Why won't Windows 10 power saving mode turn off? Power management and energy saving. How to enable or disable Windows energy saving mode

All Windows operating systems, without exception, are equipped with a function for regulating the gadget’s power supply. And each of them has an energy-saving mode, be it a personal computer or a laptop. If everything is clear with laptops, then why do we need this function on a PC? Today we will learn how to disable the energy saving mode on the monitor.

Making sure the screen doesn't go blank on older PC models

To disable this feature, you need to become more familiar with the process itself. Usually, the “Power Management” tab is responsible for turning various modifications on and off, but is it available on all OSes? Let's sort it out sequentially.

Old operating systems

Now we will talk about Windows 98, the Millennium operating system and Windows 2000. In order to disable the unnecessary sleep function on devices with these operating systems, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the Start menu and go to the Control Panel tab.
  2. A context menu should open in front of you, in which you need to double-click with the left mouse button on the shortcut called “Power Management”.
  3. A tab will open in front of you again, in which you need to set the optimal parameters for adjusting the power supply.
  4. Next, go to “Turn off the monitor” and set the setting to “Never”.
  5. All you have to do is click “Apply” and “Ok” for your actions to be saved and take effect.

Windows Xp

Here the settings will be slightly different and look like this:

  1. Here, too, you will need to get into the control panel in a similar way to the previous method.
  2. Then we look for the word “Power supply”. On some versions, this tab can be accessed through the Maintenance and Performance section.
  3. Find the window called “Power Plans” and set it to “Home” or “Desktop” mode.
  4. Here you will also need to select the “Never” option, which is located in “Turn off the display”.
  5. Click “Apply” and confirm “Ok”.

Ready! How can I disable power saving mode on a computer that has a newer version of the OS installed? Let's read about this further.

Operating systems Windows Vista, 7, 8

The first steps are not much different from the previous ones. First, you need to go to the “Control Panel” and find a familiar section there called “Power Options”. Now you need to do the following:

  1. Find and expand the “Change plan settings” tab.
  2. Now you need to expand the “Put the computer into sleep mode” tab and select “Never” in the transition time settings.
  3. Don't forget to save your changes using the same two familiar keys.

Important! If you often have to wait for the system to boot when there is no time for it, you need to change your PC settings. Read.

Alternative way

This method is relevant for laptop owners:

  1. Click on the battery indicator icon.
  2. In the next window, you need to go to the device's power settings.
  3. You will see a window in front of you with different PC work plans.
  4. In the same window, directly opposite the selected plan, click on the power plan settings link.
  5. Set the display to dim and select “Never” in the section that turns off the monitor.

Important! On a personal desktop device, there will be no battery icon on the desktop.

Some portable devices have a built-in panel where all the most important functions of the device are shared. It happens that you can disable energy saving right there.

Video material

Now you know how to disable the power saving mode on your monitor. And it doesn’t matter which operating system is installed on your gadget, since the path for parameterization looks almost the same everywhere. Every modern device has a function that is responsible for power settings. This feature will allow you to customize your device to suit your individual preferences.

Virtually every operating system includes power management tools. Energy saving mode- a useful function, but it will be out of place when the computer performs main tasks.

You will need

  • A computer with a pre-installed Windows operating system.


1. To disable this option in Windows 98/Millenium/2000 operating systems, click the “Start” button and open the “Control Panel” applet. In the window that opens, double-click on the “Power Management” shortcut. Here you need to choose a power management scheme with settings that will be optimal for your computer. Go to the line "Disable monitor" and select "Never". To save the settings, click the “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

2. In Windows XP, you should also launch the Control Panel, the shortcut for which is located in the Start menu. Select either Power Options or Productivity and Maintenance, and then Power Options. In the window that opens, go to the “Power Management Schemes” tab and select the desired one mode .

3. For a desktop computer, it is recommended to prefer “Home/Desktop”, and for portable devices, “Portable”. On the contrary, the options “Disconnect Disks” and “Display Disconnect” should be preferred to “Never”. To save the changes, click the “Apply” and “OK” buttons.

4. For Windows Vista/Seven operating systems, in the “Control Panel” you need to open “System and Maintenance” and select the “Power Options” item. In the window that opens, select a power plan and click on the “Change plan settings” link.

5. Go to the Advanced Options applet and click the Edit button. Here you need to reveal the elements “Sleep later...” and “Sleeping mode» select the “Never” option.

6. A similar action must be performed with the drop-down parameters “Hibernate later...” and “Turn off the screen later...” (Tab “Screen”) - prefer the value “Never”.

7. In order to close the current window and save the metamorphoses, step by step click the “OK” and “Save” buttons.

Disabling your monitor's power management option will prevent it from going into sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity. Sleep mode is a feature aimed at reducing energy consumption. But it happens that the computer turns on sleep mode when it is in the middle of solving tasks such as backing up the hard drive, checking the system for viruses, or reforming huge multimedia files into a different format. Absolutely, in this case this function should be disabled.


1. Windows XP Click the "Start" button located in the lower left corner of the screen. Select the “Control Panel” link. The Control Panel is used to metamorphose various settings of Window XP. In the classic Start menu, double-click the Power Options button. If you have a Start menu by category, select Productivity and Maintenance, Power Options. In the “Properties: Power” tabs, you can manage the power settings for your screen and hard drives, as well as configure the Uninterruptible Power Supply, if you have one. Select the “Home/Desktop” section in the “Power Management Schemes” tab. Select "Never" for "Turn off display" and "Turn off drives". Click the “Apply” button, and then the “OK” button.

2. Windows 98/ME/2000 Windows 98/ME/2000 Click the Start button, select Control Panel and locate the Power Management or Power Options icon in Control Panel Settings. Select the Power Options tab if it is not yet selected. From the drop-down menu labeled “Turn off the monitor,” select “Never.” Click "Apply" and "OK".

All modern operating systems include a power management subsystem. The core function of this subsystem is to implement energy saving by turning off or switching peripheral devices or even each computer to a low-power state when there is no user activity for a long time. This function is extremely useful. However, if you need to ensure the continuous likelihood of a rapid response from the computer to user actions, you should disable mode energy saving .

You will need

  • – administrative rights in Windows.


1. Open the Control Panel window. To do this, click on the “Start” button (located on the taskbar). In the menu that appears, select “Settings”. In the child menu that appears, click on “Control Panel”.

2. Open the dialog for setting the operating parameters of the power management subsystem. In the list of shortcuts in the Control Panel window, find the item “Power Options”. Select it. Right-click on the element. In the context menu that appears, select “Open”. You can also double-click on a shortcut. The “Properties: Power Options” dialog will open.

3. Make a new power management plan. In the “Properties: Power Options” dialog, switch to the “Power Management Schemes” tab. Click the “Save As” button. In the “Save Scheme” dialog, enter a new unique name for the scheme. Let's say, “Without energy saving“. Click the “OK” button.

4. Edit the schema you just added. In the list located in the “Power management schemes” group, select the element corresponding to the diagram you made. In the lists “Display off”, “Disk disconnection”, “Pending mode via", "Sleeping mode through”, located in the “Scheme settings...” group, select the elements with the text “never”.

5. Disable mode energy saving. In the “Properties: Power Options” dialog, click the “Apply” button. The settings of the selected scheme will be saved. Also, the current circuit will be selected as used to control the computer's power. In accordance with the selected settings, the display and computer hard drives will not turn off for any length of time when the user is inactive. Also, the computer will never be put into standby or sleep mode. mode. After completing all the described actions, click the “OK” button. Close the control panel.

Helpful advice
Turning off the monitor during periods of long periods of absence can significantly extend its life.

From settings monitor The ease of working on a computer depends on it. If the wrong settings are selected, this can result not only in an unbreakable feeling of irritation and nervousness, but also in headaches, decreased visual acuity, and nausea. In order to change options monitor, take advantage of the probabilities of the system or your video card.


1. To change the size of windows, fonts, icons, and window appearance, open Control Panel through the Start menu. Under Appearance and Themes, select the Display icon. Or, right-click in any place on the desktop that is free from files and folders, and in the drop-down menu, left-click on “Properties”. The Display Properties dialog box opens.

2. The overall design of the desktop, the appearance of folders and the Start menu is configured on the Themes tab. At the bottom of the window you will see a visual representation of the selected theme. Using the drop-down list, select the topic that you like. To install a custom theme, select “Browse” and specify the path to the desired theme. Click the "Apply" button.

3. Adjust the image size on the monitor on the Settings tab. In the “Screen Resolution” section, use the “sliders” to select a resolution that is comfortable for your eyes. Click the "Apply" button and confirm your selection. For tube monitors, set the screen refresh rate (screen flicker). To do this, on the current tab, click the “Advanced” button. In the window that opens, go to the “Monitor” tab. Check the “Hide modes that the monitor cannot use” box. Using the drop-down list, set the desired frequency. Click OK and Apply.

4. Customize additional folder design, font size and smoothing on the “Design” tab using the “Advanced” button. On the Desktop tab, set the wallpaper to your preference from the drop-down list, or click the Browse button and specify the path to a custom image. Set custom icons for standard folders by clicking the “Customize Desktop” and “Change Icon” buttons.

5. Open your video card settings control panel. Adjust the color, brightness and contrast of the image on the corresponding tab. You can also adjust the contrast using the system options. Through the start menu, call up the “Control Panel”, click on the “Special Probabilities” icon, in the window that opens, go to the “Screen” tab. With support for Customize button and drop-down list, set a combination of colors and fonts that is easy on the eyes. Confirm your selection and close the window.

Video on the topic

Studio monitors are one of the most important elements in sound recording and mixing. They provide an opportunity to evaluate the sound of a particular composition and eliminate frequency gaps.


1. Search the Internet for all possible options to choose studio monitors. Essentially, these are the same computer speakers, only with the widest possible range of sound. Their main difference from traditional household acoustics is the virtual absence of gaps in the frequency interval, i.e. If your computer speakers indicate a frequency range from 20 Hz to 44 kHz, this does not mean that they cover it entirely, unlike professional studio monitors.

2. Read on recording forums. There probably is a corresponding discussion thread where knowledgeable users considered one or another option for studio monitors. Read the presentation of several systems, then try to find out how much they cost.

3. Go to a music equipment store to get your bearings and pick up studio monitors. The sales assistant will be able to advise you on a multifunctional option in terms of price-quality ratio. Please note that such equipment needs to be purchased a little “for growth”. If you now buy relatively inexpensive studio monitors, then in a few years they may no longer be enough for you, because your sound engineering skills and sound requirements will certainly increase.

4. Also consider the option of studio monitors and headphones. They look no different from ordinary bulky headphones, but their sound will probably pleasantly surprise you. Cool studio headphones are slightly cheaper than cool studio monitors, but they have one significant advantage: their sound is not affected by room acoustics. Even if the room has poor sound insulation or is completely absent, the headphones will sound wonderful, unlike studio monitors, the clear sound of which may be (albeit slightly) added to room noise and echo.

Video on the topic

You should only open the monitor case in special cases and if you have the appropriate skills to work with equipment. If certain malfunctions occur, the best thing to do is to immediately take it to a service center and not carry out repairs at home.

You will need

  • - crosshead screwdriver;
  • – flat screwdriver;
  • – a plastic card or a mild knife.


1. Discover your model's statement monitor on the Internet or check yourself to see if glue was used to hold the walls together frame A. Prepare your work surface, taking into account the fact that you will have to place the matrix on it during disassembly.

2. Disconnect the monitor from the computer, power source, remove all connected wires from its connectors and inspect it frame, check for the presence of fastening elements (in some models they may be hidden with special plugs); they are usually located on the back wall of the device.

3. Unscrew the mounting bolts and remove the monitor from the stand. If you have certain problems with the latter, read on the first pages of the user's manual how to correctly remove the monitor from the stand in your case (usually special latches are used that you need to press and pull the stand).

4. Pry up frame monitor using a flat-head screwdriver or a non-sharp table knife. If it is made of very thick plastic, do not use them, first try removing the cover frame but with your hands.

5. If in your model monitor glue was used to hold the parts together frame a, use a wide flat-head screwdriver. Install it at the junction of the sides frame a, installing it in a vertical position. Lightly hit the screwdriver handle from above until you hear the classic cracking sound. It would be better for everyone not to make major efforts here in order to open monitor, because it can lead to breakdown frame and damage to internal components.

6. Next pry frame monitor around the perimeter using a plastic card and open the back cover. For subsequent disassembly monitor, if necessary, download the special service instructions for your model and do not proceed with independent repairs without it.

Helpful advice
Do not open the monitor case until the warranty period has expired.

Modern lamps that save energy, after burning out, become a type of household waste with a higher hazard class. This is why they need to be properly disposed of. For recycling, special collection points for burnt-out energy-saving lamps are provided in all cities and other residential areas of the country.


1. The lamps contain up to 5 mg of mercury vapor in their internal structure. If a lamp accidentally breaks in an apartment, in a trash can or in a public trash bin, it will have a toxic effect on the inhabitants of the house and on the state of wildlife. It was therefore initially recommended that when similar lamps were produced, they should be handed over to points for subsequent industrial recycling after completion.

2. In order to properly dispose of an energy-saving lamp, pack it after it burns out in its own packaging or other cardboard packaging, where it will not break. You can wrap several burnt out lamps in paper and place them in one box. Now you need to find collection points for such lamps in your city.

3. Not all points accept used lamps from individuals. Some exist intentionally to accept large quantities of non-functioning lamps from huge businesses.

4. In all cities, fluorescent lamps are accepted at regional DEZs and REUs. For them, special containers with a signature are installed on the territory of such enterprises. If you do not find a container, ask the administration of the enterprise how you can dispose of the lamp. The city's environmental cleaning services are also required to accept for recycling not only mercury lamps, but also used mercury thermometers and disposable batteries.

5. The problem with the delivery and acceptance of energy-saving lamps and other devices containing mercury has become so serious that in some Russian cities, city district prosecutor's offices have turned to the courts with a request to organize collection points for such raw materials through HOAs. In turn, the courts ordered the HOA to install containers and collection points for waste lamps. Therefore, you can ask a reasonable question in your HOA where you can return used lamps.

To connect the monitor to a computer, one of the currently existing interfaces (DVI, D-SUB (VGS), HDMI, DisplayPort) can be used, depending on which one is available on the monitor. You can figure out which one is better to use only by understanding how they differ.

VGA input (D-SUB 15)

One of the first interfaces for connecting a computer and a monitor, one that transmits an analog signal in the RGB color scheme together with horizontal and vertical frequency scan signals. This interface was developed for use in monitors with cathode ray tubes. The connector, preferably blue, has 15 pins arranged in three rows. The entire row is offset in relation to its neighbors so that the contacts are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The connector body is trapezoidal in shape so as not to confuse the orientation of the mating connector when connecting. The connector is called D-SUB, while VGA defines the signal format. This output can be found in LCD monitors, but in terms of performance it is inferior to digital ones. DVI input

The digital input of the monitor is the one that was developed for flat monitors with matrices, in which each pixel is represented by a separate fixed element. The connector has a rectangular shape with beveled corners on one side and two separate groups of contacts. The main group is 24 contacts located on 3 rows, the smaller group is 4 contacts located to the side and divided by a slot, which is also a lock. The DVI input is designed to acquire a digital signal from a video card. It is unlikely that you will find a CRT monitor with a DVI input. The interface was originally developed specifically for use in LCD monitors, plasmas and other similar devices, where it is possible to transmit the signal from the video card to the matrix without additional reforms. In order not to confuse or insert the connector of the connecting wire on the wrong side, there are bevels on one side of the connector and an additional slot on the side of the core group of contacts. The DVI connector can also transmit an analog signal (DVI-A, DVI-I). There are separate wires and adapters for all valid connections. It is important not to confuse them when connecting.

HDMI input

A connector that appeared during the subsequent development of digital interfaces for monitors and other multimedia equipment. The main specificity of this input is its ability to transmit not only a digital video signal, but also sound. The connector itself is flat, rectangular in shape, inside of which there is a tongue with contact pads on both sides. To orient the mating connector, the connecting cable has characteristic bevels on one side of the connector. The bevels are not straight, but slightly rounded, concave into the connector. With the help of the HDMI interface, you can connect several monitors at once or combine a monitor and, say, a home theater.

DisplayPort input

The connector was designed for a format that is actually similar to HDMI; the information transfer speeds and the shape of the connector are slightly different. Its shape is rectangular and flat. The lock is the beveled corners on one of the short sides. Externally, the connectors of the last two types are identical in size, however, the presence of completely different locks will not allow you to confuse them and insert the connecting wire of the wrong format.

Video on the topic

The Android 5.0 operating system has received a large number of innovations. We have already talked about many of them in previous articles in the series. In particular, the opportunity to create new users was mentioned. This function will be used by parents who trust their children with a smartphone or tablet. The ability to pin an application will also be useful for them. For everyone else, the power saving mode is intended. Previously, only branded shells from various manufacturers had it. Now this mode has been introduced into “pure” Android.

Google has been working on power saving mode for a long time. Now its experts claim that turning on this mode will allow you to get 90 additional minutes of battery life. The engineers had to work hard. After all, the operating system is installed in the vast majority of cases on smartphones and tablets with a regular IPS screen. Therefore, adding dark shades will not lead to anything. It was necessary to find other ways to solve the problem.

There are two ways to enable energy saving mode. The first is to use the tray (which contains notifications and the current status of the wireless modules). Swipe down from the tray. Then repeat this action. This will bring up the Quick Settings. The charge percentage will be displayed next to the battery icon. Click on this icon. You will be taken to a separate settings section. Click the "Menu" button, shown as an ellipsis. A context menu will pop up. You will immediately notice the desired item.

The second method is similar to the first, only it takes more time. Go to "Settings". Then select the "Battery" section. Next, repeat the above steps, as you will find yourself in the same place discussed above.

After clicking the "Power Saving Mode" button, you are taken to its settings. The switch is at the very top. Below you can select when this mode will turn on automatically. This may never happen, at 5% charge or at 15% charge.

When the power saving mode is turned on, the tray and virtual control keys are colored orange. This reduces performance and disables vibration and background data transfer. The smartphone or tablet automatically exits this mode when the charger is connected.

– you can choose any one,
energy saving mode.

Using sleep mode on your computer

sleep mode

Putting your computer into sleep mode is another option.
completion of work. During shutdown, the computer operates in
reduced electricity consumption. And the resumption of work
starts in a matter of seconds.

Enabling sleep mode
starts with the Shutdown button

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Hover your mouse over the triangle to the right of the “Shutdown” button - a context menu will open, in which you select the “Sleep” mode.

When the computer goes into sleep mode, the monitor quickly turns off,
and computer fans often stop. The whole process takes
few seconds.

On a laptop in the power indicator section - it will blink or light up
yellow (for me red) color, indicating the computer is in sleep mode.

Power indicator section on different laptop models,
may be located in different places - on the “edge” of the front
or sidebar. Or it may be located under the LCD screen.

The section looks something like this.

Indicator section.
The lights show activity (from left to right) - nutrition,
battery charge, hard drive and Wi-Fi module activity.

Power indicator while
The laptop is turned on and lights up blue.

And flashes red - when
is in power saving mode.

Since Windows remembers the current state of the computer,
Before putting your computer into sleep mode, there is no need to close programs and files. But it is recommended to always save your work before putting your computer into any power-saving mode.

The next time you turn on your computer and if your computer is configured
to enter a password, then enter the password - the screen will look exactly like this
the same as before turning off.

To exit sleep mode, press either button
power supply to the computer, or, if turned off for a short time,
any key on the keyboard.

In Windows Help, in the topic describing sleep mode it says,
that the computer, after pressing the button, will be immediately ready for work.
But on both my desktop computer and my laptop -
The administrator icon appears first.

Even lower - “Blocked”.
You just need to click on the admin icon
and the computer will start working.

If the computer is configured to enter a password, then in addition to the icon
The administrator will also have a line for entering a password. Need to
will enter your password and then click the icon.

Since there is no need to wait for Windows to load, the computer
It will turn on in a few seconds, and you can immediately resume work.

In sleep mode, the computer's energy consumption required
for storing work results in memory, insignificant.
When working with a laptop, do not worry - the battery will not run out.

After several hours in sleep mode
or if the battery is low, the work results will be saved
on the hard drive, and the computer will shut down completely,
stop consuming energy.

Desktop computer, when you turn on the sleeping one
mode, there is no need to disconnect from the power supply.

Lock mode on the Shut down button

Lock mode
on the “Shutdown” button

Lock mode on the Shut down button is not a horror story
from the Internet, demanding payment for unlocking. It's the same
energy saving mode, like the others.

Only unlike other modes is the blocking mode
does not turn off the computer, but pauses the work.

And just like when transferring a computer to any other,
energy saving mode - it is recommended to always save
your works.

Enabling the blocking mode also begins with the “Shutdown” button. Hover your mouse over the triangle to the right of the “Shutdown” button - a context menu will open, in which you select the “Block” mode.

And immediately – the background of the monitor will turn blue.
There will be an administrator icon in the center.

Below this icon is the computer name.
Even lower - “Blocked”.

To resume work, you just need to click
click on the administrator icon and the computer will start working.

If the computer is configured to enter a password, then in addition to
There will be an administrator icon and a line for entering a password.

You will need to enter your password and then click on the icon.

To change the language, there is an icon with the letters RU in the upper left corner.
If you need English, then right-click and select.

Since there is no need to wait for Windows to load, the computer will turn on
in a few seconds, and you can immediately resume work.

I use blocking mode when
I need to stop working on the computer for a while.

Let's talk today about a topic such as the power saving mode on the iPhone, or more precisely, how exactly you can enable or disable this mode.

Recently, iPhone owners are increasingly concerned about the issue of the battery. There is a catastrophic lack of capacity and Apple decided to solve this problem programmatically.

Of course, newer models get a larger battery capacity, but there are people who use their smartphone very actively and even on the latest phones this thing will definitely not be superfluous.

When iOS number 9 was born, people witnessed the emergence of such a mode as energy saving. Let's figure out what exactly it does and why it is needed.

It works as follows: when your iPhone’s charge indicator level reaches 20 percent, the device automatically prompts you to switch to this mode and you can see something like this:

If you agree and confirm the activation, then the indicator will turn yellow, and your phone will consume less energy and for this the following actions will be performed:

  • display brightness decreases;
  • animations in the menu are kept to a minimum;
  • optimizes phone performance;
  • all applications disable loading content in the background;
  • completely disabling iCloud Sync, Continuity and AirDrop.

All this can significantly extend the life of your phone and you will be able to use it for an hour or more. The thing is quite useful.

As soon as you get to charging, after reaching the 80% mark, this mode turns off automatically. You don't need to turn it off yourself.

But what if you want to forcefully extend the life of your iPhone? After all, you understand that it’s going to be a very long day, and you don’t feel like carrying a Power Bank at all. More on this later.

If you need to disable or force this function. That is, just turn it on yourself.

Of course, the device has this capability and you need to follow these steps:

  1. open Settings;
  2. go to the section Battery;
  3. make active Power Saving Mode.

Once activated, you will be able to watch your battery indicator turn yellow. This is what symbolizes that the function is active.

What about old iPhones? Is it possible to extend the time of using a smartphone on iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S?

I can tell the owners of the four right away that you can forget about it. The latest iOS on it is 7.1.2, and this function appeared only in 9.

For those who have an iPhone 4S, the situation is a little more fun, because the latest version is iOS 9.3.5. You can use this mode with peace of mind, because you can find it in the menu.

I had a 4S and still stuck with the 8. The lags and slow work on it tormented me beyond belief. Previously, I sacrificed this function for the sake of more or less stable operation of the phone.


Now you know what power saving mode is on any iPhone, how to turn it on or off. There is nothing complicated.

In practice, the function is very useful and often helps out in difficult situations. Sometimes you have to turn it on in the morning, because you realize that you forgot to charge, and it won’t be long before you get home.