Why doesn't sound work on iPhone 4s? We return the sound by rebooting. What to do if there is no sound in iPhone without headphones

Over time, your favorite iPhone or iPad may become damaged. One of the common problems is the sound disappears. You should not immediately take the device to the service center; perhaps there is a chance to fix it yourself. Read the article to learn how to solve sound problems, quickly fix the speaker on your iPhone, iPad or IPod touch and make it work even better.

Possible problems with sound on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and their solutions

Sound problems on Apple devices may include the following:

  • The speaker does not produce sound;
  • There is no sound when calling;
  • There is sound in the headphones, but the device itself does not play it.

In all cases, the cause of the problem is one thing - the operation of the external speaker. All that remains is to figure out whether the iron part of the device is broken or the operating part.

The sound works in headphones, but does not play through the speaker

In this case, you should pay attention to the notification panel, which is located at the top of the device screen. If there is a headphone icon on it, and at this time they are not plugged into a special jack, then the problem is in the input itself. Most likely, some debris, dust or water has entered the input into which the headphones are inserted. In this case, the system will begin to think that something is connected to the device and output sound not to the speaker, but to an external headset. To get rid of the problem, you need to manually clean the connector, for example, with a toothpick or cotton swab. It is advisable not to use hard or metallic objects, as this may further damage the device. The following may also help: insert and remove the headphones several times and restart the device.

iPhone or iPad does not play sound

If the problem is not with the headphone input, then most likely it is with the system settings themselves. You will have to act tough, so it is highly recommended that you back up all the data stored on the device, otherwise it will be permanently erased. The first thing to do is check for an iOS update:

If your device has the latest firmware installed, there is only one thing left to do - reset all content and settings:

What to do if nothing helps

If neither cleaning the headphone input, nor resetting the settings, nor updating the system helped, then there is only one thing left to do - take the device to a service center to get help from a qualified specialist or replace the device if it is under warranty. This is the only way that will help get rid of the problem, since the reason could be anything, in any microcircuit of the device.

If the microphone on your device does not work

The same thing can happen to the microphone on Apple devices as to the speaker: it stops working. The reasons why a microphone will stop recording sound or begin to transmit it worse are the same as with a speaker: the holes through which the sound passed for recording are clogged, there is some kind of error in the device’s software, or its internals are damaged. To make the microphone work, update the software, reset settings and content, and clean the holes. But before you do all this, check your recording settings:

If the device does not produce sound through an external speaker, then the problem is one of two things: hardware or software. Try the solution options for both cases and, if none of them help, take the device to a service center for repair or restoration. Do not try to disassemble and repair it yourself, as this may lead to even more damage that will not be covered by the warranty.

iOS makes a distinction between "normal" audio playback (such as playing a song) and playback of an alert. So if there is no sound on your iPhone, run a few simple tests.

Check if music is playing

Open the Music app on your iPhone and play any song. Slide the volume control all the way to the right until full volume is reached.

If you hear music, but your iPhone is silent during calls, this indicates that your alert settings are incorrect. Here's how to turn on alert sounds (which includes your ringtone!) on iPhone:

1. Stop the music and return to the main system screen.

2. Open “Settings” and select the “Sounds” menu item.

3. About halfway through, you will see the “Call and Alerts” option.

iPhone: no sound

4. Move the slider to the right. All sounds should now be audible.

Check if silent mode is turned on

Is your iPhone set to silent mode? Check it like this:

1. On the left side of the iPhone, find the volume switches.

2. Use the “+” button to raise the sound volume. The phone should wake up from silent mode.

iPhone: what to do if there is no sound

You can also use the "-" button to reduce the volume to the desired heights.

Check if external speakers are turned on

In iPhone Control Center, check if your smartphone can play sound through external speakers.

To do this, turn on Airplane Mode. This will disconnect all connections to other devices.

If music was previously played through an external Bluetooth speaker or Airplay, it will be disabled.

After that, turn off airplane mode and re-pair the external speakers and your phone via Bluetooth.

Restart your smartphone

The simplest tip if things aren't working is to turn off your iPhone using the power button on the top of the device and then turn it back on. The problem may resolve itself.

If your system has lost sound after a critical error, you can perform a soft reset or reboot your iPhone through iTunes.

There are quite a few reasons why there is no sound on the iPhone 6. This can be simple user inattention, a software failure, or even a mechanical failure. And if in the first two options you can try to repair the iPhone yourself, then it is better to entrust the replacement of parts to professionals.

There is no sound on calls, but video is displayed with sound

The good news is if no sound on iPhone 6 only for incoming calls, the device is in silent mode. To disable it, you need to:

Check the silent mode switch button - it is located above the volume buttons; when silent mode is on, a red indicator is visible;
find the “Sounds” menu in the settings and make sure that the volume is set to maximum;
See if Do Not Disturb is turned off - in Settings or in Control Center.

Often on iPhone 6 no sound precisely for these reasons. So it’s quite possible to fix the sound on your phone yourself!

There is sound only in headphones

The good news is that if there is sound in your headphones and Bluetooth headset, then the audio codec is fine. But the reasons that iPhone 6 sound only in headphones works, several:
  1. The phone is stuck in headset mode. While the application is running with headphones connected, you need to unplug the headset from the jack while simultaneously holding down the volume up button on the phone.
  2. Closing the contacts in the headphone jack. The cause may be moisture or dust. You need to carefully clean the connector of the switched off phone with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  3. Short circuit of contacts in the charging connector. First, use thin tweezers to remove accumulated dust from the connector, and then wipe the contacts with alcohol.
  4. Software glitch. If a “hard” reboot with simultaneously holding down the “Home” and “Power” buttons does not help, you will have to reset the settings or even reflash the firmware.
Often, when your phone is frozen, placing it in the cold for 10-15 minutes helps. Indeed, the method is effective, since in the cold the metal contracts and the contacts disappear. But you need to do the procedure wisely:
  • lower the temperature gradually, otherwise condensation may form;
  • Be sure to turn off your phone;
  • After transferring the iPhone back to the warm place, you can turn it on only after warming up to room temperature.
The formation of condensation when the phone is turned on can lead to the appearance of oxide on the board. And this will lead to disruptions in work. The problem can only be solved by cleaning in an ultrasonic bath.

If all else fails, you need to contact service.

If there is no sound on the iPhone 6 even after all the above manipulations, the reason is clearly mechanical. It may have failed or there is a tear on the lower cable. If there is no sound even in headphones and a Bluetooth headset, you will need to replace the audio codec.

It is better not to hesitate and immediately go to the service center. Our technicians will quickly identify the problem and replace parts as quickly as possible. By turning to professionals, you can be confident in the quality of the work performed!

Despite the positioning of Apple devices as the most reliable, failures still occur, for example, in the iPhone, the sound in the headphones disappeared .

The problem when the sound does not work on iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 4s, iPhone 4 and so on can be divided into several parts:

  • no sound without headphones;
  • no sound in headphones;
  • bad sound.

Most often this occurs in smartphones with a decent service life and is associated with clogged connectors. Then it happens that the sound does not work without headphones.

What to do? It’s easy to clean the connector, but if oxidation of the contacts occurs, you may need to replace the damaged elements.

What to do if there is no sound in iPhone without headphones

The reason that the iPhone does not reproduce sound without headphones may not only be a hardware failure. If the sound appears only when you connect headphones, then a software failure is possible.

Often this problem can be resolved by simply rebooting the phone. You can also insert and immediately remove the plug again.

Most often this happens through a broken socket. It has a contact that may not connect when used for a long time - then the connector usually needs to be replaced.

The last method is resetting or flashing. If you are sure that everything is fine in the hardware, this almost always eliminates the problem.

If the iPhone only plays sound through headphones, then the problem is almost always a worn-out connector.

What to do if there is no sound in headphones on iPhone

One of the main reasons when there is no sound in the headphones is that the connector has become loose or the cable has come loose.

Why? This occurs due to mechanical damage or moisture ingress. What to do? As a rule, you can’t do without a service.

After repair, in the future, do not unnecessarily insert or remove the plug from the socket, as this greatly affects wear.

Sometimes plugging the headphones firmly into the jack can help - just don't overdo it.

It happens that the iPhone sees the headphones, but does not play sound - the problem may be in the headset itself.

Why is there bad sound in iPhone headphones?

Poor sound can be due to poor quality recording or poor quality of the headphones themselves.

Another situation is when the sound is weak. The quiet sound may be due to the fact that you have a restriction enabled in your settings.

To disable it, go to settings, select music, then “Volume limit” and in the new window move the slider to maximum power.

iPhone headphone tricks

— To stop playback, press the center button of the remote control. Repeat the same action to resume.

— Scroll forward through a song by quickly pressing the center button on the remote control and holding it for a longer time after the second press. Rewind works the same way, except that the center button on the remote control must be pressed three times and held longer after the third press.

— Switch to a new incoming call by pressing the center button of the headphone remote control. You can end this connection by holding the center button for two seconds.

— Press the volume button once to take a photo. Note. This trick only works in the system photo app on iPhone, it does not work with external apps like Instagram.

- Press and hold the center remote control button for a moment to launch Siri. If the assistant is turned off in the system, performing this gesture will launch standard voice control. Note. Siri is only available to iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 owners.

— Press the center remote control button twice to skip to the next track in the playback queue. You can also press three times to go back to the previous song.

— Quickly press the center button on the remote control to answer an incoming call. The same action applies if you end conversations.

— Press and hold the center button on the remote control briefly, then release it. You will hear a short tone informing you that the incoming call has been successfully rejected.

The method was tested on iOS 4.3.1 firmware, but it can also work on iOS 5 and 6.

Sound problems on your iPhone, iPod, or iPad may be due to a physical problem or a software glitch.

If the problem started after you dropped your device, then most likely it is a physical problem and you will have to contact a service center.

You can fix problems with software glitches yourself.

1. Turn up the volume

Perhaps you just have the volume turned down.

Turn up the sound using the volume slider. The sound level is adjusted separately for speakers and headphones (when they are connected).

When headphones are connected, an indicator should appear that says “headphones.” If the word “headphones” appears when no headphones are connected, there is probably a problem with the headphone jack. Try cleaning the headphone jack gently.

2. Reboot your device

If the volume level is set correctly, but there is still no sound, then restart the device. Maybe this will help.

3. Identify the problem

No sound from speakers or headphones?

Check for sound from the device's speaker, then try connecting headphones.

Check the sound

  • when receiving a call (receiving SMS)
  • when listening to music
  • in running applications.

If the sound is consistently audible through the speakers and headphones, but there are problems with the sound, for example, in applications, then most likely it is a software glitch. Partially missing sound is most likely a software glitch.

I had sound when listening to music through speakers and through headphones, but the sound in applications only worked when headphones were connected.

I solved the problem like this:

I launched the application and inserted headphones. I used the keys to increase the volume and at that moment pulled the headphones out of the socket. The volume began to increase, the sound in the applications started working!

Perhaps resetting the settings will help:

Settings - General - Reset - Reset all settings

The settings will be reset to factory settings, but all information (contacts, notes, music, videos) will remain.

If you have followed the first two points of this article and there is consistently no sound from the speakers, but there is sound from the headphones, then there is a high probability that this is a physical problem.

Try pressing the device at the top and bottom of the speaker, tapping that part lightly. If the sound appears, then this is a physical problem. You need to contact the service center.

If you are unable to identify the problem, you can try updating the device firmware.

If you have a device with a jailbreak and you installed programs from cydia, then the problems may be related to this. In this case, updating the firmware can also help.