Nabber:

Select Help, then About. Press Ctrl and N.
Click on the DSI button.


1.Select Help, then About. Enter arnie.

2.Select Help, then About. Enter arm.

3.Select Help, then About. Click
right mouse button.

Internet Explorer:

Launch IE4x, Select help>about.
While holding down the ctrl+alt keys, grab
IE logo (top left corner) and swipe it
towards the image of the Globe, then
lower it lower and move the inscription to the right
Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Under the Caption there should be a button with
with the inscription "Activate" or something like
Moreover, press it... The Globe Must Twitch.

Now press ctrl+alt again and grab
IE logo and point it at the globe...

The ball will explode! (Very Symbolic...)

FREECELL (Wibdows card game):

If you are sure of your defeat,
feel free to press Shift, Ctrl and F10 in the menu that appears
click on "STOP" and win on the next one


You'll have to work a little harder here
start REGEDIT.EXE. Find Hkey_Current_User\Software\
and right click on
right field. Select "String Parameter" and
enter ZB. Click on the new line and enter
value 42. Close registration. Now, after
to start the game you just have to press: Ctrl, Alt, Shift and
F12, and you will see the Cards of Your Opponents..

Often inexperienced users perceive it as something completely unnecessary and outdated. Thinking like this is a big mistake. The importance of the CMD console is difficult to overestimate even after it has lost most of its commands available in MSDOS. The advantage of the command line lies, first of all, in providing direct access to its hidden capabilities; in addition, the CMD console has several useful built-in utilities designed for working with software and hardware components of the computer.

Being a command line ace is not at all necessary, however, there are commands that every self-respecting Windows user should know. Here they are.


Most user files in operating systems are associated with certain programs that process them by default. This connection is called an association. To view it, there is just the assoc command. When executed, a list of extension and file type associations is displayed. The assoc command also allows .

For example, the command assoc .html = txtfile for HTML sets the file type to txtfile (text). If you need to find out which program opens files with this extension, use the ftype txtfile command.


This command is intended to encrypt and decrypt data on drives with the NTFS file system, but it can just as well be used to clear free disk space. It's very easy to use. If you need to be sure to delete the remains of all previously deleted files on drive D, run the command cipher /w:D in the console.


A useful command that allows you to view a list of all drivers installed in the operating system. When a command is executed without parameters, the data is output as a sorted list. The “Module” column contains the names of drivers without extension, the “Name” column includes a brief description of the driver, “Driver Type” - accordingly the type, “Reference Date” indicates the date of installation or last modification of the driver.

FC (File Compare)

The FC command is useful mainly for coders; it can also be used by those users who have to work with text files. This command allows you to compare the contents of two files, looking for inconsistencies between them. Let's say you have two files file1.docx and file2.docx and you want to compare them. Run the following command in the console:

fc /U “D:file1.docx” “D:file2.docx”

In this example, we compared two simple text documents. The command line interpreter found a discrepancy in one of the sentences and pointed to the specific location. The FC command also allows you to compare binary files, Unicode files, determine the number of inconsistencies, etc. If the compared files are identical, a corresponding message will be displayed when the FC command is executed.


A useful command that allows you to determine the current TCP/IP protocol settings or simply the IP address. However, it only shows the internal IP address; if you use a router and want to find out the IP with which you access the global Network, it is better to turn to special online services like


This command lists all current Internet connections. It is mainly used by administrators to display TCP and UDP connections, listening ports, routing tables and statistics for various protocols. It can also be used to search for traces left by viruses and other malicious objects. Running without parameters, the Netstat command displays the connection type, local address, foreign address, and current status.


Like Netstat, the ping command is used primarily by system administrators. It is used to diagnose computer networks. With its help, you can determine the availability of certain resources. Let's say you need to check the availability of Google. Since Google's DNS server has the address, you need to run the ping command in the CMD console.

The digital IP address can also be replaced with a text URL - ping If the node is unavailable, the message “waiting limit exceeded” will be displayed, and the number of losses will be 100 percent.


Another “network” command designed for network diagnostics (tracing). The command allows you to obtain a chain of nodes through which an IP packet addressed to the end node passes. Used by system administrators to identify a problem that is preventing packets from being delivered to the end node. An example of using the command is tracing to a Google node: tracert


This command works in much the same way as tracert, but unlike the latter it is more functional. The command performs a trace plus sending queries to intermediate nodes on the route to collect information about delays and packet losses at each of them.


A powerful command line utility designed to manage Windows power settings. Executed only with parameters. The Powercfg command executed with the /Q switch displays the current configuration of the power supply circuit, with the /a switch it displays a report on the use of electricity in laptops, with the –energy switch it generates a detailed text log about the state of computer components, including batteries. The Powercfg command can also be used to create backup copies of power settings and deploy them to new equipment.


This command is used to log off the user's session, shut down, restart, and hibernate the computer. Supports remote control. Shudown is always performed with parameters. For example, a command like shutdown /s /t 0 will shut down open applications and immediately shut down the computer. You can view the list of available keys by running shutdown /? in the console.

Sfc (System File Checker)

One of the most useful and necessary commands. Designed to detect and restore damaged or modified Windows system files. Restoration is performed from backup copies created by the operating system itself. To run a system scan followed by file recovery, run the sfc command with the /scannow parameter. Once the scan is complete, you will need to restart your computer. You need to run this command in a console running as an administrator.


The Tasklist command does the same job as the Task Manager. Executed without parameters, it displays a list of all running processes running on a local or remote computer. At the same time, for each process its name, identifier (PID), session name, session number and allocated amount of RAM are displayed. The Tasklist command supports the use of keys and filters. For example, Tasklist /SVC displays a list of processes along with services for each process individually.


If Tasklist simply displays a list of running processes, then Taskkill terminates them in force mode. True, for this you will need to know the identifier of the process being terminated or the name of the executable file. Let's say you need to force close Notepad. First, run the Tasklist command and look at the PID of the notepad.exe process. In our case, it has a value of 2580. Knowing the PID of the process, you can easily “kill” it. The command itself will look like this: Taskkill /PID 2580. The command Taskkill /IM notepad.exe will work in approximately the same way, only in this example all instances of the notepad.exe process will be terminated.

Bottom line

That's all for now. There are other useful CMD commands that users would like to become familiar with, but we will talk about them next time. These include, in particular, Diskpart - a powerful disk and partition management tool that is not inferior in capabilities to commercial software products such as Acronis Disk Director.

Does it make sense to learn the command line professionally? Unlikely, unless you are planning to become a programmer or system administrator.

However, those wishing to master the CMD console would also do well to pay attention to its advanced analogue - the built-in PowerShell utility.