Why does the browser take so long to open? Slow loading pages in the browser: eliminating the causes

The performance of a web browser is influenced by a fairly large number of factors. The speed of displaying pages and the quality of video playback directly depend on the correct operation of many plugins, on the correctness of storing data in cache memory, on the channel width and current connection speed, on the free computing power of the personal computer, on the degree of fragmentation of information on the hard drive, and so on. This article discusses in detail why the installed Yandex browser usually slows down, as well as what to do to fix the problems that arise.

If a website suddenly begins to work slowly and slow down, it is likely that the problem is not in your Yandex browser, but on the resource itself. Perhaps the servers are currently undergoing maintenance, or there is some kind of fault on the line. You can open several other sites to diagnose the problem.

For example, if the playback of video clips is slow on YouTube, but works absolutely fine on other hosting sites, there are no problems with your browser. You just need to wait a while until the staff of the resource you need fixes the troubles that have arisen.

Slow Internet connection speed

One of the most common reasons why video in the browser from the Yandex developer may slow down is a lack of network speed. Perhaps your provider is currently changing equipment, as a result of which the quality of the Internet is temporarily reduced. Also, similar problems can occur when many users in the same area log on to the network at the same time.

If you still want to watch the video before the problems are fixed, you can lower its resolution and quality, which will significantly reduce traffic and reduce the load on the channel. Users can do this using the settings button, which is located under the progress bar of the video clip. It is recommended not to set the video quality to HD or FullHD if your current network speed is low.

In order to be sure of the quality of the connection, users can use special services called speed-tests. Speed ​​tests allow you to measure the speed of receiving and sending information, and also show ping - the time during which your browser receives a response from the server.

The most popular is a service called SpeedTest by Ookla. All tools on the site are completely free and available to all users without restrictions. Before starting testing, it is strongly recommended to turn off all torrent trackers, close applications that require going online (for example, MMO games), and stop playing music and video content in the browser.

After this, go to the web page http://www.speedtest.net/ru/ and click on the “Start” button in the center of the screen. At the end of the testing process, the system will display your connection parameters. If the speed obtained is very different from the one specified in your contract with the provider, you need to call the technical support operator and report the difficulties that have arisen.

Torrent trackers

If you have downloading software installed on your personal computer, such as UTorrent or BitTorrent, it is recommended that you carefully check its settings. The fact is that by default the speed of such programs is not limited, so they occupy the entire Internet channel, interfering with the normal operation of other applications, such as the Yandex browser.

To eliminate such problems, users can either limit the maximum download speed, or prevent the program from automatically starting when Windows starts and turn it on when it does not interfere. To do this, you need to open the program and go to the settings menu using the corresponding tab in the top menu.

In the “General” column, uncheck the box next to “run uTorrent with Windows” if you want to enable the application yourself. In the “Speed” column, find the “Download” parameter and set the speed threshold, for example, 500-600 kilobits per second.

Lack of system resources

Another common reason why installed applications, including the Yandex browser, may slow down is the load on the computer. Each active process takes up a certain amount of RAM and CPU resources. If you are running too many different programs at the same time, playing videos and opening a large number of tabs, your PC may not have enough power to process all the necessary information.

You can check how busy your computer is using a basic utility called task manager. To do this you need to do the following:

If your computer begins to slow down even under light loads, it is recommended to clean its components from dust, change the thermal paste on the processor, or replace the oldest and “weakest” parts.

Disk Defragmenter

Often the Yandex browser may begin to slow down as a result of a high rate of data fragmentation on your system hard drive. If you often download new files, delete and move old ones, work with images or documents, install software and computer games, this negatively affects the speed of reading information from the disk.

In this case, it is recommended to do regular defragmentation. This process does not harm the data stored on the computer in any way, but it can significantly increase the speed of working with them. To perform defragmentation, users are required to do the following:

If for some reason you are not sure that you need this procedure, you can use the “Analyze Disk” tool in the same window. The analysis will show the degree of data fragmentation and how this affects the speed of information processing.

File Cache

Cache memory is used in the Yandex browser to locally store copies of web pages viewed by users, videos, music, images, as well as temporary data necessary for browser games. If a system failure occurs while saving information to the cache, the process may not proceed correctly, which will cause difficulties when working with this file.

Virus check

Very often, video in browsers may slow down as a result of the computer being infected with viruses or malicious scripts. They can intercept all downloaded information, reducing download speed, creating a huge traffic load, or consuming a significant amount of system resources.

If you frequently surf the Internet, it is recommended that you do regular checks of your system at least once a week. For this purpose, special antivirus programs are used. If for some reason no antivirus is installed on your PC, it is recommended to fix it immediately to ensure the safety of your personal data.

Users can take advantage of Microsoft's free antivirus protection tool, Security Essentials. You can download this software by going to https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=5201. Click on the orange "Download" button, run the downloaded installation exe file and follow the instructions in the Windows Install Wizard.

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In the “old” days (early 2000s), the low speed of dial-up modems was enough for most. Nowadays high-speed Internet has become a necessity. But often, even on an unlimited tariff and broadband connection, the speed suddenly drops. How to find the reason?

Browser and its settings

If the Internet begins to work slowly, then first of all, you need to figure out which specific programs are “slowing it down”. In the minds of many people, the Internet is firmly associated with the browser - the program with which sites are viewed. But an email program, ICQ and Skype also come online. They also transmit and receive packets of information from their servers and other nodes.

Check their operation and if the speed drops only when working in a browser, then this is the reason. The easiest way to solve the problem is to install another browser or update the already installed one.

For meticulous people, we can suggest sorting out the settings of the old browser. They can go astray for various reasons. You need to look at the “Connection Settings” tab. Here is one of the common mistakes in settings: there is a checkmark next to “Accessing the Internet through a proxy server” and the browser sends all its traffic through an additional server, which affects the loading speed of sites. Try disabling the proxy server and check your Internet speed.

Another reason is plugins that limit the browser speed. Speed ​​limiting options exist in some types of plugins, such as download managers, or the plugin may simply be glitchy. Try disabling all plugins in your browser, restarting it and checking its speed.

Automatic system or program updates

If automatic updating is set in the operating system settings, then it can be updated at any time at will. The operating system sometimes loads a ton of information, which is not always needed. During such a download, both the Internet connection and the computer’s operation in general slow down. To avoid such freezes, it is convenient to install all updates manually. This video shows the process of disabling updates for Windows 7:

The following video explains two ways to disable updates in Windows 8:

Many programs like to update automatically: Adobe, Google Chrome, Photoshop. During downloading, the channel bandwidth always decreases - because part of the channel is occupied by updates. You can disable the automatic update function in the program settings.

Virus infection

If you do not have an adequate anti-virus program, then with a high probability you can say: the Internet is working slowly due to the active activity of viruses. Malicious programs, having settled on the hard drive, begin to download considerable amounts of information and also send spam from the computer. To combat viruses, you need a licensed antivirus program. Unlike other programs, it requires daily updates. Otherwise, the antivirus will be of no use.

When the browser takes a long time to open pages, it is useful to conduct a deep scan of not only the system drive C:, but also all other drives. The free CureIt utility from Dr.Web (freedrweb.com/cureit/) and the free antivirus program AVZ (z-oleg.com/secur/avz/download.php) do a good job of scanning.

Problem with the router, switch or cable

The problem may be on the side of the equipment through which your computer is connected. Often, due to a power surge in the network, a switch or router may freeze. Try rebooting them by turning the power off and on.

Checking the cable is a little more complicated - it often happens that the cable is damaged due to mechanical impact on it, but such damage cannot be determined by eye. For example, they often stepped on a chair leg or crushed the cable with a door.

To check, it is best to “ring” the cable with a special device - a signal will be passed through the cable and the damage will be determined. This service can be used from computer repair companies or from a support provider.

Interference from outside

If the Internet speed is low only at certain times of the day, or under certain weather conditions - thunderstorms, snow, fog, then most likely the provider’s equipment is to blame. It may not be installed correctly, it may be flooded with water, or it may simply not be able to cope with the load in the evening hours. There are two options here - contact the provider and wait for the problem to be resolved, or change the provider.

If you use a Wi-Fi router to connect, the reason for the low speed may be interference from a radio or microwave oven - Wi-Fi networks are quite sensitive to such interference. Try switching to a wired connection.

Restrictions from the provider

What to do if you have checked all the above options, but still the speed is lower than stated in the tariff? One of the common reasons is the “secrets” of the provider. Some tariffs have speed limits under certain conditions.

For example, if during the month the user managed to download a certain amount of data. When concluding a contract, the provider must say this, but... Sometimes the user himself forgets about these restrictions. Such a case needs to be “treated” by changing the tariff. And, possibly, the provider.

Why are torrents downloading slowly?

It happens that the Internet works normally, but the torrent set for download does not download, or does so at a very low speed. Downloading from a torrent resource is not like downloading from a server. On torrent sites, files are downloaded from the computers of other people registered in the system. If a torrent is downloading slowly, it means that it is being uploaded slowly from other computers.

What determines the distribution speed? Mainly, on the number of seeds. Seeds are all those users who have the file you need on their computer and who distribute it in the torrent system. The fewer such people there are, the slower the file will load. And vice versa, when a video, audio, book is very popular and is distributed to a large number of people at once, then downloading them will be a breeze. If you need to download something rare and large in volume, then it is better to leave this procedure overnight.

Quite often, users encounter a situation where their browser slows down. This problem is relevant both for users of personal computers and smartphones, tablets and other devices where it is possible to install a browser.

This is most clearly visible when the user tries to watch a video. As for why this happens, the answer is very simple: something is really slowing it down. These could be some old and unnecessary files, cache or extensions.

Also, the reason may lie in the fact that the device itself does not support such a heavy browser. In any case, we will look at the 5 most popular ways to correct this situation.

Method number 1. Updating the browser

The easiest way to solve the problem is to update your browser. With this simple step, all unnecessary data will be deleted automatically. In addition, in some cases the browser may simply slow down due to an outdated version.

Each browser, be it Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome, Opera or any other, has its own unique update tools.

But the easiest way is to use the website browser-update.org. You just need to follow this link from the browser that is slowing down. If its version is current, a corresponding message will be displayed - “You have the latest version of the browser.” But if the browser needs to be updated, the user will see the required link.

If you can’t use this site, you just need to go to the official browser page and download the latest version there. For example, on the Opera page there is a “Download Now” button for this.

Rice. No. 1. Official Opera page

Clue: If we are talking about a smartphone or tablet, you need to go to the AppStore or Google Play and do the same.

Method No. 2. We delete all unnecessary data

The second way to deal with a slow browser is to clear it of unnecessary data.

This includes history, cookies, logs, information about active sessions, and so on. By the way, this also includes the cache, but in relation to this information you need to perform other operations, which will be discussed later.

To remove all this data, you need to do the following:

  • in Yandex.Browser– click on the additional functions button (three horizontal lines), go to “Settings”, click on the “Clear download history” button, in the window that opens, check all the boxes and click on the “Clear history” button;

Rice. No. 2. Access to clearing unnecessary data

  • in Google Chrome– click on the additional functions button in the form of a vertical ellipsis, select “History” and in the pop-up window also select the “History” item, click on the “Clear history” button, and then everything is exactly the same as in Figure No. 3;

  • in Opera– the “Menu” button, then “History” and the “Clear history” button;

  • in Mozilla Firefox– the additional settings button, the “Journal” item, click on the “Delete history” link, select “All” in the window that appears, check all the boxes and click “Delete now”.

On smartphones and tablets, the actions are the same, only the appearance of the windows is slightly different.

Method number 3. Working with the cache

There is one interesting way to fix the problem with a slow browser. It consists in forcing the program to clear its cache after each closing or even more often.

To do this, you need to force the cache size to be very small. True, this method is only suitable for those browsers that are based on the Chromium engine, and these are Google Chrome, Yandex Browser and others. For others, this method of what to do when the browser freezes, unfortunately, will not work.

So, to reduce the cache size and force it to be cleared after each close, you need to do the following:

  • Right-click on the shortcut. In the drop-down list, click on “Properties”.
  • Go to the “Properties” tab in the window that opens.
  • Near the full name of the shortcut in the “Object” field, you must add the following “--disk-cache-size=[new cache size]”. For example, if we want to make the cache size 1 byte, we need to write “--disk-cache-size=1”.

Important: The parameter with the new cache size must be entered after the quotes (in the “Object” field) separated by a space.

As for smartphones and tablets, it is better to use applications like CCleaner or Clean Master.

Method number 4. Remove unnecessary extensions

Another important reason why the browser may slow down is the clutter of extensions. Too many of them simply do not allow the browser to work quickly.

Therefore, in your browser you need to go to the extensions menu and remove those that you do not use. For example, in all programs with the Chromium engine, you just need to go to the “Extensions” item in the additional functions menu. And there, next to each one there is a button in the form of a trash can. You need to click on it.

In Mozilla Firefox, accessing the list of extensions is exactly the same. The only difference in the window itself is that instead of a button in the form of a trash can, there is a “Delete” button.

Method No. 5. Checking the device itself

As part of this method, you need to do the following:

  • scan your device for viruses and remove them;
  • perform defragmentation;
  • update the system.

Quite often, problems on the device greatly affect the functioning of the browser. At the same time, everything else can work very well. In any case, the three above instructions must be followed.

Advice from experience: If all browsers on your computer are slow and no cleaning or speeding up works, install one of the older versions of Opera.

In the video below you can clearly see the methods described above.

Modern programs and services are firmly tied to the Internet. Network games; streaming content: video, audio, radio; as well as applications for work and entertainment are useless without a network connection. Therefore, low Internet speed does not allow you to perform daily tasks in full. Why the Internet works poorly and slowly, why it takes a long time to load and what to do to fix it, you will learn from this article.

Router speed limit

Open your router's control panel and check your internet bandwidth settings. Increase the value if necessary.

It is also recommended to measure Internet speed using a router and directly connecting the cable to the computer’s network card. If there is a noticeable difference in speed, the probable reasons why the Internet is slow are the following:

  1. The router is malfunctioning. Sometimes resetting the settings and re-configuring, changing the firmware helps. Less commonly, the router needs to be replaced due to an irreparable breakdown/defect.
  2. The maximum throughput of the router is lower than the speed provided by the provider. Just replace the router with more bandwidth.
  3. The Internet cable in the provider's equipment is not connected correctly. There are common cases when a technician connects a network cable to a service port instead of a regular connector. When a router is detected, the speed automatically decreases. Therefore, it is important to inform your provider about a decrease in speed when using the router, in order to troubleshoot the problem.

Cookies are full

With each new visit to the site, the browser saves to disk some temporary files called cookies. The data stores information about site settings and speeds up identification. When you visit the resource again, the browser accesses the disk for the cache to speed up page loading. If the disk is slow and/or full of files, the duration of opening a page increases due to the cost of searching the cache. Therefore, clearing cookies sometimes helps speed up page loading. To delete the cache, open your browser settings, select the appropriate section and delete temporary files.

However, this method will not help if the problem is that your Internet is slow to load files, then the reason for the poor performance is somewhere else.

Network card drivers are outdated

Check for updates to your network card. Sometimes developers make corrections to previously found errors and optimize overall work, which helps improve and speed up data exchange. If support is discontinued, a pluggable network card with support provided will work as an alternative.

Outdated computer

The speed of the Internet is also affected by the components of the computer. Morally and/or physically worn out components reduce page loading speed, downloading or file transfer.

It is worth paying attention to the condition of the hard drive. A slow, worn out and fragmented HDD negates all the benefits of high-speed Internet. Therefore, replacing the HDD with an SSD will significantly improve the computer's response. At the same time, it is important to correlate the update of some components with the overall assembly. Sometimes it makes sense to replace the computer completely. And in some cases, improvements are visible after installing an SSD and increasing RAM.

This point also disappears if yesterday your Internet worked quickly, but today it has become slow.

Energy saving modes activated

Some network cards support "green" technologies aimed at saving energy or optimizing the Internet. Sometimes these features don't work correctly or limit your bandwidth when you need maximum speed. Therefore, it is worth opening the properties of the network card in the “device manager”, and on the “advanced” tab, select and disable automatic speed limiting functions and other “green” technologies.

Also open the “power supply” section of the computer, where you can select balanced or performance mode. If the modes have changed, reset the settings to eliminate power restrictions.

Viruses and malware

When the Internet is slow, it is important to check the system for viruses. Because malware degrades system performance and reduces Internet bandwidth by loading the channel and/or deliberately using traffic redirection.

Applications running in the background

It is also worth checking programs running in the background, for example torrent clients and file download managers. Pause or limit your download speed.

It’s also worth paying attention to third-party programs. Check the list of installed utilities. Remove programs you have not installed, including plugins and services of various search engines. You should also not keep “optimizers” on your computer that are supposedly aimed at improving the performance of memory, the Internet, system resources and services. Since such programs sometimes worsen the operation of the OS and slow down the Internet.

If you like to spend time playing online games, check if updates are being downloaded. If necessary, set a limit on downloading updates.

Applications running in the background can cause your Internet speed to slow down.

Tariff plan

The speed of the Internet is affected by the speed described in the provider’s tariff plan. The measurement is made in the form of received traffic volume per second. At the same time, some companies cleverly present speed by indicating “Mbit” instead of MB, which leads to confusion. So the “large” figure of 20 Mbit is equal to 2.5 MB. Therefore, a 100 MB file will download in 40 seconds, not 5.

It is also important to carefully study the terms of the tariff plan for hidden restrictions. For example, a provider is ready to provide unlimited Internet at a speed of 40 Mbit, but indicate in small print that the speed will automatically decrease to 4 Mbit when downloading 100 GB per month.

Users are often lured by high speeds of 100-150 Mbit. At the same time, they do not inform that the declared speed applies only to a local, internal, network with limited access to information. While the speed of global access is noticeably lower.

The reason for slow Internet may be in the tariff plan, if you did not switch to another tariff and did not notice any jumps in network speed.

Activated VPN

The Internet works slowly if a program for redirecting traffic is installed or a VPN plugin is active. Incoming and outgoing traffic passes through a virtual private network, which allows you to change the actual location, thereby gaining access to resources and services that are not available in a particular region. At the same time, the boarding school’s bandwidth is reduced by 10-20 times, for example, 3 Mbit instead of 70 Mbit without using a VPN.

Typically, speed limits are present in free virtual networks. In paid subscriptions, the bandwidth is higher. Therefore, it is rational to disable VPN and traffic redirection functions unless absolutely necessary.

Aggressive advertising

The presence of a large number of advertising banners reduces the page loading speed. Pop-up windows with music or video accompaniment actively consume traffic. On such sites, it is recommended to enable AdBlock, an ad blocking program. The utility is available for download from the internal program stores of most popular browsers.

Firewall active

The Internet is often slow due to the antivirus and/or firewall. Because by default, programs are configured to scan all incoming and outgoing traffic. Therefore, it is recommended to measure Internet speed with and without antivirus/firewall enabled. If there are restrictions, you should change the settings or find an alternative program where the Internet speed is not limited.

Problems with the provider

The speed of the Internet is largely influenced by the service provider. Some unscrupulous companies deliberately cut bandwidth in order to evenly distribute speed among other subscribers. Promote automatic reduction of speed when connecting a router or active traffic exchange. In this case, it is recommended to sever the relationship and use the services of another, honest provider. And frequent equipment breakdowns and interruptions in Internet supply are additional reasons for switching to another provider.


Low Internet speed is often caused by problems with the provider, wastage of traffic by background programs, failures in network equipment or an outdated computer. Therefore, it is important to diagnose problem areas one by one and troubleshoot problems. The article describes in detail why the Internet is slow and how to solve the problem. The list contains the most common reasons, including minor ones that users rarely pay attention to.

Do pages take a long time to load in the browser? Don’t rush to blame slow Internet, because in 90% of cases the problem is on the user’s side. If you also encounter this, it is worth spending 1 hour of your time to find out what the reason is and improve the loading speed of sites. Let's get started.

Reason #1: cache full

Surely everyone has encountered the situation when a newly installed browser “flies”, but after a few weeks it starts to glitch and freeze, everything loads slowly and is almost impossible to work. Why is this happening?

When you use the Internet, all information about the sites you visited and your actions is stored. Over time, data takes up more and more space and slows down the browser.

Clearing all temporary files - cache, archive of visited sites and downloads, as well as cookies. History can be opened through the control panel or using the key combination Ctrl+H (History). Click "Clear History", select the options you want and confirm.

Reason #2: extensions and toolbars

Another option why pages take a long time to load is a large number of additional applications and toolbars built into the browser. In practice, almost no one uses them, that is, these add-ons simply take up space and consume traffic.

Go to the extensions menu and remove everything except the most necessary one. First of all, you need to get rid of everything that ends in -toolbar, -bar, etc. We recommend leaving AdBlock - an intrusive ad blocker.

The same situation applies to plugins. To see them, enter about:plugins or “browser name:plugins” (for example, opera:plugins) in the address bar. What should be left behind?

We delete or disable everything else, after which you need to restart the program.

Please note: in some browsers (in particular, Opera is guilty of this), the same plugin may appear several times in the list. In this case, you need to keep only the latest version.

Reason #3: lack of space on the system disk

It is extremely important that the C drive always has at least 10% free space, and ideally several gigabytes. If it is full, the computer inevitably begins to freeze. Often the browser loads slowly for this very reason; the system simply does not have enough space to process all temporary files and operations.

If your hard drive is divided into sectors, transfer some of the information from drive C to another, for example D. Photos, music, videos and various documents can take up a lot of space, so it’s worth starting with them.

If there are no free disks, remove programs and files that you do not use. As an alternative, some documents can be transferred to cloud storage (for example, Google Drive or Yandex.Disk) or sent to a flash drive.

Reason #4: Antivirus scans pages for a long time

Modern programs scan the sites you visit in a “live” mode. That is, the antivirus first analyzes the page you want to open, and only if everything is in order, it gives permission to continue downloading and displaying information.

If pages in your browser take a long time to load, you should try disabling protection for a while. Sometimes it helps. In this case, you will most likely have to set a lower protection level in the settings or select a different antivirus.

Reason #5: background applications

Most users don't even pay attention to what programs and services are running in the background. However, they are the ones who can take over a significant portion of the traffic. One of the most powerful “vampires” is everyone’s favorite torrent clients (as soon as you have downloaded a file, it begins to be distributed from your computer, which can seriously slow down the Internet speed).

Go to Task Manager > Startup and look at the list of applications that automatically launch when you turn on your PC. It is advisable to disable everything except system programs responsible for the operation of the speakers, touchpad, etc.

Reason #6: high load on the hard drive

A fairly common reason for a slow browser. The fact is that information is written to the hard drive unevenly, that is, the beginning of a file may be located at the edge of the disk, the other part somewhere in the middle, and the end not far from the beginning. This is called fragmentation. How is it dangerous? Instead of gliding calmly, the head constantly “jumps” from side to side. In addition, your disk makes several times more revolutions, slowing down the entire system.

Perform defragmentation (forced ordering of the physical location of information on the hard drive). To do this, go to Start > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. Run the program and wait until the information is overwritten. As a result, not only the browser, but also the computer as a whole will start working faster.

Reason #7: Browser Settings

Some modern browsers have built-in options that, on the one hand, make browsing the Internet more comfortable, but on the other hand, lead to the fact that your browser pages take a long time to load. A striking example is network activity prediction in Google Chrome.

Open your browser settings and disable such features. For example, activity prediction is located in “Advanced settings” on the “Privacy” tab. If the problem persists, it is recommended to reactivate all functions.

Reason #8: viruses

If the Internet takes a long time to load, the cause may also be banal viruses - malicious programs that somehow got onto your computer.

Scan your system for viruses and spyware. It is best to use several programs - a regular antivirus (Kaspersky Anti-Virus, AVAST, AVG, McAffee, etc.), as well as special scanner applications. The most popular are Dr.Web, Malwarebytes, HitmanPro and SpyHunter.

Tip: It is best to scan in Windows Safe Mode (with support for network drivers). To do this, when you boot your computer, immediately press the F8 key and select the appropriate item. After the scanning is completed and the infected files are deleted, you need to restart the PC again to return to normal mode.

Reason #8: outdated equipment

What should I do if the browser is still loading slowly? If no attempts to “stir up” it are successful, most likely you just have a weak computer. Every year, websites use increasingly complex technologies that are difficult for outdated technology to cope with.

Of course, ideally, it is worth at least partially upgrading the equipment, for example, buying more powerful RAM. However, this possibility is not always available. In this case, you can try installing an older version of the browser; as a rule, they consume less resources (for example, Opera 10 “eats” 1.5 times more RAM than Opera 9). However, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some sites are displayed incorrectly.

Useful programs

Finally, we’ll tell you about several applications that will help you understand why pages take a long time to load in the browser and solve the problem.

For stable and fast operation of the browser, it is extremely important to regularly clean the program itself and the PC. It is recommended to set history and cache clearing, as well as defragmentation to automatic mode (the optimal frequency is once a week).