After the game the nvidia panel does not turn on. nVidia control panel is missing

For several years now, video card manufacturers have been supplying their devices with special programs that allow them to optimize their operation as much as possible. For example, for nVidia video cards this is GeForce Experience, and if you have this application installed, then you should definitely explore its capabilities. You will be able to configure the operation of your video card with maximum flexibility, as well as optimize the computer games you play using special functions. However, all this will not be available to you if GeForce Experience does not start - unfortunately, many users face this problem. Therefore, it is worth looking at how this issue can be resolved without using the help of technical support.

The essence of the problem

If we talk about GeForce Experience not starting, there may be several options. For some users, the program does not want to turn on at all, while for others it crashes upon startup. Someone can use it up to a certain point or action, after which the error still appears. In general, quite a lot of different cases have been recorded that lead to unpleasant consequences - even turning off the video card. Accordingly, you need to be able to cope with emerging problems in emergency conditions. You should not improvise, it is better to read the instructions and act in accordance with the recommendations - then you will have a chance to cope with the problem without outside help. So, if GeForce Experience won't launch, what should you do first?

Antivirus check

Naturally, you can run an antivirus to check your computer for malware that is blocking it from starting. However, in most cases this does not work. And in this situation, we are talking about an antivirus not because of virus checking, but because it may be the reason why GeForce Experience does not start for you. The fact is that many antiviruses indiscriminately add various applications to the list of potentially dangerous ones, thereby blocking their launch on the computer. To check if your video card program is on this list, you will need to go to the settings of your antivirus. If it gets there, you will need to manually remove it from there, and then add it to the list of exceptions so that the antivirus will no longer perform similar actions in relation to this software. But this may not always be the problem, so you need to know what to do when Nvidia GeForce Experience does not start for some other reason.

Problems with new drivers

From time to time you may have problems downloading new drivers for your video card. And then you may definitely have questions about why GeForce Experience does not start, because every person who downloaded the update wants to see improved operation of the device, and not what is happening in this case. But anything can happen: your software center may stop starting, it may turn off altogether, and sometimes even your video card turns off. Then you need to manually kill this process, kill all its “tails,” and then again manually launch it through Windows services. The whole point here is that sometimes the drivers come out not very smooth, and before the developers notice it, many people are already downloading them, installing them and getting a headache. Therefore, use fixes that knowledgeable people make and post on public resources so that people can wait for the official patch from the developers. Therefore, if GeForce Experience takes a long time to start after installation, you better immediately think about the fact that the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

Drivers tab

GeForce Experience has quite a few tabs, each containing useful information, as well as rich customization options. However, in some cases (especially after installing less-than-smooth drivers), one of them can cause you a lot of problems. The fact is that without an official patch, the "Drivers" tab becomes a restricted area. Even if you completely fix your graphics card-related software and it starts again, you only need to go to the driver update tab once and GeForce Experience will stop working again. Therefore, avoid it, and if possible, write in the config so that the program automatically opens on any other tab, for example with games.

English language

Another way to solve the problem, which works for many, but absolutely no one understands why it works, is changing the language. If you change the language to English (for the US region) in the GeForce Experience program itself, the problem may disappear by itself. As already said, this solution has no logical explanation, but it works in many cases, so you should just take the opportunity to fix everything without unnecessary problems. So don't think about why everything works - it's better to take the chance when it presents itself.

Everyone's favorite brand of video cards, nvidia, is full of errors and bugs. Every day, more and more questions appear on the Internet from users with various kinds of problems related specifically to these video cards or their software. We will look at one of these problems today!

The nvidia control panel application has stopped working. This problem is the most famous among Nvidia owners. Not everyone, even an experienced computer user, can solve it. Since no one knows exactly why the error occurs that leads to the program closing. But guesswork and constant experimentation were crowned with little success. Thanks to which, a small part of computer owners with this video card can breathe a sigh of relief, since the nvidia control panel no longer gives an error.


I will not assure you one hundred percent that these steps will help get rid of this problem. Since not everyone can do everything exactly as it is written - this is firstly, and secondly, I repeat, no one knows why this type of error occurs. But the manufacturer does not provide information on solving problems with Nvidia software.

And so, the first and most important step is “cleaning the operating system of programs and drivers that caused the error.” To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open PC properties by right-clicking on the “my computer” icon;
  2. Enter “device manager”;
  3. Find and click on “video adapters”;
  4. Select a video adapter that uses nvidia software; This adapter has the appropriate name, so there should be no mistake in choosing it.
  5. Go to the driver tab;
  6. Click on the delete button;
  7. In the window that opens, check the box next to “remove additional programs, etc.”;
  8. Remove remaining software via “Add/Remove Programs”;
  9. Restart your computer.

As soon as the computer is restarted, you can begin installing new drivers and the Nvidia panel. Be careful if your device is not equipped with additional capabilities, namely a 3D monitor, as well as an HD audio output, do not select these components during installation. Installation of drivers and software must be selective and clean!

Additional Tips

If suddenly reinstalling the drivers and software for the video card does not help, and the problem continues to progress, you need to check the services. At times, due to unstable operation of the operating system, some services are disabled. Therefore, carefully check each service, and turn on everything related to the video card.

The video cards themselves ensure proper operation are also a very important factor. Make sure you are using manufacturer software that is compatible with your operating system. In addition, we advise you to go to the manufacturer’s website and download and install the latest version of drivers.

And the last step, which will probably return your video card to a stable working state, and its control panel will prevent crashes, is “disabling automatic driver updates.” How to do this, see below:

After completing the above steps, the nvidia control panel application crash should stop. At least, these were all the available methods for solving this system glitch.

The display being used is not connected to the NVIDIA GPU - users often receive an error with this text when trying to open the settings window for the parameters of a discrete video card.

As a result, the computer cannot use the component while playing games or running other programs.

Let's take a closer look best ways resolve this error on your PC.

Often the above problem occurs with discrete cards. is a hardware component that, unlike an integrated card, is implemented as a separate circuit.

The purchase and installation of such an element is usually done by the users themselves to speed up the PC when running games or.

Enabling the video card in Device Manager

If you are using , the reason for the error message may be based on the graphics card component being disabled in Device Manager.

After updating, reinstalling the OS, optimizing the computer, the system can automatically install the initial settings of the components.

To check the operating status of the GPU and start it, follow the instructions:

  • Open the search menu on the Windows desktop;
  • In the text line, enter “Device Manager”;

Rice. 1 – search for the “Device Manager” utility

  • Open the result you found.

Rice. 2 – Window of all available devices and OS components

Open the video adapters tab, there should be several components in the list. NVIDIA and right-click on it.

In the context menu that appears, you can check the status of its operation. If the adapter is disabled, the Enable box will appear in the menu. Do this and wait a few seconds.

Even if the system shows that it is working, we advise you to reconnect the device. Click on “Disconnect” and then again on “Connect”. In this way, normal operation can be restored.

If this does not help you, move on to the next method.

Updating video card drivers

There are two ways to update the GPU configuration - or install drivers manually.

First, try the first option. It does not require special skills or understanding of PC characteristics. Go to Device Manager again and click on the video adapters tab menu.

In the list, select “Update hardware configuration”. The computer will automatically find and download the required software.

After completing the action, you must restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Rice. 4 – automatic update of GPU drivers

Remember! This method of installing drivers is suitable if the computer has an Internet connection. You should also use only a genuine copy of Windows OS (otherwise, drivers may be downloaded from unreliable and dangerous sources).

The second way to update drivers is to search for the necessary files yourself. This can only be done on the official website of the manufacturer - NVIDIA Corporation.

The figure below shows the driver software download page. Users must independently select the type, series and family of the product, as well as the version of the operating system used.

Then you should confirm the search so that the system automatically generates a suitable archive for downloading.

Rice. 5 – selection of video card parameters on the NVIDIA website

Wait for the search results and download the archive by pressing the " Download now»:

Rice. 6 – downloading the archive with drivers

How to find out the video card parameters? To do this, use the instructions that were included with your purchase.

If it is not there, you can look at the characteristics in the operating system itself:

1. Open the system information window;

Rice. 7 – search for the “System Information” utility

2. Wait for the parameters to load. This may take 1 to 3 minutes;

3. In the left part of the window, open the “ ” tab. After a while, a detailed description of the characteristics of all devices that are responsible for displaying data on this computer will appear on the right. You will need fields with the name and version of the GPU.

Rice. 8 – viewing the parameters of a discrete video card in PC settings

And also on the NVIDIA Corporation website you can start the procedure for automatically selecting driver software for your computer.

Click on the "Graphics Drivers" button, as shown in the figure:

Rice. 9 – launch automatic system scan

As a result, the site will display a message indicating which driver you need. When you click on its icon, the file will automatically download to your computer.

Rice. 10 – automatic detection of missing drivers

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card installed on your computer, and all the graphics subsystem drivers necessary for the video card to work are installed, you probably noticed that in the context menu on the desktop (the menu appears when you right-click), there is an entry for NVIDIA Control Panel. In some cases, this entry may not appear in the desktop context menu in the NVIDIA Control Panel. NVIDIA Control Panel allows you to configure and manage 3D settings, set PhysX configuration, change resolution, adjust desktop color settings, screen rotation, adjust digital audio, adjust desktop size and position, install multiple displays, adjust video color settings and configure video image parameters.

While experienced users will find the entry very useful as it allows them to quickly access the Control Panel and change various settings, a large percentage of Windows users don't touch these graphics settings at all. Additionally, NVIDIA Control Panel can also be opened from the Start screen or by searching for Windows Control Panel in the Start menu. So if you won't be using it very often, it's a good idea to remove the entry from the desktop context menu. And if it's not there, you can easily add it to your desktop by right-clicking the menu with a few clicks.

And here the best thing is that there is no need to install third party programs or manually edit the Windows Registry to add/remove NVIDIA entry. The entry in the NVIDIA Control Panel appears on its own, with the ability to add/remove an entry in the context menu on the desktop. Simply follow the instructions below to safely add/remove entries in NVIDIA Control Panel.

Note: The procedure may vary depending on the video card and driver version, but in any case, it should be similar to this instruction.


Step 1: Open the Windows Control Panel and change the view to small icons.

Step 2: Find the entry named NVIDIA Control Panel and double-click on it to open it.

Step 3: Once you see the NVIDIA Control Panel window, click on the desktop to bring up the context menu, and then click the Add to Context Menu button to add an entry to the context menu on the desktop.


Step 1: Right-click on the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel to open the panel.

Step 2: Once you see the NVIDIA Control Panel window, click on the desktop to bring up the context menu, and then from the context menu, click the Delete button to remove the entry from the context menu on the desktop. You can always open the control panel again to add an entry.

Nvidia Control Panel– proprietary software that allows you to configure the parameters of the video card and monitor. This program, like any other, may not work correctly, “fail,” or even refuse to start.

In this article we’ll talk about why it won’t open. Nvidia Control Panel, about the causes and solutions to this problem.

Let's look at the main reasons for startup failures Nvidia Control Panels, there are several of them:

  1. Random operating system crash.
  2. Problems with the operation of system services installed with the driver ( And "Nvidia Display Container LS").
  3. Installed version is incompatible Nvidia panels with utility program NET Framework.
  4. The video driver does not match the video card.
  5. Some third-party monitor control software may conflict with Nvidia software.
  6. Virus infection.
  7. Hardware reasons.

OS crash

Such problems occur quite often, especially among those users who experiment a lot with installing and uninstalling various programs. After uninstalling applications, “tails” may remain in the system in the form of library or driver files or registry keys.

These problems can be resolved by simply rebooting the working machine. If the problem occurs immediately after installing the driver, then the computer must be restarted, since some changes made to the system can only be applied after this action.

System Services

When installing software for a video card, services are installed in the list of system services "Nvidia Display Driver Service" And "Nvidia Display ContainerLS"(both at once or only the first), which in turn can fail for a number of reasons.

If the suspicion falls on the incorrect operation of services, then it is necessary to restart each service. This is done like this:

After completing the actions, you can try to open Nvidia Control Panel, and then restart the computer and check the functionality of the software again. If the problem is not solved, then move on to other options.

NET Framework

NET Framework– a software platform necessary for the operation of some software. Nvidia products are no exception. Perhaps a new software package installed on your computer requires a more recent version of the platform .NET. In any case, you should always have the latest version.

The update occurs as follows:

  1. Go to the package download page on the Microsoft website and download the latest version. Today it is NET Framework 4.
  2. After launching the downloaded installer, you must run it and wait for the installation to complete, which occurs in the same way as installing any other program. After the process is completed, reboot the computer.

Invalid video driver

When choosing a driver for your new (or not so new) video card on the official Nvidia website, be more careful. It is necessary to correctly determine the series and family (model) of the device.

Driver search:

If you are not sure of your choice, then you can install the software automatically, via "Device Manager", but first you need to completely remove the old video card driver. This is done using special software Display Driver Uninstaller. How to work with the program is described in.

Monitor control programs

If you use programs from third-party developers to adjust monitor parameters (brightness, gamma, etc.), such as MagicTune or Display Tuner, then they can cause conflicts in the system. To exclude this option, you need to remove the software you are using, reboot and check its functionality. Nvidia panels.


The most “unpleasant” cause of failures and malfunctions in programs is viruses. The pest can either damage the driver files and the software supplied with it, or replace them with its own infected ones. The actions of viruses are very diverse, but the result is the same: incorrect operation of the software.

If you suspect the presence of malicious code, you need to scan the system with the antivirus you use, or use utilities from, or similar ones.

If you doubt the correct operation of programs or do not have experience in treating the system, then it is better to turn to specialized resources, for example, or, where they will help you get rid of viruses completely free of charge.

Hardware problems

In some cases, proprietary software may not start due to the fact that the device is simply not connected to the motherboard or is connected but incorrectly. Open the computer case and check the tightness of the cable connections and the secure fit of the video card in the slot PCI-E.

We have analyzed several reasons for the malfunction Nvidia Control Panels, which for the most part are frivolous and can be solved quite simply. It is important to remember that most problems are caused by simple carelessness or inexperience of the user. That is why, before taking active steps to remove and install software, check the equipment and try to reboot the machine.