Warning: Unsafe password entry in firefox. How to disable the "This connection is not secure" warning in Firefox. Single reliable basis

Warning “This connection is not secure. “Logins entered here may be compromised,” the Firefox browser has recently started showing on all sites whose authorization pages are not protected by the https protocol.

The idea is simple: the user receives a visual reminder that on a site without https, the data that he is about to enter into the form provided, and which he sends to strangers by pressing the Enter button (“ Login«, « To come in«, « Register"etc.) NOT PROTECTED .

Surely, such a warning in some cases will really protect an inexperienced user from some rash actions. A person who has long been accustomed to behaving competently on the Internet may not like the new reminder.

Actually, anyone who knows what https is, and why it is needed, when it is needed, will always just look at the page address and/or the lock icon in the address bar of the browser and see the same thing that he is warned about . If the icon is red, it means that all data sent to the site is not encrypted and, therefore, can be read.

"This connection is not secure"

In addition, the new feature also has a couple of not very interesting features. Firstly, it now disables the standard form autofill feature on unsecured sites.

Simply put, the Firefox password manager no longer works on such a site and you will need to log in manually. On new sites, i.e. When registering for the first time, such a measure, of course, will not be superfluous. But on familiar sites, where you go for a long time and every day, you log in manually every time - this is at least inconvenient.

The second problem is not so critical, but still annoying. The fact is that if in the authorization form the standard fields “username” and “password” are located vertically, then the warning text in the top field simply covers the entire lower field.

In theory, you can correct the situation with the Enter button, but this solution is not always suitable for the simple reason that the data already entered immediately tends to go to the address. Therefore, you have to click somewhere on the side for the sign to be removed. Which also gets boring very quickly.

How to disable the "This connection is not secure" notification in Firefox

This is done as follows:

  • copy (or write) into the address bar about:config and press Enter;
  • then copy in the search bar security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled and also press Enter;
  • double click — according to the one that appears in the column “ Setting name» line.

After that, in the column “ Meaning" instead of true (by default and means that the function is active) a new value will appear false , which will indicate that the function is disabled and the mentioned warning will no longer be displayed.

However, in order to so that on sites without https, autofilling forms will work again , as before, you need to make one more change to the Firefox settings. For this:

  • open the page again about:config ;
  • We also find through the search bar signon.autofillForms.http ;
  • and exactly the same double click line by line we change the value from the default true to the new one false , that is, we unlock the function of auto-filling forms on pages with http.

Enable both of these functions in the same way: double click and replace false on true.

Firefox will display a lock icon with red strike-through in the address bar, when a login page you’re viewing does not have a secure connection. If you enter a password on such pages, eavesdroppers or attackers could steal it.

You will also see a warning message when you click inside the login box to enter a username or password.

Note: When you start entering your login information, the warning message can obscure the password entry box. To dismiss the warning, either press the Tab key or click on the page background after you type in your username.

What can I do if a login page is insecure?

If the login page is insecure, check if a secure version exists by adding https:// in front of the website address. You can also contact the website administrator and ask them to secure the connection.

The image "https_secure_lock_gree n_icon" does not exist.

About insecure pages

Pages that need to transmit private information, such as credit cards, personal information and passwords, need to have a secure connection to help prevent attackers from stealing your information. ( Tip: A secure connection will have.)

Pages that don’t transmit any private information can have an unencrypted connection (HTTP). But, it is advised not to enter private information, such as passwords. The information you enter can be stolen over this insecure connection.

Note for developers

For developers looking to learn more about this warning, please see this page. The page explains when and why Firefox shows this warning, and will also provide some details on how to fix the issue. For more information, see

Nowadays it is quite difficult to find a person who does not use the Internet.

Many users spend quite a lot of time in its open spaces. Therefore, it is in demand more than ever.

But what to do if all plans are disrupted by a suddenly appearing warning? your connection is not secure.

In this article, we will look at why this error occurs in different browsers and what you should do if it occurs.


First of all, let's look at the occurrence of this problem when using.

The meaning of such a message

Often this message occurs when visiting secure sites. Such sites, when interacting with the FireFox browser, use a special encryption method - #encryption. This is done in order to prevent attackers from viewing the transmitted information.

To understand that you are visiting exactly such a site, pay attention to the line displaying the address of the page you are visiting. In the status line ( #status_Bar) secure site will display a closed padlock icon. It will also appear in the address bar ( #location_bar).

In addition, the browser will also display the site's domain name in the status bar, highlighted in yellow. This is necessary to ensure that the user cannot be misled for the purpose.

Such sites can contain not only protected information, but also unprotected information, to which everyone has free access.

If the site's information is unprotected, FireFox will display a padlock icon with a slash through it in the status bar. There will also be no domain name in the address bar and status bar. If you pay attention to such information, you will immediately be able to understand that the site you are visiting is partially protected.

To solve this problem, you will need to reinstall the antivirus or disable the interception of secure connections in its settings.

For example, if you use system protection, open “Settings” and go to the tab "Active protection".

There you will need to click on the “Configure” button located next to the web shield.

In the window that opens, uncheck the selection box from the line "Enable HTTPS scanning". Finally, you need to confirm the changes made in the settings by clicking on the “Ok” button.

If you are using a product such as - you will need to do the following:

  • open a window with antivirus settings;
  • in the lower left part of this window, click on the “Settings” button;
  • use the point "Additionally" to go to the “Network” tab;
  • deselect menu bar "Scan encrypted connections";
  • check the box next to the parameter "Do not scan encrypted connections";
  • Confirm the changes by clicking the “Ok” button.

It is not difficult to find the necessary information for other antivirus products on the Internet.

Your browser may display a lack of trust in the certificate not only on little-known sites, but also on such giants as Google. Most often, owners may encounter this. This is due to the fact that Microsoft Family Settings, located in user accounts, are activated.

The next step is to remove all existing family members using the function "Remove from family" on the advanced options tab.

In conclusion, you should leave the family yourself, using the parameter of the same name.

Fourth mistake

It consists in the lack of trust in the certificate, since the latter is self-signed.

These types of certificates are designed to protect against eavesdropping, but do not provide any information about the recipient.

Most often, non-public sites use this, so you can easily bypass this warning.

Fifth mistake

The problem is that the certificate provided to you belongs to a completely different Internet resource.

This problem occurs quite often and primarily due to the fact that the issued certificate is valid for one part of the site being visited.

For example, you visited https://example.com and received a warning about a similar error, and a certificate was issued for https:/www example.com. If you go to the latter, no warnings will appear.

Certificate store

Such messages may also occur due to file corruption. cert9.db, which stores all your certificates.

In this case, without opening FireFox, delete the above file so that it can be restored the next time you start it.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • open the menu and select “Help”;
  • go to the tab "Information for problem solving";
  • open the profile folder located in the section "Application Details";
  • open the menu again and select “Exit”;
  • select the file db and remove it;
  • restart your browser.

When can warnings be ignored?

This option is suitable if you are confident in the reliability of the resource.

However, even in this case, you are not immune from eavesdropping and the interception of confidential data by third parties.

If you still decide to ignore the warning that appears, follow a few simple steps.

On a page with a similar warning, use the button "Additionally".

If your browser connects to a site with weak encryption, download it using an outdated security system. You will be given the opportunity to download this. In the case of a resource whose certificate is unverified, add it to the exceptions.

Possibility of error reporting

There are quite a large number of sites on the Internet that make it possible to report an error to your center.

To do this, check the box on the issue page at the bottom, opposite the line “Report errors like this to help Mozilla and block malicious sites.”

A warning about an unsecured connection appears in the browserChrome

Problems with certificates of certain sites opened by the Chrome browser are identical to those with FireFox and can be solved using similar methods.

The reasons for their occurrence also include:

In the first case, to resolve the error, you will need to adjust the system date and time so that they match those installed on the server. To do this, open the time and date settings tab and adjust them.

Warnings due to an unverified or outdated certificate most often occur when you try to log into your personal account on a particular resource.

To get around this, click on the tab in the error display window "Additionally", and then use the button "Go to site".

Blocking extensions are largely related to the antivirus program installed on the computer.

In order to correct this situation, you will need to open the Chrome browser and go to the installed extensions tab.

From the list of available ones, select your modules and uncheck them.

After that, re-open your browser and try to access the site.

A similar error may also occur due to a malfunction in Chrome. A simple reinstallation of the browser can correct the situation.

To remove the faulty version, open the window "Programs and Features", select the name of the installed browser and click the “Delete” button.

After the application is removed, reboot your computer and install Google Chrome again.

In most cases, the warning about an unsecured connection stops bothering you.


This article has come to an end, in which we examined options for the appearance of a warning about the presence of an unsecured connection.

We hope that the available information will be useful to you and will help you solve this error.

Your connection is not secure, how to fix it: